
  • I smoked my first cigarette when I was nine, but I didn't start smoking until I was eleven. So I've smoked for almost seven years. :/

    I smoke about a pack a day, which is actually less than I used to smoke during freshman/sophomore year. Longest I've quit was only four days with the aid of the patch. A friend of mine-- she and I are the same age and we have the same birthday, so we made a pact recently that we both must quit before we turn eighteen in January, since that's the legal age to buy cigs here in the US.

    Fuck cigarettes.
    May 9th, 2011 at 01:30am
  • double post; ignore.
    May 9th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • i usually just smoke at parties and when my friends have them because i have no way to get them seeing as im not 18 and they're expensive. im not addicted and i can go without them for awhile but i like it and both my parents smoke. my mom also smoked with me in the womb so i have asthma but the smoke and the weed made it worse so i can't blame her for anything.
    June 18th, 2011 at 10:41pm
  • My boyfriend just told me that he's started smoking after a few days away with the guys. I assume he just means socially, and I feel like a complete hypocrite but it sort of makes me feel really uneasy. I smoke occasionally, and he used to hate it. He's always stood by it, and I respected him for that. He took a drag at a party last week and said he still hated it and how he couldn't understand how anyone could like it. And now all of a sudden, after a few days, that's all changed. It really worries me, but I don't know what worries me more, the fact that he's smoking or the fact that he was so easily influenced to do it.
    July 12th, 2011 at 08:47am
  • I started as a recreational smoker, I suppose. I started to really smoke when I entered 4th semester of college. But since I'm still relatively new to smoking, I'd smoke about 4 packs in a week. And my roommate in college smokes the same brand as me, so we normally share a pack if we're running out of cash. In a way, we're smoking less too when we share a pack.
    July 13th, 2011 at 02:52pm
  • I started smoking when I was between 13 and 14, I'm now sixteen and a half. I don't really have any intention to quit in the forseeable future - I'm aware of the risks and have been since I started.
    I have a tendency to chainsmoke when under stress especially.
    November 22nd, 2011 at 01:53pm
  • I started smoking at like 14ish and smoked until I was 18 and got pregnant then stopped for over a year, and now with recent stress being put on me I bought a pack, and I suppose this means I'm smoking again...honestly, people would rather me smoke then rip their heads off.
    November 23rd, 2011 at 08:30am
  • I started when I was fifteen with stress due to an ex boyfriend...It calmed me down and I thought it was good.

    My last cigarette was on 14th January this year at my granny's partner's funeral which was a heard time I needed one but I've quit and haven't smoked anymore. I've found that my health is better and I don't get out of breathe so quick anymore when walking.
    November 24th, 2011 at 07:22pm
  • I had my first cigarette when I was fourteen, I think. I was a freshman and I was genuinely curious as to what was so great about smoking; I remember one of my best friends, whom I call "big brother" and he calls me "little sis" affectionately, which I love cause he's not really an affectionate guy, but he ran over from his house to the retention pond/woodsy area we were at (it was my boyfriend at the time, and my best friend), and handed me a Marlboro and said, "You're smoking this." because he wanted to be there for my first time. tehe

    It's a fond memory, really.

    But I'm a social smoker - I have no means of buying them on my own, or hiding them on my own. I'll have some with friends if they have any, and if I can hide the smell, but otherwise I have no need to be a chain smoker or regularly do so. I've never needed a cigarette, nor do I really plan to smoke to an extent where I acquire an addiction, but I think when I'm able to buy my own I might smoke more often out of habit.
    December 21st, 2011 at 05:45am
  • I had my first cigarette when I was fifteen after going to the movies on a Thursday night and my friend managed to get smokes. It was a Winfield Blue. I only wanted to try it because my parents (who both smoke) wouldn't tell me what it tastes like, so I tried it.

    I nearly died. Lets just say my friend was in tears. I started doing it occasionally - basically every time I went to the local shopping centre to hang out. Then I managed to afford them and get eighteen year olds to buy me packets. Then I could buy them (underage) Shifty and now I'm overage it doesn't matter.

    I think I smoke on average a deck a day. I used to be worse with smoking up to eighty (social smoking makes me smoke so much). I could probably quit because I don't feel I'm like "Aah, need a smoke, massive craving". It's more the fact that it gives me something to do when I'm bored. tehe
    December 23rd, 2011 at 03:30pm
  • ^
    Is a deck a pack?


    I recently went a week with cigarettes because I had a tooth infection. I think I've had two cigarettes since then. I always smoke less in the winter. I'm not addicted, so it's no problem for me to say 'it's too fucking cold to go outside'.
    December 23rd, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • I don't smoke because it's addicting and so, so bad for you. I don't have anything against it. I actually kinda like the smell of cigarette smoke but I have a lot of friends who smoke.

    It's ironic that I don't want to smoke at all but I'll smoke weed, which isn't as bad for you but's illegal and stuff Shifty
    December 27th, 2011 at 08:42am
  • I think I've had 5 cigarettes in the past two weeks. lmfao
    December 29th, 2011 at 06:52pm
  • ^ Gah, I wish I could do that. I am a profuse smoker. I've been up for ten hours so far and I've gone through a little over half a pack, about twelve or thirteen cigarettes, even though I've been relatively busy this morning.

    In fact, I'm smoking a cigarette right now. Facepalm
    December 29th, 2011 at 09:06pm
  • For someone with a very addictive personality, I manage to get addicted to things like snacking and biting my nails, not any alcohol, nicotine, or drugs. God has a sense of humor apparently.
    December 30th, 2011 at 03:14pm
  • My best friend and I managed to get our first pack each today [in the past we've stolen them off parents, in my case anyway] off a guy our friend knows. We've got a 25 pack each of Marlboro Reds, though I'm stashing them until she can find a way to get them in her house without her mum finding out. She doesn't know I've been smoking as long as I have, and today she had her first actual cigarette [before, she'd only had maybe one drag of her older brother's].

    Nobody really knows I smoke, and I didn't want my best friend to find out, but she did and yeah. It was a joint idea to start getting smokes bought for us, and we're planning on pitching money in together to get them if need-be.
    January 20th, 2012 at 09:26am
  • I stared smoking socially when I was 15 and when I was drinking I would chain smoke. Now I can't go a day without one. I only smoke a 20 pack a week though. Although if I'm really stressed out I can smoke up for 40 a day.
    I know all the statistics and shit but I honestly don't care. If I die I die.
    January 20th, 2012 at 08:57pm
  • Studies show that if you smoke for four years and quit then, the damage is minimal.

    I'm a light social smoker in the winter and a light smoker in the spring/summer. I will quit when I get ready to have kids. Right now I think it's been four or five days since I smoked.
    January 20th, 2012 at 09:06pm
  • Now I'm in year 11, it's so much easier to get cigarettes.
    Half of the school's turning 18 this year or is already 18, and if you've got the right friends they'll buy them for you. There are also a lot of people who are willing to share theirs, so.
    I've been bumming one or two a day off of friends, then going home and smoking a couple I've 'stockpiled' or stolen off my parents.
    One of my friends is getting her brother to buy me a pack of 30s, which I should be getting tomorrow. It's been a while since I actually had my own pack and I always feel skeezy bumming them off people, so yeah.
    March 7th, 2012 at 09:42am
  • I've recently started smoking. Shifty

    I first started due to stress. I liked the nicotine buzz and it calmed me down. I smoke about 2-3 cigarettes a day. I actually went the entire weekend without smoking a single one. I don't think I'm addicted to them, it's just a social thing I've picked up, or if I'm stressed. But I do know if I continue to smoke them I'm sure I'd get addicted.

    What's worse is I'm 19 so I can buy them myself and have easier access to them. I just finished off a pack earlier today. I've been contemplating whether to buy another pack or not. XD
    March 9th, 2012 at 04:34am