Would You Keep Your Sexuality Private?

  • I wouldn't keep my sexuality private... to me it's no big deal, I'm just straight. If someone asked me randomly I'd be caught off guard, but I'd have no reason not to tell them.
    February 22nd, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • If someone asked me randomly I'd probably ask why, rather than just telling them. That's less to do with sexuality than to do with the actual situation though. I mean, that's a pretty weird thing to do. It'd be just as weird to randomly go up to someone and ask their name or age and I'd probably question that just as much.
    February 23rd, 2011 at 01:24pm
  • I'm bisexual and usually I keep it to myself. Most of my friends didn't know until thy caught me on the phone to my ex-girlfriend, asking who it was etc. Everyone assumes I'm straight and that just I'm incredibly androgynous from my behaviour, my attiude, outlooks and the way I dress etc.

    My Mum asked me if I liked girls and I was honest with her, nevertheless it was a huge mistake and it's not been brought up since, I basically got the 'it's a phase' speech. Anyway, back to my point XD I don't usually tell someone unless they ask, and I have lied about my sexuality and said I'm straight to some people because I'm scared of certain things, but other than that I keep it private.

    I don't even say 'I'm bisexual' to people on Tumblr, I don't have to. I can post what I like and it's seen as okay. Mibba I'm completely open about it though, it's hard for me to keep it secret, especially since it's the only place I can truly discuss it with another person.
    March 10th, 2011 at 11:44am
  • Well the way I see it, this has happened to me before.
    And it happened before I was even aware of my own sexuality or ready to come out.
    All throughout middle school, people would tease me for being gay and therefore cause me to have low self esteem in my own sense of masculinity. And it was also a form of harassment.
    This was all even before I'd become aware of my own sexuality.
    Then, I began to wrestle with my feelings of homosexuality. I'd been raised against it, I'd been teased and bullied at school for it.
    How could I feel comfortable with it?
    Sometimes when you ask random people they're sexuality, it takes away their sense of personal privacy on the matter. In today's society, it's something that many people battle with and trying to publicly ask them, it can cause many issues.
    I mean, you should question your motives:
    Why do you want to know this person's sexuality?
    Are you respecting they're privacy or them?
    By making it the first question you ask them, are you unconsciously putting that sexual label on them from the start?
    March 11th, 2011 at 03:35pm
  • I think it's a normal question and a lot of people ask it. Especially those in high school and junior high. I used to do it a lot myself, but I've seemed to grow out of it. I only ask when someone is obviously acting like they're gay or something like that, and then I just become curious. But I don't think asking about sexuality is too personal... At least it isn't to me. If somebody replied to that question to me saying that it was personal, I'd apologize. But besides that, I've never minded being asked that.
    March 12th, 2011 at 12:06pm
  • ^ That is definitely the thing. It might be personal to somebody, but it might not be personal for another. I think it's great that you would give somebody space if they were to confess that it's too personal. Some people are proud of their sexuality because it's who they are, while others don't want to know what is going to happen if they do confess to somebody.

    I personally think that it's great if people are polite about it. If somebody came up to me and was outright rude when I told them my sexuality, maybe walking away as soon as he found out and asking only that one question, I would probably never talk to that person again.
    March 12th, 2011 at 07:01pm
  • I just tell people I'm straight.
    November 9th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • sorry...
    November 9th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • My answer would depend on the situation in which the conversation took place...

    If someone randomly asked me out of the blue I would probably be sarcastic or even slightly hostile mainly because I don't know their motive behind them asking.

    If someone is just getting to know me and asks in the midst of a personal conversation I would honestly answer them, because that seems to be the best way to ask,
    November 9th, 2011 at 12:32pm
  • I would just smile and change the subject, whether it was a stranger or a friend.

    It's weird because my friend asked me that today. I pretended I couldn't hear her over my music.
    If my best friend asked me, I would probably leave off answering until I had picked up enough courage to tell her. Thats what I did last month.

    Like Antagonist says, I guess it would depend on the situation
    November 9th, 2011 at 11:35pm
  • For me I don't broadcast that I'm bi sexual, but I don't hide it either. Though I haven't been to vocal about it because lately it seems all the teeny boppers and younger teens are saying it cus they think its "cute" and i see older girl I know are straight boasting the same thing. It seriously riles me up.
    November 27th, 2011 at 07:46am
  • I try not to mention it in my professional life at work unless it comes up. It's just easier to not have to worry about what your co-workers think because they aren't like friends; they're not people you choose to associate with and share things with.
    November 27th, 2011 at 07:24pm
  • Yes, I would. Frankly, I don't see any reason for me to go telling people anyway. It's not as if it's something to boost about, I don't expect a medal for it or a pat on the back.
    November 29th, 2011 at 10:45am
  • That is kind of rude. I've never been asked about my sexuality but if I was bluntly asked out of nowhere I would ask them why it was any of their business? I probably would tell them anyways because I don't mind my sexuality but it's still rude.
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:19am
  • First my answer would depend on how the person asked. But I would tell them the truth. Even if I didnt know them very much. Its not like its a horrible thing to ask but its also not so secretive that no one should know.
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:21am
  • I'd be offended if someone randomly came up and asked my sexuality. If I don't know the person like the back of my hand I'd consider them rude and offensive to ask. It's none of their business, really. I'd most likely tell them that I am straight, though I'm bisexual. Even if a close friend asked I'd still tell them I am straight. Maybe when I'm ready to be open about my sexuality I'll tell them but only if they ask. I'm not going to just come out and say it. But I'm not going to just them just for shits and giggles, only if they ask or I get a girlfriend.

    Thankfully this has only happened to me once. I wasn't and I'm still not okay with being open about being bisexual IRL. One day, though. One day. Until then I will never do or say anything that makes me feel uncomfortable.
    July 24th, 2012 at 11:12pm
  • Honestly, I wouldn't tell someone my age or name if they randomly asked so why would I tell them my sexuality?
    July 24th, 2012 at 11:40pm
  • I'm sort of half in half out the closet. Some of my friends know, some don't. My family doesn't know (aside from my sister) because I just can't. It makes me a coward but it's just not something I want to go into.
    July 24th, 2012 at 11:40pm
  • I don't mind answering the question, I want to tell my sexuality and situation more, but it seems weird for someone random to ask that kinda question...
    July 25th, 2012 at 03:47am
  • If anyone turned and randomly asked me, I would assume they had an issue with non-straight people. I would probably look at them and go, "why do you ask"?

    I rarely answer that question 'cause no one knows the answer anyway. People can infer what they want from what I say.
    July 25th, 2012 at 04:41pm