Don't Forget Me

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley couldn't hold back a giggle at all and she blushed as she giggled, knowing it was probably a dead giveaway that she wanted to flirt with him. "Aw, thank you, Jon!" She said with a weak smile as she leaned into him - her knees feeling rather weak too. "You're too sweet to me." She giggled. Had she been more confident, she would have turned and given him a thankful kiss on the cheek, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

    Ethan frowned softly as his eyebrows furrowed together. What was she saying? Did it actually imply what he thought it implied? He grabbed her hand then, sighing. Here goes nothing. "Why weren't you interested?" He asked her softly, turning her chin so that she had to look at him. That was why he was so attracted to her... Did he love her at one point too?
    May 28th, 2013 at 12:24pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon grinned at her words as he shrugged a bit. "You don't have to thank me," he assured softly, soon finding himself resting his head above hers. It was strange, how comfortable and at ease he felt with her. Was there a reason that he could seriously just be himself around her - as cliché as it sounds - when he had to put on a show for everybody else?

    Claire let out a soft sigh to his question before she turned to him fully. "Why be interested in anybody else when you've already found somebody that you love?" she asked quietly, though the fact that the words were actually escaping her lips caused her to blush darkly and she moved back to how she had previously been, attempting to hide the stupid blush.
    June 10th, 2013 at 12:32am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley smiled and looked up at him as his head rested above hers. "Well thank you anyways!" She said teasingly with a smile. She felt safe and comfortable in his arms like this and she leaned into him all the more. It just felt so natural to.

    Ethan crossed his arms slightly and slouched into the back of the couch. "He must be a lucky guy," he said absentmindedly. He wished that she was talking about him, but he wouldn't admit that... If it wasn't, then he would just feel too stupid. "How does he feel?" He caressed the blush on her cheeks.
    June 10th, 2013 at 12:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon chuckled softly as his hold on her tightened for a few moments. He closed his eyes, enjoying the closeness between them for now before he released her and grinned, still staying close enough that they could touch. Resting his hands on her shoulders, he kept his head where it was. "You know, I didn't quite expect to actually hang out with you, after this morning," he joked, knowing that, since that was all in the past and that he could accept his idiocy, it was laughable now.

    Claire closed her eyes as she leaned her head into his hand, enjoying the feeling of it for now. "I don't know," she said honestly, softly. He had called her a crazy bitch earlier, after all. Not to mention, he hadn't wanted anything to do with her all day. Even if they were getting along at the moment, that didn't mean that he felt for her what she felt for him.
    June 10th, 2013 at 01:12am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley tilted her head to the side and smiled up at him as he tightened his grip on her for a quick moment. She had almost forgotten this morning's events by now and she only shook her head. She chuckled for a moment and just shrugged. "It's alright though!" She said softly. "I really like spending time with you, just like always!"

    Ethan frowned for a moment. He saw the way that she responded to his hand on her cheek and he hoped that it meant she loved him. "The dude would be crazy not to!" He said in a soft voice as he slid a little closer to her. This was why he had forgotten her... If he truly loved her, maybe it was his coping method...
    June 10th, 2013 at 01:30am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon grinned broadly at her words - though, at that moment, he wished that he knew what he had felt like when they used to spend time together. The thought nearly frustrated him as he struggled to figure out why he had forgotten about her. How could he have forgotten somebody as wonderful as her? He didn't understand it. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," he said with a smile, "I'm having a lot of fun."

    Claire blinked at his words, looking up at him. She offered a small smile before rolling her eyes slightly. "Well, considering I was considered crazy earlier today, I guess craziness is just a matter of opinion," she said in a teasing tone. She noticed how he had gotten closer to her and, she had to admit, she liked it.
    June 10th, 2013 at 01:42am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley smiled at his words. Her heart was beating wildly from the mere fact that he was leaning so close to her and she just couldn't get over it... This was how it had always been. She had always loved him, and this was just proving it all the more. His words then sounded like they were on a date...and more than anything, she wished that they were... "I'm having fun too!" She said with a blush, leaning her forehead against his cheek since she was slightly shorter than him.

    Ethan squirmed a little in his seat at the sound of her words. He knew they were about him and he wished for nothing more than being able to go back and take them back... But that wasn't possible. He just chuckled them off and went back to business. "So do I get to know the name of this lucky guy, or what?" He teased, wishing it was him. This anticipation was really killing him more than anything.
    June 10th, 2013 at 03:11am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon smiled slightly as he held her tightly once more. "I'm glad," he admitted softly, "I don't think I could have this much fun with anybody else." He was surprised that the words had escaped his lips, but he didn't regret them. It was the truth. Had he been hanging out with anybody else, he would likely constantly have to show off and be a jerk. Hanging out with her made him feel different, though, and he didn't quite know how to explain it.

    Claire smiled slightly at his question and rolled his eyes a bit. "Well, if you think this guy is so lucky," she murmured softly as she let her head rest against the back of the couch again, her focus still on him, "Then, you would probably enjoy knowing that I'm talking about you." Another blush tainted her cheeks when she admitted that, but she smiled nonetheless.
    June 10th, 2013 at 03:19am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley turned away slightly, only so that she could turn in his arms and face him again. She rested her head against his shoulder, not knowing if this was appropriate for being 'friends' - but also not caring. "I think that's why we've always been such good...f-friends." She said in a whisper. "It was just like we always went well together."

    Ethan started to hear her words and cringed a little, not knowing what would come of it. When he did hear it, he smiled and looked over at her, breathing slightly heavy. He leaned in to kiss her, but chickened out and settled for her cheek. "Yes, I would enjoy to know that. You love me?" He asked her in a soft, serious voice.
    June 10th, 2013 at 03:38am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon blinked a few times, having noticed how she had stuttered on 'friends.' Resting his head above hers, he ran his fingers through her hair slowly. "You said friends as if you weren't sure that was the right word," he told her softly, wondering if that was the truth or not. "Is it the right word for what we used to be?" He was curious, almost hoping that 'friends' wasn't the right word - that there was something more between them even then.

    Claire felt her cheeks darken all the more, not quite understanding how he could make her blush so much with such simple actions. Nodding slowly, she muttered a soft, "I always have." Her heart started beating faster at her own words, having never actually admitted that to him before. Even when they were younger and she knew that she loved him, she hadn't actually ever told him.
    June 10th, 2013 at 03:45am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley shivered a little at the feeling of his fingers running through her hair and she broke eye contact with him, looking away. "I don't know what we used to be," she said in a weak voice, knowing she had always considered him her boyfriend, but it was never discussed. "You were my first... Heck, my only...kiss." She said softly. "I used to like nothing more than getting to hug you and steal a few kisses here and there but when I left I don't know what we were... All I knew was that I always loved you, and I couldn't stop loving you."

    Ethan smirked at the way that her cheeks were painted a dark crimson color. He grabbed onto her cheeks and pulled her face closer to him as she spoke, liking the sound of those words. He couldn't exactly say anything in response since he didn't technically remember, but now he really wished that he did remember. "You said I was your first kiss, right?" He asked. "Will you remind me of that?" His face was hovering over hers.
    June 10th, 2013 at 04:05am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon listened to her words silently, his thoughts whirling. Had he loved her as well? At least, that could explain why he had forgotten her. Perhaps it had hurt too much to think about her when she was gone and he just forced himself to forget it all. His fingers still running through her hair, he held her closer to himself, letting out a sigh. "Do you still love me?" he asked softly, wondering if that was the case or not.

    Claire blinked a few times upon noticing how close they were now. Her eyes trailed down to his lips after hearing his words, her heart beating rapidly. After a moment, she gave a small, short nod. "Okay," she murmured quietly. Before she could really process what she was doing, her eyes slid closed and she pressed her lips to his.
    June 10th, 2013 at 04:18am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley studied him carefully to get his reaction, but he was quite good at hiding his emotions and reactions apparently... Still, she was comforted by the way that his hands ran through her hair...and his words terrified her. She collapsed into his shoulder, trembling slightly. "Yes," she said against his shirt, muffling the sound. At least if he didn't like the response, she wouldn't be saying it loudly.

    Ethan could tell it took her a moment to process the whole thing, and that entire time he was sitting there in anticipation for it. When she did respond, he smirked and leaned into her. His hands instantly went to hold her cheeks as she leaned into him. He drew her all the more closer and sighed at the feeling. God, her kiss was so intoxicating!
    June 10th, 2013 at 04:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon found himself smiling after hearing what she said. Gently, he rubbed her back before placing a hand under her chin and gently lifting her face to look at him. "If that's the case," he murmured softly, the smile still in his face, "Prove it." If she still loved him, then there was no point in denying his own attraction to her anymore.

    Claire smiled against his lips, her heart beating rapidly. Admittedly, this was far different from their first kiss. With their first kiss, they had both been awkward and unsure of what to do. Though she was still unsure of what to do, it just felt natural to kiss him and she enjoyed it to her utmost ability.
    June 10th, 2013 at 04:53am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley got quite scared as she had to look up into his eyes. It made her nervous and she blushed brightly. To his words, a certain frown came up to her face and she shook her head lightly. "What do you mean?" She asked quietly. "How do I prove it to you?"

    Ethan groaned into the kiss a little. Sure, in his ignorance of not knowing about his one true love, he had kissed girls - but never like this... This was amazing! He held her waist, pulling her into his lap slightly so that he could kiss her even deeper.
    June 10th, 2013 at 05:31am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon laughed quietly, supposing that it was a rather random thought to even mention. Grinning, he shrugged slightly. "Help me remember our first kiss?" he suggested softly, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. It didn't seem like too much to ask - especially since she had said she still loved him and he knew that he was far too attracted to her to deny his own emotions.

    Claire let out a soft gasp when she was pulling into his lap. Grinning against his lips, she let the kiss linger for a while longer before she pulled away to breathe. The kiss hadn't lasted extremely long, but it still had her breathless.
    June 11th, 2013 at 06:43pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley giggled nervously and looked up into his eyes, blushing deeply. She was more nervous now than she was during their first kiss - she was quite sure. She leaned into him quickly, slowly pushing her lips against hers, blushing even more still. Oh, gosh she had missed being able to kiss those lips.

    Ethan smiled as he held onto her waist and kept kissing her deeply. When she pulled away, he was breathing just as heavily, but he smiled down at her. "Nope," he said with a smirk. "I don't remember... Maybe a little longer?" He teased. He enjoyed the feeling of her lips.
    June 11th, 2013 at 06:49pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Jon grinned when he heard the nervous giggle, enjoying the effect he had on her. When he noticed that she had leaned in, he didn't hesitate in returning the kiss, his hands placed on her waist as he held her close. The kiss was beyond what he had ever experienced - or, at least, what he could remember, as he had probably experienced this feeling with her before.

    Claire let out a soft giggle, her cheeks tainted red again. Nodding slowly, she leaned into him again, her lips pressing against his once more as she easily melted in the kiss, enjoying it to her utmost ability. She couldn't imagine ever kissing anybody besides him.
    June 11th, 2013 at 07:09pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Marley let her eyes slipped closed as she reminisced on the feeling of her lips against his. She let him take control as soon as their lips were touching again, and she felt almost like giggling. They were in the middle of a bowling alley... But she didn't care. She kept her hands on his cheeks, holding him close to her.

    Ethan smirked as she nodded her head and leaned into him. He leaned in deeper to her as he pulled her waist even closer though she was already in his lap. His hands ran through her hair softly and he smiled, enjoying nothing more than the way this kiss had him feeling.
    June 11th, 2013 at 07:13pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    The slightest of a groan escaped Jon's lips as he enjoyed the kiss as much as possible. Something about kissing her brought him to the edge of a memory, though he didn't get to the memory completely, since he was more so focused on the movement of their lips. Despite having kissed several girls before, none of them were like this - this was beyond compare.

    Claire wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him as she relaxed in the kiss. It was so easy, just kissing him like this, without having to worry about anything else. She grinned against his lips, enjoying the way his hands ran through her hair.
    June 11th, 2013 at 07:37pm