
  • dreamhopping

    dreamhopping (100)

    United States
    My name is David Bailey and I want to prove that when we sleep we see real people. Basically I think that we can share the same dreamspace and interact with each other. The idea I came up with is a website that allows you to submit your dreams into a database with millions of other dreams to see if you can find word matches. The higher a dream word matched with yours the more likely they were in your dream........The thought is that when you write it, you have desribe details that would be unique to your dream...once you have a match you then send it to the community to be confirmed.

    the project is at


    thanks and please dont remove this post,,, i know everyone hates spamming,,,its the only way i can spread the word...thanks, I am just one man with a vision.
    February 25th, 2013 at 01:42am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ dreamhopping

    I think this is a very interesting idea you have. I know I have seen my friends and family in my dreams before, but I'm not sure if they were actually there. I mean, when I describe the dream to them, they have no idea what I'm talking about.

    I'm not trying to discredit your idea, but rather, would you mind explaining it to me a little bit, with something pertaining to the problem I listed above? I am a very curious person, and I really like to understand things most people wouldn't think of. Like I previously stated, I am very curious about this, and if you wouldn't mind, I would like to understand what is it you're talking about to a higher extent.

    So anyway, let me know!! Mr. Green
    March 5th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • park sungjun

    park sungjun (150)

    New Zealand
    I think that this is quite interesting and I have come to think of whether or not when we do dream we are sort of living another life and if we see random people that they truly are there in the dream itself but, i read somewhere before that we see people in our dreams because at one point throughout our existence we have seen them, which may explain dreams of celebrities or old friends and such. But I do like this idea and perhaps it has potential, I mean we all do have dreams based on something like a topic, for example many of us have dreams containing zombies or just having a cup of tea somewhere or running away from somebody trying to kill you, perhaps and maybe, that adds up because someone else could be experiencing your same crazy dream and when we have dreams in which we actually talk to someone we've never met or think we never met, then perhaps we may be talking to someone else who is in fact real and when they wake up in the morning they will of also remembered you and your memory would be intact just like theirs would be to you and that could connect two spirits to think of each other or see one another in dreamland constantly.

    Does this make any sense or is it all just a bit of blabber to you all?
    May 1st, 2013 at 10:44pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ mexiquinn
    No, that makes some sense to me. The human mind has been studied but really we only use a small portion of it that we're aware of right?- and still a small portion that we aren't. Besides that, there are a lot of dreams that you only remember parts of and many more you don't remember at all. It's entirely possible our dreams are our own, a figment of our imagination, but it's also entirely possible that we actually communicate with others as we sleep without knowing it. The human mind likely has a lot of potential we can't imagine because there's so much we don't understand and a lot of our minds we don't use. So yes, I think you're making perfect sense in what you're saying xD
    May 5th, 2013 at 12:12am
  • park sungjun

    park sungjun (150)

    New Zealand
    @ Sweetest Insanity
    Really? I doubted that I did haha and yeah, exactly! :)
    May 5th, 2013 at 03:43am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ mexiquinn
    Haha, don't worry; to me you made perfect sense when I took the time to read it. It was just one of those things that you really pay attention to reading instead of simply skimming over it ^-^
    May 5th, 2013 at 05:13am
  • park sungjun

    park sungjun (150)

    New Zealand
    @ Sweetest Insanity
    I tend to have the worst time explaining what I have in mind so I was a little worried, but okay, i'm glad you got it! :)
    May 5th, 2013 at 06:40am
  • faster.

    faster. (300)

    United States
    Though this is an interesting concept, knowing that dreams come from your mind deleting unneeded frames of memory while you are asleep and mixing together in sometimes nonsensical ways (or at least this is what I was taught in high school), it doesn't seem realistic or likely to me. This idea to me sounds more like an interesting concept for a book or a movie vs something real. Dreams happen within your mind, and though there are somewhat strange things such as one particular face showing up in thousands of people's dreams who none of them claim to know (If I can find the link to that I'll edit it into the end of this), or reoccurring themes in different people's dreams, I feel like there is a logical explanation for all of those things. For example, it's not uncommon for someone to dream about their teeth falling out or crumbling if they're feeling anxious about something, etc. If you really analyze your dreams in depth, you can almost always find ways that your dream ties into your day or life at that current time. Some things can portray themselves in weird ways, such as, maybe, working on a bunch of geometry fabricating as giant carrots (based on the triangular shape) in your dream. I guess my point here is that if your dreams are all within your mind, it doesn't make sense that someone else could "visit" your dream (they could surely show up in your dream, but it's not like if you dream that your brother got hit by a car, that he'd have any memory of that the next day, or will have gotten hit by a car in his dream (it's possible that he may have had a similar dream, but if he did it's very likely that you guys either spent time together very recently or are both going through something together). Your dreamspace is within your brain, and everyone else's is within theirs, so it doesn't make sense that they could literally overlap. Concepts or characters could be the same, of course, but that doesn't mean that we're within eau other's dreamspaces. Sure, if you have a database of thousands of people submitting every dream they have (which could be 2-3 a night, even), it wouldn't be surprising if you started to see things line up, but that's just coincidence. With that many dreams being compared, it's very likely you're going to find some overlap in the ideas, places, and characters these subjects are dreaming about.

    That said, there are definitely certain things about dreams that don't make sense and that at least I personally don't know how to explain, as well as many things about the brain in general that haven't yet been explained, so I suppose it's possible that some future breakthrough could prove there to be some truth to this, but it's not something I personally believe, especially without any proof to back it up.
    December 13th, 2014 at 08:21pm
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    It'd be super cool if this were real, but I don't think it actually is. I also think it'd be incredibly difficult to even so much as study or find evidence for though, since you'd have to somehow find a way to trigger this without bias or having it be explained away by mere coincidence. At best we're left with something that sounds cool and would make a great novel, but would in no way be scientific.

    Also, just so everyone is clear, 'cause I saw this mentioned earlier, we do use 100% of our brain. The 'only use 10% of our brain' idea is a misquote from a paraphrase from a study. Our entire brain is always working, but it's maintaining different things.
    December 24th, 2014 at 04:20pm
  • peterbately

    peterbately (100)

    United States
    When a spirit enters your dream, it is called dream hopping. They could also incorporate another dreamer or shade into your scheme.
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    March 23rd, 2023 at 12:10pm