The Complete Pixie Survival Guide

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden growled a lot as he watched Tobi grow very annoyed at him for throwing her map like he had. Not that he really cares... Did he?! He wasn't quite sure how to feel about her since so far all he got as respondes were refusals and objections. He seemed to remember a middle part in the conversation where they hadn't been fighting but had actually had a nice conversation, though he wasn't sure if that was a trick of his mind or actual reality. His mind liked to play those types of trick on him - might have well of thrown in a kiss and hand holding too, because his mind would've made him believe it anyway... He growled at her words and rolled her eyes that she was still refusing... She could be much more helpful - oh he didn't know..... - maybe being a little bit agreeable! No, instead she had to try to fight him on everything. That she did when she hopped off of her seat and scavengered for her map. He knew she could handle herself really, but he just didn't want her to. Why was she not okay with letting him escort him around?! He knew he was known for getting annoying and clingy, but they had barely met! And he would never look into a human for a romantic relationship... Too much to hide... Instead he was going to break his stubborn he was and got up to find the map as well. Luckily, she hadn't been watching where it landed, so she was on the opposite side of the room when he located it. She had noticed this disturbance on the opposite side of the room and hurried over to him. "Ah, ah ah. Nope! Finders keepers!" He teased and even stuck his tongue out, hoping she would fake this lightly and not get mad at him. God, Betty would be enraged if he were to upset her... "I win, so how about you just let me be nice and show you around? I'm not asking your hand in marriage or anything, just to show you around and be friendly!"
    February 2nd, 2013 at 01:54pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi hadn't even noticed Caden looking for the map as well, mainly because he was on the opposite side of the room than her, but she happened to glance up as he picked up a familiar piece of paper. Afraid he might do more to try and get rid of this time around, she loped her way around the people still crowding around the room until she got over to him, reaching quickly to try and snatch the map out of his hand. Unfortunately for her, he seemed to have good reflexes and instead of her ending up with the paper, she was a few inches apart from him, the paper still in his hand, held out behind him so that she couldn't reach, and he was sticking his tongue out at her. For a moment she was tempted to something a bit extreme and maybe bite this boy's tongue off...wait, what? That was too close besides, and his tongue would be in her mouth. Almost shaking her head at herself, she managed an indignant look as she put her hands on her hips as she faced him. She could either try to get her map back and face possible, maybe even imminent, embarrassment and humiliation, or she could let off the stubborn-streak of her mind and just do as he asked. The former was very tempting, as she didn't like to lose, and for maybe other reasons she didn't want to think about, but that would just mean an ensuing war of sorts between them that would be a pain in her ass, and his too most likely, until one of them gave in, which didn't look like it was going to happen any time soon. Biting her lip, she sighed and let her hands fall to her sides, shoulders slumping a bit with the exhale of breath. "Fine. Give me my map back just in case I need it though," she responded, putting a hand out as she waited.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 04:59pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden smirked as she tried to grab the map from him. Being a werewolf, he had much quicker reflexes than she did and he was glad they were paying off. The sullen mask of stoic stubbornness seemed to be melting just a little bit, but there was still that grimace of resistance on her face. It almost made him want to kiss her and he would've liked to wrap his arms around her. Luckily, Tobi gave into him with the slightest bit of annoyance and asked for her map back. He complied and handed it back to her. As soon as the map slipped from his hand to hers, he released his hand from it and grabbed her wrists. There was a questioning sparkle in her dark eyes and he smiled. He knew what she was going to ask before she found the words to say it. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't going to take off as soon as I handed you the map," he explained, though his hands had yet to move from holding her even when he was sure her feet were going to stay put where they were. The bell rang about a minute ago, but Caden didn't seem to care. He was dreading the next class he had to go to anyways because he wasn't sure of where she was going and he didn't want her to go. If they weren't in the same class, not only did it mean he would spend another class thinking about what she was doing, but also that it would give her an opportunity to ditch him when class was over. After all, she had the map back... God he was beginning to sound like such a wuss. He was falling for a girl that he barely knew - for a girl that he could never be with... He pushed all thoughts aside but didn't know what to say to her. "So where to, princess?" He asked her.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 05:21pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi took the map as Caden handed it to her, surprise registering as he grabbed her wrists though. She looked up at him with her eyebrows creased together, giving him a questioning look. She opened her mouth, words starting to form on her tongue, then she pressed her lips together once more as he began to speak. She sighed softly- she wasn't going to do something like that, though of course she didn't exactly blame him considering how she had acted in the past. Still, keeping hold of her wrists was a bit extreme, or at least she thought so, but she waited for him to let go of her wrists. Even though people had already all filed out and more were filing in the class, and they were both going to be late if this continued, he didn't seem to care one bit as he stalled them both by just standing there. As he asked another question, she raised her eyebrows at him. This boy really couldn't take a hint, could he? "First off, I would really appreciate if you would stop calling me 'Princess'. I don't know where that even came from anyway," she said with a soft sigh. "Secondly, I have no idea where I'm going, much less you, and probably because you're holding my wrists and I can't get to my schedule." When he finally did let go, seeming a bit embarrassed, but not looking apologetic in the least, she reached into her pocket and unfolded her map, careful to keep it a distance from him so that he wouldn't try to snatch it out of her hands either. She saw that she had 'Art 1' next, but no sooner had those words registered in her mind than, lightning quick, he moved like liquid around and actually did manage to get the schedule away from her. As she turned to him, eyes narrowed, she saw him looking down at the paper, his eyes scanning it, almost as if he were trying to commit it to memory. Sighing, she shook her head. "I need that too."
    February 2nd, 2013 at 05:35pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden let go of her wrists in slight embarrassment as she snapped at him. As much as she wasn't a Were, he could definitely see the resemblance between Betty and her. If there wasn't such an age difference, they could've been sisters, for they acted so similar to one another. Maybe that's why he was so comfortable with her... He had grown up looking up to Betty like a grandmother himself. Strange that now he wanted to be romantically involved with Tobi. He had never dreamed Betty would be hiding such a beautiful girl from him, even if they would never work out. Still, he felt slightly embarrassed for holding her wrists as long as he had... It was like he had liked the feeling of them and he just didn't want to let go so he had kept holding in tight. The touch was so shocking it was a wonder he was able to think coherently. He watched her find her schedule again and waited patiently for her to tell him where to take her. She thought she was going to get out of it this time, but she obviously had no idea who she was messing with! She distanced herself from him and held the schedule just at the perfect angle so that he couldn't exactly get a good read of it. He sighed slightly and snatched it from her hands. Art 1 was next, he took note of, and then continued to scan down the entire list of classes. Might as well memorize them because he didn't exactly trust her enough to wait for him all the time. No, she was too stubborn for that! He would stalk her to her classes if that's what it took. Maybe he was coming on too strong to her anyways... Betty hasn't exactly said "befriend" her, but only to watch over her and keep her out of trouble. Maybe it wasn't in their fate to be anything more than occasional acquaintances and a silent guardian... He sighed a little as he handed it back, though he had managed to memorize it before he did. "I'm sorry Tobi... If you don't want to be friends, I understand. I should let you go before you're late for your next class." He'd rather not have her at all then force her into something she didn't want...
    February 2nd, 2013 at 08:14pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Since Tobi knew where she was going this time, or the class at least, she tucked her schedule away once more as Caden did hand it back to her. At what he said, she blinked at him in surprise. It was such a change from his earlier behavior that she almost wondered if he was bipolar. Maybe somehow her personality had gotten through though- there weren't many people who could swallow it because she was such a strong willed person. She also hated how he looked, almost like a sad little puppy, and she wanted to wrap him in her arms and hug him in that moment, though she strongly discouraged those actions and stayed standing where she was. Worse than him coming off so strong was the guilt she felt thinking that she had hurt his feelings. Running a hand through her hair, she rocked on her heels for a moment, almost as if stalling as she tried to come up with the right words. "Look," she finally got out. "It's not that I wouldn't mind being friends with's just how strong you come off, and I would rather be in charge of a situation than victim to it. I'm not most girls, and I'm a hell of a lot more stubborn than most people. Plus, I don't know you, and I try to..erm...figure out what type of a person someone is before I consider whether I should trust them and be friends with them or not," she tried to explain, running a hand through her hair once again. That served to make it even messier than it was, but it was an instinctual habit, and it wasn't as if she really cared.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 08:37pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden liked the way she squirmed at his words, not quite sure of what to say. He was a master at the guilt trip; throw a melancholy voice with guilt-inducing words together with a gorgeous young boy with the saddest, blue puppy dog eyes you had ever seen and guilt was born. Caden had skills at working the guilt trip and he knew this was really going to throw Tobi off from her resistance. It was more than just guilting though - though that was a great part of the equation, he also felt that didn't want to force her into anything... NOT having her would be a greater benefit than holding into her and having her hate him. He wished she could just be a normal girl that was flirtatious and outgoing, but no! He had to get stuck looking after a girl that would rather be alone than confide in him... It hurt him a lot, and now he knew he was acting all bipolar on her, but he didn't care... He wanted out of being the only one who cared here. "I'm sorry!" he mumbled to her under his breath, for his voice refused to work at any pitch higher. He didn't know what to say to her as she explained what she wanted. What was there to be said?! He was going to fail being her friend because he came on too strong and she didn't really like it... "Then I'll leave you alone." He promised. "I won't let it happen again and you can do your own thing!" He said, the slightest if acid leaking into his voice. He couldn't help it...
    February 2nd, 2013 at 09:18pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    With Caden's words, Tobi still felt like he was trying to guilt trip her, and she gave a small shake of her head, unsure of what to do. Of course, they were both still being difficult, and instead of him pining after her friendship, she felt as if he was trying to turn the tables so it would work the other way around. She didn't quite know how that worked, but it did, and realizing this is what was happening, she sighed softly. She guessed it would just be easier to walk out now- at least this way they both left with unhurt feeling (she guessed) and could maybe pick up on trying to be friends at a better time. Remembering suddenly why she was sent here, why it had happened, she felt tears prick in her eyes though she quickly blinked that away. She was too strong to let herself cry in school, and especially in front of Caden in particular. "Okay, then we should both head to class," she murmured, unable to conjure up a strong voice so that it sounded wispy, almost husky because of her previous thoughts, and without another word, she turned around, map in hand, walked to the table, grabbed her things, then headed out into the hall. It was almost devoid of people by this time, and she rushed with her head down, staring at her feet as she walked, glancing at the map every now and then until she came to the girl's bathroom. Going in, she dropped her things and stood in front of the mirror, hating how her body shook slightly and the dark circles that had bloomed under her eyes. She hadn't had a decent night of sleep in a while. "Be strong, Tobi. You can't do this now," she whispered to herself, ducking her head as she closed her eyes tight. She couldn't afford to do this now.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 12:28am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden knew he had finally gotten to her. He watched the muscles in her face struggle with themselves as she debated what to say to him. It made him feel a little bad that he was messing with her like this, but he was glad that he was chipping through her armor slowly. She had remained so stoic and quiet but now she was slowly breaking the disguising mold that had been covering her face. He wanted to hold onto her and apologize for making her feel bad, but he knew that wasn't possible. She barely wanted to talk to him, nonetheless be friends or possibly more! Did she not catch on to the way that he was looking at her?! He almost just wanted to shake her and tell her: Look at me! Can't you see I care about you?! Maybe it was just stupid anyways... There was no way she could be with him, so why keep worrying about it? When she turned on her heel and headed out, he pretended it didn't bother him. He also pretended he hadn't noticed the way that she bit her lip and seemed to hold back something... Tears, maybe? But she wouldn't cry. She had made what she wanted of him clear, so tears were unnecessary. He walked her walk out, barely controlling himself to avoid his eyes sliding down to her ass... At least he made an effort... He waited quite a few minutes after she had made her exit to make his own. He made his way to his next class remembering that her art class was on the way there and he easily could have walked her there. He knew he'd have to face her in a class later, and he wasn't exactly sure how either of them would handle it... He sat down in his next class and sighed, seeing some other Weres state at him questioningly. He only sighed and shook his head. He knew it was going to be a loong day, sitting there thinking about her...
    February 3rd, 2013 at 01:10am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Once Tobi had secured herself, emotionally, mentally, and physically, she took a small breath and turned away from the mirror, taking up her bag with ease, and started to head out into the deserted halls, realizing that she was probably at least five minutes late for class. For a moment, she considered just skipping out the rest of the day and walking to Grandma Betty's house, but with a shake of her head, she forced her feet to walk to her art class. She gave a quick explanation to the teacher before ducking her head and going towards the back of the room. Everyone else was already hard at work, but since they were in the middle of a project, due to finish soon, she was allowed to do whatever she wanted for the time being. She took out a piece of paper and began aimlessly doodling, letting her thoughts stray wherever they wanted, except for that subject, which had caused her tardiness in the first place. Around halfway through the period, she caught herself thinking about Caden, and as she really examined her picture for the first time, she was startled to see a rought sketch of him drawn there, and looking at it, she could almost imagine the tone of his skin, the color of his hair and frame of his body, and she could pracically see the blue eyes. Blowing out a breath, she tucked the piece of paper into her binder.

    Devyn had third period with Caden, and as the werewolf came in looking troubled, he cast his friend a questioning look. Devyn was a nerd, to say the least, and wore glasses like one as well. He knew he probably didn't need them, being a were-eagle and having sharp eye-sight, but it was more for his human eye's benefits. Due to recent events, he was also in a wheelchair. The accident should have killed him, but it was actually thanks to Caden that he was still there. Also, he had heard about the Betty's granddaughter as well- he had seen Caden with her twice that morning already, and he could only guess the source of his friend's worries. Going over to him and sidling next to his desk, he gave him a look. "I haven't seen you look like this since the accident," he said, his voice low enough that no one but the two of them would be able to hear. They both preferred to keep their conversations private, in case one of them slipped up, and so as not to invite others to join in. "Wolfboy catch fake scent?" He always called Caden 'Wolfboy' as a joke, so he knew he wouldn't mind, but the rest of it was teasing.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 01:23am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden couldn't stop thinking about her as he walked into his third period. Devyn was there, looking nerdier than ever, though Caden almost wished he wasn't. Devyn was basically his best friend and he knew he would catch on to his off behavior and question it. Hell, he probably even knew what was upsetting him. He almost wished that Devyn hasn't been there so he wasn't going to have to explain all of this to him. What was he supposed to say? That he was in falling in love with a human girl? Yeah, that would surely make Devyn glad that he had chosen to be best friends with him. He had slid his wheelchair up next to him and whispered into Caden's ear his joke about his accident. Devyn always seemed to be in much higher spirits about his accident than Caden was, even though he was the one who had been majorly affected from it... Still, it was Caden who it had scared when he was the one who had happened upon the accident and ended up being his savior from it. "Now what do you mean by that Dev. There's no scent..." He answered, still wary about talking with him about it. "I have absolutely no idea what you're taking about!" He lied in a whisper, even though he couldn't get her off his mind. He wondered what she was up to right now...
    February 3rd, 2013 at 01:51am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Devyn rolled his eyes, knowing very well that Caden had known what he meant, and the fact that he pretended not to know meant that something was going up. Unfortunately, he was a tough nut to crack, and sometimes it took a little more effort than it should to be able to get through to him. If he had to, he would guess that at that moment, Caden was thinking about Tobi. He was so readable, it was sick. At least it was that way to Devyn and anyone else who could manage to get close enough. Honestly, he was surprised as well. Caden acted like he was alpha, of the teenage weres at least, and because Devyn had no desire to be in charge, he just let Caden have his dominance, althoug he knew another wolf who would gladly like to be alpha as well. But Caden's beliefs strongly affected the others as well, and in the past he had expressed that they shouldn't be close friends with humans or anything more. You simply had to keep too many secrets from them. So, Devyn found it strange that he would go willingly to a human and try to friend her, be so stubborn and desperate, as that was how he seemed, and then get moody when she showed no interest. It just wasn't in his personality, and he probably realized it as well, which would be why he pretended not to know what Devyn was talking about. "Yes you do," he said, no emotion in his voice. "I think you just don't want to admit it. And if you need me to prove you know what I'm talking about, I will," he added, cocking an eyebrow. He was being serious, because this was a serious business. "Caden, you know it's dangerous. She doesn't know, and obviously Betty doesn't want her to, or she would have told her, herself. I suggest you back out while you can." His eyes contained worry as he said this.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 02:02am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden rolled his eyes as Devyn went to argue with him again. He knew Devyn was a good friend, but sometimes he couldn't just take a hint... What was so hard with keeping his nose out of everyone's business. Especially Caden's... Caden was a dominant Were of his age. He was strong enough, and definitely had plans to, become the alpha... It was a bad idea to get on his nerves, though Devyn's prodding and pressing did seize some sort of entertainment for him as well. "Fine! Prove it to me how you know something's bothering me! I will just tell you now that you're wrong!" Caden snapped as Devyn made the stupid mistake of his bet. The problem was that he knew that Devyn was right. Caden had been such a stickler on the topic of humans in the past... So to now say that he was doing a complete one-eighty and now hooked on a human that would be no good for him was not only hypocritical but also bordering the edge of idiocy. It was stupid to think that he could be with a human; anyways it was him who had clarified those standards and made it as dishonorable as it was - though it had never truly been accepted anyways... "Anyways, I'm not doing anything wrong, exactly. I'm not looking for a relationship here - just trying to be friendly. And what Betty decides to do is her business, but I'm only doing as she asked. She was the one who wanted me to watch over Tobi so I'm going to do that. It means nothing, Dev!" He argued quite a bit as Devyn had told him he was wrong. That was something he didn't like hearing anyways... As far as he was concerned, he wasn't wrong... And thinking those dark eyes and that intriguing body was sexy didn't mean he was doomed...
    February 3rd, 2013 at 03:09am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Devyn almost grinned as he realized that he was rubbing Caden the wrong way with his inquiries, which practically did prove that something was bothering the other were in itself. He didn't bother to point that out as well though, figuring it would be to his advantage to keep that bit of information to himself. While he wasn't afraid to get on Caden's nerves a little bit, he wasn't stupid enough to go so far as to make his friend mad, which is what he would be doing if he were to say something of that nature, and so he shrugged as Caden made the offer to have Devyn prove him wrong, watching him with some curiosity as he began to talk. It seemed more like Caden was trying to prove something to himself rather than Devyn, and so he simply gave small nods at what he felt were appropriate intervals, waiting until he was done before he bothered speaking again. "Well, I believe you about what Betty asked- it seems like her, and that's probably what you were doing this morning. Just so you know though, it made you look strange. I know you though, and you wouldn't try so hard unless you wanted to, whether someone asked it of you or not. As for proving something's bothering you, that's not what I was talking about, really. I meant that I could prove that Tobi was what was bothering you. She can sit with our group at lunch. That should do it, really," he said, almost matter-of-factly. Both of his parents were scientists though, which was where Devyn got his nerdy gene.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 03:23am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden tried to shrug it off and pretend like what Devyn was saying wasn't getting the better of him... Unfortunately the were-eagle knew him all too well and always caught on before Caden could even think of stopping himself from saying something stupid. Caden was always more of the impulsive one of the two friends, which always seemed to be getting him in trouble lately. Devyn, on the other hand, chose precise, calculated movements. There was a reason that Caden had gained quite the reputation as a bad guy at the school and Devyn... Well... Hadn't. They were best friends mostly because they contradicted each other like this - and because of the accident that had intertwined their lives together forever... But leave it to Devyn to know Caden's weak spot and make him talk it out of himself without even trying. Of course, Devyn was right that Caden had made an incredible effort to try to keep Tobi's attention... How could he not like the attention of someone with as beautiful eyes as she had?! Still, Caden couldn't help but feel the slightest amount of regret that he had tried so hard for a girl that obviously had no interest in him. Man he was doomed... Then, he almost snorted when Devyn offered for her to sit with them at lunch. "Dude! That's sooo not happening with Tobi!" He answered him. "I'll be lucky if she agrees to being within a one hundred foot radius of me! Something I did came on too strongly with her and that human girl seriously hates my guts! Whether we'd like her to or not, she won't sit with us!" He responded and huffed under his breath at the dark truth of if...
    February 3rd, 2013 at 03:39am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Devyn knew he had gotten to Caden with the mention of Tobi specifically, and he had to suppress himself from laughing as Caden mentioned that she wouldn't go in a hundred foot radius of him. He doubted that Caden had done anything to actually piss her off, though he knew his friend's personality to be strong and he guessed that it must have scared her away from him or something, which would explain the reason that he was sulking. It was amazing, his determination- he still wanted to be around her, and keep his promise to Betty even though he had scared her off. He doubted she was really scared off though, too, because he knew Caden well, and he knew the way girls, all girls, stared at him. He was sure Tobi was no different either despite what Caden said, and knowing him, he was probably just oblivious to it. Besides, with what Caden had done for him, saving him from that accident, he felt like he owed him a lifetime of favors, if not more, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to pay that back. Trying to formulate a plan in his mind, he paused for a few minutes, tapping his fingers on Caden's desk as he thought. When he was done, there was an obvious smile on his face. "Well, the solution to that is simple. Even if you've come on too strong I'm sure that I, or Julieta even, could try to be friends with her and invite her to lunch as a friendly offer. I don't come off as strong as you, and I'll probably have the advantage of sympathy on my side anyway," Devyn said.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 03:51am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden still felt really down on himself about it. Why did Tobi have to be so damn appealing to him?! Not only was she a human and quite forbidden for that, but she was also stubborn and unwilling to compromise with him. It was her way or the highway... Maybe that was one of the things he had liked so much about her, because he usually came off the same way. They were the same in that respect and he had easily connected with her for that. Now Devyn was trying to make plans for them to hang out during lunch and it was really making him feel even worse. She really would avoid him at all costs, he knew that... So it wasn't going to make this any easier on him... Then Devyn, being the clever Were-eagle that he was, came up with the most perfect plan for getting her to lunch with them. Caden almost laughed out loud since it was so perfect. "Yes! That's it!" He exclaimed. "Where is Julieta this period?! Maybe we should employ her to do it since she's a girl and she would be better about it - though I'm sure Tobi would love your sweet little cute face!" He teased, ruffling Devyn's hair like you would a kid's and talking in a baby voice. "But hey, Dev! If you're going to do it, take Julieta along with you anyways... I don't want you to - " He stopped himself mid-sentence... Had he seriously just told his best friend that he didn't want him to steal her?! Wow... What was getting into him?!
    February 3rd, 2013 at 04:06am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Devyn was glad to see Caden brighten up so quickly at his plan- that in itself practically showed how much he really wanted it to happen, and that made Devyn feel better about the plan as well, though he wondered somewhat why he wanted Julieta to do it instead of him. He was momentarily distracted by the attack on his hair and Caden's baby talk, shaking his head and trying to escape though that was practically impossible thanks to the wheelchair. They both paused as Caden stopped midsentence, and he gave his friend a questioning look. "You don't want me to do what?" he asked, although he figured, knowing Caden, he had a pretty good idea what. He couldn't feel insulted by it or anything though, and so after a minute he gave a small nod. "Okay, we'll send in Julieta then. If she needs help, she can just ask me," he said, giving him a shrug with a reassuring smile. "You're right anyway, I'm sure she would do better since they're both girls. Guys tend to be a bit more intimidating, since we're the opposite sex anyway," he added with a small chuckle. Hopefully that would get rid of the awkward air, for the most part if not completely, and they could go on and not get stuck on what he was now defining as Caden's 'crush'.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 04:18am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden sighed a little as he heard Devyn speak, asking about what meant. He had the urge to hit himself.. Facepalm... Because it was such a stupid way to mess up. And he didn't like her anyways! The only reason that she was bugging him so much was that he was asked to take care of her and she was being too stubborn to let him do that. He breathed out a little in honest approval as Devyn agreed with him about Julieta talking to Tobi. She was also one of the most outgoing Weres there were, so she would have no problem starting a conversation with her. Girls and guys alike flocked to talk to Julieta because she always had something wild to say and you never knew what would be next... He hoped Julieta could rub off a little on Julieta and maybe make her not so timid to talk to. Even though they were in the middle of class, Caden produced his phone from his pocket and texted Julieta right away. It was near the end of the period so he could only hope that she would check it and, before he knew it, he could be sitting at the lunch table with that girl tha was currently driving him crazy. He shook off the part of him that thought that was wrong... She was only driving him crazy because he had made a promise; he wasn't falling for her...
    February 3rd, 2013 at 01:18pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Devyn watched Caden text Julieta, faintly surprised that they hadn't gotten in trouble for talking the period away, since it would only be a few minutes before they left for fourth period, and then they would go to lunch. Also, his friend's excitement was starting to rub off on him, and he was becoming anxious about the plan, hoping it would work. Besides, he had never seen Caden act like he did around Tobi, and though he was sure that he was trying to deny it, Devyn had a guess that Caden had a crush. This was also an opinion he kept to himself as silence fell between them as they both watched the phone screen, waiting for a response from Julieta. When it finally came after what felt like forever, he watched Caden quickly open the message, and he read over his friend's shoulder about her response. She had agreed to try and become Tobi's friend and to invite her to their lunch table. After reading this, Devyn sat back with a small smile, looking over at his friend. "Well, it looks like we'll see what we see at lunch. No more the two of us can do," he said, giving a small shrug at the same time the bell clanged overhead, signaling the class was over.

    Tobi was thankful when the bell sounded at the end of class. After putting her picture away in embarrassment, she had become bored once more, for the rest of the period. She had a lot of time to think, sure, but at the moment, she wasn't sure thinking was the best thing for her. As the bell sounded, she stood up, brushing down her t-shirt, pulling her jacket a bit closer to her before she hefted her bag up on her shoulder, taking her binder in her hands and filed out of the class after the other students. Once in the hall, she flattened herself against the wall, leaning against it as she pulled her map out along with her schedule. After what had happened second period, she didn't think Caden would be showing up again anyway, and certainly not quietly, and she would probably end up trying to go off on her own again. She wondered though, would it really be so bad if she let him lead her to her classrooms instead of taking the hard way out and finding it all on her own? Biting her lip, she shook her head. Like she had told herself earlier, he wasn't going to show up again, not after earlier, and she really was on her own now, whether she wanted to be or not. Sighing softly, she turned her attention upon the map, forcing her eyes upon it instead of searching the halls. She wasn't going to hope he would show up- she wasn't because he wasn't going to, and she could get through the rest of the day.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 07:42pm