A Shadow in the Night

  • Garret smiled, "that's normal, they're very busy with everything at the moment, my father told me the other day there is talk of an uprising down south," he said softly. He walked with her, she was quite beautiful, and very easy to talk to. He spotted something in the grass and crouched down, "what's this?" he asked picking up a torn piece of cloth of Bren's. He looked at it closely, "I have to speak to your father," he said softly, "wish to accompany me?" he asked

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 2nd, 2013 at 09:33am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    It saddened her that there was an uprising. It meant senseless death of good people on both sides. When he saw the cloth she bit her lip. "I don't know." she answered then smiled as he mentioned her father. "Yes please." she said wanting to see him again. "I would love to see how he is." she said and smiled at Garret. He was so kind to her so far that is.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 09:47am
  • Garret smiled, "Okay then," he said. As a male he had certain privileges, even more than she did even though this was her home, it was the way things were done in this part of society. He strode over to a guard, "go inform his lordship his daughter and I must speak to him immediately," he said saying her name first to let her know he understood she should have been allowed to request this kind of thing herself.

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 2nd, 2013 at 09:52am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    The carriage was prepared for them to go to see her father. Destry smiled at Garret. It would be an all day trip but she was so excited to see her father and spending the time with Garret would be good for them. She wanted to get to know more about him. Sure they had a long engagement but a short time to know him before the engagement. Destry smiled and took his hand gently showing a small mount of affection and thankfulness.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:06am
  • Garret smiled and led her out to the carriage, "where is your father? I thought he'd be in the castle" he said softly. He was noticeably agitated by what he knew about the cloth. He didn't want to worry her though. His role for his own father since a fairly young age was an ambassador, so he traveled around a lot of the lordships, and kingdoms mostly friendly ones, some neutral ones brokering deals and treaties for his father.

    As Bren left the forest he paused, seeing the Lords entourage riding out from the castle. He had thought they would be busy, but apparently they were hunting, perhaps it was for training of the archers, charged with protecting the castle, all Bren knew was, he would have to find another way out of the forest and into the city.

    @ Jinx_Love
    [improvising. :P]
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:11am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    Destry smiled and got in the carriage. "He's in our summer cottage just a few hours ride. They say the fresh air has been helping with his cough." she said. Destry smiled and sat in the carriage with him. We'll have to go through the forest. It's just on the outside of the city in the Glistening forest." she said and folded her hands in his lap. He looked stiff and that worried her. She would see it and hoped it wasn't something she had said or done. She doubted it but wanted to be sure to honor her father.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:20am
  • Garret smiled softly, "Sounds lovely," he said sweetly, "please don't take offence to my stiffness and secrecy, it's just I don't wish to worry you needlessly," he said. He sat beside her, this marriage was as important to his father as hers, maybe even more so, Destry's father was a great power, his post and linage was very influential.

    Bren moved into the underbrush, disappearing completely to those with an untrained eye, he was just another shadow. He watched as the King rode past at a fair pace. Bren pulled his hunting catch, only a mere few hares and packed them up hiding them in the brush so he could move faster.

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:29am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    Destry smiled. "Thank you." she placed her hand on his and then peeked out the cloth on the window before leaning back. "So Garret I know you are a wonderful dancer but that you also like the outdoors nearly as much as I do what else do you like?" she asked and smiled at him as the carriage moved a long. Destry was glad her family had picked him as the most promising suitor.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:44am
  • Garret looked at her, "I like riding, I do a lot of it working for father though so I tend to just walk through the markets and lower end of town when I can try and help the people as best I can," he said lightly, it was true, he helped them the best he could but still believed in the system as it was.

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:47am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    Destry smiled. They had so much in common. "I think you and I are going to get a long just fine." she teased and smiled softly. "I did that today before you came." she said. Destry believed in the system when it was done right. Her father was the system but he did it right. When you abused the system you had problems.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 10:58am
  • Garret smiled, "your cousin mentioned that, you went out without a guard, after what happened last night, that's vary brave of you," he said softly, "Did you really sleep through the whole thing?" he asked.

    Bren stalked silently along the trail hoping to get back into the city before dark. He gathered his catch and made his way back to the city side of the forest.

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 2nd, 2013 at 11:02am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    "Well I don't know about brave but if he had wanted to kill me I think he would have in my sleep. He left me alone and took the rings so he seems like a thief first and a killer only if it is necessary. Which is wrong but at least he didn't kill the maid or me." she reasoned. Destry smiled softly. "What do you think? Would he have killed me if I woke or only if I posed as a threat?" Destry knew the truth but wanted to see where his thoughts where on this.
    October 2nd, 2013 at 11:08am
  • Garret sighed, "I think I've heard of your thief on my travels, and you are correct, he only kills if it's necessary, the mere fact it was two guards made it necessary for him, he couldn't knock out one without the other raising the alarm, so he shot them, probably in quick succession and cleanly in the heart so they wouldn't suffer, as to whether he would of shot you if you woke up, can only be understood by him, I wish I felt more comfortable talking about this with you but I don't not now," he said softly. He looked up as the carriage left the city.

    Bren was on the path back to the city when the princess' carriage left through the gate, he smirked. She had surprised him and intrigued him, he slipped one of the rings he stole out of his pocket, coming up with a devious plan.

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 2nd, 2013 at 11:15am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    Destry nodded. She looked out the window and bit her lip. "Don't worry about it." she said smiling softly. He had talked about it more with her then anyone else has. Destry smiled softly as they rode in silence for a while before she brought up an easier subject for them. "Where would you want to live if you had a choice? I mean I think the ocean is interesting but the mountains are beautiful. I love the forest though." she said and grinned at him.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 01:34am
  • Garret smiled "what about in the mountains near the beach with forests," he said softly joking, "probably near the shore, would suite me best," he admitted. He really like talking with her, "be honest, do you actually like me, or are you being nice because you have to be, I won't be offended," he said.

    Bren lifted his cloak over his head and hiding his bow as best he could, trying to look like a normal villager walking into the city, he bumped into the horses pulling the carriage, which he knew would make the guards stop the carriage to accost him

    @ Jinx_Love
    {Yay I have no uni tomorrow, I can be on all day}
    October 3rd, 2013 at 07:02am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    [I have to work]

    Destry smiled and took his hand. "You are interesting Garret but I don't know you well enough yet to say if I like you like your thinking though I think we will be great friends in just a little while and maybe I will love you." she said. "But you should know I speak what I feel Garret." she said and then felt the bump that wasn't normal. "What was that?" she asked.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 07:46am
  • @ Jinx_Love
    [awh :(, the weekend will be good for me :).]

    Garret smiled softly, "thank you for being honest," he said politely. He looked up, "let me check," he said standing up leaving the carriage seeing Bren being hassled by the guards, "leave the poor man be, and keep moving, I'm sure it was an accident," he called out before climbing back in.

    Bren smiled softly and as he walked past the carriage window he dropped one of the rings through the slit, it dropped onto the seat nest to Destry. He continued walking back towards the city. Wrapped around the ring was a small note, "Since you were nice to the people, I'll think about returning the other one, convince me"
    October 3rd, 2013 at 07:53am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    Destry gulped as the ring landed in her lap. She read the note sticking he ring and note in her dress as Garret came back. How was she going to convince him of that. She bit her lip. She looked up as the door opened and she smiled at Garret. "So what was it?" she asked.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 08:16am
  • Garret smiled, "just some silly villager, he bumped into the horses and the guards were hassling him," he said softly. "We're on our way again now though," he said softly sitting across from her, "I hope the news I have for your father doesn't disturb him too much," he said

    @ Jinx_Love
    October 3rd, 2013 at 08:26am
  • @ A Drop On the Window
    Destry frowned. "Can't you please tell me what news it is? I can take it." she said softly. she needed to know more about this guy. Why would he return a ring challenging her to do more good? She already did what she could for all the people she could. Everywhere she went she tried to spread hope and unity.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 05:35pm