Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

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    "Now, I'm just saying babe."
    Nicole purred, turning on her heels as she allowed Ashton to embrace her, his hands sending a rippling sensation of fire along her sides, hips, and the core of her being. She felt so alive right now, the music sending her into overdrive as she moved in graceful abundance with the beat of the song, to the beat of her heart, to the motion of Ashton's leading hands and arms. "Hugs aren't anything to build up a sweat over. There are much...more interesting things to get worked over. More fun, too," she snickered, grabbing him by the hips and pulling him towards her, only to drop her arms and step back, fluttering eyelashes and a shy giggle as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. A small sheen of sweat was building on her scalp, and her once comfy layers of clothing seemed restrictive now- obnoxious, even.

    Who wore a cardigan crop-top to a dance?

    Ever so thoughtful, Ashton noticed her discomfort and she couldn't help but nod to his observation, as she turned on her heel and slipped the garment over her head, the white lace top to her white and blue cocktail dress snugly fitting to her chest as she felt Ashton's arms snake around her waist and hold her firmly to him. She smiled, turning her head to nuzzle his neck. He smelled like cologne and the outside air, along with something she couldn't place. There was a hint of perfume, too, though the brand seemed off. A thousand dollars to whom it belonged to.

    "Though if we're going to talk about hugs, we can talk about how friendly you are with the little ambulance horn. Siren's are nice, Ashton, but I'm nicer."

    "Yet you don't see me complaining whenever she passes by and eyes you,"

    Nicole hissed, pulling away from him and turning with her arms dropping to her side in a what gives motion. She glared at him for a moment, the intensity between their stares dispersing when she dropped her gaze and waltzed slowly back to him, cupping her palm possessively behind his neck to pull him closer as they resumed their dance if you could call it that, her lips dangerously close to his as they snaked closer to his ear as she whispered.

    "You're supposed to be mine, you know."
    October 25th, 2015 at 06:55am
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    Alice smiled exhaustedly up at Shion as he gave her a little too much attention. Normally she would be ecstatic about his crowding but at the moment she was feeling a little hot.

    "I'm okay, really!" She assured him from her seat as her fingers held tight onto each other in her lap. She was trying to catch her breath. She had overdone it a teeny-tiny-incy-wincy bit but it was totally worth every second. She felt a glow. "I'm just gonna sit right here, and take a rest, Kali will be back in 20 minutes and I don't want to ruin her date. She works so hard Shi-Shi. And I like Jacob," she pointed out biasedly.

    Wiping sweat from her forehead Alice tried to push forward another smile. "I'm kinda thirsty," she pouted. "Please?" She asked with batted eyelashes.
    October 29th, 2015 at 03:46am
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    Alice sat happily enough as Shion dipped into the crowd, and by crowd she meant weaving by a mischievous looking Sasha and Sindri (who was busy talking with an unfamiliar looking boy). Alice smiled at the Fae, watching her with interest as she engaged in conversation. Resting her head on her hands as she mentally noted how beautiful she thought Sindri was for the fifth time that night. Nicole was beautiful too, she liked them both rather a lot. Sindri had been really really nice to her at Oliver's dinner party he'd thrown for Alice's recovery and the younger girl was not quick to forget that.

    Oliver had said a lot of things that night, mostly about family and the importance of connection. If that was true the twins were like her sisters. Alice had always wanted sisters.... Although, that also meant Sasha was her sister too and Sasha wasn't always that nice. Rye seemed to like her though and Rye was a great judge of character----

    Alice blinked rapidly her head turning away from the dazzling Fae to an unfamiliar face that had somehow ended up right next to her.

    October 29th, 2015 at 03:47am
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    Her heart was fluttering.
    He watched as the girl looked at him with familiar interest. Her baby blue eyes widening slowly in that deer in the headlights stare that usually took much-much longer to accomplish.
    "Alice?" He asked a second time not sure that she could actually be this easy.

    "Y-yess," the word coming out fast and without fault her body becoming ridged as if waiting for instruction. It really shouldn't be this easy.

    "Good... Um, let's go," he instructed standing up his eyes scanning to see if she was really under as she followed him (a complete stranger) out of the room without a second glance.

    Did everyone know she was this easy? Obviously not... Blake would have played with her if he knew. Rowan liked to glamour challenges, it felt like a game... Who was stronger? Once the thrill was done and a person was glamoured he let them go. Blake liked other sorts of games. Wonderland girl would be just his sport. He'd seen the Demon at work, pushing the easies until their breaking point. 'What wouldn't they do' as he called it.

    Looking at the hollow girl who took physical trouble getting up the stairs he wondered: what wouldn't Alice do?

    He could tell she was exhausted and yet she climbed the flight of stairs without a complaint. Her soft breath coming out harsh to his ears as he wished Eddy had a room on the first floor.

    If he asked would she throw herself down the stairs?
    He licked his lips as he shook his head at the thought. He wasn't like that... But she'd do it right?

    "It's nothing against you, you just have some things I need, and once I get them you uh," he didn't bother finishing his words as he checked the doors his face pinching in surprise as one of the knobs twisted and he was forced to throw open the other door shoving the blonde through the door and closing behind them before the sound of a complaining girl could swirl out in the hallway.

    The last thing he needed was to get caught by Penny. Clicking the lock on the door Rowan looked down at the startled child looking up at him from the floor as if she'd never seen him before in her life. She was bleeding. She'd scuffed her knees when he'd thrown her to the floor. It was an accident but she shouldn't be so light. Fae thing probably.

    She looked petrified, like he was going to kill her or something.

    "Scream and I hypnotise you again," he threatened watching her face to see if she was going to be a problem.

    "Wwhy are you doing this?" She whimpered her hands going to wrap around her legs her blue dress ruffles slightly stained by her bleeding knees. Her face now pressed against her legs as if protecting it from him.

    "You have something I need," he informed her.
    October 29th, 2015 at 05:27am
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    "Need? Is it money? Kali has access to my bank account, I'm not allowed to handle my money," the child whined pitifully. Peaking out at the strange boy from behind her hands before ducking her head back to her legs as she made eye contact with him.

    "I don't feel well," she wimpered, sobbing harder as she felt her knees sting and her hands pulled back with a little bit of blood. "Shion will be looking for me, I said I wouldn't get up, I need to go back," she explained her face whitening as she saw him reach for Eddy's chest.

    Eddy didn't like it when they touched his chest... He'd told them that the first day Shion and her had been invited over.

    Why was she in Rye's room? What did he need from her?

    She needed to leave. Kali said if anyone ever tried to hurt her again she was to run. She needed to run. She wanted to run.... But her head was pounding and her eyes were watery. Alice's legs felt like they were made of jello as she struggled to stand. Her body leaning hard against the wall as the boy swung back around to her a terrifying look in his eyes as he saw she was no longer on the floor.

    "Did I say you could get up?! Go sit on the bed NOW!" The girl didn't need compulsion to get her to follow his directions. She was on the bed before the word 'now' even finished coming from his lips. Given it was Rye's bed instead of Eddy's that she flung herself onto pulling his large over stuffed pillow hard against her chest as she pulled her legs in tight.

    "I don't have anything," she whispered softly her hand going to push her watch under her dress. he couldn't have that. Kali would be back soon. Kali would be back and she would find her and he would go away just like the other boys and she'd be safe again.
    October 29th, 2015 at 05:43am
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    Shion would have liked to say he tried to argue against Alice's wishes. Really. If you asked him, he'd even say he had put up a fair bit of argument on why they needed to call Kalya and interrupt her from hanging out with her friend.

    That would have been a lie, though. Alice was persistent and seemed to know his buttons, and so it was with minor reluctance Shion went past some two fae girls, Alice's family of sorts, and back to the punch bowl to retrieve something to drink

    However when he came back he was confused to find his friend was not where she had said she was going to be. Turning his head from left to right slowly, Shion looked to see if he could catch the sight of her pretty blue dress or her short bob of hair. Yet neither seemed to be around...


    Shion placed the cups on the small table besides the couch and placed his hands in his pockets as he waited for a few small moments to see if perhaps Alice would return. As she failed to do so, a prodding worry filled his stomach as he began to navigate around the dance floor- looking and calling for his friend. Sbe wouldn't have gone outside, and she wouldn't have lied to him about leaving her spot. No. This felt...wrong. It crossed his mind that maybe she had run back over to Clark and Eddie. He was disappointed to learn that that was not the case.

    Maybe she was with Rye! Why wasn't he with Clark, anyways? He looked quickly, only to realize the Neko had secluded himself in the kitchen- something that normally wouldn't have bothered Shion too much, yet this time he felt the stra ge burning of irritation in his heart. Hiding out at a time like this!! Not to mention the sudden and weird silent treatment.

    Where was Alice? Even Bambi, who is chatting amicably with her, didn't seem to know. There was an unmistakable note of worry and anxiety coursing through Shion as he left her, though he was careful to hide it. Sould he call Kalya? Was that the only option left? Horrible thoughts filled his head, notions that she was being hurt like the beginning of the year building inside him.

    He was being silly...he was being paranoid...

    Then he noticed, lurking in the corner and secluded in shadows, was Ryker. Shion quickly jogged to the vampires spot, and before he had even stopped his light jog, his words were out of his mouth in an instant.

    "-ave you, have you seen Alice? I don't- I cannot find her, and she said she was not going to move-she was right there! She said she wanted juice. I come back, she's gone Ryker. I- I'm worried-" his voice trailed off, as he watched closely for his roomates reaction. Hoping that the vampire would say he had seen Alice, or Shion was being silly. She had simply stepped out or gone to some room, or something. Yet that wasn't the case..
    October 29th, 2015 at 06:18am
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    "Jesus, will you knock it off," the boy grumbled as she looked at him like he was a monster. It was painful.

    "Knock what off?" She cried, face hidden behind a bob of blonde hair, her bangs sticking to her wet, pink cheeks.

    "Stop crying." He ordered the compulsion shutting her up instantly. "Thanks," he muttered as her almost irritating sobs came to an end.

    "I'm not trying to hurt you," he stated nonchalantly as he picked up the viles in the trunk, before reaching for the medical kit under the bed. The look of disbelief in the silent girl's eyes told him, she didn't believe him.

    "Just give me what I want," he told her carefully as if eyeing a possible threat, "and then you can go back to the kit," he promised flipping the red safety tabs on the medical box open. His eyes falling on the bandaids laying on top. "Here, see if I was going to kill you I wouldn't bother with this," he said as if throwing the word kill out there wouldn't send the girl into a panic. He was surprised to see her fight back, suddenly kicking at him to get away sending her tumbling to the floor with a loud thump. She didn't even land a blow, and it was obvious from the way she went about it that she was more interested in putting distance between them than actually hurting him.

    "Let me go, my mom will be back soon and she'll be worried," she pleaded backpedaling away from the bed.

    "Get back on the bed Alice," he told her, his eyes narrowing. She didn't move, instead staring up at him as if he'd change his mind and let her go.

    "I said get on the bed!" He compelled at last his arm reaching the distance to help drag the girl back onto the bed. "I tried to do this the nice way, but you're being a little brat," Rowan growled in irritation as he forced her face up to look at him. "Nod if you can hear me," he hissed his hands rough with her jaw as she followed his directions. Remaining still as he put a bandaid on each of her knees before instructing her to drop her glamour.
    October 29th, 2015 at 07:02am
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    Alice’s glamour snapped almost instantaneously as she was compelled to lift her mother’s watch from around her neck. The newly spelled item had been the only thing keeping her complex glamour in place since her accident. The spell just another in a long line of expensive gifts from her father. The usually self-conscious girl had never willingly dropped her glamour outside of her own home. Even in Denmark it was a rarity that her family should do so. Like many Seelie species Ice Elementals (and High Elves) were far from human in regular appearance. Everyday glamour was just a normal part of life for the Riber family. Unlike Fae that could use simple self-constructed glamours when in the presence of humans Alice’s had needed constant thought.

    It was custom that children be presented with a magical item to hide their appearance when in public, a training wheels of sorts, which Alice had outgrown the need for when she was 10. Yet, because of the accident she was again forced to cling to magic that only strengthened Hiroki’s jabs at her being a baby. It wasn’t like she could throw on a baggy shirt and skirt like Nicole did to hide what she was, or had the genes to appear perfectly normal such as Sasha.

    Christa (Alice’s mentor) had suggested she just drop the glamour all together, embrace the difference. Christa said a lot of things like that though. Christa was fearless, choosing to wear her real skin at a school where students and teachers still chose to wear glamours 90% of the time. Alice couldn’t dream of doing that, not when all of her friends looked so normal. The spell on the watch had been her first request at the hospital to her father. Her magical appearance was frightening enough without the addition of her injuries. So it was no surprise that this was the first time since she’d gotten it back that she’d taken it off. Luckily for the girl, she had no clue she was doing so.

    Rowan watched with mild surprise as the child in front of him transformed sharply. Her skin snapping from a pinkish white to an icy blue, lightly frosted in a silvery glitter that made her shine against her dress. Her honey blonde hair fading in intensity to an almost platinum color, as her ears poked out with pointed edges from both sides. Her blueish-gray eyes glowing electric blue. If he was being honest she looked smaller now, shorter maybe? He couldn’t tell. She wasn’t big to begin with but now she really did appear to be much younger than he’d originally guessed.

    "And I thought I looked weird," he muttered as he focused on brushing some glitter from her face off. Part of it did land in the vial but a majority of it ended up on Rye's bed. "He seemed the glittery sort," he couldn't help but snicker as he worked on filling the first vial with glitter and then the next. It took nearly no time at all, she had plenty to spare.

    His eyes catching as an inky black snake slithered up his arm, coiling around and around and around as the tattoo worked its way up his left arm. That was new. He was not a fan of snakes. Disgusting creepy things. He couldn't help but turn his nose up in revulsion. Hopefully this wasn't a permanent addition to his growing collection. He couldn't dwell on this at the moment, he had work to do. If things went as planned the blasted thing would be gone soon enough, all of them would be gone soon enough.

    Determination swirled inside of him as he pulled out the syringe not hesitating as he grabbed the girl's arm, he had work to do.
    October 30th, 2015 at 06:54pm
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    "You lost her?" Ryker asked with sudden irritation.
    How could he lose her?
    She was practically attached to the boy.

    "Did you check the bathroom?" He asked trying to be rational about things. Kalyani would be back soon and there would be hell to pay if Alice was nowhere to be found.

    Ryker couldn't think of the last time he'd looked over to check up on the duo. He'd assumed Shion had things covered. This wasn't his problem. Bambi wasn't even worried. She was dancing. Bambi was dancing. Ryker didn't even know she could dance, and frankly he was rather insulted that she was dancing with some girl instead of him. Didn't Kalyani put Bambi in charge?

    Looking around Ryker confirmed what Shion had said, Alice was not in the room, she was also not in the downstairs bathrooms. Adel swore she hadn't come out to the front porch, and she certainly was not involved in what was going on in Maggie and Sandra's room. (which had been tricky to convince Shion that he didn't need to physically check what was going on in there). Somethings the Fox just didn't need to know about yet and Ryker sure as hell wasn't going to explain what was going on in there.

    Rob and Sam were useless. No wonder Kalyani had been anxious about leaving, they didn't even know the group on the front porch were planning on spiking the punch let alone that Maggie was having sex in her room. He'd be sure to tell Bambi later so she could tattle to Kalyani... Then there would be no more of these pointless parties. He could be watching futball at home instead of playing Sherlock Holmes with Shion. Futball and blood.

    Blood. If he was being honest he was a little peckish at the moment may... "Do you smell that." the coppery scent was faint, very very very faint. Almost impossible to pick up. He only registered it because the specific scent was not new to him. It made no sense though. Alice was not supposed to go up stairs by herself. The doctor had warned that she was liable to fall if not watched. There were bathrooms downstairs, so there was no reason for her to brave the rather challenging wooden set in the house. "Did she go with Rye?" he asked suspiciously wondering what the girl could be doing with the Cat Shifter obviously up in his room. To be honest Ryker didn't know much about the other boy except that he hung out a lot with Shion and Alice. That, and he was prone to dramatics.

    Just because Shion thought the boy was in the kitchen didn't mean that he still was. Ryker didn't want to think the worst, most likely she was upstairs telling the cat something she thought was impossibly important, more important than her health apparently. He'd like to say this surprised him. Alice had weird priorities. Irritating priorities. Priorities that drove Kalyani and the others up the wall half the time with her unexpected actions. Usually Ryker didn't like getting involved with telling Kalyani things. Bambi was the tattler, but this time he was seriously tempted. She was doing too many stupid things, taking stupid risks, and worrying Shion and Bambi who then complained to him as if this was his problem and he was getting really tired of it. Especially after the cold shoulder she'd given him during her recovery.

    Marching up the stairs Ryker had no patience as he stormed towards the bedroom, ready to drag the girl back down to the party where she belonged. He was fully expecting to find Rye and Alice engaged in some sort of hushed conversation when he entered the room. He was more than surprised to find the door locked.

    "I know you're in there, open the door Alice," he accused, pounding roughly a few times on the wooden door before standing with hands on hips as he glared. It was one thing to sneak off but why was the door locked? Nothing good happens behind a locked door.

    "Wrong room buddy," the words slid under the door in an almost threatening tone shocking the Vampire who had fully expected to hear either Rye or Alice on the other end.

    "Yeah, I doubt that," Ryker shot back, his hand snapping the doorknob hard breaking the lock in his grasp with little worry about damage to the house.

    "Hey asshole I said wrong-" Rowan's words cut short as he caught sight of the Fox attached to the Spanish Vampire.

    "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ryker accused looking at the boy who was currently towering over the obviously hypnotized girl on the bed.

    "Listen buddy, it's not what it looks like," Rowan stated suddenly his samples falling into Eddy's health kit, which in turn fell to the floor as he abruptly backed away from the quiet girl.

    "The fuck it isn't," Ryker accused, breaking the distance between the two, grabbing a fistful of Rowan's shirt. "She's 14 you sick fuck," he hissed pulling his right arm back hard to land a punch right on Rowan's jaw. The force of which sent the Demon staggering back into Eddy's bookcase.

    Books went flying as the bookcase actually started to fall on the Demon pelting him with heavy encyclopedias and dictionaries.

    "I didn't touch her, man!" Rowan lied. He most certainly had touched the girl just not in the way they were accusing him.
    October 30th, 2015 at 07:44pm
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    The darkness popped, sliding out from quiet silence into a sudden invasion of color and curse words. She felt dazed, the world spinning around her as she blinked rapidly. Her head felt full, as if someone had stuffed it with cotton balls and marbles. Her back ached as it cut into Rye's headboard. Her legs suddenly bolting to her chest as she tried to cut out the loud sounds floating around her. Her hands going to wrap around her legs before reaching back to wipe agitating tears from her eyes. Instead of feeling comforted she felt disgusted as she caught a flash of blue skin. Her vision focusing in on the unsightly thing before she started to frantically search for her watch pushing away an invading hand attached to an unknown body. She was too busy looking for her watch to care who it belonged to. Luckily for the girl her watch was only inches away on the bed and took only seconds to throw around her neck.

    Her glamour slipping over her skin like satin. The changed appearance did nothing for her pounding headache or stinging knees.

    Shaking her head Alice went to clear her eyes again, blinking as she tried to focus on what was going around her.

    The hand belonged to Shion. It was Shion touching her. The sounds around her exploding in her ears. Ryker... and... someone else? She couldn't see, Shion was in the way. Why was Shion in the way? Alice felt sore and winced at his touch. Normally she loved the way his hands would feel against her skin, warm like sunshine, but now it was almost slightly irritating. It felt like she was at the doctors, his hands probing her as he spoke in whispers, words broken up and lost under Ryker's anger. What were they doing? She twisted her head around the Asian boy fear entering her face as she watched Ryker slam another boy against Eddy's bookcase. Oh gosh, Eddy's bookcase. He would not be happy, they were going to be in serious trouble.

    "Shion I'm fine, really, it's..." Alice's assurances were caught in her throat as she saw Ryker rip the boy from the floor.

    "Stop! You're going to hurt him!" Alice pleaded pushing past Shion suddenly, moving between the two fighting boys.
    November 7th, 2015 at 05:51am
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    "He tried to hurt you!" Shion shot back, voice uncharacteristically angry and shocked by her sudden shoving and attempt to get between Ryker and the monster who had been hovering over her threateningly only moments before. He didn't even realized he had ditched his shoddy English to speak in his quick, fluent Japanese. Alice would have no way of knowing what he was saying, but still he spoke, his words carrying an admonishing tone in them.

    "He hurt you! He is bad!" He emphasized, as Ryker still gripped the Demon's shirt, though he was distracted by Alice's straining body that was trying to separate them. Her breathing was labored and she looked pale and confused, but still very determined. Shion tried to grab her hand but she pulled it away, saying words too quickly for her to understand. He felt his aggravation growing. Why was she putting herself in more danger? They were only trying to protect and help her! The demon was saying things, his tone calming, soothing- Shion didn't trust it, he felt it was fake, and the longer they stayed in the same room as this guy the more dangerous it was. Even with Ryker there. Every fiber of his being told him to leave, get away from the Oni, before he revealed his true form and they were all done for. That's what happened when these type of things were involved, right?

    He couldn't leave the room without Alice or Ryker, though. "Alice, we need to go back to Bambi. You need to sit! We are scared! You went bye and are in this room after with him hurting you! You are being silly!" He yelled, trying one last time to grab her hand and she pulled it firmly away, still trying to stop Ryker, and frustrated, he threw his arm up and pointed to the door. "Outside. Adults. Away! Now!" Whether he was telling Alice, or telling Ryker to take the Oni away (which was his intention) was unclear, but his uncharacteristic shout seemed to finally get them all to pause (more than they already had)
    December 17th, 2015 at 08:32am
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    Ryker was able to pull back from his punch quickly as the young blonde waltzed right between his fist and Rowan's face. His bloody knuckles sore as he stared at the girl with pathetically large blue eyes. Tears staining her slightly pink cheeks as she pressed a slightly chilled hand against his chest trying to push him back from the Demon. If Ryker had wanted to, he could have easily thrown her back onto the bed, out of the way, like one of her many stuffed animals which always littered her bedroom floor. Ryker was shocked as Shion seemed to try to pull the girl away only to have his hands swatted away. The Kitsune was pissed. He had a right to be.

    "I'm done here, this isn't my problem," Ryker offered a bit hurt by Alice's actions his protective nature suddenly shut off as he gave her an upset look and stormed out of the room, leaving Rowan nursing a bleeding nose and Alice torn between the fleeing Vampire and the boy bleeding on the floor. She chose to run after Ryker, leaving Shion behind with the Demon.
    December 28th, 2015 at 04:03am
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    Less than 20 minutes.

    It had taken less than 20 minutes to get Ryker and find a trail towards Alice.

    Less than 10 minutes.

    It had taken less than ten minutes for them to find the room Alice had been in and knock the door down.

    Now it had been less than five minutes.

    Five minutes to ensure Alice was okay, stop (and beat up) the guy who had been doing god knew what to her, and for her to get upset with Ryker and Shion.

    It took less than one minute for them to leave him alone with the creep who was hurting Alice.

    Now he was alone with his thoughts and a bloodied Onii on the floor, in his best friends room. Never-mind the fact he was defenseless and weak against the older guy- though, oddly, this wasn't the first concern in his mind right now.

    He was confused, and hurt. Ryker and Shion had been worried for her, and she had gotten upset at them, yelled at Ryker, even when it was obvious she was freaked out and scared at whatever had been going on in the room. Indignation and insecurity made its way into his heart, and no matter how many times he thought over it, he was as incredulous as the first time.

    She pushed them away, then got upset when they reacted negatively- even if it was justified. He gritted his teeth, his jaw straining with the pressure as he glared at the floor, not sure how to feel or what to do. This party stunk.

    The Demon made a noise, stirring from his daze and fidgeting his spot. Shion flinched but didn't move, he just looked over to him, staring at the guys feet. Glass littered the area around them, droplets of Alice's and the creeps blood on the floor. Rye's room was a mess and it was this guys fault.

    "Get out." Shion stated, his voice uncharacteristically firm and rough as he walked to the door. It was the demon or Shion, and he didn't want to leave this guy alone in his best friends room. "Out. OUT!" Shion shouted, slamming his hand against the door.


    There was moment, a small moment, before Quan had his arm taken and was whisked away to dance in which he had made direct eye contact with Miss Alexandra. In that small, minuscule moment he realized two things.

    First, she had really beautiful eyes. Which, to be frank, surprised him. They were, after all, a common color of regular brown- yet still, they managed to mesmerize him.

    Secondly, he realized that despite her seemingly shy and meek demeanor, there was a fierceness in this girl hiding beneath the surface.

    These thoughts were muddled up in the haze that was Quan's brain at the moment, however.

    "Talk...later, right. Sure," he floundered, trying to keep up with the girls dance moves, the music unfamiliar to him and awkward to keep rhythm with. Despite this, Quan would have liked nothing more than to dance with her- if only to keep him with this fragile creature another moment longer.

    "I am not so good with these American songs, I'm afraid," he laughed, rubbing a hand through his hair and placing one hand on her hip, trying to imitate her dance with the pompous confidence he was trained to present in these situations. before he knew it, the song had ended and another of Alexandra's favorites came on.

    It was a while before they found themselves walking outside together, and another while before they found themselves learning even more than Quan had expected about each other.
    January 14th, 2016 at 08:24am
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    "Ryker, wait!" Alice begged limping as she caught up to him at the edge of the flight of stairs, tears rolling down her cheeks.

    "No." He grumbled in irritation his eyes piercing in a way that would send anyone else with common sense tumbling back. Instead Alice stood there her hands grasping at the fabric of his sleeve.

    "No?" she whispered as if this word wasn't in her dictionary.

    "Yeah, I said no." He stated steadily pulling her fingers off his shirt before taking a few steps down leaving her standing gawking at the top.

    "bu-bu... Ryker... I just... I don't like it when you hurt people," she sobbed losing her balance she teetered over the edge before forcing herself to fall back onto her butt her feet hanging over the stairs as she held onto her stomach. she was exhausted and sore and tired. She just wanted to go back to dancing and pretend whatever had just happened was nothing more than one of her elaborate nightmares.

    "I'm a Vampire Alice, that's what we do, hurt people. You have a shitty taste in people, you're too trusting and that's going to get you killed or worse. I thought you would have figured that out by the last time. I'm getting really sick of having to save your ass everytime you get a boo boo and then being treated like a freak when I try to help."

    Alice looked betrayed her eyes brimming with tears, "You're not a freak," she whispered shaking her head frantically. "Please don't go, you know I can't get downstairs without help, Kal would want us to talk about this," she whimpered begging him to come back with her open arms.

    "Get Shion to help you, he loves it when you walk all over him," he spat before disappearing down the stairs and out of sight leaving the girl to wrap her arms around her legs and try to shut the last conversation out of her mind.
    January 14th, 2016 at 10:25am
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    Well, something was obviously wrong here.

    Kalyani's eyes, previously bright and mellow in the afterglow of her date with Jacob, were now scrutinizing and suspicious of the children who flew past her without a word. Ryker storming past her, muttering how he'd be waiting in the car, wasn't too shocking. He wasn't the socializing kind, after all. It was Alice that had her shocked, and Shion even more so. She never would have thought to see the day he would give Alice what could only be slightly described as a 'cold shoulder.' Sure, he walked next to her and was talking to her...but it wasn't with the usual fervent attitude the duo shared, and Alice most certainly didn't sport red, tear stained cheeks and scraped knees.

    Oh, and they thought she wouldn't notice the knees?

    Her hand shot out, and she gently brushed the girls shoulder, pulling back quickly so as not to startle her with an unexpected or unwarranted touch. "Hold on one moment," she stated firmly, turning to see Sam burst from the kitchen, looking haggard and only slightly annoyed. Good. That made two of them.

    Perhaps it was the sudden inflation of Kalya's appearance in the hall, her cheeks and chest swelling with unmistakable signs of a long and heavy winded rant, that made Sam leap forward and grasp her hands. It took the Demon of Greed only a moment to assess the situation. Injured cute blonde, grinding Nicole and boyfriend, dimmed lights and very suggestive music.

    Well, this would take some explaining. The demoness had no clue what she had missed, or why Alice looked rather ruffled around the feathers, but she knew nothing serious must have happened. She couldn't let the over-reactive mother cat get...well, upset.

    "Kalya, sorry to keep you waiting out here like this. Do you want to take them right away, or come with us in the kitchen? Rob and I were having a riveting discussion about some matters I think you would find very important."

    "Thank you, but no. Pray tell, why is Alice injured? Did something happen?"

    It was the small Seelie Fae girl who cut Sam off before she could answer, or ask herself. Though Sam knew that there was something fishy about her tale, she insisted that she had simply stumbled while walking in the hallway to go to the bathroom. Sam wasn't about to argue the point with the Tiger Mom in her presence, though. She'd just have to ask Rye what had happened. Sure, he had been holed up with her, Rob, and Penny (who flitted in and out of the kitchen, determined not to be walked over by the other kids, but also disdainful of their 'unholy' behavior.' She had finally taken a leave of absence to her room) in the kitchen, but there was no doubt he would know what had happened by tomorrow.

    "Kalya, I'm fine, really!" Alice squeaked, oblivious to the fact Shion had left her to go outside and into the waiting car. Kalya sighed, nodded, and waved her towards the door.

    "SO," Sam grinned, crossing her arms. "That date, how was it? Hmmm?"

    Kalya chose to ignore the waggle of eyebrows and suggestive lip biting the younger house matron gave her, her cheeks most certainly not flushing a darker brown , tinted red from the rush of embarrassment to her face. "This is hardly the place, Miss Danvers."

    "Oh, pshaw. They're all in their own worlds, Kalya. You know that. You have to tell me something before you leave."

    "Gossip is hardly dignified, Sam..."

    There was a moment, a small moment, where Sam crossed her arms and pouted with all the impetulance of a child. The corner of Kalya's mouth lifted in a small smile.

    "Oh, very well..."


    The three sat in the back of the car, awkwardly awaiting Kalyani's presence to stop the horrid silence that shrouded them. Shion was staring out the window of the door, Ryker was brewing in his melodramatic thoughts of annoyance and concern (not that he'd ever admit to it), and Alice?

    Well, who knew what Alice was thinking. Shion certainly couldn't fathom it at the moment.
    January 31st, 2016 at 01:33am
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    Adel was giddy as she bombarded her way into the kitchen through the back door, coming to an abrupt halt as she was met with the raised eyebrow of a twenty something year old guy (the denmother, she guessed, for this was her first time seeing him in person) and Rye staring at her.

    Welp, that wasn't the best entrance she could have made.

    Oh well.

    "Sorry if I startled you," she smiled, gracefully smoothing out her skirt. "I was enjoying the night sky, talking with some friends, and I wandered around a bit. I figured I should come in through the nearest door. Especially as Kalyani's currently in the doorway and all that. Didn't want to disturb their conversation."

    She couldn't tell if they believed her, but overall the Pheonix was the perfect picture of innocence- sure, it was a complete lie, but they didn't know that.

    She had gotten a little out of hand, whispering sweet slightly suggestive nothings into the Unseelie King's ear, compliments and the like, as they flirted daringly back and forth at each other outside. Skimming touches and very subtle innuendos had come second nature to Adel, but she had refrained from getting too zesty- she had to show a little decorum, after all, and though the King was cordial and even gave very good responses to her jests, he seemed hesitant.

    Word had been that he was taking a breather from his escapades. That was part of why she was interested in him, after all- the challenge of it. The suspense of it all was the best part of this dance.

    After all, she had come to this party to have fun, hadn't she?

    Now that the king was in on the plan to spike the punchbowl, cliche intended, things had gotten much more interesting. She still felt horrible that the plan relied on framing Bambi- god, she hoped her roommate would never find out it was her idea- but honestly, if the worst punishment was dolled out it would just be one week of grounding. Bambi was one of the golden children- she was safe.

    The Century and over club, however, wasn't exactly as safe in that regard. It was too risky for them to get busted or be the scapegoat.

    "Right," Rye hmphed, staring at the half eaten cookie on his plate. The boy looked ready to bolt the dance party and head to his room. Adel frowned, a fist against her hip as she gave a fake 'tut, tut, tut' toward Rye, pointing at him with her other hand and frowning at the Denmother.

    "Has this sour puss been in here the entire time? Rye! You know Clark wont let you hear the end of this," which means she won't let me hear the end of it either when she's at the house.

    Adel brooded, picturing it now. Maggie, Clark, and Alice in the living room, Maggie and CVlark both being very dramatic about Rye's lack of gentlemanly skill, Alice- sweet, optimistic Alice- trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but still consoling the girls.

    Shion, on the couch reading a magazine the girls had handed him so he could take some weird "What Royal Prince Would You Be?" quiz.

    This wouldn't do.

    Besides, this would cover two birds with one stone- Rye's reputation with the girls would be slightly saved, and she wouldn't have to worry about the Denmother questioning why she had really been outside.

    "Come on, you're going out there and socializing. It's a party, if you're going to be a wallflower, at least do it at a wall. Raid the snack table if you have to."

    She swiftly strode over and grabbed the cat's wrist, lurching him up from his seat. He looked affronted, but he didn't fight her, only glared and hunched his shoulders. He must have known it would be a losing battle.


    Kalya must have had left the house while Adel was lecturing Rye, because she was nowhere to be seen when they entered the room. The lights were nicely dimmed, and there were a few dancers- as Adel surveyed the surroundings she noted Bambi, dancing her heart out with the Shifter girl Lucinda, Oliver with his advisor and ward, and Clarke- well, Clarke was talking to that really crappy-at-magic witch boy.

    "Oh," she gasped, dropping Rye's hand. "I guess I won't be hearing the end of this after all, but for another reason altogether."

    "Yeah, thanks for dragging me out here for nothing. Really appreciated it."

    The pheonix glared at the boy.

    "You could use this as leverage, you know. Maybe they won't give you so much grief. That's the one she's always fanning herself over, isn't it? Doesn't he room with you?"

    "Yeah, I'm surprised they're still talking so long, to be honest. Not that Eddy avoids her, just that they don't really have much in co-" he closed his mouth, glaring at her now.

    "I'm not one for gossip."

    Adel snorted, waving his comment aside. "You guys are children, I rarely care what goes on with you."

    Rye rolled his eyes, the expression oozing a 'you're so full of shit' aura.

    "Hush, you still need to enjoy yourself. Look. People aren't even dancing, all your friends, right there. Go talk with- um," she fumbled as she pointed to the girl with flowers on her clothes, knowing she should recall her name. "Her! Go!" she shoved him forward, hoping she had remembered correctly and that Rye actually did hang out with Alex's flock.

    Now it was time to get down to the actual purpose of her being on the dance floor. She scanned the room for Sam, hoping she would stay in here long enough to catch a whiff of the liquor once it was spilt. Bambi's bag was still by the couch, as she had expected- and hopefully the bottle inside it that would frame her... assuming Ki had done his job and gotten it in there without being noticed. She needed to get to it and accidentally hit it some way, knock the bottle out, spill the vial that would get people to notice there was liquor in the first place.

    She glanced back at the King, nodding at him to indicate the plan was about to start. He was important for the second phase- after the Witch Doctor had been accused and the guardians were distracted, he'd spike the bowl. Then the real fun would happen.


    She had done it.

    The bottle had made it to the middle of the dance floor before it was noticed, the rather obnoxious and (most importantly) loud Ivon grabbing it and shouting happily at Rayna that they were going to have some fun now.
    August 21st, 2016 at 06:51am
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    Lexy couldn't help but lick her lips as her body hummed with the energy she was soaking off the obviously turned on boy. Her fingers locked with his as she enthusiastically tugged him through her small dorm door, content that none of her friends would be home on a friday night, especially her roommate Cole who had her own fling to attend to at the moment.

    Plucking two lollypops out of the bowl next to the front door Lexy wasted no time unwrapping one and pushing it slowly past Quan's lips before rolling her tongue over her own cherry flavored treat. Meeting his eyes with fake innocence as she did so, pushing her lips into a slight pout as she pulled herself against him in the empty hallway. Her full breasts pressed against his side just slightly. "Is something wrong Quan-Quan?" She asked softly, her voice coming out as a sweet purr as she looked at him from under her long eyelashes her fingers running up his arm with admiration as if she was impressed with his build.
    December 15th, 2016 at 08:07am
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    It took an inhumane amount of control for Quan not to oggle the naive demoness attached to his side, his face stubbornly facing her dorm's living room as he scanned around for any signs of life besides them. A shiver ran along his arms and through his spine, straight to his boner that he was so thankful she hadn't noticed...

    He had to be gentle with her, after all, ease her into understanding how satisfying embracing the libido of her kind was. Perhaps they wouldn't go all the way, not tonight, but he was sure in knowing he could get her comfortably in a bra and wrapped around him for a good make out session.

    But the gods help him, it was hard not to just lead her to the couch and ask to take her there.

    "Nothing at all, Miss Alexandra, nothing..." He fought to stay focused as his gaze zeroed in on her pouting lips, and he blinked, clearing his throat with a bashful cough.

    "Your home here is lovely, much better than mine. You should see my roommate. Horrible," he snickered, waltzing in with her as he used his free hand to wave the lollipop to emphasize his points.

    "Where should we sit, Madame?"
    December 15th, 2016 at 08:45am
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    Lexy sighed as if disappointed looking around the entry way and into the living room. "I would stay in here, but Rowan mentioned coming home early, and he'd tease me if he found out I invited a boy over," she whimpered fakely. Quan of course having no idea that Rowan was her regular partner in sexual exploits, not that Rowan would really care if he caught them, he was more the type to complain he couldn't have the living room television than who she was fucking.

    "B-B-but my roommate is staying over at her friend's tonight, and we could talk in there, if that's alright with you of course," she whispered softly into his ear her lips brushing his lobe as she pushed herself onto her tippytoes before lowering her feet back to the ground. Her hand accidentally brushing against his bulging member, her large brown eyes widening in fake surprise, "Am... Am... I compulsing you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Sometimes, I just get these urges and they reflect on people and I don't want to do anything to you that you don't want," She whimpered pulling away for a second a look of pathetic fear crossing her face as she took hesitant backwards steps which inched them closer to her bedroom. Her breath heavy with lust.
    December 15th, 2016 at 09:02am
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    He couldn't help himself, he laughed. He laughed and shook his head, and placed a well meaning and sly hand upon her waist.

    "You have nothing apologize for, love, this is all- this is to be expected. Pardon my lack of subtilty with my, er," he trailed off, realizing there was no cavalier way to end that sentence.

    "You never need to apologize with me, let's go to your room. We can talk more there, I can answer your, questions more comfortably.
    December 15th, 2016 at 09:29am