Heaven's Not Enough

  • "Hmm, I guess so," Krahe shrugged. "Still, it gives the impression that you're rarely ever serious," she pointed out as he opened the door. "Elias; that's his name. I don't know whether you know him or of him or not though," she said as she went ahead and walked in, feeling a bit odd though. Since he said he had the boxes though, she hadn't bothered to try and help.
    December 21st, 2012 at 08:15pm
  • Jorryn shrugged, "I try to be serious only when I have to be." He turned and grinned at her, "and I don't know anything about this angel. Is he another guardian?" He waved her toward the kitchen, heading in there and opening the fridge, "Did you want a snack or something to drink?"
    December 22nd, 2012 at 07:30am
  • December 24th, 2012 at 12:33am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    (*Shax; Sorry; I should be back for most of today; tomorrow, probably not going to be on at all, or if any, late at night)

    "I'm starting to see that about you," Krahe murmured with a small sigh as she followed him into the kitchen. She stopped just inside the doorway, neither moving to sit down nor moving to really do much else either, giving a small shake of her head to him as she thought for a moment. "Why do you seem to be so interested in Elias?" she asked.
    December 26th, 2012 at 07:09am
  • Shax pulled out a bottle of cold water and shrugged as he shut the fridge, "I'm just curious to know if he can do me any harm or not when he comes for you." Then he frowned as a thought struck him, "Will he come for you?"

    (( No problem XD I wasn't able to get on till now anyway))
    December 26th, 2012 at 07:37pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    (haha, okay then ^-^)

    Krahe sighed softly at his question. "I don't know; I said I haven't seen him in a couple of years. We've been friends for a while, and all I know at the moment is that he's on a job on earth," she said truthfully. "He's an archangel like my father though," she admitted, guessing that would have been his next question: Elias's rank.
    December 26th, 2012 at 07:44pm
  • Shax sighed, "Damn. I really know how to pick 'em, huh?" He asked to no one in particular. Then he grinned, "Anyways, I've got someone I want you to meet." He said, waving her over and out the back door. He had a large yard that was surrounded by the forest.
    December 26th, 2012 at 07:49pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Krahe remembered him saying the same thing she had mentioned her father, which would make this a second time. She smiled a bit with a small chuckle, trailing off as he mentioned someone he wanted her to meet. She frowned a bit, tipping her head to the side as he motioned her to the back door. "And who would that be?" she asked as she began walking again, watching him as she did so.
    December 26th, 2012 at 07:54pm
  • Shax grinned, "Only the love of my life," Then gave a shrill whistle, the sound echoing out through the trees. He stood back on his heels, a grin on his face as he waited. It didn't take long before a demonic howl answered his whistle, and then not long after that before a hellhound ran toward them. The creature was large, larger then any Irish Wolfhound ever born. Her head stood about level to Shax's chest, making her the size of a small horse. She ran right up to Shax, greeting him in the traditional dance any loving dog gave it's master. She pranced and spun, tongue lolling and whining a little in excitement as Shax laughed and began to pet her, cooing to her like any normal human would. With a last pet and laugh he stood, "Krahe, I'd like you to meet Isis." Isis turned, catching sight of Krahe and snarling, teeth dripping with venom.

    ((I just couldn't say no to the image. I was going to go for something else, but then found this. Whoever drew it is amazing.))
    December 26th, 2012 at 08:18pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    (Haha, that's an awesome looking dog)

    Krahe watched as the hellhound ran up to Shax, her eyes wide at how utterly big the dog was. She knew Shax was, well a demon, but she couldn't believe even demons could tame the beasts, and even though Isis appeared happy around Shax, Krahe didn't do anything to draw attention to herself, knowing the reaction would probably be exponentially different for her. Regular animals, those on earth, usually favored angels over demons, but this was a creation of Hell. As he introduced her to Isis, she gave him a dubious glance. "I think Isis would like nothing more than to gnaw on me," she said, keeping the hellhound in her peripheral vision though just in case. "Have fun with her though, by all means," she added, taking a cautious step back.
    December 26th, 2012 at 08:25pm
  • ((I know! Right!))

    Shax laughed, "She'll warm up to you, won't you, Isis?" At the hellhound's growl Shax growled back at her, "Enough. You will be nice." At his snarl Isis quieted down, her ears pulling back and her body relaxing into a slightly submissive position. Shax grinned, "Good girl. Now lets all go inside." He turned and waved to Krahe, walking to the door and holding it open so that Isis could dash in and then Krahe could follow, "Here's the trick to hellhounds; you have to be meaner then them. They are instinctual - more so then even wolves - and that means you have to show them you're alpha. Otherwise you'll always be an omega." He turned to walk in, "Oh, and one more thing, if she goes for your throat, go for hers and bite harder."
    December 26th, 2012 at 08:35pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    (haha, Krahe's scared of his pet)

    Krahe was doubtful that Isis would warm up to her, very doubtful really, especially when she growled. She gave a small shake of her head at Shax; of course he could handle the beast; he was a demon. "You realize your dog is going to kill me, right?" she asked, after he finished trying to give her advice on how to handle Isis. She glanced at him. "Just so you know." She walked in then, but Isis had already disappeared somewhere in the house. 'At least she didn't wait for me to come in so that she could try to attack me,' she thought, wondering briefly why anyone would want to keep such a vicious animal.
    December 26th, 2012 at 08:41pm
  • ((Lol poor Krahe XD))

    "Nah. You're too pure for her taste. Isis is more into the sinfully deceiptful souls." He grinned at her, "There is one problem, though. You're going to have to sleep in my room." his grin turned boyish, "There's only one other room in this house and that's where Isis sleeps."
    December 26th, 2012 at 08:49pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Krahe shook her head. "I didn't say she'd eat me. I said she's gonna kill me," she said. "Which I'm pretty sure she might try," she added, pausing for a moment at his next words. "I can sleep on the couch," she said when he had finished. She guessed what he meant by 'one other room' was another bedroom. she didn't bother questioning why he didn't have a guest room; chances were that he didn't actually have guests. If she had a choice, she wouldn't be in the same house as Isis either..
    December 26th, 2012 at 08:54pm
  • Shax shrugged, "Alright... I don't know how both of us are going to fit on the couch though. I figured you'd rather sleep on the bed though." He grinned, "I never said I would be sleeping with you. Unless you wanted me to, though."
    December 26th, 2012 at 09:09pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Krahe's expression was confused at first at what he was saying, then she realized that he meant that he would be sleeping on the couch already. "You aren't going to sleep in your own bed?" she raised an eyebrow at him, mildly surprised though she attempted not to let it show. He simply didn't seem the type to be particularly...polite.
    December 26th, 2012 at 09:15pm
  • Shax shrugged, "Figured I needed to show a little humanity. I did kidnap you, tie you up, drag you to hell, and will be informing the devil you're my betrothed. Figured I could give you a little comfort." He turned and walked from the kitchen, heading into the living room where Isis was spread out across the couch. He sat in the recliner - the only other spot to sit at. He lifted the remote and turned on the TV.
    December 26th, 2012 at 09:22pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Krahe sighed softly, deciding not to comment as he headed into the living room. She looked in from the kitchen doorway, feeling odd and out of place. She saw the only furniture was taken up, but even if it wasn't, she didn't quite feel like sitting anyway, and so she turned her eyes around in search of something to do. She ended up venturing back outside, having no plans to try and get away anyway; she knew she wouldn't get far besides. She was in Hell after all.
    December 26th, 2012 at 09:27pm
  • Shax noticed that she hadn't decided to sit with him, so he snapped his fingers at Isis, "Guard," he commanded, pointing the way Krahe had disappeared. With a sigh the hellhound rolled off the couch and followed Krahe outside. She sat on the porch, watching the angel with narrowed eyes.
    December 26th, 2012 at 10:02pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Krahe soon noticed Isis's presence once she was outside, glancing back at the hellhound as she sat on the porch. She watched the giant dog for a moment, eyes narrowed slightly, then sighed, guessing it was Shax's doing that Isis had followed her. "You don't like me much, do you?" she asked, not expecting an answer though. Maybe a growl, if that much.
    December 26th, 2012 at 10:07pm