There's No Place Like Home

  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan had rolled over to her side away from him. This was all so weird. Why was he acting like this? Like she was his soulmate... That wasn't true. Probably just some way to get in her pants and she wasn't letting him get to her like that. She crossed her arms and cuddled onto the bed. Whose idea was it to sleep with him anyway? That was a dumb idea... Nothing he said could he true, could it?

    Chris sighed a little as he watched her. Even in the darkness he could see her silhouette and he just watched her. He loved being near her, but he knew he had to keep his distance. She didn't want this... He wished she would understand, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. He would just protect her and it would be okay. That was all he could ask for.
    February 28th, 2014 at 03:20am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler sighed quietly when he saw that she had shifted away from him. He wasn't sure what he could do or say. He didn't want to make her feel even more awkward than he likely already was. But, he wasn't lying about anything he had told her, he just wished that she could see that. He, personally, had no reason to lie; he wasn't the type to try to deceive people.

    Leigha closed her eyes, though she found it hard for her to drift off to sleep. Her thoughts were bugging her and she was certain sleep wouldn't come easy. After a while, though, she managed to drift off by forcing herself to think about things back home, rather than everything that was happening there.
    February 28th, 2014 at 03:32am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan fell asleep quickly once she had relaxed onto the bed. This was so hard really... She felt like this was going terrible - because part of her wanted to stay with him and see what could happen and another part of her was terrified of that. She just let herself sleep, thinking of anything but they.

    Chris watched her until she was asleep. Then slowly, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to the middle of the bed - that way, it would seem like they had both moved together and not that he had just wrapped his arm around her. He just needed this with her, just for a little...
    February 28th, 2014 at 01:38pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Do you want to just skip to the next morning?)
    March 14th, 2014 at 11:22am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    (Sure thing - start please? :) )
    March 15th, 2014 at 08:03pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Oh, I was planning to, don't worry. :) )

    Tyler was awake fairly early in the morning. His arm was draped over Morgan, though he pretended to still be asleep in case she woke up and saw him, for he didn't want to move his arm. He was rather comfortable like this, if he was being honest. It felt natural, like they were supposed to be like this - and, he felt that they were.

    Leigha was still asleep, though she had somehow ended up facing Chris throughout the night, her face buried against his shirt. Her fingers were curled into his shirt as if it was some way to keep her safe from this new world, as if clinging to him, despite not knowing that she was, would guarantee that she wouldn't get stolen away or something.
    March 25th, 2014 at 01:18pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    When Morgan woke up, she blushed to feel his arm around her as tightly as it was and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, trying to pretend that she was still dreaming and she wasn't like this. She had somehow ended up burying herself into his chest though. She didn't know how to get out of this position without waking him - and she certainly didn't want to do that...

    Chris woke up to her buried against him - and he very much enjoyed it. It felt right having her body pressed up against his and he sighed, holding onto her tightly with his arm firmly around her. He just closed his eyes again, pretending he hadn't awakened from all of this - he didn't want to move just yet.
    March 30th, 2014 at 09:48pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler hadn't realized until then just how good of an actor he was. He could tell that she was awake by the way her breathing had changed and he was almost certain that she might have shifted even just a little. It would have made him smile if it wasn't for the fact that he was pretending to be asleep. Unfortunately, he couldn't pretend forever and he eventually blinked his eyes open, though he pretended to be oblivious to the position they were in.

    The feeling of herself being held tightly made Leigha stir slightly, soon blinking awake. She was confused for a few moments as to where she was, though when she realized how close she was to Chris, recalling the new world, her cheeks immediately tinted a dark hue. She was tempted to just pull away and retract from him - and at the same time, to shift closer and enjoy the warmth he provided - but she knew she couldn't do either for fear of waking him.
    April 30th, 2014 at 10:39am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan blinked a little. She tried to push him away or something, but he had his arms around her so tightly that she couldn't move. She shivered a little. She really didn't like this - or did she? She didnt want to like it anyways... She couldn't get involved with him. At the same point she didn't want to wake him up - not like this... She didn't want him to think something about this because she was pressed against him.

    Chris wanted to see the way she was looking, but be kept his eyes pressed tightly. The last thing he wanted was her to push him away now that he was awake. He kept his eyes closed and just held tightly to her, throwing in a deep breath and a snore every once and while. He liked holding her so close like this.
    May 11th, 2014 at 02:52pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler had to force himself not to smile when she tried to push him away. It didn't make sense to him as to why she wouldn't want to be near him, but he ignored it. Instead, he concentrated on the feeling of having her close to him, wanting to relish it while he could because he knew that, the moment he opened his eyes, he'd have to let her go. And he didn't want that. Not so soon, anyways.

    Leigha chewed on her lower lip rather violently. She tried to wiggle her way out of his grip but to no actual avail since she didn't want to move so much that she would wake him. Letting out a heavy sigh, she found herself staring at him in hopes that he would somehow sense it and wake up. She doubted it, of course, but it was all she could manage at this point.
    May 11th, 2014 at 02:56pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan squirmed a little. She shook her head and groaned. Ugh, how was he sleeping through all of this movement?! And shit... Why did he have to hold on so tightly?! She didn't know how she felt about this right now... Why did she sort of like it. She leaned against his chest, knowing it was pointless to fight at all.

    Chris fought a smirk as she squirmed in his arms. It was so good to feel her skin against his and he didn't want it to end. He kept his eyes shut tightly so he didn't have to let go of her and snored quietly, feeling good with her so close. It was so nice. Didn't she feel it?!
    June 4th, 2014 at 11:42pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler had to force himself not to smile at feeling her leaning against his chest, feeling rather thankful that she had given in. It was a step closer, in his opinion. A step closer to her realizing he was right and a step closer to her realizing that they were meant to be together. If she would just accept it, everything else would fall into place.

    Leigha sighed in defeat as she rested back down, trying to relax. At the same time, she was trying to fight relaxing - because if she relaxed, she might let herself realize how nice this was and she didn't want that. She didn't want to come to terms that there was a possibility of growing feelings for him, not when she had to return home eventually.
    June 5th, 2014 at 08:27am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan wasn't exactly comfortable here - but she had a sneaking suspicion that it was because she was fighting it... Part of her really did like it... Maybe she was just lonely - she hadn't had a boyfriend in a while. She nuzzled into him and just tried closing her eyes, because she didn't know what to do anymore! She couldn't fight his arms.

    Once she laid her head down, Chris did smile. He couldn't help it - he loved the small weight of her in his arms... She was so cute and he loved her. He knew he loved her... It was annoying that she was fighting it - but he was hoping that she would realize it and she could be his... It was just a matter of time.
    June 5th, 2014 at 01:52pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler smiled slightly at feeling her nuzzle into him. He figured that the fact that she was nuzzled against him meant that she couldn’t see his face, so he let himself relax with her in his arms. Especially with the fact that she was so close to him. He loved the feeling of having her in his arms like this, she fit so perfectly and he wished she’d see it or feel it or even just take a subtle notice of it.

    Leigha let out a sigh as she tried to relax. Eventually, she shifted to curl up against him, trying to calm herself down. She wasn’t sure if anything would make any sense to her any time soon, but she tried not to think about it. Closing her eyes, she buried her face against him and tried not to think about it. If she could relax, then it’d be alright. She could just pretend this wasn’t happening.
    June 5th, 2014 at 11:33pm
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    This wasn't making sense... The more and more she lay in his arms, the more and more she became...accustomed to the feeling? Part of her almost liked the way that he held her - and that wasn't right! She insisted to herself that it was just because she was lonely and hadn't been in love in a whole. But this wasn't her home. It never would be.... That was what she had to focus on. She huffed slightly, just praying he would awaken soon.

    Chris knew she was still cuddled into him and couldn't necessarily succeed in wiping that smirk off of his face. He was enjoying this too much - and the more she pressed her face and body into his, the more he liked it. He pretended to shift in his sleep lightly, pulling her even more closer and wrapping an arm tighter around her. This was perfect. Hopefully she would get the message eventually - that this felt so right.
    June 6th, 2014 at 03:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler had to fight back a chuckle at hearing her huff and he tugged her closer to him in a way that made it seem like he was just doing so in his sleep, burying his face in her hair as he did so. The way it felt to have her in his arms wasn’t something he had felt before and he wished that she would feel it, too. The sooner she realized that they were destined, the sooner things could progress for them.

    Leigha let out the quietest of gasps when she felt Chris pull her closer, chewing on her lip slightly. She lifted her head to try to get a look at his face but, in this position with being so close to him, she couldn’t manage to do that. Instead, she let out a frustrated sigh and tried to calm her racing heart. Why the hell was her heart racing anyways? She didn’t want to think about it.
    June 6th, 2014 at 04:15am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan groaned as he pulled her even closer and she put her hands on his chest, trying to push away though it didn't seem to be working at all. "Come on Tyler - wake up!" She frowned lightly and sighed. This wasn't fair... Her heart was racing and she didn't know why. It was not from him! It couldn't be... She refused to think like that and just relaxed, trying to forget about it.

    Chris almost couldn't hold back his laugh and he just kept a serious face, closing his eyes once again so that she didn't catch him. she was so cute - and the way she tried to fight him was hilarious.... How long was this going to last?! Couldn't she tell that there was something between them. It was so strong - she would feel it eventually.
    June 6th, 2014 at 01:22pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler grunted quietly in response to her words as his hold on her tightened in the slightest. He was clearly pretending that he was still asleep, wanting to cherish the feeling of holding her while he still could. Eventually, though, he blinked his eyes open, pretending to just wake up as he let out a yawn. Looking down at her, he arched an eyebrow in amusement at seeing that she was so close to him, pretending that he hadn’t been aware of it the entire time. “Good morning,” he murmured.

    Leigha pouted slightly when she found it was getting harder to ignore the way her heart sped up so much, feeling new heat to her cheeks once she accepted that much. Shaking her head, she tried to pull back again, letting out a forced groan of annoyance. “C’mon, Chris. It’s morning already and I’m hungry,” she said simply, pushing against his chest. Better to pretend that she wanted to get away because she was hungry rather than to admit to him that she was actually enjoying it.
    June 20th, 2014 at 09:06am
  • dancingskiingwriter

    dancingskiingwriter (100)

    United States
    Morgan groaned and just settled down against him. It was dumb to fight him when he was so asleep. She couldn't move at all and she just settled down, shaking her head in annoyance. What was she annoyed about? That she sort of liked it? Yes... It was a problem. When he woke, she pushed up against him and frowned. "Good morning - now let me go!" She said, trying to sound angry about it. She shook her head and looked away from him.

    Chris nearly chuckled lightly when he heard her groan of annoyance and her words. This girl was so in denial and he though it was so hilarious! Why couldn't she just accept their love?! It really was a good thing. There was nothing bad about it. He finally blinked his eyes open and sighed, pulling her closer. "Good morning." He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Did you sleep well?"
    June 24th, 2014 at 02:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Tyler arched an eyebrow to her words before glancing down at his arms as if surprised that his arms were around her. Eventually shrugging, he offered a smile. "Well, if you had really wanted to be let go, you would have found a way out of my grip," he said simply, knowing that she would have if she had really, really wanted to. Eventually releasing his hold on her, he grinned. "How'd you sleep?"

    Leigha glared at him, narrowing her eyes for a moment. When he pulled her closer, she pressed her hands against his chest in hopes of preventing it. "Good morning," she muttered, "No, I didn't sleep well. You wouldn't let me go. Even now you're not letting go - let go." She pouted slightly in hopes that it would help.
    June 28th, 2014 at 10:48am