You Will Always Be My Heart

  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian kept his eyes on Charlotte, not wanting to look away from her. He knew that he would most certainly see her again, he wasn't going to give up on them. He was going to get her back. Brian was pretty sure that Robert had spiked a war between him and Matt, especially since Molly needed Evelyn. Brian sighed as he watched Charlotte disappear, turning and heading back towards the hummers. There was no point in standing there, they weren't coming back, and soon they would be escorted out of there and they certainly didn't want that with Molly involved. Brian got in one of the hummers, slamming the door shut and running his hands through his unruly hair. He just wanted to get back to the mansion and figure out a plan to get them back. He wasn't going to be able to rest until he did so. Brian was going to end up driving himself crazy trying to get Charlotte back and he didn't even care, it was well worth it. "Come on, short shit, you're so damn slow," he called out the window to Johnny, who was supposed to be driving the hummer he was in. He was taking way to long and it was irritating as shit.
    Evelyn groaned in her sleep, tossing and turning as she tried desperately to wake up. "Molly," she mumbled, letting out a small whimper. Evelyn's eyes finally fluttered open as she looked up at Charlotte, her sight a little fogged as well as her mind. She really wasn't sure what they had given her, but it must've been some major shit. "Is she okay? Did you get her to Matt?" Evelyn asked as she sat up slowly in the bed she was in, a little dazed and confused. She looked around the room, furrowing her brow together. Why was she in a bedroom? This was totally unexpected. She thought she would be put back in that little cold stone room she had been in before. "Why am I in here?" she asked Charlotte, scratching the back of her head. Evelyn had a really bad feeling about this and she didn't like it one bit. She didn't like being in this bedroom, she didn't like getting in sort of unusually nice treatment from her so called father. She rather have her old room back.
    May 28th, 2015 at 02:34am
  • Matt climbed into the Hummer after carrying Molly outside, he got her buckled in even though she always liked to do it herself. She was just as stubborn as he was and he loved that about his daughter, but right now he just needed to make sure that she was safe. He sat beside her as she was still very upset and would continue to be upset until he was able to bring Evelyn back home, he glanced back at the mansion as the Hummer begun to be driven off by Zacky. "Shh baby girl, I'll get Evelyn back okay. It might just some time though," He promised his little girl, he'd do anything for Molly but he also wanted Evelyn back for himself. He was being selfish but he wanted to see Evelyn's stunning smile and feel her body pressed against his, he wasn't going to stop until he had her back and they could maybe even start a life together. He held Molly close when she leaned into his side, the drive back home was completely silent after that and it was a tense silence. The girls may not have been with them for long, but it was long enough that everyone begun to get along with the girls and right now they were all missing Evelyn and Charlotte. It felt wrong to not have them there or knowing they'd be at the mansion doing something when the guys arrived home, it didn't sit well with Matt and he knew he'd have to fix that with Brian's help.
    Charlotte gently ran her fingers through Evelyn's dark hair as she slowly begun to stir, "She's safe with Matt now. Their probably on their way home," She told Evelyn quietly as it was a slap in the face, having to say that the guys had left made her want to cry. Her chest tightened as she fully realised how much she wanted to be with Brian, she wanted to be in his arms where she always felt safe. But now he had gone back home without her, she knew that they couldn't do anything to stay together just yet but it still hurt. "I don't know yet," Charlotte didn't want to show Evelyn how concerned she was about what her father was up to, Evelyn had never once been inside the mansion like this. She was never given a nice bedroom or treated this nicely, she was worried but she needed to find out what was going on before she said anything. "I'll find out, I'm sure it's nothing." She tried her best to reassure Evelyn but knew that she had failed as her worry shone through her eyes, "I'm sure the guys are making a plan to come get you again." She gave a small nod of her head, she knew how much Matt wanted Evelyn there for Molly. But she wasn't sure how long it'd take for Brian to come get her.
    May 29th, 2015 at 02:22am