Pandora's school for the Magically gifted

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    Sasha nodded watching him out of the corner of her eye as she paced the hallway biting her lip as she figured out what to do, "Don't worry, I'll just have to throw my pride under the bus and consult Oliver and Tristan, they'll know how to handle this," Sasha finally said closing the conversation, she wouldn't use her powers at all tonight and talk to Oliver and Tristan first thing in the morning she was going to need help and they were the best she could do.
    July 9th, 2012 at 07:01pm
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    Alex nodded, slowly heading towards the door. "Ok, sounds good. Sorry again." He glanced behind her then, seeing that Nicole was sitting up in her bed. He nodded his head to her, apologetic. "Sorry for waking you up." He glanced back at Sasha, putting a hand on her head and pausing. "See you tomorrow, I guess.

    Nicole watched as Alex walked out of the room, then her attention abruptly shifted to Sasha. "You're actually going to talk to Oliver? You know him?" She couldn't fathom someone knowing him. He was always some fixture at the back of her head, who was only talked about through whispers and references in her family unit. She hadn't even met him since she came to this school. Suddenly, she flushed a bit, dipping her head. "Sorry about eavesdropping. I hope everything goes ok. Um, hope everything goes ok tomorrow. Er, night...."

    (Next day) -Wasn't sure who to type, so I just posted a small summary of what they're all doing xD)
    Nicole walked into her class, slightly tired and a bit antsy. She had to borrow some of Sindri's clothes because all hers were stuck in her suitcase which refused to open. and she felt more exposed than anything. She looked around at the desks and decided to just sit and she'd move somewhere else if they wanted her to. Meanwhile, Rye walked into Geometry, smiling at the teacher and sitting near the front. Sandra strutted into her class, slipping into the seat nearest the stage next to a red headed girl. She smirked, looking around at all her classmates, thinking this would be a fun year. Last but not least, Alex walked into his Latin class, sitting quietly by the seat nearest the back and close to a window. He watched the students filed in, his head pounding. After leaving Sasha's place, he had had trouble sleeping, with him bothering him all night wanting to go ravage something.
    July 12th, 2012 at 12:22am
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    Bartholomew Cornelius Szőke (NN) Olly or Bart
    Bart growled annoyed that his schedule was messed up, why would someone like him be in a drama class? In his opinion he was not dramatic at all. Pissed off Bart waited in the auditorium while his stupid teacher rattled off instructions, he was to work with Sandra and Sindri- how quaint.. Until he realized Sandra was the stupid girl he shared a house with.

    Eddy stumbled groaning as he read his paper, why was he in Latin? What was Latin going to teach him about life? It was called a dead language for a reason, plus it didn't help that he knew Nicole had a different class first hour. Nodding in content when he spotted Alex Eddy made a mad dash for the back slipping into the seat next to the familiar face, "sup?" Eddy commented leaning back in his chair as he watched the Demon out of the corner of his eye.


    Sasha smiled lightly as she walked into her Geometry class, she loved math and couldn't wait to start her favorite subject. A great way to start each morning. Although Sasha was tired because she wasn't able to refuel last night she was happy. Her meeting with Oliver wouldn't be 'til lunch, so of course she was still worried but with a belly filled with her favorite scrambled eggs, and the promise of math problems Sasha could hardly hide her sublime happiness, spying Rye Sasha walked over sitting down at the front of the class (the best place to learn after all). "Hi Rye, I missed you this morning- did you walk to school with Sandra and Maggie?" Sasha asked grinning at the boy.

    Maggie Marie Anderson

    Maggie struggled with the weight of her history book, sighing as she carried the over sized book into her history class, Maggie thought she had known everything there was about her race why would she need to know about anyone elses? Noticing Nicole Maggie skipped over, "Hola-Gingy! How's it hanging?" Maggie beamed at the ginger haired girl.
    July 12th, 2012 at 06:43pm
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    The two girls, who had introduced themselves to each other by then, glanced at the late boy, curious. He didn't seem the happiest of people, and seemed easily aggravated as well. He also obviously didn't have any deep-set love for theater, like Sindri did. Sandra recognized him easily enough, though, and nodded to him, and once the instructions were completed, they went and sat next to him. Sandra ducked her face close to him, smirking. "Hey broody-boy. Looking good, but what's a big aggressive boy like yourself doing here, eh?" She smiled at Sindri, who smiled back, waving at him. "Hey, nice to meet you." She said rather calmly.

    Blinking in surprise, Alex nodded to Eddy. "Hey. Long time no see." He was actually relieved to see a familiar face, because right now he didn't recognize anyone in the room at all. Sure, it had only been a small encounter, but he knew Eddy could at least be considered an ally, or acquaintance.

    Rye grinned and smiled at Sasha when she sat down, shaking his head. "Nah, I saw them and said hi but I was keeping more to myself really. Too nervous I guess." Despite looking a bit frazzled, Sasha looked cheery as ever, but he was actually a bit surprised that she recognized him so well. They had only seen each other about once, after all.

    Nicole stared at Maggie for a bit, surprised at the sudden greeting, but smiled nonetheless and shrugged. "It's going ok. How about you?" She glanced at Maggie's books, tilting her head a trying to suppress an amused grin. "Having a bit of trouble?"
    July 13th, 2012 at 03:08am
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    Bartholomew Cornelius Szőke (NN) Olly or Bart

    "Doesn't everything about me scream drama geek?" Bart growled watching the girls with curious eyes, they weren't that bad looking if he had to go off first glances.

    "Dude, we saw each other in the hallway five minutes ago," Eddy added with a light laugh, nodding at the boy in approval, at least he wasn't stuck in the class all alone, "So why did we sign up for Latin again?" Eddy groaned as he stared at his intimidatingly large text book.

    "Aren't we all, at least we have a little math to cheer us up right?!" Sasha asked smiling brightly as she opened her math book unable to wait for the new information to pore into her head.

    Maggie Marie Anderson

    "I may have signed up for like a million classes," Maggie added smiling wickedly at the girl. "The books might eat me alive try asking the question in a few hours," Maggie added dropping the heavy stack on her desk with a loud plop that turned heads.
    July 14th, 2012 at 03:17am
  • ImageSindri & ImageSandra

    Sindri smirked, her expression turning slightly colder but she still retained the calm, nice exterior. Slightly sarcastic, she flamboyantly waved her hand over him and scoffed jokingly. "You? Totally. I mean, you most definitely look like you would know your Shakespeare from your Walt Whitman. And the brooding boy thing does write you off a sterotypical theater boy." She laughed as Sandra smirked from her seat and chuckled, leaning a little more closer to him. Not so much she seemed creepy and invaded his personal space, but enough for her to tease him, much like she teased Rye the other day.

    Alex chuckled, shrugging. "Sorry, I've been a bit out of it." He grinned, knowing how Eddy felt. Personally, Alex loved Latin and was actually a bit fluent in it. But not so long ago, he had been in the same position as Eddy and hated the thought of the class. "It's not so bad. You get the hang of it."

    Rye grinned, his ears twitching happily at finding someone who enjoyed the subject as much as he did. "Right! Math is a universal language, after all."

    Nicole chuckled, smiling as she pulled up her bag to her desk and showed her books to Maggie. There were the typical school class books, and then on the floor by her seat was her violin case. She needed to drop it off in her room after this period, but for right now she was happy it was there to keep her company. "Same applies with me, I'm afraid."She turned to the other students, curiously matching their gazes with her typical airy expression.
    July 14th, 2012 at 03:52am
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    Bartholomew Cornelius Szőke (NN) Olly or Bart
    "Well when you put it that way," Bart added smiling at the attention the girls were giving him.

    "I hope so, I took Spanish one year... I flunked it in a month," Eddy sighed running his fingers through his hair.

    "I'm in three math classes myself, I just can't get enough of it! What's your favorite kind of math?" Sasha smiled at the boy she just loved the rush she got when finishing a problem.

    Maggie Marie Anderson

    "You win," Maggie giggled smiling at the girl, "So Nicole we haven't really gotten to talk yet, what's the 411?" Maggie asked watching the startled girl.
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • ImageSindri & ImageSandra
    "Hmm?" Sindri cocked a quizzical eyebrow at the boy, soft waves of irritation emitting from her. She wasn't one to rile easily, but for some reason she felt a certain need to be snippy with this boy. Sandra noticed this and grinned even wider, amused to have found some possible chaos.

    "411?" Nicole pondered this, letting a small comfortable silence fill the empty space while she figured out what to say. She smiled at the girl and shrugged, completely nonchalant. "Nothing much. Nothing really all that different from everyone else, I guess. New place, new stuff. It's...interesting..." She let her voice trail off, waiting for Maggie to say something.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 07:21am
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    "Only if you'll be my Juliet," Bart offered up flirtatiously to the attractive redhead.
    "No silly, I'm talking girl talk- have your eyes on any special hunks around here?" Maggie asked waving her hand as she talked giggling at the end when a flame was produced before quickly blowing it out again.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 09:37pm
  • ImageImageSandra

    Sindri let out a subtle scoff, getting up from her chair swiftly and looking pointedly away. "Not likely, but thanks for the offer." she looked pointedly at him, then walked away, excusing herself from the class to go get some water. Sandra's smirk was getting wider by the minute, and she chuckled as she fixed Bart with the amused look. "Nicely done, angel boy. I've never seen either of the twins get riled up before."

    For a moment, Nicole found herself blushing, then shook her head vehemently. "Oh! N-no, not really. I mean....I haven't been really paying attention or looking for that in particular. I mean, I have a friend that asked me to go do something with him, but it's not really..." she trailed off, slightly flabbergasted. "You?" she asked weakly.
    July 24th, 2012 at 12:00am
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    "What's her problem?" Bart grumbled watching her leave.

    "You're talking about Edgar Vasilev, right? My father's on the council with his sister, he's from the Vasilev line, of course you know all about them right, they are notorious... The rumor is he's a dud, a bona-fide magical disaster! I've met him at a council party once, he must of not remembered me, since he goes by Eddy here, I thought you ought to know who you were dating before it got to serious." Maggie offered spreading the gossip like wildfire.
    July 24th, 2012 at 12:28am
  • Nicole stared at Maggie, confused, with a perplexed expression written on her face. She did know who the family was, but only just, as she didn't really know much about anyone in the magical community in great detail. "Um, thanks, I know who he is though... and I don't see how his magical capabilities really matter." If she hadn't known this fact, she would have listened with slight interest, but not really thought much of it. She wasn't friends with Eddy because of who he was or his powers. But with slight discomfort, Nicole had the feeling that Maggie had expected her to care, and there was something more to just wanting to let her know who she might possibly be in a relationship with. "Thanks, though."
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:24am
  • "Sindri is an artistic being, and theater is her cup of tea. Something you said might have rubbed her the wrong way," Sandra supplied, suppressing the urge to laugh. She'd only known this boy a few minutes, and already felt she had him figured out. A while passed and Sindri came back, sitting back down and gathering her stuff. "I'm gonna have to leave for a few minutes. I need to go find Nicole, and my brother." She glanced at her partner's, shrugging. "Sorry, be back in a few minutes, kay?"

    ( Sorry, I messed up when submitting)
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:34am
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    "How are we going to do our project with just two people, you can't just walk out of class!" Bart exclaimed frowning at the girl as he stared at the Hamlet play in front of him.
    "I wouldn't want to get close to him... He's kind of a ticking time bomb, nothing worse than a messed up Caster, they tend to blow things up- like BOOOOM! or magic worse than mine, at least you can put a fire out, now accidentally turning your teacher into a rock... That takes talent. Wait... Was it a rock or a sock... I can't remember, oh well- anyways the guy's messed up girl, I'm just warning you." Maggie shrugged taking out one of her textbooks and started reading leaving Nicole to think about things.
    July 24th, 2012 at 06:00am
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    Sindri smirked at the boy, pulling her bag over her shoulder. "Oh, what's the matter theater boy? You don't like Hamlet? What, you too much of a geek for it?" she glanced at Sandra, and shrugged. "It'll only be a few minutes. Sandra's not that bad with the play." She turned around, paused, then sighed. Looking back at him, she glared briefly, then slumped her shoulders. "If you really are that concerned, you guys tag along. We'll discuss on the way."

    Nicole watched Maggie read her textbook, adopting her usual thoughtful expression. She pondered the pros and cons, but ultimately decided she wasn't one to base her opinions or choices based on hearsay. Even if he was so bad, it wouldn't right to abandon her friend over something he couldn't help. She knew that better than anyone. "Thanks Maggie, but I can take care of myself." She stated simply, not in any way rude or harsh. "It's nice to know you're concerned, though."
    July 24th, 2012 at 06:20am
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    "Thanks," Bart offered, he hated Hamlet, in his opinion the guy was a total nut-bag crazy. "She said we had to act out the scene where Polonius, get's offed... I'm not sure what to do about it," He added rubbing his head.
    "Just warning you sister," Maggie offered.
    July 24th, 2012 at 06:45am
  • Sindri arched her eyebrows, surprised he actually seemed to know something about the play. "Alright, well, come on then." Sandra followed, skipping happily along. "So, that specific scene is like the climax of the play. It sets everything in order for the finale. "She turned to him, "I'm guessing you want to be him?"

    Nicole nodded, grabbing her own book and began to read.
    July 24th, 2012 at 06:57am
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    "That's what they'll be expecting, but I am the only guy in the group, even though the scene has two guys and one girl. I'd say our teacher want's me to be Queen Gertrude, or she wouldn't have picked this part in the play, and put the three of us together, I may not be into theater but I know how teachers think," Bart added raising a finger in the air as he explained his so called genius plan.

    @ Sinuzaki
    July 24th, 2012 at 10:34pm
  • The two girls grinned, Sindri especially. "Glad to see you're catching on." She waved to Sandra, nodding. "We've both played males before, you think you can play a female convincingly?" She grabbed her bag and rummaged through it, trying to find something. Sandra grinned, as this was her favorite part of the play. "You have any any other ideas?" She asked him, as they turned a corner.
    July 25th, 2012 at 02:23am
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    "Ketchup packets? Wait, who's Hamlet?" Bart asked watching the girls, he had no clue really who either of them were (or what) if he was being truthful, better that way... Or he'd be forced to judge them.
    July 25th, 2012 at 04:46am