Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    "Alex, Alen. Same difference, babe, we keep telling you that." Alen breathed, hands holding firmly onto Sasha's waist as she moved in front of him, his hands occasionally roaming areas that- though not outright banned, were pushing it when it came to public decency laws. "Lets face it, your boyfriend is still a runner. We may be getting better, but that doesn't change my crutch status. He called me, and I'm not one to refuse an irreplaceable offer," he whispered into her hear, laying a warm kiss by her earlobe right before she dipped down and came back up to nibble on his own earlobe, soliciting a small yet-totally-not-subtle groan from the demon.


    "Val!" Sindri exclaimed, smirking at the sirens antics. "Well, aren't you just full of compliments today. You flatter me, really, you do. I must say, that shirt looks absolutely stunning on you- why, you're a regular Harlot..aren't you?" Sindri chuckled, her laugh carrying through the air like wind chimes. "Before you dance, you should go check out the snack table. Penny has really outdone herself, I recommend you try the tarts, personally." Considering you are one, she thought brusquely, her mood souring- if only for a moment. She offered a blunt hello, no smile, no acknowledgement besides that to Nicole's boyfriend. Her sister deserved better- she had explicitly made this point clear to the twin, but after a certain point, she knew when she had to drop an argument. She didn't know what his game was, but Ashton reeked of fish, and she didn't like how he seemed to always be pissy with Nicole when she needed his support the most.

    It didn't help that the skeeze had tried to get her into his bed once and been a total ass when she refused.

    Nicole, however, was rather calm considering. She allowed herself to rest in Ashton's hold, hugging his arm against her chest.

    Then there was a commotion on the dance floor that caught her attention, and Ashton's too, it seemed.

    "Oh- ho ho, I don't think so," Sandra sputtered, gliding straight to the demon and fae combo currently grinding each others brains out. Nicole couldn't help but snicker, she had warned Sasha against wearing that dress. "THIS IS SO NOT COOL," she hissed, her face a deep scarlet red as she shoved her way between the two, daring one of them to even think of continuing their dance with her there. "GUYS. There are children here. PG-13 guys, PG-13 at the most! Honestly!"

    It was then that Sandra seemed to have caught sight of Val, who was still pressed flat against Eddy's back, her boobs on his back like some anime hentai shit. An inhumane noise escaped her throat as she threw her hands up, shaking her head. "This is why we can't have nice things."
    May 25th, 2015 at 11:59am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    "Oh God, listen Mom I can't help if the boys sexualize me. I'm just being me, you dig," Sasha shot back with a blatant roll of the eyes. Sandra was not scary. Not at all. The small Fae placed her hands on her hips. "You obviously haven't been to any parties, or high school dances for that matter. It's called MTV, they've probably seen it already, maybe you should tell them not to stare or join I can play nice." Sasha laughed as if she was drunk on something. Her laughter strange and definitely reminiscent of a Fae having a little bit too much fun. She was soaking this up. The word Party was dangerous to any Fae, but someone very deep in the Court it was practically addictive. Sasha couldn't help but wonder how Nicole was keeping her shit. She had to grind her teeth together to keep from swaying to the music. The need to dance and feel physical contact with anyone practically killing her.

    There was music, there was low lighting, there was a sensual feel to the air. Her emotions were running crazy. Parties were Fae territory. So why was she the only Fae dancing?

    From the look on Alice's face she could tell it was only going to be seconds before she cracked, yet the twins looked totally cool. Even though Val was bitching she seemed more content with sexually exploiting Eddy than feeding into the frenzy. Oh god... Was there no frenzy? Had her time with Isobel sucked the fun out of her and made even this apparently lame party like crack? Was she losing it? She had partied with Oliver for Christ sake. Oh shit. Oliver wasn't even out here. This was unacceptable.

    "Why are we the only ones dancing? This party sucks Sandra, get more people dancing and then they won't see us having fun," Sasha demanded literally pushing the girl back towards the group of loitering teens.
    May 25th, 2015 at 12:24pm
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    The contents in Adel's glass spilled slightly as she contained her laughter, Ryker, Amin, and Ki with her on the side of the house while they made sure everything was set up. She screwed her face up, handing the cup in her other hand- one of Rykers, filled with blood and wine mixed together, back to the vampire and shook her head. "That's terrible!" she snickered. Whether it was about the wine or the joke Ryker had just told her she didn't let on. The brooder had been a party killer all throughout the afternoon, since they had left the house, and she had finally gotten him to ease up. It only took about, what, an hour?

    "You managed to get everything set up?" Amin grinned at Adel, who nodded, draining the last of her cup easily and tossing it to her brother so he could dispose of it. Yes, she felt guilty, but certain things were worth it. Sandra would thank her in the long run. This party would be amazing, and Bambi didn't need to know...god, hopefully she never knew. "Yeah. I set it up so when Kalya comes to pick up the little ones she catches a whiff of something not exactly guardian approved. After that, the party will be on," she smirked, and Amin grinned back, feeling a familiar thrill running through his veins. It had been a while since they had done anything of interest lately. Even with Ki as his boyfriend, he hadn't allowed himself to delight in fae styled parties. This would be...interesting.

    "Now, the trick is not to let this batch of magic get discovered before then," Adel sighed, glancing at the various alcoholic-and fae beverages before them in their black backpacks. There was a noise behind her, and she turned, eyes shooting left and right until she saw two people exiting out of a rather-fantastic looking car. Adel smirked in approval as the two seemed to notice them. "Looks like we're not as hidden as we thought," she grunted to her conspirators before leaning against the wall and waiting for the two to come to her.

    "Well, well. What do we have here," she murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she realized it was one of the fae royalty and their lacky- who currently seemed to be very aggravated with his phone.

    “King Oliver, is it?" she gave a breathy laugh, hungrily eying the well renowned king. It'd been a while since she had slept with a royal of any real interest. Adding this one to her list seemed almost too easy if the stories were to be believed- only, the rumor mill said he had taken a leave of absence from his many paramours.

    She shot a quick glance at his portable secretary slash guard, arching an eyebrow, then back at the King eying the boy subtly once more with significant approval before nodding. “Adel Avesta, a pleasure. I trust you won't spill our little secret over here? You're more than welcome to share in our...festivities."


    Sandra stared bewildered at Sasha, too shocked to react in any way. The girl PUSHED her. She PUSHED her! She was talking like she was drunk, for jesus' sake, and....

    She took a deep breath, turning around and walking to the loitering teens. It didn't excuse the provocative dancing, but she was right. This party needed more oomph. First she needed to chat with Val, though, and message Tristan. Which she was doing now. Ten messages already sent and another drafted.


    Having shifter hearing sucks.

    He could hear everything. The music, the talking, their footsteps. The majority of it melded together in a hectic haze, but some parts stood out. He knew Alice was here, even without Shion's text to tell him. He knew that someone had just run halfway across the room for some reason. He knew that outside a car had just pulled up.

    Besides that, it was haze. He really didn't want to leave this room- but he had promised Clark, and he really didn't want her mad at him again. It sucked having his friends pissed at him. Rob pissed at him? That was twice a week, every week of his life practically. His therapists? Sure, no biggie. But Clark, Alice, and even Maggie?

    No thank you. Coat that with a layer of disappointment from the kitsune and he had felt like shit.

    So, with that on his mind he sucked it up and opened the door slowly, peeking out and gritting his teeth as he slowly descended the stairs. He ran quickly to the girls room, right on time, and knocked.
    May 25th, 2015 at 12:41pm
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    "Sorry, we're not up for ordering girl scout cookies today, try the losers across the hall," Maggie snorted slamming the door in front of Rye's face.

    The look in Jamii's eyes was totally worth it. Maggie would think that a boy used to all the abuse from the psycho necrophiliac would get him settled with these sort of things.

    "I was just joking, seriously guys," Maggie grumbled opening the door again her arm reaching out across the distance to practically drag Clark's date into the room.

    "Well? What type of greeting is this? Jamii told me I look pretty, yet you haven't even looked at Clark! This date is just not going well Clark Babe," Maggie nagged.
    May 26th, 2015 at 09:07am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    The King paused, the raven haired girl's words almost missing him as he started after a very preoccupied Tristan. He didn't want to even know what Sasha was doing now. So he lagged behind ever so slightly and it would have been rude if he didn't go and properly introduce himself. Tristan was all about not being rude... to other people.

    Turning away from the stairs he watched with a careful eye as his boyfriend disappeared from view. He had five minutes max before the boy figured out where he lost him.

    The UnSeelie's smile faltering the moment he saw the Goblin. "I see the school let you come back," he offered with apparent disdain his lips twitching as if he'd smelled garbage. The Goblin keeping his normal look of nonchalance as he rolled his eyes at the pompous prince.

    "Yeah, apparently there's this crazy rule that they can't kick you out if you didn't do anything wrong," Ki shot back having no regard for Adel's obvious sexy play. Frankly the Goblin was disgusted, sleeping with him he understood, Ki had style after all, but sleeping with Oliver? Desperate. Ki blew a smoke ring towards the King's face, enjoying the idea of testing his diplomatic immunity ever so slightly. A grin coming to the Goblin's thin lips as he heard Ryker shuffle uncomfortably to the side. The Vampire putting his own cigarette out with his boot before grumbling some lackluster comment and disappearing into the shadows. Overall if Ryker wasn't such a social dweeb it would have been a creepy party trick.

    Oliver almost snarled at the other boy before giving him the cold shoulder turning towards the girl as he pushed on one of his trademark grins. His fingers reaching out to pluck her hand from her side before offering a soft kiss upon the back of it.

    "I am well aware of who you are Ms. Avesta," He affirmed not hiding his flirting gaze as he finally dropped her hand. The Prince trying to ignore the sound of Ki fake gagging in the background. There was a dungeon in Iceland with his freaking name on it.

    "Trouble is my middle name, what exactly do you have in mind?" He asked stepping closer to the backpack he leaned over it waiting for an explanation but of course not before wrapping his arm around her lovely tan shoulders.

    What Tristan didn't know....
    June 1st, 2015 at 01:26pm
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    Her heart was pounding so hard it was nearly creating a crater in her chest, as she felt a rush of delight soar through her body as the small girl walked back to her. She gave a small wave with her fingers at Alice, the generally excited and happy child bouncing around in her seat, attention immediately shooting back to her fox friend the minute Bambi left. Luci's smile lit up her face as she chuckled, her long hair cascading around her face as she rubbed the back of her neck and nodded. "Y-yeah, I noticed. That's what I like about you..." she trailed, and there was a stunned moment of silence as Luci realized what she just said, and nervous laughter bubbled out of her. "I- I mean-not everyone tewlls you off for talking in the library, [e]especially where I'm from, and we were totally in the wrong on that occasion bytheway. A-ANYWAYS, I'd love to teach you! It's simple once you get the steps."

    Dancing. This was something Luci could do without being a total clod in front of one of the cutest girls at Pandora.

    Luci gently grasped Bambi's hand, leading her to the dance floor while walking gracefully backwards, placing Bamb's hand on her shoulder, confidence now beginning to spill out of her as she grinned, keeping eye contact with Bambi as she placed her hand firmly on the girls waist. "Okay, so, I'm going to lead this time- hope that's okay," she murmured, ignoring the fact that whoever was playing this godawful music right now was totally not giving her anything to work with when it came to Bachata. May Sindri forgive her for her unkind thoughts. She coughed, looking down and jutting her chin at their feet. "So, you move your feet like this. A lot of the movement is in the hips, swaying together in time to the beat-"


    This is just painful to watch.

    Alen couldn't help but shake his head as he lifted himself from Sasha's shoulders. He had been leaning into the girl, arms wrapped protectively around her waist as he had been watching the alluring shifter and voodoo queen chick get it on- in a horrifyingly awkward kind of way, but still getting it on nonetheless.

    Was Bart drilling over their hips yet? Or was he still too busy being jealous of Sandra and her boy toy?

    Nicole's selection wasn't horrible, but it was not what the shifter babe needed. Alen was nothing if not charitable, and he found it in himself to be willing to play the wingman. He might even get something out of it later, if he was lucky.

    So he planted a soft kiss on Sasha' s neck, tightening his hold for a minute, obscenely allowing her quite beautiful hips to grind against him, before excusing himself for a moment.

    He could tell a Latin style dance when he saw one. Sure, sensuality was something more reserved for the sex addicted lesser species of his demon brethren, but being a demon of greed- well, let's just say Alen made it something of his business to know his way around the ladies. And the ladies appreciated Latin dancing- especially when you looked like him. So, even though his Hispanic heritage wasn't exactly something he was too knowledgeable with (Alex found the dancing too involved, and even with their fathers encouragement never exactly picked it up) Alen had been sure to pick up a few....hip basics. For educational purposes.

    "Nicole," Alen grinned, striding his way to her group in quick steps with his long legs. She was snuggled securely in Ashton' s arms, and he absolutely hated to bother them. "I need her real quick," he stated matter of factly, grasping her arm and taking her away. "I'd like to make a request. A song. What's your selection?"

    The two went to her tracklist and finally, Alen found something to work with. Romeo Santos, of course. What was it with damned Santos?


    "You're doing great!!" Luci laughed, twirling Bambi as she got the hang of the steps and the swaying of her hips. "Now- " her words cut off as she registered the song that was beginning to play, delight coursing through her veins. Oh hell yes.

    "Alright Bambi, it's testing time," luci chucked, once again grabbing the girls waist, palm comfortably fitting on her hip as she pressed her body closely to the smaller girls. "I...hope this is okay?" She murmured, a blush on her face as she began dancing to the music, leading bambi as she kept herself pressed close to her.
    June 29th, 2015 at 06:10am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    June 29th, 2015 at 06:10am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Tristan & Sasha

    Sasha's indigo eyes focused on Alan as he adjusted the music. The new fiery tempo agreeing with her immensely. Now, this was something she could dance to! The South American music worthy of her exquisite Fae dancing style.

    It was obvious Alan saw Tristan before she did, even from across the room she could see the familiar look of hesitation no doubt Alex pouring through in his eyes. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she felt him break the distance. Tristan's hand grabbing her arm hard, yanking the dancing teen around to face him.

    "Tristan! Hello, what a surprise to see you... here," Sasha stammered like a child caught sneaking out by her parent. She hadn't heard him sneaking up. She hated that, not hearing his thoughts, not knowing exactly what he was going to say before he said it.

    "Sandra invited us." His face was serious as he looked her up and down, "What are you wearing now? That is for a ball, not a little house party, stop trying to get attention and go upstairs and change, before Oliver walks in and sees you!" Tristan ordered practically dragging the girl to the stairs without her input. Sasha made sure to drag her heels into the ground as he did so.

    "OOOhhh Oliver! Pshhh, I'm sure he'd complement me," Sasha argued as she stomped her way up the stairs forgetting about her plans to get Alex in bed- for the moment. Sasha's face was red with embarrassment she'd wanted to cause a scene tonight, but not this kind. Tristan was such a dick sometimes it was unbelievable.

    Having successfully changed, (Meaning she'd thrown the expensive dress on the ground and left it there before picking out another questionable shorter dress) Sasha reemerged clomping loudly on the stairs as she came back down to the party. Content with throwing a temper tantrum as she made her way back over to Tristan.

    "Better?" She hissed folding her arms across her chest with displeasure.

    "Not really," Tristan admitted scrunching up his nose as he leaned in close, "You have half a bottle of perfume on and that dress probably came from Maggie's wardrobe," he paused leaning back away from the girl, "but it will do," he commented before directing her towards the *Kiddie* couch.

    "Let's at least dance," Sasha pouted wrapping her arm around his before looking over his shoulder at Alen/Alex who was taking his damn time coming to save her.

    "You've done enough dancing for now, Sandra sent me pictures," Tristan admitted actually laughing for once as he perched himself on the end of the couch, gazing out at the now hopping party.

    This was much smaller than the parties he was used to and there wasn't any drunk fondling or face sucking so all in all he would have to say this was probably going to be one of the best parties he'd ever been to.

    "Having fun?" He even ventured to ask the young blonde and fox sitting next to the pouting fae.

    "Oh Yes! The food is very good, I could get you a plate," Alice ventured almost deviously as an excuse to get up and move about, possibly sway unintentionally of course to the music. "Penny spent all day baking," She gushed not knowing that her words would only tarnish the food.

    "That's okay, I ate before," Tristan murmured lying carefully to the girl before sneaking a glance at Penny, with his luck it would be poisoned.

    "I'd like a plate, I'm going to get a plate," Sasha stated suddenly jumping up and moving towards the tables piled high with food just to avoid Tristan.

    Dammit.... Sasha was quite good at timing.

    "So...." The Fallen tried to think of something pleasant to say- what would Oliver say? Oliver would probably comment on how pretty she looked, which would sound creepy coming from him and most likely annoy her boyfriend. That was out of the question. That was just not a good thing to say because he was not suave and- "You look very pretty tonight," the word bile came spewing out. God he was horrible at conversations. Maybe this is why he did so well at the Fae parties, there was always something to put in his hand to make it look like he was busy instead of talking to someone.

    "Really?! Thank you, Oliver bought me this dress, and I was afraid that it might just be too much and it is really pretty," she gushed pulling a strand of her fine blonde hair behind an ear before looking at Shion for conformation. "Everyone looks so nice tonight, especially Sindri," Alice complemented looking at the glowing soon to be mother.

    In Sindri's defense she did glow. Most of that was due to the little Royal growing inside of her, Tristan didn't find her overtly attractive, she was just as pretty as any of the other girls in the room. Now though she was twice as threatening. He preferred her twin. Nicole was much more sensible.

    This was another dead-end conversation, where was Oliver to save him?

    "Speaking of looking nice tonight, you look very nice too Tristan, so nice! So... Someone who is dressed as nice as you should really ask someone else to dance, because well dancing is also really nice, and a lot of people here have heard about UnSeelie dancing but have only seen Sasha do it, and she's... Very nice yes, very nice but- she doesn't ask other people to dance besides Alex and you really should ask other people to dance," Alice finished in one long breath her words rambling on and on until Tristan only vaguely had an idea what the child was talking about.

    "You want me to ask you to dance?" He asked with a raised brow only for the younger girl to practically throw herself at him in excitement.

    "YES, Yes, yes, yes... I accept, because it would be rude to decline a kindhearted offer, wouldn't it Shion, Yes? Yes, okay, let's go!" The halfblood giggled grabbing Tristan's big hand in hers and practically dragging him away from the couch to dance.
    July 27th, 2015 at 04:13am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Clark, the Lark
    "Cool it Mags," Clark laughed in her usual high soprano style which fittingly sounded rather like a songbird. Her fingers going to adjust one of her long black stockings as her best friend let in the sulking kitten.

    Clark had never known Rye before he'd started the great sulking (as the group had grown to call it), Maggie had assured her numerous times that he was quite charming, when he wasn't well... Pissy? Was that the correct word? Maybe melodramatic was a better term. Yes, melodramatic was perfect. One time Sandra had corroborated this fact, that he'd been easy going, and for a demon she was pretty honest. Clark had asked Eddy numerous times about the cat but Eddy had been little help. Anytime she'd ask he'd always go into a long lecture about not giving away secrets about roommates and privacy and whatnot. From the look on his face though he knew something... She'd just have to keep digging.

    Once Rye got back to the way he was the sooner the group could really flourish, and she could be a happy little bird. Once she got Maggie and Rye together or at least calmed Maggie down off her major crush mode, she would be able to focus on her plan. This was taking up time she should be spending making friends and building a voting rapport. Clark had serious goals ones which she was now seriously lagging behind.

    She should have been half way to getting clearance to start the new school year book, there was only a semester left before summer and there was so much to do, organize staff, collect pre-taken activity pictures, contact a photographer to take dorm photos, and so much more! As the sole founder with a little help from Maggie, Alice, Shion, Rye and a few barely notable others, it was obvious that this would require her to take up the mantle as president to insure that everything was done correctly!

    This of course was tied in with creating a platform for student body president next year, becoming head editor at the school newspaper, first seat in flute, and stealing every musical opportunity against that trashy Siren Valerie. And obviously the highest goal of all: Prom Queen. It would happen, not this year, but soon. Very, very, very calculatedly soon. Once she reached all her goals it was bound to happen, every movie told her that the 'nice' cheerleader got picked, so once she worked out all the kinks with the other clubs and got accepted onto the school cheer club she would be on her way to prom with Edgar and it would be smooth sailing from there.

    And this all relied on it being calm on the homefront. Her BFF could not be 50 flavors of crazy. Crazy scares people away.

    In Maggie's defense she was in therapy and it was helping. Rye not so much.

    After the tea party it was obvious he was nowhere near able to speak to people! Even Shion had better social skills and he 90% of the time didn't know what in the world people were saying.

    This was not the time to be thinking of this now though, this was time for action. The party would allow her time to work on him, bring the fun back.

    Would she rather be slow dancing with Edgar, talking about a romantic candle lit yacht party for the two of them than on a friend date with Rye? Better question, did anyone really need to ask?

    Sure, Rye had asked her but Clark knew this was only to appease her. He'd gone days sulking without as much as an apology. By the time that he did finally apologize it was too late for Clark to get a real date, her entire week shoved full with explaining to Alice why they were mad at Rye, and creating a hand stitched handkerchief for Maggie so she would stop killing trees with the horrendous amount of tissues she went through.

    Apparently in the time that she'd spent slaving away on the custom snotcatcher Maggie had put her heart back together and gotten herself a date for the party without Clark. Not that Clark minded too much, Jamii was cute and he would be a good face to stick out and hand out flyers when the time came for voting.

    It was a good thing he didn't know Maggie was just showing off for Rye. Part of Clark wanted to ignore her comment and the other part was worrying exactly what the girl would do when each action she attempted tonight still didn't catch his attention.

    "I don't need Rye to tell me how fabulous I look, I already know," Clark spoke pushing out a flashy grin before hopping off Maggie's bed throwing an arm around Rye's shoulder, "Ready to get hopping?"
    July 30th, 2015 at 12:56am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    "It's fine," Bambi validated towards Luci's touch, her face serious as she tried to grasp the complex steps, as a child she'd been more interested in books than dancing and now she was paying for it. Bo had taught her a few moves but nothing like this. Bambi was determined to prove that she was a good student as she managed to avoid stepping on Luci's foot. A hoot of surprise escaping from her throat as Luci spun her unexpectedly.

    Bambi didn't even notice the wolf's reddening face as she was so preoccupied with the movement, her eyes focused on their feet. "This is adequately exciting, I understand why my sister likes it so much, it really gets the heart pumping!" Bambi smiled surprised to find herself having a great time.
    July 30th, 2015 at 01:09am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Penny & Bart

    Penny wrapped a gloved hand around Bart's forearm, much to his disdain. Her free hand carefully fixing her bangs which kept managing to free themselves from her perfectly constructed bun. Her light blue eyes widening just a pitch as the easy going music changed unexpectedly to a shockingly upbeat tempo. Her pink frosted lips shifting into a slight 'oh' shape as she watched Alex scuttle away from Nicole's music box. Confusion forming between her brows as she tried to understand the words being sung without any luck. After a few minutes of listening carefully a slight 'ah' of understanding hit as a familiar word finally was sung.

    "I get it now, it's in Spanish, is this a native song from his tribe?" Penny asked Bart in all seriousness, she had to admit it was quite catchy.

    "Tribe? He's from Scotland..."

    "Oh," Penny nodded her eyes drifting over the dance floor. "I did not know Bambi and Luci were friends," she started again trying to catch Bart's attention only to get a small grumble of reply from him, he was focused on some funny joke Nicole had just quipped instead.

    Penny felt awkward, she'd wanted to invite her friends but Bart had only said he'd go with her if she didn't. Now he wasn't even paying any attention to her.

    "Isn't it typical to get punch in this situation?" Penny asked her words stretched as she tried to get her date to volunteer to anything.

    "Oh, yeah, I could go for some thanks," Bart answered before turning his head back and rejoining the conversation Penny had no hopes of following.

    "No! I meant- oh whatever," She sighed unhooking her arm from his as she walked towards the punch bowl defeated.

    How were they going to be married if he wouldn't even talk to her?

    This was not working out the way it was supposed to. All he cared about was what Nicole, or Sandra, or even Alex said. It was ridiculous. What would Esther do? The strong biblical woman was by far her favorite story from the bible. She was beautiful, brave, obedient, and above all faithful.

    Penny stared at the punch bowl as she thought about this carefully. Well, Esther kept going back to the king.... He wasn't responsive at first, he wouldn't even see her. Bart did look at Penny, that was a start right? It had to be. They were going to be married soon. God commanded it. She would just have to be like Esther and keep at it, that was the only option.

    "Penny, you okay?" The blonde was shaken from her thoughts as a familiar voice addressed her.

    "Why yes, everything is lovely," she lied with a sweet smile her hands reaching shakily towards the tea cups she'd placed out, almost knocking over the whole lot in the process.

    "Whoa," Eddy laughed helping her straighten up the stack before they crashed against the table.

    "Val wasn't bothering you again, was she- because I can ask her to leave," Eddy assured her before pausing letting out a small laugh, "Or, Sam can kick her out again," he continued a little more closer to the truth.

    "No! No, Valerie hasn't; well, she hasn't said anything improper to me, yet," Penny actually giggled covering her mouth with her white gloved hand. The image of Edgar trying to tell Valerie to do anything for some reason hilarious to the Angel.

    "Sorry," she chuckled holding onto her rib cage as she tried to contain her laughter, "I shouldn't be laughing," she shook her head, finally controlling herself.

    "It's okay, I-I don't think I've ever seen you laugh before, for real... I mean. It's nice, you should do it more often," Eddy tried smoothly his words coming out awkward in the end though leading to silence from Penny.

    "That was kind of you Edgar but I'm marrying Bartholomew," she reminded him wagging a gloved finger in his direction. The small smile on her lips betraying her seriousness. Now it was Eddy's turn to laugh.

    "I didn't know you could joke Penny," he snorted patting her on the shoulder in a rare display familiarity between the two. "So do you want some punch?" Eddy asked pouring a glass while waiting for her reply.

    "Yes, actually," she smiled content as he handed her a glass of the red liquid.

    "Has Sandra thanked you for baking? The tarts were really good, I think Sindri liked them too," he nodded towards the pregnant girl who had brought them up earlier.

    "Ah, yes, she was very cordial," Penny nodded, not sure if she should mention that Bart asked for a glass as well. "Thank you, for the complement... and the punch." The girl spoke before taking a large sip of her drink, enjoying the exuberant flavors. They didn't have anything like this at home. She would have to have a few more glasses as it was unlikely she'd have it again.

    "So, where are your friends?" Eddy asked rubbing the back of his head as he looked around as if an Angel would pop out of nowhere.

    "They couldn't make it," Penny answered honestly, even if Bart had let her invite them they wouldn't have come to such a party. In all honesty she shouldn't be here.

    "I'm surprised you didn't go running after seeing Sasha and uh," Eddy paused looked back at the boy, "Alen," he snorted.

    "I tried not to look, I can imagine why the elders banned dancing," she laughed again into her hand. Alex and Sasha had been quite unsettling, she'd have to clean her section of the room again tonight with disinfectant, just in case.

    "They banned dancing?!" Eddy asking in surprise.

    "Yes, it is immodest, it leads to the unspeakable act and impure thoughts," Penny pointed out, a blush spreading across her cheeks for even mentioning such things.

    "So... You've never danced?"


    "Never-Never? Not even once? Not with Bart or anyone?" Eddy asked in utter disbelief.

    "No! I told you, I wasn't allowed," She laughed, a grin spreading across her lips as she took in his disbelief, it was nice for it to not be her's in exchange, for once.

    "Wasn't... As in past tense? So you could now?"

    "I am not on C.A.T. grounds so I am allowed to participate in a few nontraditional activities, so in theory I can, but I have already asked Bartholomew and he has dictated that he would rather watch the dancing than participate."

    "Then dance with me," Eddy encouraged, "I'm not too skilled, you should be warned," he laughed holding out a hand towards the Angel only to have her stare at it in hesitation.

    "It would be sinful," she paused putting down her punch glass with shaky hands. She really wanted to try it.

    "No, No, look at Tristan and Alice, we could dance like that, I'll be a perfect gentleman, scout's honor," he tried again directing her gaze to the fallen and the Ice girl.

    "T-tristan," her eyes flicked to the fallen in fear and she shook her head, "Not like them, I'm not like him," she stressed suddenly.

    "It's okay Penny..." Eddy put a hand slowly on her shoulder again, "we can try a different dance if you'd like, a two step maybe?" He tried carefully, only getting a soft nod from the girl in approval before he grasped her hand carefully in his own and walked her out to the dance floor.
    July 30th, 2015 at 03:03am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Emmy & Jasper
    "Maybe she won't see us?" Jasper asked hopefully his hand snaking around his girlfriend's waist pulling her back softly against his chest. This was more for his safety than hers, the others always gave him the creeps. He wasn't sure who was worse the guy who kept trying to get into Emmy's pants or the girl... The Ghost snuck a look at the blonde quickly before making up his mind. Rayna was worse.

    "Not likely," Emmy snorted before patting the side of his face lovingly, "You could still escape," she chuckled, "I wouldn't hold it against you," she nodded towards the exit, "After I murder Alen I'm sure Tristan could keep me company," the Necromancer offered kindly to her boyfriend.

    "We could both leave, you know, go back to the house, watch a movie..." he hinted and Emmy had the sneaking idea that he wasn't really interested in watching Fantasia again.

    "Hmmh," Emmy smiled up at him, "Sounds really tempting, but I promised Alex I'd keep him out of trouble, and Rayna's already spotted us," she sighed as she forced a chipper smile on her lips and waved back to the blonde who was a little 'too' excited to see them. By them Emmy meant her, she doubted the blonde had even noticed Jasper yet.

    "Jesus," the southern boy muttered under his breath.

    "You could say that again," Emmy laughed before pulling him safely with her towards the music station, avoiding eye contact with the Necromancer who was only minutes from coming over and ruining the party.

    "Nic," Emmy smiled hugging the ginger girl before throwing an arm over Alen's shoulder. "Remember, when Alex assured me a certain person wouldn't be here at the party?" The Necromancer asked with a raised brow squeezing the Demon's shoulder hard. "Because I do..." Emmy smirked, "As I remember it was a condition of me showing up at all," she said quickly before whispering to the boy, "Be sure to tell Alex that he'll be paying for this later," she assured him before letting out a fake laugh and breaking the distance to hug Rayna who had managed to cross the room in record time. Ivon licking at her heels (like usual).

    "Rae! I didn't know you were coming," Emmy smiled forcefully, pulling back from the girl before flashing a look at her own date.

    "Yeah, it's great seeing y'all again," Jasper muttered a lot less enthusiastically his arms going across his chest as he shifted weight from one foot to the other.

    "Is Peter here?" Emmy asked a lot less fake, as she looked for the rare member of that group that Jasper and her could both stomach. Peter was nice, or at least he hadn't tried to turn Jasper into a mindless toy like Rayna had. Besides trying to puppify her boyfriend, Jasper hadn't taken too kindly Rayna's offer to share Jamii with Emmy. Nor had he taken it too well when Ivon had himself offered to procreate in the future with his girlfriend... Right in front of him. Literally, right in front of him.

    It wasn't lost on him that they considered Emmy "one of the group," and the idea that she might wish to be with a Ghost nothing more than a laughing matter or something to waste her time with until she met a more suitable Necromancer to continue her bloodline on with.

    At first the Ghost had felt more than threatened by the comments, but Emmy had made it more than clear that his fears were unwarranted over the holiday break. Things were good between the two of them, hell they were better than great. Yet, he still felt a tingling of irritation at just seeing the two of them there standing next to his Emmy.

    But, as Emmy had told him earlier... Family... was family. Even if they were weird ass distant distant distant family.
    August 10th, 2015 at 04:33am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    Shion was still gripping Alice's hand, absentmindedly tracing kanji onto her skin, not really paying attention to her and Tristan' s conversation except to say hello and give polite responses. The usual.

    He tried to hide his smile as he knew what she was doing, her hundredth attempt to hint at her desire to dance clear as ever. He had promised, though, promised. He would not disobey Kalya. He had to try and pull through on that promise.

    At least for the first hour of the party.

    Then, suddenly, Alice shot up and dived into Tristan's arms, and he was left gawking up at the two, eyes wide with bewilderment. Then.... realization hit his face.



    He shot up as Alice expertly led the confused Angel away and onto the dance floor, Shion shaking his head multiple times, fervently. She didn't look at him though.

    "Alice!" He hissed in a dramatic whisper that everyone could hear. "No!"

    He looked for Bambi, hoping for some backup. She was too busy, though, he realized, with a friend. Wasn't that girl from the library? His head did a confusing somersault before he decided to ignore them and look \back at the two who were now gliding expertly around the dance floor. The lack of people surely helped.

    He stood rooted to his spot, wishing for Maggie or Clark, or some SENSIBLE person to come and help. Even when he waved dramatically, like an idiot, Bambi didn't notice. He plopped down onto the couch, his sweets forgotten as he pouted and stared sullenly away from the dance floor, taking occasional moments to steal glances at the graceful blonde doing the waltz with Tristan.

    When the song ended he stood and made a beeline for the duo, only diverting from his path at the last moment to go for Rye's room.

    He...he was overreacting. She could dance if she wanted- he wasn't her babysitter, after all... Yet, he didn't want her to get sick. He glanced again at the duo, this time worried as he took on her complexion and breathing. He made his decision.

    "Tristan," he called, doing a little half jog back to them and giving Alice a stern stare that would have put Kalya to shame- if it wasn't for the slight lift at the corner of his mouth.

    "Be careful," he stated to both of them, turning to Tristan, and his grin grew wider. "Have fun, but careful. She still can be very tired. Kalya would be mad if she went sick," he added, the obvious threat in his voice completely out of place for the fox. He turned back to Alice, patting her gently on the head. "You can show me dance later, if you want. Since you don't listen," he teased. "I'm saying hi to Rye. He needs help, I think"
    August 17th, 2015 at 02:57am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    I just barely got in!

    Rye seethed, a look of utter indignation on his face though outwardly he said none of this. He was smart enough to know this comment would not go over well among his friends, and the last thing he needed was to insult his dates best friend. Putting on a brave face, he nodded, offering his arm to Clark as gentlemanly as he could, thinking of how his mom's husband behaved when they went on their date nights.

    He could do this.

    He would try.

    Sort of.

    He just couldn't handle being practically alone like he had in the past week.

    "You do look nice," Rye amended softly, as he led Clark out of the room, Maggie and Jamii following suit as they slowly left the hallway and entered the main fray of the party, the beat of the drums to the Latin music becoming louder. "You guys too," he murmured, turning to quickly look at Maggie and Jamii, not keeping eye contact for very long with either of them. They were just hitting the door-frame when lo and behold, Shion practically came running into them, stopping only at the last moment with what was sure to be his shifter reflexes. There was a funny quirk to his mouth, as if he was tasting something sour, and Rye glanced around. Where was Alice?

    "Hello! You are fashionally late, right?"

    "Something like that," Rye laughed, his anxiety easing off by the truckload as Shion led them into the room, and towards the punch bowl. Nothing could go wrong as long as he was there, he could keep the peace without even trying...or so Rye thought, anyways. Rye allowed a passing look over at the other guests, noting that Alen was surprisingly alone, Bambi was dancing (if you could call it that, she looked much too focused and like she was taking a test rather than dancing.)

    It seemed the majority of the party was huddled together by the DJ area, keeping an upbeat conversation among themselves. Sandra ran around like a headless chicken, from the dance floor to the group and back into the kitchen, some guy rye had never seen before trailing her. His eyes finally settled on Alice, understanding igniting in his brain as he turned to Shion, annoyed enough for the both of them, though he was careful to keep his face passive.

    "Couldn't keep her from dancing, could you?" There was a hint of amusement in his voice, regardless of his annoyance at the fallen.

    There was a subtle downward quirk of Shion's mouth, a pout threatening to form as he shrugged nonchalantly. "She wanted to dance. I could not stop her."

    Rye turned, trying to hide his smirk from his best friend as he nudged Clark. Trying his best to sound completely sincere (and only half failing) he motioned to the people inside the party. "Did you want to say hi to everybody?"


    Meanwhile, Nicole was lacing her fingers with Ashton's, rocking back and forth on her heels to the swaying music that had just started, a rather distinctly different sound to the drums and guitar laced cumbia that Alen had put on. There was a lull in the conversation as a new person entered their midst, and Nicole sprang from Ashton's arms to envelop Emmy into a slightly surprisingly bone crunching hug, a grin plastered on her face. As Emmy escaped and greeted everybody else, Nicole offered Jaspy a friendly side hug, smirking slightly as she overheard Emmy nagging Alen.]

    That's what he gets, trying to talk me into killing my hair. Ten minutes, ten minutes of him droning on over why I don't need long hair. If anyone, she thought haughtily, deserves to be nagged during a party right now, it's him!

    "Don't blame me for your weird ass family, sweet cheeks," Alen retorted, though there was a flash of genuine sympathy and guilt on his face that no doubt came from the inner feelings that belonged to Alex. Alen noticed Nicole staring at him, and she quickly averted her eyes, but not before catching a glimpse of pure annoyance flit over his face.

    "I'm quite parched," she muttered under her breath, squeezing Ashton's hand and walking away from the overgrowing group, eager to escape being in the presence of Emmy's less-than-appealing cousins.
    August 17th, 2015 at 03:12am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Alice & Tristan
    Tristan held back a biting remark to the Fox who was overstepping his boundaries. He was normally skittish, that was supposed to be his redeeming quality. In actuality this was probably the most he'd heard the kit speak. This school made things complicated, all the out of Court relationships. Anyone in the Court would have known better than to second guess him- publicly. Even so, twerps like Alex and Ashton seemed afraid enough of him, most likely they knew of the very well spread stories of people who upset those in power. Whether it was fear trickling over from the last Queen's era or the rumors of Orlando's murder even "Alen" (as he called himself) wasn't following Sasha around in his presence. Obviously, Tristan liked it this way. Perhaps he'd have to arrange a conversation with the Fox child at a later date, no doubt without the King or little Alissa present.

    "I wouldn't dream of it," Tristan paused hand slipping around the younger girl's waist to steady her more before continuing to dance his eyes piercing as they looked back at the Asian boy for a moment, "She is a member of my Court after all and it's my job to take care of her," he stated with directness, a fake smile on his lips which he hoped soaked through the foreign boy's language barrier. Normally he was very kind to the child (Alissa had made it quite apparent she preferred him), but it was obvious that his own preference for Shion had allowed some miscommunication of friendship or perhaps a lack of formality required when speaking to him.

    "Are you okay?" Alice's words cut through his thoughts which troubled him long after the Kit had left.

    "Uh, yes, I'm doing fine, thank you... Are you feeling okay?" He asked awkwardly before carefully spinning the much smaller girl. Her smile blindingly bright as she twirled back around to face him.

    "I'm Wonderful!" She giggled greatly enjoying the music as they danced. It wasn't exactly the correct music for the dance they were doing, but the correct style would have been highly inappropriate considering his company. "I am feeling much better, I missed dancing... We weren't very connected to the Seelie Court hub where we lived but Daddy would always take me to the balls," Alice smiled admitting again how very little contact she actually had with her last Court.

    "We have balls too, I'm lucky Oliver taught me as a child, I doubt I'd fit in very well if I didn't know a few moves," Tristan answered back swaying the girl expertly. Faes were natural dancers, it was in their blood, Angels not so much. That much was apparent as he caught a glimpse of Penny dancing with Edgar. She looked like a fish out of water, absolutely uncomfortable, and that was enough to make him smile. "Mostly Masquerades and other themes, Oliver and Sasha get a little too excited planning." he admitted with a small chuckle. "As you can tell Sasha hasn't been planning too many lately, you're not the only one who needed a little break," he commented trying to lighten the mood as if Sasha jumping off a roof and Alissa being violently attacked were one in the same.

    This was lost on Alice though, who was too busy enjoying her few minutes of freedom and the idea of future dance related opportunities to soak in his last words.

    "Really?! I love dances they're so magical, are there any coming up?" The girl asked ecstatically while accepting another twirl from the boy, her blonde hair flying like a halo behind her.

    "There's one in a couple of weeks yes, it's Animal Kingdom themed, animal masks and such, your invitation should arrive soon," he commented happy that this conversation has arisen as this addressed a certain business he wanted to propose.

    "The Prince will be there," he added slyly as he looked the girl over again as if assessing her for the billionth time. The younger blonde completely unaware as she continued to dance on.

    "Of course silly, Oliver should be at his own party!" She giggled shaking her head as she locked her fingers a bit tighter around his neck. He could tell she was putting a bit of her weight on him now. A small bit of perspiration between her brows. It had only been a few songs but she was already in the need of a break.

    "No, no- Not Oliver, his brother Joshua." Tristan laughed moving a bit slower now wanting to finish this conversation before he distracted her with the idea of taking a break and obviously a glass of water or punch.

    "Joshua, ah yes, Oliver introduced him once," the girl nodded remembering the younger boy of almost two years.

    "Oliver and I have been talking and we both agree you are a very sweet girl, someone we would enjoy seeing more of at events and such." Tristan started only to watch the girl light up at his words, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

    "Really? T-That is sooo nice," the 14 year old blushed as if she'd just been complemented on a perfectly preformed Pirouette.

    "That's why we would like to talk to your father, about arranging something between you and Prince Joshua, if that would be okay," Tristan continued bracing himself for the explosive look on the child's face.

    "Wow! REALLY?! I mean, yes, of course I would love that! I'd need to get better of course and honestly start practicing again but Miss Perry does let me help out with juniors," she gushed absolutely confusing the Fallen.

    "Miss Perry? Juniors? Alissa what do you think we're talking about?" he laughed awkwardly.

    "Well, Joshua needs dance lessons doesn't he?" She asked with a tilted head as if that was the only thing he could possibly be asking of her.

    "No, No, well actually maybe..." Shockingly, Joshua wasn't the most graceful thing, "but that's not what I was saying, I was asking if you would be willing to consider becoming our Princess, in a few years of course, Joshua is far too young for marriage at this point, and so are you." he laughed, this had been more his idea than Oliver's. He was used to arranged marriages, 90% of the time they were bad ones, but Joshua had liked her enough (it was rather hard not to) and he would much rather see her around the castle than Alex, and Sasha wasn't even Royalty.

    Sure everyone called Shion her boyfriend, but Tristan had asked Alissa's den mother and she'd assured him that they were just friends... Playmates. Was that the word she'd used?

    "Princess," the girl detached herself from the Fallen so she could cover her mouth as she giggled. "Philip asked me the same thing last week.... Oh Gosh, Kali must be right! I watch way too many Disney movies, I was only pretending to be a Princess, I don't actually want to be one," The girl laughed shaking her head as she looked Tristan in the eyes with a small embarrassed smile, "Plus, my father says I'm not allowed to date until I'm at least 16," she laughed before giving the startled boy a hug. "Thank you for asking though, and I really appreciated the dances, but I am getting a little tired," She bowed, her eyes zeroing in on Clark, Rye, Jamii, Maggie, and of course Shion. Her blue dress floating behind her as she practically ran off the dance floor towards the gossiping group, leaving Tristan rather surprised.
    August 21st, 2015 at 07:23pm
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    "Oh, Emmy!"

    Rayna's voice trilled through the air, a ringing falsetto that alerted anyone and everyone to her presence. It was the kindest she had ever sounded, no doubt, to any of these tainted people she was forced to be near tonight- for she had hardly ever spared many of them a second glance, and if the situation had arisen for her to acknowledge them, it was simply to let them know how severely they had annoyed her.

    No, the majority of the people here tonight were beneath her notice. The only reason she had sought to even come here was because of one painful fact in life- connections were made from being sociable, and connections, no matter with whom, could always prove useful. Even so, she didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea about her. She refused to even look at the half breeds in the room, and the insult she had received by seeing Jamii, her Jamii, tainting himself with the presence of THAT mongrel....well.

    It was lucky that Ivon had preoccupied her attention with more important matters when he had.

    She ran an appraising eye quickly over Emelia's wardrobe, which was, of course, painfully predictable. Garishly covered from head to toes in flowers, like a child, Rayna suppressed the urge she had to make a comment about it. For she was dressed just as horribly, she felt- but again, that was for the purpose at hand. Impressions, impressions- and for some godforsaken reason everybody loved the impressions that filthy brat gave, and so Rayna had (quite painfully) asked her for her advice.

    Emelia, though- well, her style and personality was no doubt a reflection on the girls unfortunate upbringing. For heavens sake, dating a ghost. It simply would not do. The only redeeming quality Rayna could think of at the moment were the pearls, honestly, and the fact she owned a grimoire.

    Which, if Rayna played her cards right, she would get to see very soon.

    Rayna pulled out of the hug, gracefully ignoring the use of the nickname Emelia had always insisted on using for her, and stopped Ivon from lingering in his hug too long 9for she knew this was something that bothered Emilia often). There was a lull of silence in which Rayna set her unblinking stare upon Emelia's similarly ominicent blue eyes, and forced herself (with amazing feigned sincerity, Rayna thought) to acknowledge Jasper, his grating accent an affront their ears.

    "It is a pleasure as well," Rayna nodded, acknowledging him by his last name rather than the informal first. "Unfortunately, Peter finds himself busy shaming our family once again," Rayna tut-tutted, a true grimace crossing her face as she crossed her arms and shook her head. "With all the buggering he does, honestly," she trailed off, waving her hands as if to shoo the unpleasant thoughts and dismissed talk of Peter at once.

    "It has been quite a while, dear cousin. As you have happened to miss so many of our invitations for getting together, I believe- yes, I believe this is the first we've seen each other at school in months! It's as if we hardly cross paths. A sad fate, considering how little family we have," Rayna added pointedly.

    "Perhaps we could change that?" Rayna offered, a small smile and wide eyed innocent look on her face, reminiscent to the vomit inducing look the brat gave to the clawed menace when she wanted something, as she waited earnestly for a reply.
    August 24th, 2015 at 05:23am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Emmy & Jasper
    "Oh, yeah, of course, you know how things get; school, drama, um I'm co-captain of the swim team now," Emmy expressed in forced excitement. The co-captain part had not at all been her idea, but apparently it was more about being likable (and not weirdly bad at working with Tristan for some odd reason) than actually an amazing swimmer. Still, that oh-so long week where Nicole was pissed at not getting the title, was not exactly a-m-a-z-i-n-g for Emmy. In fact, Nicole still wouldn't tell her why she was so angry at Tristan. Which made things really-really-really awkward when they all hung out seeing as Tristan and Jasper were pretty good friends too. Jasper had advised that she just let it drop and let them work it out, but Emmy hated the fighting. Maybe Nicole thought she should be solo captain? She was the most qualified... She'd have to just ask Sindri, oh or maybe Bart. Bart and her were always walking to school together. Bart probably knew. She'd have to plan an interrogation later, maybe Alex would help. He owed her after all. He owed her big time.

    "Busy, busy, busy! But I'm sure we can work something out..." Emmy continued on as Rayna stared at her expectantly. "Breakfast perhaps?" Emmy mentioned knowing this was exactly the opposite of what Rayna intended. Peter liked breakfast, Rayna liked dark nights filled with rotting corpses and blood magic. Not something Emmy really liked associating with. Even if Clarrissa kept bringing it up. You're a Necromancer, start acting like one, it's called science, let's create something useful to put in the grimoire besides stupid gardening tips. Blah-blah-blah.

    This was supposed to be a fun party, not creepy.

    Turning towards Jasper she gave him a surprise hug, ignoring the looks shot from the disapproving Necromancers. As far as Emmy was concerned Jasper wasn't going anywhere, so they might as well get used to this now.

    "Breakfast, dude, are you inviting Frankensteins again," Rowan groaned literally popping out of thin air. A familiar smirk plastered to his lips was hidden behind a half drank apple juice. His free hand going to bump fists with Alen and Jasper before wedging his way between the couple. His body wrapped around Emmy's back with his arm slung over her shoulders like this was absolutely normal to do around someone else's boyfriend. Handing the "Juice" off to Jasper who made a disgusted face as he took a swig from the obviously vodka infused drink.

    "Seriously Rowan?! In case you forgot, I'm also a Frankenstein," Emmy paused taking the offered drink from Jasper before taking a quick sip, double checking to make sure Nicole's hovering den parents weren't watching before screwing the lid on the drink and tossing it to Alen. Sure she normally suggested good behavior, but this was a party, and it's not like someone else wasn't going to spike that openly placed punch by the snack table anyways.

    "I thought you liked Peter?" Jasper snorted letting slip something he really shouldn't have. The moment he did he saw the understanding in Rayna's creepy eyes and knew he'd said something he shouldn't have. "The uh, one time you met him, because he doesn't you know... um, go to breakfast with us before school or anything," before he could finish his sentence Emmy's elbow collided with his stomach.

    "It wasn't official or anything, he just wanted some help with his spellwork and sometimes just comes to... breakfast with us, but I mean he was supposed to invite you guys, honestly, it's just you know- we knew how your mum is about you guys all eating meals together in that house so we didn't think you could come." She finished switching blame from Peter to her den mother. Emmy knew it wasn't nice that they hadn't invited Rayna, but she was rather scary.

    "Yeah, it wasn't official or anything," Rowan smirked having acquired the drink again from Alen, taking a deep sip as he decided not to quip about having met their Frankenstein quota for the mornings.

    "Plus, I think he likes Mikey, and Mikey invites himself so..." Jasper proceeded to put his foot in his mouth again.

    "They're friends, just like with um Amin, I think they're friends too, you know the twins, I mean obviously since you live with them, and yeah." Emmy tried to clear up, the last thing Ivon needed to know what who his brother was interested in. Mikey wasn't exactly cool on any Necromancer standards, being a Vampire, a Born-Vampire at that... and a guy. Emmy had it under the impression that Peter's sexuality was only spoken about in rude jokes and insults not exactly proper conversation. He was going to be so pissed at them later. First breakfast now Mikey (and probably Amin). She'd have to throw out a big spell to teach him after this fiasco.

    Rowan watched with a little too much excitement as Jasper and Emmy fumbled with words towards the super scary Frankensteins. Shooting a grin at Alen he stood back drinking slowly from his juice enjoying himself. "Don't you guys just love parties?" he sighed with a smile.
    Winston watched from his spot against the livingroom wall as he was abandoned by his sister and best friend. Not that this was something new. Alexandra was a social butterfly. Just like he used to be. He couldn't remember how he used to do it. The words he wanted to say now were constantly befuddled and hard. He used to be able to captivate a person just with his eyes, now people like Sandra couldn't even remember who he was. She remembered who Alexandra was though. Jesus Christ he had three classes with the girl. She'd invited him to the party... Sort of, okay maybe not really. Okay, not at all, she'd invited Sindri, who just so happened to sit next to him in three classes. But that had to count for something right?

    Holding the punch glass to his chest the quiet boy watched the ginger girl dance around. Her stomach now as large as a bowling ball and yet she was still as lovely as he remembered on the first day of school. Like a painting that became finer with age.

    He took a large sip from his drink as he thought about sneaking out for a smoke. His fingers never making it to his pocket as his eyes accidentally locked with the girl he'd been shamelessly staring at for the past hour... Was he not invisible anymore? Curious.
    "VAL!" Alexandra gushed throwing herself into a hug with the Siren, the bouncy cheerleader excited to see the other blonde before her. "Dance with me," The girl commanded yanking the Siren from her seat towards the dance floor intent on making this drag of a party somewhat fun. "Ashton's looking yummy," Alexandra giggled in the other girl's ear as she watched the Fae boy fake some sort of romantic interest with the ginger. (She'd have to give him some lessons if he wanted to keep that game going).

    "Not for you," Val groaned shaking her head as she wrapped her arms seductively around the other girl's hips, shimming to the music as they danced crazily together, getting quite a lot of attention from the males of the room, along with a few girls. Ahhhh Parties.

    "Not for you too, apparently," Alexandra smirked accepting a light smack from the other girl as they cackled together.

    "Bitch," Val retorted with love.

    "Where's Leah?" Alexandra questioned as she raised her hands towards the ceiling, her hips rolling to the pounding sound of the music.

    "Ohhhhh, crushing Lexy?" Val teased as she copied the Demon's movements.

    "Hardly, I thought she was your girlfriend? When you aren't fucking Nicky's guy," she smirked her words luckily for Val lost in the rumble of the party.

    "I'm not the one who slept with her," Val reminded Alexandra for the billionth time, with a familiar raised brow that always crashed Alexandra's high.

    "One time, seriously Valerie your age is showing, it's 2015, who wouldn't want to sleep with me?" Alexandra snorted.

    "Rowan once he figures out your score," Val joked looking towards Lexy's boyfriend, who was otherwise preoccupied with one of the necromancers.

    "Please, he knows all about it, and let me tell you it only improved things," Lexy snorted moving her fingers as if snapping pictures with a camera.

    "OMFG, I do not need those images in my head," Val groaned, before highfiving the other girl for her conquest.

    "So who's my test tonight? Ashton? Alexander... Rayna perhaps? That girl is just waiting for me to rock her world I'm telling you." Lexy boasted with utter confidence.

    "Forget Ashton." Val growled giving the girl an ultimatum her eyes literally glowing as she made it perfectly clear that Lexy was going to get over this new conversation obsession.

    "Jesus, I was joking, so Alexander right? See if he's really so hard to get after all," Lexy laughed rubbing her hands together only to be shot down by a laugh from Val.

    "Look again, Alex has clocked out," Val snorted, getting him in this stage would be like taking candy from a baby.

    "Fine, the Frankenstein then, she's totally a new conquest. Blood purest, total bitch, crazy straight, but you know what they say about the quiet girls... Rowan has a thing for the other one, he might like a video. A Frankenstein's a Frankenstein right?" Lexy nodded eyeing the blonde girl approvingly.

    "You realize that's a two for one right, Ivon is just going to invite himself, the pig." Val said all the while nibbling on her bottom lip.

    "Foursome?" Lexy agreed a wild grin on her lips as she started pulling Val towards the Frankensteins the warm air of the room tickling her skin as anticipation rolled back her tongue. Her excitement getting the better of her as she knocked into an unexpected person.

    "Hey, watch it buddy!" Lexy hissed before realizing who she'd exactly stumbled into. The very attractive Asian girl looking at her with annoyance.

    "Sandra, and... Whoever," Lexy nodded apologizing for walking into the Chinese girl.

    "That's Quan, the Dragon," Val hissed in her friend's ear. The word Dragon ringing in her ears. As she put the face and the stats together at last. She'd stolen from him before. Even seen him before. It was brief glance when she'd snuck into his estate with Rowan and Lex last year but she didn't forget a face or how hot he'd looked in a towel coming out of his bathroom. He had money, power, looks, and a killer sixpack.

    "Why hello, Quan you said? Duchess Alexandra Victoria Blackbourne of Wales. I don't believe we have had the pleasure of formally meeting," The blonde grinned her mind spinning as the idea of a Frankenstein foursome was switched out with something much-much-much-more fun.
    August 31st, 2015 at 01:41am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    "Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes,"

    He was speaking quickly into his phone, the words going a mile a minute in the language he knew so well but hadn't been able to use since leaving home. His face was hidden in shadow, his expression one of great brooding as he sat in alone in his solo seat placed discreetly in the corner, away from the strangers that were Sandra's friends. He rubbed the back of his taut neck, his jaw clenched tightly, his tone one of the distinct businessman. "She's just so...normal," he exclaimed, thunking his head against the backing of his chair, which in this instance was reversed, being in front of him with his legs straddling the cushion.

    "No, I am not making excuses, will you just-" the voice on the other end grew more irate, a feminine lilt picking up tenacity as Quan shook his head, cheeks puffed up and trying his hardest not to let out the worlds most aggravated sigh.

    "Xiang, hush, I swear."

    He tried to keep his voice casual, but Quan could feel his heart rate picking up, an agitation seeping into his tone that he tried to disguise as being distracted. Xiang was never easy to placate, and if she could tell he was getting irritated with her...well, he didn't want to think about that.

    "Do you really want to disappoint my brother, Quan? What about me? If you don't get Sandra to cooperate, I'm going to end up-"

    "That will not be necessary, now I have to go" He cut her off, his heart sinking to the pit of his stomach. Ian was scary, his sister? He ignored the chill that was snaking around his spine.

    "Ian's getting irritated, you know-"

    "He's always irritated, and I already talked to him about this," he hissed, though a shudder ran down his spine. Ian only got irritated when his father was pissed with him, and though there was only the deepest respect the dragon had for the elder demon, well...Ian didn't get his temper from his mother, that was for sure. Quan had no desire to disappoint anyone from that side of the family. "You guys wanted me to fit in with her friends, well I have to actually go TALK to them to do that, you know. Besides, you don't think she knows I'm talking to someone from home? I couldn't look any more suspicious than I do now! I'll talk to you later, now bye!"

    He closed his phone before she could reply, rubbing circles on the side of his head, breathing deeply through his nose to get her loud voice out of his mind. So far he was proving useless. Sandra hadn't budged once, and he still knew next to nothing about her... admittedly, he was getting a good amount of stuff from her friends, whether they knew it or not.

    Mulling this over would do nothing to help the situation, he decided finally. He got up quickly from his seat, the upbeat, slightly obnoxious aura from before back on his face as he (quite rudely) shoved past the barbie blonde holy brat and made a beeline for Sandra. Catching up easily, he gave his best cocky grin, looking around. "This is an excellent party, the music is picking up, is it not??" She ignored him, apparently still irritated by the fact that he had been talking to Alen. She didn't even know what they had been talking about, she just assumed it was something triad related, for heavens sake. It was rude of her to assume he wasn't there to genuinely become friends with her. His mood darkened slightly, though he tried not to let it show.

    "Oh Sandra, come now- hey, maybe we could take a little detour from your party. Get some fresh air," he tried, going for a new angle. "I could show you some new party tricks we've started back home," he added under his breath, a suggestive hint in his eye. He knew she wouldn't bite, but it may at least get a response.

    In a very unladylike manner, Sandra snorted, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I do-"

    She was cut off by a sudden whirl of blonde hair and a loud hiss. Eyes widening a fraction Quan stopped before he himself was crashed into, trying not to give his own snort at the look on Sandra's face.

    "Hey Lexy," Sandra sighed, before laughing as Quan was quickly dismissed.

    "Glad you could make it," Sandra tried to put in before the affronted demon could introduce himself- that is, until Lexy quickly ignored her for a better look at Quan.

    "Oh, yes..." Quan hesitated, taken aback by the sudden and long introduction of the perk blond girl. Was she another Angel- no, that couldn't be. She was with Valerie, and she definitely didn't have the feel of an angel, blond hair aside. She could be spoken to freely then...

    "Quan, but you know that, it seems? A pleasure to meet you," Quan bowed, then upon straightening gave a jovial wave to Valerie. "Nice to see you again, Val," and though he knew most in Sandra's house found her aggravating he genuinely meant it. The girl was amusing. He turned back to Alexandra, momentarily distracted from his quarry. Sandra took the chance immediately, silently excusing herself and ditching the group.

    "My full name is Yīn Quan. I have not met a duchess before, it's quite exciting! Though-" Quan paused, hesitating. "You're a friend of Sandra's?" he saved, trying to hide his messup. This girl was of important stock, wealthy- an asset to have as an acquaintance. He needed to be sure not to insult her. The girl was pretty, he had to admit, and there was something about her name he felt he should be remembering. Even so, he had little experience with foreigners prior to his transfer to this school and he wasn't sure how to conduct himself with this new person. "I have not seen you around?"
    September 6th, 2015 at 04:59am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Alexandra & Valerie
    "Our people run with her people, I guess," Val added with a nonchalant shrug, it was true the girls had many classes together but Val was more Edgar's friend and Alexandra was more Luci's friend. Technically though they did hangout together and Sandra had invited Lexy after all. "My dear Alexandra does get around," Val snorted before continuing, "the friend circles that is, it goes with the territory of being Pandora's first Cheerleading Captain. Go Fighting Frogs and all that jazz," Valerie winged watching as Alexandra faked a modest blush and an expertly placed hair flip, watching Quan's eyes trail her glittering blonde hair. What was it with the Asians and blondes? Even Sandra had gold fever following Bartholomew around all the time.

    "Oh, my, gosh, Val seriously, again with the cheerleading thing, I'm sure Quan isn't interested in the silly flips I do in that incy-wincy skirt. Goodness," Lexy giggled rolling her eyes dramatically as she nibbled on the edge of her bright red polished fingernail, drawing adequate amount attention to her lips. Lips were important.

    "I mean he's a Dragon, Jesus Christ, you probably do better flips in your sleep, right?" Alexandra asked with batted eyes as she reached a hand out to stroke his forearm sending out slight a-hum romantic fluctuations his way, and by romantic she meant horny.

    Val laughed a wicked grin on her face as she edged in towards Quan, "I'm not so sure, she tends to crowd the boys, much more than Sindri ever had, I guess that goes with being a Demon of lust," Val stated at the exact time she was supposed to receiving a faked worried glance from the Demon.

    Alexandra allowed a controlled blush to slide across her cheeks as she reluctantly pulled her hands away from Quan's arm as if her comments stung, forcing a soft stutter, "It's not like th-that, I'm just," she paused brushing a strand of long blonde hair that had stuck to her lip as she looked down before making radiating eye contact with the boy, "trying my best you know, It's hard being from such a serious family they have expectations, and I'm just doing my best, seriously Val you're embarrassing me," The girl laughed awkwardly going to cross her arms (and if it bounced her well graced breasts something those asian girls were missing that was only a bonus).
    September 8th, 2015 at 04:47am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    "Eddy!" Clark grinned ear to ear as she walked quickly over to the now paused Caster. The girl completely ignoring the blonde who was staring angrily at the Asian boy who'd just pushed past.

    "Did you see that? He hit me on purpose! That was so rude," Penny whined looking to Edgar to do something for about five seconds before it became obvious that Edgar was too awkward to actually do anything about it. "Fine- I'm telling Sam!" the Angel exclaimed going to complain to the only person in the house who seemed to care about what she was saying. Which was a little unfair. If it was Bart or even Rye he'd totally go save the day. That guy was in a gang or something, she was on her own.

    "So, Eddy, how's it going? Seem to have lost your date, which is a total drag, I told you Val was a bad date, didn't I Rye?" Clark gushed looking at Val who was flirting with the thuggy-asian that Eddy had sworn to her was in a gang. Sandra had really weird friends... "I would totally be your new date, but Rye asked me already and um, that's why we're here together, because Rye is my date, right Rye?" Clark chirped failing to make Edgar in any way jealous.
    September 8th, 2015 at 05:31am