Story Pimping Thread

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Confusion is the Strongest Emotion.
    Rating: NC-17.
    Type: Chaptered, completed.
    Word Count: ~50,000.
    Pairing: Ryden with some secondary pairings, mainly Brendon/OMC and Ryan/OMC.
    Author's Note: My NaNo story.

    In early 2004, Brendon goes to try out for a band that's going to change his life. He meets a boy named Ryan that is going to make confusion the daily norm. And when he goes away to camp that summer he's going to meet a boy named Dylan that is only going to amplify Brendon's—seemingly—new favorite emotion. He's going to go through his senior year in the best and worst ways possible. And maybe he'll figure things out just long enough to not be so confused anymore.

    Maybe not.

    Excerpt (from chapter 9):
    Ryan woke up alone. He didn't panic at first, just waited for Brendon to come back from the bathroom or back inside from smoking. But after he dozed off while waiting and woke up the second time alone, he felt his stomach beginning to twist. He got up, yawning and trying to blink the sleep from his eyes. The bathroom was empty. And when he slipped on a pair of shoes and went outside to go check that spot under the stairs on the side of building where he knew Brendon liked to smoke and the boy wasn't there, he didn't quite know what to think.

    Ryan sat up for an hour and when the door opened, he didn't whether to get up and hit Brendon in the face or slump over in relief. "Where the hell were you?" he demanded, turning around, eyes flashing as he stared down the younger boy.

    Brendon could have lied. It probably would have been easier. But he was still fighting with that nasty voice in his head and being so emotionally drained he wasn't sure if he could manage to pull a lie out of his ass. Ryan would have lied, probably, the voice was saying. So he just said it. "I was at a party." he murmured.
    February 8th, 2011 at 04:52am
  • chai latte

    chai latte (225)

    United States
    smoker's delight.:

    Title Gaunt
    Story Type Original, chaptered
    Rating PG-13
    Genre Drama/dark comedy/free-verse
    Status Active
    Summary Written in disjointed, free-verse "poetry", Gaunt tells the story of a girl who gets high off touching her own ribcage.
    finals are coming up.
    mom might lose her job.
    zack got hit by a car.
    i failed a math test
    a science one, too.
    and worst of all
    i don’t like
    my new haircut.

    i wonder--
    no, i know
    things would be better
    if only
    i didn’t eat
    that banana
    two nights ago.

    Link Click!
    February 8th, 2011 at 06:23am
  • human.

    human. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: Beat Happily
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: G
    Genre: Romance/Drabble
    Status: Completed
    Summary: Patrick was generally inexperienced when it came to first dates.
    Excerpt: TThe perfect mix of romantic and spontaneous and fun and friendship and love and Pete.

    February 8th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: 86,400 Chances.
    Rating: R.
    Type: Oneshot.
    Word Count: ~1400.
    Pairing: Ryden.
    Author's Note: Written for a contest. Inspired by the line I set my clocks early 'cause you know I'm always late.

    Ryan has Asperger's Syndrome and is obsessed with time. Brendon loves him and goes with the flow. With 86,400 seconds in a day there are 86,400 chances to break it or keep it all together.

    Ryan's been this way as long as Brendon's known him, which is a rather long time. Brendon's mom helped with a support group for kids with Asperger's and she thought Ryan might benefit from a one-on-one playdate so she'd volunteered her son. Brendon was only eight so he didn't have a problem with it. Ryan was nine and he did, but he came back a second time and a third.

    Ryan didn't want to play the games Brendon did a lot of the time, but that was okay with the younger boy. Sometimes Ryan would sit in the corner and read while Brendon played with his action figures, both comfortable with not talking. Sometimes they'd play on the swingset. Ryan didn't like the park because there were too many people, but he was okay with the swingset. Grace Urie would watch them from the kitchen window, always worried the boys would swing too high and tip it over.

    The watches and clocks were Brendon's doing, he supposed. Ryan had been obsessed with the concept of time for awhile when his birthday rolled around and so Brendon had bought him a couple pretty clocks and a pocketwatch from a Goodwill as a sort of joke. Then Ryan had started collecting them, like they were religious artifacts to confirm his faith. It was part of the reason Brendon never complained about them; he thought it was his fault.
    February 8th, 2011 at 11:05pm
  • katediplodocus

    katediplodocus (100)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Fighting The System
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: R- Restricted some scenes may be NC-17 later on in the story.
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Status: Just starting out. More regular updates.

    Summary: River is in the middle of something he would never dream of. A battle between two girls for his love. Trouble is he seems to have no clue. Naomi is the Queen Bea, and Kate is the new girl. But Naomi is losing her followers and Kate is gaining them.

    In his hand was Juicy Couture. I was horrified. Never in my life have I worn a velour tracksuit, and I was not going to start now. It all matched. Navy blue velvet tracksuit top, navy blue tracksuit bottoms, navy blue t-shirt. Even a navy blue handbag... Looking at it all made me want to vomit. All over the clothes.
    "Helping me look like a poor little rich prep girl more like?" I muttered angrily.
    "Look. Just take the clothes. I can't force you to undress and put them on, but you will." He laughed.
    "What..-" I was cut off when all of a sudden a bucket of very cold water was thrown all over my clothes.
    Rivers laughter broke off when he saw the expression on my face.
    "Sorry..." He said quietly, looking sheepish.
    "You will be. Give me those horrible looking clothes." I yelled.
    I snatched them from his outstretched hand and stalked off into the girls changing rooms.
    I had approximatley fifteen minutes before tryouts began. Woop-de-fucking-doo.
    I glanced at myself in the broken and cracked mirror. (It was cracked before I looked in it...)
    I was ready to face the music.
    February 9th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • katediplodocus

    katediplodocus (100)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Take No Prisoners
    Story Type: Fan-Fiction- My Chemical Romance.
    Rating: NC-17, Use of bad language and possible sexual content later on.
    Genre: Adventure, Thriller
    Status: Updates within 2 weeks.

    Summary: When all is lost, is there still a chance something can be found? It's 2019 and the Killjoys and drawing in on BL/ind. Can 5 unlikely friends team up with 4 strange men and trust them with their lives? And in some case trust them with their love?

    Picking up my worn out, but nevertheless trusty, backpack I found my almost empty water container and took a quick sip of the luke-warm liquid.
    It tasted foul, but it was just about keeping me alive. And right now, alive was better than nothing.
    Luckily for me, the sun had just started to set. I had got where I wanted for the day. I was an hour or so away from Oregon.
    For now I could rest.
    Slipping the water carrier back into my backpack I trudged into the abandoned restaurant diner thing. It didn’t matter what it was. All that I needed to know was that I could sleep for a few hours knowing I was out of the direct vision of the Draculoids.
    Not that it would help me sleep better.
    Sometimes, I get so paranoid I have to actually hide myself in a nearby cupboard... It seems crazy, but maybe that’s what I’m becoming.
    February 9th, 2011 at 01:10am
  • The Color Wini

    The Color Wini (300)

    United Kingdom
    Title: We Swing and We Sway
    Story Type: Original fiction
    Rating: PG 13
    Genre: Romance
    Status: Drabble
    Words: 168

    “You look so beautiful tonight.”

    There’s something so special about stealing a first dance with the one you love to the song your heart adores the most.

    “You’re so incredibly sweet.”
    February 9th, 2011 at 07:00pm
  • The Color Wini

    The Color Wini (300)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Could Never Be A Fucking Friend Anyway
    Story Type: Original fiction
    Rating: PG 13
    Genre: Anger/Jealousy.
    Status: Drabble
    Words: 278
    Note: Can be read as original or fan fiction.

    The shirt of a band she’s never liked but listen to so she fits in with her new crowd is cut up to make a “cute” vest shirt and leaves a lack of flesh covered.
    February 11th, 2011 at 12:25am
  • generated anomaly

    generated anomaly (100)

    United States
    • Title: Red.
      Story Type: Fanfiction
      Rating: PG, because of some swearing
      Genre: comedy
      Status: complete, one shot.
      Summary: Gerard is sick of being labeled as dark. He's done with being stereotyped as depressed, so he plans to shake up everyone's perceptions of him with a box of hair dye. A box of red hair dye.

      "Fucking brilliant" he deems the new change.

      That is, until he goes to show his brother him Rihanna's new video.
      Excerpt: “Oh na na,” Gerard heard a voice sing on the television. He furrowed his brow as he turned, unaware of a song with lyrics similar to his own. “what’s my name?” He was horrified as the image of a woman panned in on the screen. She did not have pallid skin, nor brownish green eyes, but her hair was bright red, and as she said ‘na na’ again, Gerard groaned, sinking down into the sofa as his brother burst out in a fresh fit of laughter.

      “Motherfucker…” Gerard mumbled. Not only was his hair the same as the pop star’s on screen, but they even shared lyrics. His face may have been a deeper red than his hair for all he knew.
    Click the name of the story or click here to read :)
    February 11th, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    Title: Normal
    Story Type: Original
    Rating: PG-13 )
    Genre: Drama
    Status: active, a prologue and two chapters.
    Summary: What is normal? There isn't quite a set definition of the word. Everyone knows of it, this supposed normalcy, but not one can put a finger on what exactly it is. However, we all share one thing, the most normal thing, whether a person will admit it to themselves or not, because everyone has a secret.

    Excerpt: And every one of them, from the first to the last, resemble everyone else. There is nothing remotely unique or special about them. They posses the accustomed mannerisms and their attitudes are quite the usual, their appearances easily blend in with the rest. Another puzzle piece of society, another stranger walking down the street. Simply four quite normal individuals.
    February 12th, 2011 at 04:10am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Learning to Fall.
    Rating: R.
    Type: Chaptered, WIP.
    Word Count: First chapter is ~6500.
    Pairing: Pete/Ryan.
    Author's Note: Written for a contest. Inspired by the quote "You know most normal people get to know each other before they get married."

    When Ryan told Pete he was pregnant in March of 2007, he found himself in a 24-hour Las Vegas wedding chapel a few hours later. A few days after he found himself in a mansion in Los Angeles, trying to figure out exactly who his husband is and how to live life as someone other than Ryan Ross, all while trying to cope with the life growing inside him.

    "I'm going to the store for a couple things, Ry." Pete said, coming into the living room and kissing the boy's cheek from behind the couch. "Do you need anything?" He'd gone grocery shopping just two days before, but he had cabin fever and Ryan couldn't blame him.

    "Cereal. Like, Honeycomb or Corn Pops or something. And some more hot chocolate." Ryan had been up at midnight every night for the past week. He'd make a mug of cocoa and walk around for a half hour or so. When he opened the door to go onto the balcony Pete would leave his room and keep the boy company. Ryan needed space and so Pete attempted, even if he hated it.

    "Do you want juice or soda or anything?"

    "Orange juice, yeah. That sounds good." Ryan lifted his hand and fumbled blindly until it touched Pete's cheek. "And some more of those calcium chews. I'm almost out."

    Pete planted a light kiss to Ryan's palm. "All right. I'll be back in a bit, babe." There was a heavy silence that only last a moment, like Pete wanted to say something (say it, Ryan knew), but he didn't and then the front door closed. Ryan let out a sigh of relief. He was dreading it, the moment when Pete would say those three words and Ryan wouldn't know what to say back because he refused to lie about something like that. And even if he did love Pete, it was a lie to say it in such a way that went back to being in love.

    Hemingway had followed Pete to the door, but returned to sit in front of Ryan and glare at the boy. It was a rather normal routine for animal and human. Hemingway didn't like the boy who had moved into his territory and stolen Pete, didn't understand human things like babies and wedding rings and commitment. He just knew that someone who wasn't Patrick was spending too much time in his house. Pete said Hem would get used to it, but they were still waiting on that.
    February 12th, 2011 at 07:37pm
  • Rose Red

    Rose Red (400)

    Title: The Guard of Darkness
    Story Type: Fan fiction
    Rating: R
    Type: one-shot
    Words: 2,808
    Summary: On the surface, he’s just Mr. Way, another high school art teacher. Nobody sees the darkness that he carefully hides behind his hazel eyes, the blackest and deadliest kind, except for the ones he ties to that bed in his basement.


    Then, they wake up in that room in my basement behind the hidden door, the small one with no windows, with the soundproofed walls, and the array of metal instruments hanging on the wall. I sit there in the corner and watch them wake up, fully clothed, hair brushed away from my face so I can see everything. I live for that moment when the fear comes into their eyes, the dawning moment of terror when they realize that they’re tied up, unable to move, and completely doomed.

    Grabbing a knife, I’ll make my way over to the bed and talk to them, letting them know how stupid they are, how they did this to themselves. I’ll talk until they’re crying, broken, promising me the world if I’ll let them go. And then, I’ll run my knife down their body, slicing off their clothes, watching their makeup slide down their face.

    That’s the most erotic thing for me, watching their makeup run from the tears. It’s so symbolic, all of their carefully constructed beauty running in ruins down their face, until the only thing that remains is the ugly mess underneath.
    February 12th, 2011 at 10:05pm
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    Title: Blackbird
    Story Type: Original
    Rating: PG-13
    Type: One-Shot
    Words: 729
    Summary: For seventeen years, Catherine Bigsby has lived with broken wings. Today, she's learning to fly.

    Though they don’t look like much on the outside, blackbirds have a remarkably beautiful voice. One could sit in a park and listen to them singing all day, and the bird’s voice would still sound just as beautiful at the very last call as it did the very first chirp. And it is that very voice that allows the blackbird to survive in the wild. Without their song, the bird could easily be found by predatory birds and be devoured by a harsh, cruel world. Though they may be smaller and less noticeable than other more brightly-colored birds, the blackbird has found a way to survive by being beautiful in a more subtle way.
    February 13th, 2011 at 10:30am
  • miser

    miser (100)

    Neutral Zone
    February 13th, 2011 at 11:30am
  • human.

    human. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: Full Cycle
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Drama/Tragedy
    Status: Completed
    Summary: The cycle of life and death teaches that everything ends and everything begins, except it doesn’t.
    Excerpt: Pete hates circles. They’re monotonous, no variation, the same dreary pattern for what seems like a stretching expanse of time.

    February 13th, 2011 at 04:53pm
  • OneTruth

    OneTruth (110)

    Aland Islands
    The Hollow

    Original Fiction (PG-13)
    Status: Completed (4 chapters)

    Summary: Could there be worlds below us? Worlds so dark that our eyes can't detect? People so miserable that the universe forgets about them? Would you forget them?

    Would they remember you?

    Excerpt: The first sound I heard was my name, even though that was impossible. The voice pronouncing it was just a whisper. The whisper of the gusts against the walls. It sang softly, as if it lamented for me. "Mia, Mia...” it called. I couldn’t see my imprisonment, but I knew for a fact it was there, trapping me. I was in a cave.

    February 13th, 2011 at 11:56pm

    AHLICE (100)

    United States
    Title: LOVELY
    Story Type: SLASH, meaning boy/boy
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Teen, romance, tragedy,
    Status: In-progress
    Summary: Oliver Parker was suffering from her death, her voice, and her eyes. He was going to die. But maybe Lucas Scott was the key to silencing her and his pain for good. But maybe it was also too late. Maybe Oliver Parker was going to die alone. He was suffering.

    No. Today was supposed to be a good day. She wasn’t going to put me down; not today. I could do this. I could ignore her voice, look away from those accusing, disappointed cornflower blue eyes. I could erase the image of her frail body the last day I saw her. I could erase the thought that I looked just. Like. Her. What was I doing to myself?
    “Oliver?” Scott was leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, chocolate brown eyes looking concerned. His tanned muscles gleamed while my pasty stomach was so hungry it was caving in. You could barely see his ribs, while mine stuck out of my fucking T-shirt. My horror of my body morphed into jealousy. How could he love me? How could I ever think he would possibly love this?
    I turned back to the mirror, at my ghostly, barely-there body. “I’m fine,” my voice was weak. “Just let me get dressed, okay?” I picked up my toothbrush, not daring myself to look in the mirror again. Today was supposed to be a good day.
    Scott stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I knew he could feel all the bones in my body, but he was ignoring it. His head tucked into the crook of my neck. I could feel his hot breath against my pasty skin. “I love you,” he muttered.
    Scott had no idea those three simple words could bring so much joy inside of me. He had no idea that I was dying from happiness inside. But he didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to be pulled into this world where I couldn’t let a fucking voice escape my mind. I loved him, too. So much. But I couldn’t.
    “I need to get dressed.”
    Scott was silent. He was in the same position, stiff. I knew I crushed his feelings by not saying, “I love you, too.” I hoped he understood that I couldn’t.
    He finally unwrapped himself from my dying body. I knew if I looked in the mirror I would see his disappointed look. So I forced myself not to look up. Instead, I squeezed some toothpaste onto my toothbrush and brushed hard at my teeth, trying to look like I’m concentrating.
    “I’ll go get dressed, too.” Scott’s husky voice was soft.
    I didn’t respond.
    Scott left the bathroom.
    February 14th, 2011 at 12:07am
  • generated anomaly

    generated anomaly (100)

    United States
    • Title: For the Monsters that I've Been
      Story Type: Fanfiction
      Rating: R
      Genre: I suppose it would be drama? Thriller? I don't know. It's introspective, if anything. Slash/Frikey/Waycest
      Status: Active, chapter 7 posted (eight total with intro) I update every three days or so.
      Summary: Sequel to Suffer All The Children . Frikey/Waycest (I totally understand if you don't want to read it because of that :) Just putting this out there for people who do want to read it)

      Mikey's brother had been manipulating him sexually and emotionally since he was eleven. He controlled everything that Mikey did. Every moment of his life. That was just how Mikey had learned to live, until Mikey met Frank. Until Frank kissed Mikey. Until Mikey kissed him back. Until Gerard tried to take his brother back. Until Mikey almost killed Gerard. Now nobody owns Mikey. But Mikey may not be the best person to let have a free rein, especially when he's out for retribution for the treatment he's received over the past decade.

      Excerpt: “Frank, if you’re not going to speak coherently then forget it.”

      “Do you think you'll always want to hit me?"

      Mikey tensed, taking a few moments to take in what exactly Frank had just said to him. Do you think you’ll always want to hit me. That was certainly a loaded question. Could Mikey honestly say that there was a point in time that he actually wanted to hit Frank? He was not entirely sure that he had ever wanted to hit Frank. He knew that he had and he knew that he probably had the means to stop himself from doing so, but he was quite unsure whether he had ever actually enjoyed hitting him. If he got anything out of it. However, he was much too tired to articulate this point so he spoke truthfully, but shortly. "I don't want to hit you right now."

      “I know you don’t right now,” said Frank, nodding, looking timidly up to Mikey, "but once I make you angry again, you will."

      Mikey could have argued, but there was no point in that. It was probably true. Whether it be later that day or the next day, there would be something that Frank would do that would make him angry. And it was true, Mikey admitted, he would probably hit him again. In fact, it was almost a certainty.

      "You’re right.” Mikey said, taking his arm from around Frank.Suddenly, he wasn’t so tired anymore. He sat up slowly, allowing for Frank to do the same as the boy took his head off of Mikey’s chest. “I probably will.”
    Click the name of the story or click here to read :)
    February 14th, 2011 at 06:50am
  • fearful;

    fearful; (300)

    Title: The Diary of Alice Quinn.
    Story Type: OF.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Genre: Drama.
    Status: Finished.
    Summary: The story of a girl who gave up everything for the one she loves.

    Excerpt: He sang all the time. To me, mostly. He sang ballads and love songs and rock songs and sometimes even country songs. And I couldn’t even begin to describe his voice without sounding too cliché and cheesy and pretentious. All I can say is that his voice was and will always be the most beautiful thing I will ever hear in my life and it still haunts me to this day.

    The Diary of Alice Quinn
    February 14th, 2011 at 01:01pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Between the Lines.
    Rating: R.
    Type: Oneshot, standalone.
    Word Count: ~2000.
    Pairing: Ryden.

    “I wrote you an album.”

    Ryan knows everything. Ryan knows nothing. Brendon knows Ryan. Tear it apart and stitch it back together just to rip it apart again.

    The boy's eyes opened and he sat up in bed, his hands immediately going to his head, which was pounding from all the shots he'd done the night before. He was soaked in sweat and there was dried semen on the inside of his thigh. This has to stop, he told himself as he stumbled down the hallway to the bathroom, sinking onto the cool tile and pushing the toilet seat up, preparing himself for the vomit that was getting ready to come up.

    Three wet dreams in a week and this was his second hangover in a row. Ever since he'd heard that fucking song he'd taken it as a personal challenge. How many bottles could he go through in a night before he passed out? He starts to notice empty bottles of gin.

    He hadn't called Brendon yet. What was there to say except everything? He couldn't say everything.
    February 16th, 2011 at 05:51am