Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Welcome to Pandora's school for the Magically gifted, here you'll find the students are a little- let's just say special.


    Main Characters:

    Bartholomew Cornelius Szőke- Bart||Sandra McNeal

    Edgar Donovan Vasilev-Eddy||Nicole Skosrå

    Sasha Alexandra Moore ||Alex Reed

    Maggie Marie Anderson||Rye Samuels


    Non-Main Character list

    Robbie || Marsha

    Alissa (Alice) || Bo

    Emmy||Clarrissa||Sarah G.

    Zander || Drew || Molly

    David || Penny || Sarah

    Valerie || Sindri || Nichols || Ashton

    Tristan || Oliver || Gretta || Joan (UnSeelie Queen)

    June 29th, 2012 at 07:42am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Dazed was the word that described Maggie's state of mind perfectly she still couldn't believe she'd gone from model daughter to problem child in the matter of seconds. She had been inside the garage when it went up in flames after all! Okay, so maybe this wasn't the first structure she'd burnt down, actually it was the last on a long list of destruction that seemed to follow her around... burn down the school library and one-tops-two isles at Walmart and you're labeled Pyro for life.

    They were all accidents of course and hey the school got a huge grant from an anonymous source, 'most likely Maggie's father or the Council of Magic trying to shush things up,' but a grant's a grant none the less and after 60 hours of court ordered community service that crappy Walmart's never looked better!

    Sighing Maggie looked at the plain white boarding house she would be calling home. It stung to look at because it reminded her she wasn't passing by or even visiting this was her home now. Her father, step-mother, and even surprisingly mother all made this clear. Maggie was shocked her father had reached her mother let alone she'd agreed with him on the move.

    It was her fault after all that Maggie was addicted to fire like some people are addicted to meth. Yet, even though she needed her help she was long gone- no doubt getting in touch with her native side... Last time she'd heard from her mother was in a postcard, Maggie hadn't even known she was back from her three month trek following some native tribe in the amazon only to find out she was about to be led off the grid again by some shaman to start her extensive photo journal about the religious significance of the New Mexico mountains and terrains. She hadn't the time to call Maggie but she had the time to find a fax machine to send her agreement on her practical banishment!

    Yet again she'd left all parental authority to Maggie's father leaving caution to the wind and the smell of adventure in the air... All Maggie had smelled was the disgusting man who raised chickens for a living the entire 14 hour plane ride from her home in Nevada to a small town in Romania she couldn't even begin to pronounce.

    Fingers shaking Maggie watched with hungry eyes as a light green leaf floated into her sight, allowing a shiver to run down her spine she sighed in relief as the small fluttering leaf burst into flame decenergrating to ashes only seconds before hitting the roof of her new porch.

    Maggie's eyes widened as she heard a loud gasp behind her, grimacing she slowly turned around her eyes catching that of a strange looking boy. Praying he hadn't seen what she'd done.
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:02am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Two teens walked next to each other, seemingly separate but subconsciously close. The smaller off the two had a small, cherub like face, with fiery red hair to frame it. Although the weather was neither hot nor cold, she wore a skirt that hid her body, with jeans underneath that made no sense. She held her shoes in one hand, allowing her feet to meet the grass with each step.

    The other person, a boy who stood slightly taller and paid no attention to his surroundings, was dressed in casual yet proper clothes. The only thing extraordinary about him were the two golden colored cat-like ears that adorned his head, and there was little doubt that hidden in his trousers was a tail to match. The two seemed an odd pair, but for all appearances, so did the rest of the student population.

    Rye wasn't the kind to complain, but he found the whole changing schools thing unnecessary. He didn't need to find out what other people were like, he could just read about it or experience it in the field. His family life was nothing to worry about and he had a fair amount of friends. So what was it that he needed to work on? What was it that made him agree to this seemingly pointless plan?

    It was right when they were about to pass a tree on their way inside that something caught the boy's attention, and he looked in time to see a girl burn a leaf. With her hand. As if that was completely normal.

    Though, who was he to say what was normal? Rye looked at her, interested, and noticed vaguely the red haired elven girl pass by him in a flur. He knew he'd made some of noise, but that wasn't really important. He'd never really seen an elemental before, and he found himself intrigued. Glancing once again, he headed back inside, thinking maybe this school wouldn't be so bad.
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:52am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Maggie tried not to swear as she followed the boy and girl inside, she hoped they wouldn't tell the others she almost set the house on fire... Oh that would be a great phone call home she could almost hear it now, ' Ya dad... I know I've only been here all of three seconds but I almost burnt my dorm down... What was that? Institutionalized you say...'

    Not paying attention Maggie walked right into another boy knocking the plastic drink cup out of his hand.

    Although she knew she should've said sorry first all she could think of was, 'how many boys do I live with?'
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:05am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Alex tried not to flinch when he felt someone crash into him, and he tried not to start a cursing spree when he turned to the girl who had accidentally ' not been watching where she was going.' He tried to quiet that part of his head and groaned, looking at his shirt that was now completely soaked and the floor which had a round puddle on it now. He stepped away from the girl, but still tried to sound nice and friendly. "Hey... you ok?" He managed to get out, hoping the fact he was momentarily covered in his tattoos wouldn't scare her off. Today had been good so far the crowds of students weren't as bad as he had thought they'd be, and the other half was easier to control.

    That didn't really matter right now though. He offered the girl a slight smile and moved to the other side of the room, just watching and waiting to see what to do now.
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:24am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Sasha sat on the kitchen counter annoyed the rude brunette had entered the room and disrupted the quiet of the household. No one had been wishing for anything, no one had been dreaming... Now the taste in Sasha's mouth went sour as the girl's embarrassed wishes met her ears along with the boy's inner complaints for a dry shirt, and underneath that- well, she could hear him.

    Sasha almost wanted to mess with the girl, but realized she had it hard enough and instead picked her sandwich back up taking another large bite.

    "I'm fine, here let me help- I can dry you out in no time, watch" she added trying not to grimace as she heated her hand, placing it against the floor she watched the liquid start to disappear. She'd tried to make the natural flame that came from her palm look like a spell, trying to make it look like she was just a regular Witch- not a freaky half-breed.

    The sound of the door behind her slamming open caused her to jump the shock amplifying her powers causing her simple heat to turn into a spark. Eyes flashing Maggie was unable to stop herself from watching as the hardwood caught on fire before her eyes. The flame drew her in, she could hear shouting in the distance but right there all she could see was the small spreading flame.
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:39am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Alex jumped back when he thought she was going to approach him, then cursed when he saw that she had set the floor on fire. Everyone was either panicking or staring at the mess. He found gunshot glad that it wasn't him she'd tried to dry first, then remembered the current situation. He grabbed the girls shoulders, pulling her back so she wouldn't get burned in her own flame, and then another girl ran up with a wet clothe in her hands.

    Nicole watched as people ran around looking for something to stop the fire, slightly amusing her as they did. However, she wasn't fond of the idea of burning and the previous thrill she had experienced from the environment was being sucked up by the heat. So, rushing to a water fountain she took off her skirt, wetting it, and droppingit on the flames. Some guys rushed to help her stomp it out and she turned to the girl, frowning.

    Alex released her, not wanting to be close to anyone for too long. If things gotout of control he'd lose it, and he didn't want that. He looked around, noticing a solemn girl who seemed to get more agitated the more people started to freak.
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:58am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Pissed more now than ever Sasha jumped off the counted head pounding as she heard the panic thoughts of others. Not even bothering to ask his permission Sasha walked past Alex grabbing the collar of his shirt she forcibly pulled him out the door with her leaving behind the group of teenagers freaking out in the kitchen.

    "We need a break now," Sasha hissed at him as she pulled the reluctant demon farther away from the house whether he liked it or not she wasn't letting him go back in there until things settled down- not entirely for his sake, selfishly she really didn't want the headache if he freaked out and attacked someone.
    June 29th, 2012 at 10:10am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Things began to settle and everyone looked at the door where the demon kid and random girl had gone. Like a dam bursting, excited chatter filled the air. Nic' grabbed her skirt, slipping into the damp garment despite the odd stares she received.

    Alex followed the girl, both relieved and irritated that she had grabbed him. He wanted to thank her and wanted to hurt her all at the same time. He had it completely under control! Who was she to but in and just take him? Even he had too much pride to admit it saved him, and out didn't help that he wanted to grab her arm and rip her grip from his shirt.

    It was taking everything in him not to claw at her arm and get as much distance as possible between the two. When she finally let go he stumbled back, shuddering and shaking, but still maintaining his cool. He eyed her with both a sense if suspicion and curiosity. "What's the deal?! I was completely fine, why'd you grab me?"
    June 29th, 2012 at 10:49am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Sasha allowed her head to tilt to the side wondering if this guy was also a pathological liar. "Fine's not a word someone recently considering mutilation should use when describing their mental state," Sasha added quietly as she took off her over sized hoodie, throwing it at the boy. Even though her black t-shirt was a little too small she wasn't willing to listen to him gripe in his mind about his discomfort any more and she had a feeling they'd be stuck here a while, so he might as well get comfy.
    June 29th, 2012 at 10:56am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Alex's eyes narrowed, and he took a moment to figure out what she was saying. Then it hit him, and his demon relished in the discovery, knowing it had sensed something interesting with the girl. As per usual, Alex ignored it though. "You were in my head." He stated matter of factly, knowing it wouldn't be completely fair to get angry at her.

    He hesitated, then took off his wet shirt, slipping on the hoodie she gave him."It's an expression", he tried saying to defend himself, referring to the clawing threats.
    June 29th, 2012 at 11:10am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    "An expression for you is a reality for him," she added shrugging off his comment- she wasn't scared of the boy, she would have hurt him before he hurt her. Determined to make her point of not being scared off Sasha broke the distance between them again, laying down on the grass at his feet she stared up at the strange boy, she was surprised at his awkwardness most demons she's met were rather cocky- and bold.. This one seemed scared of his own skin.

    Sasha only wondered for a moment if it was a good idea to raise such curiosity in him, she wasn't sure if Alex himself even liked her as a person, his other side though-that she was sure of as his thoughts were becoming louder and more directed towards her.
    June 29th, 2012 at 11:21am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    He shuffled back, avoiding skin contact with her and sitting next to her but with an obvious gap between them. ' Personal space,' he muttered in his thoughts, knowing she could hear him. The constant nagging at the back of his head calmed some and he relaxed a bit, not so antsy with the distance between them.

    "Don't you think I know that by now? I know everything there is to know about the bastard." He muttered, pondering her comment. It was interesting how she referred to the demon side as another being.
    June 29th, 2012 at 11:35am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Laying her head on the grass she watched him for a moment, just watched-didn't judge, didn't think, didn't even listen to what he was thinking, she just stared at him.

    "I'm Sasha, I never introduced myself," She whispered for some reason feeling the need for just silence... And for something else, something she had to tell him, something she had to let him know right at that moment or their future friendship or whatever this thing was right now would never happen.

    "It's because you're not him," she stated plainly closing her mouth as she waited for what he would say.
    June 29th, 2012 at 11:43am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    There was a moment of stunned silence, where all the sound in the world seemed to have left and nothing could break it. Alex stared at her, speechless. He wanted to argue, because in reality, she was horribly wrong. He was him, and he was Alex. Together they existed, and without the other they wouldn't be here where they were. That's how it'd always be, and he knew and accepted it.

    He was about to state as much when he stopped himself. He stared back at Sasha, wanting to argue, to explain why she was wrong. But he couldn't, and for once in his life he could think, with no nagging voice in his head. He was Alex, with no Demon side. It was silent.

    Then he felt guilty, because he knew she could probably hear all his inner monologue, and that it was only causing a big headache. He bowed his head slightly, with a small smile. "I'm Alex. Nice to meet you."
    June 29th, 2012 at 12:07pm
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    A sleepy smile came upon Sasha's face as everything went quiet. "What do we do now?" Sasha said eyeing the boy with interest.
    June 29th, 2012 at 04:50pm
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    He still had a guarded posture, but ultimately just shrugged, not sure what to say. He watched as a few students straggled out of the building, chattering excitedly. They were too far to really hear, though, and they didn't bother the duo. "Up to you," he stated calmly, observing her slightly. He'd never met a dream weaver, if he was right and that's what she was.
    June 29th, 2012 at 05:13pm
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    The sun flashed down on them in the same annoying heatwave that had been present all day.

    "Let's go swimming, I saw a pond out behind the house," Sasha added not waiting for his reply before she started walking.
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:46pm
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    He looked at her, shocked at the random suggestion. "Uh, sure, ok. Why not?.." He began following her, wondering when she had the time to notice a pond. (So short, sorry DX I'm on my comp now, so if you want to bring in any other characters, I'm all open.)
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:10pm
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States

    Sasha smiled at him when they reached the pond, only bothering to slip off her worn-out tennis shoes she dove into the slightly green water, fully clothed the water cooling her off in the wake of the heated afternoon.


    Eddy watched as the red headed girl shook the fire starter. Although he'd almost been burnt alive (well okay that's a little dramatic but oh well,) he felt sympathy he was equally horrendous at magic.
    June 29th, 2012 at 11:42pm