The Complete Pixie Survival Guide

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden smiled a lot at Tobi as they walked into the classroom, and he liked the expression on her face when he said that they had the same class right now. Did she really think that she was going to get him away from her so easily?! He stopped though, when she said that they would have to let go of their hands. Maybe it was the way that she had said it or the look in her eyes, but he wasn't going to argue with her on the subject... If anything, she seemed quite cautious at how they were acting right now. He knew they were moving fast too, but he liked it that way. Was he really just supposed to deny his feelings for wanting her close to him and wanting her against him until she was ready to "level up" so to speak? He genuinely cared for though and didn't want to scare her away... If she wanted to slow down now, he guessed he would just have to get used to it - even if he liked the way that it felt when his lips were against hers. They were never meant to be like this anyways, a human and a Were together, so he might as well have just gotten used to it now... "Sorry," he mumbled as he took the seat beside her. He knew it were possible that they hold hands across the desks, but he made no mention of it. He just shut up and bit his tongue so that he didn't let something stupid announce that he wasn't okay with slowing down, even if he had to be.
    February 10th, 2013 at 07:47pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    At the look Caden had when she said he was going to have to let go of her hand, Tobi wanted to tell him it was okay and that he didn't have to, but bit her tongue as they proceeded to their desks. It was class after all, and she doubted either of them would be able to pay attention like the teacher might say something, and she would rather spare herself the embarrassment. She had a guess that Caden didn't mind making her blush, but since she personally hated it, she tried to do everything in her possible power not to. She was also glad that it didn't appear that Julieta was in the class with them, for she knew she would be teased mercilessly by the other girl- she was sure of it. As class started, only half of her attention was actually spared to pay attention, as the other half still somehow remained on Caden. If things stayed this way for the rest of the school year...she was afraid her grades would suffer for it. Trying to shake the thoughts from her head, she made an effort to actually pay attention, catching herself quickly every time her thoughts would wander or she found herself glancing over at him across the isle from her. And it seemed to take forever, but finally after what felt like an eternity to her, the bell rang. It was time to go home, depending on whether Grandma Betty was actually waiting on her or not.
    February 10th, 2013 at 08:01pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden still had the slightest feeling of annoyance at Tobi when their last period class started. Well, it wasn't so much that he was annoyed by her... He was really annoyed by the way that he couldn't keep his thoughts off of her and he was driving himself crazy! It was like his mind kept forgetting that they had only met today, and his body wanted to nice a lot faster. She wasn't ready though. Neither was he really, except through a serious and undeniable attraction. He wanted to grow that attraction, but his body was ready now. He kept his cool though, and succeeded even more than she had in pretending she wasn't there. He often caught her eyes wandering over to him through his peripheral vision, but he refused to let her know that he noticed. He didn't want to exactly say that he was upset with her, but in a way he was because he cared for her so much. He was quite happy once the bell rang and he was free to hold her hand again - though he did it with the prudence of taking things slower... He would be more careful with her now. "How are you getting a ride home, beauty?" He asked, though he knew that it would be Betty that was in the parking lot waiting for her. "Is it okay if I walk you there?"
    February 10th, 2013 at 08:55pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi had just gotten her things together when Caden came over, taking her hand again as he asked his questions. He was acting as if he didn't want to leave her alone for a single minute, and thinking on it...he probably didn't. "My grandma's picking me up," she said, not voicing the fact that it was a possibility that Grandma Betty might not be waiting on her. Since she was an ambulance worker, she couldn't garuntee when she would be on call. "And yes, you can walk with me if you want to," she added with a small smile. With that he seemed to have the incentive he needed and started leading them both down the hallways. They came outside to snow falling, the cold air hitting her like a wall, and with a shiver, she quickly pulled her hood on her jacket over her head. She was not used to the cold, and she really couldn't understand how everyone else seemed so nonchalant about it either. She found herself pressing closer to Caden, as he seemed still warm despite the freezing temperatures. 'I hope I never get caught outside during a snowstorm,' she thought, as her eyes scanned for Grandma Bettys large truck among the other cars which were going by. She must have checked everywhere twice, and still didn't see it, causing a small sigh to escape her. "Looks like I'll be waiting," she murmured, mostly to herself.
    February 10th, 2013 at 09:26pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    When Caden walked outside with her, he barely noticed the temperature change. It must have been something with the Were genes - though it may have been the way that Tobi was clinging to his hand - that gave them so much extra heat. The cold barely penetrated his skin, though he had to rejoice a little when it did Tobi's. She was leaning into him, with her body pressed into his side, and he loved it so much. He couldn't deny that he liked what it felt like to have her body against his... Possibly too much... He knew without having her explain it to him that Betty could possibly be late. She was a great worker and they made her work long hours on call as an ambulance worker. This was one of the things that Betty had warned him to help her with if she was ever not there. Because Caden had his license and the capabilities of a nice truck for his own use, he could always take her home if necessary... But that would only ever be if she agreed and trusted him enough... "I don't think so," Caden responded to her muttering, "I have a car. If you'd like, I... I can drive you home..."
    February 10th, 2013 at 09:46pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    As Caden responded to her murmuring, Tobi was a little surprised that he had been able to hear it, though she guessed she shouldn't have been. She hadn't been speaking all that softly, and he probably had good hearing anyway. She was more so surprised at what he said next than the initial hearing her murmuring, and she looked up at him a bit uncertainly. "How do you know where I live?" she asked, finding that a bit odd since he had offered to drive her. Her only other worry, really, was that Grandma Betty would come by the school later on to pick her up, and she wouldn't be there waiting on her, even if getting out of the cold as soon as possible was a very enticing prospect. After thinking about that, she mentioned the problem of her grandma not finding her there when she came, as well. That seemed like a bigger issue than Caden knowing where she lived. It was a small town after all, and everybody tended to know everybody, even if she had only been there for a couple of days. One day when she got off her flight around noon, and now today.
    February 10th, 2013 at 09:57pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden waited anxiously to see if she'd take his offer, though it was such a stupid thing to be anxious about... It's not like anything was going to progress anymore than it had because both had a silent agreement that they were going to slow it down. This "agreement", Caden was basically okay with - but if that meant stopping kissing or something, he knew he might just die of waiting. "It's okay, if you don't want to take up my offer, you don't have to," he offered, sensing her hesitation. "And your grandmother? She's just about one of the coolest women I know, so I know where you live, yes, but I promise it's not because I'm a stalker or anything." And then he already broke the boundaries that he was setting for himself... He pulled her body close to his and returned his lips to hers. It felt completely more natural like that... Almost more natural than when his lips were solitary. "Sorry," he apologized when they pulled away. "I keep trying to slow myself down... I'm sorry, I'll try harder."
    February 10th, 2013 at 11:02pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    As Caden confirmed that he wasn't a stalker, Tobi couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. She didn't think he was, especially since they had only met that morning and he hadn't had the chance to become one, so he really didn't have to worry in that department. She had just wanted to know how he knew where she lived. She knew Grandma Betty was a very well-liked person though, and she couldn't imagine anyone having a bad word to say about her, so it didn't surprise her when Caden referred to her as 'one of the coolest women he knew.' It was probably to be expected, actually. That still didn't help with the worry that her grandmother was going to come later and find her not there, otherwise she wouldn't have hesitated really in telling Caden she would accept his offer of driving her home. She did, however, find herself a bit surprised as out of the blue he suddenly pulled her close and kissed her. It seemed so out of place that she hadn't expected it, yet that didn't stop her from reacting to the feel of his lips against hers and kissing him back. It took a few moments, but they did eventually part, and at his apology, she tipped her head to side, wondering what in the world he was talking about. "Why are you apologizing, and what for?" she asked, and took his hand, entwining their fingers at the same time, even though with how cold the air was, she thought it would be more prudent to stuff her hands in her pockets.
    February 11th, 2013 at 04:11am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden felt a little melancholy when he pulled away and Tobi looked at him like she did... His eyes showed that she would gladly have kept kissing him had he kept kissing her, but he was very confused now... This girl was full of many mixed signs and it wasn't making it easy for Caden to decide what she wanted... Or even what he wanted her to want... "We'll, I thought you didn't want to move so fast..." He stated. "I'm apologizing because I feel bad if I'm the one negotiating all of this and you're not ready to move this fast... I don't want to scare you away by doing something wrong. Please forgive me!" He called to her with his explanation. Her fingers entwined with his and he brought their hands up so that he could kiss her on the back of the hand. "I really like you, Tobi... And I don't want to scare you away or anything by making you move faster than you want to. I'm comfortable at whatever speed you want to go; you just might have to help me a little - because I'm not so good at controlling myself when I'm around you..." He felt a little silly admitting it to her. He may have had a tough guy exterior, but he was really a hopeless romantic who just wanted to feel the exhilaration and beauty of love... The kind of stuff they talked about in romance novels... He felt like he had finally found that in Tobi...
    February 11th, 2013 at 05:11am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    As Caden explained what he had meant earlier and what he had been thinking, Tobi blinked at him for a moment before giving a smile. She hadn't really known what he had been thinking this entire time, only what she had, and as she tried to think about what had made him decide that she wanted to slow down, the only thing she could come up with was because she had said they needed to leave the library and get to class. To her, it was just a fact of there was a time for everything, and hiding in the back of the library, kissing, was not meant to be going on during class. "How about make you feel better, from now on whenever you do something I don't like, I'll just let you know instead of acting weird?" she suggested, thinking it might be a better solution, then kissed him on the cheek. She was once again surprised that the cold didn't seem to affect him while she felt freezing. "And you should go on home without me. I don't want to disappear and Grandma Betty come to pick me up and not find me. She might have a fit," she said, explaining the last part so that he would know why she had said the first instead of trying to come up with something on his own.
    February 12th, 2013 at 12:14am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the emotions change on her face once she was trying to determine what she wanted to make of him. When she spoke again he smiled at her words. He wanted to kiss her again but tried to keep his cool since he had just promised that he would be more considerate. He understood it, he really did, but that didn't mean that it was any easier to convince himself that he wasn't supposed to kiss her all the time. He unfortunately liked kissing her... A lot... And her lips just kept tempting him into doing it! He still tried to breathe and let it go, even though it was hard to do. When she told him that he should go on home without her, he sighed a little. "I'm sure Grandma Betty wouldn't like her precious granddaughter to stand out in the cold for who knows how long before she gets here! I'm sure she wouldn't have a fit about it!" Still he could see it in her face that he wasn't going to talk her out of this one... "Ugh, fine!" He gave in. "But I'm going to do something, and you better like it!" He threatened before grabbing her wrist. He pulled her into him and once again captured her lips in his in a kiss of goodbye. He was going to miss it while he was apart from her...
    February 12th, 2013 at 12:36am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi smirked softly as Caden gave in to her stubbornness about waiting for Grandma Betty. She knew her grandmother, but she couldn't predict still what the ederly woman might do, and she would rather play it safe than sorry on this one thing, especially with how worried her family has been for her lately. On that account also though, she knew she couldn't depend on her grandmother to get her to school everyday, so she would either be walking or maybe drive herself soon so that she wouldn't have to bother anyone. The only reason she would drive though, would be if she would get a car, herself...she didn't see that happening any time soon. Besides, a perk of determining when she got to school would be how much time she might have to see Caden before classes started. Then again, maybe not, but somehow she got the impression that he had the same thoughts as her. As he pulled her close in for another kiss, she quickly began to kiss him back, but did her best not to get too caught up in the perfectness of the moment, knowing they would be there forever otherwise. She kissed him until she couldn't breathe, pulling away a little, their noses just barely brushing with how close they still were. "See you tomorrow?" she asked.
    February 12th, 2013 at 03:07am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden liked the way that she started kissing back instantly and smiled deeply into the kiss. His, he was really falling for Tobi and he didn't know what to do to stop himself from falling so fast. He already liked the way that she was comfortable with him and fell right into the kiss just like he always did... It was almost unfair the way that she was so addictive that he she had gotten him all wound up like this. He was in serious trouble... One day... One fucking day and he was already thinking about a long term relationship with a girl that he had barely known for eight hours - four of those hours including a constant bickering and sour love-hate relationship... When Tobi initiated the pulling away of the kiss, he was nearly breathless and he knew that she was too. She said goodbye to him so nonchalantly that he wondered if he was the only way feeling this way, but the sparkle in her eyes diminished that doubt and threatened to pull him into another kiss with her... Though he resisted. "Of course you'll see me tomorrow, cutiepie," he answered as their foreheads were still touching and their lips dangerously close. "How about I see you bright and early when you let me come pick you up? Hmm? That sound ok?"
    February 12th, 2013 at 03:58am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi almost laughed when Caden said the word 'cutiepie', though she pressed that down, a ghost of a smile forming on her lips as she wondered what in the world had possessed him to say that. If he hadn't said her name plenty, she would suspect that he had something against it. Hell, her old friends used to call her 'Tobster' instead of Tobi. Not that Tobster made her name sound any less like a guy's name...teachers often made that mistake when calling the role, so she always dreaded new classes. She did have to admit though she liked being called all of the things that came out of Caden's mouth a lot better than Tobster, especially since it reminded her a bit of 'Toaster'. She was not an electronic appliance! She did laugh then, half at her thoughts and half at Caden's suggestion, though it was more of a soft chuckle than a large laugh. "That sounds fine- just wait until the sun's up at least so I will actually be awake, otherwise Grandma Betty might come up there and viciously wake me up," she told him with a small smile.
    February 12th, 2013 at 04:07am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden laughed a little as Tobi started to laugh for no reason. He loved her laugh and he only hoped that she wasn't laughing at him or something... When she agreed to letting him pick her up, he couldn't help but smile. "Well, I'll try to wait until the sun is up, but no promises. Maybe I secretly want to see you with sleep still in your eyes," he said. He ran his hand through his hair, wondering if that was one of the things that she would catch him on - trying to be too overbearing... He bit his lip slightly and silenced her mouth with a kiss, though he suspected that she wasn't going to say anything anyways. "But I'll try!" He added again. It was then that he noticed how she shivered and he cursed Betty for making Tobi think that it would be out of line to get a ride with him. It was freezing out and he couldn't imagine leaving her until who knew when. "Can I please offer you a ride home, Tobi?" He asked. He hadn't been using her name very often so he knew that would catch her attention. "I know you're cold and I don't want to leave you out here. Either I'm taking you home now, or I'm staying until your grandmother gets here. It's your choice."
    February 12th, 2013 at 12:27pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi was fairly surprised as Caden kissed her for no reason after saying that he would try to wait until the sun was up before coming over. Since he wasn't usually one to break off the kiss though, it surprised her even more when he did and went on with talking as well. She tried not to let it show though as he offered her a ride home again. For a moment she blinked at him, having moved her hands into her pockets to conserve heat, and then when he explained further, she gave a shake of her head. She had to wait for Grandma Betty, and it wouldn't do any good to make him freeze as well. She may not be used to the cold, but she was stubborn and she could deal with it. "You're doing neither," she argued. "She'll be here soon and I'm fine, besides," she added. She would have tried to turn him around and push him away so he would go home instead of trying to stay with her, but from what she could tell, she wouldn't be able to. He seemed to be as solid as a rock, and harder to move, making her doubt she would have much luck. "Really. I have my jacket on, and my hands in my pockets. The worst that's going to happen is some ice blowing on my face. I may not be used to it or like it, but I can deal with the cold," she went on, hoping to convince him, knowing he was probably just as stubborn as she was.
    February 12th, 2013 at 11:03pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden groaned. Really?! Was this girl not feeling the way that he felt every time his lips made contact with hers?! God, it was madness... There were fireworks and sparks and... everything imaginable that made him want her all the more. He watched her curiously, for although he knew that she was feeling the same way, he began to doubt it. He put his nose right up against hers and sighed a little, pushing his lips out ever so slightly to where their lips were just barely touching. Even that was an incredible sensation all its own when it already got the heat rushing. "Doll, I know you're stubborn," he teased, "but I challenge that I am equally as stubborn as you are, and I'm not leaving just because you insist it." He laughed a little at the way that she was ever so stubborn - and yet he was under her full command. Anything she wanted was hers - except for him to leave... They were both too stubborn to enforce what they wanted to happen. Especially because Tobi didn't really want him to leave even if she insisted that he do so because he might as well go home. Did she not understand that he loved the time that he spent with her more than anything?! He would give up the whole world for it. "Anyways, why would you want to be here all alone? Stuffing your own hands into your pockets to keep warm?" He smirked a little. "Now how much better would it be if I could stay and hold your hands to keep you warm. I'll wrap my arms around you and be your jacket..." God, that sounded cliche, but he meant every bit of it.
    February 13th, 2013 at 02:13am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    As soon as Caden began to talk, she already knew that her logic hadn't swayed him any. She had been perfectly right in thinking that he was her equal in stubbornness, and despite whatever she threw at him, she didn't think he was going anywhere. The hell of really, was that she actually thought that Caden would do just what he said, and once he made his mind up, he didn't change it. Even after knowing him for just one day, she could tell that. He had a strange, single-minded determination, but she suspected without it, neither of them would be here right now, not since she had been the one to push him away. "You could at least listen to reason. It's not like I'm going to waiting out here for much longer. She'll be here in a few minutes," she tried again, knowing at the same time that it was a futile effort though. It almost felt like every argument with Caden was a futile effort. It was a good thing, then, that that didn't dissuade her. Despite herself, she actually smiled a little at his words, bordering on a concealed chuckle, as she wondered momentarily whether he was being serious or not. She searched his beautiful blue eyes though, and from the expression in them, she could tell that despite how corny it happened to sound, he probably meant every word he had just said. She opened her mouth, about to say something, when she heard a familiar truck horn honk from nearby. Starting a little, she swiveled her head to glance over her shoulder, and smiled when she saw Grandma Betty in her truck, behind the driver's seat. The elderly woman held a smile on her face as she waved, and Tobi waved back to her grandmother. She glanced back to Caden then with a small smirk. "I told you she would be here soon," she said, and stuck her tongue out at him on a whim.
    February 13th, 2013 at 03:00am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden did indeed remove her hands from her pockets so that he could hold onto her. He threatened to also pull her into a hug, but he figured he was displaying his stubborn determination and resisted the notion. "I'll listen to logic when it makes sense!" He finally laughed with her. "I could easily just take you home and then this would be settled!" There was a part of him that wanted to pull her into another kiss, but he stopped himself from doing so. God, he was already acting so clingy and he didn't want to be the clingy one in the relationship... He wanted Tobi to be begging him to kiss her... Not the other way around! He laughed a little to himself at the way that he was acting so childish... It was quite pitiful for being a Were, but he had such feelings for her that couldn't be described. He almost growled aloud when the truck pulled into the parking lot. He recognized it almost before Tobi did - having seen it multiple times when they had congregated for some Were business - and he wanted to wrap Tobi up in his arms and pretend she wasn't there so that she couldn't leave. "Well, I guess you were right then," Caden finally admitted when Tobi turned back around to smirk at him. Then she stuck her tongue out at him... Big mistake! "Come here you!" He demanded in fake anger as he grabbed her wrist. He knew that they were basically in plain view of Betty, but he was acting on auto-pilot. Caden had basically been set on autopilot since he had laid eyes on her and his conscience had to take over when she drove his consciousness insane. As he pulled her into an unhurried yet loving and passionate kiss, he didn't think, he just did. He crushed his lips to hers and basked in the way that she started kissing him back. He knew he would most definitely catch hell for this later, but he really didn't care...
    February 13th, 2013 at 04:00am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi didn't know how, but as Caden pulled her hands out of her pockets and held them, she thought they actually felt warmer than her pockets, themselves. She blamed it on whacked-out emotions or something though, since it was pretty much impossible for him to be that warm out in temperatures this freezing. "My logic does make sense!" she argued, raising an eyebrow at what he said next. "For that you would need my permission though, and I'm waiting on my grandma," she told him, matter-of-factly. Even as she said it though, she had to wonder whether he might pick her up and put her in his car or something though- something told her that Caden wasn't beyond doing that, and she should probably watch what she said in the future. Then he had grabbed her wrist, pulling her against him at the same time that he moved to kiss her again. Somehow, it seemed that neither of them could get enough of this, and the thought came to mind mostly because this was their third 'goodbye' kiss. She almost pulled away because of her grandmother watching- she did not want to go through Grandma Betty's teasing at the moment, not when she was still figuring things out herself. It seemed there was something addicting about Caden's lips though, because instead of pulling away as she had planned, she found herself kissing him back, almost immediately. When Betty's horn honked again, and Tobi imagined her grandma's face as she watched, she practically jumped, a small blush creeping over her cheeks as she gave Caden a sheepish smile. "I'll see you tomorrow," she told him, kissing his cheek quickly before she headed over to Grandma Betty's truck, preparing herself to face whatever hell her grandmother would deliver to her. As she had thought, it came almost as soon as she hopped in the truck. She put her bookbag between her legs on the floor and buckled her seatbelt. "It looks like you had a good first day," the elderly woman said, a certain suggestiveness behind her voice that made Tobi look over at her in surprise. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I saw that, missy, and don't think I didn't. I think it's a bit fast for one day, but I'm in no position to tell you what to do. You'll just do the opposite anyway! All I have to say to you is make sure he wears a condom." Right there, Tobi thought she would have spewed water out of her nose had she been drinking anyway, and her face turned a deep red. "Grandma Betty!!!" she exclaimed as Betty chuckled and pulled out onto the snowy streets. "What? Do we need to stop and go get some for you?" she asked. "No!" Tobi wanted to hide in a hole at this conversation. "So you already have some?" Betty persisted. "No, Grandma! I don't need any, and I don't own any!"
    February 13th, 2013 at 04:26am