@ Anchor and Hope.
@ swell
I forget in the states you have to be 21 to drink in clubs etc
But yes, since they're with 1D in the VIP section, it is overlooked-- I'm guessing a lot of under-age stars get served regardless since what club wouldn't want their service
I was thinking it would make sense that Evie and Charlie would because they both go to university in London. From what I know, the uni's are roughly 30 minutes away from each other since Imperial is in Kensington and Brunel is in Kingston (uxbridge)-- Brentford is probably centre, though that's going by it being a good 15-20 drive to each uni
I'm such a nerd about London sometimes
This is just to help with future reference- so I would say the girls share an apartment in Brentford.
When you say year one, do you mean year one of uni, or literally year one (that's what we call the first year of school when you're like 5 and 6). I think the girls need to know each other for a long time to want to do something so reckless together
Perhaps the three of them knew each other in primary school (ages 5-11) and when they moved up into secondary school (ages 11-16 or 18 if you go into sixth form), the other two joined the group and they became their group of five.
By the way, if anyone needs help with English schools, universities or anything to do with England then please don't be scared to ask
I had that feel with Harper, like she harbours this secret with not really going to uni, that she sometimes distances herself or does reckless things to draw attention away from the situation (and to try and forget herself).
I think Evie will definitely be a mediator because she seems to be the only sensible one in the group.