Weird Dreams/Psychic Dreams

  • dally winston.

    dally winston. (100)

    United States
    I'm not sure if there's already a thread about this because I didn't see one, so I'm making a new one. I need something to do while my nails dry.

    Anyways, anybody else have weird dreams they can't explain? I know I can name a few.

    Earlier this year, I had a dream about one of my friend's overdosing on cocaine (he was really heavy into it). Everything started out fine. In the dream, we were living together at the time, I had gone out with another friend or something. I left him alone thinking that'd he'd be fine. When I got back home later that day/night (in the dream), I found him lying outside on his back porch, unconscious. Time passed in the dream, and the next thing I knew, I was at his funeral. After that, I woke up panicking.

    The scarier part of the dream though, is that it ended up happening a week or so later. He ended up surviving though, thank god. He's doing a lot better now.

    Another weird dream that happened was me predicting my own pregnancy. I'm still not sure if it was deja vu or not, but it's still pretty damn weird.
    In the dream, I had taken a random pregnancy test. I don't know why, but I did. It turned out positive. Later on in the dream, I guess I took another pregnancy test. Another positive. Fast forward 9 months later, I had a beautiful baby boy.

    The weird part is, after I had the dream, I realized I was late on my period. Me being late was always something that had happened since I even started my period back when I was 11. But since I had the dream, I thought "what the hell", so I decided to take a pregnancy test. I ended up staring at a positive test, just like in my dream. EXACTLY like my dream. I'm 11 weeks along currently.

    ANYWAYS, what causes these dreams? And has any else experienced weird/psychic dreams? :o
    November 27th, 2012 at 12:19am
  • tyler joseph.

    tyler joseph. (100)

    United States
    This has been happening with my mother and I for a little while, but my mom gets it much more than I do. Quite frankly, it really freaks me out. For instance: we live out in the middle of nowhere. The area we're in is prone to getting brush fires, and sometimes we get fires after thunderstorms from the lightening. One day, this past summer, my mom had a dream that there was a fire in town (sort of where my brother lives). Nothing huge or anything, just a brush fire. the next morning, my step-dad turns on the news, and there's a report about a fire a few miles away. And earlier this week, my mom dreamed that my stepdad's father called to wish him a happy Thanksgiving. she didn't think this would happen because they both got in a huge fight and they haven't been speaking for awhile. The next day, his dad called and left a message wishing him a happy thanksgiving. And then this other time, she kept having a recurring dream that she was going to run into her ex-boyfriend at the bar, and it happened a couple weeks later. There's been many, many other incidents like this, but I don't want to list them all otherwise this post would be really long.

    the same thing has happened to me a couple times. Last summer I kept having the same dream where I was on a camping trip with my family (we go every summer), and in the dream, I was riding on a boat at a lake, but it was at a place I'd never been to before. And in the dream the boat crashes and I drown. It freaked me out, but I didn't think anything of it. Then one day my mom tells me that my uncle John was going to let us borrow his boat for the camping trip. He brought it over, and it was the exact same boat in my dream. So of course I started freaking out and told my mom I wasn't going anywhere near that boat and refused to ride on it. We ended up not taking it (I don't remember why). So then we left for California to go to the campground, and me and my mom and my friend Alana hiked down to the lake. It was the same one that was in my dream. I'd never been to that place before, ever, but it was the exact same place from my dream. Obviously I didn't drown or anything like that, but then again, we didn't end up bringing the boat.

    Other weird incidents like this has happened, but like I said, I don't want to talk about all of them because this post is long enough already. I also experience deja vu a lot, and every time I wonder when I've seen/experienced something before, I realize that I see it in my dreams a lot. I have no explanation for it. It just weirds me out.
    November 27th, 2012 at 09:28am
  • based

    based (200)

    Lately I've been having dreams constantly every time that I sleep (and I've been sleeping a lot more than usual). I've had psychic dreams before that have predicted winners of contest reality shows after only the first episode and that kind of thing, but I've never had a psychic dream about my personal life. But recently, I've been more in tune with my spirituality (I had an aura reading and bought some crystals and things) and I keep noticing the same numbers and having synchronicity with people. The dreams I've been having lately, I sense may be trying to tell me something in a weird way. I don't know how to explain it, it's just that I feel like they're a weird sort of warning. Or maybe not - maybe I've just gained a sixth sense where I can see into other people's minds through my dreams. These dreams have been very vague, though, and some have been scary, so I put an amethyst, opal and rose quartz under my pillow which will hopefully intensify and clarify my dreams.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 08:06am
  • shelbyvengeance

    shelbyvengeance (100)

    United States
    I've had dreams like this, but mine are more deja vu like. I did have a dream a train would derail and a few years later one did derail near where I lived, but it wasn't the spot it was supposed to. Had a few dreams with tornadoes (the more realistic ones of my dreams and not the ones in my weird dreams) that hit nearby. That also happened. What bothers me the most is the one that I had when I was 14.

    I had a dream that I was in a dark room on a bed and in front of the window was a tall dark figure of a man. Next thing I know I'm pregnant (really far along too) When I woke up that morning I still thought I was pregnant and freaked out. The only guy I could think of the fit the description of the shadowy figure would be the guy I have a huge crush on. (had a crush on him when I was 14. have a crush on him now) which i somewhat wish was true Since my dreams usually come true years later, I wonder if that will actually happen. I don't know how old I was in the dream or who the guy really was, but if I ever see that again, I know damn well I will end up pregnant at least. (not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.)
    September 7th, 2014 at 07:02pm
  • amber12334

    amber12334 (115)

    I've had a few weird dreams like that. Once when I was 9 I had a dream that my pregnant mom had the baby and I woke up to find my parents gone and a family friend in the kitchen who told me they went to the hospital because she was in labor. Another time I had a dream our schools pet snake died and sure enough it was dead when I arrived at school the next day.
    September 13th, 2014 at 07:23am
  • BecauseSheSaidSo

    BecauseSheSaidSo (100)

    United States
    I don't know if this is classified as a "weird dream", but it just left such a big impact on me that it definitely wasn't normal. It's going to sound stupid, but just bear with me please.
    Long story short, I had a dream that I met a famous band member that I really really like. Cute It was just one of those typical dreams where I met the guy and we chatted, y'know? Basically we were standing on a sidewalk in New York. But the weird thing is that at a certain point in the dream, I looked straight into his eyes. It felt so so real. After I woke up, my body just felt completely drained because of the fact I realized it was a dream. I was legitimately sad, almost depressed, that it was just a dream.
    I have a theory for this dream though. I've had only one other dream that felt as incredibly real as this one. In the other dream I also looked straight into the person's eyes. Usually in dreams, faces are blurry or change frequently. I have a theory that when you look directly into a person's eyes in a dream, the brain processes it differently and gets confused about the reality of it. I don't know, I'm no expert neither have I researched this; it's just an idea I have.
    September 13th, 2014 at 04:27pm