• sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    So yeah, anyone who has ADHD? I do. I might as well just say it's severe combined type ADHD. >_> It's a pain in the butt too. I'm on 54 miligrams of concerta and still thinks it can take over. It's hard to write because my mind always wanders a lot. I can't seem to get my thoughts down. I've tried recording my thoughts but that doesn't really seem to help since I need to have them written down. I've tried Dragon Dictation and it doesn't seem to register the way I speak. I have odd speaking patterns that make it hard for anyone to understand me.

    (I also have Autism so part of it could be that in some extent. Autism and ADHD cause a negative chemical reaction in my brain, almost like they are constantly battling one another.)

    Sorry for the rant there... just a little frustrated with said ADHD. TT.TT

    Anyone else struggle with ADHD?
    January 15th, 2013 at 10:36pm
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    @ AutisticAlice

    I do, I was even on some heavy dose medication for it. I didn't think I had it until I went to the doctors for Depression.

    I did learn on the medication my grades went up and I was able to actually help around the house without getting too distracted. My best friend has ADD and is on even worse medication. He gets go angry when he is on it. I get told I'm just a zombie because I'm usually trying to talk to someone too much and too loud. I have a really bad habit with my voice.
    January 15th, 2013 at 11:42pm
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    So, you think maybe it might be the medication? Because I know, for me... I always have a hard time with my anxiety. I'm already one four different anxiety medications and one is an anti-psychotic. I've tried going down on the ADHD medication but it makes my ADHD worse. I can't just stop taking it and take something else either. I've been on stimulant medications my whole life. I'm so used to what I'm currently on now that changing medications would cause too much anxiety. D:
    January 16th, 2013 at 12:10am
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    I stopped all my medications. I refuse to take anymore. I'm really weird when it comes to people, like I can't seem to talk straight and I can't even look at them. But being ADHD just makes it worse. When I was on the medication I would just stand there and stare at people.

    My anxiety has been with me since I moved to this town. I was literally tortured by the kids because how I act. Even at 19 I'm still afraid to go outside.

    It would imagine it could cause anxiety. That's a big change.
    January 16th, 2013 at 01:21am
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    Well yeah... not to mention that the meds also help my sensory issues. It would be chaos of I let the ADHD and Autism battle with each other everyday. Without the meds, it would be ten times worse. That's why I have to be on four different anxiety meds just to stop it from going out of control. My anxiety is caused by Autism and ADHD. That's what my psychiatrist tells me.

    I'm kind of the same way. So don't feel bad. I'm 24 and I can't walk out the front door by myself. My parents have to be with me at all times, unless I'm in walmart or a supermarket, I can go off on my own, as long as I'm not in contact with those I don't know. I'm afraid of a lot of things I shouldn't be afraid of. Like, the stove when it's on... I can't even cook on the stove or I freak out.

    But my ADHD affects my writing because my thoughts scatter off when I try to write them down. Because of the anxiety, I can't record voice notes. As I said before, I have odd speech patterns and it's usually hard for people to understand me. I talk fast and have trouble saying my words.
    January 16th, 2013 at 01:40am
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    I'm the same way with my words. I had to take speech classes throughout my elementary years. It's to the point I like to just write notes because its harder to talk. I'm lucky with my ADHD not getting in the way with my writing. It get very distracted but it only happened AFTER I started taking the medicine.

    I still will not go anywhere by myself, especially if its somewhere new. I make someone go with me. I had a huge fit on a bus on my way to a concert (which by the way my ears are sensitive and my nose so it was very unappealing) and I had this thing that made me not be able to keep my head straight. I kept shaking my head to the point I couldn't see or breath.

    I don't know what that even is. My parents once spoke about me having a mild form of Autism because of my actions but nothing has been done.
    January 16th, 2013 at 02:38am
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    Same here! I was in speech therapy due to speech delays all the way until my eighth grade year. I talk fast, my voice is loud (autism) and I can't say things right. Like, you say bath with your tongue between your teeth. I say it with my lips. Same with the f word. I say f words with my lips, not my top teeth and bottom lip.

    And that does sound like autism. I'm the same way. I get really panicky about lots of sounds, such as babies crying/kids yelling, sirens and even thunder. Thunder is actually because it's unexpected. My mind freaks out because I never know when it's going to go BOOOOM or just be some low rumble. That usually causes a lot of anxiety.

    I have what I call infantile meltdowns. They are like tantrums but happen when things don't click in my brain or simply just trigger something I don't expect to happen. I throw myself to the ground in a whiny squeal. Other times, I'm flapping my arms making odd squealing noises or laughing noises. Sometimes I clap my hands together. I get excited over nothing and it drives me crazy because it's like my mind is in hyper mode or something. ._.

    I think what causes a lot of the overexcitement like that is the ADHD. Since I have both types, I still tend to get a little while... hyperactive. But I'm not bouncing off the walls or anything.
    January 16th, 2013 at 02:51am
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    My problem with words is I think of a word to say, but it just comes out like babbling. I'm also really loud and I don't even notice until someone tells me I am. I always saw it as a part of ADHD.

    I also have a deformity in my legs that every other case I've read about the child had the same problems as me. My teacher niece had the same exact thing and she was ADHD, Autistic and I think a panic disorder too.

    In a way I think a lot of them are connected. But it's oh well. If you want to talk some more, you might want to message me. I'm tending to stray from the ADHD subject. tehe
    January 16th, 2013 at 03:17am
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    lol yeah... I am too. I think I'll message you once I finish my second chapter.
    January 16th, 2013 at 03:19am
  • smallxface

    smallxface (100)

    United States
    I'm ADHD/Bipolar, and I have Depression. It's not very fun. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago but didn't start taking anything for it until about 3 years ago. Concerta, then Ritalin, and now Concerta again. 36 milligrams of it! I haven't taken my medicine in like 2 months though. I took it today and it felt really freakin' weird.
    January 18th, 2013 at 07:21am
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    @ BananaFetusRain -DR-
    I've been taking stimulant after stimulant since I was in second grade, when I was first diagnosed with ADHD. I was diagnosed with Autism around 12. I'm actually currently on Concerta right now, about 54 milligrams of it. It works well for my sensory issues and keeping my attention longer.
    January 18th, 2013 at 08:34pm
  • spektor

    spektor (100)

    United States
    I have been diagnosed with ADHD (technically ADD, because I'm extremely inattentive) and I don't take anything for it currently. I have, however, taken Ritalin 10mg, Adderall XR 25/35/45 mg, and Concerta 36/54 mg.

    Concerta was the best, but it made my hair fair out, chest lock up, and made me extremely aggressive. Adderall made me extremely reclusive and irrational... Stimulants seem to bring about terrible auditory hallucinations for me. I have them without medication, but the medication heightens them and makes them threatening.

    School starts in about a week so this will be my first year since 8th grade I haven't been medicated. I forget everything so this should be fun. Sad
    August 5th, 2013 at 09:25pm
  • hazuki.

    hazuki. (175)

    I have ADHD-I (thanks to my mother, she has ADHD too, but the combined type) and panic disorder.

    The only time I've been on medication was earlier this year, I've taken Adderall XR 20mg (3x a day) and Wellbutrin 300mg, because I wouldn't have survived the last semester in school and my final exams without them, but I stopped medication when I graduated.

    In school I used to be the underachiever nobody cared much about and I sort of rolled with it, but now that I'm working to support myself I've got to make some effort to show my boss I'm worth having around. I feel like it's the first timeI'm really fighting against my ADHD and finding ways to cope with my weak points.

    I write EVERYTHING down. If I don't, I'll forget.

    Any task I'm given I split into smaller steps and write them down into a checklist sort of thing and then follow through it. I had a co-worker who knows about my little problem help me sort which tasks are priority and set a routine for me.

    I try as much as possible to focus on what people are saying, but there are costumers who just talk A LOT. This annoys me especially when I'm wrapping gifts or looking for stuff to show them. Also other people/co-workers talking around me when I'm tending to a costumer, their noise makes me anxious to the point I want to strangle the person so they'll shut up. I still don't know how to handle this.

    I do my best to always put things away after I'm done using them. I misplace/lose things all the time, so extra focus when I have something on my hands.

    To sum things up, I'm always watching myself. Or trying to, at least. I know that sometimes doesn't matter how hard I'll try, I'll seem like I don't have my shit together. But on the other hand, sales contests at work are really fun, these ones really keep me going and not wanting to brag, but I win quite a bit ;)
    August 12th, 2013 at 02:17am