Story Pimping Thread

  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Title: Semi-Charmed Life
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Drama
    Status: Active, chaptered.

    Summary: In Hollywood, behind velvet ropes and under the limelight, it's sink or swim, and the boys of Big Time Rush are hitting rock bottom.

    Excerpt: I remember the first time anyone ever recognized me. It was a little girl in the ice cream shop down the street from the lot. I’d stopped there in between scenes to get a slushie, anything to combat the heat of the Los Angeles sun, and had been met by a pair of adoring green eyes. It took her a few glances and a push from her mother, but she finally got up the nerve to approach me.

    “Are you from Big Time Rush?”

    I nodded and flashed her a smile, unsure of how I should react.

    A wide beam took over her face. “I love Big Time Rush!”

    That was about as far as the conversation went. I autographed a napkin for her, and she scampered away.
    March 14th, 2011 at 03:32am
  • chrissie.marie

    chrissie.marie (100)

    United States
    Title: A Little Bit of Love and Laughter
    Type: Fanfiction (Chaptered)
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: Fred Weasley & OC
    “Mind if I –?” I began, but the one boy grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. He then turned to the other, instructing him to close the door.

    “Sorry about that,” the first twin said with a smile, allowing me my own seat across from them.

    “You see,” the second continued, “Fred and I, we’re kind of amateur pranksters.”

    “Planted a dungbomb outside the compartment.”

    “Meant to surprise those bloody Slytherins.”

    “Wouldn’t want you to get caught in that rubbish.”

    At that moment, there was a slight explosion from just outside the compartment followed by a fit of shrieks and screams.

    The twins grinned, priding themselves on their successful prank. The one looked to me and, sticking his hand out, said, “By the way, I’m Fred Weasley; this is my brother, George.”
    March 15th, 2011 at 01:45am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Exactly What You Think It Is.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Type: Oneshot.
    Word Count: ~1500.
    Pairing: Ryden.

    Brendon sends Ryan a copy of the album.

    Ryan put the CD into his laptop and skipped the first track. He already knew the words of the song and the images of the video by heart. While the first lines of the song he'd heard live via the internet played through the computer's speakers, he went to the kitchen to grab a beer and his bong. He had a feeling he'd need both quicker than he'd like to admit.

    "Oh, fuck you," he whispered out loud during the second verse. And the music was gorgeous to boot, something he knew never would have been able to be created with him. That hurt more, he thought. How much Brendon could do without him. It would hurt more than any spat out lyric laced with acid.

    He recognized the third song from the six minutes of acting that would have made him laugh if he weren't taking shot after shot just to try and blur out all the thinly veiled symbolism that even an elementary school student would have been able to recognize. He was never so obvious, was he?
    March 15th, 2011 at 02:12am
  • addictingfanfiction

    addictingfanfiction (100)

    United States
    Title: Letters To Jamey
    Story Type: Fan Fiction (Nick Jonas)
    Warnings: Language, sexual reference (non graphic)
    Genre: Drama, Romance,Comedy
    Status: Active

    A soul mate, also referred to as a twin soul, is defined as a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy and compatibility. It is thought that a true soul mate possesses the one and only other half of one's soul and that we are somehow driven in life to find them. To believe in a soul mate, is to believe in accept that there is a bigger picture...a plan for all of us...and that everything, the good, and the bad, happens for a reason. So what do you do if you meet your soul mate, your true other half...the person that makes life finally make sense, and then they are taken away. How do you continue to live with only half of yourself?


    When I got to my room I slid my keycard in the door and stumbled toward the bed. I propped myself up against the headboard and stared at the wall trying not to blink...If I blinked...I would cry. I grabbed my ear buds from my satchel and plugged them into my phone, placing the buds in my ears and taking a deep breath a flipped to the song I was searching for and pushed play...a piano melody rang through the ear buds as I closed my eyes.


    I sat there, frozen, void of emotion, everyone around me was crying, people were hugging, I knew I should be reacting but I wasn't, I couldn't , all I could do was stare at Jamey. She didn't look like herself, this bothered me, too much makeup. Jamey always looked natural, just some lipgloss and she was good to go, she had too much makeup on. I kept staring at her eyes playing tricks on me...I swore I saw her breathe... I was lost in thought when Jamey's Mom, sobbing , called me to the front to sing, I walked up and grabbed the mic, something Id done thousands of times before...but today it felt foreign...I stood there void of emotion staring at the floor when an all too familiar piano solo started to play.


    I laid there listening to the song over and was a sweet torture. I reached into my satchel and pulled out the leather bound journal and a pen and took a deep breath.

    Dear Jamey,
    I sit here silently, A familiar song plays in the background, Like everything else, it reminds me of you.
    This was the song that was playing when I last saw you. Every note that plays reminds me of that day.
    I want to hate this song, it reminds me of something I want to forget, but it also holds memories of us together.
    When I hear this song I feel you near. It once brought me joy and now brings me tears, but most of all it brings me you.
    March 15th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Forbidden Skin.

    Pairing: Synyster Gates / Zacky Vengeance

    Type: Chaptered fan-fiction.

    Rating: NC-17 due to sexual images and explicit language

    Genre : Romance

    Status: Just started (majority pre-written, therefore frequent updates)

    Zacky Baker is descendant of one of the most prestigious mafia families on the West Coast. Brian Haner originates from the very family that the Baker’s hate more than anything. As two of the most notorious womanizing bachelors around Huntington Beach, the pair reach the horrible realisation that the women no longer satisfy and the violence is utterly pointless. However one fateful night leads to the most dangerous and exciting love affair that they have ever experienced…

    When she finally pulled away, she sighed with a small smile upon her face. Muttering something about ‘how amazing he was’, she gathered her discarded clothes from the floor of Zacky’s bedroom and headed towards his en-suite bathroom. When he’d brought her back here, he’d been sure that she’d be able to rid himself of the very image – or rather person, though he didn’t want to admit that – that tortured his mind every single day.

    A couple of minutes later, she had returned fully dressed and handed him a small slip of cream paper. “Call me, baby. I’d love to do that again.”

    Showing her out of his ten-million-dollar mansion, Zacky shut the door behind her and sighed. He had everything he could want: money, girls, family, fame, friends… but it was typical that his body craved the one thing he was not allowed:

    Brian Haner.
    March 15th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • skeletonletters.

    skeletonletters. (100)

    United States
    Title: Nevermind About the State I'm in.
    Story Type: fanfiction, romance
    Pairing: Frank & Gerard!
    Rating: R
    Status: Active
    Summary: Gerard has left Frank for art school, and now has returned after two years. Is the damage done to their relationship now irreversible?

    I didn't think he'd look the same. But there he was – still small, compact, and child-like, complete with the same Converse he refused to throw, or at least give away. But it was those few subtle changes that made me notice time. He was thinner, too. To the point where I felt vexed, staring at that fragile, pretty frame. Small, slender fingers nervously gripping the chair, narrow hips exposed in the space between shirt and jeans. His hair was longer, but maybe only an inch or two, and his face seemed different. Maybe it was his skin ... but the very texture of him was different. It wasn't bad, but it made me nostalgic. Broke my heart in the right way. But that was normal when I saw him; he had that capability that no one else in the world could ever possess.

    He had said all of his hellos, coming last to me. It felt nice, just giving him the quickest hug. There were so many things left unsaid that I wish I could have spoken up about, so many of his secrets I held. They kept me awake at night, leaving me tossing and turning – but I would carry them for him always, if it meant he'd sleep a little safer at night.

    We were all sitting around, watching old movies and drinking, for once not partying, knowing that he was still kind of young and innocent. We didn't want to make him feel embarrassed at a college party. That was also paired with the fact that he had been kind of left to fend for himself, which we felt pretty guilty about. Apparently he hadn't been doing so well, that's what my mom told me at least. So, a few of the guys from around town stopped by, taking our drinks and enjoying themselves. I didn't mind, I loved to talk, liked to know what everyone was thinking. But him, I could never figure out. He was quiet as always, watching us with so much admiration that I might have thought we were famous already, even without the band.

    He took two shots, being quite the lightweight, and spent the rest of the night with flushed cheeks and shining eyes, looking like a kid at Christmas. So pretty, it was killing me to watch him anymore. I knocked back a few beers and felt a little bit better, although still not able to take my eyes off of the kid. Parts of me were trying, God, so hard, to pull away, but it was his fault. His fault that he was invading all of my dreams. I couldn't help but wonder if he'd grown up so much that he forgot about me, forgot about those broken little moments we held over the past years.

    I wasn't good, that was the thing. I probably scared him away, drunken half of the time, making sure that I was at least fucking a few guys in a stretch. But I couldn't get his touch off of me, couldn't get his face to quit being burned into my mind. I didn't want to corrupt him – so many days I had spent in my own personal hell, feeling like a goddamned pedophile when I thought about him. And now, after two years, it only takes ten minutes and he's already got all of my attention, the very smell of him leading me to distraction.

    Please read & comment, it would be appreciated. :)
    March 16th, 2011 at 07:35pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Title: Memories
    Story Type: fanfiction, romance, drama
    Pairing: Spencer Smith & Aubrey Miller
    Rating: R
    Status: Active
    I missed the days when we were always together, those sweet moments when you held me in your arms and told me it would be okay. You had promised me love and peace,but that never came, all you left me were your memories...

    Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you, you’ve left this mark on my heart that will not disappear. The taste of your lips is still on my own, I can still feel your warmth against my skin, your soft whispers are still echoing through my ears. Every night I close my eyes I gaze at the moon and I wonder about you, what you could be doing at that very moment. Every full moon, I always sit outside like we used to and wrap a blanket around my body, hoping that one day you’ll come back to me.
    March 16th, 2011 at 09:04pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Through the Smoke.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Type: Oneshot.
    Word Count: 625.
    Pairing: Ryden.

    Ryan took his first hit on Monday. It's Thursday evening now. He's beginning to understand that the drug burning in his veins is trying to tell him things.

    Ryan took another pass as the pipe made its way around the circle again before he leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes, letting his head fall against Spencer's shoulder. He could vaguely hear someone saying his name--maybe Brendon--but he didn't open his eyes.

    "You 'kay, Ry?" Spencer asked in an undertone.

    The boy made a small noise in the back of his throat that really could have been taken either way.

    "I'll take him to bed," Brendon offered.

    Ryan waved his hand dismissively and scooted closer to Spencer on the couch. He was fine. He just wanted to be somewhere familiar for awhile.
    March 17th, 2011 at 01:41am
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    TITLE: The Thrill Of It.
    WORD COUNT: 680 words.
    TYPE: One-shot.
    STATUS: Completed.


    This is everyday. This is the life you live.

    This is perfect.


    And you finish your last class the same time she gets off work, so it's your latest game to beat each other home. Rush hour traffic and busses from opposite directions, cramped and crowded and stinking -- but it’s worth it to see the look on her face when she comes home to find a freshly picked rose that you stole from the neighbor, or when you tackle her, digging fingers into her sides and she'll threatening to quit her job if you ever beat her home again. And she'll hit your chest repeatedly, jokingly, unable to stop the giggling because you won't stop tickling her, and she asks if you want to have to live on the streets, and you'll silence her in the only way you know how to - by pressing your lips to her.
    March 17th, 2011 at 11:41am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    Title: Chemistry
    Story Type: High School Romance
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Teen, Drama, Romance
    Status: Complete, 15 Chapters.
    Summary: Just a few changes, or a lot. It might take a lot to make him her dream man, but in ways he already was. She didn’t know why but she just…wanted Tracy Horner.
    Excerpt:She had to stifle her shriek as Tracy’s hand closed around her wrist and pulled her away from the painting. Immediately, he released her. “Yes, although I never really paid attention to her mythological crushes—but I know she definitely has an affinity for Zeus and Hera.” The floorboards creaked as Tracy moved away and Leslie turned to watch him sit at the beige love seat across the room.

    With a single finger he shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose and gestured for her to join him. “What exactly do you need help with, Leslie? As I recall you’ve always been rather decent with class…you seem to be one of the few to actually know answers rather those jocks who prefer to drool all over themselves than pay attention.”

    Leslie smiled slightly as she sat beside him and set her textbook on her lap. She was baffled, and completely astonished of how calm and collected Tracy appeared. But then she realized just how stereotypical she was being. The case wasn’t even similar for her own stereotype—she was feeling how she expected he would be. Her tongue was dry, and she was having the most difficult time forming words, but Tracy didn’t seem to mind. He had enough to say for the both of them.
    March 17th, 2011 at 10:10pm
  • Sky.Materia

    Sky.Materia (100)

    United States
    Title:Secrets That Only Belong In Fairytales
    Genres: Adventure, Romance, Drama
    Status: First chapter Completed
    Plot:Like every person in the world, Sam Roselyn has kept secrets. Hers however, are not particularly normal considering that she is an enchanted being from a fairytale. Her troubles began thanks to the deception of Captain Hook, whom framed her for the various amount of deaths revolving around Fairies in Neverland. Subsequently, this led to the removal of her relationship with her former best friend Peter Pan and her banishment from Neverland. Now amongst the real world, Sam tries her best to adjust. She eventually starts doing what’s considered normal like attending school, making friends and even catching guy’s interest.

    However after realizing his sudden mistake, Peter makes a desperate attempt to bring her back to Neverland with him by showing up under the impression of an older boy! (With the help of fairy dust). And to make matters worse he only has a certain amount of time before the spell runs out!. Will he convince her in time? Or will Sam let this fairytale romance die in the flames?
    March 18th, 2011 at 04:33pm
  • Psycho Lunatic

    Psycho Lunatic (115)

    United Kingdom
    Title:Bittersweet Angel
    Story Type: Fanfiction (Avenged Sevenfold Slash)
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Romance
    Status: One-shot, finished

    "We're a bittersweet sundown
    We're a bittersweet memory now"

    Zack weakly nodded his head, knowing that they only had a few hours left, as once midnight struck, Brian had to be out of heaven forever. Brian let go of Zack, allowing himself to stand, before lifting Zack into his arms and fluttering his immaculate wings. Brian relished in the feeling of the feathers moving as he walked out of the door and into the outdoors, ready to fly to his destination. Zack frowned as he realized that Brian was carrying him down towards Earth.

    "Trust me," Brian spoke before Zack had a chance to voice his thoughts, "It'll be easier this way," Brian's words once again bringing tears to Zack's eyes. He couldn't help the feeling of sadness washing over him; he was trying to forget that this would be the last time that he ever got to spend with Brian.
    March 19th, 2011 at 03:54pm
  • Alphadisaster

    Alphadisaster (110)

    United States
    Title: Rumored Nights
    Story Type: Fan fiction (William Beckett)
    Rating: PG 13
    Genre: Romance/Drama/Thriller/Suspense
    Status: Almost complete; six chapters so far.

    Summary: William had an obsession over Shyla. She has been a good friend of his during high school and now college. He had leaned everything about her. Her favorite color down to her favorite shampoo. He was an expert on her and just wanted a chance with her. A chance to prove he could be a wonderful lover to her.
    Matthew Richardson was Shyla’s boyfriend and the one reason Shyla wasn’t William’s. This upset him more then anything. Him not being able to have Shyla stung like an infected abscess that was trying to heal. He couldn’t allow that pain any more. He needed to get rid of Matthew. Weeks later Matthew is missing and William is moving in on his prey. He is going to have his Shyla and no one is going to stop him. Absolutely no one.

    Excerpt: By now I wanted to put the book down and pretend I never saw it. Now I knew William did like me even if I knew that already. What I now learned was that he hated Matthew. This started to nag at me and bite at me to continue reading. Maybe William did know something.

    So I flipped to the latest entry that was from last night. There was another picture of me but this time it was with Whitney. I didn’t even remember this photo. I don’t even know if I had seen it before. I was looking at the camera but I can’t recall the event.

    She’s upset. I know she’s upset. I don’t want her upset. It eats at me. Rips at me more then anything.

    I don’t want her sad. I can’t have her sad. I’m going to have to do something fun to make her smile.

    I love her smile. More then anything. It’s so beautiful. She is flawless. Maybe not in her eyes but it mine she is. She’s perfect and when this is all said and done she’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. She’ll be happy and I’ll get to see the smile non stop.

    It is so much easier with Matthew gone.

    I stopped reading. He knew something about Matthew. He lied to me. Here, he is so sure something happened. He does know something. That lying asshole knows something about him. Now I was worried the William might have had a part in Matthew’s disappearance.

    “What are you doing?” I jumped to the sound of William’s voice and closed his journal quickly.
    March 20th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • Rose Red

    Rose Red (400)

    Title: Wanderers of Ruin
    Story Type: Fan fiction.
    Rating: R
    Status: Chaptered, completed.
    Summary: The world started to end on the nineteenth day of March. Sickness, death, and misery followed the outbreak of the worst virus known to mankind. It was a superbug, ruthless and without mercy, leaving only a handful of survivors for every few million. One of them was the man formerly known as the singer, Gerard Way. Follow the sad story of the man without a band, making his way in a world that has forgotten everything he's ever loved.


    Mikey’s mouth was covered with blood. He was trying to get himself on his knees, but about to fall over. I ran to him and put my arms around his shaking body, around his torso which was covered in his blood. I didn’t believe what I was seeing, this wasn’t real. This was a dream.

    “Ugh…, I…,” he tried to say, but then coughed. Immediately, more blood came from his mouth, splashing all over the carpet along with black pieces of bile. It flew all over my clothes, on my face, in his hair. Mikey kept shaking, kept shuddering, more and more blood kept flying from his mouth. If it wasn’t for my arms holding him in a steel grip, he would have fallen backwards and drowned in his own bloody vomit.

    “Nine-one-one!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, and that was the last thing I was sane enough to put an effort into. Mikey kept shuddering in my arms. The blood was still coming. He was still choking and gasping and writhing in pain. We were both wearing it now, the scarlet color of sickness, and I could do nothing to stop it.

    Absolutely nothing.

    I wasn’t even aware I was screaming, over and over and over.
    March 20th, 2011 at 03:49am
  • purple haze.

    purple haze. (220)

    United Kingdom
    Title: In Too Deep.
    Story Type: Fan Fiction. One-Shot. True Blood.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Status: Completed.
    If he had a functioning heart it would be caught in his throat right now.

    Eric knew he was in too deep, his conscious told him this with every silent step up Sookie Stackhouse’s winding driveway. He was clutching at straws just to see her, glamouring Ginger into following his excuses to call her to Fangtasia. As her front door came into view, he racked his ripened mind for any plausible excuse but when the scent of her blood mixed in with the autumn air, he lost his trail of thought completely.
    March 20th, 2011 at 12:24pm
  • Crookshanks

    Crookshanks (650)

    United States
    Title: A Skeleton's Prisoner
    Author: Crookshanks. (Me)
    Type: One-shot/Complete
    Rating: R
    Genre: Horror, Drama
    Summary: Skeletons suck.


    The skeleton laughs, grabs my arm, and pulls me close. Music stutters to life from somewhere unseen. We begin to tango. Depression’s grasp is cold, like holding on to a handful of ice cubes. I’m shivering by the time the music ends, and when I’m released, I back away quickly. Again, the skeleton laughs. In an instant it’s at my side, bony mouth against my ear.



    Title: Breathe. Relax.
    Author: Crookshanks. (Me)
    Type: One-shot/Complete
    Rating: R
    Genre: Romance, Teen
    Summary: Breathe, I told myself. Relax.

    I couldn’t afford to be nervous. Nick would be there soon, and he was my best friend--he would certainly be able to tell if I was freaking the hell out. Plus, I had made him a promise.

    And Alyssa Willett never broke promises.

    So I clenched my hands into fists and walked back and forth in front of my bed, trying to visualize how tonight’s events would pan out.


    We’d seen enough movies and read enough books and watched enough TV to have a basic idea of how this was supposed to go: get hot, get naked, get horizontal. But it was different when we were actually undressing each other, with him kissing and touching places I’d only dreamed about, me running my hands over the muscular physique he’d earned through eleven years of martial arts. When we were passing the condom back and forth because both of our hands were too sweaty to tear open the package, with him reading the directions and me nervously sliding the condom onto him, pretending like I hadn’t searched for and memorized the instructions yesterday, though I suspected that he knew I had. When his body was hovering over mine, both of us completely exposed and vulnerable.

    And it was most definitely different when he was poking around, trying to get things going.

    “Need me to draw you a map?” I asked eventually.

    He glared at me, and for a second I was worried that I’d upset him, but then he grinned, laughing softly.

    “Shut up.”

    “Make me,” I said, without thinking. I was expecting him to roll his eyes, or maybe kiss me. But I certainly wasn’t expecting him to suddenly figure out where to stick it.

    “Ouch!” Tears stung at my eyes. I hadn’t thought it would hurt that much.

    “Sorry,” he said quickly.

    “Fucking hell, Nick! I’m going to kill you!”

    “Does it hurt?”

    “No, it feels like a leisurely stroll in the park. Of course it fucking hurts!


    Title: Extraterrestrial
    Author: Crookshanks. (Me)
    Type: One-shot/Complete
    Rating: R
    Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance

    You're so hypnotizing

    Could you be the devil, could you be an angel?
Your touch magnetizing
Feels like I am floating, leave my body glowing


Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison

    Take me, t-t-take me

    Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction

    Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign
It’s supernatural, extraterrestrial
    -E.T., Katy Perry


    I didn’t know what else to to besides stare at him. He had to be crazy. I mean, sure, I believed in aliens—in that whimsical sort of way that would in no way extend to the actual existence of an alien. But for one to land in my yard and crush my Dad’s lawn flamingoes? It was impossible. Absolutely impossible.

    “You can’t be from Pluto,” I childishly declared. “It’s not even a planet anymore.”
    March 20th, 2011 at 04:23pm
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: Brendon Smiles
    Rating: R.
    Word Count: ~900.
    Type: fan-fiction.
    Fandom: Panic! at the Disco.
    Summary: Blowjobs, swooping metaphors and two boys trying to find their own way.
    Excerpt: “It’s just- I don’t wanna fuck up the band, you know? Me and you and Ryan and Jon, we were so good together. What if everyone hates V&V? What if they don’t get it? What if it fucks everything up? What if-”

    “How many times do we have to go through this, Bren? You’re not gonna fuck up the band. And besides, you don’t have to worry about anyone not getting the record. It’s kind of obvious what it’s supposed to mean.”

    “Don’t you smirk at me like that, Spencer Smith. It’s not that obvious.”

    “Dude, it kind of is.”

    “Yeah, well. I’m not like Ryan. I don’t hide behind swooping metaphors and bullshit imagery.”

    “Um, hello, you are taking me apart like bad glue on a get well card.”

    “Shut up, that is not bullshit imagery. That is awesome imagery.”

    I’m a fly that’s trapped in a web but I think my spider’s dead.”

    “You said you liked that song!”

    “I love that song. I’m just saying, Bren.”
    March 20th, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Title: Ghost of You
    Story Type: Fan Fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Fantasy, Teen, Drama
    Status: Active; 35/?

    Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz were the best of friends and more; they were twin brothers. They knew each other's thoughts, each other's feelings, as if their heads and their hearts were connected.

    Yet Tom blames himself when Bill drowns on that rainy night.

    So, explain how years later on the twins' 16th birthday, Tom can suddenly once again see Bill ... yet no one else can?

    “The aura tells all. Evil, liars, intelligence. The yellow, obviously, must mean something along the line of trickery, or lies. Although I see things, I use the crystal ball to enhance the feeling, since that's what most people are used to; either a crystal ball, or tarot cards. Trickery.”

    “She told me today, when I lied to her about her dream, that I had a color to me. Is that what she saw? My aura?”

    Crimson nodded her head, her hair bouncing on her shoulders. “I believe so.”

    I stood still for a minute, watching as she closed the case to her colored pencils.

    “Well, what's my gift?” I asked suddenly.

    Crimson paused, twisting around in her chair, looking up at me, confusion littering her face. “You mean you really don't know?”

    “No,” I said, taking a step back, “is that bad?”

    “It could be!” she exclaimed. “You, my dear, have the power to see the dead. Now, I know, people have “ghost” encounters all the time. But to be sucked into their worlds, to communicate with them on a totally different level, it's a gift. Now, I'm not sure it could help others like Sarah's gift might be able to do sometime in the future, but it's there.”

    “But what if I don't want it?” I asked, my eyes wide.

    She tilted her head back and laughed. “People always ask that, as if they don't already know the answer.”
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:25am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Title: Thirty Stories Up.
    Rating: NC-17.
    Type: Two-shot/completed.
    Word Count: ~2400.
    Pairing: Ryden.

    Ryan is staring at the building and the building is staring back and Brendon is so convinced that this will all save him one day. So he just bites his lip and goes with it.

    They were on the balcony of the hotel room, looking at the building across the way that stuck up from the skyline like the first crocus poking up in a winter snow. Brendon was standing behind Ryan, one hand on the boy's hip and the other in his hair. "I know you get scared," he said thickly.

    Ryan sighed heavily, his hand reaching back to twist in the hem of Brendon's shirt. "It's just so consuming," he admitted quietly. "You know how I get lost."

    Brendon nodded, lowering his head to let his lips tickle Ryan's neck. "I can find you though."

    The other boy wasn't sure how true that was anymore, but he just nodded distantly. "We could go smoke," he suggested half-heartedly.

    "I'm good," Brendon murmured, his teeth beginning to nip at the delicate skin of his boyfriend's neck. The hand he had on Ryan's hip slipped forward to begin undoing the button on his jeans.

    Ryan made a small noise in the back of his throat, shaking his head as he tried to move away, but Brendon's hand tightened in his hair, anchoring him. Ryan gave a tiny squeak like a mouse. "We should go in," he managed to choke out.

    "No one can see us," Brendon said calmly, finally popping the button open on Ryan's jeans and slipping the zipper down. "Gonna fuck you right here," he all but growled, feeling Ryan shiver against him.
    March 21st, 2011 at 01:32am
  • anto wrestles bears

    anto wrestles bears (100)

    United States
    Title: Let's Shoot Some Heroin and Fuck With the Stars

    Story Type: Original

    Rating: R

    Status: Active

    Summary: Realization was like a slap in the face.

    It was my fault. All my fault.

    I killed her.

    How did I not realize it?

    Daddy was right.

    They were all right.

    I need a fucking fix.

    Excerpt: "Get up, you filthy whore!" The man I once called daddy demanded of me. When I didn't get up, he took advantage of my position and started kicking me in the side. I let out a small squeal every time his boot comes in contact with my ribs, but make no effort of getting up. He says I deserve it. He says I brought it upon myself. I say he's wrong. I say I did nothing to deserve this kind of abuse. I can't fight it though, I know what happens when you fight it. He showed me once. It hurt- it hurt a lot. I felt dirty. That's why I've become, as he calls me, a "filthy whore". If I replace the feeling of him inside me with someone else, maybe it will heal the internal wounds he's inflicted on me. It doesn't work. I keep trying though, maybe I'll find someone that will cover the remaining feeling of my former father figure's rape.

    I was forced out of my thoughts when he pulled me up by my long hair. I yelled out of reflex, it hurt like a bitch. He pulled me up to where our faces where level with each other. "It's all your fault she's gone, you selfish whore. You don't care, do you? You don't give a shit about the love of my life, your fucking mother, who you carelessly murdered. It's your fault she got in that accident, you just had to grab the goddamn wheel. Stupid bitch. That mental fucking asylum should have kept you. Should've never sent you back here that goddamn year ago, you're useless." He hissed at me, his serpent tongue flicking across each word as if his insults would burn him if he spoke them too slowly. Suddenly, realization dawned on me. My mind flashed back to approximately two years ago, when I was thirteen. Memories flooded back, moments that have never been revisited.
    March 21st, 2011 at 03:06am