Story Pimping Thread

  • chai latte

    chai latte (225)

    United States

    Title Gaunt
    Story Type Original, chaptered
    Rating PG-13
    Genre Drama/dark comedy/free-verse
    Status Active
    Summary Written in disjointed, free-verse "poetry", Gaunt tells the story of a girl who gets high off touching her own ribcage.
    finals are coming up.
    mom might lose her job.
    zack got hit by a car.
    i failed a math test
    a science one, too.
    and worst of all
    i don’t like
    my new haircut.

    i wonder--
    no, i know
    things would be better
    if only
    i didn’t eat
    that banana
    two nights ago.

    Link Click!
    February 2nd, 2011 at 02:35am
  • unapologetic.

    unapologetic. (100)

    United States
    Title: The Technicolor Daydreamer; Folie A Deux.
    Story Type: Fanfiction, chaptered
    Rating PG-13
    Genre: Romance. Fanfiction. Angst. Partial Autobiography.
    Status: Active
    Summary: Partially an autobiography, and partially a really, really weird romance. Not sappy. Involves Frank Iero, MCR, The Used, and others. Kinda outlandish, and belongs in an alternate universe of sorts.


    "You really like that girl, huh?"

    I blinked. Wasn't sure what to say. I mean, I do like Mia, but...he wasn't exactly the guy to talk about it with. My fingers, previously tracing circles on the upholstery, tensed up.

    "Not many people cross me without thinking twice about it first. I've seen a few wimps shove their girls at me, begging me to take her and not him before I capped them."

    I nodded, unsure where this was going.

    "If it's all the same to you, I was drunk at the party. Not saying I didn't know what I was doing, but...I respect a dude who protects his lady like that."


    What the heck do you say to something like that?

    "Uh...thanks?" I managed.

    Zacky snickered, patting his friend's shoulder. "Jeph-y here is a little hungover. He's sloppy drunk, and even sloppier when sober."
    He leaned back, half-smug and all amused, eyes glittering in the darkness when the street lights caught them.
    "Don't expect some half-assed apology from me.
    Though I do have to say, I don't blame the guy for trying to get a piece of the action. Always did want to try some chocolate for myself,"

    He leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he cupped his chin in his palms.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 05:24am
  • malkin.

    malkin. (105)

    Slovak Republic
    Title: O Death.

    Story Type: Fanfiction (Lost Souls by Poppy Z Brite), one-shot.

    Rating: PG.

    Genre: Mystery.

    Summary: Ghost could always see a little more than ordinary people can. He isn't all that surprised by a visit he gets, not even scared; all he feels is overwhelming respect. But this can change...

    Excerpt: Ghost isn't sure what to reply. At first he felt something he thought was fear, but he realised it was just respect. The overwhelming feeling of respect for the creature sitting across him, a creature who could destroy the world with a snap of his fingers. A creature that could take all gods Ghost ever heard about and kill them like bugs. There is power all around Death, an aura of incredible, undefeatable power that makes goosebumps appear on Ghost's skin. Yet all Death can bring is dying and Ghost is familiar with that.

    “Dying is not scary,” he replies eventually.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 05:13pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Conversations on a Thursday Afternoon.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Word Count: ~1000.
    Pairing: Ryden.
    Warning: Marijuana use.
    Author's Note: Written for this contest and inspired by Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

    Ryan and Brendon are spending a quiet day together and thoughts are echoing around in the silence.

    Sometimes statements are statements, not conversations, he mused to himself, feeling superior in the knowledge that he understood this and Brendon didn't. Ryan never meant to be a narcissist; it just came naturally. But even with his--as he felt--vastly superior understand of conversation, Ryan still could be startled enough to yelp when he felt two fingers pinching the skin on his arm.

    "Hey, asshole. Listen to me." Brendon laughed, overloud, this time not covering his mouth. He handed the pipe back. "I was asking if you were hungry. We should order food. I'm starving."

    "You're high. Of course you're starving." Ryan rolled his eyes and sat up, leaning forward, back curving, and he flicked the lighter and took another hit. He could hear something from down the block, maybe. It was a single high-pitched note, possibly a child screaming because an adult took away their toy for hitting a sibling. But then it was gone and if Ryan closed his eyes, he swore he could hear someone sniffling.

    Oh, wait. That was Brendon. Ryan opened his eyes and turned his head to see his boyfriend with eyes streaming, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his thin hoodie. "Christ, sorry," the boy apologized. "Fucking smoke and wind and shit."
    February 2nd, 2011 at 10:50pm
  • mochi parfait.

    mochi parfait. (100)

    United States
    Title: Shadow Town
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Mystery, Fantasy
    Status: Updated when convenient for me.

    A young girl lives an ordinary life, free of fantasies and shadows. When she meets a stranger, and things get very strange... Suddenly, life is not so ordinary anymore.

    They were waiting for the girl to wake up. The terrible sight of their bodies frightened her so, that she fainted on the floor beneath her. There was the other human trying to wake her up with his useless hands. Once she opened her eyelids, they would see the color of her eyes. And then they would know the truth. The truth that would set their world into ruin.

    “Why won't she wake up?” an impatient and seething voice hissed louder than all the other frantic questioning.

    “You must be patient...” said another, crawling over to dark hole in the middle of the room. His black talons hovered over the darkness, moving expectantly. “She will wake up. Then we'll see.”

    “What will we do if it's not her?” the same voice asked commandingly.

    The rest fell silent. The dark room with the windows covered up by the dark curtains hanging above them was full. There was a group of ghastly looking shapes, all wanting to see the answer from the black hole in the center. The most impatient was the only female among them. Her black hair hung over her face, obscuring one of her eyes, to let another piercing silver eye glisten menacingly. She stood with her talons clasped together impatiently, her back hunched up like an old human lady.

    And she had a mouth full of annoying words for all of them.

    “What if it's not her, and we've been worrying for nothing?” she hissed, glaring up at the one beside her.

    He looked back, the silver slits he had as eyes glaring down back at her. “What if it is her,” he shot back, pointing a firm sharp finger at her head, “and the boy gets to her? What then?

    She only glared at him defiantly. Because he was right. As they all continued to peer down at the hole, eyes locked on the human girl laying on the floor, they all knew what was stake.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 01:09am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    Title: Fragile Things
    Story Type: Original
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Horror, Fantasy.
    Status: Active
    Summary: Years ago when the sky still was blue and the sun still burned, we thrived. We were free—like the birds you so rarely see anymore. We were able to walk freely and travel to beautiful places like Japan whenever we chose. When the sun still lived in our sky—we were able to remain human. Fantasy creatures stayed in the dark where they belonged.

    But then the sun died and so did our peaceful world. Those monsters came to light—and it was almost too late before we noticed what was happening to our families. It was almost too late before we realized they were slowly eating us alive. And so we hid.

    When the water ran red, and the sky faded black—we hid. Now whoever is left lives in the parentheses of our world—or maybe there are more places like ours. If there are, then there may be hope for us yet. But until that day we will remain forever quarantined—and the monsters that should’ve stayed buried behind the moon will reign.

    Excerpt: I sometimes wonder what I missed, back when the world wasn’t damned. The sun, rainbows, a city full of smiling couples and dancing children. When I look out of these four walls, everyone is so dull. Nothing compared to those movies—nothing compared to the books I spend so much time reading. The world died a long time ago, and it took humanity with it.

    We were quarantined in the confines of this small space. It was enough to house several families—almost one hundred people. But we were all alone—and we were all we had. It’s funny to think how much I miss what I never knew. I’ve never experienced the radiant glow of the sun—and I’ve never gotten a tan, or swam in the ocean. I’ve never seen a real flower in my life—or even felt the tickle of dew and grass against my ankles. I’ve never smelt pine trees or daisies. I’ve never blown the fluff from a weed.

    Yet, when my mom stares outside at the moon—that moon that never wavers—and cries. I can feel what she misses. I know why she cries and I wish that I could cry with her. But instead, I just let her be until the tears run dry and she falls asleep curled in a ball.

    I grew up here. I’ve lived in this nameless place for my whole life. I can name every inhabitant and their spouse and their children—like reading a list. I could walk these streets with my eyes closed—and I know when to stop walking because if I do then I’ll run straight into the flimsy fence that protects us from them.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 03:07am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Title: Ghost of You
    Rating: PG-13
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Tragedy
    Status: Active - 34/?

    Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz were the best of friends and more; they were twin brothers. They knew each other's thoughts, each other's feelings, as if their heads and their hearts were connected.

    Yet Tom blames himself when Bill drowns on that rainy night.

    So, explain how years later on the twins' 16th birthday, Tom can suddenly once again see Bill ... yet no one else can?

    “She's always doing that. Always!”

    Crimson went storming through the curtain, me following along. She glared down at Sarah, who shoved a handful of salty potato chips into her mouth, giving a toothless smile.

    “Sarah Listing, what have I told you? No listening in when I'm with someone. Ugh, I need some water.”

    Crimson went storming away towards the doorway at the back of the house. I looked down at Sarah, who swallowed the large amount of chips.

    “She's not lying,” Sarah said, her eyes glassy as she looked up at me.

    “Oh yeah?” I scoffed, “and how do you know that?”

    “Because. She was glowing that color again.”
    February 3rd, 2011 at 03:16am
  • bucky barnes.

    bucky barnes. (705)

    United States
    Title: Life and Limb
    Story Type: Fan fiction [Harry Potter-verse, Tom Riddle.]
    Rating: R for language and some violence.
    Genre: Romance, drama, mystery, teen.
    Status: Unfinished but active.


    When historians in the future are asked at which point in his life this brilliant student decided to become the most feared Dark Wizard of all time, their answer is usually simply, "It started with a girl..."


    "You're not as nice as you look," Tom observed openly.

    For some reason, his words made Marie's eyes sting with the beginnings of tears. "So I've been told," she managed to spit out. She quickly turned her head so he wouldn't see how vulnerable she had suddenly become.

    Tom stared at her, ever more curious. "By whom?"

    "None of your business." The second time she had said that statement in one night.

    Tom took another moment or two to watch her as she tried to control her breathing and push down her unwanted tears. He cocked his head to the side slightly before saying to her, "Look, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for."

    "Really? What was your first clue – my attitude or my tears?" Marie quipped.

    "You can't say you weren't expecting it. You were getting quite snappy too."

    "Can we not argue about this? I'm going to bed. See you around…hopefully not for a while."

    With that said and her mind clouded over with exhaustion and frustration, Marie whirled and stomped up the stairs to head for her room. Left behind in the common room, Tom stood and watched the space where she had once been standing. He blinked a few times before his lips curled into a smile. To him, Marie didn't seem to be suspicious. He just liked playing around with people.

    On his right was a giant statue of Salazar Slytherin, decked out in robes and jewels in all the glory he deserved…to a Slytherin's point of view, anyway. Tom, after a moment's hesitation, smiled at the statue.

    He then walked his own path up to the boys' room to sleep.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • peace .

    peace . (100)

    United States
    Title:I Kind of Admire Your Sick Sense Of Humor.
    Story Type:Fanfic tehe
    Rating: NC-17
    Main Characters: Frank Iero, Aria Romano
    Status: Active
    Summary:Fate has been rough with Aria, dealing her all the wrong cards at the worst possible times. Now emancipated and living in a shitty apartment with a new found twenty year old roommate, this seventeen year old is just trying to get through each day without fucking herself over in this new and exciting city. Not to mention she still has one more year or school, just another thing to add to her, 'isn't going to fucking happen' list. But fate might not be as big of a letdown as she first thought.
    “Damnit Frank!” I screamed, trying to run after him, but he was too far ahead and I ended up getting lost. I sighed, taking out a cigarette and putting my head in my hands, lighting it up and taking a long drag off of it. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I don’t know where I am, let alone where I’m supposed to be going. This is just gr-

    “Boo.” Frank said, grabbing me from behind.

    “Holy shit!” I screamed, jumping up and turning around to face him, with my cigarette still firmly placed in my mouth.

    “You smoke too much,” He smiled, pulling it out of my mouth and taking a drag himself.

    “I do not! You just stress me out,” I muttered, snatching the cancer stick from him, and popping it back in my mouth.

    “That’s kinda the point.” He smirked, snatching it from me and running again, but I could keep up with him this time. We reached a small park, with a decaying swing set and things such as that for children, but behind it there was a trail that was covered in foliage, that led out to what seemed to be a wooded area. By probably any normal person’s point of view, this park was probably an abandoned piece of shit. To me though, it was quite nice, it was old, but I’ve always been a fan of vintage things anyways. Not to mention, this place is practically abandoned, which means no kids, which means I can smoke. It’s the little things…
    February 3rd, 2011 at 09:48pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Hobo & Daddy.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Word Count: ~1700.
    Pairing: Ryden.
    Author's Note: Written for a contest.

    A Ryden told from the point of view of Ryan's dog, Hobo.

    Daddy orders the food in boxes for dinner and gives me some chicken if I sit. The doorbell rings and I go to bark at it because if it's a bad person I want them to go away and not come in. And if it's a good person I want to say hello first.

    It's Brendon. He kisses Daddy when he comes in and I jump up on his leg so he'll pet me after they're done. And he does. He scratches behind my ears, too. Brendon's a good stepdad. His shirt smells good. I want to chew on it.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Title: Look Alive Sunshine.
    Author: Myself, fun ghoul frank.
    Type: Chaptered, written for Nanowrimo.
    Fandom: My Chemical Romance.
    Rating: R, for swearing and violence.

    Once upon a time, the Killjoys had names. They had friends, they had family, they had love.

    But now, all of this is gone, erased from their memories. Now, it is 2019 and California has collapsed and The Corporation, led by a man known only as The Doctor, is in charge. He controls everything, from weapons to food to the people themselves.

    Except The Killjoys. Because they're not just going to sit back. They have to find out what happened to their lives, what happened to their names.

    They have to fight.

    The year is 2019 and the state of California is virtually unrecognizable. The city of Los Angeles is crumbling, slowly being taken over by the desert. The government collapsed long ago when there were riots, earthquakes, fighting and hundreds of thousands of people that died. When the state was at its most fragile, one man decided to take opportunity of the anarchy and chaos.

    With his gang of Draculoids, the Doctor stealthily took over the state that had been kicked out of the nation of the United States of America. Under the guise of the Better Living Corporation, he monopolized everything, from food to weapons to gasoline. Other than the laser guns the company developed, all other weapons were made illegal. New laws were made in abundance and people were executed for simple infractions.

    California went from terrible to even worse under his rule, but the people remaining had no choice but to accept it. They were outlaws to the United States, unwanted by anyone else. There were no ways in and no ways out.

    And, whether it was just because of the natural passage of time or through the added chemicals in the canned food distributed by the Corporation, people began to forget what had happened in the time before. They forgot when California had been a thriving state of culture and fame, when it had been the movie making capital of the world.

    They just forgot and, like docile cows en route to the slaughterhouse, they listened to every word the Doctor said. They eagerly devoured the magazines that were issued monthly, magazines with the titles of Murder, Destruction and Chaos. They transformed into the personal robots of Better Living Corporation.

    But not everyone was totally corrupted.
    February 4th, 2011 at 04:39am
  • Cascade

    Cascade (100)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Nobody is Perfect... He is Nobody.
    Story Type: Original fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Teen
    Status: Active

    Popular, full of amazing friends, great life, what more could Desiree Long ask for?

    The boy. Joe Finn, the one she loves. He doesn’t give her a second thought, doesn’t think about her actions and merely thinks she’s just a friend and could be nothing more. Desi doesn’t give up there, and continues to feel a passionate love for him. With close friends always around, it doesn’t seem like he’ll ever know.

    Excerpt (beginning of chap. 1):
    Being the only child, I’m a little spoilt and selfish, if I should say. But I’ve always longed to have a sibling; for someone to accompany me and stay by my side when I needed it the most. No one was ever there for me, though.

    I was popular, just like my best friends.

    “Please, baby?” Tory begged, her best puppy dog eyes and cutest expression pasted on her face. She batted her long black eyelashes at Dan, and we all laughed at the couple.

    “Aaand this is why I love you,” he said, giving her a peck on the lips before setting off to get her lunch for her. He was lazy, she was lazy; perfect combination. Tory didn’t always make Dan suffer like this, but today was one of her can’t-be-bothered days and she had already sat down and made herself comfortable.

    It was lunch at my high school, and we were all sitting down at our usual table, ready to laugh and mess around. And by ‘we’, I mean Tory, Daniel, Ian, Clara, Joe, and I. We met at kindergarten, years ago, and we stuck to each other like glue. Wouldn’t do anything by ourselves. Super long story.

    “Gah!” Clara suddenly said, annoyed.

    We all looked at her like she was crazy (well, she kinda was) and she laughed a little. “What’s wrong with you, C?” Joe asked, chuckling.

    She slapped him on the arm and mumbled something we couldn’t hear. I knew that her English assignment, which was actually due in today, was bothering her. She had been going on about it for days on end and I’m fed up of it. Now, she’d say things like Urgh! or Gah! or Fuck! or... Well, you’ll see.
    February 4th, 2011 at 12:23pm
  • fearful;

    fearful; (300)

    Title: Temet Nosce
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: Drama
    Status: In progress.
    Author's note: The title means Know Thyself.

    Hannah is an agoraphobic who never leaves her lonely apartment. She's soft spoken and meek, and she constantly brings herself down. Her confidence is tragic, but will sudden changes alter who she really is inside?

    Haley is wild and daring and beautiful, the kind of girl every boy loves and every girl wants to be. She persistently seeks to correct what she finds wrong in Hannah, even if it drives Hannah insane.


    Hannah chose to remain silent. Then again, the owner of the sardonic yet sweet voice was not like everyone else. She was unreal. And she was… what? An epiphany? A hallucination? A dream? A ghost? Hannah did not know, and she certainly did not want to find out. Because the real, solid truth can affect people in ways that no one can imagine. It’s best to just deal with what we believe in, even if we aren’t sure if it’s true.

    And so she resigned herself into thinking that the thing behind her was merely a figment of her imagination. Hannah created her, after all.

    But she’s here. Whatever she is, she’s here and I’m here. We’re here in my shabby, bare apartment on the 7th floor of an old building. She has to be real.

    One thing was for sure, the thing behind her did not go away so easily.

    February 4th, 2011 at 04:34pm
  • still waters;

    still waters; (100)

    United States
    Title: Mischief Managed
    Story Type: Fan-Fiction
    Rating: PG - 13
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Teen
    Status: Active! (New!)
    Summary: A Fred Weasley Romance. (:
    Excerpt: I, Ella Elkins, am just an average teenager - I'm a half-blood witch - my mother being a pureblood witch, and my father, a muggle. My mom, Crystal, went to school with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley when she was younger and they were great friends. Then, when my three siblings and I turned out to be witches and wizards, both of our families were thrilled and all became very, very close. Sometimes, us Elkin children would stay with the Weasley's - sometimes the Weasley children would stay with the us. It just depended on the matter.
    February 4th, 2011 at 07:50pm
  • luna phantomhive.

    luna phantomhive. (105)

    United States
    Title: Speechless
    Story Type: Original fiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure
    Status: Updated slowly
    Alphonse is your average talented teenage boy. He goes to school, he has friends, he's handsome, he has a normal life. One day he bumps into a quiet girl, and needless to say, they didn't exactly get along. Joining the music club, he sets foot upon a group of very outgoing and interesting friends. There he meets the girl from before, Raven, and he not only finds out she has a talent for the violin, and she's far more intriguing than he'd thought. She wasn't exactly a quiet girl, but mute!
    "No, I swear it's true!" a male's voice startled him, yet again.

    There was a tall boy, with dark brown hair, who wouldn't stop trying to convince his friends of something. Alphonse couldn't help but feel a little curious as to what he wanted to prove so much.

    "No way," the other one said. "We're only high schoolers, even she can't play that good."

    "But she can! I've seen her play that piece all the-Oh, dude, here she comes." Alphonse turned his head, curiously, but nothing really caught his attention. "Hey, Raven!"

    Once he turned that way, he couldn't believe it:

    His jaw dropped once again.
    February 5th, 2011 at 04:14am
  • The Color Wini

    The Color Wini (300)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Imagine Me Tangled Up With You.
    Sequel of: I'll Never Be The Same Without You [one shot]
    Story Type: Fan fiction
    Rating: PG 13
    Genre: Romance
    Status: Active

    After waking up alone with not even a note goodbye from her lover, Lisa decides to track down an address for him and starts to send him letters, hoping for an explanation as into why he left without a goodbye and why when she called his home, his fiancée answered the phone...

    Excerpt: Chapter five
    You have a beautiful fiancée who called me just an hour ago because she wanted to be friends Clint’s girlfriend (has he told you that he asked me out and I’m going to be his girlfriend?). Why are you cheating on her still? I mean, she’s pregnant with your first child and you’re getting married in less than two months! Hell, I’m even going to the wedding because Clint and me have to keep up appearances.

    Clint came over not long after you left earlier and held me whilst I cried. You told me you loved me last night, you told me that I was the one for you and that you don’t think you’ll ever be the same without me. We had sex and then you left this morning with a smirk on your lips and a twinkle in your eyes.

    Clint’s watching me write this. He thinks me and him, we could work because there is a small attraction and he thinks that I’d be perfect for him – he’ll help mend my heart and I’ll help mend his after he let it go and it got broken. He’s just, he’s just lovely and he isn’t going to try and just use me for sex like you did last night.
    February 5th, 2011 at 05:04pm
  • The Color Wini

    The Color Wini (300)

    United Kingdom
    [Title: I Wonder How They Sleep At Night.
    Story Type: Fan fiction
    Rating: PG 13
    Genre: Drama
    Status: Completed [One shot]

    “Most of our students come straight from High School after they’ve graduated; you’ve spent the past three years touring in a band and you’ve not yet received your High School diploma.”

    “But I’m intelligent enough to have scored a ninety-eight point five on the admissions test and I have more life experience than most students already enrolled here.” His voice is breaking and his eyes are starting to fill with tears. “I need this; I have nothing else anymore.”

    The interviewer shakes his head, “I’m sorry Mr. Noon but you’re being denied acceptance – maybe you should try filing for a job here.” Will takes the sheet of paper before he starts to let the tears slide down his face as he hangs his head in shame. “They hire people without High School diplomas.”

    The sheet of paper crumples as his knuckles turn white, his eyes sliding into a glare, “How do you sleep at night knowing that you’re ruining some people’s lives?” He lets the paper fall from his hand as he sniffs, wiping his eyes dry with the collar of his shit. “I’m not going to give up on this because I deserve a damn fucking place at this college; I’m more than intelligent and just because I’m a musician doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get this chance to go to college.”
    February 6th, 2011 at 09:00pm
  • ccsing

    ccsing (100)

    United States
    Title: The Secret Guardian
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: fantasy-teen-romance
    Status: Active- Chapter 1

    Catherine Gallo has lived without parents and with her Aunt Maryann for as long as she can remember. She likes to pretend she's normal, but a recurring dream drives her to find peace away from the Aunt she can't talk to about her empty feeling. In finding that peace, she discovers the most popular boy in school-Eric Wayland- who just might be able to help.


    "Maybe she’ll be half as charming and beautiful as her mother and if she does decide to join me, I’d forgive her for her mother’s rejection.”

    With that, he pressed his lips to Madeline’s holding himself there until Veronica couldn’t handle anymore and cleared her throat.

    “If you can’t Porter- I will.”

    He raised his head and glared at her dangerously. Then his face relaxed and brought his lips down to Madeline’s ear. Catherine had to go through him to hear what he said.

    “Until your daughter.”

    And he brought the knife down into Madeline’s chest.
    February 6th, 2011 at 11:09pm
  • Mollzay.

    Mollzay. (105)

    United States
    Title: The Butterfly Effect
    Story Type: original fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Religious, Drama, Teen
    Status: One-Shot

    The butterfly effect is a concept that suggests that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wings in one place could produce a colossal earthquake in another. It means that everything affects everything.

    It is often said that God has a plan. Luke has never really bought into that. But now, with a few fluttering wings, he just might.


    Luke scratched absentmindedly at the dry skin on his forearm while he waited for some indication of emotion on the coffee shop owner’s otherwise stoic face. Sorting through prints didn’t usually take this long, but every moron with enough money for a DSLR was a world class photographer these days, so his work was getting harder and harder to sell.

    “So. What’s the deal?” Luke sighed through his question. The silence and apathy from his potential customer could only be endured for so long.

    “I’ll take…uh, this one,” he said, holding up a photo of several sets of hands held together in prayer, “but that’s all for right now. Sorry, Luke, but our walls can’t be a one man show.” The man placed what Luke imagined was meant to be a comforting hand on his shoulder before gathering up the rejected photographs and handing them back.

    Luke smiled a resigned half smile, tossing his artwork carelessly into his messenger bag and lifting it onto his shoulder. “Always a pleasure.” He began to walk out but the owner gestured for him to stop. “…Yes?”

    The man seemed uncomfortable with Luke’s eager movements to leave, and so the next thing he said felt like it was coming out a bit…well, forced. “I just. Uh. What’s it called? The photo.”

    Luke smirked briefly at his own private joke, despite the fact that no one else would find it funny even if he explained it. “We’re All Too Small.”
    February 7th, 2011 at 03:23am
  • college dropout

    college dropout (255)

    United States
    Title: The Life Cycle of a Star
    Story Type: Original fiction
    Rating: R, for drug use
    Genre: Drama, romance, mystery
    Status: Active

    Manhattan socialite, model, and star of a wildly successful reality TV show Beverly Roberts is found dead in her bathtub at the pinnacle of her fame, just when everything in her life seems perfect. And now everyone can't stop talking about her death. What pushed Beverly to kill herself? And more importantly... Was it murder?

    Excerpt (from the Prologue):

    But what was it about Beverly that made her a celebrity? She had striking good looks and impeccable fashion, that is true, but so did Brett Winston. Brett Winston as just as pretty, just as wealthy, just as clever as Beverly Roberts was. Brett grew up with Beverly and had been her closest friend since third grade, and naturally her association with Beverly led to a significant amount of press and publicity. But there was no doubt that of the two, Beverly was the true star.

    Of course, no one was more horrified than Brett when Beverly was found dead in her bathtub, a gun hanging limply from her pale manicured fingers and the tepid water crimson with blood. The wake was closed-casket, of course – Beverly wasn't' so pretty anymore with half her head blown off. Suicide was concluded as the official cause of death. This took everyone by surprise, especially Brett. Who knew? she had sobbed hysterically at the funeral. Who knew she was this depressed? Why would Beverly kill herself? Drugs, many agreed gravely. And the accusation was not entirely false; Beverly's reputation as a party girl did not come without dark consequences of living in a world of such privilege. Many attest that she dabbled in cocaine, but then again, so did half of Hollywood. That certainly couldn't have been enough to tip her over.
    February 7th, 2011 at 03:22pm