Pregnancy Scares?

  • Broken_Butterflies

    Broken_Butterflies (100)

    United States
    Ok, I was just wondering if anyone out there has had a really terrifying pregnancy scare. I recently had one. I was at a friends house and I was telling them how I've been gaining weight and been really moody lately. It was someones bright idea for me to take a pregnancy test just for the hell of it. I took the test and it said positive. My heart dropped. I have a four month old baby and having another would be almost impossible for me. I took a second test and it came up negative. I was so freaked by that point that I went to the doctors soon after. They gave me a pregnancy test and it turns out I'm not pregnant. It scared the living daylights out of me at the time. Has anyone else thought they were pregnant but turned out not to be? Just wondering. Thanx Smile
    July 30th, 2011 at 06:32am
  • barely legal

    barely legal (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I stopped my Pill after finishing a packet, and then was late for 5 days. I was also in funny moods, couldn't stop eating and cried really easily. I had to take a pregnancy test but it was negative. I came on my period that night, so what a waste of £4.50. Rolling Eyes
    It was scary, but I had to stay rational. I decided there was no reason to panic until I had a reason to panic, and that's why I didn't tell my boyfriend until afterwards. I actually hadn't had unprotected sex at all, so if I was pregnant, I would've been that very unlucky 2%.
    August 1st, 2011 at 01:29pm
  • ninjay

    ninjay (100)

    New Zealand
    The one time I had unprotected sex, my period was almost a week late and I was terrified I was pregnant. I skipped school to go to the pharmacy and get a couple of tests, which I then took at my friends house.
    Luckily they were negative and my period arrived a few days later.

    The next time I had a pregnancy scare, I took a test and it said negative, but my body still felt off so I took another one a couple of weeks later. Positive.
    I couldn't believe it, 'cause I hadn't had unprotected sex for years. I was that unlucky 2%.
    August 2nd, 2011 at 10:52am
  • twin.

    twin. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have had a couple or so pregnancy scares and each time I've started with the freak out about what I would or wouldn't do, bought the test and thank goodness each time they've been negative and eventually my period has come. I think one of the worst was when I was fifteen as I really believed I was pregnant because I was certain I had all the signs and symptoms and I was absoloutely terrified. I wasn't - but it's amazing what goes through your head when you think you might be!
    August 3rd, 2011 at 09:59pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I scare myself into thinking I'm pregnant on a regular basis. I don't have to be late or anything, but I'm just extremely paranoid person and getting pregnant is probably my biggest fear. Because of my pill my period always starts on a Thursday, and if I wake up Thursday morning and it hasn't started I'm on edge all day until it does. I basically cheer every time it starts.

    XD I suck.
    August 4th, 2011 at 12:12am
  • p i e t a s .

    p i e t a s . (100)

    United States
    I never really get my period. it's like every 3 to 6 months that I get it. I haven't had mine since July, so I continuously think I'm pregnant.
    Recently, the condom broke, like... at the end.. And I'm terrified of having something growning inside me. I don't want kids; ever, so this is pretty bad.
    October 23rd, 2011 at 08:03pm
  • Kiss Me At Sunset

    Kiss Me At Sunset (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I had the scare with my first sexual partner. I was shizing myself if I was because my mom didn't know I had lost my V.
    But if I had been, my ex said he was willing to go through it with me. Hold my hand and everything. It was up to me what happened. But I was lucky and wasn't because my ex cheated on me anyway.
    January 6th, 2012 at 04:00pm
  • riley000

    riley000 (100)

    I had a scare last summer and I was going crazy on what to do. My parents were big on waiting and stuff. We had sit downs and talked to me about pregnancy and STDs and that they implemented rules so that me and siblings won't stray. But they say that they understand the times now and that there a of sexually acting out teens out there and we should just be careful and that we can always talk to them. I was so torn because I didn't want to disappoint them. Good think it was a false alarm. :)
    January 11th, 2012 at 11:26am
  • pessimism

    pessimism (150)

    United States
    Actually, I had a scare just recently.

    My ex boyfriend broke up with me just recently, but before he did, we had sex. We did use protection, but before he stuck his "friend" in without a condom on and pulled out. We did this a few times.
    I got my period though two days ago, but I'm stressing myself thinking it's different. My friend told me she'll snag me a test from Wal-mart.
    May 18th, 2012 at 12:27am
  • Jewel Nicole

    Jewel Nicole (100)

    United States
    When I was with my boyfriend I had one but I don't really think it qualifies as a "scare". I was tracking my period through a period tracker app on my phone and it only estimates your cycle. (I have a normal cycle, it happens once a month, but it's never exact the exact 28, sometimes it's later and sometimes it's sooner.) So, by the application I was like 2 days late and I was freaking out. I got my period two days later. XD I was using condoms then (and there was only three times we didn't use a condom, but he pulled out). Now I'm on the pill. I don't have a boyfriend anymore so my sexual activity is at zero. However, if I know I'm going to have sex or planning on it, I'm going to use a condom even if I'm on the pill that way I'm extra careful.
    May 18th, 2012 at 01:05am
  • dally winston.

    dally winston. (100)

    United States
    I took a pregnancy test for shits and giggles. It came back positive. There weren't so many giggles after that. I'm now expecting a little one in June. c:
    November 21st, 2012 at 09:24pm
  • Miss.J.isamonster

    Miss.J.isamonster (100)

    United States
    I've had two and they were not fun. The first time was with my ex, after we had just started having sex, and he was somewhat excited with the idea that I could have been carrying his child. I started my period and his dreams were seemingly crushed. Fast forward two years later when I am actually considering having a kid and he decides to dump me because he's been chatting up his ex (Not in a romantic way seeing as she's apparently into women now, but he had no concern over how it made me feel.) the love wasn't there anymore. Anyway, my period was really late, too late, and I'd been showing symptoms of being pregnant according to his brother, who was our roommate. He'd had a baby, almost two, so he knew the symptoms well enough to see it (So he said.) and it freaked me out. I was stressing about trying to save a relationship that couldn't be saved and over the possibility of a baby who's father said he no longer wanted any kids. He told me if I DID end up preggers then he'd HAVE to stay with me. Something bloody did come and I'm not entirely sure if it was a period or not. It didn't look or feel like any period I'd ever had before but I don't think I'll ever know for sure and it's heartbreaking. What's worse is that I don't even think I want to know.
    December 4th, 2012 at 10:12pm
  • hannibal

    hannibal (150)

    United Kingdom
    I had one with my ex. My breasts were sore, I missed my period, I was moody, sick, usual symptoms, so of course, I panic and go and get a pregnancy test and it came out positive. But to be sure, I went to the doctors seeing as they have more accurate ones. Luckily, it was a false alarm. After that, I got an implant in and they last for about three years . The panic I felt was absolutely terrifying. :(
    December 16th, 2012 at 04:18pm
  • ZeldaCake

    ZeldaCake (100)

    United States
    OKAY. I know I'm a bit late on this. I'm new to the site; seems very intriguing, and I simply had to make an account to share my story on this topic as well.

    I recently had a terrible pregnancy scare, and for any couples or ladies out there who aren't planning to have children for a while, you should know it's one of the worst feelings you can experience in your life (especially if you're young).

    I've been on the pill for about a year. I visited my boyfriend about a month ago, and when we had intercourse, we use the pull-out method (which I really don't recommend) on top of me taking my pills religiously. At one point we did have a bit of an accident. Stupidly, we shrugged it off (which I ALSO don't recommend for the sake of safety and/or putting your mind at ease) because we figured it wasn't a significant amount. I came home about 4 days later and fell sick with some mild flu symptoms thereafter. Now, I KNEW pregnancy symptoms couldn't show at such an early time, but I did a bit of research just for shits. Ladies, don't do this right away. It can increase your paranoia, and your mind can even trick you into thinking the worst when there's probably nothing to worry about at all. This is pretty much what happened to me, I convinced myself that these could potentially be early signs, even though I was very well aware that conception takes much longer than that. But I continued on with my week and tried not to worry. It wasn't until a week passed by, and I saw a light brown spotting when I went to the restroom. Like any other girl, I absolutely panicked and was frantic (this is what I thought was implantation bleeding). I'm an early graduate and barely getting a start into the real world, I can't have a child! I contacted Planned Parenthood twice to at least get a pregnancy test, and regardless of what their site says, they were seriously no help at all. They didn't have doctors present or their clinicians were "too busy with other patients." However, when I stopped to think of it, I'm way too sensitive to even think about taking pills to have a miscarriage or having a vacuum suck out the contents of my uterus. So I did what many people fear...I turned to my mother for help. I told her everything that was going on in my current situation. I swear, if I didn't tell her, I would have gone insane. I had so much anxiety that I could barely stomach food or even balance throughout the day. She was disappointed in me, but willing to do anything to help me. She told me to come off my pills and see if I get my period. She also assured me that I've been on birth control way too long, and it would be difficult for me to even try to get pregnant if I wanted to and if I hadn't been taking them at the time. Sure enough, three days later, that time of month comes! The only time a girl is probably legitimately happy to get it.

    If you actually read all of this, congrats. My intention for this super long reply is to really assure other girls out there that are in a similar situation that there's no need for panic if you used at least one reliable form of contraception. I don't know why I thought my pills would fail me, and you shouldn't think that either UNLESS you aren't being consistent with them or you take another drug that can conflict with their effectiveness. Aside from that, the pill is very effective, many believe it's more effective than a condom. If you're really paranoid about relying on the pill alone, most definitely use another form of protection to set your mind at ease. Also, don't rely on early pregnancy symptoms to help you determine whether you may or may not be pregnant because they're too similar to PMS symptoms. Stressing out about all this can also make your period late, which happens more often than you may think.

    That is all.
    January 17th, 2013 at 04:47am
  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States
    I didn't have a pregnancy scare because I honestly thought I wasn't pregnant; no sypmtoms or anything. So in June 2012 I'm a few days late. I think nothing of it, thinking it was due to stress or maybe the drugs and alcohol (coworker, who is the father, and I liked to party it up) caused my period to get fucked up. So coworker and I had been having sex for almost a year at this point, and only used a condom the first time we had done it. We always used the pull out method and it worked for us for almost a year because he was pretty good at it.

    Anyway, I'm saying it wasn't a pregnancy scare because I honestly believed there was no way I was pregnant. Period was over a week late and I had no sypmtoms. No sickness, no implantation bleeding, no bloating, nothing. I felt normal. I tell coworker that I'm late and he suggests a pregnancy test just to see what happens.

    I took six. All came out positive. Expecting a girl this February.

    So obviously don't use pull out method as birth control because it doesn't work. :]
    January 23rd, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • Name Of Misery.

    Name Of Misery. (100)

    United States
    I had a pregnancy scare two weeks ago or so. I have a normal-ish cycle, 29-30 days every month, no weird exceptions. And my boyfriend and I technically don't use birth control... unless you count the pull out method. He pees before and after sex to get excess sperm out of the urethra so that there is no sperm in the precum. So, I'm moderately safe.

    So, I was expecting my last period to come March 29, give or take a day. I track my periods on my iPhone calendar, so that I can compare and predict my next period. And so March 28 comes, I wait, nothing happens. March 29, nothing. March 30 rolls around and I'm starting to get antsy. The 31st comes around and I still don't get it, so I tell my boyfriend. At this point my stomach is in constant knots. I'm searching every legitimate site for signs and symptoms of pregnancy and reasons for late periods other than pregnancy. The only reason I found other than pregnancy for a late period was illness during or before ovulation (it can delay it, apparently). I recalled having a cold two weeks before my normal period time, which is when ovulation occurs... but wasn't going to count on it. So, anxiousness ensues for another few days. Tell my friend about it, tell her maybe I should research my options.

    Seven days after my period should've come (a week ago), I get the balls to take two pregnancy tests. They were negative, thankfully.

    Two hours later, my period starts.

    What. the. hell.

    I'm thinking my constant stressing and worrying about my period made it later, to be honest. But seven days?
    April 17th, 2013 at 10:43pm
  • RaeStardust.

    RaeStardust. (100)

    United States
    I had a pregnancy scare about a month ago. My period was about five days late even after I took my patch off. It came later that night, and I was so glad. I eventually told my boyfriend and he was glad I didn't tell him up front because it would have had us both freaked out.
    June 11th, 2013 at 01:01am
  • tiara7

    tiara7 (100)

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    August 25th, 2022 at 10:27pm
  • Sanders33

    Sanders33 (100)

    As old man I understand pensioners who are trying to save a lot to buy food and pay bills. My neighbor visits pharmacy sydney and he says that there are great discounts for him. They have a free blood pressure and blood glucose check, so I think your father will like it.
    June 22nd, 2023 at 04:03pm
  • Deres

    Deres (100)

    It's really good that there are pharmacies that care about the elderly in the first place. I will recommend them to my grandmother, too.
    June 22nd, 2023 at 04:05pm