Don't Forget Me

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    There was her old Jon... They used to hang out all the time - spend as much time together as possible. It was even better now - they were more than just friends. She liked that he was slightly clingy - that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. "I know - as soon as we finish this game we can have all the time in the world together!" She giggled after taking her turn.

    Ethan smiled at her words, he nodded his head and chuckled. "Yup, you're pretty lucky!" He teased as she nuzzled into him and then he shook his head. "No - I'm the lucky one... I'm the one who you're with even though I messed up terribly this morning. I'm still sorry about that."
    October 20th, 2013 at 02:41pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Do you want to skip to after the bowling game for your side? :) )

    Jon chuckled quietly and nodded. "Good!" he decided with a broad grin, "I definitely can't wait!" And he couldn't. He was excited about just sitting around and catching up with her, since he wasn't aware of most of the things that she had been doing. He wanted to learn more about their past, to learn more about her.

    Claire gave a small smile, shaking her head slightly. "Don't be sorry," she muttered quietly, letting out a sigh, "It's not your fault." She still wasn't sure why he had forgotten her, but at least they could move past that now. They were together, despite him not remembering, and that was what mattered.
    October 24th, 2013 at 11:21pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    When the game was finished, Marley was happy. It wasn't that she didn't like playing, but she wanted to spend some time wrapped up in his arms as she often fantasized. She took his hand sweetly and leaned up to kiss his cheek, standing on her tiptoes to do so. "So what are we going to do now?" She asked sweetly.

    Ethan sighed and shook his head. "Yes it is - of course it's my fault... But I hope that doesn't change our future." He said softly with a smile and kissed her cheek. "I'm more interested in what's going to happen now - even though I feel bad about the past."
    October 25th, 2013 at 02:41am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled slightly as he gave her hand a slight squeeze, shrugging to her question. "I was hoping that we could talk more about you," he admitted quietly, "Since you actually remember me, I want to learn whatever I can about you." His tone was soft, still filled with the guilt of having forgotten her. He wanted to fix that, though.

    Nodding, Claire rested her head against him, closing her eyes for a moment. "Don't feel bad," she told him softly, "It doesn't matter now. All that matters now is that we're right here, together. Okay?" She didn't want him to feel bad for something that he likely had no control over.
    October 25th, 2013 at 02:50am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley smiled a little as they held hands and she blushed a little. She liked that he was so curious... It was nice knowing that he cared. She liked having him care - because that meant that he was serious about all of this. "Okay," she said with a smile and kissed his cheek. "What would you like to know? Ask me anything!"

    Ethan smiled as she rested against him and he kissed her forehead, holding her close to him tightly. "Yes, I know." He said with a smile and then lifted his head from resting against hers. "So... I think we should talk - about you." He said with a slight blush. "You know about me - but what about you?"
    October 25th, 2013 at 06:22pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled slightly to her words and shrugged slightly. "Whatever you want to tell me," he murmured quietly, "I want to know anything and everything that you deem worthy enough for me to know." Honestly, he wanted to know everything about her; he wanted to know their old memories, her secrets, her wishes, everything.

    Claire blinked a few times, honestly surprised with his suggestion. Lifting her head, she eyed him for a few moments before offering a small smile. "Okay, then," she mused quietly before relaxing back to her previous position. "Is there anything specific that you want to know? Or should I just ramble like a maniac?"
    October 30th, 2013 at 08:25pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley bit her lip. She knew there was a lot to catch up on, and she would gratefully tell him everything. "Well..." She started finally when she had gathered her thoughts. "You and I have always known each other." She said simply. "Our parents were best friends and we kind of just followed along because of everything that they did. I didn't really realize how close we were until second grade. There was a Michael who had a crush on me... I know I told this story - but you slugged him when he tried to kiss me. You got time out of course and I went over to sit by you. You took my hand and squeezed it, telling me you would never let anyone hurt me... I think that was when I started to have a little crush on you. It matured as we did, of course, but I always loved you." She blushed. Their story was so complicated... So deep.

    Ethan smiled as she looked up at him and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. He wanted to know everything... Every little detail about her - anything that would be important with them. "You should just ramble on! A, I think it will be cute, and B, I want to know everything about you. I've missed a lot with you - and I want to remember all of it."
    November 2nd, 2013 at 01:50pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon listened to her silently, smiling to himself at hearing that he had punched Michael because the boy had tried to kiss her. Though he recalled punching Michael, he hadn't recalled the reason and knowing now that it was because of her, he couldn't help but wonder if it was because he had gotten jealous. Maybe he had liked her all along - though he couldn't be sure now since he had lost his memory. Pushing the thought aside, he held her tightly to himself, nodding slowly. "We go way back, then," he murmured quietly, "I'm glad I punched Michael, though."

    Claire giggled quietly at his suggestion and shrugged a bit. "Well," she mused quietly, trying to think of where to begin, "I guess I should start at the beginning, yeah? Your dad was best friends with my dad - they were pretty close, ever since childhood. Our mothers met through them and became just as close, as if they had known each other since childhood as well. As luck would have it, when we were born, we became best friends as well. We were practically joined at the hip, always wanting to spend time with the other. You always stood up for me when I was bullied - like when you pushed Tanner down for just pulling my hair. You were always doing things like that." She smiled slightly at the memory and buried herself against him. "You always cheered me up when I was sad or upset and, somehow, I ended up with a crush on you. Though, I can't recall when exactly that crush formed. For all I know, it was always there."
    November 4th, 2013 at 01:55am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley smiled at the memory. That really was the beginning of their love. She fell for him then as she noticed the way that he protected her. She didn't know how much she could tell him... There was so much that she could tell him. So many memories. A lifetime together until she had to go away. She smiled lightly and nodded her head. "Yeah... It was a lifetime," she blushed. "And a little girl crush turned into a preteen crush - and a preteen crushed turned into one that hasn't gone away." She blushed lightly and buried herself into his neck. She didn't want to see his reaction... What if he didn't like it?

    Ethan held onto her tightly. He ran his hands through her hair and smiled, untangling the tangles of her hair and wanting to show her the best attention that he could show. He kissed her forehead and nodded his head. He guessed that would make sense... It would make a lot of sense since their parents seemed so close. He wondered if he had felt the same with her. He didn't know if it was because of that that he had forgotten her. He smiled. "I'm glad I stuck up for you..." He said with a smile and then shrugged. "So - what about me?" He asked. "Did I feel the same way?"
    November 6th, 2013 at 01:45pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled slightly as he held her tightly to himself, resting his head against hers. "I like knowing that you've liked me for so long," he admitted quietly, knowing that it was definitely a surprise to him. Normally, people gave up on their crushes after years go by, right? Especially if there was such a slim chance of ever meeting again? He was thankful she hadn't given up, though, and wished that he had remembered everything. "I'm assuming I reciprocated those feelings, right?" Who wouldn't, after all? Marley was such a wonderful person and he was sure that he felt for her what she felt for him.

    Claire was surprised with his question, but offered a smile nonetheless. "I'd like to think that you did," she muttered softly. "I can't be certain of whether you did or didn't, but like I told you before, you were my first kiss - and you were the one who initiated it." Closing her eyes, she buried her face against him, letting her words linger.
    November 11th, 2013 at 11:05pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley smiled a little. Did that make her odd? She was someone who never gave up on something that she wanted - and he was something she wanted... He was something she wanted all the time. Maybe that just made her pathetic, but she didn't care. To his question, she blushed and looked down. "I don't know... I never knew how you really felt, only that you were my first kiss - and you were the one to start the kiss... But it wasn't something like I knew that you loved me - I only knew my feelings, but I thought those would be strong enough for the both of us..."

    Ethan smiled at her lightly, running a hand through her hair lightly. It felt so nice to touch her, and he thought about her words, really concentrating on them. How could he not? It wasn't like he could be with a girl like that and not realize how important she was to him... He smiled lightly at her last words. He would gladly initiate many more kisses... That was how much he cared for her - and it was easy to love her. "Were you mine? Was I at least a good first kiss?" He asked
    November 18th, 2013 at 02:49am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled as he listened to her words, but he knew already that he had to have loved her back then. There was no way he couldn't have; she meant so much to him already that he was certain that his feelings were still there from before. Nodding slowly, he kissed her forehead gently. "Well, I'm certain I returned those feelings," he told her softly, smiling to himself, "Just as I'm returning them now. Besides, any guy would be crazy for not having deep feelings for you."

    Claire relaxed against him, enjoying the way his hand flowed through her hair so easily. Nodding slowly, she smiled up at him. "I was yours," she confirmed softly. She had always been his, incapable of even thinking of being with anybody else. She had loved him for so long and nobody could have ever taken that away from her; nobody could have ever changed it. "And, yes, you were a good first kiss." She couldn't help but to giggle softly after answering him.
    November 23rd, 2013 at 06:22am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley blushed a little to his words and nodded her head, shrugging a little. "I don't know if you did. I always hoped that you did, but I could never be quite certain. But either way, it doesn't matter. All that matters is the here and the now. That's what will make this special." She liked that a lot. It felt so good to be his, especially with all of the drama that she thought he would never remember her.

    Ethan was enjoying this. To think... He had met the love of his life so long ago yet only now he knew it. He wondered if he knew it back then - but if he had, would he have forgotten her? He didn't know but he was sure that he was lucky to have her - and he must've realized it back then. "Good, I'm glad... I wouldn't like to be a disappointing first kiss after all!" He smiled and winked lightly, nuzzling into her because he couldn't get enough of her.
    February 28th, 2014 at 03:32am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled slightly to her words and nodded. Though, he wished he knew whether he loved her in the past as well. He knew it would likely plague him for a while, but, for now, he would just enjoy having Marley with him and knowing that they were together now. "You're right," he decided before placing a quick peck to her lips, "We're happy now, after all, and that's what matters most."

    Claire giggled quietly as she nodded in agreement. "I bet," she joked lightly before letting herself relax against him, closing her eyes for a moment. "Don't worry, though. You weren't disappointing at all." Honestly, she was thankful that things had at least turned out well now. She had been afraid that he would just continue thinking she was lying; she was glad he didn't think she was a liar now.
    February 28th, 2014 at 03:43am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley smiled at his words and nodded. She was happy he felt the same way. She was happy that they were happy together like this. It was so nice... It was so good to be with him like this when she had never imagined it would ever happen. She thought it was just a schoolgirl that had an unreasonable crush. "Yes, thank you." She smiled.

    Ethan smiled at her and nodded his head, nuzzling his nose against hers lightly still and leaning against her, wrapping his arms tightly around her because he didn't want to let her to. "I'm glad for that." He said with a smile, caressing her cheek lightly and kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry for doubting you."
    February 28th, 2014 at 01:46pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled as he kissed the side of her head gently, letting himself relax. "Let's do something tomorrow," he suggested quietly, looking at her with a small smile, "Anything you want. It can be our first official date of being together - since the bowling things was more of us just hanging out and catching up, I guess."

    Claire smiled slightly and shook her head. "You don't have to apologize," she assured quietly, looking up at him, "Everything's okay now, after all." He believed her now, thankfully. And, on top of that, they were together, and that was far more important than him having doubted her earlier.
    March 14th, 2014 at 11:28am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley was surprised by his suggestion and her heart beat like crazy. "That sounds perfect." She said with a smile and sighed. "Let's do something romantic... Like a dinner - or dinner and a movie. Or just a movie. Anything like that." She smiled.

    Ethan was glad that she wasn't too upset and he smiled, holding her tightly to him. This felt so good - to be with her. "Everything is perfect now!" He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I want to take you out... Do something for a first date. Anything special!"
    March 15th, 2014 at 08:09pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled slightly and nodded to her suggestions. "Dinner and a movie is much more romantic than just a dinner or just a movie," he teased lightly before kissing her forehead and running his fingers through her hair gently. "You can pick where we eat and what movie we watch."

    Claire smiled slightly and nuzzled against him, nodding slightly to his words. "Anything special?" she repeated quietly. "How about a picnic, then? I've never been on a picnic..." She blushed slightly, wondering if it was a good idea or not. Or maybe it was just silly.
    March 25th, 2014 at 01:30pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley giggled a little to his words and nodded her head as she shivered, loving the way his fingers felt running through her hair. "Okay - I'm very indecisive though." She giggled lightly and smiled. "I think we should go somewhere romantic for dinner... For something special."

    Ethan smiled a little as she nuzzled into him and he nodded his head, encouraging her. When she picked a picnic, he smiled and kissed her forehead lovingly. "A picnic sounds perfect for our first date!" He smiled, holding her close.
    March 30th, 2014 at 09:54pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Sorry these took so long to reply to. I had major writer's block for this and There's No Place Like Home and I didn't want to reply to all of the others without these ones, too. xD)

    Jon chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Somewhere romantic it is, then," he decided, figuring he could ask for his parents' suggestions. They went on plenty of romantic dates to romantic places and he was certain that they would know just the place for him to take Marley. "We'll have fun, without having to worry about anything else." Including his lost memories, he decided.

    Claire was rather happy to hear him agree with her and she nodded eagerly. "Great," she decided in a sing-song voice. Admittedly, she was already looking forward to it. "I'll fix us up a picnic basket and everything." She wasn't sure if she had one already, but, if she didn't, she wouldn't hesitate to go buy one.
    April 30th, 2014 at 10:52am