The Hypnoid Psy Test

  • hengstin.

    hengstin. (250)

    United States
    Thoughtful to the extreme, you are often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing your own personal interests. Your world is black and white. You love to work within a logical system, such as language, computer programming, or mathematics. Manipulating a system that can be completely understood is a distinct pleasure to you, because of your confidence in the underlying veracity of your belief system. Because of your appreciation for logic and order, those who speak or think in a sloppy manner are apt to generate more than their share of wrath. Although very amiable, you are not drawn to friendships out of a sense of personal need. You are just as happy by yourself with a good book or puzzle. Because you are so involved with thought, you will on occasion have difficulty dealing with the day-to-day problems of a normal life. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, these are often left until the last possible moment, if at all.

    Shocked Ich hab' jetzt Angst. How does it know me so well?!
    April 4th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • oh bear

    oh bear (100)

    Verbally and mentally fluid, you are refreshing and illuminating to those around you. This is occasionally somewhat discounted by the obvious pleasure that you take in exercising your mental acuity. Although generally peaceful you can often take a verbally aggressive tact in relations with the world, which can often be misunderstood by those around you. Innovative in the extreme, you can often think yourself right out of the correct answer to a given problem. Many times you are referred to as your own worst enemy. You tire very quickly of routine and so make poor clerks or administrative help. You also have no respect for authority and little patience for those you regard as inferior, most especially those in charge. Experimentation is your watchword and can occasionally lead to experience for its own sake and shallow decadence. Your thought can sometimes be scattered and disconnected.

    And I agree with this:
    Sierra Kusterbeck:
    ...That freaked me out, I'm not gonna lie. Some of those questions were creepy as hell.
    April 4th, 2011 at 04:50am
  • Tre Cool

    Tre Cool (100)

    United States
    Handy in the real world manipulation of objects and events, you are easily enthused by practical projects. You often ignore or conveniently forget rules and boundaries that limit your freedom. This need for freedom extends even to the personal sphere and though you are kind and gentle, you will often be hard to pin down to a monogamous lifestyle. Because you tend to verbalize so seldom, you can be seen as phlegmatic or impassive. In moments of high tension you can often surprise those around you with a lighthearted or humorous remark. Because of your facility with the physical world, you are often engaged in sports that require dexterity, such as motorcycling or hang gliding. You will rarely have time for flights of fancy or unproductive discussion. Constraints on your freedom will be regarded as a personal attack.
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:07am
  • GreatUnknown

    GreatUnknown (150)

    United States
    I didn't really get what this test was doing at first so I restarted but this is mostly right, except for a few things:

    Verbally and mentally fluid, you are refreshing and illuminating to those around you. This is occasionally somewhat discounted by the obvious pleasure that you take in exercising your mental acuity. Although generally peaceful you can often take a verbally aggressive tact in relations with the world, which can often be misunderstood by those around you. Innovative in the extreme, you can often think yourself right out of the correct answer to a given problem. Many times you are referred to as your own worst enemy. You tire very quickly of routine and so make poor clerks or administrative help. You also have no respect for authority and little patience for those you regard as inferior, most especially those in charge. Experimentation is your watchword and can occasionally lead to experience for its own sake and shallow decadence. Your thought can sometimes be scattered and disconnected.
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:10am
  • Tre Cool

    Tre Cool (100)

    United States
    I took it again, and this result is more me:
    You tend to draw and nurture others with your natural charisma. Rarely satisfied with petty details, you remain focused on the grander scheme of things. In affairs of the heart you are very practical and might be thought on occasion perfunctory or shallow. Oddly, though you have a natural tendency to lead, you have a very thin skin and can easily be hurt by a thoughtless comment or a cruel barb. There is a danger that you will take on more responsibility than you can reasonably be expected to manage. So eager are you to succeed, that on occasion you crash and burn when the reality of the situation rears its head. Often your wide circle of friends can be rather indiscriminate; care must be taken not to become entangled with those of questionable moral character. Admitting weakness isn’t easy for you. When proven not to be invulnerable it can come as a great surprise. Unresolved issues can trouble you deeply.
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:11am
  • mayday

    mayday (100)

    United States
    You are in a perpetual quest to find the new, the exciting. Emotionally volatile, you are known for sudden changes of opinion, of appreciation, and behavior. Following rules and established methods is difficult for you and the difficulties of higher education are usually quite daunting. Knowledge is best gained through an intimate association with the matter at hand. Usually driven by attitudes and desires of the group, you are talented in an established field of endeavor. Emotions come and go without a strong understanding of their causes. They are unexpected guests in an otherwise placid landscape. You live by your own codes of conduct, which can be noble or terrible depending on the individual. Authority is meaningless to you. You hate to be predictable, at all costs. Rarely verbally effusive, you can at times feel as if your feelings are too deep for words. You are very observant, but rarely express these observations to others.

    Cheese accurate.gif
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    i took the test twice because the first time i had no idea what the fuck was going on. lmfao the second time i tried to be more spontaneous and go with what i felt rather than puzzle it out. i guess they're both sort of 'me' but very much a shot in the dark sort of way. i'm reserving my opinion on the accuracy of this thing.

    try one:

    You have a poetic sensibility and an ability to see beyond the day to day. You often seem to be living in a higher realm, or to be not-of-this-earth. Occasionally you imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete fabrications based on your fears or hopes for the future. You are often not aware of your own feelings. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and because of this are often disappointed. Despite what can sometimes be a destructive inward-turning anger, you are very gentle. You are sometimes a bit out of touch with the ebb and flow of modern life. If your behavior is out of synch with your moral values, a severe psychic disturbance can result. Because connectivity is so important to you, you can become quiet and sulky if you feel that others around do not understand your point of view.

    try two:

    Thoughtful to the extreme, you are often obsessed with perfection and the rules governing your own personal interests. Your world is black and white. You love to work within a logical system, such as language, computer programming, or mathematics. Manipulating a system that can be completely understood is a distinct pleasure to you, because of your confidence in the underlying veracity of your belief system. Because of your appreciation for logic and order, those who speak or think in a sloppy manner are apt to generate more than their share of wrath. Although very amiable, you are not drawn to friendships out of a sense of personal need. You are just as happy by yourself with a good book or puzzle. Because you are so involved with thought, you will on occasion have difficulty dealing with the day-to-day problems of a normal life. Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, these are often left until the last possible moment, if at all.
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:45am
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    Quiet and very self-assured, you tend to keep your own council. Pragmatic and practical to a fault, you are not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse. In fact, because you are very much an individualist, you often finds yourself at odds with the established truth or the wishes of the majority. You will often earn the wrath of an employer by taking upon yourself decisions which are rightly those of your manager. You are not one to take credit unless it is deserved. Similarly however, you will also not happily give credit where it is not due. In a romantic relationship you can be very frustrating. While you do care deeply and sincerely, and are willing to work at a relationship, your confidence in your own abilities can on occasion make it difficult to see the world from a partner’s point of view. Quiet and stoic at times, you can drive a more emotional individual completely up the wall. You can become overstressed and fatigued without knowing it. Taking time to rest between bouts of hard work can help to prevent a breakdown later on.

    Uhm...OMG NO! Weird. I ended up just choosing pretty colors/shapes. File
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:45am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    My result: I found it about 95% accurate.

    You tend to draw and nurture others with your natural charisma. Rarely satisfied with petty details, you remain focused on the grander scheme of things. In affairs of the heart you are very practical and might be thought on occasion perfunctory or shallow. Oddly, though you have a natural tendency to lead, you have a very thin skin and can easily be hurt by a thoughtless comment or a cruel barb. There is a danger that you will take on more responsibility than you can reasonably be expected to manage. So eager are you to succeed, that on occasion you crash and burn when the reality of the situation rears its head. Often your wide circle of friends can be rather indiscriminate; care must be taken not to become entangled with those of questionable moral character. Admitting weakness isn’t easy for you. When proven not to be invulnerable it can come as a great surprise. Unresolved issues can trouble you deeply.
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    Verbally and mentally fluid, you are refreshing and illuminating to those around you. This is occasionally somewhat discounted by the obvious pleasure that you take in exercising your mental acuity. Although generally peaceful you can often take a verbally aggressive tact in relations with the world, which can often be misunderstood by those around you. Innovative in the extreme, you can often think yourself right out of the correct answer to a given problem. Many times you are referred to as your own worst enemy. You tire very quickly of routine and so make poor clerks or administrative help. You also have no respect for authority and little patience for those you regard as inferior, most especially those in charge. Experimentation is your watchword and can occasionally lead to experience for its own sake and shallow decadence. Your thought can sometimes be scattered and disconnected.

    I took it again, actually trying this time. XD THIS ONE IS SPOT ON.
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:48am
  • disenchantments.

    disenchantments. (100)

    United States
    April 4th, 2011 at 09:02am
  • mr. mojo risin

    mr. mojo risin (100)

    Always happy in a crowd, you love to converse, to relate, and above all to have fun. You tend to think in a more holistic manner than many others. Like a crow you are attracted to shiny objects, new ideas, playful exciting colors and the thrill of a new personal relationship. You love to talk or gossip. You are highly invested in the reality of day-to-day life. Practicality is far more important than issues of honor or allegiance. You are a creature of the here and now. You are a natural multi-tasker, often switching mid-thought from one duty to another. You have a flair for presenting your personality in your work, and are known as a great storyteller and natural actor. You are very skilled at taking in a barrage of information and distilling what is most important from it. Naturally charming, you are quick to win new friends. Over stimulation is a danger.

    ...the fuck..
    April 4th, 2011 at 09:14am
  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    Though quiet on the outside, you are often the hidden hero; someone who rushes in when needed and then after the emergency is over fades back into the woodwork. Because of this sense of duty and honor, you can also on occasion be rigid in your viewpoint and unyielding in the face of other ways of thinking. Usually cynical and rarely trusting of others, you maintain a small set of intimate friends. These bonds are stronger than most. You are always grounded in the present moment. Your close bonds can also lead to clique-ishness and a tendency to gossip about those who are deemed less worthy. You are an integrative thinker, collecting data from a wide range of sources and applying it to your worldview. You can become overly task-oriented. In stressful situations you often withdraw from the world to seek peace in contemplation. You often seem cold and withdrawn. Often you will withdraw rather than verbalize your discontent.

    Shocked It's pretty accurate...
    April 4th, 2011 at 09:31am
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator
    You tend to draw and nurture others with your natural charisma. Rarely satisfied with petty details, you remain focused on the grander scheme of things. In affairs of the heart you are very practical and might be thought on occasion perfunctory or shallow. Oddly, though you have a natural tendency to lead, you have a very thin skin and can easily be hurt by a thoughtless comment or a cruel barb. There is a danger that you will take on more responsibility than you can reasonably be expected to manage. So eager are you to succeed, that on occasion you crash and burn when the reality of the situation rears its head. Often your wide circle of friends can be rather indiscriminate; care must be taken not to become entangled with those of questionable moral character. Admitting weakness isn’t easy for you. When proven not to be invulnerable it can come as a great surprise. Unresolved issues can trouble you deeply.

    Some are accurate. Some are just. Cheese
    April 4th, 2011 at 09:39am
  • tyler joseph.

    tyler joseph. (100)

    United States
    You are in a perpetual quest to find the new, the exciting. Emotionally volatile, you are known for sudden changes of opinion, of appreciation, and behavior. Following rules and established methods is difficult for you and the difficulties of higher education are usually quite daunting. Knowledge is best gained through an intimate association with the matter at hand. Usually driven by attitudes and desires of the group, you are talented in an established field of endeavor. Emotions come and go without a strong understanding of their causes. They are unexpected guests in an otherwise placid landscape. You live by your own codes of conduct, which can be noble or terrible depending on the individual. Authority is meaningless to you. You hate to be predictable, at all costs. Rarely verbally effusive, you can at times feel as if your feelings are too deep for words. You are very observant, but rarely express these observations to others.

    Emphasis mine. Pretty freaking accurate, for the most part. Shocked some of the questions were kinda creeping me out a little, though.
    April 4th, 2011 at 09:43am
  • UsagiChaan

    UsagiChaan (155)

    United States
    Quiet and very self-assured, you tend to keep your own council. Pragmatic and practical to a fault, you are not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse. In fact, because you are very much an individualist, you often finds yourself at odds with the established truth or the wishes of the majority. You will often earn the wrath of an employer by taking upon yourself decisions which are rightly those of your manager. You are not one to take credit unless it is deserved. Similarly however, you will also not happily give credit where it is not due. In a romantic relationship you can be very frustrating. While you do care deeply and sincerely, and are willing to work at a relationship, your confidence in your own abilities can on occasion make it difficult to see the world from a partner’s point of view. Quiet and stoic at times, you can drive a more emotional individual completely up the wall. You can become overstressed and fatigued without knowing it. Taking time to rest between bouts of hard work can help to prevent a breakdown later on.

    This is actually fairly accurate. I've never really gotten such accurate results from one of these things.
    April 4th, 2011 at 02:05pm
  • unapologetic.

    unapologetic. (100)

    United States
    Your power comes from an ability to sense how things might be and to proclaim this possibility with a great force and willingness to act. You have a tendency to be romantic, and can be an idealist. This sense of how the world can be is often expressed with self-deprecatory humor. Because of your need to address the immediacy of the moment, you may not think things through to their logical end, relying instead on a feeling for how a situation SHOULD end. You need to be liked and appreciated by others, although your attention often wanders. Sometimes you neglect old friends in favor of a new or exciting acquaintance. You have a real difficulty being alone. Often you will seem to know how to handle a situation without exactly knowing HOW you know this. Your thoughts are often shallow. While in the excitement of the moment you can obsess about a task at hand. If it should become rote and unexciting, however, it can be dropped just as quickly.

    April 4th, 2011 at 08:15pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Quiet and very self-assured, you tend to keep your own council. Pragmatic and practical to a fault, you are not one to worry about the finer points of philosophical discourse. In fact, because you are very much an individualist, you often finds yourself at odds with the established truth or the wishes of the majority. You will often earn the wrath of an employer by taking upon yourself decisions which are rightly those of your manager. You are not one to take credit unless it is deserved. Similarly however, you will also not happily give credit where it is not due. In a romantic relationship you can be very frustrating. While you do care deeply and sincerely, and are willing to work at a relationship, your confidence in your own abilities can on occasion make it difficult to see the world from a partner’s point of view. Quiet and stoic at times, you can drive a more emotional individual completely up the wall. You can become overstressed and fatigued without knowing it. Taking time to rest between bouts of hard work can help to prevent a breakdown later on.

    Ohmygod what?! Cheese
    April 4th, 2011 at 08:29pm
  • i r i s;

    i r i s; (100)

    You need to help others and to be thought of as a generous and kind individual. Often you are taken advantage of and regarded as simply part of the scenery. You work best when handling the work yourself; you do not appreciate a managerial role and tend to be uncomfortable in that position. Friendship is important to you, but it is generated on a personal basis, rarely a professional one. Consequently, family life is very important to you, and is often the most important aspect. Because of a strong sense of propriety however, you will sometimes consider the eccentric behavior of your friends and family as a personal affront. Often you find it difficult to speak up about personal anguish or pain, feeling instead that it is something an individual should bear in silence. Tradition is important to you, and you feel a sense of belonging when operating within the constraints of a predictable routine.

    Okay. Pretty much exact.
    Did it a second time, this time reading everything.
    April 4th, 2011 at 08:47pm
  • Smooth Criminal

    Smooth Criminal (400)

    United States
    Handy in the real world manipulation of objects and events, you are easily enthused by practical projects. You often ignore or conveniently forget rules and boundaries that limit your freedom. This need for freedom extends even to the personal sphere and though you are kind and gentle, you will often be hard to pin down to a monogamous lifestyle. Because you tend to verbalize so seldom, you can be seen as phlegmatic or impassive. In moments of high tension you can often surprise those around you with a lighthearted or humorous remark. Because of your facility with the physical world, you are often engaged in sports that require dexterity, such as motorcycling or hang gliding. You will rarely have time for flights of fancy or unproductive discussion. Constraints on your freedom will be regarded as a personal attack.

    So true. I'm the kind of person that prefers motorcycles and hang gliding. tehe
    April 4th, 2011 at 08:52pm