Cover Pages

  • I think it would be a great idea. Here on Mibba everyone is guilty of judging stories for their layouts. Especially the ones who are unreadable, like neon colors on a black background.

    We could have an real cover page, not just a little icon. We can do all the banner and background stuff we normally do but it's only on one page. Then on the actual story it's basic black lettering on a white background.

    But like in a book we can choose the font and size of the letters. It would be awesome. We could even do a simple default people can choose from if they don't want to make a cover page. Just have them type their username/pen name and title.

    Also I wouldn't be so distracted by the layouts too..
    February 1st, 2013 at 07:15am
  • I think this is a really cool idea. And for the default covers, maybe users could submit covers of their own to be used as default, like they do with layouts.
    February 1st, 2013 at 02:30pm
  • I like layouts. i don't care if I get judged for them. I would rather have layouts. My favorite thing about Mibba's stories section is the layouts. If those went I probably wouldn't bother to post my stories here anymore because I would get the same benefits out of using LiveJournal or Tumblr (and probably get more readers).

    You can set a layout to default if you don't like it. Just go to the little bar in the left and where it says 'custom default' click it and it will become the default layout.

    I don't like the idea of taking layouts away from users who like them just because you aren't a fan. We have work-arounds if you don't want to view layouts.

    Plus, people will just judge cover pages.
    February 1st, 2013 at 05:01pm
  • I think having a way to view full-size covers would be fun, but I definitely don't think it should replace custom layouts.

    A lot of users use layouts to help set the mood for their stories, for a little extra umph!, or because they simply enjoy doing so. I don't think it would be fair to those thousands of users who work really hard to create layouts. Also, as Dru pointed out, if you personally find layouts (or a specific layout) distracting, you can always use the default layout option instead (I know I certainly do, if a layout is difficult to read or painful on the eyes).

    If it were possible to click the cover image on a story's info page and get the full image size, I think that could work really well.
    February 1st, 2013 at 05:38pm
  • I think it'd be cool if we could do it and still keep custom layouts. I mean, if others wanted to use just the black-and-white layout you suggested, that'd be fine, but if it took away layouts, then no, I'm not okay with it. I like making layouts and using them for my story; I think if we had generic layouts, it'd be extremely boring and I wouldn't find myself reading (and probably posting) stories anymore.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 12:04am
  • I like the idea of having a cover page, something like that could be really fun to customize and work with. Though I don't agree with getting rid of layouts, I'd be really disappointed if Mibba ever took away the ability to customize our story layouts. I think that's just another perk of being a Mibba user, you know? You've given the free will to customize your story layouts and you're given the freewill to switch to the default layout if you find the customized one distracting. With that said, if we were to get rid of story layouts for the sole reason that people judge stories based upon their layouts, then adding cover pages would be pointless because people would just begin judging stories based upon how their cover page looks. People will still judge a story based upon how it looks on the outside, the only difference is what they'd be using to judge the story.

    I think it's better for us to keep story layouts because a lot of people enjoy them and just add in the cover page, I don't think a cover page should be a replacement for layouts.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 12:40am
  • I still like the idea in general. It would be nice to at least have the option then. Like some can still do the layouts, and others can do the cover pages.

    Even the default layout can be distracting, not to me, but in general. I grew up reading books, so I'm used to the black on white with nothing else.

    I would still suggest it anyway. Plus layouts aren't always fair either. Some writers can't make them so its a disadvantage. That's just what I think would be best if someone wanted to publish their work. Can't always rely on pretty colors and pictures.

    The work has to be good too.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 04:49am
  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    But writers have default layouts to fall back on just like you suggested for cover pages. You can take premade layouts an use them and plenty of people fulfill requests.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 04:58am
  • I'm just saying. It would be cool. Most people on this site want to be published.

    So they shouldn't rely on the layout to get readers. That's silly to me. It's their writing skills that should be noticed and praised.

    Not their layout. Just to keep things authentic to a published piece. But of course the Cover Page would have templets to follow, or have generic ones.

    That's far less of an disadvantage than the layout situation.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 05:04am
  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    If you get published, you still have to deal with your book cover.

    I don't think we need to punish the people who like layouts because you don't like the way they look and that people judge them.

    They'll rely on their cover page to get readers.

    You're just suggesting another layout with the same problems as what we had before.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 05:50am
  • It wouldn't be the same problem. Book covers are made to invite or lure the reader. Some have gorgeous people, others have a simple, mysterious, object.

    Of course it's going to be judged. Everything is judged.

    But the point is the cover would only have to lure the reader. Many, if not most, of the people on Mibba know how to choose a nice picture. The problem is making a layout to match. It doesn't even have to have a nice picture.

    There can be generic templates, or shared covers. All the author has to do is type in their title, name/username/pen name. On either the same page they can make the summary, or on the back. We can have that option too.

    Plus it would also be interesting if these Cover Pages were submitted like articles. Then an editor could go over it already and see if it follows the guidelines. That idea I like ALOT too.

    Both are ideas that can help writers. It will make writes reply on their talent or skills to keep the reader interested.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 04:12pm
  • Psychotic Secrets:
    It will make writes reply on their talent or skills to keep the reader interested.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I've definitely never thought Well, I'm not interested in this story, but the layout's nice, so I guess I'll keep reading. Generally the issue most people have with layouts is first impressions: if you have a "bad" layout (some) people won't give your story a chance. That would still be an issue with covers, so it sounds like it'd just take away something people really enjoy and value without solving the problem.

    I'm like Audrey's idea of being able to see full-size covers for stories, but definitely not for covers to replace layouts.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 05:19pm
  • I did not say a layout is what made people keep on reading.

    Some of the time when someone clicks on the story and they see a terrible layout, they leave. Some click, see a bad layout, but good writing, they default. Others see a bad layout, click default, then try to read. Like me.

    What interests most Mibbians at first is the layout. If its all pretty, nicely formatted with calm colors they will give it a chance. But at the same time they continue reading because the story is good. Or well written or interesting.

    With cover pages, and I am not saying completely get rid of the layouts. Any old stories with layouts can keep them and they can edit those. Like what Dujo did with the profiles. But every new one we do full on cover pages.

    Well at least have it as an option. I know Mibba won't do it because people like layouts too much...but it would help build serious writers. We would get to practice. Because in the real world books do not have layouts.

    I still stick with my idea. I would love to see that on Mibba. For either an option, or for everyone. As mean as it may sound, if a story has to rely only on a layout to lure readers, it's not worth my time.

    Also it could be an option for original stories at least.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 11:11pm
  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    My misunderstanding; I'm sorry.

    Even so, I don't think getting rid of the ability to have layouts on future stories would go down well. As I said, I think it'd be cool to have larger covers than we have now. But I don't think we should be trying to make Mibba work more like how professional publishing works – personally I don't want to be professionally published; I like online fic and I like having control over how my stories look, which is not the case for the majority of professional published authors (my understanding was that you don't even get a say in the cover art until your pretty well established, unless you self publish?).

    I agree that people shouldn't judge a story by its layout, but I still don't see how covers would be any different; wouldn't those people who only read stories with nice layouts just switch to only reading stories with nice covers?
    February 2nd, 2013 at 11:22pm
  • @ battalions

    They would, but that's not the reason why I suggested it. Everything is going to be judged, I'm sorry if I didn't explain that. What I'm saying is it would be a nice option to have cover pages. Especially for original stories, where we can only reply on luring the readers some way.

    Published authors may not be able to choose whatever they want want at first, but I'm damn sure they would want to. I really like the idea. Of course I know Mibba will be in a uproar if layouts were completely taken away. That's why I would like it at least offered now.

    I would love to have my stories posted like a book, cover pages able to be linked on. There the readers will read the summaries and have a table of a way. The pages will be basic white to off white. Lettering will be black or dark grey. We can choose our fonts but be limited.

    People are going to judge cover pages, they are supposed to. But an ugly cover page wouldn't distract them for long.
    February 2nd, 2013 at 11:31pm
  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    I think enough people like the layouts versus wanting to get rid of them in this thread that you are losing the popularity vote. It appears most people want layouts and I don't see the reason of making all those people upset to make the minority happy. It seems silly to me.

    It would be like getting rid of icons for everyone because I don't like them.

    You should simply make your layouts with a cover image on the summary page and have a blank page for your chapters the way you want. Don't make everyone do something you can do now just because you don't want to be the only one.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 01:35am
  • Popularity does not affect me in anyway. I do not care if people disagree with me. It's still my suggestion. The thread, to my understanding, was meant for ALL Mibbians to express what they wanted to see changed, altered or edited. It's not put to a vote for all of Mibba, so popularity does not matter.

    So this is a Suggestion Thread. Not a "Lets harass someone until they agree with me" thread. I suggested what I would like to see changed in Mibba. That's it.

    Plus you aren't understanding, I never said I did not like layout. I love layouts and I enjoy making them actually. I would just like to see actual cover pages instead of layouts. Yes I think layouts are distracting, so what?

    That's my opinion. I'm not hurting, insulting or bashing anyone when I stated it. I simply stated I would like cover pages. That's it.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 01:58am
  • Psychotic Secrets:
    Popularity does not affect me in anyway. I do not care if people disagree with me. It's still my suggestion. The thread, to my understanding, was meant for ALL Mibbians to express what they wanted to see changed, altered or edited. It's not put to a vote for all of Mibba, so popularity does not matter.

    So this is a Suggestion Thread. Not a "Lets harass someone until they agree with me" thread. I suggested what I would like to see changed in Mibba. That's it.

    Plus you aren't understanding, I never said I did not like layout. I love layouts and I enjoy making them actually. I would just like to see actual cover pages instead of layouts. Yes I think layouts are distracting, so what?

    That's my opinion. I'm not hurting, insulting or bashing anyone when I stated it. I simply stated I would like cover pages. That's it.
    Please remember that all threads on Mibba are open to all users to put forth and discuss ideas and opinions. This means opinions that agree with yours and opinions that disagree. In the Suggestion forums especially, where what's discussed here could come to effect all Mibbians (if it's ultimately implemented), discussion is especially important and encourage. It helps to see what users want for the site, what users don't want, and what changes/improvements will most benefit Mibba. It's only natural that users will argue against an idea they don't want to see implemented, as natural as it is for you to argue for something you would like to see implemented.

    As such, the discussion in this thread isn't harassment. It's an open discussion. If you're feeling uncomfortable, if you no longer wish to discuss the topic, or if you'd simply like to step away from the conversation altogether (or if only for a little while), that's absolutely okay to do. But please understand that this forum (and these threads) are for everyone and that no one is attempting to attack, harass, or otherwise insult you. They simply disagree with the idea (or parts of the idea), want to get that expressed, and help form an idea that will work well for everyone.
    February 3rd, 2013 at 04:15am
  • Like many others have said, having bigger cover pages would be great (I guess kinda like what Wattpad has?) and we can keep the layouts, but now I'm wondering if the character pages would change if Dujo implemented this and made the stories on Mibba look a little more like actual story books like Wattpad and Figment do. Sorry, I'm rambling now. ^^;
    February 9th, 2013 at 04:56pm