One Defense

  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake felt her hand and winced a little. He needed stitches for it. He noticed Alex being loaded into the ambulance and saw Anya and looked back at Sammie and said, "I'm okay. I beat the ever living shit out of him though. I need to go to the hospital though," he gave a sympathetic look and then hugged we tightly bringing her close to him.

    Anya didn't even notice the tear as she watched Alex. She heard him an said, "DUMBASS! You aren't okay!" She frowned at him. She tried not to look at the unconscious man. She noticed the paramedics take him away and glanced over at Sammie. She noticed Jake and walked over and murmured, "You need stitches. Come
    On, I'll drive." She then grabbed the keys and walked to the car.

    @ Olaf
    March 17th, 2014 at 06:03am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Damie shook her head and took the keys. She gestured for Anya to go with Alex and she smiled encouragingly. She took Jake's hand and walked out. Climbing into the car, she began to drive to the hospital. Occasionally, she would glance over to see if he was okay. Biting her lip, she got to the hospital and climbed out before going over to him.
    Alex was laying on the stretcher as he waited for them to take him to the hospital. Sighing, he winced as he grew more and more groggy. The blood loss was getting to him, he thought almost mildly interested. His eyes could barely stay open but he fought to stay awake anyway.
    March 17th, 2014 at 06:23am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake touched his cheek feeling blood and frowned. He didn't touch it again figuring he would kid make it worse. He then nodded agreeing with Sammie on this one. He then got in the car with Sammie letting her drive. He closed his eyes as she drove. He opened them once there and got out and headed towards the building with her.

    Anya frowned. She nodded. She then walked and got in the back of the ambulance with Alex. She sat down and then put her face in her hands and hoped he was okay. Her black hair tipped down and fell on Alex's hand on accident. Her hair was soft and light at the touch. She was worried about Alex and Jake. She really was. She was still pretty shaken up. She tried to make herself stop, but she couldn't.

    @ Olaf
    March 17th, 2014 at 06:27am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie walked into the hospital and watched as someone immediately took him to a doctor. She followed him in and held his hand as the doctor looked him over and began putting the stitches in. Watching him, she gave his hand a squeeze, wanting him to know that she was here for him of he needed her. She bit her lip as she watched.

    Alex looked up at her when she came in and he smiled gently. "You good?" He asked softly. His voice growing weaker and weaker as they rode to the hospital. Soon, they arrived and Alex was quickly whisked away to get stitches and an xray.
    March 17th, 2014 at 06:59am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake winced as they began to stitch his face for him. He winced as they did so. He held Sammie's hand wincing a lot. He took it though. He didn't like it, but he had to deal with it. He grimaced. He smiled at Sammie letting her know he was quite alright.

    "I guess so." She saw his hand laying there and noticed him falling asleep and took his hand in hers and murmured comforting things to him. She watched as they wheeled him to get stitches and such. Once he was in a room she was allowed to see him again. She sat down. She held his hand as he was unconscious from pain pills. She soon fell asleep her head falling down gently on the bed beside him.

    @ Olaf
    March 17th, 2014 at 08:22pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake winced as they began to stitch his face for him. He winced as they did so. He held Sammie's hand wincing a lot. He took it though. He didn't like it, but he had to deal with it. He grimaced. He smiled at Sammie letting her know he was quite alright.

    "I guess so." She saw his hand laying there and noticed him falling asleep and took his hand in hers and murmured comforting things to him. She watched as they wheeled him to get stitches and such. Once he was in a room she was allowed to see him again. She sat down. She held his hand as he was unconscious from pain pills. She soon fell asleep her head falling down gently on the bed beside him.

    @ Olaf
    March 17th, 2014 at 08:23pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie saw him wince and she bit her lip gently as she continued to hold his hand. As soon as the doctor left, she stood in front of him and watched him for a moment. She cupped the back of his neck gently before she leaned forward. Pulling him sightly forward, she kissed him deeply for a moment. This was their first kiss, in the middle of an emergency room but it felt okay, she thought as she pulled away after a moment and looked down at him with a sky smile.

    Alex continued to sleep. Getting a moments peace from the pain in his side as he slept for a while. Slowly, his eyes opened and he looked around, panicking for a moment. "What?" he thought before wincing at the pain in his side. "Fuck," he said.
    March 18th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake felt her kiss him and kissed her back. His arms went around her waist bringing her closer to him. He looked up at her as she backed away. He brought her fce down towards him and kissed her this time. He held her there, the kiss gentle and sweet. He smile softly.

    Amazingly, Anya didn't wake up. She almost awoke when being jostled a bit, but still slept. Her hand stayed in his the entire time. She twitches some times. She had her ankle wrapped up from taking a fall and hit. She would wake up soon, she had gotten tired was all.

    @ Olaf
    March 18th, 2014 at 03:41am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sam kissed him back as her hands ran up his arms to rest as they looped around his neck. She continued to kiss him before she heard someone clear their throat and she jumped away with a blush as the nurse came to check the stitches.

    Alex looked down at her after he had calmed down and he ran his fingers through her hair gently. "You are the strangest girl I have ever met," he whispered to her fondly as he leaned over and kissed her head before laying back down again.
    March 18th, 2014 at 04:21am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled fondly at her as they had to break apart. He winced as the nurse tugged at his stitches to make sure they were good. "Owwww they're good!" He exclaimed to her pulling back. "Jesus fucking Christ." He was on pain killers and couldn't control his mouth.

    Anya Mumbled something sleepily. She shivered coldly. She woke up after a few minutes and yawned stretching. She saw him awake and murmured, "how're you feeling?" She rubbed at her eyes gently. She looked tired and flustered an just plain terrified still. She looked concerned and worried most of all.

    @ Olaf
    March 18th, 2014 at 04:29am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked at the nurse and smiled gently before touching Jake's other cheek gently. The nurse walked out with a glare and she gently hit Jake's shoulder before leaning over and kissing his cheek gently. She pulled away and smiled at him gently as she moved and sat down next to him.

    Alex looked down at her. "I'm good," he said before tugging her arm. He pulled her to lay down on his good side and he wrapped an arm around her. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he whispered to her gently as he leaned back against the pillows.
    March 18th, 2014 at 04:47am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake noticed the nurse's glare as raised an eyebrow. He barely felt the smack Sammie gave him. "What crawled up her ass and died?" He said after Sammie kissed his cheek. He then hugged her gently and said, "You okay?" He looked down at her, concern in his eyes.

    Anya let him tug her down. She curled up tired from all of this. She had basically pulled an all nighter. She heard him and muttered, "if I hadn't of gone in there I wouldn't of gotten hurt. It was my own stupidity." She looked older like that. She then said, "You need to rest." She looked up at him.

    @ Olaf
    March 18th, 2014 at 12:37pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked up at him and smiled gently. She nodded with a wink before moving and kissing him again. Pulling away, she smiled gently and smiled as she sat down and bit her lip. Her eyes got heavy as she tried not to fall asleep. It had been an exhausting day, she thought.

    Alex wrapped an arm around her and he kissed the top of her head as he rubbed her arm gently. "It's okay." He said softly. "You are okay," he said softly. "You should sleep too," he said gently as he have her arm a squeeze and he smiled down at her and tried to relax as well.
    March 18th, 2014 at 02:41pm
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    He chuckled. He kissed her back pulling her close. The doctor said he wanted him to stay for the night for any head trauma. Jake saw her tired and pulled her close and laid back and murmured, "sleep." He smiled softly keeping her close. "I'll protect you." He whispered in her ear.

    Anya heard him and murmured, "I'll try." She then closed her eyes being close to him. She woke back up later that night. She sighed and then stood up and went for a walk. She couldn't stay cooped up when her thoughts weren't letting her sleep. She took a stroll through the outside part where they let the patients walk around.

    @ Olaf
    March 20th, 2014 at 12:06am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked at him for a moment and debated before she leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, feeling, Safe, being in his arms. Waking up later, her eyes flickered open and she looked around the room, trying to remember everything that has happened lately.

    Alex woke up a few hours later and his eyes widened. This is crazy, he thought as he pushed himself up. He groaned in pain as he slipped out of the bed and began to search for Anya. He didn't want her to feel like she was alone and he truly found himself caring about her. Continuing to walk, he tried to find her and he stumbled with a groan.
    March 20th, 2014 at 12:25am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (I am so so sorry!)
    He smiled down at he before drifting off as well. He woke up later with a soft groan. His head was killing him. He quickly shut up as he looked down seeing Sammie there. He smiled and then kisses her head. He soon felt her shift and watched as she woke up. "Hey, beautiful." He have her a soft smile looking down at her again.

    Anya sighed trying to relax. She couldn't though. She heard a groan and turned around. Her eyes widened seeing Alex. She frowned and said, "what the hell are you doing!? You shouldn't be out of bed, Alex!" She went over and slipped an arm around him to steady him. She didn't care how much bigger he was than her. He needed someone else's strength right now.

    @ Olaf
    April 21st, 2014 at 09:31pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    (It's okay)

    Sammie looked up as she reached up and wiped the sleep from her eyes. She yawned again before glancing over at Jake when he spoke. Smiling gently, she waved before laying her head back down against his chest and letting out a soft sigh. She wrapped her arm around his waist and smiled up at him.

    Alex groaned slightly as he slumped against her. Together they stumbled back to his room. He didn't talk until he was on bed hit then he looked up at her. "I was looking for you," he said honestly as he smiled gently at her. "I was worried when you disappeared on me," he said with a slight frown on his face. "I don't want you to disappear on me."
    April 22nd, 2014 at 07:00am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Olaf
    Jake smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Hey, how are you?" He asked her and smiled holding her close to him. He kept her close to him afraid if he let go he was gonna lose her for some reason. He gave a soft yawn and stretched his legs a little before hugging her close.

    Anya slowly, but surely, got him to his bed again and frowned at him. She heard him say he was looking for her and blinked and sighed. She heard his other words and looked down at him her gaze softening. "I was just around the corner, and I just went for a walk because I couldn't sleep is all. I was going to come back." She then said, "Why not though?" She looked at him gently.
    April 22nd, 2014 at 07:14am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie shrugged at his question before moving away slightly. She motioned for him to continue stretching as she stretched as well. She gave another tired yawn and her eyes flickered open then closed again. Looking at him, she smiled when she noticed her had finished and she crawled back into his arms.

    Alex looked at her and reached up and touched his cheek gently. His thumb stroked her cheek gently before he sighed softly. "Because, I just got you to start smiling at me," he said with a soft smile of his own as he watched her. "And I didn't want to lose that."
    April 23rd, 2014 at 06:29am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Jake chuckled and stretched a bit, not too much fearing he might stretch it too much. He yawned again and shook it off. He would need to shake it off. He smiled softly when she came back in his arms. He held her to him gently and stroked her hair gently. He closed his eyes and felt relaxed that was until the nurse came in with a big ass needle. He stared and said, "fuck that."

    Anya watched him. She felt his hand reach up to touch and caress her cheek. She watched him again. She was shocked at his words. Her gaze softened again and she said, "I don't smile much anyways..." She looked pained as she said it. She then reached up and pushed his hair from his forehead.

    @ Olaf
    April 23rd, 2014 at 06:41am