i don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl? || closed

  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    When she walked into the room already, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. She looked so damn good in the dress and she just had the pregnancy glow about her. He picked her up after she got his blazer and spun her around, holding her in the air for a few minutes. "I have to be the luckiest man in the world. I have the most beautiful girlfriend ever." He said, smiling and kissing her softly before slipping the blazer on. "Who said my mom was cooking? We're not even going to her house, ya butthead." He said, finally dropping a hint at how the night was going to go. "We're going to the country club my parents belong to, all our family is going to be there. You know Mama Barakat and her planning..." he said, chuckling as he went to the car and opened her side for her before she got in.

    He slipped into his side of the car, sitting on his brand new red interior he got done over the last tour, looking over to Rose and making a funny face as he saw her taking a picture. He reached over to her and squeezed her hand back. "You know, there is something weird about you using sexy and baby in the same sentence." he said, winking at her before bringing her hand up to his lips. "This baby will be the cutest motherfucker in the world. Nobody will be prepared."
    February 20th, 2014 at 05:26pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Rose gasped when Jack told her what happened. "Baby, your mom didn't need to go through all this trouble...." She whispered, rubbing her tummy. "See, baby B? Nana and Grampy Barakat love you lots!" Rose looked over at Jack. "Oh, most definitely. If she looks anything like you did when you were a baby, we're done for." Rose spoke, remembering how she had melted when Joyce showed her Jack's baby pictures. Jack had been grumbling in the corner, mumbling something about 'being a grown ass man'. Rose squeezed Jack's hand lovingly, looking out the window. "I wonder if baby B will like being naked as much as you do..."

    After they had been sitting in the car for awhile, Rose turned her attention to Jack. "Babe?" She said softly. "I have a really strong feeling that baby B is going to be a boy. I've had multiple dreams about the baby.... and the baby's always been a boy." Rose said softly, leaning over and kissing Jack's cheek, pulling away as they reached the coutnry club. "Jesus Christ! No matter how many times I come here, I'm always amazed by how beautiful it is." Rose spoke as they rolled up next to Joyce and Bassam's car.
    February 22nd, 2014 at 01:12am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    "They do what they want, i just get told what's happening." Jack laughed before he rubbed her tummy before focusing back on the road. "This child will be the most spoiled human in the road. Honestly, I don't think this kid has a chance between us, my parents, and your parents. Let alone all it's uncles and aunties it will have. It'll be a goner for sure." he said, shaking his head with a smile, thinking about how lucky they were to have this much support, when there are people who don't even have the signifigant other's support. Just another thing he was lucky for. "I don't know why you love those pictures so much, I was the weirdest looking baby ever." he said, laughing and making a face at her. "It's a Barakat curse, love, it's bound to get it." he laughed, holding onto her hand.

    Jack smiled over at her words as he parked the car at the country club. "Do you have a name you like yet? Or are we still on the hunt?" He asked, knowing he'd be happy with any gender of the baby, just as long as it was healthy and not Satan. He chuckled as she awed at the country club. "Some of the best doctors belong here, my dad was one of them." He said, with a grin. He was always proud of his parents, his dad for being an amazing doctor and his mom for escaping a civil war with three kids, him being only one. He got out of the car, opening the door for her as he grabbed his hand. "This night is all about you, so are you ready princess?" he asked, getting really excited, hoping everything would go perfect, at least for that night.
    February 23rd, 2014 at 08:09am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Rose blushed as she took Jack's hand. "No, baby. This night is about you, me, and baby B." She squeezed his hand and followed Jack into the country club, gasping at the decorations. "Jack!" She said, whipping her head around to face her man. This is a little much for," She leaned in to make sure nobody would be hearing her, "announcing that we're having a baby... I would have been happy if we just had a small get together with our family." She whispered. "ROSE!" Rose whipped around to face who was calling her, grinning wildly when she saw that Rian and Cassadee were calling her. She ran to her best friend and threw her arms around her, still grinning as she did. "Cass! Ri!"

    "Rose, oh my god, I missed you so much!" Cassadee spoke. Rose pulled away from the hug, smiling. "I missed you, too, Miss Big Star. Forgettin' about the little people all ready? Pshh, I knew you would." She teased, bumping Cass' hip. She turned her attention back to Jack, linking arms both with him and Cassadee. "Now come on, we have a party to attend!"
    February 24th, 2014 at 03:42am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    Jack smiled at her reaction. If only she knew what was going to be happening by the end of the night, she would kill him. Before he met Rose, Jack didn't believe in romance. He thought it was a bunch of bullshit the Hallmark companies made up. He thought Tate and Alex, Ri and Cass, and Zack and Brooke were all crazy to think that love was a real thing. He would never say that outloud, but he gave up thinking that when him and Holly broke up. When Rose came around, he always felt weird around her, but in a good way, and he was always trying to impress her. And he was hoping this was really going to impress her. Before she could say anymore, Cassadee ran up and saved him. When they hugged, Jack whispered a thank you, before guy hugging Rian, who whispered congrats in his ear. The only people who knew everything were the band, and Cass, because Cass was nosey as hell.

    When Rose finally let go of Cass, he leaned in, kissed her cheek and hugged her. He was happy with all bands girl friends. He loved all of them like they were his sisters. Cassadee was like his mother, and that's why Joyce liked her. Cass would make sure he was not doing anything stupid. "We got a party animal in the house!" he yelled, kissing Rose quickly before walking to the dance floor.
    March 10th, 2014 at 04:59pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ cassadee blake.
    March 15th, 2014 at 10:49pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Rose smiled softly at the feel of Jack's lips on hers, following him to the dance floor. "Please don't embarrass me," she whispered, knowing that it wouldn't work. By the end of the night, Jack will have twerked on most of the people there. A slow song began, and Rose slung her arms around Jack. "If we have a girl, you could be dancing with her at her wedding," she smiled softly as Jack twirled her, standing up on her tip toes to give him a kiss. "I love you, Jack. So much more than you'll ever realize." She sighed comfortably and just held Jack tight as the song ended. a light blush coming to her cheeks. "Let's go sit down baby." Rose clasped Jack's hand and led him to a table, joining Alex, Lisa, Cassadee, Rian, Zack, and Brookelynn.

    "Rose, you look so adorable!" Brookelyn spoke, squeezing her best friend's hand. She smiled softly and ordered herself an apple juice, thanking her friend. Rose knew that in just a little while, the entire place would find out she was pregnant, and all hell would break loose-- happily, of course.
    March 16th, 2014 at 03:17am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    Jack laughed as he wrapped he arms around her waist, swaying her side to side, slowly. He kissed her softly, listening to her words. "You know, to have a wedding, you need to have dated first, and if the baby is a girl, she will never, ever date." he laughed before kissing her again, his hands craddling her face before responding back. "And I am absolutely crazy about you, babe. I love you so much." he whispered before kissing her back, before following her back down to the table where the others sitting.

    "Zack, keep a leash on your girlfriend, she's hitting on mine again." Jack said, shooting a look over at Brookelyn before smiling like an idiot. He couldn't wait to reveal to everyone that he was going to be a father, but he didn't know how much longer he could go without asking her to marry him. "Did Jack ever give you the books you asked for? Cause I found some more while packing the apartment up if you need them." Tatum asked Rose from across the table.
    March 18th, 2014 at 04:24pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ cassadee blake.
    I forgot to @ reply xD
    March 19th, 2014 at 01:53am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Rose looked over at Tatum. "I did!" She smiled appreciatively. "Thanks so much. I started reading the first one-- I love how you wrote little notes in." Rose smiled softly, grateful her friend thought to do something so kind for her. "I'd like all of the books I could get, actually. I wanna find out everything that I can." She squeezed Jack's hand under the table, smiling brightly when Joyce, Bassam, and Rose's mother all came up to her.

    "Rosie, you look so beautiful!" Rose's mother smiled, hugging her daughter tight. "I do miss you, but I'm so glad you're happy again baby. I hated seeing you mope." She frowned, smoothing Rose's hair. Joyce cleared her throat and looked from her son to Rose. "So, are we going to wait until after dinner to share the big news? Or do we want to do it now?"

    "Now works for me... you babe?" Rose looked to Jack.
    March 20th, 2014 at 03:39am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ guns n' roses.
    "Books, books, books. Why don't you just google how to be a parent?" Jack said, half serious to Rose, while sticking his tongue out. He was happy she was smart, liked books, and was always interested in learning more. It was one of the most attractive things about her, but she had been reading that book like it was the bible. Telling Jack every little thing that is suppose to happen that week, how big it had gotten, and the growths they look forward too. Jack knew it was a big deal, but he didn't get why she made such a big deal about a baby having finger nails if they couldn't see them for 8 months.

    Jack swallowed a lump in his throat as they said they were going to make the announcement now. Everyone, thankfully, had placed their orders for dinner and had their drinks ready to go. Jack lifted from his seat and extended his hand for Rose to follow him. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it big. He walked her over into the middle of the room, where the big stage full of the orchestra was playing. He cut the music off, and grabbed the microphone. "First off, we would like to thank our entire friends and family for being here to announce Rose and I's special news. You all mean so much to us, and we would like to include you on our big news. But first-" Jack said before turning to Rose and smiling to her. "About what? 5 years ago, I decided that I had a giant crush on this girl, and about 4 years ago, I did something about it and finally asked her out. Our relationship, even when it was rocky, has been the greatest 4 years of my life. I wake up knowing I have the most gorgeous girl in the world in my bed, and the best part is I didn't have to pay for her." He said, with a wink, letting everyone laugh before he continued. "But, about a month ago, I had lost her. We weren't fighting, but the stress of my job got to her. And she left me. Even if for a week, that was, by far, the worst day of my life. When I got her back, there was one thing on my mind: How do I get her not to do this again? Well-" He said before getting on one knee and pulling the box out of his coat and presenting it to her. "This is the only way I know how. Rose, I've loved you since I first met you. You are the most beautiful, smartest, most sincere person I know and i am truely honored to be called your boyfriend. But, I want to be more. Please, Rose, make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?" He asked, looking up to her, tears overfilling his eyes as he smiled at the mother of his unborn child.
    June 12th, 2014 at 09:00am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Time stood still for Rose. She looked down at Jack when he bent on one knee, tears instantly springing to her eyes. "Jack," She sniffled, wiping her eyes. Rose would be lying if she said she hadn't imagined Jack proposing to her a million times. But nothing like this. "Yes, baby. A million times yes." Rose flung her arms Jack's neck and squeezed tight, pressing a romantic loving kiss to his lips. She burst into tears again when Jack slid the ring onto her finger. When all of the clapping died down, Rose took the mic from Jack and cleared her throat, beginning to speak.

    "Wow," Rose wiped her eyes, a chuckle escaping her lips. "I really wasn't expecting that...." She looked over at Jack with nothing but love in her eyes before turning back to the mic. "But there's another reason for this huge party." Rose placed her hand on her tummy and looked around at her family and friends, her eyes swimming with emotion again. "Everyone," She slipped her hand into Jack's, giving it a squeeze. "Jack and I are beyond delighted and privileged to announce to you all that we're having a baby!" For a minute, there was silence. But then, everyone started clapping and cheering, causing Rose to cry and turn bright red again. She looked at her fiance, hugging him tight.
    June 12th, 2014 at 03:08pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    All men try and act like they aren't effected by their feelings. A true man doesn't cry in public. A common stereotype played out by most men, but when Rose said yes, he cried. Jack let out tears of pure happiness. He slipped the ring on his her finger, spinning her around as he kissed her. The minute long hug was raw emotion. They both were in tears, they both let out the love they had for each other in front of hundreds of their closest family and friends. In that single moment, to Jack, they were alone. The clapping was silenced in his mind. The only thing he saw was the smiling, red, and tear-stained face of the woman he loved. Not because they fought, not because they were broken up, but because they were committing them selves to each other in the most spiritual way they knew how.

    He watched his soon-to-be wife regain herself as he was stunned this beautiful creature just agreed to be his wife. He moved behind her, his hand slipping with hers as she announced the news, leaving everyone speechless. He moved their hands to her small stomach, before she turned and hugged him. He rubbed her back and kissed her head, whispering how much he loved her, as people clapped and clapped. This was the happiest day of Jack's life. There was a reason he knew to do it in front of everyone, because they were his backbone. Everyone there supported the young couple in some way, and they wouldn't be who they were without them. "I love you, future Mrs. Barakat." he cooed, tilting her face up to give her a soft kiss on the lips.

    @ guns n' roses.
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:28am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Rose kept sobbing tears of pure joy, wiping them on Jack's shirt. "You made me ruin my makeup, asshole!" She sniffed playfully, leaning up to give her future husband a kiss. "But I love you, too. To the moon and stars and everywhere." She wiped her eyes again. still clinging to the love of her life. Rose looked down at her ring, and erupted into tears all over again. "Jack, it's absolutely beautiful. I can't believe it." Rose whispered as they were rushed off the stage.

    The first pair of arms Rose found belonged to her mother. "Congratulations, sweetheart! I love you so much, I'm so happy for you." She whispered, hugging Rose tight. Rose hugged her mother before she moved onto Jack. "I've always wanted a son in law," Rose's mother said, wiping her eyes when she got choked up. "Take good care of my daughter, Jack. I've never seen someone love another person like she loves you."
    June 13th, 2014 at 07:44am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ lorna morello.
    [I thought I replied, my excuses suck, you know this.]
    "You ruined my bad bitch reputation. Let's call us even." He laughed watching her look at the ring and crying again. His heart was warm, he was so happy she said yes. He was even happier she liked the ring. He knew it wasn't the biggest ring, but it was passed down in his family for a few generations and he thought he'd continue the tradition. He would save the best ring for their wedding. "So I found a really good prize at the bottom of the cracker jack box?" he smirked, pulling her close as he kissed her head again.

    When they were ushered off stage, everyone flocked around them. He hugged Rose's mom. Everyone always told stories about how evil mother-in-laws could be, but there was bi evil bone in her body. "You'll regret saying that one day." He joked and looked down at Rose, smiling before looking back at his mom. "I am very, very lucky. I will treat her like the queen she is." He comforted her before feeling his own mother pull him into a hug, rocking him back and fourth. "I never thought you'd ask!" She said before dropping him and running over to Rose "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, BABY!" She yelled, pulling her into a giant hug. Jack and Bassam both ducked their heads pretending not to know Joyce.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 04:58pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    (I'm skipping because I have an idea!)

    "I'm so fat!" Rose, now five months pregnant, turned in the mirror to examine her stomach, rubbing it slightly. It was Friday. And it was also the day that the two were going to find out if baby B was a boy or a girl. She turned to face Jack, a pout on her face. "My fingers are so swollen, I can barely take off my ring." Rose leaned down to give Jack a kiss, smoothing back his hair. "Get your cute but lazy ass out of bed, we have to get ready to go see if we have a little dude or dudette." She playfully smacked Jack's chest before heading to the bathroom to get dressed.

    Once Rose pulled on her outfit on, she headed down to the kitchen, grabbing her most recent snack of choice-- pickles and peanut butter. Rose dipped the pickle in the peanut butter and took a huge bite, moaning satisfactorily. "Jesus Christ, this is amazing..." she mumbled. Rose put the jar down and headed over to the staircase. "JACK, HURRY THE FUCK UP MY APPOINTMENT IS IN TWENTY MINUTES!" She called out, rubbing her tummy.
    September 23rd, 2014 at 06:06pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    Even though the band has been taking a break, Jack just came back from playing a college event in Florida. They had made these plans even before they found out he was going to be a dad, so it wasn't like they could just cancel the event. Since he came back straight after the show, his sleep was thrown off, so there he was, sleeping in late on the day they find out the sex of the baby. He groaned as he heard her talk and slap his chest playfully. He loved his Fiancee with all his heart, he really did, if he didn't then she wouldn't be sneaking down in the kitchen eating her disgusting snack.

    He sat up in bed and yawned while he scratch his bare, hairy chest. The best thing about having the place to themselves now since Alex moved out was he could walk around in his underwear and not get told to put pants on cause Tatum did want to see his pink underwear. He walked to the bathroom and back to his room and picked out his outfit. When she began to yell, he was already behind her. "Jeez, whoever your mad at needs to hurry his ass up." He said, with a smirk, kissing her nose before scrunching his. "I'd give you a kiss but you were being gross again." He said chuckling before grabbing his keys off the counter.
    September 25th, 2014 at 01:46am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ lorna morello.
    September 25th, 2014 at 04:45am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Rose jumped and playfully punched Jack in the chest. "Jesus Christ, what did I say about scaring me! Do you WANT me to piss myself?" She teased, bumping Jack's hip. Rose made sure she had her phone and keys and everything in her purse before walking towards the front door, leaving the house. "Let's place our bets now... I bet twenty that it's a girl." She spoke, climbing into the passenger seat of Jack's Cadillac. Rose smiled at the thought of a car seat going in the back in a few short months. She sighed contently and lay her head back once she had managed to buckle herself in.

    "I'm so huge, and I'm only gonna get bigger." Rose pouted, rubbing her stomach as the baby kicked violently. "She can tell mama and daddy are excited to meet her," She whispered, leaning over to give Jack a kiss before he started driving. She grabbed her phone and tweeted @RoseWinstonB: Gonna go see what our little nugget is today with @JackAllTimeLow! Do you guys have any guesses? She added a few emojis before slipping her phone back into her purse.
    September 25th, 2014 at 05:48am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    "You act as if you haven't pissed yourself before." he said, giving her one of his most sassiest faces just to mess with her. As he drove to the doctors he looks over at her and shook his head. "No way, when I look back at pictures of my mom when she had May she was wayyyy uglier than when she had me or Joe." he said, almost as if he made a logical explanation. "One hundred bucks it's a boy." He smirked over at her in the car, grabbing at her hand after watching her tweet. "It looks like you swallowed a basketball. Watch, we're going to go to the doctor and they're going to tell us that you have eight kids in there." he said, picking on her. One of the things he did best.

    He pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office and parked the car. He got out and ran to her side to let her out and walk her through the front door. Once they got in there and settled, after signing in, he found out they had fifteen or so minutes before the doctor would come. He ran down to the cafeteria and got them both a danish, some eggs, bacon, and other breakfast foods before bringing it back up to her so she could eat, he knew she was probably starving at that point.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 07:05am