
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly smiled and leaned over the table kissing his cheek. "You are doing great love." She said and sat back sipping at the wine and playing with his fingers. She smiled as she looked at him. "So Alex tell me something I don't know about you." She giggled and winked. First dates where usually the hardest but since they had already been together for a while this was going to be just a nice night out.

    Seth kissed her softly. "Yes it is." He said and rubbed her arm. He watched her. He wanted to marry his woman. He had watched others get married but he never had but this must be what it feels like to want to. Seth kissed her head. "What do you want to do now?" He asked her.
    June 2nd, 2014 at 10:21pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment and thought. "Well, I suppose that there isn't much that you don't know about me," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Okay, okay, so when I was first born, I was the youngest of seven kids," he said before he smiled at her for a moment and took a sip of his wine. "What about you? What's one thing that I don't know about you?" He asked curiously as he smiled at her. She was gorgeous, he thought as he watched her with a smile filled with love in his face.

    Natalie looked up at him for a moment and he sighed softly. She leaned over and kissed his cheek gently before she took up her beautiful son in her arms. Leaning down, she kissed his forehead lightly and she rubbed his back as he leaned his head against her chest. Smiling gently, she looked at him for a moment before looking away. Something about the way that he was looking at her. The sun brushed her skin and she but her lip gently and she kissed Nick's head gently before looking at Seth again.
    July 13th, 2014 at 02:53am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly smiled. She higgled as she listened to him. "Wow seven. Your poor mother. She must have been a looker for your father to have seven kids. She said and sipped her wine. When he asked her she had ro thi k about it. She didn't know what all he knew. She leaned forward and bit her lip. "Hmm well... I never wanted to be a super model. I wanted to be a literature professor." She said and laughed. She loved how he was looking at her right now. She took his hand and kissed his palm.

    Seth smiled and nodded. He kissed both their heads before pulling out a camera and capturing them in that moment. He smirked getting it before Natalie realized he had. He smiled and showed her the picture. He then set it aside glad to be there to take the pictures this time.
    July 13th, 2014 at 08:30am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment and chuckled softly before he nodded. "For some reason, I am not at all surprised by that statement," he said honestly as he watched her for a moment. He wanted to memorize the curve of her jaw and the way her eyelashes fluttered when she blinked. She was so beautiful, he thought before he cleared his throat slightly and looked away.

    Natalie looked at the picture and blushed as she looked away from him. "That is....a good picture," she said before she glanced over at him and smiled. Nick began to squirm so she set him down and let him rub around. Watched Seth for a moment, she looked up at him. "Why do you love me so much? I mean, you could have anyone you wanted." She said.
    July 15th, 2014 at 05:58am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly laughed happily. She laced their fingers together and bit her lip. "Maybe you have another? I think this is so muh fun I really feel that his is nice." She said. Holly felt that this was perfect. She wouldn't trade a moment for a lifetime. Holly blushed as he looked away. He was so sweet.

    Seth smiled and set the camera down and running a hand through her hair. But he stopped frowning at her question. "Natalie I lobe you for reasons more numerous hen the stars but to name a few. I may have taken you for your beauty but it was your heart I fell in love with. That pure and honest perfect heart." Seth grinned and kissed her nose. "Does that answer your question?"
    July 15th, 2014 at 11:02am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her from the corner of his eyes and thought for a moment. "Well, I don't know what you would like to know...." Before he paused and though for a moment. "I was never turned into a vampire. I was born one which makes me nobility in the vampire world," he explained as he watched her for a moment. "My brothers and sisters as well as myself all hold the title of vampires while those who were human and turned into vampires are called vampyres," he told her.

    Natalie watched him for a moment, feeling herself getting pulled into the look of love that filled his eyes. She bit her lip lightly as she thought for a moment. "Why have you never asked why I loved you?" She asked curiously as he hand reached up and rested lightly above where his heart was. She looked up at him and met his eyes shyly before looking down again but she did not remove her hand from his chest, wanting the connection between the two of them to never be broken.
    July 16th, 2014 at 03:40am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    "Really wow. I didn't know that was possible." Holly said wondering many thing about turning and the pregnancies of those both human and vampire, or vampyre. She bit her lip as she thought about everything he said. She realized that she really didn't know anything about vampires. Holly didn't know if she should be sad about that or not but it was such a huge part of his life she felt sad despite any logical reasoning.

    Seth smiled and put his hand over hers. He lifted her chin. "Because all that matters to me is that you do, why is for you to know and for me to make new every day." He said and kissed her. He pulled back after a while smirking. But now you have piked my intrest and if you desire to tell me I desire to know." Seth said and kissed her other hand.
    July 16th, 2014 at 09:04am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment and nodded. "I can answer any questions if you want to ask but I will not talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable in anyway," he said honestly. He took another sip of wine and sighed softly as the taste filled his mouth and rolled over his tongue. "Take your time love. We are in no rush to get anything done," he promised as he smiled at her happily, relaxed.

    Natalie watched him for a moment before biting her lip. "That's not how you ask," she teased as she kissed him lightly before pulling away and walking toward the living room. "So, what do you want to do?" she asked gently. "I am going to live here for now. You will be at your house?" she said softly although it was a question.
    August 29th, 2014 at 06:02pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment and nodded. "I can answer any questions if you want to ask but I will not talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable in anyway," he said honestly. He took another sip of wine and sighed softly as the taste filled his mouth and rolled over his tongue. "Take your time love. We are in no rush to get anything done," he promised as he smiled at her happily, relaxed.

    Natalie watched him for a moment before biting her lip. "That's not how you ask," she teased as she kissed him lightly before pulling away and walking toward the living room. "So, what do you want to do?" she asked gently. "I am going to live here for now. You will be at your house?" she said softly although it was a question.
    August 29th, 2014 at 06:02pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly smiled softly and took his hand across the table. "I just am realizing how little I know about such a huge part of your life. But talking about it doesn't make me uncomfortable love." She explained. Holly sipped her wine as well and thought about her question. "How is a vampre different from you?" She asjed wondering if they could eat and drink like he did and get some taste out of it. Holly ran her thumb across his hand. Did he realize how much she loved him? She hoped so. Holly hoped he could see why she might be asking about the vampre life.

    Seth chuckled at her teasing. He followed her his hands finding her waist. "Maybe I can stay over now and then but yes I will be staying at my place. He knew she loved her cabin but it felt to small to him. He kissed hee cheek from behind. "Or what ever you want." He said just wanting to make her happy.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 06:03pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment and thought. "Well, they can't eat or drink like I can until they are much much older. I was born with the ability," he said as he thought. "They have a lot harder time controlling their blood thirst," he said as he took another sip of wine. "The similarities however are endless," he said softly.
    Natalie smiled at him and rested her hands on his arms as she turned to face him for a moment. "Okay," she said as she kissed him again gently. Pulling away again, she looked around her house before glancing back at him. "You think it is too small don't you?" she asked curiously as she bit her lip gently. "I..." she said before trailing off again and stepping away slightly. She walked to the sink and got a glass of water as she ran her fingers through her hair.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 07:03pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly nodded licking her lips. She was thinking about what it would be like for her. She bit her lip then thought of a strang question. "Do you bleed?" She asked. Holly had never come up on a situation where he bled. Even the accident had only hardly scratched him. Sure it had messed him up inside though. Holly wondered what it was like for a vampire to be bitten, if it was as pleasurable for them as for her. She blushed thinking it strang the conversation they where having in the resterant. Holly brought his hand to her cheek. She closed her eyes enjoying his touch. She realized that a blood was blood rising in her cheeks. She wondered if he ever reacted to that.
    Seth frowned as she pulled away. He walked over to her after a second. "I have lived for so long and never in a place like this Natalie. Small isn't bad but I am not sure if it fits me. But it does you so I will deal with it because this makes you happy. "Natalie please." He sighed and touched her hand. "Natalie talk to me. I want to have conversations about what you want, what you feel and think. This is part of a relationship right?"
    September 23rd, 2014 at 07:25pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment before nodding slowly. "We do bleed but our blood is much thicker then that of humans," he said before he raised and eyebrow. "You are blushing quite a bit now love, what are you thinking about?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he watched her carefully. She really was such a beautiful creature, he thought to himself as he smiled at her and winked playfully from across the table.
    Natalie looked at him for a moment and bit her lip. Reaching up, she touched his cheek gently. "I am trying Seth but I spent so much time so conflicted about you and now that you are here, those feelings don't just go away," she whispered softly. "I am trying but...I'm scared. I'm really scared," she finally admitted. She looked down at her feet and tried to stay calm. "I'm scared that you are going to realize that I don't have anything to offer you and you will find someone who does."
    September 24th, 2014 at 04:07am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly blushed more. "I am thinking about you." she said none specifically. She honestly didn't think that they where ready to have the for all eternity talk. Holly shrugged and kissed his hand. "And how odd it is to be talking about this in a restaurant. She said and smiled kind of nervously. "I just guess that I'm not use to talking yet." she said since they normally didn't. "I am having a good time though." she said and smiled brightly.
    Seth frowned. He pulled her close and kissed her head. "I spent an entire year trying to make myself good enough for you because I thought that I wasn't. That was why I was so protective over you. I wanted you to stay and was afraid it would crush me if you did. I love you Natalie and I am not leaving because there is no one better and there never will be. I realize that it will take a while for me to prove that to you but I will and I just want you to know how much you mean to me."
    September 29th, 2014 at 06:30am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked at her for a moment before nodding slightly. "Yeah, I suppose this isn't quote the treatment you are used to," he said softly and he felt his shame and guilt bubble up in him. Would he have changed things if he knew that she was going to become this important to him? he thought as he held her hand gently in his own. He would have liked to think so but deep in his gut, he knew that wasn't true. To be honest, he probably would never have taken her if he knew that she was going to do to him.
    Natalie bit her lip at his words and she turned slightly to face him. Pressing her cheek against his chest, she enjoyed the feeling of having him close to her. Glancing quickly up at him, she leaned up and brushed her lips gently over his before slowly pulling him into a deeper kiss. Maybe she was stupid for loving him or coming back to him but it felt right. He was good, she knew it. He was going to take care of them. She trusted him.
    October 1st, 2014 at 12:36pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly held his hand in hers. She knew their past wasn't the best but she loved him anyways. She needed him. "Alex... I wouldn't change a thing. We fell in love and that is all that matters. It is what we do now that matters... I guess that is sort of what we are trying to figure out here." She said softly lovingly. She hoped he knew how much he meant to her.

    Seth held her close. He leaned down as their lips meet softly at first. But soon she was deepening the kiss. He pulled her hips closer to his, his need for her growing with a passion within his heart. He would never get enough of her and he would take care of her and Kyle. They needed him and he needed them just as much if not more.
    October 14th, 2014 at 01:06am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex looked up at her for a moment and allowed a gentle smile to grace his lips. "So, do you remember my friend Seth?" He asked. "The love of his life ran away when she was pregnant? Well, I just found out that he found her. In some little Italian town that he took her to a long time ago and well, that got me thinking, would you be interested in something like that? Going on vacation somewhere? Just the two of us?" he asked as he looked over at her.
    Natalie continued to kiss him before the need for oxygen was too great. Pulling away slightly, she stayed close to him but tried to catch her breath. Looking up at him, she smiled gently. "She," she whispered as she leaned forward and pressed her face against his shoulder. "I love you," she whispered softly as she continued to press herself close to him. She wanted to feel him, to know that he wasn't going to leave. "I love you," she whispered again.
    November 9th, 2014 at 04:55pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly looked up at Alex seeing he was serious. She felt her stomach flip anf her head seemed to float as if in a dream. "Alex." She nodded smiling and as it sank in she smiled widder. "Yes. I would love to." Holly said amazed and shocked. She had never thought hat he would take her away somewhere to be alone with her and to make new experiences. She didn't know how his friend and his girl had made Alex want to do this but she didn't care she wanted to go. Holly reachdd over takibg his hand lovingly and leaning over the table to kiss him.

    Seth rubbed her back. "I love you too." He whispered his face burried in her hair. "Natalie all I want is you and Kyle. My existence is worth it if I can have the both of you." Seth held her close then picked her up and set her on the counter and cupped her cheeks. "If you say that no matter what we will do anything to make this work then I will give you my entire world." Seth kissed her nose then pecked her lips.
    November 18th, 2014 at 08:14am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Alex smiled at her before leaning across the table to meet her in a kiss. Pulling away after a moment, he had a twinkle of love in his eye. "So I was thinking that you could decide where we were to go? It could be anywhere you wanted?" he offered as he continued to watch her. She truly was the most beautiful woman that he had ever laid eyes on. "Anywhere in the world, just name it," he said gently as he gave her hand a squeeze.
    Natalie looked at him through hooded eyes for a moment before nodding. "Okay, let's do it," she said softly before smiling at him. "Let's make whatever is between us work," she said as she kissed him again. "I want to be with you. I want us to be a family," she said gently as she watched him with a smile. This felt right, she thought, it felt like she was finally complete. She leaned forward and captured his lips in a passionate kiss.
    January 20th, 2015 at 02:33am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Holly smiled contemplating were she wanted to go. She was trying to think of a good place for the both of them. She blushed. "Can we go to Paris?" she knew it was cliche but it would be so romantic and it would be beautiful. Holly came around and hopped up on the counter pulling him closer. She ran a hand into his hair. Holly smiled down at him. "Alex... I really truly love you. For all of time."
    Seth kissed her deeply and ran his hands into her hair. He pulled back when he knew she needed air. He smirked and held her up. "Good. Now we can spend more time together." he said and chuckled. "And I can spend more time with Kyle and keep you healthy." he said and bit his lip. He still had yet to try and find a way to prolong her life being human. It was going to be hard but he would travel the world to find a remedy for her.
    March 17th, 2015 at 08:55pm