Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Maggie blandly scooped steamed rice into a polished bowl Penny had no doubt picked up from some store. The thing was far too ostentatious to be something Rob had chosen. It had to be Martha Stuart Clone. The girl resisted the urge to pull her hat down lower on her head. Or, well... Adel's hat, she doubted the girl would notice it was gone before she returned it though. Alice's clothes fit a little too snugly so the girl had chosen to invade Shion's dresser instead. Her ruined dress shoved in some garbage bag somewhere. Surprisingly Shion had comfy clothes and Clark hadn't been too angry at her for ruining her dress. Both complete shockers. Shion dressed like he was going to a prepschool half the time and Clark was scary about the condition of her outfits. Maybe they were embarrassed for her. That was even worse.

    It was hard to tell with Shion, he was Shion just like Alice, Maggie wondered if they half way understood how horrifying the ordeal had been. Clark had though, the girl had been mad enough for both of them. Shion had barely made it through the front door waving a white flag before Clark chewed into him, or at least tried to. If she wasn't so red in the face it would have been funny to see Alice spaz out in his defense. This time it was just tiring. For once Maggie had been the word of reason, which she was sure Shion was thankful for even if he didn't say it. She got her borrowed clothes and was intent on just going home but Clark had felt like Rob needed to know and it was a huge fiasco. Penny was obviously mad she had been kept waiting even if she didn't admit it.

    Pulling her hat down Maggie let out a disgruntled sigh. She felt like an idiot. He didn't like the numbers.... More like he didn't like her. He didn't like her and now everyone would know? Had it been obvious? Did everyone think she was a pathetic dork? No one was looking at her weird. The girl double checked faces but everyone seemed content to talk about Nicole cursing something Maggie wished she could have seen honestly. Penny the only one not in the conversation was acting dissatisfied from her spot by the trashcan sorting the possible recyclable items.

    Maggie inched in towards the group of older teens trying her best to enter the conversation smoothly. This mostly consisted of her agreeing with Sandra.
    May 20th, 2015 at 10:27pm
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    "I gotta go. Someone's at the door, and I probably have to go eat dinner. Ana meshtalak, mom. Talk to you later," Rye whispered, hanging up quickly and exhaling loudly as he got up from his bed. Tentatively he opened the door, peeking out to see who it was, as if they had no way of seeing him. He was surprised when it was Sasha, and he had half a mind to close the door on her then...but he didn't.

    "....yeah?" he mumbled, opening his door so she could come in if she wanted to.

    The girl looked ridiculously uncomfortable and awkward, standing there, or at least Rye thought she did. He had barely been turning around to go back to the bed, passing a half hearted glare at Eddy who hadn't so much as moved when there was the knock, when Sasha went straight to the point. "So, I'm sorry I called you out on your lie in front of everybody...and, it was not my place," he turned around in time to catch a glimmer of her eyeroll. Gritting his teeth he scoffed, the hair on his neck rising like hackles on a cat. He had no way of knowing how legitimate this apology was- hell, Sasha couldn't be forced to do anything, so on some basis she had to be authentic. But he had the nagging suspicion she was only doing this because someone had guilted it into her.

    She was probably only here because the Fallen had nagged her about it, after all, they had to save face- it wouldn't do that their little ward was causing so much trouble. "Forget it," Rye threw behind him, sitting on his bed and glancing cooly at her. It wasn't her he was really pissed off at anyways. "It doesn't matter. Apology accepted, I guess. Thanks."


    "Ding dong the witch is gone," Sandra laughed, referring to Val. It was no secret that the majority of the house wasn't particularly fond of the siren, and Sandra was no exception. Sandra hip bumped Maggie as they walked into the kitchen together, smiling at the slightly younger girl as they got their food and set up their dinner at the table, whispering she had just achieved a higher level. Maggie just nodded, confusing Sandra- this was a glorious feat! Where was her enthusiasm? She shrugged and went to her seat, just as Sam entered the room with Rye, who just shuffled over to his seat halfheartedly after getting his own meal.

    "Honestly, if you guys could hear some of the words I heard during break! Nicole, how do you feel about cussing in Mandarin? This guy, Quan, his mouth is filthy sometimes! If-" She glanced at Rob, sheepishly grinning, wondering if it counted as forbidden if she cursed in her native tongue. Not that he'd know what she was saying, anyways. Nicole laughed, shaking her head, happy to be doing something besides worrying for once.
    May 20th, 2015 at 11:04pm
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Sasha stared awaitingly into the room she knew she was explicitly not allowed to enter. Her hip leaning in an oh-so cute way against his doorway. Her hands running through her hair carefully before finding their way back to the crevice of her waist. A mischievous grin plastered to her lips as she looked up at the boy through her dark lashes. Body language was supposedly half the battle, at least that's what Oliver said. Oh god... Not Oliver. No- She would not be thinking of Oliver while having this conversation. It was like having her father in her head. Disgusting.

    "So," She giggled leaning her back against the frame suggestively as if Bart wasn't studying a few feet away inside. Cockblock. Not that Alex was giving her anything anyways. The girl couldn't help but internally roll her eyes at this thought. He was so hot... A demon for hell's sake- shouldn't he be the horny one? The ski lodge had done shit for their sex life. Snow bunny her butt.

    "I can't believe Sandra actually got Rob to go for it, I'm excited. Oliver bought me a new dress, well he doesn't exactly know but you know... I think you'll really like it. It's really hot-" She whispered biting her bottom lip, "really hot," she continued, "It's purple, you should dress accordingly. Of course Rob will be really really busy, I don't think he'll notice if we sneak away for a while." Sasha grinned pushing a small package into the Demon's awaiting hand before leaning forward and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek turning quickly and disappearing with hardly controlled laughter. Frazzling the boy was what she did best and the condoms were sure to leave some impression on him.
    May 21st, 2015 at 06:23am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    Holy mother of god, she had given him condoms. Alex felt his head swimming, his ears about to burst the amount of blood rushing to his face. The condoms fell to the floor, the clattering sound filling the hallway in a crescendo that rang through his head and sent him crashing to the door, slamming it shut. He stared wide eyed and horrified at the box, refusing to touch the offending object, terrified of what would happen if, god forbid, Rob came in just then.

    Or in some horrifying turn of events, Tristan or Oliver.

    Sasha was going to kill him. She was going to send him to an early grave and he didn't know how to respond to it.
    May 21st, 2015 at 08:22am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Bart gave Alex a weird look as the door slammed and Sasha was finally gone. "Rob is going to send her to sex ed if she keeps this up, by the way did you even know in 2013, nearly half (46.8%) of all high school students reported ever having sexual intercourse." The boy answered giving out information that Alex sure as hell probably didn't want to know.

    The boy put down his Lord of the Rings book onto his bed before pushing off and swiping the box off the floor flipping it over in his hands, "What's this?" he asked looking confused as he turned the labeling over and stared at it in surprise, "Should I turn this into the complaint box? I can totally turn her in... Oh God, just don't do it in here, my bible is in here. This is a sacred place for us to hang. Just... Just... And not in her room either! Nicole has to sleep in that room and that is just disgusting." Bart demanded throwing the box at the boy as if it was some hot substance.
    May 21st, 2015 at 08:59am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    May 21st, 2015 at 09:10am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Alex dodged the box, watching as it collided into the wall and landed with a flop on his bed, groaning loudly as he frowned at Bart. He looked like a puppy that had just been kicked. "Bart, what the hell man? I DON'T WANT THEM." He ran a finger through his hair and covered his face with his hands, breathing in deeply. "Do not tell anyone about this, dude, that is so not cool. I- I'm not doing anything! Do you-" another look of terror crossed his face as he whispered, eyes locking onto Barts. "Do you know what Tristan would do to me if he knew Sasha gave me those? Please, as my brother, if you care about me at all- just forget this happened. Dear lord, just forget it happened."


    "...and I'll be back for the young ones at 8, the older ones at 10. Again, are you sure you have this handled, Rob? This will all go smoothly? Of course, there will be no alcohol. I expect nothing too crazy, after all, it's supposed to be small, right?" Kalya grinned, her genuine smile slowly slipping as she saw a raven haired girl dressed in far too revealing clothing gliding down the stairs. Clearing her throat, she looked pointedly back at Rob, ticking off her checklist with her fingers. "That reminds me. No frisky business, be wary of Amin and Ki," she whispered pointedly, glancing at the two. "If it looks like they are going anywhere alone, call them back right away. They think they are subtle, but they couldn't be more obvious and I would rather nothing innapropr-" Kalya was cut off when the doorbell rang and in came Jamii, Rayna's betrothed, with the much taller and intimidating Ivan by his side. Her nostrils flared, she loathed that boy, and for a moment she debated canceling her plans all together. Then she saw little Maggie, wearing a skirt far too small for her, swagger her way to them. Her heart nearly dropped, and for an insane moment she thought that Maggie was going to take Ivan's arm and lead him in.

    Thank the heavens it was Jamii instead, though this still shocked her and she glanced over at Rayna who was staring with her cold, hard blue eyes at the two. "Watch the blond one, Rob. Not the good one, our favorite, the other one. She's dangerous. I-" Kalya trailed off, looking at him. "You know which one."

    Sam came rushing in the room, gasping at the time, grabbing Kalya's arm and prodding her to leave. Kalya struggled to stay put, finishing her checklist while being dragged away.

    "Remember not to let Alice dance too much, Robert, and if it looks like she's doing anything ballet related, try and steer her away from that," she whispered. "She tries too much too soon, and I'm afraid she'll overexert herself. The little ones aren't to be outside after dark, you know, and make sure those who may go out have their coats. The weather can be quite brutal, after all! You have my number, I will check in-"

    "KALYA, we're fine. This isn't our first rodeo, we have it covered. You need to get a run on, you're going to be late!" Sam hissed, practically shoving the woman out the door as Shion and Alice shouted their goodbyes to her.
    May 21st, 2015 at 09:14am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    "I'm telling you, Alex-"


    "Alen. I'm telling you, us demons need to stick together."

    "You're...not a demon, Quan."

    "Technicalities, technicalities, my friend. The point is this. We could use a guy as handy with his hands as you are, you know? I get it, I get it. You have to take precautions when it comes to dealings like this, test the waters, things like that. But I've been working with Celestial Way for a while now, and I can tell you. You can only go up once you-"

    Alen had stopped paying attention, his attention caught on whatever was going on behind Quan. The teen turned to see Sandra glaring at him, her hands carrying a large bowl of chips and salsa. He suspected that was the only thing keeping her from coming over here and demanding to know what he was saying. "Just think about it, you know?" Quan whispered, laughing as he lightly knuckle punched the boys arm, picking up his voice enough to carry over the entire room. "Oh Al, you're so funny. I can too beat you in this dance Macarena. Just watch!"

    Sandra sighed, placing the bowl down and wiping her hands upon the skirt of her dress, adjusting it before running to the door as yet another person arrived early. The party wasn't meant to start for another ten minutes and yet it seemed to be completely underway. Throwing another glare over at Quan- why had she allowed him to invite himself? she threw it open only to muffle a hiss. Val.

    "Oh, you're here," she said, trying her best grin as she let the siren inside. Ashton followed suit.

    "...and you. Come on in."

    She glanced over at Nicole as she moved to go back in the kitchen, where Penny was still cooking up a storm with Sam's help. The house was filled already with pastries and snacks galore, and they only seemed to keep on coming, scenting the air with amazing smells everywhere.

    The huldra was already dancing with her sister on the dance floor while Eddy worked on setting up the dance system. A sense of giddiness filled the demon, despite her slight worries that something could (as always) go horribly wrong. She needed this, needed to atmosphere and sociability that only a party provided. Sure, she had partied with Eddy and the council kids, but that was an adult party. This was different.

    "Saaandra. We should dance now," Quan whined, grabbing Sandra by the hips exactly where her skin was exposed and pulling her closer. The girl twisted immediately, grateful her hands were loose, and twisted the boys wrist. "Ahahaahaaaaaah," he hissed, pulling away and pouting as he still kept up with her. "Why is that becoming our signature greeting?! It's not fair, you don't treat your other friends this way." When his pout didn't work he sighed and shrugged, gesturing to the dance floor again. "Why wait? That's so boring, come on, dance with me." he whispered into her ear, bumping shoulders with the shorter girl as he glanced around at the growing party. He found Sandra's company queer at worst and amusing at best, compared to who he usually partied with. Even so, he failed to see how this would be entertaining, what with so little people and not enough wine for his liking, but if he was able to get some more insight on the demon kin to Ian, he'd gladly do so.

    Sandra sighed, rolling her eyes at the boy before hmphing before waltzing away, making her way into the kitchen. Of course, Quan followed, though this time he had the sense to keep a slight distance- then he saw the perky blonde girl, and made an immediate tun around. Angel. The girl reeked of the personality.

    "Thank you, Penny," Sandra smiled, knowing her plan had worked and she'd have a moment alone. Despite his persistence, she could always count on Quan's distaste for anything angelic related to keep him at bay. "Sam, Eddy and Nicole are about done setting up. I'm going to dim the lighting now, make it more party style."

    "Of course, Sandra," Sam mumbled, striking at the cookie batter that Penny had just finished and stealing a finger lick of dough before the angel noticed. "Not too dark, of course, but that's fine. Is everyone here?"

    "Pretty much, it seems that the whole 'fashionably late' thing doesn't hold much anymore," Sandra laughed, taking her glass of freshly squeezed lemonade with her back to the dining room as Sam rambled on in the background about how amazing Penny's cooking was.


    "I can't believe you forgot so quickly," Nicole laughed, a huge smile as she sorted out the CD's she had brought exclusively for this party and watched as her sister sat in the nearest chair, resting her arms on her belly as she scrunched her nose at her twin sister. "Excuse me, but it's not like all of us can remember the waltz perfectly step by step as easily as you oh graceful one. I think I did pretty well, considering."

    Nicole practically snorted out another laugh, but contained herself. "Yes, Sindri, I'm the graceful one. You may be carrying around a little one in there, but don't think it's changed anything."

    "Oh shut up," Sindri scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, I keep telling you, you need to upgrade your equipment. No one uses an MP3 anymore, Nicole. How are you going to switch tracks without making everyone wait five minutes between songs?"

    "I have my ways," Nicole pouted, though her cheeks did flush as she looked around at her pile of CD's. She didn't want to screw this up, she really didn't. "Besides, Edgar here is our failsafe. If I screw things up, he can come in easily to save the party. He's got the equipment, and great taste in music."

    Sindri smiled at that, glancing over to Eddy who was putting the extra equipment away. "Speaking of which-"

    "Thank you so much, Eddy," Nicole huffed, staring at Sindri accusingly. As if she'd forget to thank him. "I know it must've been a pain setting this stuff up, but I appreciate it."


    "Alice! There's pop tarts. These are so cool!" Shion shouted, eyes wide opened like a child on Christmas morning. "Do you want?" he asked, already taking a bite out of one and holding her the other one. Clark and Maggie weren't out of the room yet, and Rye had texted him saying he wouldn't be down for another ten minutes. So until then, they were flying solo- and this was perfectly fine for the young kitsune. Surprisingly enough he felt at ease at this party, whether it was because of the familiar faces or lack of jerks, he didn't know, but even with the occasional stranger- and Jamii's creepy older brother, Shion felt happy and carefree. He held onto Alice's hand as they looked around at the pastries, Shion peeking out of the corner of his eyes every few seconds to see Alice's face and make sure she was okay. He could tell she wanted to go to the dance floor- she kept looking at it, after wasn't exactly a secret. But he had promised Kalya he would try his best to keep her from doing too much, and it was still too early to dance.

    "Look, it is Usa-chan," Shion pointed, smiling at his blond haired best friend as he saw one particular pastry that looked rather bunny like.
    May 24th, 2015 at 03:49am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States
    Alice smiled brightly back at the Japanese boy as she held onto the ends of her light blue dress. The expensive thing Kali had found on their front porch earlier that morning. She would have to remember to thank Oliver but now she was too busy gushing over the adorable bunny shaped pastry. Alice couldn't help but laugh as Shion took a big bite out of the homemade blueberry pop tart. Her hands quickly going to accept hers not caring as her white gloves got slightly sticky with the dark blue concoction. "This is so good- it might be better than Kali's brownies," Alice said in shock as they both took large plates back to the overstuffed couch plopping down next to each other as they started devouring their food. "You are going to dance with me though... right?" she asked carefully as if trying to convince him that this was his idea.
    May 24th, 2015 at 04:59am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Eddy grunted pulling himself to his feet as he wiped sweat off his forehead. "It's no problem really," he mumbled under his breath as he wiped his now sweat covered hands against his pant legs. "Just took a little longer than I thought, remind me to make you mix tapes later," Edgar laughed rubbing the back of his head as he propped up a folding chair. "You want one Sindri?" Eddy asked pulling out another one without waiting for a reply.

    "On that note, my mom sent me back with some things for you, from when she had the twins. It's upstairs, I'll get it before you leave," he nodded, he'd briefly mentioned to it to Nicole once, but in all honesty his mother had gone overboard. Bottles, clothes, diaper bag, he'd sworn she'd almost pulled out the stroller for her one morning.
    May 24th, 2015 at 05:44am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    "So, you gave Alex condoms," the demon whispered huskily, flashing Sasha his best shit eating grin. His arms were wrapped securly around the Dreamweaver's waist, mouth dangerously close to her neck and ear.They had been standing in their spot for the past fifteen minutes, only separating (very slightly) when Rob came into the room. "Best night I've had in a while, the poor kid was having a freak attack. Luckily, I know where he his them. For future reference, you know?"

    The lights grew dimmer and Alen swayed from side to side, tightening his grip on the precious jewel in front of him. His laid back clothes contrasted starkly with her stunning dress, but she didn't seem to mind. "I believe it's time to dance," he murmured, kissing Sasha on the nape of her neck right below the butterfly birthmark before pushing her forward with his hips, and leading her to the dance floor.
    May 24th, 2015 at 08:17am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    The blush on Nicole's face deepened as Sindri's expression exploded into shocked gratefulness. "W-wait, what?! That's so kind of her. Nicole, you didn't mention-"

    "I completely forgot! I'm sorry," the ginger laughed, rubbing her head as she laughed at Sindri's uncharacteristically shocked body language and face. "Eddy, thank you so much. I need to thank her personally for this, it's way too generous of her..." Sindri trailed off as Nicole smiled, happy to see her sister relaxed and at ease here. Her gaze shifted and out of the corner of her eye she saw the familiar figure of Ashton. She hadn't even realized he'd shown up! Excusing herself for a moment she called out to him, waving him over. She paused as she saw Val was here too, and said nothing as the blonde passed her, making her way to Eddy. Nicole scrunched up her nose, ever so slightly, passing a furtive look at the dress she was wearing. If you could call the scrap of material a dress at all.

    "I'm so happy to see you," Nicole grinned, leaning completely into the Banshee and hugging him before planting a light kiss on the cheek. It had been a crazy week, and she hadn't been able to see the boy much, save for an occasional outing or two. Their texting had died down ever so slightly too.


    Meanwhile, Shion was diving into the snacks he had collected. Though the fruit bowl had (luckily) gone unnoticed by him, all the pastries had not. "We have to save for Kali. She will love-" he stopped, looking down at the blueberry smeared on his plate and thought better of it. Best not show these to Kalya. He put down his pastry, frowning as Alice asked her question. "Kalya said that was bad. I will dance with you! But not until later. She said not too much," Shion mumbled, worried Alice would be upset by his answer. "Rye house leader is coming in and out. We will have to wait for when he leaves. Then we can dance for a bit," he smiled, placing his finger on his lips as if he was telling a secret.


    Luci shifted from foot to foot, her plain yet elegant sandals scuffing up the hardwood floor of Sandra's house as she occasionally peeked out of the corner of her eye at the cute African girl who was currently busying herself with the contents of the plate in her hands. She hoped she didn't look as obvious as she felt, and if she did look obvious, well- she hoped it was with coy seduction and not the ridiculous nervousness she was currently being overwhelmed by.

    How is she so cute? She cursed to herself. She had only spoken to the girl once, after the pep rally she had done a month before winter break. Since then it had been passive glances and occasional greetings in the library- it only took Luci that one time to know that Bambi did not like being interrupted while studying in the library. Which, quite frankly, was actually pretty hot.

    The girl was dedicated, and Luci admired that.

    Compared to other girls that Luci had persuded before, though, this one was an enigma. She couldn't try flirting like she normally did. Everything she knew told her that wouldn't work. She needed a plan of action- only she didn't have one.

    "Honestly, just go talk to her" Sandra whispered harshly, shoving Luci in Bambi's direction. Luci easily kept her spot, rooted firmly to the ground.

    "Are you crazy?!" Luci whispered back, rolling her eyes. "That's not how this works."

    "It is if that's how you want it," Quan, the dragon Sandra had adopted during break, piped up, smirking at the exchange between his two lady friends.

    "Listen lizard, no one asked yo-"

    "He's right," Sandra laughed. "Luci, you're the type to just go over there and ask her to dance. So do that. Be yourself."

    Luci bit her lip, glancing once again at the girl before being pushed violently by Sandra. This time she let herself go with it, swaying her way over to the girl and plastering on a friendly smile. "Hey!" she paused, heart gently thudding in her chest as she waited for a sign of recognition. "Bambi, right? I'm Luci. How would to dance?"
    May 25th, 2015 at 09:15am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    The South African girl grumbled fidgeting with her glasses before putting down her fruit plate. Today was not going as planned... How had she not heard about the party? Ten minutes was not enough time to reschedule her studying and put together a reasonable outfit. She had to admit she was not the most fashionable person. There wasn't time for it, not really anyways. Fashion was Bo's thing not her's. Either way Kali wouldn't let her stay home alone, even if she had a history quiz on Monday and she was stuck wearing her ugliest set of glasses. The one night her contacts decided to freak out. The girl was shocked to find she felt awkward. Folding an arm across her chest she considered hiding out with the children on the couch, but instead found herself glued to her spot lightly tapping her foot against the floor to the beat of some old CD's. She didn't know the song. Not that this was unexpected. Just another thing she didn't have time for. Seriously, where had Ryker slithered off to? It was totally uncool of him to leave her standing there all alone and-

    Bambi blinked in recognition as a girl stumbled up to her. Her eyes couldn't help but check her out instinctively as she had done with Adel (against her better judgement) many times before. The Hispanic girl's dress clinging attractively to every curve. Her throat felt dry. The girl pulled her eyes away from the other girl's breasts quickly making eye contact long enough to realize she had been speaking. Greaaat.

    What had she said? Dammit.
    Bambi wished her hair was long enough to mess with nervously.

    She had seen her in the library before... She was the cute one the one who... Oh gosh- yeah- she was that one. What was her name? Oh gods. This was not happening. Not happening at all.

    Bambi wiggled her nose, not replying. Just nod. That was the cool thing to do.

    So while miraculously keeping her composure Bambi nodded yes. Not exactly sure what she had agreed to.
    May 25th, 2015 at 10:15am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Alice giggled, pushing her bob of blonde hair behind a pierced ear before reaching for a napkin. Shion's lips covered in gooey blueberry sauce, "Kali will find out!" she snorted playfully wiping it away with the napkin.

    "I'm happy everyone it getting along again, I didn't like the fighting," She admitted looking towards the door as if at any moment Clark, Rye, Maggie, and Jamie could come bursting in. "Jamii is nice but I don't think Rayna was very happy about him coming with Maggie. He asked her last week and she told him no so then Maggie asked him when Rye and you were at track. Jamii is really nice but I just- I don't want Rayna and Maggie to fight. What do you think?" Alice asked studying his face for what she considered to be sage like wisdom.
    May 25th, 2015 at 10:33am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    "Edgaaarrr, come dance with me. You're being a bore, like this snoozer of a party." Val grumbled shaking her long blonde hair a bit of silver glitter breaking free as she did so, floating lazily to the ground as it dislodged from her body. The Siren wasting no time to shoot Ashton a teasing grin as she plastered her body against the young Witch. Her arms folding around his neck as her rather large breasts pressed against his back. "You never know, dance well enough and you might get lucky," she whispered loudly in his ear. Putting on a show for the other Fae purposely trying to embarrass the virgin.

    "Oh where are my manners, Sindri love don't you look just lovely tonight, you know considering," Val grinned eyeing the basketball sized bump under the girl's dress. "Nicki," the Siren threw out not commenting on her own horrorshow of an outfit. More like seven outfits.

    She only rolled her eyes as Eddy sputtered apologies for her.
    May 25th, 2015 at 10:44am
  • Sinuzaki

    Sinuzaki (100)

    United States

    Shion blushed, wiping at his mouth even after Alice had wiped the goo off. It was no secret he could be a messy eater- if it wasn't for Alice, he'd probably have been busted for his occasional berry snacks during school lunch by now. He pressed his lips together, staring back easily at Alice's face, thinking. "Rayna is scary," he whispered, glancing at the necromancer before looking back at Alice. "I hope she is not, but she looked unhappy when Jamii came. I don't want them to fight, but it is their choice. Rayna looks okay now. She is with Jamii's brother," Shion whispered, motioning his head at the two who were drinking from some plastic cups. "I think Maggie will have fun. Rayna won't fight with Maggie- I think she would get mad at Jamii if anything. He says she gets mad sometimes with him when he doesn't listen to her- but only mean words. Nothing...too bad," Shion shrugged, pouting. "He told Rye and me he was excited to party today."


    Luci broke into a wide grin as the girl nodded, relief washing through her body. She hadn't jacked this up. Sure, she hadn't been greeted with an immediate reaction, but she had gotten a yes. That was enough.

    She waited, hesitating for a moment before reaching for the girls hand and leading her to the dance floor. Out of the corner of her eye Luci could see Sandra and Quan making dramatic gestures of approval- thumbs up and a fist pump from the two Asians. No....she hoped Bambi couldn't see the two dorks. Could they be any more mortifying??

    Bambi seemed shocked for a moment, some words about to spill out of her mouth before she caught herself. Luci released her hand, her cheeks flushing as she apologized. "I'm sorry, I hope that wasn't too forward? We- uh, I mean. We don't have to touch hands. I can do mad dances without that if you're more comfortable," she murmured, looking up from underneath her eyelashes as she studied the girls face. "Though, I did think it'd be fun to try some bachata with you..." she trailed off, the look she gave Bambi one of hopefulness as well as daring.
    May 25th, 2015 at 10:45am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Ashton wanted to slap his face as Val grinned, her sexually appealing body draped over the idiot. God did that fucking Bimbo really think that was going to work? He was supposed to be jealous of Eddy? The boy was a complete twit. Val was good for a fuck now and again when Nicole was being PMSing and shit, but she wasn't much conversation. Val wasn't much anything, her ass was nice but she wasn't much more than a three hole wonder.

    Were all Sirens such easy sluts? He'd have to take a vacation to Greece this summer.

    Pulling an arm around Nicole he smiled as she pecked him on the cheek her red hair brushing against his face as he kissed her on the top of the head. She liked cute shit like this.

    He forced a smile at Sindri. A total waste. He'd been working his way along hoping to get some twin action and here he was stuck with one bigger than the empire states building and the other a perpetual prude. He had to admit Nicole was better looking naked. He had a thing for gingers, what could he say? Plus she was more new to the sexual deal, newer girls were easier to train. Or so he had hoped. The girl had taken forever to get her clothes off, now the sex was hardly coming. They'd spoken maybe only a few times over the past week and he'd only gotten it like two and a half times over break and that half time hardly counted. His eyes flickered down to his pocket. The flask successfully hidden, the strong fae drink resting within. Seelie had the best elixirs and this was sure to spice things up once he found a way to get his girlfriend to drink it. In his experience it was better if she didn't know about it before hand. As long as he could get her away from the drag pack, tonight might not be such as snoozer as Val proclaimed it to be.
    May 25th, 2015 at 11:03am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    Bambi stared at the girl in shock as she took her by the hand and led her to the center of the dance area. "No! I mean, it's cool I guess," Bambi mumbled at the end liking the feel of the other girl's soft hands. "It's just... This is very unexpected, we haven't really met, besides me telling you to bugger off at the library. Which I'm sorry about, I guess," she laughed awkwardly pulling her hands out of the other girls as they stood in the middle of the floor. "My name is Bambi like the Disney Deer," She introduced herself at last shaking the other girl's hand rather formally before her eyes lighted up with the girl's mention of what she could only assume was a dance. bachata... What the hell was a bachata?! Was this something she should know? Would Adel know what this was? This seemed like something Adel would know. Why had she been abandoned. This was Ryker and Adel's fault. Where the hell were they? Probably sneaking cigs behind the house. Kali was going to hear about this.

    Bambi fumbled for a moment before laughing, "Um, can you give me a moment- Just wait right here, I am going to go leave my shoes over there, they are bothering me," she lied horribly. These were her most comfy sneakers. The African girl quickly fleeing to the couch plopping down next to Alice in exasperation as she started to quickly unlace her shoes. "What's a bachata and do I want to do this?" She asked the young blonde critically as she took her time unlacing her shoes.

    Alice's bubbly voice reaching her ears as she practically erupted with enthusiasm. "Bachata is a style of social dance from the Dominican Republic which is now danced all over the world. It is associated with bachata music. We listened to some in class it was really really cool," Alice hummed tapping her knees excitedly before eyeing Shion as if trying to give him the idea to ask her to also try the foreign dance with no luck.

    "Sooo...." Bambi asked pulling her sneaker off before placing it next to the Ice girl.

    "Luci is really really really really good at it, you should," Alice nodded in agreement her smile stretching across her face as she nodded for the girl to go ahead with it.

    "Okay," Bambi agreed still not getting up.

    "Oka-yyyyyy," Alice prodded again only getting an eyeroll as Bambi finally pealed herself off the couch and marched across the room to the beautiful woman.

    "About the bachata- I'd love to learn, it's kinda my thing, if you couldn't tell," she tried forcing a smile as she tried out a joke. It wasn't that funny.
    May 25th, 2015 at 11:31am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    "Future reference? Hold it hottie, it ain't yours." Sasha clarified irritably as the boy successfully ushered the small Fae towards the dance floor. She couldn't deny the hips. He had freaking amazing hips. Better lips, but the hips her hot too. She wasn't sure what she was more annoyed with, that there was not going to be any sexy time with Alen out or that he was wearing jeans. Her dress was freaking amazing. Half the boys had checked her out, and the other half she assumed were gay. Ashton had spent the last ten minutes staring at her ass and he was Seelie scum. And Nicole's boyfriend.

    "Seriously though, a girl has needs, couldn't you just deny possession for one night." Sasha grumbled as she wrapped her body against his grinding against the Demon seductively. Not leaving any room for Jesus. "What would Penny say?" She snorted running her fingers through Alen's hair as she did a seductive turn, her fingers trailing along his skin as her curvy body slid across his down.

    "Alex would have a freakout if he woke up to little oh, naked me. You have to work up to it, you know," she grinned winking at the boy before raising up on her tippy toes to nibble on his earlobe.
    May 25th, 2015 at 11:49am
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    May 25th, 2015 at 11:49am