The Complete Pixie Survival Guide

  • Caden growled a little when she didn't give him the answer he wanted and he stopped walking, taking her hands tightly. "Tobi - you know that wasn't what I was asking. Was he in your class with you and what did he do?" He couldn't help but be serious - he feared if.
    June 6th, 2014 at 03:19am
  • Tobi sighed. "Yes, and he didn't do anything," she said. "Also, could you relax your hands a little? It kind of hurts...." She looked at him. "All that happened was that we talked, I promise. He's lying to me, so it's not as if I trust him or anything."
    June 6th, 2014 at 03:28am
  • Caden's hand got even tighter as she spoke and he growled. "Oh yeah... Sorry." He said softly and relaxed his head. He shook his head. "I know you think you're one up on him - but please stay away from him? I know you don't trust him - but I'm afraid it won't be so easy."
    June 6th, 2014 at 03:59am
  • "It isn't that easy when he's in my classes, Caden," Tobi sighed. "And if it's any consolation, he doesn't seem evil like you guys make pixies out to be.." She wasn't about to admit that she'd agreed to try being a pixie at some unknown time if he would leave her alone for a bit..
    June 6th, 2014 at 04:20am
  • Caden sighed a little and shook his head. "Yeah... So you think - what doesn't seem dangerous with a pixie usually is. You can too avoid him!" He frowned lightly. He was just worried, what if he made a good case to her and she was going to leave him now? He couldn't save her from something she didn't want.
    June 6th, 2014 at 12:33pm
  • Tobi shook her head. "Actually, I can't, Caden!" she argued. "I tried earlier, and the teacher put us beside each other anyway. What else do you want? Aside from me being home-schooled because that isn't happening." She gave him a look that said she knew he'd considered it. Then she sighed. "Have you even met a pixie before? How do you know they're so dangerous and evil? And what about me? I'm half. Wouldn't that make me the same? I'm human because I was raised like one, but aren't you saying its in their nature?"
    June 6th, 2014 at 08:12pm
  • Caden frowned a little and shook his head. He knew she was stubborn and it was quite annoying at times. He growled lightly and sighed. "I don't know - because that's what we've been told about them - they're evil. Conniving. You're different - but they aren't. They are really dangerous baby. And I don't care what argument you have against that!"
    June 6th, 2014 at 10:37pm
  • Tobi shook her head at Caden. "Have you met one? Tried to talk to them? I just had an hour long conversation with Kalem. He's a liar, but he isn't evil. I think I'd be able to tell." Tobi took Caden's hand, backtracking, and soon found the pixie who's been following her. "Hi, Kalem. Would you please do something to prove you aren't evil?"
    June 6th, 2014 at 11:08pm
  • Caden frowned lightly and shook his head. "That's not fair!" He growled and then shook his head. "Keep your hands off of my girlfriend!" He threatened as Tobi led him back to the guy and he shook his head. Kalem looked up and smiled. "It's nice to meet you Caden - I've heard so much... Why do you choose to hate me so much?!" He frowned.

    [going camping for the weekend - won't be able to post :(]
    June 6th, 2014 at 11:44pm
  • (Aww, okay. Have fun!!)

    Tobi sighed softly at Caden and what he immediately said. She gave him a stern look. "be nice for two minutes at least." Then he looked at Kalem. "And you aren't helping your case," he pointed a finger at him. "You're trying to make him mad. And don't try your innocent act on me." She sighed. "You already know I don't buy it and he won't either. You'll be better off if you act yourself. Now... We can all agree pixies are conniving, and this one is a liar, yes?" She glanced between them. "The real question is if they're evil."
    June 7th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • Caden growled a little, not letting his body relax from a flexed protective position, because he couldn't believe she was making him do this and hang around here! How insane! "That's not a question, we know they are!" Caden growled.
    Kalem rolled his eyes. "You don't know anything about us pixies - I'm sorry Tobi. I am from your father's kingdom... I just... I knew you were in town and I wanted to meet you. No harm done. I'm sorry for lying, but I figured it would be worse if you knew that I had relations to your father." A third lie... Wow, this was complicated.
    June 8th, 2014 at 05:17am
  • Tobi gave Kalem a look at what he said, about what he was suddenly telling her, but strangely enough, this time it actually sounded mildly plausible... "Well, while I don't believe you're sorry for lying, at least you're learning not to lie. The fact remains that I still don't actually trust you a lot, and that it's scary that you knew my name and what I looked like before ever meeting." She looked at Caden, who simply wouldn't relax at this point. She sighed softly and looked at Kalem. "Give me a moment." She turned to Caden then, stepping in front of him, taking both his hands in hers, then pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. "Calm down. Everything's fine," she murmured against his lips.
    June 9th, 2014 at 06:22am
  • Kalem frowned lightly and nodded his head. "I know... I'm sorry... It's in my nature. I knew you because - well, look at you! I could spot you as a pixie, and your father's daughter! It's absolutely amazing... But I'm sorry for weirding you out and all."
    Caden growled a little when she kissed him - and Kalem winced at the pure sight... Pixie and were? Absolutely forbidden! Atrocious! Caden held her tightly and frowned. "I don't trust him. Even now." He kissed her again, marking her as his. She was certainly his - and he was going to make that point very very clear to him.
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:50am
  • (Sorry, didn't get an alert. Mibba just doesn't give me alerts sometimes)

    Tobi didn't get a chance to reply to Kalem at first as Caden kissed her again. "I know you don't but that doesn't mean he's evil." She pulled back, though she kept holding Caden's hand. "So can you two come to a peace agreement without me? If I stood here, quiet, could you work out something to where you can stand being in the same hallway or classroom without saying or doing anything bad?"
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:09pm
  • (Sorry, didn't get an alert. Mibba just doesn't give me alerts sometimes)

    Tobi didn't get a chance to reply to Kalem at first as Caden kissed her again. "I know you don't but that doesn't mean he's evil." She pulled back, though she kept holding Caden's hand. "So can you two come to a peace agreement without me? If I stood here, quiet, could you work out something to where you can stand being in the same hallway or classroom without saying or doing anything bad?"
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:12pm
  • (Sorry, didn't get an alert. Mibba just doesn't give me alerts sometimes)

    Tobi didn't get a chance to reply to Kalem at first as Caden kissed her again. "I know you don't but that doesn't mean he's evil." She pulled back, though she kept holding Caden's hand. "So can you two come to a peace agreement without me? If I stood here, quiet, could you work out something to where you can stand being in the same hallway or classroom without saying or doing anything bad?"
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:14pm
  • Caden frowned a little as she pulled away from his kiss and he squeezed her hand tightly, sighing. "I know - but maybe it does too." He frowned and then nodded his head. "Fine I can do that."
    Kalem grimaced a little but then put a smile on and nodded. "I can too."
    "As long as you keep your hands off of my girlfriend." Caden warned in a threatening tone.
    "Fine - but I do want to get to know her. She's a pixie and maybe she should know a little about her heritage."
    Caden frowned, growling as he stepped closer. "Hands. Off."
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:23pm
  • Tobi sighed, moving in front of Caden and pushing, even if she had no chance of actually moving him. "Hey, calm down. He said fine. Talking isn't touching."
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:33pm
  • Tobi sighed, moving in front of Caden and pushing, even if she had no chance of actually moving him. "Hey, calm down. He said fine. Talking isn't touching."
    June 12th, 2014 at 11:34pm
  • Caden growled a little and shook his head. "So you think - who knows what he'll do if he gets you alone!"
    June 13th, 2014 at 04:51am