Without a doubt, you're all I dream about [closed]

  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    She smiled at Alex's reaction to the piece. "Good, tell him my boss will be in contact with him sometime over the course of the day. I'll call when Little girl is asleep." she said, happy that she'd have time with them. She totally forgot Lisa was even a roadblock, and was just excited to go back to the time when everyone was happy. "Oh God, she fell asleep earlier than she normally does." she said shocked, getting up and smiling at the phone. "Bye, 'Lex, I'll text you when I get an answer." she said watching him blow kisses to Ardri before signing off and putting her to bed.

    She shedded her oversized white tshirt for a flowery bandeau from Victoria Secrets and Jack's "Boner" tshirt, that she turned into a muscle shirt. She then slipped on a pair of black leggings and did her hair and make-up for a skype conference with one of her boss. She was technically on maternity leave, but they would skype at least twice a week to catch her up on everything. As she sat at her desk, she opened up her mac book and waited for the call to connect. "Okay, Linda, listen here." She stated as Linda told her to continue. "As you know, I am very close to the boys in All Time Low. Well, Alex, Matt, and I came up with the idea of doing like a "life on tour" segment, talk to the about how touring with Pierce the Veil, You Me At Six, and Mayday Parade is going, if they'd tour with friends again, all that stuff. They have about a handful of shows left, so I would just attend those. It solves the whole being away from Adri problem, as I would take her with me, and-" She tried hard to convince her before she was cut off. "I have to talk to Matt, but I think it's a wonderful idea!" she said, before going on with other news from AP. As the call was done, she texted Alex. She loved the idea!!
    May 25th, 2013 at 11:19pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex grabbed his phone from his lap, smiling when he read the message. "Hey, guys!" He called to everyone. They turned their attention to Alex. "Her boss loved the idea, so I'm going to fly her out to our next show." He said. Everyone whooped and hollered, happy that Tatum and Adrianne would be joining them on tour. If there was one thing Adrianne had, it was plenty of love from her Uncles. Alex chucked and shook his head, setting up his laptop in the kitchen area. He set up the flight for Adrianne and Tatum. Once the tickets went through, he texted Tatum. Hey Tater tot, I sent the tickets to your email address. I can't wait to see ya and our little munchkin. The singer put his phone back in his pocket, sighing when he saw that he had a text from Lisa. He honestly didn't feel like dealing with it much right then.

    Alex sighed and headed to the fridge, grabbing himself a beer. He sipped it and plopped down onto Jack's lap. "Dude, what the fuck?" Jack said. Alex stuck his tongue out. "Either move or I sit on you. Plain and simple." He teased, playfully shoving his friend.
    May 26th, 2013 at 12:10am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    Tatum was excited. She hadn't been on a tour with the guys since before she was pregnant with Adrianne. She called up her mom on the phone. "Hey mom, you're probably going to be a little mad..." she started the conversation, which caused her mom to freak out and think she was pregnant again, since that was the same exact way she started the conversation when she found out about Adrianne. "No, no, mom. I have an opportunity for work to go out and see the last couple of shows of Alex's. I know a tour bus is no where for a baby, but a lot of the tour has days off in between and then we'll be staying at a hotel, and plus, the boys all want to see her. Alex is going nuts without her." she said, hearing her mom sigh. "I can't stop you if it's for work, and Alex's really needs to figure out what he wants before it's too late." she said, before Tatum sighed, not wanting to get into the conversation. "Adrianne is crying, mom, I'll text you back later." she said before quickly hanging up.

    Even if Adrianne wasn't crying, her mom pissed her off when she passed judgement like that. She looked at her phone and saw the text from Alex. Thank you xo. The magazine will pay you back. she said, feeling bad he covered it. She knew she was leaving in a couple of days so she decided to get a little head start on packing before Adrianne woke up from her nap.
    May 26th, 2013 at 12:36am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Don't worry about it babes. The magazine doesn't have to pay me back, I'm happy to fly you and the little miss out. Alex texted as he sat in the lounge area, watching Rian and Jack play some game on xbox. You can pay me back by letting me spoil the hell out of you and little miss Adrianne when you're out here. He sighed softly and went through some pictures of the baby on his phone, smiling a little at each one. It was right then that Alex made up his mind. He was going to tell Lisa what had been going on. With heavy fingers, Alex typed out a text message to Lisa. Lisa, we need to talk. Call me when you get this. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and went back to bugging his friends, dreading the moment when his phone would ring.

    "Hey, dude, you okay? You look a little pale." Zack asked as he sat down his last set of free weights. Alex sighed. "I'm finally going to tell Lisa what's going on. It's not fair to her or Tatum and Adrianne. I have to put my little girl before everything, you know?" Alex nodded, and Zack agreed.
    May 26th, 2013 at 07:56pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    She laughed to herself knowing he wouldn't take the money. I guess I can let you do that. Knowing that you won't take no for an answer. She texted back, looking at the hot mess of clothes thrown all over the place while looking for her suitcases. Knowing she had to pack enough for the tour, but light enough so her bags can fit in the bus. She packed about 8 pairs of jeans, 10 tshirts, 3 dresses, 5 skirts, a couple of blouses, like 20 onsies, a bunch of baby jeans, skirts, and dresses, then packed a suitcase full of dipars, blankets, formula, wipes, and all different baby stuff. She looked down at her finished product and was surprised she fit everything in three suitcases. As soon as she collapsed on her bed to take a quick nap, Adrianne was crying because she didn't want to sleep anymore.

    Tatum walked over to her babies room and changed her diaper. After that, she went into her dressers and pulled out a light pink dress with darker pink flowers on it and put a headband on her. One of Tatum's favorite parts of having a little girl was to be able to dress her up. As Tatum put her on the couch in the living room with pillows surrounding her, she gave her a look like "what the hell am I wearing, mom." Tatum laughed at her face and took a picture, sending it to Alex. Not even a year old yet and she hates when I dress her. What fun is a daughter if I can't dress her up?! she quickly texted before picking up Adrianne, laying on her back with her knees bent and having her daughter sit on her tummy.
    May 26th, 2013 at 10:49pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex's phone buzzed and he jumped, thinking it was Lisa. But it wasn't, it was Tatum sending him a picture of the baby. He smiled softly at his princess. Aside from the fact that she looks like she wants to murder you, she looks fucking adorable! I got her a shit ton of dresses and clothes. Alex made the picture his new phone background and smiled to himself. We need to get Adam to take more baby pictures of her. He got up and went over to sit in the kitchen area again in front of his laptop. Lisa was taking too long to call, so Alex decided that he'd write her an email. He fired up his browser and logged in.

    The singer sat there for a minute, trying to think of what to say. But once he did, his fingers started flying. 'Dear Lisa, I don't know how I kept this from you for so long. But that doesn't matter. You deserve to know the truth, like anybody else. It isn't fair if I keep this from you any longer. You know Tatum, my good friend from high school? Well, a little over a year ago, when you and I were on that break...we slept together. She got pregnant, and she kept it. She had a little baby girl, named Tatum. I'm a dad, Lisa. And I can't be sneaking around like this anymore. I've got to get my shit together and get my priorities straight, my daughter being most important. If you want to still be in my life, then that's wonderful. If you don't I understand. I'm sorry I hurt you. -- Alex.'
    May 26th, 2013 at 10:56pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    Tatum got a text message, thinking it was Alex, but ended up being her sister. Tour?! You're taking my munchkin away from me?! We need to go to dinner tonight so I can say bye! Tatum laughed at her sisters comment. Corinne had only been a few months older than her, and when she found out she was having a kid, Corinne was the one who was always by her side, excited to have a niece. You'll never see her again, muhahahaha. Dinner sounds good though, be here around 5. she texted back before blowing a raspberry on Adrianne's cheek, causing the little girl to laugh.

    She got Alex's text a second later. She's my daughter, of course she's adorable c;. She texted back joking sround before reading the text about Adam. He can take the pictures of her looking goofy with her sound-blocking head phones on. They'll be A++. My mom would probably order every print ever. she said, just picturing her daughter with them on, and watching Alex and the guys perform. She'll be so excited, even if she can't comprehend what they are doing. I am bringing 3 suitcases, is that too much? she forgot she hadn't texted him about that earlier.
    May 26th, 2013 at 11:15pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex grinned. Oh, yeah. Your mom would definitely buy all of those prints in bulk. I think there's gonna be more pictures of our little miss then of us! But yanno what? I don't mind. :P Alex pressed send and not even a second later his phone started to ring, Lisa's name flashing across his screen. He looked from Jack, to Zack, back to his screen. "Shit," he mumbled to hiself, getting up. "Might as well get this over with...." He headed to the bunk area and closed the door behind him.

    "Hello?" Alex answered. The words were barely out of his mouth before Lisa started yelling at him. "You got her pregnant! Alex, I could kill you right now! Not only did you fucking cheat on me, but you got the girl pregnant and you fucking LIED about it and hid it from me for a fucking year. The thing that gets me the fucking most, Lex, is that you lied to me. You didn't fess up like a man. You hid behind your secret like a little fucking boy." Lisa had been crying. Alex could tell from the way that she sniffled. "You know what Alex? I'm done. I can't handle it. My shit's going to be gone when you get back. Fuck you. I can't be with someone who lies to me about shit like that." Lisa hung up, and Alex breathed an anguished sigh of relief. He had broken up with Lisa-- or Lisa dumped him, rather. Not that he didn't deserve it. But he was going to miss her.
    May 27th, 2013 at 03:55am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    You guys are going to be performing your little hearts out, and then, BAM! Adrianne yawns and that will be more important to Adam. She joked around, playing with Adrianne some more. "We are going to see daddy, and your uncles, and all his friends! We leave tomorrow, are you excited baby?!" She cooed to the little girl who had no idea what she was saying. The little girl giggled and smiled, trying to grab the mothers hair. Tatum laughed and cooed back, holding her tiny hands. "Yeah! We're going to see daddy while he's at work! and Uncle Jack while he goofs off. And Uncle Rian is going to steal you and try to take you home to Auntie Cass, and Uncle Zack might try to bench you." Tatum continued before resting her forehead on Adrianne's. "Oh I love you baby girl." she said, kissing her head and hugging her, hearing the baby grunt and giggle.

    "T.J. you home?!" she heard her sister call out. "I'm in the living room with monkey butt." she called back, standing up with the baby in her arms. As soon as the aunt saw the baby, though, Tatum was empty handed. "I was thinking crab cakes and some awesome seafood since you won't be home for a couple of weeks." Corinne was still using her baby voice and making Adrianne laugh. "I can't believe you're leaving on a moments notice. Seriously, mom said the idea was thought up this morning." Tatum shrugged and sighed. "I don't want to leave Adrianne when i have to work, Alex wants to see her, and it just works." she said, trying to come up with an explanation. "Let me go grab my baby bag and we can go." she said before disappearing to the baby's room, making sure she had a bottle, diapers, wipes, a pacifier, and a toy. She shot a quick text to Alex. Going out to enjoy my last Baltimore crab cake for a while. Your tour better be worth it. Have a good show tonight, I'll either talk to you later or see you when my flight lands tomorrow? xo. She smiled at her phone, looking at the background of Alex holding Adrianne when she was only a month old and went back to her sister and baby.
    May 27th, 2013 at 04:32am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex sighed as he looked at his phone, shaking his head at Tatum's text. Hey. I'm gonna be here. And Jack will be here to entertain us with his antics. Of COURSE it'd be worth it. He sighed as he deleted Lisa from his twitter, (secret) facebook, and his phone. If this was a breakup, he wanted it to be clean. Once he was done, he texted Tatum once more. Tell your sister I said hey, and tell little Adri that daddy will be seeing her soon! Give her lots of belly kisses for me. He sent the text and headed back out to the lounge area where everyone was waiting for him. "So, dude, how did it go?" Jack asked, even though he already knew the answer.

    "Well needless to say, Lisa fucking hates me. We broke up." Alex sighed, grabbing a water from the little fridge. Everyone looked at each other, turning to Alex, who shrugged. "I mean, it sucks. I'm not gonna lie, we were together for a long time. But something changed. I have to focus on Adrianne and Tatum." He said. Jack pretended like he was crying, and wiped a proud tear from his eye. "My little Alex, growing up and being responsible! Where does the time go?" THe guitarist sniffed dramatically and hugged Alex, getting a beer for himself. Alex sighed and shook his head. Now that breaking up with Lisa was done and out of the way, he was happy. He was looking forward to Tatum and Adrianne visiting him. His little family.
    May 27th, 2013 at 04:48am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    Tatum chuckled at his text. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you better be right Gaskank. ;) No matter what, one of her favorite pass times had to be teasing Alex. They'd been doing it since they first met each other. Hell, she remembered when she first met him, she wanted to kill him. She thought he was the cockiest asshole ever. Now look at them, best friends still, with a cute little baby. As they got in the car, Tatum read her second message. "Alex says hi." she said, to her sister. As she said her response, she typed it back to him. She says bonjour baby daddy, then continued to jam out to the new Bring Me The Horizon album. So sorry, you come second to Oli Sykes. and of course I will. She's excited. she texted back, laughing as her sister sings along with Oli.

    As she got to the restaurant, she placed Adrianne in a high chair and sat next to her. She was finally happy that Adrianne could finally keep her head up and be able to sit in the highchairs people had. It made life 10x easier. As she looked over the menu, she already knew what she was going to get, and checked her twitter app, seeing a very angry tweet from Lisa. @LisaNoelRuocco Angry feminist music help cleaning out a house that much easier. Confused, Tatum texted Alex. You getting a new house or what? Lisa said she's cleaning out the house...
    May 27th, 2013 at 05:06am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex sighed as he read the text from Tatum. Well... I'm not getting a new house. Lisa and I split up It's a long story. He sent the text and went back to listening to his music, humming along with the blink-182 song playing. I finally told her about everything, she called and screamed at me....and poof, I'm single. But it's for the best, though. Alex sent the message and put his phone back in it's little carrier thing, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

    In his dream, he and Tatum were married. They were at Adrianne's first birthday party, everyone crowded around them as they sang happy birthday. Adrianne was in Alex's lap, giggling as she looked at her princess cake. "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Adrianne Isobelle, happy birthday to you!" Alex smiled as he sang along before leaning down. "Okay baby, down do like daddy does!" He blew slightly, to show Adrianne how to blow out her candles. She caught on and blew it out, giggling with delight when everyone clapped.
    May 27th, 2013 at 05:51am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    She read his text and didn't realize she frowned until her sister said something. "Lisa and him split up." she said, her sister rolling her eyes. "You're the only girl on the face of the planet who would be upset that her baby's father, who is also the man she loves, and his girlfriend, that you disliked greatly, broke up." She said, baffled by the situation. The waitress came over to take their order and left, leaving Tatum to finish her thought. "He loved her. I feel bad, ya' know. It was my fault they broke up. I should of never told him Adrianne was his. He'd still-" she began before Corinne cut him off. "one, that's not fair to the sperm donor, you know how much he loves that baby, and two, he'd be in a dead end relationship and they would of broke up because of something else. Trust me, Tate, it's for the best." she said, even though Tatum still felt like shit.

    I'm so sorry, Lex. I'm here if you need me. I'll see you tomorrow and Rian can watch her, and we can get stupid drunk? she offered back, knowing that was their remedy to everything. As the food came out, she began eating it and worried she didn't get a text back. She shrugged it off and thought that he was probably asleep. As they finished up the evening, Adrianne ended up falling asleep so they called it an early night since she had a 6am flight in the morning. "Be good, and don't get knocked up again." Her sister said before kissing her cheek and pulling out of the parking lot. Tatum carried Adrianne into her room, put her to bed, before setting her alarm for 4am and going to bed herself. Dreaming of a perfect land where Tatum and Alex were happily married with a white picket fence, Baz and Peyton in the front lawn, and Adrianne in Alex's arms.
    May 27th, 2013 at 06:42am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    ((time skip, shoopadooop))

    Alex was up bright and early that morning, getting ready to pick up Tatum and Adrianne from the airport. He took a shower and dressed in one of the Glamour Kills shirts and his American flag jeans. He then slipped on his snapback and tied his shoes, just as Matt came into the bunk area. "We're gonna be at the airport in about half an hour. I've taken the liberty of buying some roses for you to give to your lady." He joked. Alex grinned, shaking Matt's hand. "Thanks, Bro." He said before tidying up his bunk. He couldn't believe how filthy such a small space could get.

    He had just finished when he felt the bus come to a halt. "Here we are!" Matt said. He handed Alex the roses and patted his head. "Now go see your girl and your baby." Flyzik had barely handed him the flowers before Alex was running off of the bus and into the airport, stopping when he saw the designated gate. His heart was pounding and he was clutching the flowers in a vice grip. After a few minutes of searching, Alex finally found them. "Adrianne! Tatum!" He yelled, running forward. Alex gave Tatum a sweet kiss and handed her the flowers saying "These are for you, love," before turning his attention to the baby. "Hello, Miss Adrianne! Daddy missed you!" He tossed her in the air before catching her, blowing kisses on her tummy and smiling at the giggling she did. "Was she good on the flight?" Alex asked as they headed toward baggage claim.
    May 27th, 2013 at 07:01pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    ((you have now entered the twilight zone~))

    Tatum woke up to the sound of the annoying alarm that came from her phone. She groaned and was going to go back to bed for another 10 minutes until she realized that in a few short hours she'll be touring with All Time Low. Before waking up Adrianne, she took a shower and put her hair in a bun, before dressing into a black and white striped maxi dress, with a pair of black wedges. She did minimum make-up, but enough to look alright, then she woke up her daughter, doing the same routine for her, but put her in a pink onsie that said "If you think I'm a bitch, you should meet my mom." that Jack had bought her and a pair of jeans. She grabbed her baby bag, and carry on with her labtop and stuff, before hearing her mom beep outside. She put Adrianne in her bjorn and then rolled the rest of the bags into the trunk and going to the airport.

    After about a three hour flight, and many compliments on how well behaved Adrianne was, it was finally time to exit the plane. She, all of a sudden, got nervous about seeing Alex, knowing all her old feelings would come back up, especially if he was going to devote his time towards Adrianne. She stepped onto the floor of the airport and took a deep breath, before hearing his familiar voice. "Alex!" She smiled, waving at him as he came running up to them. She kissed him back and smiled, looking at the floors. "Oh Alex! They're so pretty, you didn't need to!" She said, as she watched him throw her up in the air and catching her. "I got a shitload of compliments from everyone because they were expecting her to cry. The beauty of her love for pacifiers." she said, walking by his side to baggage claim.
    May 27th, 2013 at 07:48pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex grinned proudly as they reached baggage claim. "That's my girl!" He cooed to Adrianne, tickling her tummy. He talked baby talk with his little one as he waited for Tatum to finish getting her bags. Once she did, Alex settled Adrianne on his hip and they walked out to the bus. "Now, be warned, we may not see Adrianne for at least two days. The guys are gonna steal her from us." Alex removed his daughter's hand from his hair and opened the door to the bus, stepping on.

    "Oh my god, look at you!" Jack cooed, practically wrenching the baby out of Alex's grasp. He tickled Adrianne's tummy and beamed when she giggled. "Hello there, my little princess! Have you been a demon like I told you? Burping all night and causing ruckus for mommy? That's my girl!" He kissed her cheeks and smiled before Rian took her, cooing as well. Alex smiled softly and slung an arm around Tatum. "I missed you, love..." Alex whispered. "We have a spare bunk, but you can stay with me, if you like..." He whispered, hugging Tatum close to him.
    May 27th, 2013 at 08:13pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    She grinned hearing Alex coo to the baby as they walked to the bus. "As long as Jack stops teaching her how to be bad, then I'll be fine. I swear, he just wants to ruin my life." she said, joking around and cooing with Alex. It was quite a sight to see, she thought. She hadn't been this happy in a long time. "I haven't been away from Adrianne since she was born, so I mean, they might be fighting off a crazy psycho mom." She said with a wink, obviously joking around with him. It would be nice to not having to watch the baby 24/7. She walked on the familiar bus, and laughed seeing all the guys go from being half asleep on the furniture playing video games, to being crazy uncles.

    Keep teaching her bad habits, Barakat, I'll be sure you'll never have children." she said with a wink watching Rian go over to her and then Flyzik. Who would of thought that the All Time Low boys would turn to mush just simply seeing a baby. As she felt his arm wrapped around her, she wrapped hers around his waist and tucked her face into his chest. "I missed you, too. So much. Haven't gone this long without seeing you in forever." she said, grinning up at him. "Whatever is more comfortable to you, it doesn't matter to me." she said, hoping he'd share his bunk.
    May 27th, 2013 at 08:55pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex rubbed the small of Tatum's back, tucking his chin into her hair. "Well, seeing as I missed you terribly and the fact that I really want to snuggle with you...you're staying with me!" He kissed her cheek, leading her to the bunk area. A small smile formed on Alex's face as he took in Tatum's appearance. God, she was gorgeous. Of course, later tonight, they'd both look sloppy from drinking all night, but that was beside the point. Alex smiled and leaned down, cradling Tatum's head and giving her another romantic kiss.

    "See that bunk right there?" Alex pointed to the one across from his. "We moved Jack down a few bunks and converted his old bunk into a crib. We put some bars up, and a mobile instead of one of those little TVS. That way she'll be right across from us." He said softly before pulling back the curtain on his bunk. "And this, madam, is where we'll be staying. I don't hog the bed like I used to... I hope you aren't a blanket hog still." He teased, sticking his tongue out at her. "The show is way, way later in the day. But we have to do a meet and greet around two...do you wanna chill out and relax with everyone till then? Catch us up on what's going on in Baltimore." Alex grinned, taking her hand and leading her to the lounge, where Zack was throwing Adrianne up in the air. "Be careful there, Merrick. With your strength, you'll end up throwing my baby into the stratosphere."
    May 27th, 2013 at 09:56pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex rubbed the small of Tatum's back, tucking his chin into her hair. "Well, seeing as I missed you terribly and the fact that I really want to snuggle with you...you're staying with me!" He kissed her cheek, leading her to the bunk area. A small smile formed on Alex's face as he took in Tatum's appearance. God, she was gorgeous. Of course, later tonight, they'd both look sloppy from drinking all night, but that was beside the point. Alex smiled and leaned down, cradling Tatum's head and giving her another romantic kiss.

    "See that bunk right there?" Alex pointed to the one across from his. "We moved Jack down a few bunks and converted his old bunk into a crib. We put some bars up, and a mobile instead of one of those little TVS. That way she'll be right across from us." He said softly before pulling back the curtain on his bunk. "And this, madam, is where we'll be staying. I don't hog the bed like I used to... I hope you aren't a blanket hog still." He teased, sticking his tongue out at her. "The show is way, way later in the day. But we have to do a meet and greet around two...do you wanna chill out and relax with everyone till then? Catch us up on what's going on in Baltimore." Alex grinned, taking her hand and leading her to the lounge, where Zack was throwing Adrianne up in the air. "Be careful there, Merrick. With your strength, you'll end up throwing my baby into the stratosphere."
    May 27th, 2013 at 09:56pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    She grinned into his chest and laughed. "I guess that can happen." she said with a wink, as she waltzed over to the bunk area. "These seem a lot smaller than I remember." she said with a small laugh, being use to her own bed and bedroom.She looked at Alex and beemed, he had to be one of the handsomest guys she had ever met. As he kissed her, her breath stopped for a second, loving the feeling of his lips on hers. "mm, I missed your kiss." she whispered, happily.

    "That's cause my kid can play guitar better than he can. You need to tell him we brought Adrianne here to replace him." She said, loud enough for Jack to hear it while she laughed. He faked laugh before responding back "I'll remember this when you need a babysitter." he said, sticking his tongue out before stealing Adrianne back. She looked into the bunk for Adrianne and was amazed at everything they did."Oh, Alex! This is perfect!" She said, happily kissing him, before dropping her carry on bag off in their bunk. "I was never a blanket hog. Hopefully you don't snore anymore." she said winking before poking him playfully, hearing what they were doing that day and nodded. "Of course I want to catch up! And I'll probably harass Flyzik or somebody doing soundcheck while you do meet and greet." She said with a lazy shrug, before walking passed Zack, throwing the baby in the air. "Be careful of her head, superman!" she said, motherly instincts kicking in. "So how has everyone been?! I haven't seen y'all since she was going on two months old." She said, sitting indian style in the booth.
    May 27th, 2013 at 11:25pm