Cowboys and Angels

  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Jackson watched as Ali made her way inside to go take her shower. As he stood there watching her, he just sighed to himself. Part of him felt like he was loosing her, which is what he didn't want. Out of any other girl Jackson had been with, there was something different about Ali that made him want to know her, to have her, to be with her for all eternity. Checking a couple of things around the ranch, Jackson finally stepped inside deciding a nice warm shower would be best for him as well. Grabbing his clothes from his room, Jackson slipped into his bathroom, quickly starting the shower. When he stepped inside the shower, He just stood there allowing the warm water to hit his back, releasing any tense that he felt in his muscles. His mind was on Ali, not in a bad way, in a rather concerned way. He felt like Ali thought maybe she was only wanted by him with sex, but he was really trying to show her that he wanted her for more than just that. "What are you going to do Jackson?" He told himself as he showered. He closed his eyes for a brief second, trying to just clear his mind and see what he could do to better this relationship.

    Hailey heard Keith's question, closing her eyes for a minute. What did she want out of life? She thought on that for a moment before taking a sip of her coffee. She turned her body to face Keith giving a sincere smile on her face. "Keith what I want out of life is to work at the hospital here, not in the big city, but here. Then I'd like to see this, you and I, us, work out to where we get married later on, and after that have a bunch of kids that we love so much." She stepped a little closer to him this time. "I know things have definitely not what we expected or turned out the way we want, but I am wanting to see us try again." She put a hand on his cheek when she was close enough. "I mean this truthful and honestly." She reassured him. "I'm willing to take baby steps, but I just want you to know where I stand." She said before slowly pulling back to finish up cooking.
    April 4th, 2016 at 05:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Charmed One
    Ali finished dressing and primping herself. She was wearing a pretty blue dress and her now cleaned up boots. She walked into he kitchen and took a look around seeing what she could make for everyone. She had no idea what she could do. How was she suppose to make this work when he didn't talk to her? She knew she loved Jackson but that didn't make it easier for her to open up to him. She had been through some really hard things and she felt like if she tried to talk with him about he he would listen and just say little things. Where was his passion that she felt in the bedroom with him? Ali sighed realizing she had been making food. She looked down at it surprised she had charged into it. Once it was done and resting she went to the living room and sat down looking out the window. She was humming to herself a song starting to writ itself in her head.

    Keith watched her carefully as she spoke. She turned back to her cooking and he wondered how he felt about what she just said. He guessed it made him feel relaxed. He had always felt at home whenever he was with Hailey. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Keith was surprised she hadn't tried to figure out what he was thinking. It was a nice change. Because honestly Keith didn't know what to think. He walked up behind Hailey and he kissed her temple holding her to him there. Keith liked this. It just felt nice.
    April 16th, 2016 at 12:56am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Jackson finished up his shower then made his way into his bedroom to quickly dress. Once he was dressed, Jackson ran his fingers through his hair and just sighed. What happened? How could they fix this? Many questions ran through his mind as he sat on his bed, just thinking. After a few minutes passed, Jackson got up from the bed, making his way downstairs. He needed to talk to Ali and figure out what was going on between the two of them and what they could do. He walked towards Ali when he found on, and softly cleared his throat. "Ali..." He spoke softly. "Can we talk...please?"

    Hailey started back at cooking when she felt Keith kiss her temple and holding her. This is what she wanted, and she would give up anything to be able to do such a thing. Finishing up cooking, Hailey placed the food on two plates before turning to Keith. "Lets eat." She smiled before giving him a quick kiss on his lips. She then quickly pulled back, taking the plates over to the table, setting them down. She then looked at Keith as she walked back to the counter, grabbing the pot of coffee, pouring two cups and taking them to the table. "Ready for breakfast?" She smiled.
    April 16th, 2016 at 08:55pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Charmed One
    Ali looked up hearing Jackson. She bot the inside of her lip gently. "What's ups Jackson?" she asked softly. He asked if they could talk and her heart clenched her stomach rolling. "Always." she soothed and then peeked up at him. "What did you have in mind?" she asked knowing it had to be something pretty serious for him to talk to her like this. She was both worried and excited at the same time hoping they were finally going to have a real talk. Maybe then Jackson could really understand. Suddenly a spark of hangers sprung up in her. Why now? Did he realize it after she had sunned him all say? Would she had to do this anytime he needed to be reminded that he would have to fight for them as much as she did? Ali really hoped that they could resolved it. She wanted her Jackson back.
    Keith smiled and nodded. "Yeah." he said and walked over sitting down with her. He loved Hailey that was perhaps why it was so hard to be around her sometimes because of the amount of his love for her. He could give her everything and hold nothing back like he had done once before. But that wasn't right was it? Keith needed to find some kind of balance. Keith sat down staring to eat and smirked. "Taste good Hailey." he said and gave her a wink.
    April 17th, 2016 at 09:24am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Thanks for your patience once again. I will posting later. I just don't want you to think I forgot.
    May 4th, 2016 at 04:13am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    I have been MIA so long, I know. I can't get my head wrapped around having my own time to just right. I will be posting this weekend for sure. I have some actually free time.
    May 27th, 2016 at 06:58am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Is there anyway that you might be interested in continuing this RP? I was just rereading this one and I REALLY miss this! Just let me know! I hope you are doing well!
    March 14th, 2021 at 01:45am