Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

  • "Oh, crunchy, definitely." Nicole said, her voice and face completely serious. "I know some AC/DC stuff, from old friends. There's other things i like, but classic and stuff is top." She said, thinking if her home. She wondered if anyone missed her. "I actually knew someone who was a witch, same as you. They are cool." She smiled softly, thinking about them.

    Rye's face exploded into an explosion of reds, reaching to his hair. He didn't think Maggie of all people would ask him something like this. He had thought he wasn't her type, it something. It took him a moment, but finally he turned to her, ignoring Sandra's prying eyes and meeting Maggie's gaze. "How does 6 sound?"

    Alex grinned, holding the dog up so she could see it more clearly. "I have no clue, but I am so not letting it stay here all by itself." He proclaimed, nuzzling its fur. "Wanna keep it?"
    July 2nd, 2012 at 05:44am
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    Sasha flashed him one of her jaw dropping smiles nodding quickly as she pet the small animal in Alex's arms.

    "What are you going to call him?" Sasha asked watching Alex through the corner of her eye, as she gave the small puppy a quick kiss.


    "I bet they don't have nearly the amount of swagger that I do," he added flashing her a smile- which quickly fell off his face as he bumped into Nicole causing her popcicle to fall to the ground.

    "Aw Man! Not again!" He cursed burying his face into his hands.


    Maggie nodded as if expecting his response, " I can't wait to see what you have planned," she added before clicking the fire button on her remote killing Sandra's character with an epic head shot.

    "It's rude to watch Sandra," she finally said flashing her a wicked smile before getting back into the game as if Rye and her hadn't just made awkward date plans.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 06:02am
  • "Oh, I'm sure you'll be pleased," he grinned, already thinking of several possible things to do. Sandra chuckled, "Well, sorry mother," Sandra replied, giving Maggie an amused look before crawling next to Rye and draping one if her hands over his shoulder. Puckering her lips, she made a pout and puzzled his neck, making him jump back, his tail and ears perked in surprise and at full alert. "Thanks for making me feel left out," she whined, throwing a wink at Maggie. Rye stiffened, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to pull away.

    Nicole stared at her popsicle, then at Eddy. "No, your swagger is totally unique," she chuckled, grabbing his arm and smiling. "Don't worry about it, it was an accident."

    Alex shrugged, his gaze shifting away when she kissed the small animal. "You name it, since you noticed it. I'm not sure of its gender though..." he murmured, softly turning the dog onto its back.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 06:32am
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    "Like I said he, but I'm horrible at names... What about Wilfred?" Sasha asked weakly shrugging her shoulders in confusion.


    The pressure of Nicole's arm wrapped around his own caused Eddy to blush for a moment sneaking an appreciative look at Nicole when he didn't think she knew... He had to admit, she was awfully beautiful, he could hardly believe he had a girl that good looking holding onto him...

    Mustering up some courage, "About that rock climbing, I'm free this weekend if you might want to go?" he finally asked suddenly becoming interested in some trees in the distance he waited for her reply not daring to look at her.


    "I have younger siblings, I've learned to share- although I don't know how this will work out Rye you being such a player after all," Maggie added sticking her tongue out at the both of them trying to suppress giggles. She knew a certain Demon was only doing this to rile the poor boy up, and she was doing a fantastic job at it.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 06:55am
  • Alex blushed, letting the puppy lay down back to normal and chuckled. "Wilfred, huh? Sounds good. Wilfred willy wil. You like that boy?" He grinned, petting his head.

    Nicole thought about it, trying to remember if she had anything to do. She felt him glancing at her, and blushing, she smiled and nodded, releasing his hand. "I think I can do that," she grinned. "What time?"

    Rye blushed even more, trying to pry himself from Sandra's grip. "Thanks for having my back," he joked, giving Maggie a playful glare.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 07:31am
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    "We don't even know each other a day and we already have a child together, what'll happen in a week?!" Sasha exclaimed flashing the already blushing Alex a wicked smile. He seemed to be thinking about something, too bad she couldn't read his mind, maybe she'd given him the charm a little too early?!
    "After classes around four or so?" Eddy asked shoving his unoccupied hand deep into his pocket, walking with Nicole back towards their house, wondering slightly what everyone else was doing.


    "I'll be there if you need help fighting off something a little more life threatening- like zombies, if there are zombies I shall no doubt save you, until then.... Well," Maggie shrugged her shoulders leaning up against the couch she watched Rye sleepily, wondering what he was going to say or do to amuse her next.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 08:01am
  • "H-hey! Don't say things like that!" He yelled, still petting the dog. He pouted, then sighed. "You think they'll allow us to keep him?" He looked at her again, upset. "We might already have custody problems. I doubt that asthat will let me have him in the room."

    She nodded, "Yeah, sounds like a plan!" She smiled, noticing her sister. A frown appeared on her face, as she noticed people talking to her freely, the majority of who were boys.

    "Yes, because that's totally going to happen." He said exasperated. Sandra got up and walked to Maggie and Rye, moaning like a zombie. "Zombie apocalypse, sounds awesome." She said, learning towards Maggie, making as if she was going to bite her.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 08:22am
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    "Don't pout Alex, Wil will just have to sleep in bed with me! I bet he'd like that more anyways, wouldn't you boy?" Sasha giggled scratching him behind the ears, as she talked baby talk to the small puppy.

    Sasha watched as Alex pouted again, she assumed he was upset about not having the puppy with him.

    "I'm sure there's room for you if you're feeling neglected," Sasha added flashing him a knowing smile. Sasha wasn't trying to flirt but be friendly, sadly from the looks on Alex's face she was 100% sure he was not getting that at all.


    "I see your sister, I met her earlier, she seems nice..." he added flashing Nicole a smile, she seemed put out about something.


    "No!!! Rye save me!" Maggie shrieked playfully as she fell onto his lap, burying her head into his chest she giggled. Halfway because Sandra was practically gnawing on her leg and halfway because Rye smelled really good. FOr a moment she wondered what type of cologne he was wearing, her long fingers pressed into the fabric of his shirt, her face placed in the crook of his neck, her long eyelashes tickling at exposed skin.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 08:41am
  • Alex smiled as he watched Sasha coo at the dog, but immediately almost dropped him when she made her comment. "Hah that's not necessary. So funny..." he handed the puppy to Sasha, smiling with a blush still on his face. "Sounds like a plan," he said, while the puppy yelped. "He's probably hungry. Wanna head back?"

    Nicole nodded, a small smile on her face while she looked away from her sister. "She's awesome," she mumbled, glancing back then awkwardly shuffling her feet. "You wanna meet her... or?..."

    Rye laughed, grinning as he held Maggie while fending Sandra of with his leg. He didn't notice at first how close she was to him, but when he felt her close to his neck his face grew warm and Sandra giggled, jumping on them both, creating a dogpile.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:05am
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    "Wha... You almost dropped him!" Sasha gasped tilting her head to the side as she watched Alex change from being overly happy to- something she couldn't even understand. Sasha tried to keep up with him as he started back towards the house, confused at his sudden standoffish personality change she called out to him, "I was only playing, why are you angry with me?" for some reason this hurt slightly worse than the things Bart had said.

    Eddy noticed her sudden change, he thought that calling her sister nice would make her happy... But she seemed to act almost the opposite.

    "I was never one for crowds, I mean why meet someone new when I'm having fun with someone else?" Eddy asked unhooking her arm from his he grasped her hand leading her away from her approaching sister.


    "Sandra get your own chair, this one's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Maggie wined giggling slightly as she wiggled a bit getting into a more comfortable position on Rye's lap, she had to admit he had great aspects as a chair. In that moment Maggie decided she would be spending a lot more time on this cat's lap.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:19am
  • Alex blinked at her, confused. "Huh? N-no! I wasn't- I'm not angry! Not at all." He didn't realize he came off as such, but it made him feel guilty. "I'm just spazzing, i guess. Sorry." She didn't seem to realize that he was just getting overly embarrassed, which made him feel even worse since he was taking way too much out of her jokes.

    Nicole looked at him, surprised and a little pleased at the abrupt action. Sinri watched them leave, curious but still paying attention to her friends. Nicole glanced back, then turned back to Eddy. "She really is nice..." she mumbled, looking back to the direction they were walking.

    Rye let out a surprised chuckle, embarrassed by the action but playing along. "I guess I'm glad I'm so comfortable," he mumbled, then leaned back then jumped up, tossinghim and Maggie towards Sandra and they all rolled on the floor. He couldn't stop laughing.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:36am
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    "It's okay- I'll forgive you if you forgive me... And, if you help me give Wil a bath, I'm sorry puppy but you stink!" Sasha exclaimed rubbing her nose against the puppy's. Sasha couldn't understand why Alex was so edgy about the jokes, from what Sasha had seen her sister made jokes with boys that were her friends all the time, and they always laughed and joked back- instead Alex gave her crazy looks and seemed upset.

    "She seems like a lot of effort though, getting all that attention and all- I don't understand how people can be the center of attention all the time... It would be too tiring for me personally." Eddy finally said softly afraid he'd upset Nicole, as he watched her face waiting for a response.


    "No fair-No fair!" Maggie laughed as she attacked Rye creating a tickle war between the three of them. Maggie's side started to hurt from the a mount of laughing they were all doing as they rolled along the living room floor.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 05:02pm
  • Alex laughed as Wil let out a small yap. "It's a deal!" He exclaimed as they approached the school again. It was getting late now, with the sun in that in between place of setting. In an hour, it would be getting about sunset, the time Alex tended to have problems with his moods. Especially during midnight. However, they was still a bit off so he grinned, motioning for Sasha to lead the way.

    Nicole shook her head vigorously, a distressed expression on her face. "She would have come over, she loves to meet new people... and, it's not her fault. She doesn't ask for it, people just generally flock to her." She couldn't help but not though, understanding his sentiments. "It does tend to get annoying though."

    Sandra heaved herself off the floor, gasping for breath. "That-was-so-awesome!"
    July 3rd, 2012 at 04:44am
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    Bart smiled as he polished a puppet like doll, his eyes gleaming as he stared down at it a small smirk placed upon his face knowing exactly how he was going to use the empty Vault if a certain bitch decided she was going to mess with him tonight.


    Sasha nodded beaming at Alex as they hurried home watching the light disappear over the side of a large hill.


    "We'd better hurry or we'll get stuck out here after dark- It might be best to get an early start since we have classes in the morning after all," Eddy said picking up the pace.


    "Dudes, I'm starved let's cook something!" Maggie exclaimed holding her stomach as it let out a loud sound jumping up she ran into the kitchen ready to cook away a storm. Video games and tickle wars took a lot out of a girl.
    July 3rd, 2012 at 07:07pm
  • (I wrote this out and got excited so I totally call for a time lapse *Plus, after this confrontation we get to skip to tomorrow and then classes! ;p )


    Bart could hardly hold in the giddy excitement as he sat on his bed polishing a faceless wooden puppet, watching as his roommate Alex read from some weird magazine.

    "Puppet making is such a truthful hobby don't you think?" he asked watching with a nonchalant smile as Alex tensed up at his words, "My family line is the celebrated Vault crafters of C.A.T. and although most of my ancestors preferred to use dolls- I find puppets far more truthful to the nature of the creation- don't you?" excitement filled Bart's heart as he watched Alex's eyes curve into a slight glare although he was still ignoring him; that would never do, Bart had a point to make after all... It might just take a more specific threat to rattle this trash.

    "All souls are different, so Vaults vary from time to time, this particular one is made for a Dream Weaver. I bet you've never met one- nasty things practically Psychic Vampires! Feeding off others' energy as they sleep, thank-goodness to do that they have to project their soul, one little forceful tug an any reaper could separate them from their body. Souls are slippery buggers, personally I drop more than I make into Vaults," Bart smirked adding the final and most dangerous threat... Dropping a soul would result in that soul being gone for good, the person wouldn't even pass on or become a ghost, just becoming a speck of dust upon the earth. A final non-existing death.

    Bart knew he'd hit a cord with Alex as he watched the boy race out of the room.
    July 5th, 2012 at 02:43am
  • (Nicely done. All other characters have basically said their goodbyes and such. This is gonna be good. >:) )
    Alex Reed

    Alex stormed out of his room, heading for the nearest exit and trying desperately to remember where her room was. He had to get there before she fell asleep, before she tried what she said she was going to do to Bart, and before he lost his only friend here forever. This was going too far, trapping a persons soul forever into a puppet...he tried not to have a panic attack as he slammed himself into her door, causing a surprised yell from the two rooms on both sides. He didn't care who he woke up, he just wanted to make sure she woke up! He tore the amulet from his neck. If anything, maybe she'd be directed towards him and she'd be safe. He swore as he continued pounding the door, trying not to break down.
    July 5th, 2012 at 04:02am
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    Sasha screamed startled as she tumbled out of bed, her blankets twisted around her legs causing her to trip. Sasha's eyes widened as she tried to get to the door which was on the verge of being broken down. She knew it was Alex, she could hear him yelling verbally and mentally although his thoughts were too panicked to understand. Sasha was surprised nicole was still asleep let alone anyone in the country ... why were boys so loud ????????????
    July 5th, 2012 at 08:22pm
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    Almost immediately he stopped pounding on the door, breathing a huge sigh of relief as he realized Sasha had woken up, and was therefore safe. He fell to the floor, gasping for breath, just barely realizing how shaken up he was. He tried to regain his composure as he waited for the door to open, already planning ways in which to make Bart suffer. His last comments kept running through his mind, and he felt himself clenching his fists tight on his arms. "...nasty things practically Psychic Vampires!"

    Stop it. Stop it. little forceful tug... he shook his head, the last thing Bart had said filling his head, A final non-existing death. "Sasha! Open the door, hurry, please!" He gasped, throwing the amulet down at her door. "That monster couldn't have been serious..."
    July 5th, 2012 at 09:47pm
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    "What's wrong? Did Maggie set the house on fire again?!" Sasha asked panicked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she'd been asleep for less than thirty minutes, and was exhausted, she hadn't even thought about the need to grab her robe so she stood numbly in her doorway in a large T-shirt that ran a bit on the racy side of her thighs. Wil now barking at her ankles.

    Something was seriously wrong and Sasha wondered if she should wake up Nicole, who Sasha couldn't believe was still fast asleep in her bed across their plainly decorated room.

    Sasha looked confused at her pendent thrown so carelessly on the floor, biting back aggravation she bent over picking it back up fastening it around her own neck before quietly helping a flustered Alex off the floor, Sasha wondered where he'd been to be so worn out, his room was just downstairs after all.

    Looking down the hall Sasha tried to look for any sign of a fire; but she saw and smelled no smoke. She was happy no one else came outside to check out what all the ruckus was about which did surprise her because Alex was loud and the other two boys' room was just across from her own. Go figure her housemates were deep sleepers.

    It crossed her mind for a split second that this was something Alex just did, although funny and sweet he did seem the type for melodramatics, and banging down doors shouting at 12am was a bit on the dramatic side. Sasha sighed waiting for him to start explaining himself.
    July 5th, 2012 at 11:42pm
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    He took a deep breath, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. There was a pit in his stomach that wouldn't fade, and he couldn't speak for a few good moments. He glanced cautiously towards Nicole, glad she was still, as far as he could tell, asleep. He hated that he had freaked out so much, and knew that Sasha was standing there waiting for an explanation, but he honestly didn't care at the moment. She wasn't stuck in some stupid puppet, and that's all that mattered.

    Finally he gained enough composure to calmly stand up. "Sorry," he whispered, his voice slightly hoarse. "I just had to make sure I got here in time. That guy from earlier, my roommate? Bart. You can't..." he hesitated, shaking his head, "please, don't target him. It's too dangerous." His tongue felt like sandpaper in his mouth, and he pointed at the necklace. "I'm sorry. But, I'd much rather you targeted me than him. You know what type of angle he is, right? Well, he was talking, and I guess he figured that you'd be getting at him tonight. He was brandishing this puppet doll, and he basically...threatened to turn you into one of his vaults, or whatever they are."

    He shuffled awkwardly, rubbing his neck anxiously. "I just had to warn you, make sure you weren't asleep yet, or something."

    (Just putting it out there, Nicole is actually awake xD She just figures this isn't her business.)
    July 9th, 2012 at 02:20am