Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

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    Quan nodded attentively, a carefree tilt to the smile on his face as he turned his attention from one blonde to the other, his eyes lasting a moment too long on the more modest of the two as she flipped her long golden hair back. He couldn't help but give her a downward glance, appreciating to himself the snug fit of her blouse and killer legs she had going on.

    "I've never actually been to a school who had cheerleaders before," he admitted, ignoring the fact that he actually HADN'T gone to a school in quite a while prior to Pandora. She didn't need to know that. "Ah, but it is cool! Very cool, you know, as a dragon I can do many things. Human wise, I could never move like you girls do," he chuckled, eyes widening in surprise as Val teased her friend.

    "No, no, I totally understand what you mean," he sympathized with her, a shock running through his body as she touched his arm. He felt himself wanting to draw himself closer to her, offer more words of encouragement and empathy. Being pressured by those around you was no easy burden, after all! He patted her soft, small hand that was still on his arm, as he unceremoniously ignored Val without realizing what he was doing. He felt upset when the girl withdrew her hand from his- his eyebrow's coming together to knit worriedly on his face, though there was an ever so subtle sparkle at the mention of the girls breed.

    "Oh, no, I'm sure it's not- I've been around plenty demons, you know. So many preconceived notions of what we should be." He tried not to blush as her eyes made contact with his, all the while still nodding sympathetically as he motioned to the table full of drinks laid out by that angel brat.

    "Familial matters, always very stressful, I understand," as he said this he laid a gentle hand on one shoulder, leading her away, patting ever so softly in an understanding matter, oblivious the the snicker ad look of gloating coming from Val.
    September 8th, 2015 at 06:13am
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    Ashton held in a groan as he rolled his eyes. The beckoning hand squeeze... What was he a fucking puppy or something? And like a good puppy he followed behind her the screwed on smiled hurting his jaw. At least she was thirsty that would distract her, shut her up too.

    "Here, I'll get that for you," he offered while pushing a concerned look on his face, baiting the inquisitive ginger in as he slipped a little something extra into her drink. "Since when did you and Everett get so close?"
    September 8th, 2015 at 06:20am
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    She couldn't take any more of this. Her back hurt, she felt like she had to pee again. She felt like she was pretty much alone, even with Bart and Sasha here and the wonderful erratically present Sandra coming in and out. Apparently Sasha was getting the third degree a la Bartholomew. Though she couldn't make out why exactly, as he refused to say, but Sindri could guess what it was about. The boy sure had come a long way from the days he thought holding hands meant someone was going to be having a baby. (No, he seemed to be perfectly aware of how that worked now. With a little help from the sex crazed fae and bipolar demon friend of Nicole's house.)

    Absentmindedly, Sindri ran her hand in a soothing motion over the bump that was her stomach, humming to herself, every so often drinking from the cup of punch one of her friends had been so kind to give her. Dancing sure took a lot more out of her than it used to.... It didn't matter though, she told herself. A child like this one was worth it. He, or she, would be miraculous and beautiful-and all hers, by the way things looked. There was a small reply from the little one, as suddenly she felt a sharp kick that seemed to agree with her. She couldn't help the maternal grin that spread across her face, as she gently and slowly lifted herself up, the motion looking a lot more graceful than it felt.

    It was with a sudden oomph she bumped into the Alen, who was grinning with the most scandalous smile in the world. His hair was a bit messy and he kept giving wayward glances to the door, but Sindri took no notice of this as he snatched her attention away, suddenly pulling her to the dance floor, twirling the considerably pregnant girl with ease.

    "Oh, Sindri, you do look beautiful tonight," the demon complimented, just as the classical music ended and The Girl from Ipanema began playing. Sindri danced along, but her face was full of annoyed suspicion. "Yes, Alen, I'm sure I do. Now what do you want?"

    He placed a hand on her hip, which right now was basically the bottom of her belly, and sashayed her to the side. "Now, why does everyone always assume I want something?"

    "I don't have time for games, you kn-"

    "It's a party, games are great for parties."


    "If you must know, I'm trying something out."

    "I will not sleep with you."

    "Not interested," he scoffed, twirling her once again. "I'm not some sex crazed guy, you know that right? Why does everyone-"

    Sindri wasn't paying attention, though. Standing alone like a wallflower she noticed the boy from some of her classes, a punch glass held to his chest. She had accidentally caught his eye, and they stared at each other for a good minute or so before she grinned and glanced away, brought back by Alen's continued rant on how he was a respectable demon and did not prey on those in her condition- his intentions were something completely different and-

    "See you Alen."

    It took her only a few minutes to cross the room, but even so, she was breathing a bit heavier than usual. She was careful to mask this, though, when she caught up to him. True, she had never personally spoken to the guy, but she knew about him well enough.

    "Hey, Winston, right?" She smiled, and it was a true smile, meant to bring light into the room and ease anyone's troubled mind. "I have some classes with you! I didn't know you were going to be here, that's really nice."


    Nicole's eyes widened, noting the subtle note of accusation and hurt in Ashton's voice as he questioned her relationship with Jasper. She couldn't help the small look of 'are you really jealous?' to seep into her expression as she let him handle her drink, glancing over to the now packed area with Emmy awkwardly conversing with Rayna and Rayna obviously going way outside everyone's comfort level- by being anywhere near their vicinity. She was glad to have jumped ship and come over here.

    "Oh, well, we have a ton of classes together you know- plus, him being with Emmy and all, I get to see him around quite a bit. Swim club," she popped the B on the word, a joking grin on her face as she took a small gulp of her drink, oblivious to any tampering that may have happened to it. "He's really nice, we should all hang out some time." She beamed at him, hoping he'd agree. They hardly ever hung out together with other people- and by that she meant with her friends.

    "You're not jealous of a little hug, are you?" She giggled, incredulous as she placed her cup down after another drink or two. "You know you're the only one I have eyes for, sweety," she mumbled, glancing down while shyly only to look up from under her lashes, letting the golden ginger lashes flutter against her cheek as she blinked up at him. There was a certain jitteriness building up inside her, a need to get moving, to do something other than talk. Perhaps it was the music, which had taken a turn from her favorite classical, to a much more upbeat Maroon 5 soundtrack. She found herself wrapping an arm around Ash's arm, a small impish grin on her face as eyed the dance floor and him hungrily. "You know, we haven't danced yet."
    September 8th, 2015 at 06:43am
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    "Exactly!" Alexandra sputtered nodding her head in utter agreement as she looked up at him with her big doe eyes. "As a duchess, I'm expected to be a lady, but as a Demon... I have urges, you know," she blushed her fingers laying delicately over Quan's hand which rested on her shoulder sending him another volt of temptation, "Sometimes I just want to be a normal teenager, drink punch, dance with a cute boy," Alexandra bit her bottom lip nervously "Flirt," she blushed leaning into his touch as she let her back rest against his chest.

    "It's just really nice to meet someone who seems to know so much about Demons, normally people just expect me to be a certain way because of what I am... Even Val," Alexandra paused looking back at him with hopeful eyes. "It's just really nice,"

    "You seem to know so much about my people... I-I'd love to talk to you some more if that's okay? I know you were busy, and I'd hate to bother you," Alexandra offered with a hopeful glow to her face as she looked at him with admiration.
    September 8th, 2015 at 07:20am
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    Oh, Quan was gone. Hook, line and sinker- though, he was none the wiser of how much he was being played. No, the poor Dragon had always been a little too susceptible to the charms of Demons- Death and Destruction, Lust, and Greed alike. Yet even though it was obviously Alexandra holding the cards, the slightly egocentric demon was under the impression he was the dominant one in this conversation.

    "Oh, my dear, you poor thing!" Quan enveloped the girl into a sudden hug, rubbing her back consolingly. She had it bad. "You just have to learn how to own it, love. Own your demon fierceness, and those in your presence will never have the gall to question your stature as a Lady." He shook his head now, solemn. "Such troubles you women face, especially you westerners. Having to fit into such odd, strict roles of what it means to be you."

    Quan released her, pausing in thought. True, he had been busy, but that bridge wasn't going to be breached any time soon. Why not make some friends connections while he was here? He nodded then, smiling enthusiastically at the slightly shorter-than-him blond. "I would be more than happy to talk with you more, Miss Alexandra- and if you ever need a dance partner, I'd be more than happy to assist in that, as well." He gave her a sly, flirting smile.
    September 17th, 2015 at 03:20am
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    Alen had taken a passive approach to the sudden onslaught of Blonde, creepy and psycho with her side of dumb henchman. Oh, he really felt for Alex. The poor sucker was never going to hear the end of this- Emmy was going to let. him. have. it. He tried not to snicker as Rowan bombarded them with his presence, taking a generous sip of the concoction in the flask he passed around. Honestly, the only saving grace for him right now was that he (as Alen) wasn't doing anything to worsen the bad case of foot in the mouth syndrome going on.

    Seriously, Jasper did not know how to remain cool under pressure. He was sure that the guys ribs were going to be a dark blue by the end of this conversation with the amount of non-too-subtle shut your trap nudges going on. the only thing that could have made this any better, was if Sasha was around to partake in the banter. Oh, how he wished to be able to see that.

    It was a shame that Emmy's cousin was so psycho, she would make a great lay if the circumstances had been any different. It was obvious that her date (which the gossip 411 told him was not her betrothed) was going to be enjoying himself in any case.

    He tried not to think on that too much. That was creepy as fuck, even for him.


    "Oh! Yes, school," Rayna sighed, nodding her feigned sympathy. Emmy was a horrible liar if there ever was one. Though, she thought, the fact that the girl was so willing to lie wasn't exactly a bad just was unfortunate that Rayna was the one being lied to.

    "Swim! How charming, it must be really fun. I heard that hallo- the huldra was rather upset at not getting captain. Those water fae, though, you know. Competitive beasts. It's rather remarkable the team is so top notch! It shows a great reflection on you. Your leadership must be brilliant," Rayna complimented, flashing her bright white teeth in a smile that seemed more awkward than endearing. "Just let me know, dear. I'll get the whole band together, Jami-"

    Rayna closed her mouth immediately as the cursed demon popped out of nowhere, the effort to hide her sneer turning her face into a pinched, sour looking thing. She also tried to resist commenting about the seriously lewd and inappropriate behavior he was exhibiting. Dating a ghost was one thing, but allowing a demon to partake in her relations?

    Oh, Emmy needed her help bad.

    "I thought you liked Peter?"

    Rayna peered curiously at them all, putting everything together quickly in her rapid fire brain. Of course. Peter.

    So be it.

    "Oh, yes, my...den mother. She is rather strict with that nonsense, sadly." Rayna only focused now on Emmy, ignoring the rest.

    Oh, Emmy could at least get henchmen who didn't puke out more information than they needed all the time, and blubber around like nincompoops. Sure, her troop were idiots as much as the next ones, but at least they were necromancer idiots and didn't go spilling too much info around. Bad for Emmy, but surprisingly useful for Rayna...maybe she should invite them....though, whether she could stomach their presence for long remained to be seen.

    "Honestly, though! Of course Peter will be around. Like you said, though, I'm afraid I can't do breakfast," Rayna tilted her head to the side, a forelorn look to her face. "However," and her eyes sparked up, a genuine smile on her face. "Due to school activities, Dinner isn't a required activity to participate in in our house. Perhaps we can do something then? Oh, I hope so-"

    Rayna turned, grinning up at Ivon's tall frame, eyes wide and bright with renewed energy. She turned back to Emmy, ignoring the sudden- and not so discreet- grab to her bottom from her favorite male necromancer. She took a grab at his hand, smirking at her cousin. "Oh, look at me talking your head off. I'm sure you would much rather be off dancing with- ah, your boyfriend. I'll send you a text later with the time and date of our get together! I'm so excited!" Rayna grabbed Emilia's shoulders, pulling her in to kiss her on each cheek, and quickly fled off before Emily had the chance to say I'd rather not.
    September 17th, 2015 at 03:56am
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    "Sindri, right? You're friends with my sister Lexy, the cheerleader," He pointed nonchalantly towards the blonde who was currently talking excitedly to some boy he couldn't place. The word friend in this case being questionable. Sure Alexandra was nice to Sindri, but Alexandra was nice to everyone (until she got back to the house and those people weren't there.) His sister's favorite description of the beautiful ginger was, "Fun until she wasn't," which was highly unfair. It's not like she chose this. Did she? it wasn't his business.

    He couldn't help but wonder if Alexandra and Rowan called him that now... He wasn't exactly fun.

    Probably. Most likely. Maybe not Rowan?

    He shook his head trying to banish the pesky thoughts as he redirected his attention back at the girl.

    "It's a nice party," he offered taking a sip from his drink before scanning the room. He didn't bother explaining that he knew she helped plan it from listening in on class. That would be creepy. "Everyone seems to be having fun," he nodded looking at the smile on Rowan's face. The one he got from his new friends, who were not nearly as boring as him. Probably.

    "I'm glad I came," he paused not quite sure that was the case but it sounded like something he'd use to say.

    "So did you ever figure out your monologue for English?" he asked with interest.
    September 22nd, 2015 at 12:09am
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    "Oh Quan! That is soooo sweet," Alexandra swooned batting her lashes at him as she held onto his rather well proportioned arm. "I actually-" the demon paused as her favorite Jonas Brothers song clicked on, surprising the girl into a squeal of excitement. "Love this song so much," she stated in absolute truth. "Maybe, maybe we could dance first... Then talk?" She asked with a hopeful smile. She'd seduced him, why not wait a few moments and really enjoy it? Who knows he could be a great dancer and she was at a party after all.

    "Please?" She pouted giving him a puppydog look if there ever was one before tugging him lightly to the dance floor a cute slightly impatient bounce in her step.
    September 22nd, 2015 at 12:22am
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    Ashton smiled for real this time as he watched Nicole's drink do what it was intended to do in the first place. Honestly everyone should drink Seelie "spice" the world would be a much less annoying place if everyone did. It was the only way he was going to get his layer wearing nitpicking anal retentive girlfriend to loosen up and become a prize worth actually claiming at the end of the night. The drink was just a push in the right direction. People drank it all the time at Seelie parties, hell he'd had it close to 50-60 times himself... It just so happened that Nicole was not used to the effects, and may be a bit of a lightweight but that was all part of the fun. He liked being in charge. Sure right now she was leading him to the dance floor but soon enough she'd be the one following his directions and slight nudges and that's all that mattered.

    So, Ashton didn't need any convincing as Nicole lead him onto the dance floor. Although she annoyed him to death, the girl was a good dancer for an UnSeelie of course. Plus this was an easy way to get her into a more Ashton approved mood.

    Dancing close Ashton quite enjoyed the new sexual Nicole, savoring each touch as he moved in closer, their dancing representing more grinding than the shitty ancient thing that had been transpiring on the dance floor before. Perhaps he should invite Sasha? She looked easy.

    "You're looking a little hot sweety, maybe you should take your sweater off?" He prompted as his hand may have rolled over her perky ass.
    September 22nd, 2015 at 12:23am
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    “That went… well,” Rowan laughed as the Frankensteins tried to slip away. It wasn’t successful in the lease sense of the word, as people tended to give them a wide birth making disappearing from sight impossible. Nice try though.

    “As well as could be expected! Quite honestly, I find that girl repugnant, I swear I have goosebumps,” Jasper complained rubbing his bare arm. In his defense the hairs were standing up.

    “I have spent the past semester steadily avoiding them, I can’t go to dinner with her! I just- I don’t want to.” Emmy groaned whining almost like a child as she acted as though this statement could actually change the fact that she was now going to dinner with them.

    “Blow her off, simple as that really,” Rowan snorted looking at the girl as if she was an idiot.

    “Wait, wait, wait! She can’t blow them off, if she blows them off then Rayna will be very pissed and if Rayna’s pissed, it’s probably my head.” Jasper concluded already deciding that Emmy’s meeting would be of course for the greater good.

    “Thanks a bunch Bae, really appreciate the worry for my safety there.” Emmy muttered rolling her eyes before throwing her arms over both Jasper and Rowan’s shoulders.

    “You know what I mean,” Jasper huffed shaking his head as he wished that just this once he could actually get to enjoy a party.

    “Yes, that you’re a big chi-ck-en.” Rowan teased sticking his tongue out at the other boy from the safety of his side.

    "Well this chicken is going to get punch, normal punch before you tamper with it, do you want some Em?" Jasper asked rolling his eyes at his friend before giving the girl a quick peck and walking away leaving Rowan and Emelia alone.

    "You know you can't tell them anything right?" Rowan asked seriously looking at the girl, his face dropping as he spoke about their little side deal.

    "Obviously, I may need that demon chain but I'm not an idiot. Jesus Rowan, just get with finding your ingredients, do you have the Faerie dust yet?" Emmy asked crossing her arms as he seemed to actually fiddle.

    "Seelie fae sparkle is hard to find especially after the last incident, apparently they don't like it when you steal their essence or something, It's not like I know any fae," the demon grumbled the last bit a little too loudly.

    "You do realize there's fae everywhere right, just pick one and get some, you're resourceful, if I have to meet with the zombie makers you can rough up a single fae or charm them at least. Aren't you supposed to be greatttt at charming? I'd say Alex's girlfriend but she was born UnSeelie so that won't really work, um... Nicole's UnSeelie, Sindri's obviously UnSeelie too..." Emmy looked around the room carefully, before nodding at the only two obvious potential targets.

    "Hit up Alice or Maggie," Emmy nodded towards the two girls.

    "Hell no, I saw what she did to that Caster, I ain't touching that with a ten foot pole," Rowan physically wrenched away looking disgusted.

    "Then ask the blonde, Tristan say's she pretty gullible, or naive or something, shouldn't be too hard," Emmy shrugged before pausing. "And remember she's that kid so I wouldn't do anything too questionable," she warned looking at Tristan as he enjoyed himself at the snack bar.

    "I don't have a beaker on me," Rowan rolled his eyes hoping to get out of it.

    "Ask Edgar, uh... super nicely, I hear he's a pushover too," Emmy ratted without empathy. Most likely those two didn't need it spread around that they were easy mind control targets but business was business and it wasn't like Rowan was actually going to hurt either of them.

    Rowan was acting fine, and most likely Alice would just offer up the little bit of glitter the moment he asked.

    "Fine... What's her name again?" He asked scratching the back of his head as he scanned the tiny blonde who had a pretty smile.

    "Alice," Emmy rolled her eyes at his inability to pay attention for more than five seconds at a time.

    "Like the broad from the book?" He asked with a raised brow suddenly a little more interested. "Do you want one vile or two, any blood?" He asked double checking as he cocked a head to the side to look at Emmy who looked equally puzzled.

    "Wait, do you think you can get blood?" She asked tapping her chin, before pulling her book out from her pocket watching as the small leather book sprung to life in her hands, the page turning automatically to the worn ingredients list. "You know, what happens happens, but only if Eddy has the proper equipment. She's a halfbreed I think but full Seelie so... You know what sure, I'll need one vile of dust and one of blood, um but I wouldn't turn down two of each," she offered with a shrug, ingredient hunting was hard. Fae were resilient she'd be fine... Like a shot right? Just like a shot.

    "I'll bring you back extras," Rowan smirked before slinking off towards Edgar. Emmy in the mean time caught up with Jasper at the punch table and made it her mission to forget about business and instead focus on having a little fun.
    September 22nd, 2015 at 01:04am
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    Clark & Rowan
    "Yo, Edgar right?" Rowan strolled up not interested in any idle chit-chat, anyways Alex had never made this housemate out to be anything special. He was simply someone who had something he needed.

    "It's Eddy..." Clark's words corrected the older boy with hesitation, knowing exactly who he was but having no clue what he was doing there talking to them. "You're Lexy's..." Clark looked over at Alexandra who was currently dancing dirtily with Sandra's sketchy acquaintance, "friend." she paused again the word rolling off her tongue as she looked at Rye with one of her high curved brows as if he knew what was going on.

    "friend, s-u-r-e." Rowan rolled his eyes of course that's what he'd be known for. She looked like a mini Lexy honestly. Not a bad quality but irritating when he had work to do.

    "Uh, sorry, I forgot who Alex said you were... or was it Alen?" Eddy looked at Rye as if he knew the answer before being brushed aside by Rowan.

    "Not important," Rowan stated leaning forward to place a hand on Edgar's shoulder before leaning back away, "Where do you keep your equipment, specifically the test tubes and syringes?" He asked nonchalantly as if asking Eddy about where he liked to go skiing or what he got for number 2 on his mathematics homework.

    "Uh, what?" The Caster looked confused, sluggish even as he looked around the loud room and at the people he was standing with before his eyes went back to Rowan's. "I keep it in my trunk at the end of my bed, first pocket for the test tubes, the syringes are in a medical kit under the practical potions textbook." He admitted in a rather confused manner.

    "You can't do that! I know what you did and you cannot do that! You are not allowed to use that sort of ability on campus without permission and that is not your equipmen-" Clark's tongue felt like it weighed 50 pounds by time she made it almost to the end of the word equipment. Her eyes having caught Rowan's almost embarrassingly easy for someone who knew exactly what he was up to. Clark was the type of girl who used almost too much eye contact when she was being demanding or showing authority, which ultimately did not tie in well with her training on how not to be hypnotized.

    "You talk a lot don't you? She talks a lot doesn't she?" Rowan snickered making the fake talking sign with his hands as he jabbed a thumb in Rye's direction.

    "I was going to return the stuff, but she's kinda harshing my mellow so I'm gonna go ahead and keep the equipment, you won't mind Edgar."

    "I won't mind," Eddy agreed instantly, nodding his head as if it obviously should stay with Rowan once he was done using it in whatever way he intended.

    "Here's what's going to happen, I wasn't here, I didn't ask you anything, Edgar broke the equipment last week, he was being clumsy... Now you two are going to go back to the party and have fun. And you," Rowan turned to Rye now, the only one he didn't even bother hypnotizing, "are going to pretend like nothing happened, because this doesn't involve you, and if I find out you said anything to anyone I will come back and have special fun playing with your head, bet there's loads to mess with." Rowan threatened pointlessly, Alex had made it clear this one was a wimp, no backbone, hides in his room practically in footy pajamas... Maybe it was Alen who said that? Alen was the gossipy one.
    September 23rd, 2015 at 12:43am
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    Maggie & Jamie
    Maggie was, and forever would be, a party girl. There was just something magical about teens dancing around the crackling flames of a bonfire. The warm glow that would mask smeared eyeliner and beerbreath. That's what Sandra's party needed. Honestly besides the occasional house party when the parents were gone for the weekend parties should always be outside. No beer or fire? What was she supposed to do... Make polite conversation with her date about the decline of the Euro?

    She was 15 not ancient like Shion's equally hot and creepy roommate. The music sucked, and she was slightly-kinda-maybe not okay with Clark hanging off of Rye's arm. Even if he was a dick... Totally bangable but still a dick.

    It wasn't hard to slip away. Alice was in love engrossed in conversation with Shion begging him to dance again. He was cute but obviously not a dancer, but that was for his bae to figure out. Rye was shadowing Clark, as she threw herself at Eddy.

    Not that it made Maggie annoyed or anything. Clark deserved nice things... And Clark considered Eddy nice. Someone had to. but like Clark, Eddy was a shitty date ignoring Val and an enamored Clark to steal glances at Nicole when Clark wasn't looking.

    It was disgusting and she was tired of doing the same. She needed to get a clue. Rye asked Clark. Not her. Rye... Obviously was disgusted by her. He asked Clark. Which was a shitty thing to do. Whatever. It was cool. She was with Jamie and he wasn't a total waste.

    Okay he was pretty hot. Sure his eyes creeped her out a bit but he'd given her a chance which was more than she could say about~. Seriously? No!

    Slipping past the livingroom door Maggie pushed Jamie against the hallway wall hard her lips warm with irritation as she pressed herself against the other boy. Her fingers going to curl in his hair as she locked eyes with him not helping but to shiver as she stared into their depths afraid she'd never escape them. Breaking contact she focused on his chin instead as she felt his hands move to the small of her back his grip locking around her as he pulled the tall brunette against his own springy body.

    "What are we doing?" Jamie asked with a look of confusion as Maggie's lips traveled down his neck unexpectedly not at all bashful as she sucked on his collarbone in a very public hallway. This was dangerous. Was Aurel watching? The guide was good at being invisible when he was snooping. When he shouldn-- Jamie moaned, the sound escaping from his throat unexpectedly surprising his thoughts to silence... Rayna. Oh, no. He shouldn't be doing this.It wasn't right to her... And she'd kill him.

    "We're doing whatever we want to... Why label it?" Maggie asked genuinely confused at his apprehension. Boys usually encouraged such friskiness on her part. Except- Maggie's eyes narrowed as the words came out of her lips before she really thought them through.

    "I heard Sasha gave Alex condoms, and I know where he hid them, up for some light burglary?" She offered point blank.

    WHAT... That was an option?! His thoughts of Rayna forgotten instantaneously by general surprise and the fact that he might actually have real sex."Where they at?"

    "He's a klepto I bet they're in his little hiding place in his room which is across from mine," she pointed out pulling the now eager boy towards her bedroom.
    October 11th, 2015 at 05:49am
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    Maggie & Jamie
    "Jamieson, you're not scared are you?" Maggie taunted from her spot on the bed. Her eyes gleaming at him mischievously as her lips curled into a smirk.

    "Jamie, only my mom calls me Jamieson," he laughed awkwardly at the girl he hardly knew. Oh, his mom would be pissed.

    "Oh, haha um yeah, so let's get cracking," Maggie added wishing they were drunk for the billionth time. If he was drunk he would have laughed at her joke,for real, not corrected her. If they were drunk he'd be on her already and she'd feel better. Not like a fumbling child holding a condom she hoped he knew how to use.

    "Sure uh," he paused between the door and the bed suddenly not so sure. His mother would hate Maggie, and not just because of her muddy bloodlines.

    "You're right music, lighting, priorities..." God he was needy. Wasn't she supposed to be the one unsure?

    Evenso she turned on her iPod double checking the lock on the door before flipping the light.

    "Maggie, Rayna's going to kill me," he complained as the brunette slithered up to him her arm hooking around his neck as she smothered his protests with her soft blazing kisses.

    "So? It's dark, you could pretend I'm her I guess," she whispered disappointment quivering in her words like broken promises. Just another boy who didn't want her.

    "Hmmh," he paused in thought the fiery girl warm against his skin as he felt his hands break away from her waist towards a certain anatomical part he'd been rather curious. Rayna's were bigger and honestly this girl was nothing like the girl he was going to marry. Point in blank why he was here in the first place. "Nah, Maggie's good too," he half smiled as he started kissing her back with more ferocity. His left hand cusping her breast as his right worked on yanking her shirt off.

    Maggie worked on his belt buckle as they staggered back to her bed, leaning back she flopped down, Jamie bouncing on top of her as they landed forcing the ahis from her lungs as the weight of is body landed on her chest. It felt good. It felt familiar. It felt like she was finally getting the attention she craved.

    "Are you okay?"

    "Shush," she instructed, capturing his lips again not willing to answer that question.
    October 11th, 2015 at 06:44am
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    Clark was interesting. Not in any fancy way, like the way that the girls back home did, or the way that those weird kids in your homeroom class interest you. No, she was interesting in the way she held herself and the way she acted with people. She was a social one, he knew that- heck, how could he ever deny that fact with the way she had introduced herself to him? Oddly enough it was this trait that made her endearing to him, and this trait that pushed him to try...little as it may be to participate in this party. He couldn't help but be amazed at how easily she navigated the social cliques- though, admittedly, her current target of choice wasn't much of a challenge.

    Eddy. Why she chose Eddy to start off with, he couldn't fathom. After all, she did have tutoring with him throughout the week. When he had said introduce themselves he had meant...well, people she hadn't met before.

    Even so. He couldn't complain.

    He waved at Penny, the look on his face (which was supposed to be an attempt at a sympathetic smile) an odd grimace. She flew past him, indignation clearly on her face. It wasn't to him that caused it this time, though! That had to be a victory.

    Once he would have been indignant with the blonde, nagging Quan the way he would nag Rob about not doing his job right. Yet these days it seem he couldn't be bothered. Maybe if it was someone he was closer to... though that could easily be wishful thinking.

    With a nudge to his shoulder Rye perked up, attention pinpointing. "OH, bad date. Yeah, that stinks...but Eddy was so insistent. Your choice, man," Rye shrugged, not sympathetic to Eddy's supposed delima in the least. He knew better than to think Eddy cared if Val was flirting it up with some other guy. He'd only really invited her because they were 'friends.' Rye's attention snapped to Clark like a whip, eyes shooting between her and Eddy and this time his smile was at least a bit more authentic.

    "I'm afraid so, Eddy, and I'd be devastated if someone was able to steal such a catch from me," he sighed, wrapping an arm casually and he hoped not awkwardly around her shoulders. Whatever Clark was trying to do wasn't working, but if he played along with her he'd be helping. Helpful people were good people, right? At least that's how it was supposed to wo-

    "Yo, Edgar right?"

    They all turned, dumbfounded, to look at some slightly older guy who did not look like Eddy's usual company. His name eluded Rye, but he knew he had seen him around with Alen before...and Alex. That was about all he knew, though. He pointedly ignored Clark's look of confusion, knowing he wouldn't be much help. Whatever this guy wanted wasn't exactly something he wanted to know...

    Then, without much warning and to Rye's annoyance, he had the answer. His glare could cut steel as he realized what the guy was doing, and he resisted the urge to shove the older boy away from his roommate. He'd only seen this stuff done once before, and that was a la Sandra. If Eddy remembered any of this, he would be pissed.

    "The fuck?!" he hissed, dropping his arm from Clark's shoulder only to be shut up by the beginnings of one of her deadly admonitions. Only, all of a sudden, she trailed off and the demon's voice took over. Rye didn't answer his teasing jibe at Clark, but he had a sneer on his face, and the overall atmosphere he felt between them was hot with animosity. He was about to make a very vile, and very stupid (for if he only knew this ass' identity he'd never say it with so much carelessness), retort when he felt the words freeze in his mouth like hot sludge. His tongue wouldn't leave the shelter of his mouth, but it had nothing to do with demon magic. A chill shot through him as he continued to glare, but he remained silent, like the coward he was as the demon walked away. He wasn't sure how serious the bastard could be, but he didn't want to find out. He didn't need the extra any case, any excitement he had had the moment before was gone, and in it's place a familiar sense of budding apathy.

    He stood there, alone and bewildered, with two dazed victims by his side. He took Clark's hand, giving it a slight squeeze and grabbed Eddy's hand as well, ignoring the bewildered look of confusion his older roommate had. "Hey, I have to excuse myself. Suddenly thirsty," he mumbled, apologizing without looking at Clark as he shoved her hand into Eddy's palm. "Eddy, escort her for me until I come back? I hope you don't mind," he shot to Clark, though it was a courtesy more than anything now. He couldn't face them a moment longer without wanting to blurt out what had happened.
    October 17th, 2015 at 06:49am
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    Saying no to Alice was hard. She was surprisingly insistent, and didn't take no for an answer- though, really, Shion hadn't been too stuck on refusing her. She seemed to have had fun with the court boy, sure, but strangely enough she didn't really say much about what they had talked about or how he danced.

    Not that that mattered- at least not to Alice. It had been less than five minutes before she started prodding the fox boy to lead her in a dance. Shion kept laughing, shaking his head and placing his hand atop of her head, repeatedly saying he would be horrible. He didn't dance, they didn't really do it much back at home, and she'd be insulted with him as a partner. She deserved someone a bit more graceful. Besides, he had grinned, squeezing her face gently with his hands before crossing his arms playfully- "your face is red! You need rest."

    Of course, he didn't say all of this quite like that, but she understood enough to rebuff him and keep insisting. it was when she grabbed his arm and literally led him to the dance floor that he stopped his modesty and stood there awkwardly, holding her hand and swaying his arm back and forth. He was at a loss of what else to do. Sure, she had shown him some dance moves back at home, but this was different. They were in front of people! His stomach swirled with some strange form of butterfly's as he looked up and kept his eyes on Alice's face. She was chatting excitedly, and he took a deep breath, nodding as she pointed to their feet and reminded him which foot went first.

    It was something like right foot forward, left foot to the side, meet there and-

    He swore as his foot landed on top of hers and he began to apologize, only to be stopped by Alice's laugh. He kept his face down as the red in his face went down.

    Try again.

    "Step up right, left, turn..." he mumbled to himself, slowly but surely getting some of the dance moves right. Alice's voice floated in his mind, leading the way, as he kept glaring at his feet and hoping to do this right. There was something about boxes and quarters he was trying to remember, and he knew he was supposed to actually be moving her around the room, and-

    Then she lifted his head up and he felt his face flush again. "Don't look at the feet. I forgot," he mumbled, lifting her hand to twirl her and bringing her back. She leaned into him, and he found himself getting into the rhythm easier. She had wrapped her arms around his neck, her face delighted, though he worried she was tired- her cheeks were redder than before. He didn't dare say anything though, he knew she would just deny it anyways.

    So they just stayed in their little corner, Shion swaying her to the melody of the song, taking her hand again as he led her in little circles around the other dancing people near them. Enjoying the music but not knowing the meaning of the words, his attention was only on Alice and no one else.
    October 18th, 2015 at 06:08am
  • l""I
    To say she was blissfully happy was an understatement. She was physically over the moon as she swayed against the Japanese boy. Her fingers digging in ever so lightly to the collar of his shirt as her fingers laced behind his neck. She was using him for more of a crutch than she cared to admit, but this was perfect.

    Shion was a hard worker. At his studies, languages, and apparently this as well. It filled the girl with pride as she watched him improve in front of her. She had tried to teach him a few moves before, but it was obvious that he had been practicing outside of their little mock classes... Even if he wasn't as confident in himself as she was in him. He only stepped on her feet once!

    "I finished looking at all your pictures last night, they
    were wonderful, it must be nice having such a big family," she praised warmly her words, "I especially liked the festival pictures," she chirped before going to rest her head against his chest. The sound of his heart beat louder than the music.

    "I'm not too cold... Am I?" she asked up at him from behind long lashes and slightly worried eyes. For her she felt warm; but to him... who knew?
    October 18th, 2015 at 07:57am
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    There was a weird pit in his stomach, not unpleasant in the least, yet foreign just the same. It was as if he was full after eating a bowl of the richest fruits, his body soaring with happiness. Shion was content as Alice leaned her weight onto him, the girl so light it was like dancing with the wind.

    His face lit up like the trees Alice's family liked to decorate, as he nodded enthusiastically. "I sent so many! Sorry" he laughed, though Alice had bested him by thirty. He still needed to finish the collection of photo's she had sent him. He nuzzled the top of her head with his chin, wrapping his arms tighter around her slender shoulders. He ignored the occasional chill that went through his body, a small answer to Alice's question he didn't bother to voice. It was once worse. He was still getting used to the chill of her skin, but the thermal he wore underneath his party clothes shielded him nicely. He'd have to thank his mother for the idea.

    "Never! You are fine, not like ice. Thank you. They are fun. If- If you enjoy, I can take you to one a day." He grinned, pulling back a little. "People leave a Ema, or get O-mikuji! Like the picture. Much food too."
    October 25th, 2015 at 03:13am
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    Alice felt a bubbling in her stomach. Not too unfamiliar to the child. She'd been having these embarrassing joyous bursts for a while now. It was almost too common. Especially with Shion's chin resting against her hair. The flapping feelings of butterflies twirled in her stomach as a blush sweltered under her perfectly controlled glamour. Her smile shining everso more brightly as the Japanese boy eased into the dance.

    She'd already talked to Kali about such strange feelings over ice cream Tuesday. Apparently they were perfectly normal. Something to do with hormones or growing up or maybe she had just swallowed a rogue flock of migrating butterflies. Monarchs migrated quite often, this was preferable to any other alternative.

    Nope, Shion was just her amazing best friend, who she thought about regularly every few seconds. That was common with best friends in the books and movies she watched.

    "What did you wish for? I burned a candle for you, and for Ryker, and Bambi, and well Kali too... Honestly I bought like 12 but I had a lot to be thankful for, my dad said that if I went to mass a little more here I wouldn't have had to send up my thanks like a billion texts, but a lot has happened you know." She let out in a bright burst of sudden giddiness as she spoke about the votive candles she had gotten to burn at her cathedral over winter break. Winter break had reminded the Catholic girl how much she loved church. All the stain glass and beautiful brick was a stark difference to the stuffy one she shared at the school with mostly Angels (and sometimes Ryker) but that was now going to change, Kali had worked out a deal with Philip's father, so Fredrick would take her off campus to the small village to go to church with Philip. No Angels (not that they weren't perfectly kind to her, but Jesus would not like they way they treated Ryker!)

    "But you saw the pictures already, oohh we are going to take so many pictures when we go, of course this is after Disney! I'm going to have to work on Daddy to let me come, but I really want to see Tokyo, I've been thinking about bullet trains, have you rode one before?"
    October 25th, 2015 at 04:12am
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    "Ah, ah! I can not tell. It's se-cret! Shhh" Shion grinned, touching Alice's forehead with his own while he held a finger to his lips, making dramatic whispering motions. "Sue-kichi negaigoto!" he laughed, knowing she wouldn't understand his words or the wish fortune he had received. He had left an Ema of his own, one that wished for the health and happiness of his friends. This was something he was more than willing to share, of course. Overall his visit to the shrine had been a good one, and the God the shrine was dedicated to seemed to be holding Shion in a high favor. He just hoped his private wishes and greeting had been heard. He had even left near six hundred yen for that one specific friend to find good fortune and happiness.

    As far as Shion could see, Alice's customs weren't much different- the names were different and all, but the Saint's seemed to embody what his God's did. Though Alice had fervently explained why he shouldn't call the St Michael or Jude (he still had trouble remembering their names just right) gods. He just felt thankful she had cared to leave a prayer for her.

    "The pictures were pretty! Very big house," he stopped short, eyebrows knitting together. Tokyo wasn't something Shion had much comfort with. He had only been there for the times it took to get on the plane to Pandora and back. The bullet trains had been excruciatingly claustrophobic for him (and his parents). Overall, the place had been nearly as foreign to him as Pandora had been. "Only once or twice. They Very fast. Many chairs."
    October 25th, 2015 at 05:22am
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    Rowan watched the dainty blonde carefully from his spot on the arm of an overstuffed floral couch. His legs crossed as he took a long sip from his punch faking interest in the conversation he was currently having with Sasha about something that happened earlier in the week at breakfast. She had a thing about the wierd viking with braids. For a debutante she hadn't seen much of the world if she thought that was weird. He liked her shallow conversation though, it reminded him of his jobs with Lexy at the bars. Shallow conversation with a pretty girl who obviously held his attention not the person he was eyeing just over her shoulder. Cons took practice. This was trickier. He was good at charming women like Winston, an amazing pick pocketer like Kole, and don't get him started on his amazing charisma (Alexandra was his girlfriend after all). Wonderland Girl wasn't his usual catch. She wasn't a lonely woman wanting company or a drunk man slumped over a bar who wouldn't notice a little cash missing from his wallet the next day. She was toooo noticeable. The fox would be a problem. She was strung to him like an ornament to a tree. Tristan was a concern as well but he'd stepped out a few minutes before so now was a much better shot.

    Alexandra had said Wonderland loved him when he'd asked for a reading on their vibes, the mushy look on her face had made it clear asking the girl to dance would get more attention drawn to him from the fox than he needed. So Rowan had let her go back to coarsing the Dragon and he had gotten punch and thought up a plan while talking to Sasha.

    "You know it would be hilarious if you showed Lexy what her new friend bought Sandra for Christmas," he hinted looking at the girl who he was currently pretending to vent to about Alexandra's current conquest, (honestly though as long as she used protection he could care less) "I think she forgot he likes your friend." he suggested as if hurt by her sudden interest in the other boy.

    "Oh, Rowan you could do so much better, you should ask Oliver he knows a lot of royals, lots of money," Sasha hinted at as if Lexy could be swapped out for another duchess, a hilarious notion that the Demon would be pissed at the other girl if she heard about.

    "I'm telling you, imagine the jokes, I want to see the thing if anything to laugh at Sandra for keeping it," Rowan urged again getting a grunt from the girl before she let out a twisted smile.

    He watched as the girl sauntered off with a look of familair Fae mischief. Mission one accomplished.

    Now it was time for something much harder. He'd have to think like Roxie. This much more a hunt than a con. There was a difference. He was the wolf and that frail girl was his chosen lamb. Not necessarily to slaughter but it painted the picture. He didn't think of his con work as preying on people, it was just a job. This felt dirtier. Like a hunt. Roxie liked hunting, Blake thirsted for it. They both did if he was being honest about it, although he liked to think the small piereced and tattooed werewolf had more of a soul than the asian Demon, but he knew she enjoyed it a little too much.

    Now he would have to at least think like them; they were good at singling out prey. Getting them alone, forgotten about... Until- well, it didn't matter anymore. Wonderland Girl didn't have to worry though, he wasn't going to kill her.

    If they were anywhere away from this school he couldn't have promised that. If this was old matters, if she'd been an interest of his gang instead of Emmy's. He might have very well had to kill her. Things had a track record of ending up messy when Emil was involved... Usually because that meant Blake was involved, and Blake liked to play rough. prick.

    Rowan held back his contempt as he tried to refocus. Wonderland was nothing like Thailand. Blake was in Thailand. Blake was not here, and they only needed two viles of blood this time.
    October 25th, 2015 at 06:14am