What's Your School Like?

  • Number XIII

    Number XIII (150)

    United States
    Couldn't find another thread like it, and if this is in the wrong category could someone move it for me?


    What are your teachers like?

    What are the trends at your school?

    What are some of the students like?

    What's your school's reputation?

    What's the population?

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?

    School issues? School Punishments?


    What are your teachers like?
    Pretty cool. They like to joke around a lot. We have fun and I'm friends with some xD One of the problems is a lot of my teachers have problems. My math teacher has had a lot of affairs with some other teachers before her husband divorced her. She dresses like a second grader and lies to us. Hello, you tell us one this and then you're in the corner whispering to the other teacher the truth? We're not deaf. Also, recently a lot of teachers have been getting fired for swearing at kids. No joke. One more thing is that a lot of the teachers here had been previously fired from a different school and now they're coming here.

    What are the trends at your school?
    The 'scene' trend is HUGE here. Just about everyone here dresses within that stereotype. I'm not complaining, the guys are sexy beasts! :D Anywho, in 6th grade the trend was putting gum wrappers all over your planner. In 7th grade everyone was folding their planners in half and stuffing them into their back pockets, also seeing who could put the most neon duct tape on their pants xD Now we're just sorta all doing our own things, the 'scene' thing really picked up this year, as well as neon shoes. There's about 74839464792 kids with different colored hair. Piercings are becoming popular too and gauges. The teachers don't mind.

    What are some of the students like?
    Druggies. Our school has one of the worst drug problems I've ever seen. About 5 of my friends are into drugs and we're only 20 people. The whole school does drugs. Sixth graders. Seventh graders. Mostly eighth graders. I'll admit, I'm tempted to ask my friend to show me what it's like or give me a little so I can find out myself. I'm not stupid enough to do it. Just about everyone does though :/ I sit next to a girl that is sometimes high during class. My bracket does this weird thing in the light and she takes my braclet off my arm sometimes and plays with it, saying how it has her trippin' and how it makes her feel dizzyer. Sexual activity is really picking up. A few of my friends are into sexting, some have done oral, and one of my closer friends lost her virginity recently. We're 8th graders. In 6th grade there was a girl who got held back a lot and she got pregnant and had to move to an all girls school because of all the trash talk about her.

    What's your school's reputation?
    Horrible. They've actually made laws in our town regarding the school. No more groups of students larger than 8. And because of me they follow students around in this one store and there are no more than 2 students allowed in it, 1) They were easy to steal from and 2) Next time, I won't be using a sarcastic "attitude" with the employees. Since a lot of the kids here are pierced, gauged, hair colored, into drugs, sexually active, on parole and fighting a lot we have a bad reputation :/ My friend recentally got of parole for being caught with weed. She got about 3 other people suspended for that one. Also, 6 people got suspended a few days ago for some mass fight. There's 4 druggies on my bus and one of them has already sexted and another had been in the mass fight. My bus has gone through 4 bus drivers because they all asked to take a different bus because they couldn't "handle us." I'm going on a field trip tomorrow to see a play and the propel are scared because they have heard about our rep. Also, apperentally we're all farmers. At the last football game of the season, the opposite team started shouting "H------, start your tractors!" (Foot ball games are fun though, bright lights and 3000+ people packed into a small area, you bet!) Someone punched the vice principle a few days ago after throwing a desk at his teacher. Cops came and everything. Gee kid, thanks for helping our reputation.

    What's the population?
    1200 kids in the middle school. 2500 in the highschool.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public School. No uniforms (we had lanyards but they weren't.enforced). Different sexes, we have ONE transgender student, well, they think they're both bot and girl even though they're biologically female. When they line us up by gender (s)he will always stand in-between the lines.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    Issues with rep. The punishments are usually detention —> referral —> suspension —> expelled. There was this really bad kid I went to a party with in 6th grade. He pulled up a girls shirt and took pictures. Expelled a year ago and not coming back. He recently got a girl in a mental hospital and let his girlfriend date another girl while they were going out. He's on the edge of getting expelled from his other school.

    I would say my school isn't the greatest but my friends are awesome.

    What's your school like? You don't have to answer the questions if you don't want and you could just give a little description of your school. Chow.
    March 18th, 2011 at 12:58am
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    I finished school two years ago, but I'll answers anyway.

    What are your teachers like?

    (1) Realistic people who realised that education was what you needed to progress in life.

    What are the trends at your school?

    (1) Scum was popular in my school, just girls who thought they were better than everyone else, went drinking at the weekends, smoked weed before school and talked publicly and rather loudly about their sex lives.

    (2) Outcasts were rather wide spread too. The kids who listened to the bands, who wore the eyeliner and converse. The ones who drew manga, likes art and music.

    (3) Then there were the dancers. Tall, blonde, elite. Envied in most cases.

    What are some of the students like?
    (1) Same as above, really.

    What's your school's reputation?

    (1) Highly respected.

    What's the population?

    (1) 600 girls. 4 males (2 teachers, 2 caretakers)

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?

    (1) Public all girls school with uniforms that were really nice.

    School issues? School Punishments?

    (1) A card system for punishment. Minor offences such as no homework three times, chewing gum or using a mobile phone in class were punished with a yellow card. Fighting, abuse, foul language, bullying were punished with blue cards. Three blue cards and your on first report. 12 yellow cards is equivalent to three blue cards.
    March 18th, 2011 at 06:53pm
  • voidoids

    voidoids (100)

    What are some of the students like?
    They're all cool, it's an all girls school, and we seem to be more open with each other about girl problems and stuff. The thing is that we have a brother/sister school, but all boys, and whenever we do stuff with them (which is often) they get all giggly. Starved for the opposite sex, I suppose.

    What's your school's reputation?
    Respected, I suppose. It's been around for a very long time.

    What's the population?
    The school is co-ed years pre prep to 4, then in grade 5 you either go to the boys school, or the girls. There are about 800 out of us all. It's confusing, I know.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Private school, all girls, and the whole private school uniform she-bang. Blazers, house ties, formal hats etc.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    Infringements, for like late work, tardiness, not obeying rules, wearing the uniform wrong etc. You have a certain about of infringements before you're sent to the Principal's office and some serious discussion happens. We don't really have a detention system, since nobody's really stupid enough to get one. The thing is with infringements is that if you get that certain amount, it will stop you from getting some privileges, like leadership roles, parts in a school production etc. Lame, I know.

    Another thing is that we aren't allowed to go in public (shopping malls, supermarkets, skate parks etc) without a parent or guardian when we're wearing school uniform. Because you get massive groups of kids in uniform doing god knows what and making the school look bad, and I guess my school doesn't want that.
    March 22nd, 2011 at 11:21am
  • Marius De Romanus

    Marius De Romanus (150)

    What are your teachers like?
    They are all really dead on and nice, I only have three, and we don't move rooms, so you get to know them better and all, it's great cause they know what ways we learn and don't and they can split up to help everyone. Though the nurse can be really odd and boring, but other than that he’s a dead on kind of guy.

    What are the trends at your school?
    There’s no real trends, it’s just a mix of everyone to be honest. Cute

    What are some of the students like?
    My entire class are lovely and we all get along, yeah, some people can be snobbish, but it doesn’t stop them helping people out when they need it and the class is very open to everything. It was great when some were asking about lent and all because they didn’t understand it and the fact they don’t judge on religion is the most amazing thing ever. If you are wondering why, religion in N. Ireland is a very very big and still ongoing issue.

    What's your school's reputation?
    It’s pretty good, pass rates for it are great.

    What's the population?
    Um, I think it’s 20,000, we have five different areas and then some night classes, it’s not a uni, more of a higher education college.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public, no uniforms, only thing we are not allowed to do is wear football tops, mixed.

    School issues? School Punishments?

    It’s the same as any other school, just all the hearings and meetings if you do too many things wrong, punishments are being suspended and then being expelled. Though I don’t think they really come down too hard on people.
    March 22nd, 2011 at 12:54pm
  • the major key

    the major key (100)

    United Kingdom
    What are your teachers like?
    decent. some departments (maths, languages) are much stronger than others (re, science).

    What are the trends at your school?
    there's always been a massive chav thing at my school but recently there's a massive thing about spiceboys (styled hair, carrot jeans, low cut tops). they're usually right wankers.

    What are some of the students like?
    everyone's pretty alright i think... naturally there are some people you don't like, but there's not really any hassle when it gets to year 11 so not really bothered.

    What's your school's reputation?
    i think it's pretty good.

    What's the population?
    1300 odd.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    state school; maroon blazer and tie; all boys.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    most rules come into practice for a bit and then get thrown out the door, we're really stubborn. usual punishment's a detention, used to be lines.
    March 23rd, 2011 at 07:45pm
  • ciarmione.

    ciarmione. (100)

    What are your teachers like?
    I can't say they're all cool. However, they're all smart and very opinionated, and strict at some point. Most of them are very experienced, taking post grad majors and stuff. Some even tried almost all courses like one of them took up veterinary, biology, criminology, history, literature, architecture, biochemistry, and international studies, fine arts, and is still thinking of studying. D: Most of them are like that. What makes them cool to me though is that they're all graduates of the university I'm in so they could totally relate to us, they knew what we were going through, and they're the exact proof of the capability of the university of producing well off individuals.

    What are the trends at your school?
    In terms of clothing, none. People all dress differently. Some may dress similarly but there's no trend. Nail polish is a semi-trend within my college though but that's just nothing.

    What are some of the students like?
    Most are really into studying, considering most of the students in my university are the valedictorian/salutatorians of their high school. Most of them are really serious about their studies and would want to pursue Medicine or Law. So yeah. Some of them are laid-back though. Like, really laid-back. Which is fine. I mean, there are no druggies and whatever. Although there are fraternities and sororities but they're not the ones who cause violence or anything anywhere.

    What's your school's reputation?
    Good. It's the premiere university in th country so it has a really good reputation in terms of educational standards. However, some of the colleges in there are amongst those really active in rallies, protests, and stuff so... ugh. People think most of the students there are activists. Some think most students don't have their feet on the ground anymore. It's true for some but not for most though.

    What's the population?
    For my campus... about 2-4K? I guess.
    For all campuses, about 10K. I'm not sure really.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    State university. One college doesn't require uniforms, but the rest require White uniforms considering they offer pre-med courses.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    Suspension and expulsion. Kind of reasonable, I guess. Happens when you've done something against the rules or if you have low grades. >.>

    It's one of the best in the country, academically. But it lacks of other stuff aside from academics.
    March 31st, 2011 at 03:06am
  • carliehope

    carliehope (100)

    United States
    March 31st, 2011 at 11:29am
  • VanishingAct

    VanishingAct (100)

    United States
    I'm graduating from middle school this year, so this is a good time to write a bit about it.

    What are the teachers like?
    Most of them are pretty awesome. They joke around with us, but they understand that we need to be taught, so they teach us, then do review games and things. We tell stories in social studies (*cough*history*cough*). I honestly don't know why they call it social studies, but hey. The math teachers are the best, and the nicest.

    What are the trends at your school?
    Trends? We're pretty much all athletes - so sports are the trend. Soccer and swimming are our sports...our football team sucks.

    What are some of the students like?
    For the most part, completely awesome. I get along with almost everybody. We have a couple bad eggs (but what school doesn't?), but I've never really talked to any of them.

    What's your school's reputation?
    It has a great reputation. We're one of the most technologically advanced schools in the area and we have a great graduation rate (though I'm not sure exactly what the graduation rate is right now.).

    What's the population?
    I go to a pretty small school. There are about 400-450 kids in the middle school, and 87 in my grade, which is one of the smallest.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public school, no uniforms. Different genders. There was a girl on the football team a few years back, but she only plays volleyball now.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    My school doesn't really seem to have many issues. There was a kid who did drugs, and I think he was expelled, but I'm not sure. There are a few other kids who do that sort of stuff, but only a few. It's not a huge problem around here. And as far as punishments go, I have a story about the superintendent's daughter being written up for tossing a bouncy-ball out a window. She's in my grade.

    Overall, I love my school and everyone in it.
    June 8th, 2011 at 11:56pm
  • nedfrid.

    nedfrid. (100)

    United States
    I'm in high school right now and going to be a sophomore in this next upcoming school year.

    What are your teachers like?
    The teachers at my school are pretty cool, they really care about our education. There are some strict teachers, but mostly we have total bro teachers. They're so chill and very easy going.

    What are the trends at your school?
    Hmm, trends? For what I've noticed for girls: North Face wind breaker jackets. And for boys: Either loose skinny jeans that they sag OR V-necks. My school is full of athletes, including myself and we all like to wear Hollister/Abercrombie/AE clothing and sweat pants and Air Force Nikes.

    What are some of the students like?
    Mostly athletes. Everyone at my school gets a long really well together. It didn't matter if you were a freshman or a senior, we were all friends. We do have 'cliques' but they weren't like the ones you'd see in movies. There were never the 'populars' or the 'geeks'. The cliques that I usually see around my school are cliques that are separated by the sports we played. But yeah, we're all friends around my school.

    What's your school's reputation?
    My school has a lot of rich history. I think my school is either the oldest school in my city or one of the oldest schools. I don't remember. But some people think my school is 'ghetto' because we're located in the South side area. It's such bull shit because our school is the biggest and the better quality out of the rest of the schools. Don't get me wrong, my friends and I like to poke fun of our school even and joking around about how 'ghetto' it is. It's all fun and games.

    What's the population?
    I'm not exactly sure how many students we had. But I know that my school is a 3A school.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Nah, my school is a public, non-uniform, both sex school.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    My school doesn't really have any major serious issues. Of course there are fights here and there and people who get suspended and do drugs but... theres nothing really. Hah, maybe our football team. We've only won like 2 games. Haha. Juustttt kidding, I love our football team.
    June 10th, 2011 at 01:37am
  • amaranthine.

    amaranthine. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    What are your teachers like?
    It varies. Some are really nice (like my German teacher and my physics teacher) and some of them aren't so good (like my history teacher and old maths teacher). A lot of the younger ones tend to join in on the jokes in class, but some of them just don't really get it. Some of them are a little strange - like, we had a visitor in geography the other day, and our teacher just did her lesson as normal - insulting about half the class in various jokey ways and making fun of most people, and we all laughed, but you could see that the guest guy was pretty scared. Smile

    What are the trends at your school?
    There's definitely a chav thing going on. A lot of the girls love to plaster themselves with makeup and talk in a really 'common' sort of way, and all dress and look like clones of each other. And in some other groups, like mine, there's this whole thing where you pretend to be really nerdy and dorky and stuff, and then some of the boys pretend to be really camp. It's pretty entertaining.
    What are some of the students like?

    What's your school's reputation?
    Pretty good, but I don't like it.

    What's the population?

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public school, both sexes (thank God!) and, unfortunately, they are very strict on uniforms. Seriously, if you're walking round the corridors without your blazer on, some teachers give you detentions. It's really annoying--the rest of Europe doesn't wear uniform it seems.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    It's fairly good--there are a few fights of course, and a few people that smoke and bunk and do drugs and stuff, but that's only the minority. I don't like everyone, but nowadays we're mature enough to just stick to our own groups, and most people have got over the stage of trying to be something they're not. Still though, I don't like it much, but there's only a year until I can go off to sixth form, and I can't wait!
    June 12th, 2011 at 07:31pm
  • Seas.The.Day

    Seas.The.Day (100)

    United States
    I just gradated from this school. For me, it had it's high points and low points, so averaged out, it was okay. I'm sure glad to be out of there!

    What are your teachers like?

    It varies. Most of the teachers I've had are kind of young and I really like them either because they had a good personality or because they taught. There are the really strict ones that make you learn. There are the older ones who are really chill. Then, there are the crappy ones. And the list goes on.
    Also, the teachers treat each class (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, & seniors) differently just because there's a big difference between each one. Like, they have to be much more strict with freshmen while they're much more lenient towards seniors.

    What are the trends at your school?

    Guy Harvey shirts, jeans, Hollister, Aeropostale, Rainbow Flip-Flops, Crocs, and Sperries. A lot of girls wear dresses and skirts in the fall/spring because it gets really hot here. Boys have baseball hats and visors. Everyone owns some sort of camouflage.
    Also, Coasta Del Mar and Ray Ban sunglasses are pretty popular.
    Blue & Gold is mandatory for football season.

    What are some of the students like?

    Pretty much redneck. Most have a Southern accent and at least one truck in the family. Everyone hunts and goes to the beach and lake. Everyone has a deer either on their car or on a piece of clothing. The mascot is a Stag.
    Half of the school is African American.
    A lot of people would mistake some of the girls here as preppy because of all the Hollister and Aeropostale, but they really aren't.
    Most people here are really respectful of each other unless something personal happens between individuals.
    And of course, this doesn't apply to everyone. There are some people who move here who aren't redneck-ish, or that are into black, or something else.

    What's your school's reputation?

    It's alright. It's probably not the first place a parent wants to send their kids, but it's better than some of the neighboring schools. It's definitely not known for high standards, but they certainly know how to put pressure on kids.
    It's a big sports school. The whole town gets excited about football (American football) season. We won State Championship my junior year. My cousins drove all the way from North Carolina to come to the Championship game. Football games were probably my favorite thing about school.
    And, it's old. My 81-year-old grandmother graduated there.

    What's the population?

    About 1550. The underclassmen had much more students than our senior class. We took pictures of all the classes in the gym. Our's barely covered half the bleachers while the others had to squeeze everyone in.
    There were 270-something kids who graduated in my class.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?

    It's just a public school in a little Southern hicktown.

    School issues? School Punishments?

    They like to pick and choose who gets punished and who doesn't. They sent me home for wearing completely covered PJ pants on Character Day for Homecoming and a girl for wearing gym shorts. And they don't let the tennis team wear their uniforms to school. However, the basketball cheer-leading uniforms barely covered up this one big girl's butt (you could see the bottom of her cheeks) and the soccer shorts are much shorter than what some girls get yelled at for.

    It also has major issues with anybody having fun. We weren't allowed to run onto the gym floor during the pep rally for various B.S. excuses. They took down the senior prank this year before school even started that morning. I could go on...

    Like I said, I'm glad to be out of there. All 4 years I was there, they used block scheduling which allowed students to earn 8 credits a year and graduate early in January. Also, there were only 4 classes a day which was much easier on the students and teachers. Also, it's nice to have a change after half the year.
    Next year, when my sister and cousins are there, they'll only have 7 year-long classes. So, they only get 7 credits a year, they can't graduate early, and they'll have 7 classes a day to worry about.

    The school's okay. I liked the students and teachers alright. But, the people who run it are idiots.
    June 13th, 2011 at 06:37am
  • misery's best friend

    misery's best friend (150)

    St. Helena
    What are your teachers like?

    -The majority of them suck and are old. There's a few teachers I like.

    What are the trends at your school?

    -Hmm. Rubber bracelets, and um... I don't know because I don't give a shit about them.

    What are some of the students like?

    -Mostly nice people, I guess.

    What's your school's reputation?

    -The best Catholic school in the region.

    What's the population?

    -Too freakin' many.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?

    -Yes. Yes. No.

    School issues? School Punishments?

    -Strict on the tardiness policy.
    June 13th, 2011 at 09:30am
  • Lucky Star.

    Lucky Star. (100)

    United States
    Most of them are young, and flirt with the students.
    Some stupid skater thing.
    Mostly rich kids from the suburbs who fail at acting ghetto.
    Well, it's okay. We do really good at fundraisers...
    I'm not sure. Best guess would be 1,000. Around 300 students per grade level.
    Public school
    I dunno, really.
    June 24th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • JeremyTheThirteenth

    JeremyTheThirteenth (105)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Teachers: They're really nice. Only four teachers, but they are good educators.
    Trends: VANS are a big trend here.
    School population: Its a really small school. Only 22 students, four teachers (Two who also cook lunch), and a picture lady.
    School: K-12 Private school, and both sexes.
    Punishments: Having to eat lunch alone in the classroom, or having to go home for swearing, not wearing uniform, wearing hat backwards, phisical, and emotional abuse.
    June 27th, 2011 at 04:14pm
  • chai latte

    chai latte (225)

    United States
    Every high school I've been to has been an alternative school (basically a school for fuck-ups), and I've been to several of them and they're all quite similar, so I'll answer these as kind of for all of them...

    What are your teachers like?
    a lot of them are former druggies, or dropped out for a while, or had issues similar to the students. generally, they're really empathetic and you can be super casual with them (at one of my schools, we called all the teachers and principal by their first name, and you could drop F-bombs all day long, talk openly about drug use, etc.), but occasionally, you'll run in to one who is a straight-up asshole because they feel like they have to "be tough with the misunderstood youth" or some shit like that.

    What are the trends at your school?
    usually either skater/hipster-ish style or "gangsta" style (which doesn't bug me too bad because a lot of the kids actually do run with gangs, ha). as far as actual trends... Nike SB shoes, more obscure/hard to find cigarette brands, and tattoos of random things. also, cocaine has become really trendy in my area in the past year. no joke, a friend of mine hooked up some blow for a seventh grader last week. :/

    What are some of the students like?
    they're usually cool kids, but damn, they are sketchy. you can't trust any of them, whether it's with a secret or with your bag of coke. everyone smokes cigarettes, about 75% do drugs/drink, and most of them, nice as they are, are just not very intelligent. they tend to be really artistic, though. I've seen some art in the lunch room that's better than stuff in a professional gallery. on the flip side though, you meet quite a few kids whose hardships or lifestyle (especially when they're in gangs) have just turned them in to no-good assholes.

    What's your school's reputation?
    they actually have pretty good reps considering they're all alternative schools. the last one I went to had a horrible reputation as far as academics, though, and it's reputation in other respects is diminishing because of how crazy it's gone with outlandish rules and such-- for example, at that school, you need an escort from the SRO to go to the fucking bathroom. :/
    my favorite alternative school I ever went to (first one I ever went to), on the other hand, had a great reputation as far as academic as well as overall enjoyability. that place felt like one big family, didn't even feel like school, but you actually did learn. I miss it.

    What's the population?
    The smallest one I ever went to had an enrollment of ninety-one kids, but on average, about forty to sixty showed up on any given day. the largest one I ever went to was around three hundred. alternative schools are tiny.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    nope, nope, and nope. one was a charter school though, so you could get away with anything there.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    they all have big drug issues; that's why a lot of the students are there in the first place. truancy is also huge, which, again, is a big reason most of us are there. teen pregnancy, too; the last school I went to actually had a full-time, fully-functioning daycare built as part of the school because about 40% of the female population were teen moms, or were expecting.
    as far as punishments-- that varied hugely school to school. some of the schools you could get away with anything (my friend got caught snorting heroin off the bathroom toilet. her punishment? couldn't leave campus for lunch.), while others were on total lockdown because they knew some of the kids were the worst of the worst. for the most part though, punishment was on a case-by-case basis, because they understand that all the kids coming in have major issues that need to be addressed.

    haha. holy shitballs, I'm sorry that was incredibly long. if only I could ramble on seamlessly like that when I'm working on my stories. x)
    I don't know. I've been to some very interesting schools.
    July 7th, 2011 at 08:08am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    What are your teachers like?
    Most of them are hardasses only because the students are disobedient to extreme levels. The rest understand and are more easy going. Almost all of them are geniuses though which makes the learning somewhat difficult for most of the students. I got along with my teachers for the most part and I found their teaching a lot easier just because they were so advanced. The rest of the student population were barely any good with middle school (grades 4-8) learning.

    What are the trends at your school?
    Having piercings, dying your hair neon colors, starving yourself, and failing out of school. It's pretty bad especially since each of our generations is worst than the one before it in our school. My town is doomed. Oh, being a teenage mother is also a trend.

    What are some of the students like?
    Slackers and rotting their brains out with drugs. Very few of us actually worked hard to graduate in school. I don't have much to say about them. We have a lot of gang problems as well so there's always that off day where someone brings a gun or drugs to the school. The police don't even bother with them anymore unless someone gets knifed or is literally shot.

    What's your school's reputation?
    If you've read anything above, you would know how obvious it is that our reputation sucks ass.

    What's the population?
    Our population is about 1,000 and we usually have around 130 seniors each year. That isn't subtracting the dropouts or students that fail.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public school, No uniforms although I think we should have them (too much whorish clothing)... Why would anyone have a same sex school? I'm sure people know that separated genders is bullshit now a days unless it's an exclusive private school.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    We pretty much have it all as far as school issues goes. The school system gave up trying to get rid of all of it. Hence the reason our town is doomed for more failure than it's already suffering.
    July 7th, 2011 at 04:11pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    What are your teachers like?

    It depends, really. Some of the teachers are complete idiots, others are some of the best people I've ever met in my life (my music teacher is the best teacher I have ever had). Our headmaster is a complete jerk, however.

    What are the trends at your school?

    People like to walk around with orange faces and tiny skirts. I never seen the appeal, personally, but whatever. Also, it's apparently cool to have an STD. Not even kidding, there's like...13 year old kids with chlamydia and stuff. My year is okay though, we're mostly decent people who don't tend to stereotype into anything.

    What are some of the students like?

    Like I said above, our year are decent. You can have a good conversation with about 80% of them. The years below us, however...I can't say I'm impressed. Cheeky, rude, even going as far as to say they attempt to bully us. It's a horror trying to sit in classes with them, as they tend to just chat and yell over the teachers. Even the new first ear think it's 'cool' to swear at our year. It won't be like that when we all get our prefect badges, let me tell you that!

    What's your school's reputation?

    Apparently we've got a good reputation. We're the only Catholic school in the area, and we tend to get pretty good exam results, but I reckon pupils from other schools think we're a bunch of wh*res. Not that that's true at all, or at least not for our year.

    What's the population?

    Pfft...I think it's about 700. Our year only had 120-odd pupils at the beginning of our time there, and now there's about 70, and that isn't including people who will drop out after receiving their exam results. So we're probably the smallest sixth year group in quite a few years.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?

    Our school isn't private, but the headmaster seems to think it is. Our uniform, worn properly, should be our school blazer (100% mandatory for ALL 6th years), a white shirt, our school tie, black skirts for the girls, worn with either white knee-high socks or black tights, black shoes, a black raincoat for the winter and a black bag. My uniform is usually my blazer, a shirt, a tie, skinny jeans and whatever shoes I manage to salvage in the morning. I spend 80% of my time being yelled at by teachers, naturally.

    School issues? School Punishments?

    Our only real issue is the behaviour of the younger years, and the 6th year disregard for uniform (although WE don't see it as disregard! ;D). Punishment is normal, as far as school punishment goes. We get detention/punishment exercises for bad behaviour, and if you come to school wearing non-regulation uniform, you run the risk of being sent home to change. And you aren't given transport to get there/back. All in all, general school punishment.
    August 13th, 2011 at 09:49pm
  • lee francesco

    lee francesco (100)

    United States
    What are your teachers like?
    It's a fair variety. We've been getting a bit of new younger teachers recently which my friends and I call them the "hipster teachers" simply because they're in their 20's and share the same kind of humor that the students have. :P We do have the really good and chill teachers and then those that flat out suck at teaching.

    What are the trends at your school?
    Northface, urban brands, TOMS shoes, gladiators, floral print, skinnies. Beats by Dr. Dre and just the big headphones have become increasingly popular. A lot of the more girly girls tend to opt for big purses as their backpacks and go for longer layered and teased hair.

    What are some of the students like?
    My school is mostly populated with Asians myself included and a lot of us stay true to our stereotypes to some degree. The people I hang out with are definitely the kind to start worrying when one of our grades is at 90% and taking at least 2 advanced classes are practically standard. Of course we get our typical sketchy students who don't give a crap about school but it's typical in any school.

    What's your school's reputation?
    We're known as the "Asian school" in our district and have among the better academically successful schools in our area so the Asian stereotype is rather prevalent. Though ironically our mascot is the viking, our school colors are red and gold (colors highly respected in Chinese culture). And no matter what the teachers and student body may say, we don't give a crap about "school spirit" cause other than our badminton, tennis, and possibly track teams, we all suck at sports. Our pep rallies and spirit days are just bogus. lmfao

    What's the population?
    Roughly 1500. It's actually a smaller school compared to others in the district and it's not much bigger than my middle school.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?

    School issues? School Punishments?
    Nothing to extremity that came into public attention. We're all rather chill with each other with the exceptions of some rotten apples. Personally I would like it if the school isn't closed campus so I could head out and grab something better to eat than the stuff they serve at school.
    August 14th, 2011 at 07:05am
  • Vicious.

    Vicious. (150)

    What are your teachers like?
    My teacher is pretty cool. She's easygoing but still enforces rules.

    What are the trends at your school?
    Lots and lots of hair dye. Probably because we're a beauty school.

    What are some of the students like?
    Some are cool, but a lot of them are obnoxious cranky girls.

    What's your school's reputation?

    What's the population?
    There are 18 in my class.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public school.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    December 17th, 2011 at 09:27am
  • Jonne Aaron.

    Jonne Aaron. (100)

    What are your teachers like?
    The ones I have are pretty cool. My English teacher doesn't like it much when I don't wear the school top, but for the most part they're pretty cool.

    What are the trends at your school?
    I dunno, really. I know a lot of the year 12s were mad into My Little Pony last year, but I don't really associate with them anymore, so I dunno. There are so many different people it's kinda hard to start a trend.

    What are some of the students like?
    Varied, widely. We get the jocks, the preps, the stoners, the outcast kids, all of them.

    What's your school's reputation?
    We're supposedly amazing and high-tech.

    What's the population?
    800 plus over year 11 and 12, which is quite a lot.

    Private School? Uniforms? Same Sex School?
    Public school, but we have a uniform which is really odd for around here. It's just a school top, but no other colleges I know of have a uniform. It's co-ed.

    School issues? School Punishments?
    if we miss too many classes or assignments we V-grade, which voids the course and it doesn't count towards our year 12 certificate. Plagiarism is massively punished, to the point where year 12 certificates can be completely cancelled after repeat offences. We have to go off-grounds to smoke, if we're on the grounds we get in trouble and may have parents called if it persists. Too many missed classes is a call home. I dunno about behavioral stuff really, but I assume it's much like high school was.
    February 14th, 2012 at 11:06am