General Q & A #16

  • malkin.

    malkin. (105)

    Slovak Republic
    i was wondering, why can't i open any tumblrs whose username starts or ends with a dash? i'm using firefox.
    April 25th, 2012 at 07:36pm
  • jennifer lawrence

    jennifer lawrence (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i was wondering, why can't i open any tumblrs whose username starts or ends with a dash? i'm using firefox.
    I'm not sure why this happens, but I have the same problem and I use Google Chrome. If you type the url into your search engine it should come up with a link to their blog.
    April 25th, 2012 at 09:18pm
  • pulmonary archery.

    pulmonary archery. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I wondering if someone could help me make up some names. I'm designing a polar bear (anthro) race for The Elder Scrolls game series. Thing is, I'm struggling coming up with names for the lore and general names, like the name of their God, or what they call certain objects, what their elder is called, things like that.

    I kinda of want them to be real words, but from other languages, but obscure enough that people won't instantly realise what it means. Like, if it was French or something, I think most people would get it.

    So far the race are called Yas-Mato (if you're not familiar with the game, that kind of name fits in quite well. They have a lot of double barrel names, etc), which directly means snow-bear in different Native American branches. I've tried looking at Japanese but the words aren't fitting. I need more words that mean cold, ice, crystal, bear, paw, claw, things like that.

    Any suggestions what languages I could look into?
    April 25th, 2012 at 10:58pm
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    pulmonary archery.:
    I wondering if someone could help me make up some names. I'm designing a polar bear (anthro) race for The Elder Scrolls game series. Thing is, I'm struggling coming up with names for the lore and general names, like the name of their God, or what they call certain objects, what their elder is called, things like that.

    I kinda of want them to be real words, but from other languages, but obscure enough that people won't instantly realise what it means. Like, if it was French or something, I think most people would get it.

    So far the race are called Yas-Mato (if you're not familiar with the game, that kind of name fits in quite well. They have a lot of double barrel names, etc), which directly means snow-bear in different Native American branches. I've tried looking at Japanese but the words aren't fitting. I need more words that mean cold, ice, crystal, bear, paw, claw, things like that.

    Any suggestions what languages I could look into?
    All I can say is...squee!

    Is there a particular part of Tamriel you want them to be from? I've noticed (and found some other people discussing it) that many of the names and meanings of things in the Elder Scroll games are based on places in the real world. From that, you should look to colder place languages. Perhaps Russian? Chinese? An amalgamation race would probably be best. From what I can decipher, I would imagine these people to be a combination of northern Russian, rural Chinese and some ancient tribal people of North Canada. This way, it's not an exact art and you have more room for manoeuvre.

    Some things I found of were jöŋkweli (icy large animal in Khanty), siry ngarka (snow bear in Nganasan) and perhaps most interestingly for this, nanuk which simply means polar bear in Inuit.

    I'm really interested in your project so if you ever need any help (or still want more help with the little I've done) please contact me. I'm playing through Skyrim at the moment and I'm pure addicted.
    April 26th, 2012 at 02:12am
  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    beneath the stars.:
    How would you show your love for music lyrics, besides getting them tattoo'd on you?
    You could get a temporary tattoo - airbrush or henna - or you could have the lyrics embroidered onto an item of clothing you wear a lot. You could get them put onto a wristband, or buy an ID bracelet and have the lyrics engraved. (For my friend's birthday a few years back - he's a massive Superman fan - I had a [manly] ID bracelet engraved with "W W (S) D ?" where the (S) was the Superman symbol. He still says it's the best gift a single person has given him, and wears it every day.) If you have a laptop or music player, you could either engrave or get a cover/decal with the lyrics - if you have a car, you could get a customised bumper sticker. If you're on Facebook and have 'timeline' you could design an image for your 'cover' photo which incorporates the lyrics. Or alternatively you could become a graffiti artist Smile

    Best of luck! Music touches us so deeply, it's important to have ways to express that, I think.
    April 26th, 2012 at 03:52am
  • lucky luciano

    lucky luciano (950)

    United States
    I don't know if this should go in the Signature Requests place or right here.

    But... is it not allowed to have swears in your signature? Like the F word and such?
    April 26th, 2012 at 04:39am
  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    racetrack higgins.:
    I don't know if this should go in the Signature Requests place or right here.

    But... is it not allowed to have swears in your signature? Like the F word and such?
    There doesn't seem to be a rule against it. The Comprehensive Rules List says no profanity in your username, that "excessive swearing will result in the deletion of your comment" on stories, that "swearing/cursing/profanities are prohibited in journals and journal comments," but swearing is supposedly permissible (again, not in excess) in the Forums, so, I assume it's okay. You could put "f*ck" (or similar) if you were worried? I assume you would be contacted if there's a problem. I think it's an excess thing, people are allowed to swear on Confessions, but they can't say "I'm going to bleeping bleep you till you're bleeped you bleeping bleeper," you know, psycho or abusive stuff. Use your judgement.
    April 26th, 2012 at 05:09am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    racetrack higgins.:
    I don't know if this should go in the Signature Requests place or right here.

    But... is it not allowed to have swears in your signature? Like the F word and such?
    It's fine.
    April 26th, 2012 at 05:11am
  • lucky luciano

    lucky luciano (950)

    United States
    pravda and Kurtni:

    Thank you Cute
    April 26th, 2012 at 05:34am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Question o1;

    Anyone have a good tip for remember to take your birth control every day?

    I live mine on the counter that I see right before I leave. I try to take it between 8-10 am every day but I have a crazy schedule so I can't set a daily alarm that stays steady. (And I can't set an alarm on days I work early because I only have one alarm and it's set.)

    i'd like to not put a note on my door and scare my boyfriend into thinking I forget my pills all the time. I typically just almost forget, but that scares me enough.

    I don't take any other pills and I cannot take it at night.

    Question o2;

    I'm using Firefox on a Windows XP laptop and for some reason, fonts won't get below 80/90 on my screen (on Mibba). Anyone know how I can fix that? I'd like to see the actual sizes for my sig.
    April 27th, 2012 at 04:59pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    dru runs this town.:
    Question o1;

    Anyone have a good tip for remember to take your birth control every day?

    I live mine on the counter that I see right before I leave. I try to take it between 8-10 am every day but I have a crazy schedule so I can't set a daily alarm that stays steady. (And I can't set an alarm on days I work early because I only have one alarm and it's set.)

    i'd like to not put a note on my door and scare my boyfriend into thinking I forget my pills all the time. I typically just almost forget, but that scares me enough.

    I don't take any other pills and I cannot take it at night.
    I think it helps to lump it in with another routine you've been doing regularly for a long time - something like brushing your teeth in the morning or drinking a cup of coffee or logging onto the computer to check e-mail/blog-sites or washing your face...whatever. If you make it a part of something you never forget to do, it'll be easier for you to remember.

    You could also set a daily alarm - a loud and irritating sounding one - on your cellphone to remind you to take it.

    And you can make note of it every day on your wall calendar (if you have one).

    I take my pill in the morning right before I brush my teeth and I have my alarm set to go off at 8am (before I usually leave for univ) just in case I didn't remember - and then I mark it with a black dot on my calendar so I know for sure I've taken it ( I hate those annoying "Did I/ Didn't I" moments when I can't really remember when the last day was).
    April 27th, 2012 at 06:12pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I don't really have any routines like that, particularly on days I work early. I don't even eat breakfast.

    Unfortunately, I have no cell phone currently so I can't do that. (Otherwise I could, but I only have an alarm clock and it only allows one alarm.)

    No calendar. XD

    I'm really not trying to be a pain in the ass. It's just... that one day I forget to take it, you know?
    April 27th, 2012 at 07:10pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    dru runs this town.:
    Question o1;

    Anyone have a good tip for remember to take your birth control every day?

    I live mine on the counter that I see right before I leave. I try to take it between 8-10 am every day but I have a crazy schedule so I can't set a daily alarm that stays steady. (And I can't set an alarm on days I work early because I only have one alarm and it's set.)

    i'd like to not put a note on my door and scare my boyfriend into thinking I forget my pills all the time. I typically just almost forget, but that scares me enough.

    I don't take any other pills and I cannot take it at night.
    From personal experience, mornings and evenings are not a good time to remember to take pills because you already have a lot of other things to do and / or are quite tired - try instead planning them around meals and breaks at work if you get them at the same time each day. It's a bit awkward to take pills if you're in a public space / other people are around, but it's better than forgetting to take them. Alternatively, have you tried taking them at memorable times - e.g. 11:11 or 12:34? You could even put a note on your door saying something, 11:11 remember to make a wish every day - or anything else that wouldn't look awkward, an inspirational quote or your favourite lyrics - your boyfriend doesn't have to know what it means for it to remind you to take the pill.
    April 27th, 2012 at 09:20pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I don't eat regular meals and I don't get breaks at the same time. XD

    Like, some days I'm gone from 6 am until 4pm. Other days I work from 9-5. Other days I work 4.30 to 9.30. Other days 11-730. You get the point.

    I'm sure I'll figure something out. Like I said, I generally just 'almost' forget.
    April 27th, 2012 at 10:30pm
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    dru runs this town.:
    I don't eat regular meals and I don't get breaks at the same time. XD

    Like, some days I'm gone from 6 am until 4pm. Other days I work from 9-5. Other days I work 4.30 to 9.30. Other days 11-730. You get the point.

    I'm sure I'll figure something out. Like I said, I generally just 'almost' forget.
    Do you watch the news or do something every night? I can't take my pills during the day/in the morning because they make me nauseous, but I take it every night before I watch the news, and it's like second nature now.

    You could get one of those snazzy, plastic disney watches from Walmart. I'm pretty sure they have alarms you can set, and you'd look really cool. Dance
    April 28th, 2012 at 02:22am
  • tempest.

    tempest. (180)

    United States
    OK. I got a call from my little cousin asking me to come over because she wanted to see me, so, being the good person I am, I said I'd go because I didn't want to upset her or anything (she asks me over all the time, but I'm usually busy with classes). I went. When I got there, their father said he was going out for drinks with a friend. I was not told I would be used as a babysitter, and he did not tell me what time he'd be back (their mother is out of town). He left, which was at 7:20, about 20 minutes after I got there. I just got home (at 10 PM), and he still wasn't home. I phoned someone else to come watch the two kids, because I had other plans and I wasn't informed I'd be used and deceived into babysitting. Apparently, his wife (the kids' mother) called him, knowing he was going out tonight, and asked him who's going to watch the kids, and he said "I'll take care of it". I guess "I'll take care of it" meant "I'll trick my niece into coming over while I go out and barhop".
    Anyways, my point is that I'm overly pissed and I don't know what to say or do now. I'm super angry that I was used, especially by someone in my fucking family.
    April 28th, 2012 at 04:17am
  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    OK. I got a call from my little cousin asking me to come over because she wanted to see me, so, being the good person I am, I said I'd go because I didn't want to upset her or anything (she asks me over all the time, but I'm usually busy with classes). I went. When I got there, their father said he was going out for drinks with a friend. I was not told I would be used as a babysitter, and he did not tell me what time he'd be back (their mother is out of town). He left, which was at 7:20, about 20 minutes after I got there. I just got home (at 10 PM), and he still wasn't home. I phoned someone else to come watch the two kids, because I had other plans and I wasn't informed I'd be used and deceived into babysitting. Apparently, his wife (the kids' mother) called him, knowing he was going out tonight, and asked him who's going to watch the kids, and he said "I'll take care of it". I guess "I'll take care of it" meant "I'll trick my niece into coming over while I go out and barhop".
    Anyways, my point is that I'm overly pissed and I don't know what to say or do now. I'm super angry that I was used, especially by someone in my fucking family.
    If he's the irresponsible guy you have described and he feels the need to lie to his wife, I guess I would suggest addressing your response to her (though also letting him know that you found it frustrating/rude that he manipulated you like that). Frame the issue as a concern about your cousin's safety, that you weren't told you were babysitting and so had other plans, but also bring up with her that you don't appreciate being tricked; assure her that, because they're family, you would be happy to do favours like babysitting, but that it was irresponsible of them(/him) to put you in that situation with no explanation/information and expect you to be available and know what to do.

    Also maybe have a good rant to a parent (or sibling?) since that will probably help with the anger. In fact if you have the rant first, it might help you identify exactly what your issues with it were and improve your articulation of those issues when/if you confront your aunt/uncle.
    April 28th, 2012 at 04:30am
  • tempest.

    tempest. (180)

    United States
    If he's the irresponsible guy you have described and he feels the need to lie to his wife, I guess I would suggest addressing your response to her (though also letting him know that you found it frustrating/rude that he manipulated you like that). Frame the issue as a concern about your cousin's safety, that you weren't told you were babysitting and so had other plans, but also bring up with her that you don't appreciate being tricked; assure her that, because they're family, you would be happy to do favours like babysitting, but that it was irresponsible of them(/him) to put you in that situation with no explanation/information and expect you to be available and know what to do.

    Also maybe have a good rant to a parent (or sibling?) since that will probably help with the anger. In fact if you have the rant first, it might help you identify exactly what your issues with it were and improve your articulation of those issues when/if you confront your aunt/uncle.
    He didn't exactly lie to his wife, he said he'd "take care of it" and take care of it he did. Just not in a way that I would have wished someone related to me would have done to me. Thanks for the advice, I think I'm going to confront him rather than his wife because I think the rudeness is more on his part than hers. I am so pissed. My god.
    April 28th, 2012 at 04:36am
  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    He didn't exactly lie to his wife, he said he'd "take care of it" and take care of it he did. Just not in a way that I would have wished someone related to me would have done to me. Thanks for the advice, I think I'm going to confront him rather than his wife because I think the rudeness is more on his part than hers. I am so pissed. My god.
    Yeah, but he could have told her "I will trick our niece," and he didn't, probably because he doesn't want to get into trouble, so my first thought would be to turn the situation into what he was avoiding (his wife finding out) - definitely bring it up with him, but he is probably expecting it (or should) because he knowingly did the thing. -shrug- best of luck. Family issues are a drag because of the added politics.
    April 28th, 2012 at 04:43am
  • Aly Jones

    Aly Jones (205)

    United States
    A good site for photo editing?
    April 28th, 2012 at 07:05pm