• nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    This will not flop because I will not let it. It is my new brainchild. Snob I'll do the same with my characters if it does though because they are my new favourite people. tehe
    August 31st, 2013 at 10:36pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ dougie poynter;
    Oh my gosh, brainchild. tehe But come on other authors, get on so we can plan and decide the title and get going because I'm super eager for this (to be honest, I was super eager from the moment I read your idea in the joint story thread lmfao).
    August 31st, 2013 at 10:47pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    I have two brainchilds. One is this, the other is another story that I nearly gave up on but didn't. tehe Yes, come and decide the title because I am clueless when it comes to titles. I thought this idea up at like 3 in the morning, wrote it all down and got so stoked during the day when I planned it and posted it in the thread. tehe
    August 31st, 2013 at 11:07pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ dougie poynter;
    I mentioned my two ideas on the previous page but I still have nothing else for titles. XD I do that and get so close to posting in the thread before realising that it's best not to because I tend to get flaked out on and the person leaves Mibba. Facepalm There's so many ideas I've wanted to post in the thread to get a co-author for that have been great but I don't because I know all too well how unreliable some co-authors can be.
    August 31st, 2013 at 11:10pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    I'm completely clueless for titles. lmfao Yeah, I know the feeling! I posted this one because I don't think I could write it on my own so it had better work.
    Here are my character bios!

    Rae Edison:

    Rae is the town's paediatrician. She is of French ancestry and speaks fluently in both English and French. She is generally a quiet and reserved person and is very gentle, but the years of working with children have caused her to work with quite a few abuse cases and this has changed her outlook on the world. As a result, most of the people that make it onto her kill list are the people who have been accused of abuse but never charged.

    Nathan Chance:

    Nathan is a deadbeat. He barely scraped by in high school, always citing that he would be a famous musician by the time he was twenty. Several years later, he can hardly hold down a job and struggles to keep himself afloat money-wise. Despite all of this, he still remains as highly confident as he did when he was at school. Nathan is cunning, and willing to manipulate anyone that he can to get what he wants.

    I have also decided that Nathan and Rae dated when they were in high school, but are totally not suited to each other. We'll see where that one goes.
    September 2nd, 2013 at 10:24am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ margarine megurine @ ore wa homo janai. @ castiel's vessel @ Fonsi
    Double-posting so I could get all of you in the comment, yay!

    There are a few more things we need to sort out before we can properly get into this, so I reckon we should sort those.

    1. Character bios - If you've got them lying about, pop them in here and I'll add them to the first post. It's important to have those before we start so that we can all know what the other characters are like.

    2. Names - I think we're actually all good on this one. If you could look over the names I have in the list and correct any errors that I've made, that'd be awesome!

    3. Title - As Kayleigh pointed out, there's a film with the name Kill List so we'll need to think of something else. She's suggested The Tenth List or The Tenth Night, both of which I quite like but are there any more ideas? Also, what do you think of those two?

    4. Posting Order - We need to have this down before we start. I was thinking that we could post in the order that we appear up in the first post (REVENGE), which means that it'd be like..I'd post first, Gabbe would post second, Kayleigh would post third and so on so forth.

    5. Story Summary / Short Description - The idea was put out for us to have the story summary as a part of a newspaper article depicting the killings of the previous year. Is everyone down with that idea? Also, we need a short description. Something sweet and to the point that'll hook people in. Anyone got anything?

    6. Story Layout / Banner - Kayleigh and Nic, you guys had said that you'd do the banner and layout respectively. Obviously, we can't do that until we've got a title, but are you both still up for that?

    7. Relationships - This isn't as important, but if your character has a relationship with another character (be it romantic, sexual or familial) then let me know and I'll pop it into the first post!

    8. POV - As far as I can remember, we had decided on third-person past tense, so that's sorted unless anyone has any major objections to that.

    9. Chapter Outline - Again, it's not necessary, but if you guys know what yo'll be writing about in your first chapter with your character then we can put them into the chapter outline. It might be a good idea to keep this going throughout the story because it means we know in advance what you're writing about and will be able to work our own chapters through the previous one.

    10. Town Name - Can someone remind me, did we decide on Holly Grove? If so then that's sorted too.

    And finally, how are we going to end this. Do you want the vigilante to catch them, do you want the vigilante dead by the end and the killings to continue? I'm up for anything so I'd like to hear opinions on that! Cute
    September 2nd, 2013 at 10:41am
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    I'll get started on my character bio, everything's settled down over here so as long as you reply to me in this thread, i'll be able to get back to you and all that with no huge hassle or you know c:

    I will still do the layout and all that, I could do that today. You'll see it up if I get it done, I just hadn't started because I thought somebody else wanted to give it a shot.

    OMG NO! I'm really intimidated about posting for this story because I've never done a group write and I don't wanna suck. Facepalm So I CAN post third but just Facepalm bear with me? :c

    I write outlines for my stories, I could try to do one for this but I don't even really know where this story is going. Sad I've been mia too long.
    September 2nd, 2013 at 04:07pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ dougie poynter;
    @ Fonsi

    Oh my gosh, I totally didn't know you were doing the layout. How did I not? Facepalm

    And oh my god guys, what if there's a mega twist and the vigilante is one of the killers?! Crazy Like no one would expect it and it'd be so crazy because they're supposed to be a killer but maybe they stopped after the fifth year or something and they wanted to try and subtle stop the others but couldn't and wouldn't back out because they'd know all about them and if they're no apart of the group then obviously they'd have to be killed, so like their victims are just paid to go into hiding or something, like protection with a false death claimed and it'd be such a twist. Twitch

    Sorry, I was got super excited,. Tell me if it sucks. Facepalm

    Oh, I'm up for the REVENGE order. That's totally fine with me. And I was working on the wording of a summary if that's okay? Haha. Shifty Annnnd, POV was third person, past tense. Also chapter outline would be great so we know what we're doing for each chapter and how long it's going to be.

    When was Holly Grove mentioned? lmfao Either way, I'm fine if that's the town name. And like maybe one or two killers could be killed but then one gets the upper hand and guts the vigilante of something because I like super twisted deaths and it'd be fitting and such. Weird
    September 2nd, 2013 at 05:14pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Fonsi
    That's fine, I try and get everything important with a reply in it anyway so I'll make sure that's done.

    That's cool. Kayleigh said something about doing a banner, so if you wanted to wait until we'd sorted all of that out, then we could do that. tehe

    You totally won't suck, your writing is pretty epic. Besides, I'm awful at updating so I'll probably be the one holding everyone up. lmfao

    Well, we'd all be working on a general outline ourselves anyway, I don't think much of that has been discussed yet! With group writes, I think we need to discuss it all together so that everyone knows where the separate characters are going.

    @ castiel's vessel
    THAT OH MY GOSH THAT. Everything you've just said sounds absolutely wicked, I'm totally up for that!

    That's cool, if you word up a summary, just change it because the one I've got in there just now is the plot outline. Shifty

    I think we discussed Holly Grove on one of the early pages, I don't know. I might be making this all up. lmfao Ooh, that sounds like a good plan, I'm totally up for that. tehe
    September 4th, 2013 at 12:24pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    c: okay.

    Sure, I can wait.

    XD I won't mind that, might need some
    Downtime to think.

    I see. I'm still not sure how this will work. What are we posting about? Like idek :c Facepalm
    September 4th, 2013 at 12:53pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Fonsi
    I'm the same, I like having the little gap between updates to gather my thoughts. tehe

    Essentially, we're all goign to have different ideas for what we want our characters to do within the sotry. We've got the main plot, so that's set but as individuals, each character is going to play a role in it. So we need to discuss what you want to happen in your chapters so that we can form a solid timeline and everyone knows what is happening. So like...if I were to start by having my character write down who she wants to kill, then I'd put that down as the chapter outline so that everyone else could build off of that.

    That makes no sense, I'm sorry. It's early. I'll try and form something coherent later on today once I've had more caffeine. Facepalm
    September 6th, 2013 at 12:19pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ dougie poynter;
    I think I understand, we'll see c:
    September 7th, 2013 at 05:54pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ dougie poynter;

    But I'll totally get my characters in tonight/tomorrow, for sure.
    September 21st, 2013 at 12:55am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ dougie poynter;
    You can yell at me if you want, Victoria. I swear I don't mean to say I'll get my characters in and then not. Facepalm But they WILL be in tomorrow (if this is still active - yes?!) because I'm finally caught up with mag articles (except damn editing) so I'm basically free. Weird
    October 1st, 2013 at 11:28pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    Ah, you're fine, I have like a zillion things to do on here and I've done the square root of none of them. Yup, we're definitely still keeping this running, it will not die. I will not let it. Snob
    October 2nd, 2013 at 04:21pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    @ dougie poynter;
    Okay, so here goes. Neither have pictures yet because they're bloody picky little shits. Grr

    Veronica (34)
    Veronica married Ian Whitby when she was twenty and he was forty one, cutting all ties with her family when she did so. She was twenty three when she met sixteen-year old naïve Edwin, her husband's nephew. It was from there that she'd casually place her hand on his thigh or accidentally allow him to walk in on her just in her bra so before long his teenage hormones got the best of him and she succeeded in seducing him in her marital bed. Her control over Edwin still reigns strong eleven years later. She lives on her husband's money and indulgences him to keep him oblivious.

    Edwin (27)
    Edwin was always the type of boy that wanted to please so who better to take advantage of that than his loving uncle's wife? He's unable to function well in society without Veronica there to tell him what to do, and has no financial support himself other than from her so he relies solely on her to live which she thrives over, He hasn't seen his parents in ten years and has one friend within the town other than Veronica.

    I feel so sorry for Edwin. Facepalm That bitch is so controlling that he doesn't know how to function without her. Bless his little heart. Cry
    October 5th, 2013 at 03:42am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ castiel's vessel
    I know that feeling. Grr Let me know when you've got pictures! I'll add your bios to the front page just now as well.

    I feel sorry for him already. Cry
    October 5th, 2013 at 05:29pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ margarine megurine @ ore wa homo janai. @ Fonsi @ castiel's vessel

    Hello once again ladies! We've been severely slacking in terms of planning (partly my fault - I promise I'll be more on the ball from now on!) so we need to get a move on. Me and Kayleigh have been talking and we want this up and running by November at the latest. We don't really have much else that we need to discuss, so I'll do a spot-check on what we still need to do before we can begin.

    Character Bios: One or two things here. Nic, if you could let me know as soon as you can about your character bio, that would be fab. Kimi and Gabbe, me and Kayleigh were discussing and the age of your character doesn't really fit in with the rest of the story. The group has been together for ten years, which would make your characters seven when it started. I'm not sure if there's any way you could change the ages around or do a little re-jig? I don't know, it's something that was brought up in conversation and does need to be addressed so let me know your thoughts on that.

    Character Names: Everyone okay with their names? I know you used that name in another story Nic, so if you want a different one put up, just let me know and I'll pop it into the first page. Cute

    Title: I like Kayleigh's suggestions (The Tenth Night or The Tenth List), personal favourite is The Tenth List. Does anyone else have any ideas for titles? If not, would you all be able to vote on your favourite from above? The sooner we get the title sorted, the sooner banners and layouts can be sorted.

    Posting Order: This is the R-E-V-E-N-G-E acronym we're using. So I start, Gabbe is after, then it's Kayleigh and then Kayleigh again (unless you want to swap with one of the other 'E's? I think it's a bit unfair that you have to double-post like that), then me, then Nic and then Kimi. Is everyone okay with that?

    Story Summary: We still going with the newspaper article-esque beginning for this? If so, I'll start to write up a prototype later on and we can peer edit and add / remove things as we go. If anyone else has any ideas for a short description, let me know!

    Layout / Banner: Nic and Kayleigh, this is your front so I'm leaving this up to you guys because I'm pretty stupid when it comes to creating layouts and the suchlike. Once we've got the name, I'm happy for the pair of you to get started on that one and sort stuff out between you so just let me know when you've sorted that out. Cute

    Relationships: So far the relationships are as follows; Eriko - Eiko (familial - twins), Edwin - Veronica (lovers) and Nathan - Rachel (exes). If there are any that need to be put in, let me know but as far as I'm concerned, this part is pretty much sorted. We also need to really quickly spot out how the group met, even if it is just a rough outline for our own personal knowledge.

    Chapter Outline: Now that we've got a posting order (pending approval from you lot, of course), we can start drafting out what we want to write about in our individual chapters. If you've got any ideas for your first chapter (for example, if you want to write about your character meeting someone for their list or your character has a list stolen and wants this to be shown in the chapter) then let me know and I'll add in little bits. After we've all got vague ideas, we can add everything like that into the chapters and work out a proper structure.

    The Vigilante: We need to decide on who is going to be the vigilante. Someone (Kayleigh?) suggested we have the vigilante as one of the group so we need to make a decision on who that will be and what their motive is for betraying the whole group so let me know your opinions on that one!

    The Lists: So we need another character to lose their list. Veronica loses hers and I've decided that as Nathan is a scatterbrain, he is going to lose his because he could think it was his own fault anyway. We (or I, could have just been me) decided on three lists being stolen, so if one more person could volunteer their list to be the last one to be taken, then we've got that sorted.

    The End: A bit early to be thinking about this, I know, but are we all okay with the ending being that some of the group are killed, but the others survive? I can't remember what we had decided on and I can't find the post right now but share your thoughts on the ending.

    And that's about all we need to do, I think! If you could speed through these and give opinions when needed as quickly as you can, that would be fabulous. Cheers guys! Cute
    October 14th, 2013 at 01:08pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So for my first official chapter, I'd like to set it out with Rae seeing her last patient before the end of the night (a young girl - thinking her father hit her and tried to pretend that she walked into a table but that's debatable, I haven't fully decided yet) and she's going to write the father's name on the list at the end and grab her keys and leave for the meeting, but I'm not entirely sure. It depends on how we want to structure the first part of this.
    October 14th, 2013 at 01:11pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    @ dougie poynter;
    That actually sounds like a really striking way to start the story. I just got an idea for Gia now and I am so less reluctant to post in this thread. Crazy Okay okay okay I'm gonna try to get her bio done and everything and get a quick outline of my first post with her.
    October 14th, 2013 at 02:02pm