The Complete Pixie Survival Guide

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden stood there watching as Tobi walked away and to Betty's car. There was something that mesmerized him about her. It wasn't just the way that he liked the feeling of her lips against his or the way her eyes seemed to sparkle whenever they talked. No, it was definitely more than that. He watched her hips. They swayed in this perfect sexy way that almost made his mouth water for her kiss again. Everything about her had addicting qualities and if she was a drug, Caden was addicted... Past the point of addicted. This was more than an addiction. She was his drug and he missed her so bad that he was going through withdrawal. Hell, she had just left! He already missed her hands in his. He missed her lips captured in his, or the way that it felt to tangle his tongue in his. He missed the way that she smirked at him as she prepared to defy him from saying anything some of the things that she said. God, he was falling for her so soon and he wished that he could stop it. It just wasn't right. He watched her climb into the car, wishing it was his car that he was helping her into. He waved and smiled at her but it was left unreturned; whether because she didn't notice or she was trying not to notice, he wasn't sure. He could see the way that Betty was smirking behind her though and cursed to himself. He shouldn't have left such a public display of affection to be seen by Betty. It was really quick - considering they had only just met - and he knew he was going to catch hell for it later. He hadn't cared in the moment! Now he was regretting that since he was so public about it. It was just a bad situation. Especially because he was a Were and it was just about forbidden... He stood still until the truck was clear out of sight - and the noise wasnt being detected by his werewolfish ears. He sighed a little, wishing she hadn't gone but knowing that she had to. He suddenly shivered, though it weren't cold and groaned a little that she was getting to him as much as she was. He thought about kissing her again but shook the thought from his head. God he needed to stop this addiction... He shook it off and pulled off his shirt quickly. All he needed was a run... A good, hard run that would clear his head from all this humane stuff...
    February 13th, 2013 at 11:04pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    The rest of the ride back to the house was pretty much silent, for which Tobi was very grateful. For a while she hadn't thought that Grandma Betty would ever stop her teasing and so she found the silence refreshing. She felt bad she hadn't given Caden more of a goodbye, but since he was coming over tomorrow morning, meaning they would see each other again very soon, it was hard to feel too bad. Still, already she wanted to be back with him, missing the comfort he seemed to give just by being nearby, the feeling of his hand around hers and his lips against hers even. Though she insisted to her thoughts that she had to be calm and not get to caught up, especially not so fast, it was like her mind was ignoring her and her emotions were set on a race track towards disaster. It was inevitable really...or at least she thought so. Just thinking about him sent a tingling feeling across her skin. Rubbing her arms absently, she frowned a little as she realized it wasn't just in her imagination, but it felt like spiders were crawling across her skin. Betty was yelling something it seemed, and she looked up in time to see someone standing in the middle of the road, eyes seeming fixed on the truck. He looked normal enough, but the snow nearby had a littering of gold glitter covering it. That was about all she noticed before she was clutching at her seat for the truck swerving. For a moment she had thought Grandma Betty might hit the man, but they swerved at the last moment and the tires made an awful swealing sound as they skidded off the road and towards a forested area nearby. She could have sworn she heard someone say her name, a beautiful sort of whisper that implored her to find it, but those thoughts were crashed from her mind as the truck's front slammed headforward into a tree and the airbags were deployed. She felt herself jerked in the seat, the seatbelt itself constricting her lungs as the breath was knocked from her. Despite the seatbelt and airbag, somehow her head managed to hit the dashboard as well, and pain exploded in her head as the truck stopped by force of the tree they were rammed into. Tobi. There was that sound again as well, the voice saying her name, and the spidery feeling continued across her skin.

    (xD pixie attack)
    February 13th, 2013 at 11:24pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    [those darn pixies!! xD]

    Caden loved the feeling of exhilaration of the wind through his fur. There was something so incredibly freeing when he was no longer stuck in the uncomfortable, irrational, horny skin of a human boy. Fur felt so much more familiar. It was a difficult transformation from human to Were, but it ultimately felt good in the end. There was a lot that went into keeping up a double life like this - especially one that was so difficult to maintain its secrecy - but the transformation made it all worth it. He loved the feeling of running through the woods with the wind in his fur and the quiet serene-ness that came from being at peace with nature. That was the problem of humanity; they just didn't understand that the nature was important. It felt so much better to be out here without a worry. No worries... Just running. It felt good to try to get his mind off of Tobi, not that it was very successful... It was actually making him more nervous like this when he was realizing that they couldn't really work. Running like this made him remember that he was a Were and that a human and a werewolf weren't supposed to work out like that. It just wasn't fair... He wanted her so bad.... That's when he smelled the weird scent in the deep bowels of the woods, but he wasn't sure what it was. Frankly, he wasn't too worried about it in this moment anyways. He was just trying to forget about it and hear her laugh in her head. God it was such a beautiful sound. And then there was a terrible sounding screech and it stopped him in the tracks. He knew what that sounded like and he rushed towards the sound of the noise. He approached the crash, and that was when he saw the tattered looking license plate of the big truck. He recognized it instantly and his heart dropped. He vaguely noticed the golden sparkles but he tried to ignore it; he was too busy trying to get to Tobi. He found her in the passenger side and sighed with a breath of relief that she wasn't in as bad of a condition as he had worried that she would be. He wanted to pull her out of the car, but he wasn't sure what to do because he didn't want to hurt her. "Tobi! Please wake up, baby!" He cried, but when she didn't seem to take notice, he ran off and went to go get help.

    [sorry, I kinda flipped out cuz I didn't want to know if you wanted to further your pixie attack, so I didn't want to mess that up for you]
    February 14th, 2013 at 12:48am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    (Hmm, not quite yet, I don’t think xD)

    Despite that Betty had been driving the truck, she was in better condition than Tobi. With slightly shaking hands, she managed to actually get her seatbelt undone, and then get out of the crashed truck. Her sharp eyes looked around warily and wildly almost for the damn pixie which had stood in the road. Lately they had been leaving the citizen’s alone, the last attacks having been a couple of decades ago. The only reason she could fathom such random appearances, and by the king himself, was because it had to do with her granddaughter. She almost shifted into her natural form, a tiger, but already she could tell the pixie had taken his leave. This had probably just been a warning, and he had left because she was there. Pixies didn’t favor odds against Weres usually… Turning her attention back to the more immediate problem, she went over to the passenger side of the truck and managed to get an unconscious Tobi out. She smelled Caden’s scent as she did this, but it was fading, which told her that he had already left, probably to go get more help. Good then. She may be an emergency medic, but she didn’t have anything with her at the moment and the truck was crashed. Just being out in the cold was bad enough, but bleeding and unconscious, not moving, definitely wasn’t the way to go, and though Betty doubted Tobi would get frostbite, especially with her around, other things were possible. After a while, sirens sounded in the distance, gaining closer, and Betty sighed her relief as they eventually came to the crash site. Caden almost immediately jumped out of the ambulance, somehow scrounging a ride she guessed, and ran full speed over to them. Bundled in her arms, Tobi was still unconscious though Betty had stopped the slow trickle of blood from a gash on her head. Other than that, there were no visible wounds on either excepting some bruising, although she did suspect that something might have happened to Tobi’s leg. It was definitely a good thing Weres healed fast, otherwise she might have been worse for wear as well. “Shoo,” she batted Caden away as one of her colleagues came over. “Hovering around isn’t going to do any good, and quite frankly it’s a bit annoying. She’s fine.”
    February 14th, 2013 at 01:11am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden had went to Devyn's house for lack of a better place to go. He just needed to find help, and he knew that Devyn usually had the connections to get that kind of needed help. All he kept saying to himself was that Tobi was okay - that Betty would have only crashed like this in order to protect Tobi - but still his emotions got the best of him. God why did everything have to turn so bitter after being so sweet for only a few seconds?! It was like a little teasing that things could only go well for so long before they would spiral downward... Maybe that was just the nature of their fate - one that came from being a human and a Were. Devyn connected him to some help. How exactly he had sweet-talked the pretty young lady who was working in the ambulance - also a Were - to let him ride with them back there, he wasn't sure. Man, he just had those kind of charms. When they arrived he saw Betty cradling Tobi and instantly thought the worst. God, if she were dead, he was going to blame himself for not being there... And leaving when he got there... He ran over to her, but Betty refused to let him get very close to her. He huffed in annoyance. "I want to help!" He cried, about to get in her face with annoyance. When she shook her head, he got overwhelmingly mad. "Hey! You're the one who said that I should protect her! And it looks like I've done a better job since -" he clamped his mouth shut suddenly to prevent the fighting words from leaving his mouth. He regretted even thinking them. He was going to say that she hadn't done well at protecting her own granddaughter, but this was just a fit of anger. He knew she would protect Tobi with her life if she had to. "I'm sorry..." He trailed off. Then the vague scent and the glitter around them finally made sense in his mind. He had been so conflicted with thoughts of Tobi earlier that he had barely noticed! Now he was about to smack himself that he hadn't noticed. It was disgraceful - being a Were and all. He looked at Betty in fear. "Betty? What was it that caused the accident?" Though he already knew, he wished it weren't true...
    February 14th, 2013 at 02:00am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Betty could see Caden getting mad as she refused to let him near Tobi, but knowing that boy, and since he was born at that, she also knew that it would be better for the time being if he had some time to calm down before anything else. He probably needed the ambulance more than Tobi, but she didn't bother saying so as she thanked Alyssa, the were who came to help. After coming back, the woman tried to fuss over Betty herself, but one look stopped that. She was probably the oldest were in residence, and she liked to think that she didn't need to be fussed over either. Caden's accusatory tone caught her attention though, and as it turned to something a little more challenging, her eyes flashed dangerously at him as she suppressed an urge to reciprocate those words. Tobi was her grandddaughter, her only one actually, and Betty would do everything in her power to protect her. Besides that, it had been a pixie who had caused the damn accident. If only she had been able to react sooner, then maybe he would be dead. Anger rose in her, but she forced it down as she gave a small grunt to Caden, standing. "I may be out of practice, but that doesn't mean I care any less- in fact, I probably care more so than you." She said that, not quite able to fathom how the boy seemed to have become so attatched in merely a day. She glanced to the glitter, before shoving snow around to cover it up, the scent almost gone by this point. The pixie had made a clean getaway. "A pixie..if you don't know already though, Caden, only kings actually make the glitter. He hasn't come out for nearly twenty years, which means if he's becoming active again, his pixies will be too. We'll need to keep a closer eye out for them from now on." She cast a glance back to him. "Next time he stands in the middle of the road, I'll hit him," she growled.
    February 14th, 2013 at 02:15am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    [soooo sorry, had a slight procrastination issue and a long hour or so of homework -.-]

    Caden listened to Betty, glad that she hadn't made a big deal about his accusations. He knew, of course, that she loved her granddaughter very much and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. He regretted what he said like crazy and wished he wasn't so compulsive... Though, on the other hand, if he wasn't compulsive, he probably never would've gotten his chance with Tobi. He had been the one who had been fighting for her attention, and if she hadn't she probably would've been long gone and taken by the time he ever got the guts to try to get her. Now he had her and he knew that she was happy about that as much as he was... Well, almost as much as he was although it was pretty hard to top the way that he felt about her. He sighed as he listened to Betty talk about the pixies, wishing he was instead with Tobi while she was conscious and laughing. Damn pixies... Why did they have to do this to her?! She had only just gotten here and she was already making enemies... Caden sighed aloud as she told him about the pixies. It was sometimes hard to follow. Since they hadn't been out in twenty years, he had never come across any such pixies. All the knowledge he had of them was strictly textbook. He didn't know the extent to what they were capable of, but judging by what had gone on today, he didn't want to find out. Caden caught on to the tone of Betty's voice as she spoke about this pixie king and smiled with the slightest frown of confusion. There was apparently something about him that Betty really hated. "So what exactly is this pixie king to you?" He was curious and his mind just kind of spoke for itself. "I mean, what do they have against my b - err, Tobi - that would make them do something like this?" He saw the ambulance getting ready to head out and his heart raced. He wanted to be there when Tobi woke up to comfort her and didn't want to be left behind. He turned to Betty for permission. "Can I ride with her?"
    February 14th, 2013 at 04:45am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    (no problem; I just got home! band practice right after school then going out to eat with the family >.< gah! dropping band next year to free up my schedule though. Marching season's a pain in the arse)

    Betty started to raise an eyebrow at Caden's question- not that she didn't exactly want to answer, though she wasn't so sure on shining light on Tobi's real father, but it was more of a question of what he had asked after his question on the pixie king. She knew Caden attatched to people easily, and he usually shunned everyone but weres so he wouldn't attatch to humans, but it surprised her just how quickly it had happened with Tobi. He was already acting as if he had known her for an eternity, or since childhood at least, and Tobi, who was usually so reserved, had acted like she had known him the same as well practically. It completely dumbfounded Betty, though she did her best not to show it in her expression. "It's not me you should be asking. It's the paramedics. They'll let us ride anyway, but they might not want you in the back with them," she said. Almost instantly, he began to run off, and with a small shake of her head, a sigh, and a wry smile, Betty headed over as well. She went into the back of the ambulance as well- which made it somewhat of a crowd, but she felt like she owed Caden some type of explanation if the pixies were really resurfacing again. It wasn't until they were way on their way to the hospital though that she began to speak again, her voice a bit more rough. "Caden, before I tell you about the pixie king, you should know none of it is Tobi's fault." she paused. "Pixie kings need queens to stay strong, or at least that's their excuse, so that their pixies don't attack humans wildly. There's usually a target human girl, who they turn, and she is in turn bound to him. Tobi's mother is an example- that pixie king had chosen my daughter as his queen. Somehow, and don't ask the specifics, she ended up becoming pregnant, but remaining human all the same and moved south, where she married a man, Tobi's stepdad who just died a couple of months ago. Tobi is of half pixie blood, and not only that, but by being here, I think the pixie king might be planning to use her as leverage to try and get to her mom once again. Of course, she knows nothing about this, or even weres..." she sighed deeply. "I keep hoping she'll never have to."
    February 15th, 2013 at 03:46am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    [i completely understand! What do you play? I play flute... I'm dropping next year cuz I'll be a senior and it would be one more free period that I can have senior privileges for xD]

    Caden sighed when Betty said she couldn't guarantee exactly if they would let him ride in the ambulance with Tobi. He felt it was necessary though; he felt as if she was already his in some weird sort of way and almost wished that she were a Were so this relationship wasn't so difficult for them. He knew Betty wasn't quite fond of sharing the Weres' secrets, even to family members, and he almost hated himself for falling for her. It was hard when she seemed to like him too - and every time they spoke all he could picture was his lips against hers. He hated the pixies... Though that wasn't exactly unknown to him before they had just hurt the girl that he was falling for - the girl that he was quite honestly in love with already. It just made his hatred for the fucking pixies even worse now that they had threatened her. He sighed in relief when the EMTs allowed him to ride with her in the back, but he was still slightly annoyed that Betty had neglected to answer his question. He wanted more than anything to know what they had against this human girl - since she had only just arrived - and then, once he knew why they had taken it out on her, he would pulverize them. No pixie was going to keep him from loving Tobi - even if it killed him trying. He knew they were hard to face, but he would ultimately do anything for her. Still, he didn't push Betty and was quite surprised when she was the one who initiated the discussion about why these pixies - the king specifically - were after her. Caden's heart dropped when Betty started off with a harsh warning that none of this was Tobi's fault. It made him question what he knew about her even more... He feared the thought of losing her, but all of the worst case scenarios went rushing through his head at the speed of light. He could only hold his breath and tried his best to hold his apprehensive emotions in. He looked down to the girl that was being treated on the bed once Betty told him she was half pixie with eyes full of questions. He was quite sure he would see her in a different light now that he knew of this, but he didn't. His heart still beat fast and his palms got sweaty in hopes of holding hers. If anything, he loved her all the more... "Well, we're not going to let them get her," he stated through gritted teeth. "We won't..." And then he groaned a little, "Oh God! I can't believe I'm falling in love with a human-slash-pixie!"
    February 15th, 2013 at 06:47pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    (clarinet ^-^ Next year I'll be a junior, but still...I can't stand marching season! -shudder- I thought it might just be because I was new at first...two years proved me wrong xD lol, I can't stop laughing at Betty's post! )

    As the determinted look on Caden's face only seemed to grow as she told him about Tobi's past and the connection to the pixie king, Betty felt immense relief. He hadn't actually faced pixies yet, but they were the natural enemy of Weres, and they all felt strong disgust for the corrupt creatures, which is why she was glad that he didn't seem to hold anything against Tobi even knowing that she was of half pixie blood. Betty had a feeling besides that it was a good thing her granddaughter was surrounded by Weres, and especially Caden as he seemed to have elected himself leader of the younger generation and he was strong and protective, and loyal, which was one of his best qualities. She knew as long as someone was with Tobi at all times, there was practically no chance that the pixie king would get near her. Then she found herself suddenly laughing at Caden's statement. "You're a little young yet to know what love is, Caden," she told him as the laughter subsided, a smile on her face. She sombered up a little, ready to give him the hell that she had given Tobi. Besides, she thought they could a little lightening up- she was a firm believer in laughter being some of the best medicine you could give a person, and it didn't hurt to humiliate someone every now and then either, especially when you were as old as she was! "On that subject though, I was talking to Tobi when we left the school, and she wouldn't even consider what I was saying. Now, you two are both teenagers, and I might be old, but you of all Weres should know how good my eyesight is, and don't think I didn't see you earlier when I came to pick her up! Anyway, don't think I have any illusions about teenage innocence- I read the news and I was one myself, raised a daughter, and I know what you teenagers like to do when you get...intimate." She was already enjoying this from the look Caden held the more she went on. "I offered to go get my granddaughter some condoms, and I'm giving the same offer to you, cause if I find out you haven't been using them, well, you can guess." She gave her best malicious grin, although it wasn't really all that hard. They came to the hospital then, and Tobi was taken to the emergency room while she and Caden were to wait in the waiting room.

    It was some time later when Tobi woke up. Surprisingly enough, she didn't feel any pain in her body, not from her head or her leg, which had looked at an odd angle last she had seen it. She woke up with a groggy mind though, and had trouble recollecting the events which had taken place before the darkness claimed her. She attempted to sit up, her limbs heavy, and immediately felt something weird against her leg. Pushing covers off of her, she saw a cast, and that was when her surroundings really clicked into her mind. Though she had never been to one before personally, she could already tell that she was in a hospital. She felt bandages across the top of her head, and heard voices from out in the hall, discussing something or another. There was an IV in her room, which she was tempted to take off. Since no one was in the room with her either, she felt a deep, throbbing worry for Grandma Betty rise, and she started to get up. She was halfway out of the bed when she heard the door open, and nearly flinched, fearing it would be a nurse or the doctor, come to make her lay back down. To her surprise though, it was Caden who practically came running in, although she couldn't imagine how he would know she was there. She knew Grandma Betty and her had left him at the school. These thoughts barely registered before he was pushing her back into the bed and putting the covers over her again, not allowing her to get up. She tried again though with a small glare directed towards him. "I need to find my Grandma, Caden!" she argued. "She was in the accident too!" Then he was pinning her there, practically in the bed himself, his face lingering so close to hers that she very nearly forgot the mission she had self-assigned herself.
    February 16th, 2013 at 12:52am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    [lol! LOVE Betty's post!]

    Caden couldn't stop watching Tobi as she lay there, looking incredibly small and weak as she lay unconscious. It was unfair... He just wanted her to wake up, because right now he feared that she wasn't going to and he was going to be stuck loving her when she wasn't there for him. Man, he was moving too fast, but he unfortunately really liked her. Too much. He still couldn't believe Betty's words even though he knew they were true. She looked to small and weak to be such a terrible creature as a pixie. Of course, that probably came from only being half pixie, but still it astounded him. He didn't like it either. It wasn't that he feared her being a pixie - he was too attached to her for that - but of was that she was now being threatened by the pixie king... He hasn't experienced much with pixies, but he knew they weren't to be trusted and he hated them for putting her in danger like that... Betty's voice brought Caden back to reality again and he looked at her. He heard the word "condoms" and his heart instantly sped up. Even if he had been anticipating doing such things with her - which he wasn't until a long time from now when she was truly his - he hasn't been expecting quite the conversation with her grandmother! It creeped him out slightly and he wished this were only a bad dream. He almost wished that someone could stab a dagger through his heart right now so he didn't have to be here for this conversation... Thing escalated very quickly and he couldn't believe this topic. He hadn't been thinking of taking advantage of her at all, even if he did have the dumbfounded look of young love on his face. "I- I don't think that's necessary." He refused her. "I mean - sure things are going escalated right now, but I'm not thinking of using her like that!" He thought he had composed himself well, even though he had started off opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water while he was searching for the words. They luckily arrived at the hospital then and Caden was forced to let Tobi be left to the work of the doctors. He waited outside her room cautiously, listening to her heart beat. He wasn't going to go in until she was awake, so he waited for the acceleration of her heart beat. When he heard it, he practically ran into the room. He would've liked to pull her into his arms and kiss her, but the doctors had told him to resist stressing her... He saw her trying to get up and pinned her down so she couldn't. He was practically on the bed with her, and he liked the position. "No Tobi!" He demanded. "Grandma Betty is fine! You just need to rest too!" When she relaxed back against the pillow, he stopped holding her so tightly and only took her hands. "God, I thought I lost you... I've barely gotten you and I thought I lost you!" He kissed her softly on the nose and caressed her cheek, the newly discovered news still ringing in his ears...
    February 16th, 2013 at 02:22am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    At Caden saying her grandmother was fine, Tobi felt herself relax a fraction. She trusted that he was telling her the truth, and knew he wouldn't let her up anyway besides- he was too stubborn for that- so she let herself lean back even if she did still want to go find her grandmother. Even if she was bandaged, had a cast on her foot, and was hooked to an IV at the moment, her heart was accelerating and the last thing she wanted to do was just lay in a bed and rest like Caden said she should. She noticed also that once she relaxed, he did too, not pinning her against the bed anymore, but settling for holding her hands instead. The question of how he knew about the car crash still rang in her ears, and she wondered also what exactly had happened, but held back her questions for the moment being. Really, she was glad to see him, more than she was likely to voice, and he seemed equally glad to see her as well, as his words said. He looked like he needed reassurance, so she brought up a smile, however small, and tipped up her chin a bit. "Don't worry- I'm too stubborn for anything serious to happen," she said, knowing fully well though that stubbornness had nothing to do with it, and she was just as vulnerable as anyone else. She scooted over a bit then so Caden could sit down, feeling a little unnerved, admittedly, about how he just seemed to be hovering over her. After scooting over, she patted the place next to her to show him that he could sit down there- she didn't really care what anyone else would say anyway. After a moment of silence, she sighed softly, running a hand through her hair. Her muscles felt sore in places, and if she stretched too much, she could feel bruising on her ribs from when they had hit the tree. Honestly, that was about as much of the accident as she remembered, besides the fact that someone had been standing in the middle of the road, causing the whole episode. "Where is Grandma Betty? How is she?" she asked Caden then as she glanced over at him. "And what exactly happened?" she felt bad about so many questions at once, but it felt necessary for some reason. "And if you don't tell me, I swear I will get up and go looking for her!" she warned, knowing how he was about answering her questions a lot of the time.
    February 16th, 2013 at 02:49am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden laughed a little at the way that she said she was too stubborn to be "lost" as he had said. He knew it was probably true since she did give him a run for his money, but he also remembered the impending dangers of the pixies. It made his heart stop a little and he hoped as Betty had hoped - that Tobi would never have to find something out that had to do with that. If he had his way, she would be a spoiled girlfriend of his that was only knowingly human and didn't have to face any such supernatural dangers. He didn't like this questionable doom and was terrified of facing losing her again - or losing her for real this time... He remained hovering above her. How badly he wanted to kiss her, but they had told him not to do anything that might stress her or raise her heart beat - especially because of the wounds in her head. He had known from earlier that kissing her certainly got her blood rushing, and he should probably avoid doing so... He still badly wanted to, but he would abide by the doctors' wishes so that she could make a full recovery as fast as possible. That was imperative to keeping her safe. She needed twenty four - seven coverage now and he was determined to be the one to take care of her the most. He took a seat on the bed beside her when she had made room for him and kept his hands in hers. He groaned internally a little when she implored about her grandmother again. See, now that was a complicated scenario... She was a Were, so all of her wounds healed faster. He knew that Tobi was expecting her to be in worse of a condition, probably strapped down to a hospital bed and in critical condition. On the contrary, he was pretty sure that Betty was bouncing around the floors of the hospital - and she had even gone out on an ambulance call... What was he supposed to tell her then?! "Tobi!" He sighed, casually, hoping she read it that he was annoyed by her continual prodding and not because he didn't know how to answer. "She's fine. She's in a small room down the hall getting checked out, but she's fine! She took less of a beating than you have..."
    February 16th, 2013 at 03:13am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Even at the tone of Caden's voice when he said her name, Tobi wanted her questions to be answered, and she wanted to see her grandmother with her own eyes. She knew Betty was a bit more...sturdy than most women her age and tougher too, but that didn't mean that she didn't worry for her grandma. At the same, she was also a bit surprised by Caden's "mellowness". He seemed surprisingly calm and hadn't even tried to kiss her yet, besides on her nose when he had first seen her, and she felt just as surprised by this as she did disappointed. As much as she had hated to admit it in the past, especially since she had only known him a day so far, she did like the feeling of his lips against hers, and it felt natural as well, as if they were supposed to be like that....She shook her head to stop her thoughts, knowing she was straying into dangerous territory. She thought for another minute on Grandma Betty and her warning to Caden that she would get up and go looking for her grandma if he didn't answer her questions. Well, and he hadn't answered them, had he? She couldn't just go back on that sort of thing, not if she wanted some form of answers anyway...and after another second of consideration, she moved her legs over the bed, letting go of his hand as she did so, and brought herself into a standing position before he could stop her. Quickly, almost too quickly for her to believe, he was coming to stand in front of her, probably to try and get her to lay down again, and she moved back, hopefully out of his reach. "Caden, unless you answer at least some of my questions, I am going to go find my grandma, whether you like it or not!" Even saying that, there was something about him that made her doubt her own words- he gave off the aura that said whatever he wanted done, he could get it done, and for that reason, she tried to keep the distance between them.
    February 16th, 2013 at 03:25am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden growled slightly as she had started to get up. He hadn't thought she'd actually go through with it, so he was actually quite surprised when she got up before he had even fully realized it. He also knew that she was majorly drugged right now and no one wanted a drugged girl walking aimlessly around a hospital - with only one leg no less! He didn't even have time to contemplate how bad this could be for her head as well before he was rushing over around the bed. He was in front of her before he knew it and he liked that he was a match for stopping her - even though she had caught him majorly off guard. Caden was quite aware that the distance between them was making it hard to think for her - as was it for him - and he intended on getting as close to her as possible to make sure she didn't leave the room. Tobi was so stubborn that it almost annoyed Caden... He was just trying to protect her anyways, and she had to constantly challenge him. It just wasn't quite fair... "Hey! No, what more do you want from me?! I told you: your grandmother is just fine... She's in the other room and doing well - she's conscious and up-and-moving. She's actually better off than you are right now!" He explained, gesturing to the cast and the bandage around her head. When she still moved to leave, he growled in contempt at her very lack of rules in this place. He knew that he hadn't answered her "what happened?" But he was deliberately tiptoeing around it... He had never really dealt with a human who was trying to get information and he didn't know what to tell her and what to leave out. "Come on!" He argued as he stepped in front of her again. This time, he wasn't taking no for an answer and he pulled her to him, forcing his lips on hers. It didn't last very long - only enough to make her breathless - and then he sighed, "now where were we?"
    February 16th, 2013 at 04:10am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    As Caden kept trying to come closer, doing his best to plant himself between her and the doorway at the same time, Tobi knew she had been right to think that he would. If she didn't feel that the current situation was serious, she might have laughed because she was sure that to see them like this would be a funny sight. Caden's face on the other hand was dead serious, if not quite a bit frustrated, and he half looked like he would like to throttle her. She guessed it was a good thing that she knew he wouldn't, otherwise she knew she would feel much more scared. She was glad when he answered that Grandma Betty was doing fine, for all of her worrying over her grandma, but noticed he kept avoiding the 'what happened'. Hoping she might be able to persuade him to answer if she kept being more stubborn, she tried to move towards the door again, to his obvious frustration it seemed. What happened next she hadn't quie expected though, and not just because of how fast he moved, once again. She had a few feet between them one moment, and the next he had pulled her close and kissed her. It wasn't very much like the other kisses they had shared, which were unurried and seemed like they could last a lifetime, but just as effective all the same, which had probably been his purpose, she thought, her body stilled. At his question though, she gave a small shake of her head as she tried to remember what exactly it was that she was trying to accomplish, her heartbeat racing by this point. "Well, you were going to tell me what happened," she eventually answered, looking up at him mirthlessly, though neither had made a move as of yet to pull away from the new closeness they had since she had gotten up. It was then that she noticed the heart monitor, which before had had a pretty normal tempo, was beeping faster. The main reason she had noticed this was for voices which sounded nearby, and then a nurse came into the room, looking worried. She cast a glance between Caden and Tobi before -against Tobi's protests- had her return to the bed and checked everything out until it eventually came back to normal. After that, she glanced to Caden. "If you are going to stay in here, make sure she doesn't get up again until you are told otherwise. And please, her heart rate isn't supposed to be going up like that." It was soon after that the nurse left with Tobi confined to the bed.
    February 16th, 2013 at 04:33am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden smirked when he noticed the way that he shook her head. Through kissing her, he had accomplished two of his self-made objectives - one to feel her lips against his and two to stop her from this crazed mission of going to find her grandmother. It would've been useless anyways since Caden was aware that Betty wasn't in the hospital more... She had been checked out and given the okay to go do whatever she wanted - which happened now to be distracting herself from Tobi's injuries by dealing with other situations that could keep her mind off of things. Caden was actually relieved that she had gone; he wanted to be able to see Tobi by himself without the pestering by Betty. As she had displayed in the ambulance earlier, she was going to allow them their space as a couple, but she also was going to enjoy it by herself - through the many uses of laughter and jokes... He smiled again when he was brought out of by Tobi's voice answering him and he just shook his head. She had recovered faster than he thought she would... He opened his mouth to tell her the most linear of information about the crash - excluding parts that included how the man was her father who is a pixie king and that it was Betty who had gotten her out of the car and started basic care instead of needing help herself - but he was caught off when the nurse came in. Apparently the way he raised her heartbeat like that was a bad thing... Caden didn't think so - he liked raising her heart beat like that... Still, he was reprimanded by the nurse who was all bug-eyed that they were standing so close and Tobi was standing. He knew the woman thought it was his fault and he could only smirk at her with a meek look. When she left, he sat back down on the bed with Tobi and wrapped an arm cautiously around her. "Well... Tobi, you were in a car accident." He answered her. Simple. To the point. He was stubborn as hell.
    February 16th, 2013 at 05:38pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi's attempts to argue with the nurse didn't help any, she noticed, as she was forced back into the bed with strict orders that she wasn't supposed to get up again. As the nurse left, the thought crossed her mind that maybe Caden had planned that to happen, to get her to sit down since she hadn't been listening to him. If that had been the way of things though, then he didn't show it, seemingly perfectly calm and nonchalant as he sat back down in the bed with her again. She guessed he was probably glad that she had to stay where she was now, and she didn't have any leverage to use against him now to get him to tell her what she wanted. He seemed to know this, too, as he simply said she was in a car accident. She was tempted to roll her eyes at him and give a very sarcastic remark to that- after all, she knew that much, and that was why she had been so worried about Grandma Betty. Sighing softly instead, she shook her head and decided to give up now before she did something rash, and leaned back against the pillow, but also against his shoulder. The bed was meant, really, for one person and it was something of a tight squeeze to get them both in there together, but she didn't think he minded, and she didn't either to be honest. She let her eyes closed as she drifted into her thoughts, that was, until school came to mind. She shot up into a sitting position again. "My homework!" She groaned, not entirely because the sudden movement had hurt her ribs either. "I need to get it all done before school tomorrow, and I don't even know what happened to my backpack!" Even though she had just been in a car accident and was currently confined to the bed in a room in a hospital, she was still planning on going to school the next day- she didn't think she was so bad off that she couldn't after all- and it wouldn't do her any good to go to school without her homework and her other school stuff. Besides that, she had already missed one class today that she had to get work in, and because of the sudden move, she had a little bit of catch-up to do, and her current situation wasn't helping.
    February 16th, 2013 at 05:54pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Caden liked that the bed wasn't exactly designed for two people. He liked that she had to cuddle into him and and they were perfectly content there. Well, Caden was perfectly content there at least... He wasn't so sure about what Tobi felt since he had been quite stingy with information to her and he didn't know what she was feeling towards him. He cuddled against her and held his arms around her. He wished things were uncomplicated now and that he didn't have to know about any pixies. God, he wished that they would've just stayed hidden! Stupid pixies always were messing things up... And he had just started to be happy! He was cuddling against her when she jumped slightly. She shook as she cried that she needed to do work still. Caden needed to only roll his eyes as she said so. Of course she sat here with a brokenness and a bandage around her head and the first thing that she worried about was doing her homework! Well - technically it was the second thing after she had had her little freak out session about her grandmother, but still. "Babe!" He whined like a little kid. Of course, he was slightly upset that she had to ruin this comfortable moment by worrying about such things. As it liked anyways, they weren't releasing her from the hospital, so she shouldn't work. "You're not going to go to school tomorrow!" He chuckled slightly, trying to put away the slight annoyance that she wasn't paying attention to him. "You're going to be here until you feel better... And anyway, I'll take care of it. I'll make sure everything is taken care of. Rest!"
    February 17th, 2013 at 04:35am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Tobi looked at Caden as he began to speak, giving a small shake of her head at what he said along with his chuckle, wondering what he meant. She wasn't staying at the hospital over night...right? She was going to go home with Grandma Betty before long and then get up and go to school tomorrow. From the way he was speaking though, he almost made it sound as if he expected her to be there a couple of days. If it wasn't bad enough that she didn't care for hospitals in the first place, now the idea had been planted in her mind that she was going to have to stay at one for a length of time as a patient, alone with people she didn't know but was supposed to trust because they were doctors. A frown creased between her eyebrows at the thought, doubled with Caden's words, and she sighed. "Well, I feel better," she said, rather stubbornly, but knew it wasn't going to do any good anyhow. She wasn't going to be there until she felt better- she was going to be there until the doctors decided that she should go home instead of staying there. Still, she couldn't help but smile as Caden said he would take care of it for her, and she knew she could count on him to get her work for her and bring it back for her to do, even if she didn't have what she had gotten today with her because of the car crash. "Thanks," she said, leaning over and kissing his cheek. She found it slightly amazing that already she trusted him, when usually it would take a lot more for her to trust someone than just a day of knowing them. Then again, everything about him and even them together seemed to go against everything else, right from the start, and while it was an odd feeling, it was also a good feeling, so she did her best not to question it as much as she good. "Just so you know though, I don't think I could rest if I wanted to. Besides, with you in the room, I doubt you'll give me a chance to anyway," she said, her tone becoming slightly teasing towards the end as she did allow herself to lean back again.
    February 17th, 2013 at 04:49am