
  • I of course don't like people who force their smoke onto non-smokers. If you wanna smoke, then get the hell out and come back when you're done!

    In what concerns me, on the other hand, I do smoke from time to time. I guess I smoke... socially. No, it's not a case of peer pressure, since my closest friends do ot smoke and are against smoke, it's a case of getting together with people and going all teenage and protesting against authority by smoking.

    In my school students are officially strictly prohibited to smoke anywhere on the premises. In reality, bathrooms and 4 metres around them stink of smoke, not to mention the new spot we found for doing forbidden stuff : the huge-ass attic, an abandoned, cold, house of pigeons room the size of the school(that is a lot per say) that contains some old school furniture and a blackboard. Three girls smoke there, my best friend/deskmate guy does graffitti in there, it's really a question of doing something against it all.

    I read this article in Photo Magazine(an issue with teens) where it said that smoking is a way of protest with teens, and I sort of agree, though I don't really do it becaue of that.

    Smoking just looks sexy to me, and I don't care if you people think it's disgusting, since I think otherwise. I play with smoke, I don't even inhale anything. I play
    April 6th, 2008 at 08:55am
  • I think smoking is disgusting. What do you benifit by smoking? Nothing. All you get is an early death and a body full of harmful chemicals. Sad

    Both my parents smoke. My grandfather smokes too. It's upsetting because my grandfather is really old and my father is getting pretty old too. My parents smoke outside, in the car [with windows down, but that doesn't really help], in the garage and sometimes in the kitchen. They think smoking in the kitchen is okay because of the fan that helps get rid of steam when you cook. It's horrible.

    One time my parents asked me what would make me happier and I said if they would quit smoking but they just ignored me and continued.

    I am never going to smoke.
    April 6th, 2008 at 09:29am
  • If someone wants to smoke then I really don't mind. It's their choice
    But I personally do not like smoking.

    My Dad used to smoke alot but he quit about 4 months ago.

    I hate walking past people at bus stops or train stations that smoke because the smoke makes me feel ill.

    The Government puts out alot of adds over in Australia to try and get people to quit.
    They always have adds that make you look away from the TV because you can't watch how disgusting something is. They try and show you the effects of smoking by cutting a lung in half but it just makes you feel sick.
    April 6th, 2008 at 02:27pm
  • I don't really mind smoking,
    I don't mind smoking anything really.

    My parents smoke, my friends smoke, pretty much my entire family smoke, even my grandparents. I smoke sometimes, not constantly now, and I don't crave it, but I think it's okay for every now and then.
    April 6th, 2008 at 10:12pm
  • I can't stand smoking. The family that I live with (mom, dad, grandma) all smoke. I think my dog is even addicted to cigarrettes. I can't stand the smell, can't stand the taste of someone who smokes (kissing a smoker is like making out with an ashtray). What nicotine does to the human body is disgusting. It's gross, it's unhealthy. The stuff just plain ruins your body.

    I will never smoke. I get enough of it second-hand.
    April 7th, 2008 at 04:06pm
  • I think the people who dislike smokers and think it's disgusting; just had bad experiences with the people that smoke.
    Like, if that person is an ass and blows the smoke out in your face, then of course you're going to dislike smokers, while actually, you just dislike the behaviour you link to it.

    I'd never blow smoke into someones' face or force anyone to smoke with me. It doesn't work like that.

    If you think it's disgusting because it's rude or whatever, then I have to disagree with you and tell you it's just incidental.
    If you hate smokers because you're worried about their health and / or can't stand the fucking smell, then well, I agree with you to some point, but I hope you'll just let them make their own choices nevertheless.

    If that makes. sense.
    April 9th, 2008 at 12:09pm
  • I don't like smoking, and it just isn't for me. I'm not into the tar build-up, or cancer. I don't want cancer. >.<
    No one has ever sat there and blown smoke in my face. Hell, I was in the same car with three guys who were trying to clam-bake the car. I didn't care, I won't stop somebody for doing something they enjoy. I won't change anybody, and I won't take it away.
    I just don't plan on making smoking part of my life.
    Not only that, but you blow your money on it. I've seen it. My parents are broke. My mom doesn't get paid more than $300 a week, and my dad just recently quit his job. They say they can't give me lunch money that week, but they go ahead and blow the money they do have on cigarrettes. I don't understand it. I'm their daughter! I don't care if people think I'm of low-class and don't deserve anything! But I know I'm worth A LOT more than fucking cigarrettes!

    ._. I'm calm now.
    April 9th, 2008 at 04:29pm
  • I'm not really preachy, Like, I don't mind if people smoke,
    But, when women are pregnant and smoke, their not only affecting themselves, there ruining another human being.
    Not just that, but also what Charlie said.
    April 10th, 2008 at 04:07am
  • I personally hate smoking. My sister smokes, as does my cousin and I don't like it when she comes home stinking of it. It's her choice but I hate having to lie to my parents about it. My exboyfriend smoked as well, and i have to say, it wasn't attractive and he didn't particularly smell nice =/. But that's just my opinion (:
    April 10th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • I really dislike smoking, I've never tried it and never will.

    Thats not to say I have a problem with other people smoking. Well, random people I dont mind so much, but you cant, you know? You cant tell people how to live their lives. However, when my close friends smoke then I do have a problem with it. I feel I have some kind of right to say 'you are aware youre killing yourself, right?', because that is essentially what they are doing.

    I broke a packet of my best friends cigarettes once. He did say he was going to quit though, but he never did in the end. He's also a 'stress' smoker, because of problems at home, which we've argued over before. Theres plenty of other ways to relieve stress.
    April 11th, 2008 at 09:53pm
  • You know, I find it kind of funny how a few people on here don't seem to understand that smoking to some people doesn't have much to do with the addiction. I get addicted to things easily. And become bored easily also.

    To me, smoking is like memories. Yeah, I know thats cheesy and real bad, but a lot of family members that I am close to smoke, and I like the smell of the smoke, which yes I know is bad also, but that smoke, it doesn't make me think of an expensive and disgusting habit, it makes me think of my great uncle the war veteran.

    I used to smoke a lot, for more than 2 years, just because nobody told me not to and it was a nice way to relax, now I'm just a stress smoker, which I know is still bad, but I can't help that it loosens tension.
    April 12th, 2008 at 06:03am
  • I'm quitting smoking cigarettes at the moment and it's hard because most of my friends are smokers. I'm not rabidly against smoking in public or at all but I do think that it's an incredibly bad idea to start. I honestly think it's the smoker's choice if they want to smoke. But my stance is that if it's legal to eat McDonalds every day and let yourself get morbidly obese from the intake of fat and other unhealthy things in the food (which is just as or more unhealthy as smoking), it should be legal to smoke in a public place.
    April 20th, 2008 at 05:30pm
  • I only smoke when I'm really pissed off. Everybody else in my house (excluding my little brother) smokes regularly. I don't have a problem with it, but I nver smoke around non-smokers. I find that to be disrespectful.
    April 23rd, 2008 at 12:05am
  • I do smoke. I know it's a bad habit, but it just makes me feel so damn good. It relaxes me, makes me a little light headed if I take a big enough drag and it helps me not to binge eat. Those aren't good reasons to smoke and I know for a fact how bad it is. But it is so hard to stop. I started one night when I was drunk and I just didn't stop. I want to quit but it's so hard. Any tips or ideas to help quit?
    April 25th, 2008 at 05:21am
  • Space Monkey:
    I do smoke. I know it's a bad habit, but it just makes me feel so damn good. It relaxes me, makes me a little light headed if I take a big enough drag and it helps me not to binge eat. Those aren't good reasons to smoke and I know for a fact how bad it is. But it is so hard to stop. I started one night when I was drunk and I just didn't stop. I want to quit but it's so hard. Any tips or ideas to help quit?
    Nicotine gum or patches are always available at pharmacies and if you want to stop you could try chucking out your ashtray and all the cigarettes you have.
    And if you go a day without smoking reward yourself with something, like chocolate or whatever you're into. Just make sure you tell your friends, so they can support you and help you out whenever you wanna start again.

    Good luck, I hope you manage to quit soon, if not for your sake for the sake of people around you.
    April 25th, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • Romanticide.:
    Space Monkey:
    I do smoke. I know it's a bad habit, but it just makes me feel so damn good. It relaxes me, makes me a little light headed if I take a big enough drag and it helps me not to binge eat. Those aren't good reasons to smoke and I know for a fact how bad it is. But it is so hard to stop. I started one night when I was drunk and I just didn't stop. I want to quit but it's so hard. Any tips or ideas to help quit?
    Nicotine gum or patches are always available at pharmacies and if you want to stop you could try chucking out your ashtray and all the cigarettes you have.
    They generally don't give those to anyone that's underage though.
    April 25th, 2008 at 10:36pm
  • smoking is yucky, but i used to do it.
    It helped me with swimming, it expands lung capacity.
    April 27th, 2008 at 08:53pm
  • I think it's extremely polite and prudent to, if you are walking around and smoking, avoid people you don't know. I go on walks around the block and smoke and I always cross the street if I see someone. They may not want to be exposed to my second-hand smoke and I try to respect that.
    April 27th, 2008 at 09:51pm
  • I smoke, but I only inhale like half, it doesn't bother at all
    April 27th, 2008 at 10:08pm
  • bellakilling:
    I smoke, but I only inhale like half, it doesn't bother at all
    Not to be rude but that's because others around you are probably inhaling the other half.
    April 27th, 2008 at 10:14pm