1D Group-Write

  • @ Anchor and Hope.
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    @ antidote.
    @ viralstorm






    Cry Sorry Hail Sad

    I deserve all the cursing you all held in. SO let me have it!
    April 1st, 2014 at 03:36am
  • @ big bad wolf.
    The update was great girl! I missed Wendy and Louis, but now I want to know what mother has to say about her being in bed with him tehe

    The main thing now is that the story is updated and we're back on track Smile
    April 2nd, 2014 at 12:59pm
  • @ big bad wolf.
    @ antidote.

    Sorry. I'm working on my senior thesis and I'm really in and out right now, but I loved the update! Poor Wendy! I am super excited to see what her mom has to say (or perhaps the heart attack she'll have!) lmfao
    April 3rd, 2014 at 05:32am
  • @ viralstorm
    How's the chapter coming along, love?
    April 26th, 2014 at 03:00pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter
    @ Anchor and Hope.
    @ big bad wolf.

    Right girls, I know Becca is aware, but not sure if you two have been clued on to what's been happening with Courtney. Just the other day she posted a blog announcing her hiatus from Mibba. I had mailed her before she posted the blog and she hadn't taken the time to respond to me. I tried again and even the admin, Katie has tried. No such luck. So just like mine and Becca's other group-write, I am going to make the conscious decision. However, this time I've decided to write Courtney's character out.

    I know there is always the idea of finding someone else, but I think there is a very simple and easy way of doing this by not making it so hard for us. I'm thinking, we make Kavita decide she no longer wants to do this any more. She wants to find love on her own and isn't ready. I'm thinking, we have Kavita leave. Ellie and Zayn can still begin to form their relationship, but I'm thinking Liam's head just isn't in this either.

    Let me know what you think.

    Oh and Corie, are you still in? Haven't heard from you in a while and we've updated since. Let us know, okay.
    May 4th, 2014 at 05:00pm
  • Yes, of course I'm still in! Sorry, just been busy lately
    May 4th, 2014 at 05:44pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter
    No worries, just checking!
    May 4th, 2014 at 06:01pm
  • @ antidote.
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    @ big bad wolf.

    Hey guys! I have to agree that in the interest of everything, writing out Vita is just going to be the best way to go because at this point, finding someone else and trying to get them up to speed just seems semi-impossible.

    So- I did a little brainstorming to make Vita's departure work (this is still just an idea, don't feel any pressure or anything. I'd love to hear your ideas as well!)

    This idea will involving moving the storyline along a bit faster than we had planned.

    Do you guys remember that in our original plot, Harry & Ash were going to go to a bar, then get caught snogging/making out by a paparazzi and all the girls decide to leave, but Ashton collapses at the airport?

    What if, we went ahead and moved that way up in the storyline (it could be the conflict everyone has to kind of "move forward" from?)

    So we could, upon Ashton and Niall's arrival from the States, head out to the bar (I'm thinking maybe Harry and Taylor went out on some sort of disastrous date) to vent (it's friendly, of course) and this all happens.

    Upon this breaking, Vita could sort of "break" and be like "who am I kidding? you can't fabricate love!" and she takes off, and it's after she leaves that the terminal calls a "code blue" (I think we discussed Taylor and Wendy kind of reconciling at the airport?) but maybe they could hear the code blue or something?

    I don't mind writing the next Vita chapter since it would be the last.

    (Like I said, just an idea Facepalm I'm rambling...I'm really sorry if this doesn't make sense)
    May 4th, 2014 at 06:16pm
  • @ Anchor and Hope.
    This all sounds perfect to me!

    So are the girls at the airport to wave Vita off when Ash collapses? Yeah, Wendy and Taylor could be having a heart to heart and hugging it out when they hear the code blue. I'm thinking they could bond because Taylor opens up about loving Harry and feeling vulnerable since this is the first time she has let her guard down and Wendy can relate.

    If you don't mind writing her chapter, then that would be great, love! Maybe in the chapter, you can start to make it seem like Kavita is confused and it is slowly becoming too much for her, so it isn't just too sudden when she decides to leave Cute
    May 4th, 2014 at 06:41pm
  • @ antidote.

    I'm thinking that's probably going to be the way to go? But I think the girls should be at different terminals? It'll just be a fluke that Taylor and Wendy happen to be in such close quarters? Maybe they never see Ashton, but someone who saw it happen sits a few seats down and Taylor and Wendy catch a little bit of the conversation (Maybe something along the likes of, "she looked so young it's hard to believe her heart stopped." / and Taylor ends up getting curious and asking about it? and they say something to make her think it might be ash? "the poor girl was so far from home, she told another passenger she was heading off to Tennessee?) and I can see Taylor going "was she wearing stupid high heels and carrying a louis- no wait, Chanel- or, hell! some expensive bag!?"

    I don't mind at all! Cute I have finals tomorrow and Tuesday (but I'll be done by noon) but I hope to have the chapter done by Tuesday evening...

    How did we want to execute this? Because I'm thinking we're going to want either you or Wendy to write the airport scene.
    May 4th, 2014 at 07:10pm
  • @ Anchor and Hope.
    The only question I have is- what reason would Taylor have to being at the airport? She lives in England? Unless she decides she needs to get away and can't face her grandparents or something and just does that thing where she asks them to book her on the next available plane tehe

    Whatever is the best way. I don't mind doing the chapter!
    May 5th, 2014 at 12:09am
  • @ antidote.

    That sounds good? Maybe she thinks some time "abroad" will help clear her head?

    How do you think we should go about it? (My brain is ten kinds of frazzled right now)
    May 5th, 2014 at 03:23am
  • @ antidote.
    @ Anchor and Hope.
    I'm so sorry. But I'm so confused. I have AP exams tomorrow and I can't, for the life of me understand some things. 1) what's a code blue? And 2) I have an idea that just came to me if you want to hear.
    May 5th, 2014 at 04:37am
  • @ big bad wolf.

    I am right there with you- I'm pulling my last all nigter (YAYYAYAYAYAY Crazy) and if it doesn't pertain to Bioethics and the Principle of Double Effect, I'm basically not comprehending.

    Code blue, like they call in the hospitals? It's when someone flatlines or has no heartbeat (or, ya know, they're stroking out or having a heart attack. Basically, it's bad.)

    Go for it! We're up for anything!
    May 5th, 2014 at 07:17am
  • @ big bad wolf.
    @ Anchor and Hope.

    I'm still trying to wrap my head round this too. I'm also trying not to confuse both my group writes right now Facepalm

    What's your idea, Emma?
    May 5th, 2014 at 11:39am
  • @ antidote.
    @ Anchor and Hope.
    @ dancingskiingwriter
    we'll its sort of in the works and needs to be fixed and whatever, and like Becks, my brain is frazzled and I'm pretty much running on three brain cells right now but I was thinking that Kavita, when she's had in enough and can't take it anymore, she writes a letter and leaves it for all to read. I think that it would make it more dramatic if, you know, Liam finds it and although he's heartbroken, knows its for the best and eventually agrees.

    I also think that the note and her leaving should set everything in motion. It could be like a wake up call for everyone. It could leave everyone in a sort of "How the hell is this going to work?" phase. the fairy tale they all were in falls apart.

    Its sort of the same thing as Becks was saying...

    Hit or miss? Very Happy

    Anyways, I think that we should also slowly through our next chapters show signs that kavita is inching away from everyone. Maybe one of her family's in trouble or died or her dad's disappointed in her, something should cause this idea and slowly cause her to move away from the group.
    May 6th, 2014 at 12:11am
  • @ big bad wolf.
    @ antidote.


    I like it! (I got a start on the vita chapter today, I didn't get it finished though.) and I'm working in her parents and a nasty article in the sun directed specifically at vita.

    We just need to try and plot a timeline to work it in.
    May 7th, 2014 at 05:05am
  • @ Anchor and Hope.
    Yea, what's our game plan for the next set of chapters?
    I know that we have to show in our chapters that kavita backing away and acting funny but should she leave in this upcoming set of chapters or the next?
    May 7th, 2014 at 05:12am
  • @ big bad wolf.

    The timing is what I'm unsure of. I've tried running it a few different ways, but nothing works out quite right...Facepalm
    May 7th, 2014 at 05:16am
  • @ Anchor and Hope.
    maybe the next two kavita chapters can just be continued bad luck for her and on the third set we can set it in motion? or will that be too much time?

    i think its too much. I think actually that she in the one after next she should leave at the end of the chapter and Becca could start her chapter by Calling you in the USA and making you ship home ASAP because everyone is freaking out?
    May 7th, 2014 at 05:40am