Birth Control.

  • There is no blanket birth control thread. All other threads are for specific types. This is for discussion on any type of birth control, comparing different types, discussing what other users might suggest based on your specifications, sharing experiences with different kinds, opinions on different kids, etc.

    This is a link to the My Method quiz on Planned Parenthood, that recommends what type of birth control might be best for you.
    I'm on the Pill and I almost got an IUD. Now I don't want one because I'm weird about having things placed into my body. I'm scared of the shot because of the weight gain side effect.
    July 11th, 2012 at 05:15am
  • I've never used birth control apart from condoms, it freaks me out a bit. Since realising that I'm gay, there wouldn't be a point now anyway.

    I am grossly informed on it though. I just love medical stuff so I know a lot about the different kinds and how they work.
    July 12th, 2012 at 01:51am
  • I really want to get nuvaring. Ryan and I want kids asap... but the right time won't be for a few more years and I am total shit at taking my pill on time. I would have it already but it costs over twice as much as my pills do every month and I can't afford that without insurance.
    July 12th, 2012 at 01:54am
  • @ Kurtni
    Nuvaring scares me. I just don't want to have it in my vajayjay for three weeks, I guess. XD

    I'm "lucky" to be broke enough to not have to pay for my own birth control. And I've gotten better at taking my pill on time. I used to forget and take it a few hours late, but I've got it better managed now.
    July 12th, 2012 at 02:28am
  • I was taking birth control to help regulate my period, but kind of stopped...Out of own laziness and a horrible fear of taking pills. XD Thankfully I seem to be regulated now, which is good, so I can probably get off it.

    If it goes unregulated again, though...No pills. I'll get one of those things they put in your arm? Or whatever it is...Something that lasts a couple years and usually stops the period all together. I know there's a few that I could see if I get, from what the guest speakers said in health class.
    July 14th, 2012 at 03:51am
  • @ capture me inside.
    It's called an IUD and there are a few options available. I believe it lasts up to 5 years.
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:08am
  • capture me inside.:
    I was taking birth control to help regulate my period, but kind of stopped...Out of own laziness and a horrible fear of taking pills. XD Thankfully I seem to be regulated now, which is good, so I can probably get off it.

    If it goes unregulated again, though...No pills. I'll get one of those things they put in your arm? Or whatever it is...Something that lasts a couple years and usually stops the period all together. I know there's a few that I could see if I get, from what the guest speakers said in health class.
    I've heard birth control implants (the thing that goes in your arm) is the most effective type of birth control, more so than pills or nuvaring even. It weirds me out that you can feel it under your skin though.
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:16am
  • @ hear dru's song.

    Ah! Yes, that.

    I plan on getting that if I am able to. Well, more if I need to, if I'm not regulated. Hopefully I am. I'll probably ask my friend about it (that kind of birth control.) as she has something similar to that in a way, except hers lasts three years instead of five.
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:23am
  • @ Kurtni

    Yeah! That's what I was told, too. You can leave it in and don't have to worry about it until the time is up, which is good. But, yeah, I agree. It would freak me out being able to feel something like that underneath my skin of all things. I was freaked about even by feeling a patch that I had to wear for medication, so underneath the skin would be even worse. But my dislike of pills greatly outweighs that. XD
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • capture me inside.:
    @ Kurtni

    Yeah! That's what I was told, too. You can leave it in and don't have to worry about it until the time is up, which is good. But, yeah, I agree. It would freak me out being able to feel something like that underneath my skin of all things. I was freaked about even by feeling a patch that I had to wear for medication, so underneath the skin would be even worse. But my dislike of pills greatly outweighs that. XD
    Yeah I hate taking pills too. I think I could leave with some weird thing in my arm if it meant no more taking pills.

    I don't think birth control implants are known for regulating periods in the same way as the pill- most people have irregular periode the first year and but I think they eventually stop happening.

    Also, IUD stands for "intrauterine device," it doesn't go in your arm.
    July 14th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • I was on the depo shot. And I gained weight aft I got off. I went up to 145. My period is light but very irregular. I'm not sexually active but I don't know which birth control to use . I can't do pills Isck at that plus I have to take a water pill for my hair. I really don't know what to do
    July 16th, 2012 at 07:22pm
  • I have birth control for my period, nothing else. I'm not exactly someone who's interested in sex yet lol. ::awkward:
    December 31st, 2012 at 02:50am
  • Question! I would ask my doctor but I'm on the other side of the world from him.
    Did anyone stop taking their BC and want to get back on it?

    Basically, back in October, I ran out of pills, so I (obviously) had to stop taking them till my mom could mail me more. When I first started them, I was told to wait till the first day of my next period, then start the pills. I would LOVE to start my pills again but the thing is, my period has not come again since October (so almost 4 months now). Can I just start taking them again or do I still have to wait till my period comes back?

    sorry if this is the wrong thread :c
    January 12th, 2013 at 03:48pm
  • If you do to want to gain weight, do not get the shot. It hurts more than a shot, like almost fire in your veins. The spot where it was given will ache and burn for days. But I did not have any period those three months. Barely any spotting. I gained a lot of weight and it will be like you are pregnant. I had extreme morning sickness, the smell of food cooking made me vomit and I had really strange cravings.

    I was told all the symptoms I had were like being pregnant. I absolutely hated very day of it, the worst feeling ever. I missed so many days of school because I was so sick. I even had cramps and I had NEVER had cramps before in my life.

    I've tried to medical dose pills and those are okay. Effective for periods but it tends to make mine heavier when I'm on the sugar pill. So my doctor never let me on the sugar pill. I don't remember the brand but I know it wasn't the average dose for just birth control.

    But if you don't mind all the symptoms of pregnancy, the pain and the weight gain take the shot. It will get rid of your period for sure.

    My pill worked just fine for birth control but it was more prone to blood clots because of smoking than the others because ow powerful it was.
    January 12th, 2013 at 11:19pm
  • I just started the patch, because my period would come for seven days and then stop. Five days later it would start again, so my doctor told me to start the patch in hopes that it would help. I stopped my period on Thursday and Friday I started the patch. I have had light bleeding since yesterday. :( I just want my normal period back.

    I wont go back to the depo shot again because it cause me to gain alot of weight that is now hard for me to lose.
    January 13th, 2013 at 05:32pm
  • @ Sara
    I think you would be able to start taking them. To be sure, I would wait a month instead of two weeks to say you're safe.
    January 14th, 2013 at 06:17am
  • @ druscilla ever after
    I'm not really interested in using them for their actual purpose, but I didn't really think of that. Thanks!
    January 15th, 2013 at 03:25pm
  • @ Sara
    I believe they have you start it the Sunday after your period to help judge when you would be safe for sex, so if you want it for reasons other than protection, you can start at anytime. Probably wait until Sunday so you don't get confused. XD
    January 15th, 2013 at 04:00pm
  • @ druscilla ever after
    Nah, I just sharpie the dates onto the pack anyway so it doesn't much matter which day I start. d:

    Thanks again
    January 17th, 2013 at 04:43pm
  • I use the Nexplanon Implant. It's in my left arm. At first it was weird 'cause well, it's a rod in your arm aha. You get used to it after a while although I get a bit anxious and make sure it's there every now and again aha! The anesthetic for the procedure was the sorest part. After that, your arm aches like hell!
    January 21st, 2013 at 01:52pm