Evil Bosses/Management/Co-Workers

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Sometimes they're just evil. Follow Mibba rules and no bashing.

    My boss is suuuuuch a bitch/dick will not be tolerated.

    But you can put how much they frustrate/anger you and what they do to incite those emotions.


    My district manager came in Wednesday and changed the schedule. I was off Wednesday. I didn't bother to double-check it. Accidentally came in an hour early on Friday and if I hadn't called last night, I would have come in two hours late today.

    I'm not allowed to change my availability despite the fact that my original availability was based on the fact that I was a ten minute walk from work and I now live in another county without a car.

    I work full time and they're going to cut my hours in the winter regardless.

    There's also a lot of shit-talking at work.

    I'm so ready to quit my job.
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:17am
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    - My boss is foul. He's uses overly friendly tactics to get to know everyone, and then stabs you in the back once he's analysed your personality.

    - Everyone is so cliquey in my workplace. They all have their own little groups and bitch about other people in different groups. I get really paranoid trying to be myself around them because the thoughts of what they say about me get in the way.

    - Not to mention the main guy that I work with, he's above me and is supposed to provide me with work, is NEVER organised, so I mostly end up running around the place looking for pens and paper.
    November 7th, 2011 at 04:46pm
  • Cereal Killer

    Cereal Killer (100)

    United States
    My old boss started cutting my hours for no apparent reason, and giving them to a girl who just recently started working there. Turns out the reason he did that was because she was sucking him off.
    I don't work there anymore so I find it rather funny now tehe
    November 7th, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My company is regional so employee of the month is chosen from all the stores in the region, not just ours. For the first time in six months [maybe longer], an employee from our store was chosen. But all the people who are hangers [like her] are mad at her and think she's uppity for getting it when you have to be nominated by someone else. They're all at least 30 and they act like petty children.
    November 9th, 2011 at 05:26am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    I don't mind my main boss, but one of the managers I frequently work with is someone I just can't stand being around. He's always yelling at me in Spanish and then calling me names in Spanish, which really rubs me the wrong way since I have no idea what he's saying unless I happen to hear him calling me really foul names. He's also tried to get me fired, tried to get my friends fired, tried to get my boyfriend fired, and tried to get one of the other managers fired. He always cuts out on work and leaves the employees alone, and he's always favoritizing one of the other girls...who he's intimate with. Facepalm
    November 10th, 2011 at 02:02am
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    I'm so sick and tired of this one girl using her superiority against everyone else. She's only 24, but thinks she's got the run of the school. She walking into the staff room high and mighty, a complaint on her tongue every bloody day and as soon as someone leaves the room, she's bitching about them.

    On Tuesday, she took it upon herself to confiscate a ball from the kids and rip it up because they were using it to hit each other. YOU DON'T DO THAT! And you know what else she done, what really peeved me off? She turned to another person, handed them the ball and said 'Will you tell Ms (insert name) that I've ripped the ball up. Thanks'. Umm, tell her yourself, bitch. Unless you're too much of a coward. Who does she think she is, ripping up other people's property.

    jdhdskjfhskfa <--- How I feel right now.
    November 10th, 2011 at 12:04pm
  • kili the dwarf

    kili the dwarf (300)

    United States
    My boss has gone on a power trip and started cutting my hours along with two fellow employees and gave no warning and no reason, but she gave all the hours to the new girl. On top of that she doesn't even talk to me if I do something wrong, instead she puts sticky notes on my cubby or on my work station.
    March 16th, 2012 at 04:03pm
  • Shtrudel

    Shtrudel (100)

    I work from home but the 3 days of in-office training have given me a good idea of how annoying 2 co-workers of mine are.

    A. grabs my fucking arm, rubs my belly, pinches me etc. and I'm sure she means it affectionately, but I want to smash her through a shut window. Also he fidgets all over the monitor when I try to read something.

    B. loves to hear her own voice, so she adjusts her glasses and, sounding all importand and intelligent, asks and discusses long-answered questions while everyone is just gaping at her stupidity.

    Both need to be taken out by Shabak.
    April 23rd, 2012 at 10:29am

    SNATCHLIPS (100)

    I used to work at IGA which is a supermarket in australia. i had this hella pervy manager and he always used to like hit on me. he was pretty mank, old, fat, balding and always smelt like old fish/fap juice. anyway, one day a few months back ,i was finishing my shift, it was probs like 5 in the afternoon and i was in the staff room grabbing my shizz and he walks in and starts talking to me. flirting again liket he old saddo that he is and thenn jusssst casually cops a feel of my boobs. ummm cool! so naturallyy i quite because hell dont wanna work for a pedo. eurghh sleazy men are the worst!
    May 7th, 2012 at 01:52pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    Honestly, I work in customer service, but often my fellow employees (not necessarily my co-workers in my department, pretty much all of them are cool) make me more mad than most of my customers. Like I will get snippy with other employees but pretty much never with a customer. Like, when I am transferring a customer to another department and it is definitely something that department can and is supposed to handle, but they try their damndest not to take the call. That happens way more than it should, too. Facepalm
    November 28th, 2012 at 03:53am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My department supervisor is slightly passive-aggressive and it really annoys me. She keeps telling me to do things in a way that will make for an inferior product or piss the customer off. At my company, if we don't "delight" the customer, we get in trouble. So she's basically saying 'do it the shitty way and get in trouble'.
    November 28th, 2012 at 08:26pm
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    I had a manager once that was in the place of someone else for about a week or so. He was a major creep. He gave some co-worker (a girl) his keys and was like "Take it for a spin, babe." And he hit on all of us girls. He stole 300 dollars out of a drawer, as well. Definitely a grade-a nasty.
    November 30th, 2012 at 02:05am
  • CC;

    CC; (205)

    I work for the number one store in my region, we're ranked fifth nationally. Well, we were. Then there were some changes, our store manager changed, she implemented half a dozen new policies, threatened to sack me for not smiling in the reserves. It was awful. In four months we went from number five national to sixty five, and number one in the western region to number twelve. >_> Someone finally noticed, and she came in on a Monday, and then on Tuesday we had a different store manager. She was moved and her four month stint at our store was wiped from the records.

    We didn't have a morning tea to celebrate the day she left. No, we would never do that. It was to boost "team morale". Sure. Team morale. Yes.

    Side note, the department supervisor of the department I work in frustrates me no end. I make suggestions, she treats me like an idiot and cuts me down, two days later the note she leaves me is filled with everything I said to do. I won't do it on principal now. Hmph.
    January 8th, 2013 at 09:40am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I have had 3 consecutive anxiety attacks at work. They’re normally due to a huuuuge deal of stress induced by my boss.

    He’s 70+ years old and the “executive director” manipulates him into paying all her bills, giving her a check of 300-400 a week (even when she’s not even in the same city and has no access to anything, so she pretty much does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but patrol the bank account from afar to see when she can take out money), turning him against me and the other doctor here (making him believe that we take stuff from his office), and leaves the account on negatives.

    I really cannot handle all by myself. I wish I could, but I can’t. I can’t do claims, billing, make appointments, organize the files, administrate the office’s money, be a book keeper, deal with insurances, manage EOBs, answer and make phonecalls, and still get into sessions to learn.

    I CAN’T.

    And they refuse to hire anybody else, why? Because “there’s no money.” Well of course there's no money.

    I really can’t. All this anxiety is being pushed and pushed and it’s going to resurface in self-harm again. I can’t deal with it anymore.
    April 10th, 2013 at 06:27pm
  • sydni.

    sydni. (100)

    United States
    Most of my co-workers are great except this one girl. She always has something snarky or rude to say to everyone, even a few customers have complained about her but she's still there.

    What bothers me the most is that she'll constantly shit-talk the other workers, especially the ones who are younger than her. Her crap-talk has mostly been centered around me in the past couple of weeks because of my pregnancy and how stupid I am for getting knocked up. I love my job and the pay is good, but holy crap, there are times when I want to quit, because of her.
    April 11th, 2013 at 04:35am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My new department manager. She's not horrible, but she's just obviously a little meaner and I think she really doesn't like me. She's also insulted other co-workers to my face. Pretty much every day I open after I'm there for 1-2 hours and have done work, I will ask to go get a coffee from Starbucks two stores away. I don't take any paid breaks, only my unpaid lunch break. It's the only break I take all day, despite being allotted two 15-minute breaks.

    So I put away two carts of toner, fixed a plano, it had been 2.5 hours and I asked to get a coffee 'cause it was slow. She was like ". . . hmmmmm . . . well . . . hmmmmm . . . I'm gonna say no . . . 'cause there's lots to do . . . why don't you pull overstock from the back to put away?"

    Ironically, it got super busy 15 minutes and I never stocked shit.

    (Also, coincidentally, earlier this week I bought a pack of pens the same boss had put on hold and someone else had put pack accidentally, without my knowing. Karma sucks.)
    April 12th, 2013 at 03:41am
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    I had a boss once that I absolutely fucking could not tolerate. He was some like, ex-criminal or something, all I know is that he was trying really hard to hold onto his management spot at the Wendy's I worked at. I remember he screamed at me for not leaving a customer when he needed me to grab him crackers or something. I seriously cried. He was also the manager that I quit with, even though he wasn't the GM. He just happened to be there the day I quit. Jerk.
    June 6th, 2013 at 07:04pm
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    Oh, goodness. I had a boss at my most recent previous job that infuriated me so much. He acted so cocky all the time. Plus he felt really entitled to everything around the work place--if you had a snack at your desk he'd just be like, "Hey, can I have some?" and then take some and walk away before you answered, and he stole other peoples' food out of the break room fridge all the time. And that's just the little things.

    We'd have these "intros" at the start of shift and after lunch that were basically "this is the game plan for the day, and here's anything we need to know before we get started," and for like a month straight the gist of his intros would basically be, "there's no reason we should be having such terrible productivity and it's because none of you are even trying and if you're not willing to do your job then I've got a stack of applications from people who will" because obviously every single person on the calling floor is having trouble getting sales IT'S BECAUSE OF US NOT THE LISTS WE'RE CALLING CLEARLY. That'll help morale.

    And one time I had a breakdown at work because I had a lot of personal stuff going on that this guy KNEW about, and I just broke down crying so I had to turn the call box off so I wouldn't be blubbering on the phone, and my boss looks right at me (I do not cry subtly, by the way, my whole face gets red and puffy, so I know he knew) and tells me, "Go home and don't bother coming back until you can keep your box on for a whole shift."

    Not to mention my first day there I overheard him telling his coworkers about pills he'd been popping the night before, and I know for a fact that--at least before he was promoted to supervisor, if not afterwards--he was one of the people who would regularly come to work high. Like, do what you want on your own time, but at least be responsible on the clock.

    That was not a good place to work, though. Very negative work environment, and a lot of self-centeredness coming from management as a whole, and the employees got blamed for everything and held responsibility for everything and most of my coworkers were people I just didn't like. I'm so glad to be away from that place.

    (Sorry for writing a book here guys)
    July 15th, 2013 at 07:34pm
  • chasethecountylines;

    chasethecountylines; (100)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    My manager at my old job was like an older sister. She was trying really hard to get me more hours and a promotion. Well my GM told me that the big boss was going to make me a manager 1 week after my 18th birthday and I'd be training starting the week before. I was ecstatic - apparently she wasn't.

    The night before she goes and changes me from a 4-11 shift to a 10-4 shift. And didnt tell me. I call at 2 to see who was working so I could find out if I could get a ride so I wouldn't be late. My GM told me I worked the morning shift and didn't show up so she gave my hours for the week away and is have to call back later on.

    I talked to my manager and she told me what had happened after she figured it out and said to call on Thursday and just explain my case. When I called I barely got out the words 'Hey (insert name), it's Shelby' before she cut me off and fired me, then hung up.

    I'm the only person willing to come in early, stay late, or come in on days I have scheduled off - and she fired me. My manager friend was PISSED and tried to get me my job back but couldn't get her to budge and the only proof the big boss had was what the GM entered into the computer.
    August 8th, 2013 at 10:58am
  • chasethecountylines;

    chasethecountylines; (100)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    OH!!! An there's a manager at my current job: pissed me off to the point I had a panic attack and had to leave early.

    I asked for a break - was told YES and after I clocked out I still had to take orders an clean the dinging room and stock and all the other shit I have to do.

    Then, 17 minutes later, I was put on drive thru so I had to toss the food I had bought for my 'lunch' because when you're on drive thru you're taking orders, collecting money and doing dishes, so you've not no time to eat. so I paid for food that I didn't even eat! I was so mad!! My brother was there (which is why I asked for a break) and said I should quit bit it's the only job I've got right now.
    August 8th, 2013 at 11:03am