Living in the Past

  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    "That's not for you to decide, and that couple did not deserve anything. You, on the other hand, deserve to go to jail, which is where you will spend the rest of your life." She stated with her arms crossed over her chest while Sam seemed to not take her warning too well. With that, the police burst in armed while the investigators went to collect the evidence. Their supervisor came over and pat the two on the shoulders, knowing that they had their guy. "Good job, guys. Take tomorrow off." He announced before walking away to arrest the werewolf.


    Nick cleared his throat while looking away from Kelly, knowing that Emma wouldn't be too thrilled with the situation. "Thanks, I would appreciate it. I really need the money." He stated with a small smile, willing himself not to look further down than her face. Realizing what she had just offered, he gave a shake of the head. "I can't, Kelly. I.. I am with Emma now, so I can't."
    November 16th, 2014 at 08:25pm
  • Sam was proud the case was over. He reached over and kissed her cheek. Even though working together was rough, he was glad he had her. He was glad the case was over and he wrapped his arms around her, not caring about their work boundaries. "Date night?" He asked her happily, smiling at her happily.

    Kelly smiled lightly and nodded her head, leaning forward as far as she could. She pouted then and shook her head. "Doesn't sound too convincing to me! You can't doesn't mean you don't want to - or that you won't. You know I'm the only one who can make everything better." She winked. She didn't know about Emma's love, but oh well
    November 16th, 2014 at 08:55pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    Veronica was relieved to hear that the case was finally over, considering that it had taken a week to long for them to solve. With a relaxed sigh, she thanked her supervisor and turned to face Sam once more. "Date night? Okay." She laughed a little at the ridiculous term.


    "I'm serious, Kelly. All I'm here for is a job." Nick reassured her, starting to feel a bit annoyed that she couldn't take no as an answer. At some point, he was sure that she was doing this on purpose. Something about liking the way he got aggressive with her. "Can you give me the job or not? I'm leaving if you won't." He stated with a frown on his face.
    November 16th, 2014 at 09:38pm
  • Sam smiled lightly and nodded his head. "Yes - date night. Where I get to take you home and hold you all night long baby girl." he said happily and kissed her cheek. "That sounding good to you baby?" He asked her happily,'nuzzling into her.

    Kelly rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Come on don't lie to me!" She pouted and then sighed. She thought about it. No - she would find some way to get to him, but she couldn't yet. "Yes yes - I'll get you the job! Gosh!" She said, shaking her head.
    November 16th, 2014 at 09:44pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    Continuing to laugh, she merely shook her head then kissed his cheek lightly. "Okay, that sounds like a great idea." She said while hearing the murmurs of their coworkers behind them. Something about how this wasn't the place for them to be all over each other. Clearing her throat, she glanced over at the clock on the wall. "How about I meet you somewhere in an hour or so?"


    Nick let out a sigh of relief and relaxed his posture with a nod. "Okay, good, thanks. I'll give you my number, and then you can let me know when the paperwork is ready." He said while fishing into his pocket for a piece of pen and paper. Maybe he would actually be able to pay his bill on time this month.
    November 16th, 2014 at 09:54pm
  • Sam smiled lightly. He was so lost in her that he didn't even know that the others were taking notice of this. He was just so much amazed by his girl that he couldn't focus on anything else right now. He sighed and nodded his head. "Sure love, where would you want to meet?" He asked her with a smile, lookin at her.

    Kelly smiled and nodded his head. "Good - and I'll be in contacf with you as soon as you can start working." She said with a smile and a wink. She couldn't help it but to flirt - especially because she was going to get him back. She was going to make him hers.
    November 17th, 2014 at 12:03am
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    "You pick." She replied since she had picked the last location. Plus, she didn't exactly eat when she was with him, so it was best if he went somewhere he liked. Taking his hand, she moved outside of the investigation area. She didn't want them to be in the way.


    He sighed at her attempt once more but was grateful that she could get him the job. "Alright, thanks again, Kelly." Nick said before turning on his heel to get back to Emma's house. Hopefully, she would be glad to hear of the good news.
    November 17th, 2014 at 12:17am
  • Sam sighed and shook his head. "Just meet me at the bar from the first night we went out - and then we can catch a few drinks and go back to my place - or your, whichever." He said with a smile and pecked her forehead.

    Emma was waiting at him for him, pacing the room. she hoped something worked out - for her and the baby and their family they were going to have. It would be perfect." She touched her stomach, feeling so nervous.
    November 17th, 2014 at 12:22am
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    Veronica smiled up at him when he pulled away and decided that she would just walk the rest of the way to her apartment. "Go ahead and take the car back to the station. I'll just walk to my apartment. It's not that far from here anyway." She told him before turning to leave.


    Pulling into the driveway, he saw that her parents were home, which automatically made him nervous. He walked inside of the house and greeted everyone in the politest way possible. "I found a job, Em. It's minimum wage, but I think I could work my way up." He explained, hoping that she would be happy for him.
    November 17th, 2014 at 12:50am
  • Sam sighed and then nodded his head. "Alright - text me when you get to your place so I know you're safe." He teased and kissed her forehead quickly. He started to go in his own direction to the car then, happy that the case went well.

    Emma smiled as he came in the door and told the news and she jumped up, pulling him into a hug. "Aw baby - I'm so happy for you!" She said as she kissed hin quickly and then took his hand tightly. "Everything is going to work out!" She said happily.
    November 17th, 2014 at 12:58am
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    "Of course." She responded then went on her way to go back to her apartment. Within a few minutes, she opened the door and stepped inside to take a shower and change into something else. It was relief that the case was over and they could focus on something other than cases.


    Nick caught her in his arms and hugged her back with a smile. "Yeah, everything is going to work out like we said it would." He was excited that everything was actually going to work out for once.
    November 17th, 2014 at 02:37am
  • Sam smiled a little as he got ready. He picked up around his apartment - just in case they came back here. He wanted to impress her, so he would do what he had to.

    Emma smiled lightly and kissed his cheek, nodding. "It will and then we will be a perfect little family." She said with a smile and nuzzled against him happily.
    November 17th, 2014 at 05:16pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    She texted Sam that she had gotten home safely then took care of some house chores. Because she was rarely inside of her apartment, there wasn't much that needed to be done though. All Veronica did was tuck in things here and there and she was finished. She then hopped into the shower and changed into something more suitable for a date. Checking the time, she left the house and drove down to the local restaurant.


    Nick wondered whether he would have a son or a daughter. A son would be nice, especially with helping around with the house. A daughter would be nice, too, though since she could help out Emma with various tasks. "Yeah. We wouldn't be the richest family on the block, but we would love each other. That's what counts, right?"
    November 18th, 2014 at 04:07am
  • Sam smiled when he got her text. Good - he was starting to get worried. He wanted his love to be okay - and he couldn't wait to see her, even though he had just barely left her. He changed for the date and walked himself down to the bar/restaurant that they were meeting at tonight. He was going to show her a good time tonight.

    Emma smiled lightly and nodded her head. "Yes baby - that's all that matters. I love you." She said and reached up, kissing him quickly. Kelly texted him then. Hey - you got the job. If you want to meet up sometime over coffee, we can discuss the deets of your salary and hours and stuff. Or maybe there wouldn't be any talking anyway.
    November 21st, 2014 at 05:25pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    Walking inside of the restaurant, she looked around to see that she had actually beat Sam this time. Veronica looked down at her watch and realized that she was actually a few minutes early. Deciding to get a table, she sat down and waited for him to arrive.


    Pulling away from the kiss with a smile, Nick felt a light buzzing on his pocket to indicate a text message. "Oh, maybe that's the place right now. Lemme check, Em." He stepped away to take out his phone and read the message from Kelly. Yeah, sure. Thanks again for the job. Just send me a date and time.
    November 22nd, 2014 at 02:43am
  • Sam smiled lightly as he saw her at a table and he walked in, skirting around so that he could be behind her and surprise her. he put his hands on her shoulder and then reached down and kissed her cheek. "Hey baby." He said happily.

    Emma smiled lightly and nodded her head. She went to take a seat on the couch and watched him with his phone. "Is it them?" She asked.
    Kelly smirked. Good - she would get him back. How about tomorrow at 7? She sent.
    November 30th, 2014 at 03:06pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    Feeling the hands on her shoulder, Veronica was not the least bit surprised. She had heard the footsteps coming up behind her because of her heightened senses. "Hey, Sam. I beat you this time." She smiled and placed a hand onto of his lightly.


    "Yeah, I got the job. No problem. They didn't even ask for an interview, so I guess they were pretty desperate." He explained just in time to get the second message. Sounds good. "I have to go in tomorrow. I think they're actually going to let me start a shift, Em." Nick grinned over at her, pulling her in for a hug.
    November 30th, 2014 at 11:50pm
  • Sam pouted a little and started to massage her shoulders, shaking his head. "Come on - I was hoping to surprise you!" He said with a frown and kissed her cheek before going to sit down with her.

    Emma smiled lightly and nodded her head, kissing his cheek as he hugged her tightly. "Good baby - see, everything is working out for us!" She said with a smile and nuzzled against him happily. "I love you so much."
    Kelly smirked a little. Good - she was going to get her Nick back.
    December 1st, 2014 at 09:30pm
  • @ dancingskiingwriter

    "You cannot easily surprise a vampire." She laughed since it was a little humorous to see him pouting like that. Watching him sit down across from her, she reached over to grab his hand across the table. "You can try to surprise me another time. Just a tip though, you have to be a little more quiet."


    Nick gave her a quick squeeze but was a little nervous that he would hurt the baby or something. "Come on, I have to go greet your parents." He flashed her a smile the moved in towards the kitchen to properly greet them.
    December 14th, 2014 at 01:57am
  • Sam chuckled a little and shook his head. "I was being just perfectly quiet!" He teased and shook his head. "It's not my fault you have your vampire senses..." He pouted, holding her hand, so tiny and fragile though he knew so strong, between his hands.

    Emma smiled and nodded her head. She followed behind him and her parents looked up when they heard people coming in. Her father only grimaced but her mother managed a smile. "Emma... Nick." His father said in his own way of greeting.
    January 9th, 2015 at 07:03pm