Obama and the 2012 Election

  • @ dru will wait.
    Hahaha, that was my precise idea before I decided to go to college, so if Romney wins I very well may have to revisit this plan. The saddest part is we're not even exaggerating.
    September 30th, 2012 at 11:50pm
  • @ chai latte

    It's just that from the outside, it looks like you must be exaggerating. I really can't imagine just giving up when faced with (very temporary) political injustice. I mean, I understand despairing at politics - I'm in a constant state of despair because of politics - Romania's seen the worst political crisis of the last 10 years this summer - we were essentially without a working government for several months and while that happened the exchange rate got really horrible so all my expenses went up by about 15% - meanwhile, Hungary's still creeping towards Nazism - Greeks are stabbing immigrants in broad daylight - British government still hasn't removed restrictions on Romanian students' work permits - France is still deporting Romanian Romani people - it's a pretty much a given that whomever wins the election in the US, they'll continue to lobby for US corporations to be allowed to come steal resources and poison the environment in Romania - as is the fact that we'll continue to be bullied into sending people to fight your ridiculous wars - etc etc etc. I can't imagine having the option to say, no, humanity's being really idiotic, I don't want to do this any more, I'll just drop out of university / move to Canada / whatever. It seems like such an enormously privileged position - the only way I see to get my activism to be taken seriously / have an impact is if I stay in university (and I need my activism to have an impact to be able to live safely in my country) and most of my problems stem precisely from the fact that, being Eastern European, I can't just move to whichever country I want.
    October 1st, 2012 at 12:35pm
  • @ kafka.

    And just to add onto what kafka was saying, being homeless sucks balls. I cannot fathom why in the name of all that is good and green in the universe why you want that. It was the most terrifying thing I have EVER been through.

    It's not exactly greener on the other side.

    EDIT: I just realised how inelegant I sounded next to Andy but it's true.
    October 1st, 2012 at 01:14pm
  • @ kafka.
    @ joan.

    I was slightly exaggerating about not exaggerating. tehe

    I was mostly joking about the homeless bit (albeit my family of three does live off only $1000/month, all of which is government assistance) but dropping out of school I wasn't. Not because I think, "Oh, politics sucks so that means I'm going to screw my education," but because the only reason I'm able to afford to go to school (and I go to the cheapest school in the entire state) is the Pell Grant, which Romney/Ryan want to dramatically decrease, drastically tighten restrictions on eligibility, or do away with completely. That grant is paying for my entire education right now.

    I've got $45,000 in a trust fund left for me from when my mom died so I could pay for school with that for a while, but when it comes time to go to grad school? I will have to take out loans, no matter who's president, but under Romney/Ryan or any other Republican, I'll be paying nearly 7% interest on loans rather than closer to 3%. It's only a few percentage points but on a $150,000 three-year law education it adds up to an extra six grand, just in simple interest.

    And to kafka.--I apologize if it seemed like I was dismissing the problems other countries face (which I realize are often much worse than in the US). I'm absolutely speaking from a position of huge privilege, which I do try to be aware of and keep in check. Mostly I'm frustrated because as soon as I get my life together, have a pretty solid plan, and go back to school, I'm one election away from having that ripped away from me, or at the very least making it much harder than it already is.
    October 1st, 2012 at 03:02pm

  • This is one of the most embarrassing things I've seen. I'm not saying that because I dislike Obama as a president, but because it's very sad (both democrat and republican) that there are people out there that really have no idea who's running or what they're voting for. It's like they're doing it blindfolded
    "Blind faith in anything will get you killed."

    October 1st, 2012 at 03:05pm
  • @ joan.
    Homeless, I meant, as in moving from community to community and not really staying in one place. From commune to commune, traveling around, staying off the grid by not having a permanent address. Like a bohemian lifestyle or something.

    Hopefully Romney won't win, but I know I can't continue in my current situation if he does 'cause I'll starve and I have no where else to go so that makes my options ... traveling solider or victim. I'll be a traveling soldier.
    October 1st, 2012 at 05:06pm
  • @ kafka.
    For the record, Obama is trying to stop those ridiculous wars. Romney would start more.
    October 1st, 2012 at 05:07pm
  • @ chai latte

    Get your butt over to Scotland and do your postgrad education here. It's a shit load cheaper. A three year postgraduate thing in Law at the University of Glasgow (which is pretty much the best uni in my area) will set you back $20,000ish a term and even then, you can get significant reductions and scholarships even as an international student.

    but you probably don't want to do that. Haha.

    I can see where you are coming from but the world can change a shitload in what, four years?

    Romney is an arse. But don't you bloody well dare to give up your dreams in education because of finances. I mean, jesus, I am a product of the welfare state. Nothing but nothing is going to stop me, even if I have to do my PhD over six years, part time, then that's all I wanna do.

    I do hope that Obama does get re-elected but I don't see why you should make your dreams suffer due to loans and shit. -sigh- I suppose that's life...

    @ dru will wait.

    In what way does it make you a soldier?

    And how does living "off the grid" benefit you? It sounds far too romaticised. It sounds like Doctor Who: travelling around and that. Trouble is, with the Doctor comes the monsters.

    I can totally understand that Romney would be a nightmare President but doing something as drastic as that sounds...it doesn't solve the problem, does it? It's running away from the problem.
    October 1st, 2012 at 08:04pm
  • @ joan.
    Living off the grid benefits me because I don't have to pay taxes or anything.

    Yeah, right now I'm sick of trying to solve problems. I'd rather give up. If I could lock myself in a box for four years and take a nap, I would, but that's not possible.
    October 2nd, 2012 at 05:09am
  • Any other Mibbians getting their debate on? tehe

    I like how Romeny mentioned we should build the best schools in the world.... yet failed to mention he only intends for those who can afford them to be educated.


    I think that's the most relatable thing he's ever said.
    October 4th, 2012 at 03:10am
  • I'm just going to keep editing this post through out the debate since so I don't have a million posts. Hand
    "If I don't like my insurance company I can get a different one."

    The amount of privilege that's attached to everything Romney says makes me perpetually roll my eyes.
    ....did Romney really just address garage banks as a serious free enterprise threat? Like really, did that just happen? lmfao
    October 4th, 2012 at 03:49am
  • @ Kurtni
    I'm seriously ready to reach through my screen and slap him. And that's as respectful and classy as I could possibly be. He's interrupting the President of the United States, telling the moderator to hold on a minute, and he refuses to mention any real plan or any real numbers related to his plans. And honestly, he's making the president look like the classier guy - Romney hasn't been this talkative and disrespectful in the year that he's been running, and Obama's being the kinder guy and is standing there and letting him talk shit.

    I am just. Eurgh. I have not been this frustrated about the upcoming election since that primary debate with the seven high school prom queen candidates.
    October 4th, 2012 at 03:59am
  • @ Takanori Matsumoto.
    I was kind of hoping Jim would just fuck him over on time after Romney's PBS comment lmfao But Jim's a nice guy.... and Romney can't take instructions anyways.
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:01am
  • @ Kurtni
    I knew there was a reason I liked you! lmfao But oh my god. Obama's been addressing him as "Governor Romney" and "Mister Romney."

    And Romney, at the very beginning, almost decided not to call him "Mister President." He was going to call him "Obama" - that itched me the wrong way so bad that I'm glad my parents are recording this on my DVR. It's going to take a couple of watches to be not infuriated by the guy and actually pay attention to what's being said.
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:03am
  • I'm watching a live stream. Yes, it's about 3am. tehe

    Romney seems to be a bit on edge, while Obama seems more cool and calm. Although that might be working in Romney's favour somehow.
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:05am
  • Takanori Matsumoto.:
    @ Kurtni
    I'm seriously ready to reach through my screen and slap him. And that's as respectful and classy as I could possibly be. He's interrupting the President of the United States, telling the moderator to hold on a minute, and he refuses to mention any real plan or any real numbers related to his plans. And honestly, he's making the president look like the classier guy - Romney hasn't been this talkative and disrespectful in the year that he's been running, and Obama's being the kinder guy and is standing there and letting him talk shit.

    I am just. Eurgh. I have not been this frustrated about the upcoming election since that primary debate with the seven high school prom queen candidates.
    They are both interrupting each other and going over their time and telling someone at least once to "hold on". Not just Romney.
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:07am
  • "I used to consult to businesses, excuse me, I mean hospitals..."

    Freudian slip much? Facepalm
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:08am
  • @ tempest.
    The reason that I have such a problem with what he's doing is that he's backpedaling, just like he has been throughout his entire campaign. The only solution he's offered for Obamacare is something that sounds an awful lot like Obamacare, and he wants to just keep backtracking through the debate. No. I say, make the guy answer the questions that Jim has planned to ask. And I'm not saying that Obama is flawless. He, too, has told Jim to give him a minute. But he's being more polite, and he's waiting his turn to speak. Romney is interrupting the President of the United States. That's so un-classy and disrespectful.
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:10am
  • https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/377338_435412383162485_1492679441_n.jpg

    Ryan and I gave up on this after the second segment because we don't want alcohol poisoning, but next debate we're having a watching party with our friends and going hard. Laughing
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:13am
  • @ Takanori Matsumoto.
    It's un-classy and disrespectful to speak over anyone. Lol. Before Obama was Mr. President, he was a "just a guy", for lack of a better term. I don't see why Romney (or anyone else) interrupting Obama is worse than Obama interrupting Romney (or someone else), you know? In you first post, you sounded as if Romney was the only semi bad-mannered one of the two. Not true. Besides, Obama is the King of avoiding questions and talking circles.
    October 4th, 2012 at 04:13am