Children at the Job

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    A lot of people have jobs that don't specifically have to do with children (like teacher, daycare worker, pediatrics nurse, etc) but they still deal with children on a daily basis. Any retail job, most sales job, secretary jobs, banks, amusement park workers, waitresses, etc. Think of a job where a mom/dad can take their kid with them and you have a lot of jobs.

    And generally these kids come with stories. Some are sweet, some are funny, and some are terrible. Some relate to the parents and parenting (or lack thereof).

    Let's tell those stories here! (Feel free to post if you have a teacher/nurse whatever job, just try to make it relevant to the theme of the thread and other posts.)


    I work in a print center so I deal with kids everyday. Often kids are not badly behaved in my section of the store. There's a book bin next to my counter and I have no issue saying 'you can't be back here, sweetie' to a kid (much less than an adult). I have one lady who brings her son in and they ask if they can step behind the counter to watch me laminate their posters and I always let them because they're so nice.

    However, the other day this woman told her three year old (I know his age 'cause she was printing birthday invites) and she literally told him to go wander off in the store (he wanted to show her something) because "no one would take" him. I couldn't believe her stupidity.

    I also have one approximately twelve year old boy who brings me in a flashdrive every other week to print off about 20 cents worth of paper and he's so nice.
    July 10th, 2013 at 07:29pm
  • Racoons

    Racoons (100)

    United States
    I had the awful, awful task to have to scare the daylights out of a bunch of kids. What happened was that I worked at a theme park that has a Halloween event (NOT for children at all) through the Halloween season. Usually, I'd let the irresponsible parents go on their way with a quick surprise jump or something but this specific night the douche parent decided to take her 4 children there. One was still in a stroller, another on those kid leashes, another crying behind her leg and another wandering a bit ahead of her. I made sure those kids got scarred for life. I'm not proud of it but I hate how parents don't think about their kids. I mean, who takes their 3 year old to a Halloween event that's advertised to make people cry?!
    Generally though, kids are really good at spotting what's real and what's not. I used to pretend I was a prop and every child under the age of 8 knew I was a real person. A few went as far as to hide behind their parent and tell them I was real...of course they didn't believe them and I got a few to push their kid away from them haha.
    Can't wait to have kids Smile
    November 9th, 2013 at 08:30am
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    I work in a grocery store, in the deli department. So naturally, there are tons of parents who bring their kids into the store during the after school hours. Most of them are okay, except for the ones that scream and whine whenever they aren't getting their way and, instead of disciplining them, the parents ask me for a cocktail frankfurt to give to the kid just to keep them quiet for a few minutes. Drives me insane that these parents are enabling such bad behaviour.

    Oh, not to mention there was one time when a little boy (looked about three or four) actually ran into the deli and tried to touch the oven. We don't have a doorway to the deli, just a small entrance, and I tried to shoo the kid out, but my God, did the parent have an absolute bitch-fit at me, saying it was MY fault her kid almost got hurt. No, YOU just weren't paying enough attention to them in the first place for them to run off because you were too busy talking.

    However, there are the very few exceptions. There are a couple of young kids (some between the ages of 5-10 years) who ask me for things and use the words 'please' and 'thank you'. Whenever that happens, I usually make a point of saying to the parent, "Oh, what lovely manners your little girl/boy has..." since it's something you don't see/hear from a lot of children these days.
    April 17th, 2014 at 01:03pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I have to deal with children a lot at the store I work at. We're a craft store so often, parents will bring their children with them for one reason or another. The way the kids act is kind of 50-50. Some kids are really well behaved and very helpful while others are bratty. But I've found that the worst children also have parents who are the type of customer you simply don't want to deal with while the well behaved ones have parents who are good customers.

    Most of the time, I can put up with the badly behaved children. It's usually the way their parents are acting that really gets me. There was a child a few weeks ago that was wandering around the front while I was helping her mother checkout. At some point, I had noticed that she had come behind the counter. Being that she couldn't have been more than three years old, naturally she ended up tripping over one of the baskets behind the counter. I grabbed her to prevent her from falling and her mother had the absolute nerve to yell at me for touching her daughter. Well I'm sorry but perhaps if you had been watching your daughter then I, the employee, wouldn't have had to stop your daughter from tripping and hurting herself. Facepalm

    I've had to pull children off our step ladders all the time. Some parents are understanding why I've pulled their children off while others yell at me for touching their child. Perhaps if you were watching your kid and being a parent then I wouldn't have to babysit your kid to make sure they're not going to seriously injure themselves. I've also had to make children stop unwinding the thread and bouncing balls in our store. It's amazing how many people don't want to take responsibility for their children. *sigh*

    Some kids are really nice though. I've had a lot of parents compliment me for my abilities with children and how good I can be with them. I always like trying to make the kids smile or laugh, especially when the child is visibly upset by the time their parents come up to the registers. Most of them are appreciative of it so it's nice to see.

    I typically don't mind the children. It's their parents that I mind.
    July 6th, 2015 at 08:02am
  • dombelova

    dombelova (125)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    See, my mother's boss's grandchild goes to work with her, and even in the back. I think she needs to stop because it's a fast food place, and that could get her into a lot of trouble
    July 7th, 2015 at 03:33pm
  • warirobest1

    warirobest1 (100)

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    October 16th, 2023 at 12:34pm