Mein Licht

  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "Yeah, there are a few," Mizuki answered, looking at him curiously as she simply dediced to brush off his first remark. She was surprised at the smile on his face, and glanced to her brother questioningly for a moment before simply shrugging. "I guess let's go to the games then," she said, extricating herself from both Harry and Kross and switching beside her brother so that he was in the middle, before starting in a direction where she thought some games were.
    June 10th, 2013 at 06:11am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    "And so we end up together again," he said creepily to Harry, breathing heavily in his ear.
    Trying his best not to laugh, Kross followed Mizuki to whatever game she was leading him to. "Is there one of those booths where you can win a fish?" he asked as they walked. He wouldn't mind having another one... He enjoyed taking care of something nicely... unlike the projects he witnessed as a kid.
    June 10th, 2013 at 06:20am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "Uhh... I don't know..." Mizuki answered honestly to his question, completely ignorant of him torturing her brother -or maybe she noticed or just didn't care. She ended up searching for the game Kross requested all the same though, eventually coming upon it. "Looks like you're in luck," she said, pointing. "Have at it."
    June 10th, 2013 at 06:27am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross suddenly had a huge grin on his face as he stood, over six feet tall, around the line of six and seven year olds.
    At first the kids just stared at him, and you could see the discomfort, and for some fear, in their eyes. But after a few minutes, Kross began talking to them, just like they were kids his age, and they began talking back.
    "I love this game!" he said, the same goofy grin on his face, "I haven't played it in forever!"
    "This is the first time we've had it here," a little girl replied.
    "Well, you're in for a big treat!" he then bent down to their level and whispered, though it was still very loud "Did you guys know you get to keep the fish if you win?!"
    The kids all looked at each other, some even gasped.
    Kross was then called up for his turn, and since he was so tall, he could literally just lean over the counter and drop the ping-pong ball right into the bowl. Despite it being so easy, he jumped up and down and threw his hands in the air, screaming "YES! I WON! WOOOOOOHOOO!" He then turned around to Mizuki and Harry and waved, as if they couldn't see him "Guys! Guys! I won! I got a fish!"
    He was then handed his tiny little goldfish in a baggie and ran back to the twins "Look! His name his Kano!"
    June 10th, 2013 at 06:42am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki and Harry had stepped away from the booth so it didn't seem like they were in line and the smaller kids could just walk up. Mizuki, personally, was a bit confused at the complete change in personality in this guy, and she ended up blinking stupidly at him. How was it that someone who acted like he did could get so kid-like and excited over a simple game?
    She even shook her head a little as he brought his fish over with the biggest grin on his face that she had seen anyone have in a long time. "Yeah. Do you have anywhere to keep him though? We don't have an aquariam at the house, and besides, you said you're a traveler," she pointed out. "And you need fish food." She hated to kill his moment but she wasn't going to let him keep the fish if he was going to try and keep it in that bag. As she studied the little fish though, she leaned forward to where she was eye-level with the bag and made a little fish face at the fish for a moment, smiling when the fish came over and did it back. "Smart one you have there," she laughed as she leaned back up.
    June 10th, 2013 at 06:48am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross shrugged "I'll find a small glass bowl. We can use a jar for now. And I have money; fish food isn't expensive. If worst comes to worst, I can set him free in a river or something," he said, staring at his little Kano.
    He laughed at Mizuki's fish face "That's a pretty good impression," he said. He smiled again at her saying he had a smart one, "Yeah... He's named after one, too,"
    June 10th, 2013 at 06:55am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki nodded. "Okay then," she agreed, somewhat glad that she didn't have to make him give his fish away because he couldn't keep it. Already he seemed extremely fond of the little thing. She shrugged at his compliment of her impression. "Thanks," she started, trailing off though as he mentioned who he had named his fish after. From the look on his face, it was someone he had been really close to, but considering Mizuki knew Kross was alone, guessed whoever it was was probably either dead or off somewhere, disappeared like Tom. She sighed at that thought.
    She wished her brother would just come home... "Well," she said abruptly, knowing those thoughts could lead nowhere good. "Let's find something to do next, since you have your fish now!" She glanced to Harry. "Any ideas?" she asked.
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:08am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross nodded at Mizuki "I don't know my way around here... What's that big red tent over there?" he asked, pointing over in the far corner of the square. It was a small, red tent made of thick layered fabric, so you couldn't see inside of it, though some smoke was coming out of the bottom. "It looks pretty fun,"
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:11am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki glanced at the tent Kross was talking about and almost immediately shook her head. "No!" she said. "Erm, I mean..." she rubbed the back of her neck. "That's one of those things special to our village... you would have to know the history and be a part of us to uhh... appreciate it." She glanced to Harry, who shrugged, and sighed. She figured curiosity would probably get the better of Kross if she didn't distract him. Groaning, she took his hand -actually his hand- and started dragging him in the other direction. "Let's look at some different things!"
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:20am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    "Why? What's in there?" he asked her, then stopped to wink at her as she took his hand. Since he was so much taller than her, he could easily pull her towards the tent with him.
    As the got closer to it, the smokey smell became stronger... "Is that fire?" he asked her. "I can feel heat coming out of there..."
    He had to go in now. His interest had been piqued.
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:27am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki groaned softly as she was just pulled back towards the tent. An acrid scent began to fill her nose, and she coughed once at the smell as she shook her head at him. "I'm telling you, you don't want to go in there," she warned, the smell of burning flesh heavily permeating the air near the tent, where they were at. "And yeah... fire.. silver probably... burning flesh..." She muttered off the list. "A vampire..."
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:30am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    He could barely hear her now. As Kross pulled back the thick red curtain, his eyes suddenly widened: a vampire, just as he had heard Mizuki say seconds ago. He was pale and ashen; his ribs could be seen through his bare torso. His hands were tied behind his back he was forced onto his knees. His head was badly shaven, and he kept hissing at people as they stared at him, baring his fangs. Some people held torches and would walk forwards to singe his flesh, while others held silver staffs and would slowly cut his skin.
    Kross immediately stepped out. His face was pale... paler than usual, at least, and he suddenly looked as if he would be sick. "...I...uh..." he didn't know what to say.
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:43am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    At the way Kross looked, Mizuki groaned softly, dragging him away from the tent and towards a place whether other people weren't. "I told you not to go in there!" she said, letting go of his wrist as he looked as if he might puke, taking a minute stepped away from him. After a moment she sighed and sat down, patting the grass in front of her to signal he should do the same. When he eventually did, she bit her lip. "You've stumbled upon a village of vampire hunters. This is our special holiday we have, a three day event where we celebrate our freedom from being controlled by vampires. Our village used to be a nomadic clan of sorts, like many still are, but we settled down and decided to fight back. What you just saw... we're not too fond of the vampiric race."
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:49am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross looked at Mizuki in the eyes. Something about those blue eyes that looked so much like his mother's gave him chills... He liked her. That's the only conclusion he could come to. In the short time he had known her... Kross felt at peace being with her, and that's something only two other people have brought him in his life.
    He could go two ways with this conversation, and they would both drastically change his relationship with the girl. Thinking over his words for a second, Kross began to nod. "I see... Well, sorry about my reaction in there. It just took me off guard," he said, which was true. "So, you hate all vampires? Never met one you liked or was different than the rest?" he asked, then decided to add a bit more of his truth "I know some. I could call them friends, too. Though, that may have to do with traveling... They may act differently in different parts of the world," he said, which may have very well been true.
    June 10th, 2013 at 07:58am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki sighed softly as she listened to Kross, shaking her head. "I never said that... but I do hate the ones I have met..." She paused, wondering exactly how much she should tell him, but finally just shook her head. "My father's brother, my uncle, is a vampire. He married a werewolf, and they have a vampiric daugher and a wolf son. My two cousins," she started. "My mother died giving birth to Harry and I. She was human. My father was human. A couple of years ago, my uncle murdered him. If Tom hadn't been around..." She cursed under her breath as she mentioned Tom's name, groaning softly.
    "Ugh, Tom is the boy in the picture you saw. He's a few years older than Harry and I. He's half vampire. The gene runs in the family I guess..." She chewed on the inside of her cheek. "Tom is good.. he's a hunter too, if you're curious, but Alexander... he isn't so good. He's the kind I hate." And most other vampires on principle. She usually didn't meet any under happy circumstances and she had learned to just not trust them until they earned that trust.
    June 10th, 2013 at 08:08am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross listened to her story, his eyes half way closed. "So, that's why your boyfriend is gone? Tom is half vampire, so he can't be a part of the village?" he asked. "Wait..." he stopped again and thought of what she said 'The gene runs in the family, I guess...'
    "He is part of your family! I knew it!" Kross smiled, but he then realized that his outburst was inappropriate for the current mood. "Uh... sorry," he added afterwards.
    "Well... That's a sad story. I'm sorry you had to live it," a hiss from the vampire inside the tent was heard, and Kross closed his eyes, trying to block out the voices that came from him.
    'Help me! I know you're one of us, boy! Help me now! Do not be traitor! This was a gift Kross awakened too after he had been injected with vampire's blood. He could hear the thoughts of those like him; other vampires.
    "...I think I should get away from here, though. That smell is making me sick," he said as he stood up and headed the other way, to a willow tree over to the side. There Kross stood, taking deep breathes.
    June 10th, 2013 at 08:23am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Mizuki gave him an odd look as he spoke about the smell making him sick. She had led them a good ways away from the tent until she couldn't smell or hear anything, which meant he either had a good nose or was trying to hide something from her. Sighing softly, curiositiy eventually got the better of her and she headed over to where he was at.
    "No, Tom wasn't forced to leave," she said, after watching him a moment and making sure he was fine. "He just up and disappeared... and it's not really sad," she sighed, shrugging. "Just life. Harry and I are just lucky our uncle hasn't seemed to have discovered yet that our brother is gone. He's old enough to be considered our guardians, since we are apparently too young to take care of ourselves, and Alexander being the only person left... if Tom doesn't show up soon we'll have to leave the village."
    "Anyway, enough about my screwed up family," she interrupted herself with a shake of her head. She hated talking about her uncle... "What about you? What's with the vampire questions anyway? And why did you run all the way over here? I couldn't smell or hear anything from where we were at... I made sure it was that way because you looked sick." Her eyes narrowed on him.
    June 10th, 2013 at 08:30am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    He didn't respond to any of her answers, but instead creased his eyebrows at her questions to him. "What do you mean 'what about me'? My mother is dead, my father is a psycho, and the only other person that has cared for me is... gone," he trailed off, picturing the middle aged Kano standing atop a stone platform, disappearing with the wind in a trail of black feathers. He shook his head "...Just forget about that. It's too complicated,"
    As for her other questions, he sat down again, resting his back against the tree trunk, "I'm just curious. When you travel the world by yourself, you learn to have an interest in culture," he replied to the vampire question, and as for the rest of them, he just shrugged. "I dunno... I just have a strong nose, I guess,"
    June 10th, 2013 at 08:38am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    For a moment after Kross had answered her questions, Mizuki continued to study him, her eyes still narrowed slightly, but after a moment she just sighed and nodded, sitting down as well after a moment. "Okay then..." was her simple answer to everything he had said before she fell silent. After a moment she realized something felt like it was missing, and frowning, she tried to put her finger to it. "Harry!" She jumped up, looking for her brother. "That jackass! He left me alone!"
    June 10th, 2013 at 08:41am
  • Kross

    Kross (100)

    United States
    Kross liked how she just accepted his answers and didn't say anything else about them. She didn't hover or pester him to say more about his life... He silently thanked her.
    Realizing that they were really alone, Kross smiled at her again. "Hey, it's not that bad... It's hard to do some things with your brother around, of all people..." he whispered to her, and then gently, so it wouldn't hurt, bit her ear with his front teeth. "Nom," he said, still not moving away.
    "You taste... sweet," he murmured, mouth still full of ear. "Let me try more," he then took her arm and placed his lips on her wrist "Mmm... meh moo mo!" he muttered, which obviously meant 'yeah you do!'
    June 10th, 2013 at 09:31pm