
  • xXcrazy-desiXx

    xXcrazy-desiXx (100)

    United States
    I have been bullied for many things such as being 'over weight' for being tall when I was younger. I been bullied for the way I talked to the way I dressed. I say the one thing I was bullied for and it hurt the most was being hard of hearing and having to wear hearing aids. At first I handled it all wrong I stop eating, I didn't talk to many people. I even stoped wearing hearing aids wich was stupid because my grades droped and my hearing became worse. I started writeing and it helped me alot as I got in to high school it milowed out a little bit but I still have people scream in my ear or talk to me like I'm stupid just get a laugh. But I come to realize that those who Put me down are just haters and that it alright for you to be different it took me along time to understand that.
    August 28th, 2012 at 08:34am
  • Albluerose

    Albluerose (205)

    United States
    Grown woman call me bald due to my thin hair. But I dont pay them mind because they may be older but they are immature.
    September 29th, 2012 at 02:03am
  • Rain_2010

    Rain_2010 (100)

    United States
    I've been bullied for most of my life and I don't let it get to me, EVER!!
    Maybe because I truly didn't care what people said about me, I knew who I was and I wasn't going to let anyone tell me different. Even in High School I was bullied but that died down fast, as I climbed from Freshman to Senior and where I live that bullying was a big deal but not like HUGE like other schools were.
    October 17th, 2012 at 10:10pm
  • TheGreatHendowski-.-

    TheGreatHendowski-.- (100)

    United States
    I've been bullied since the 6th grade, first for being a new kid to my school, then for the kind of music I listen to, and then for my sexuality. I never reacted at first because I was always taught to ignore those bullying you, but I started to retaliate once I reached high school. I fought back quite a bit, mostly involving getting into fist fights in the hallways, but now I've gotten a little bit more mature and just ignore people again.
    December 14th, 2013 at 09:15am
  • Rae-Dene

    Rae-Dene (100)

    United States
    I was bullied from 2nd grade to 6th grade, for being adopted for being different and speaking my mind when it wasn't what other people thought in this little shit hole of a town. In 6th grade I got tired of it and so I turned around told the kid to stop he said "make me!" so I punched him in the face and now he won't even look at me wrong.
    December 27th, 2013 at 03:24am
  • Wolvie_Eatz_Katz

    Wolvie_Eatz_Katz (100)

    United States
    I've been bulled all last year, freshmen year in my high school.
    By the people i hang out with, by how i dress, and how i act.. It got to the point where I cried every night and went to self harm. I lost friends, you know. I am into "Metal" a very heavy music genre. Every time I would listen to it and people would hear it I would be called a devil worshiper. I'm the opposite. n i hate that term....

    I had dropped into depression and developed a slight anxiety disorder.... just because i was tormented every day...
    to the people that would read this and can relate?
    i will try and defend you any day :)
    December 31st, 2013 at 06:12am
  • opalescent;

    opalescent; (100)

    United States
    I get teased a lot, but never really bullied. But in the past I did used to bully boys that had crushes on me. I feel really bad when I think about it now because I just didn't know how to handle boys and feelings at the time. Boys were no issue, but boy and feelings freaked me the hell out. This one boy used to follow me home from the bus stop and I would always ran away from him. I called him a super stalker, laughed at him, manipulated him for fun. We actually became pretty good friends, but every now and then I think about how I acted and I can't understand why he stuck around.

    I wasn't the type that actively sought people out to bully, but I was kind of mean to those kids who kept approaching me after I told them to leave me alone. Luckily, me and those kids often look back on those things now and laugh about them. Time and distance just puts a new perspective on things though. I wish I was more aware of what I was doing back then and been more understanding. :\
    January 15th, 2014 at 05:35am
  • Valiente

    Valiente (200)

    United States
    I was bullied from September 2007 to July 2013. I first got bullied in my new elementary school for being "too developed for my age" and because I don't look like my ethnicity. I developed an eating disorder to look and feel like the other girls in my grade. Then I was bullied in middle school for being one of the few LGBT students that was out of the closet and people called me an attention whore for getting caught self-harming in the school bathroom. It went from that to getting cyberbullied on Tumblr, Facebook, etc. until July 2013. I came really close to killing myself because I couldn't handle the demons in my head paired with the demons on anon. I still get the occasional anon hate but I would say I'm not being bullied anymore. It's still disappointing to know that it took twenty suicide attempts and a trip to the emergency room to make it stop
    January 30th, 2014 at 07:42am
  • louis tomlinson.

    louis tomlinson. (100)

    United States
    In eighth grade, a group of girls that I've known since elementary school suddenly turned on me and decided they didn't like me anymore. At first, it was just them, but then they started spreading rumors about me and soon nearly everyone in the whole school hated me too, calling me a whore and a bitch and whatever. I was alone all the time, and I spent most of my time locked in my room. I had one of those Ask.fm things and all people did was send me hate and finally I just deleted it. I felt so lonely and disgusting all the time. Eventually my parents found out and I had to go see a counselor and take anti-depressants, which I guess helped. Once I entered high school (I'm a sophomore now) things got better and I made a lot of new friends so I guess things are looking up.
    February 14th, 2014 at 04:39am
  • serendipity;

    serendipity; (200)

    United States
    I was bullied over social media once by a group of friends (who didn't even know me personally) because of the things I liked. At first I reacted angrily, but then I realized that they craved and fed off of getting a reaction. So I resorted to just doing my own thing and being awesome, and allowing them to continue to behave in a pathetic manner.

    I've also been bullied by ex-boyfriends before. Stuff like disgusting rumors being spread, dirty looks, snide comments, ect. It was extremely hurtful. I won't lie, I was crushed. I didn't know how to deal with it, and it wasn't like I could really do anything to fight back. I was too embarrassed to tell people because the comments he would make about my appearance were so hurtful. Eventually he just gave up once he found a new girlfriend, but it took a long time for me to get over that. Even to this day, just thinking about it hurts.
    February 17th, 2014 at 05:15am
  • superhellaswagil

    superhellaswagil (100)

    United States
    I was bullied in junior high - well, I'd never been popular beforehand, but in junior high when I decided, rather idiotically, to go through my goth phase it became extreme. I was called many names, mostly I was called a fat bitch or an emo cutter. As much as I'd like to say I brushed it off and went on with my bad self, I let it affect me, turned to cutting, and eventually became a socially anxious, very depressed girl.
    March 19th, 2014 at 05:59am
  • shelbyvengeance

    shelbyvengeance (100)

    United States
    I was always bullied throughout school. When I was in Elementary it was just name calling. It was only one girl I believe but she stopped it. In Middle school it got worse. 5th grade I was probably friends with 90% of my grade. I wasn't exactly popular, but was just trying to make friends with people. We also had a lot of new kids. 6th grade is when some started picking on me. I was made fun of for being tall, not plucking my eyebrows (i have thick eyebrows), not wearing makeup, having acne, not having a cell, boyfriend, buck teeth, whatever. Note that this is from the slutty girls who either got held back or their parents didn't give a shit to what they did. I also stayed friends with most. That was my biggest mistake. 7th grade this one girl I had been friends with in 5th grade really hated me and we had mutual friends (the slutty popular wannabe cheerleaders) They spread a rumor that I was a lesbian first. I of course was upset over that since nearly every girl was bothering me. Every time I was picked on I always told my gma (I live with my grandparents) since it was obvious something was wrong. (i never wanted to be a tattletale, but them picking on me didn't exactly help with my mental problems) She called the school (7th grade year we got a new principal. let's just say he was a complete dick) and he actually had me give a list of the girls aka my friends at the time. They actually had to write me a letter apologizing. Well they stopped picking on me, but the one girl didn't. After Gym class in the locker room she would throw basketballs at me, I bought a Gatorade and she sprayed perfume in it (gave it to another girl who actually drink it) and pretty much was always harassing me. One day we got in a fight (or more like I tried to defend myself)and she broke my nose (day before my 13th bday) every single one of my 'friends' except 1 said I started the fight which I didn't. Let's just say my mom was at the school really quick since she worked in the town. She was rampaging since the principal never tried to stop it. My gma was up soon also and had to take me to the hospital where they said i did have a broken nose (it was more dislocated than actually broken, but that's what they called it.) We were both suspended from school for 3 days and also had to see a juvenile officer. (i had to write an essay about being bullied. why, i dunno. she got on probation) after that everything began going downhill for me. i hated school. most people acted like nothing happened when i went back or asked how i was doing. the girl was taken out of the classes i was in and told to stay away from me. this worked until 8th grade. it started happening again. my family was up there again and finally there was a meeting between staff, a lady who was juvenile officer or something, and both of us and our families. She actually apologized because the lady was pissed off especially since she knew a girl who had recently committed suicide from being bullied and didn't want that to happen to me. she was kept in different classes from me and stay away from me again (also on the bus). This worked until high school. I had to change classes this time though. And she was beginning to bother me again (but this time put a few guys up to it. for instance put gum in my hair) the principal had that stopped.

    In high school, I dramatically changed friends. 8th grade I became friends with a girl who was an outcast (to this day I still talk to her) but in high school we had 3 classes together out of 8. i became friends with a lot of the juniors at the time, so usually ate lunch I ate with them and tend to just hang out with them. I distanced myself far from all the girls I used to be friends with (at least the ones who didn't move). I also stopped trying to fit in. To this day, I still don't know why none of them really liked me.
    September 7th, 2014 at 07:29pm
  • Alucard Radke

    Alucard Radke (100)

    United Kingdom
    i was bullied from the age of 7 til the age of 16. before then i was a happy kid but didn't have what most would call normal start. you see i'm dyslexic and i had behaviour issues, so i went to a special needs school 4 a bit. and i was happy there. i was popular, had lots of friends and i felt like i belonged. but when i turned 7, i got sent to mainstream or ¨normal¨ school and thats when things changed. kids picked on me coz i have a weird accent, i was a slow learner and later on coz i lost my temper easily. i was that kid who played by themselves coz no one wanted to play with the freak. it got worse when i got into high school, one of the worse invitations ever! it wasn't just about my weird American sounding voice or low reading level; it became about my looks. i wasn't skinny, i wear glasses, my hair is naturally puffy and no guy ever asked me out. it was like everything about me was wrong, even to who my friends were. even in a British school, there are cliques =( and i was with the moshers, nerds and art kids. plus it didn't help that my temper was getting worse since my dad left without a goodbye and to this day hasn't bothered with me or my older sister. i was angry, alone and hurt. and also afraid, of myself. i thought i was going crazy since i would cry or flip out at the smallest thing. i even started cutting my own hair and had thoughts of killing myself. it was a dark time in my life but i got though it, slowly but i did. i went to anger management and therapy at school and it helped a little, however it wasn't til i was in college that i decided to go back to therapy. even though the bullying had stopped, the damage was still there. now at age 21 i'm still healing. music has been the best support for me, helping save myself, and talking about it helps to. i know i have a long way to go but i'm a lot happyer now and i'll use my pain and that time to carry on
    October 17th, 2014 at 11:17pm
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    I was bullied intensely in school. I had to change classes, stop riding the bus, consistently inform teachers/the principal what was going on and it really only tapered off in year 12. I won't delve into specifics other than it was for appearance (height for example as I'm very short, or simply "not being pretty") and hurt very much to hear on a daily basis. It is a contributing to factor to the eating disorder that followed me through school and lingered for a few years after.

    I still go through it much more mildly at work. I've dealt with bullying from superiors and even peers but it's stemmed mostly from jealousy/fear on their part. Not that I excuse it, mind. I just try to be the bigger person because in the end, how little do you have to be to make someone else feel like shit just so you can feel good about yourself? Get a hobby and a life.
    October 19th, 2014 at 06:55pm
  • schrodinger's cat.

    schrodinger's cat. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I was bullied in infants until I started playing up and threatening everyone. Then I was bullied really badly when I was 13 and even changed classes, it was so horrible that I try not to think about it because I'm passed that now.

    When I was bullied I just tried to ignore them or got angry and swore at them. So since I got more confidence and grew up I've become very no nonsense and won't tolerate that sort of thing, especially if I see it happening to other people. I was the worst at helping myself out but when people were bullying my friend I always protected her.
    January 1st, 2015 at 02:13am
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    I never really considered myself as having been bullied, but I guess I was in school. I just never cared at all so I didn't pay it any attention. I was "PunX as FucK" and had a mohawk/crazy colored hair and shit like that and never expected people to like me. But I didn't like them either so the fact that they didn't understand me at all I took as a compliment more than anything else, lol. I usually just went along with anything they said to watch them get mad over the fact that I wasn't getting mad at all. That's really the best way to deal with it. If it bothers you and you let them know that, then they're going to continue cause they're getting what they want out of it; a reaction. If you're not giving that to them then they'll eventually get bored and leave you alone.
    January 5th, 2015 at 07:10pm