You Will Always Be My Heart

  • Matt nodded his head lightly listening to Evelyn's questions, "Firstly I wanted you here because I can't take care of Molly on my own, in fact I don't even know how to take care of my own daughter. That's why I kidnapped you, sure it wasn't the best idea but it was the easiest and you were right there" He explained to Evelyn wanting to be as honest to her as possible, "I don't have a reason to treat you badly" He shrugged his shoulders lightly before sighing heavily, "Charlotte wasn't suppose to be taken. Brian just wanted her, he's stubborn and what he wants he'll work to to get" Matt wasn't going to sugar coat anything unless he was explaining something to Molly, he knew Charlotte being here was good for Evelyn but it was still something that would only cause more trouble for them all. "I am sorry about how I took you, that was wrong but I didn't know how else to do it" He explained to her.

    Charlotte glanced over at Brian confused as to why he was being so nice to her, "It's beautiful here and quiet, I don't have to deal with anyone else" She said to him though she did prefer this side of him, she wasn't sure if he was just putting this on to get into her pants or if this side of him was really inside of him. She was starting to think he was just putting it on, she knew she was stubborn and she wasn't about to start trusting him considering he only wanted her for sex. "Why did you want to be in a gang?" She asked him as her father loved the power and control he had, also the fact that people feared him. Of course with her father being who he was, no one really ever hurt her or even asked her out on dates because of her Dad. That was something she hated, she was scared she'd end up alone when she really wanted her knight in shining amour to sweep her off of her feet.
    November 5th, 2013 at 06:01am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian blinked a bit, caught off guard with the question. "Why did I want to be in a gang," he repeated to his own self, furrowing his eyebrows together. He honestly wasn't entire sure why he wanted to do it, it was kind go a joint thing between him and the guys. "Well... Money? Yeah, money, I got in it for money. Plus, it was a mutual thing between me and the guys. We wanted to do something useful with hour lives, since we fucked up hour high school career and had no future ahead of us," he said with a shrug. All him and the guys did in high school was party and smoke pot all the time. They didn't have a care in the world. But when they graduated, they realized that they couldnt go to college and they had nothing to look forward to in life. First they started a band, which got pretty successful for awhile, but then they stopped, wanting something more. So they started getting in the gang stuff, eventually working their way up to being one of the most feared gangs in the country.

    Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows together, knowing there was more to it. "There has to be something else. How did you even know about me? You don't just break into a holding cell, kidnap the two people in it and then leave. As far as I knew no one knew that I even existed," she said, glaring at him a bit. There was a bigger picture here and she was going to find out what it was. She was getting frustrated with it all and she was trying hard to get him to give her more information, but she wasn't doing such a good job. Evelyn look him over, taking in his appearance. He was looking mighty fine today, and she honestly just wanted to rip his shirt off. She didn't know why, but she did. She could see his muscles rippling underneath his shirt as he moved and it was just driving her absolutely bonkers.
    November 5th, 2013 at 07:10am
  • Matt shook his head gently resting his large hands on her shoulders, "That's enough for today and I'm not even sure I can tell you what else I know, for now you'll just have to believe me. Believe me that I'm not here to hurt you and this is a much better place to be" He spoke calmly in his deep voice, if Evelyn started looking into all of this more than he'd have to tell her everything. But right now he'd be keeping it a secret from her which he didn't want to do, but he had to. "If you're still tired from last night, then go get some more sleep. I'm sure Molly will want you all to herself soon enough, or I can make you something else to eat" He said knowing she never got this treatment when she was with her father, hell Matt knew he'd come looking for Charlotte but would he bother with Evelyn? He didn't think he would have if Brian just left Charlotte there.

    Charlotte listened to his deep voice as he spoke to her and it made sense why he formed the gang, it wasn't like her father who joined a gang and then left to start his own. At least Brian had his friends right there for him if he ever needed them, she wasn't even allowed to see her extended family without her father's permission. She was an only child and her mother was helping being a mafia bosses wife, Charlotte wanted more out of her life then this. "Don't you get tired of people giving you everything you want? Don't you want more than this? A wife, a family" Charlotte asked him knowing her father would die in the mafia, she felt the warmness of the sun shone on her as she tucked some light brown hair behind her ear. "If I don't give in to you and give you sex, will you let me go or kill me?" She asked looking into his dark brown eyes.
    November 5th, 2013 at 07:23am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian chuckled. "Your father gets whatever he wants from people. Where as I actually work hard for what I get. It's not as easy as it may seem, Princess," he said with a sigh. "And I don't want a wife, or an family and kids. I'd love them too much to put them in the kind of danger they'd be with being so close to me," he said, frowning some, but quickly making it go away. "I wouldn't kill you. You do understand who your father is, right? If I killed you, the whole gang would be killed, including Evelyn. Hell, if he ever got a hold of her again he'd probably kill her anyways," Brian said with a roll of his eyes. The mafia lord was a huge douche when it came to family. Brian didn't understand why he couldn't accept the fact that he had another daughter and treat her like his own, not lock her up like she was the worst mistake in the entire fucking world. "I wouldn't let you go, either. So don't get your hopes up. I don't know what I plan on doing with you yet."

    Evelyn pouted some, wishing he would just tell her it all today. She smiled when he mentioned that Molly wwould eventualy want her all to herself, letting out a small giggle. "She's very adorable," Evelyn said softly. She actually kind of wanted to go to sleep, but she couldn't sleep alone. Not with all the nightmares she tends to have. That's why she never really slept last night, she didn't want to wake Molly with any whimpers or accidental screams. Maybe Evelyn could get Charlotte to stay in the guest bedroom with her, though she highly doubted it because then they would all think that they were planning an escape. "Sleeping... About that, um... I have, uh, extremely bad nightmares... And, um, I don't like sleeping alone... Maybe Charlotte could stay with me or I could maybe... stay in the room with you?" she murmured, staring down at the floor. "I-I don't have to sleep in the bed. I just want to be in the room with someone so I'm not alone. I can easily sleep on the floor, but that's if Charlotte isn't allowed to stay with me," Evelyn said, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. She really hoped that he would let her stay with him, though she wasn't sure why.
    November 5th, 2013 at 08:03am
  • Matt nodded his head completely understanding why she'd be having nightmares, "Come on" He said to her grinning letting his dimples only show slightly in his cheeks, he walked out of that room making sure that Evelyn was following him. He walked through the mansion with her and up the stairs before taking her into his own bedroom, "You can sleep here while I do some paper work, but don't blame me if Molly comes in to wake you up" He told her preferring her to sleep with him in the room, he was concerned that if she was left alone with Charlotte they'd plan an escape and he didn't want her to leave. Honestly he could rip her clothes off right now and show her just exactly how he could make her feel, show her how she should be treated. If he gave all of this a chance then she'd be treated like the most important person there, she'd get everything she could possibly want and need.

    Charlotte rolled her eyes hearing Brian call her princess, even if she was treated like a princess and had grown up like one. She wouldn't have bothered the nickname if it wasn't coming from Brian's mouth, she frowned listening to what he was saying to her. "What do you mean Evelyn would be killed? Do you know something that I don't?" She asked him wanting to know if he knew something about Evelyn, Charlotte had no idea why Evelyn had been kidnapped by her father but would he really kill her? Charlotte wasn't even sure what her father would do anymore, "You do know that my dad will kill you anyway, even if you don't touch me. You still kidnapped me" She said to him crossing her legs on the couch so she could be more comfortable.
    November 5th, 2013 at 08:47am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian rolled his eyes slightly and shook his head. "I know a lot of things that you don't, sweetie. And your father wouldn't kill us as long as we don't do any harm to you. Which, I don't plan to do," he said, running his fingers through his hair and making his already messed up hair even more so. "Look, we started off on the wrong foot. Do you think we could start over, please? I'm really not that bad of a guy," he said with a small pout, looking into her gorgeous blue eyes with his chocolate brown ones. Brian was really trying to be serious now. He was tired of the games, even if it had only been a day, if that even. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted, not caring about the consequences, but he had to now, which really fucking sucked. He didn't want to play safe and try to get her to want him the hard way. He wanted to make her want him the easy way, except he wasn't entirely sure what the easiest way was.

    Evelyn smiled. "Thank you," she murmured, looking around his room. It matched him pretty well, though it was a lot fancier than what she would have thought. Evelyn giggled softly, shrugging some. "I don't mind it, I just want a little nap," she said with a yawn, stretching her arms out above her head. She had completely forgotten that she had very minimal clothing underneath and the shirt had risen to about mid hip. She didn't really care though, she wasn't the type to be shy about it, even if she did absolutely hate her body right now. Evelyn went over to the bed, plopping down and stretching out a little more before cuddling with a pillow, an adorable smile on her face. She couldn't remember the last time that she had been able to stretch out on a bed like this. Matt had a California King, so there was plenty of room to spread out and then some, which she really enjoyed.
    November 6th, 2013 at 01:52am
  • Matt happened to just glance over at Evelyn when she stretched her arms up above her head, causing the shirt she was wearing to rise. He didn't look away from her body nor did he want to, she was stunningly beautiful and if he had his way then he'd be laying beside her on his bed. "You don't have to thank me" He spoke softly turning around in his chair as he turned his computer on so he could get some work done, before Molly wanted his attention though she knew this time was Daddy's work time. He'd had to either go out himself or send the guys out to get clothes and other female stuff for both Evelyn and Charlotte, their clothes can only be washed so many times before holes start to form. He'd keep Brian here to look after Charlotte as he's the one who wanted her in the first place, he'd most likely send Jimmy and Johnny as he could trust them both. Zacky would probably get distracted and wander off like he did when Matt sent him out to get toys for Molly.

    Charlotte frowned when Brian did tell her what he meant about her father killing Evelyn along with him and his friends if anything happened to her, she hated not knowing what was happening or going on. That was the first time please had ever come out of his mouth and Charlotte was shocked, she hadn't been expecting him to want to start over. It was obvious that he was serious but she wasn't sure if this was just a joke, or a way for him to gain her trust so she'd give into him. "Start over? Maybe you should have thought about that before you kidnapped me and brought me here, you can't expect me to just forgive you" She said to him as she had grown up being told not to instantly trust people which was hard for her, she thought the best in everybody until they proved her wrong. Brian had already proved to her he wasn't a nice guy when he brought her to this mansion, "A nice guy wouldn't keep me locked up here".
    November 6th, 2013 at 02:25am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian groaned loudly in frustration, wanting to go and bang his head up against a wall or something. He was getting extremely pissed off with this. "I didn't know who you were, dammit. If I had known you were the Mafia Lord's other fucking daughter, I would have left you there," he growled, getting up and storming out of the sunroom. He needed a drink. Not just any drink either, a strong, alcoholic one. Brian went into the booze room, grabbing a glass and some whiskey before pouring it in the glass, downing it. Eventually he was just going to say fuck it and have his way with her. Throw her on the bed, tie her up, make her feel things she'd never felt before. She'd like it so much she'd be begging for more and not wanting to go back to her dumbass father. Brian sighed heavily and shook his head, knowing he couldn't do that, but he was at that point. He was getting entirely too frustrated with the girl and it had only been a day.

    Evelyn almost instantly fell asleep, beginning to have a wonderful dream which was very unusual for her. It felt very real and she wasn't so sure how she was going to handle it. In the dream she was laying on a bed, a man lying on top of her, running his hands all over her body. The man was rather larger with muscle, covered in tattoos from head to toe. She eventually realized that it was Matt who was making her feel unbelievable amounts of pleasure. Evelyn didn't know that she began moaning in her sleep, murmuring Matt's name every once in a while. Matt would only notice if he discovered her heavy breathing and listened carefully. Evelyn was going to be so embarrassed when she eventually woke up and found out what she had done. She was never going to be able to sleep in Matt's room with him after that.
    November 6th, 2013 at 03:00am
  • Matt was focused on the work he needed to get though that morning as most of it involved the gang, he wasn't worried or concerned about having Evelyn in his room while he did his work. If she was awake then it would be another matter, but heavy breathing hit his ears from the beautiful woman laying on his bed. He was surprised at how fast she had fallen asleep but it showed him how bad the nightmares must be if she hadn't been sleeping because of them, he needed her to be fully rested for when she took care of Molly whenever he had to leave the mansion for work. He stopped when he thought he heard a small moan, he wasn't sure until he looked over at Evelyn and then heard another moan. He chuckled inwardly to himself as he continued to let her sleep for as long as she needed, it didn't sound like she was having another nightmare so he wasn't going to ruin that and wake her up.

    Charlotte frowned completely confused as she watched Brian leave the room in frustration, she stood up from the sofa she was sitting on and followed him. Keeping up with him as he went into another room where he got himself a drink, "What do you mean I'm his other daughter? Brian tell me please" She said looking up at the tattooed man as everything started to make sense in her mind as she thought about it, was Evelyn her half sister or was Brian just playing with her? Right now she had no idea but she didn't see why he'd lie about something like that, "Is Evelyn my step sister? Please Brian, you have to tell me" She said to him softly gently resting her hand onto his arm, she needed to know what he was talking about. She was the only child to her parents and she had grown up that way, now he was telling her that she had a step sister out there that she had no idea about.
    November 6th, 2013 at 05:24am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian hummed softly to himself as he cleaned his guns, wanting them nice and shiny. His guns were likes his babies, as well as his guitar. Brian raised an eyebrow as he saw Molly zoom passed the doorway, Evelyn following behind her and yelling about clothes and a bath. Brian shook his head, sighing heavily. The mansion had been so hectic ever since the girls got here. Matt had his hands full with Evelyn and Molly, and Brian had his hands full with Charlotte, who was constantly planning her escape. Though the past week or so, it seemed as maybe Charlotte was starting to give up a little and accept the fact that she was here for good. And Brian was getting a little bit closer to getting in her pants, which he was excited about. He could see the way she looked at him whenever he didn't have a shirt on, or only wrapped in a towel. She was beginning to want him as much as he wanted her, at least he thought so. Maybe those looks were apart of another escape plan. Not that it would work, because he was way smarter than that. Well, at least he thought he was. Sometimes he wondered if all the hair gel seeped through his skin and to his brain somehow.

    Evelynn grunted as she bumped into a corner, ignoring the slight pain as she continued to run after Molly. "Molly Marie, don't make me get your daddy!" Evelynn yelled as she stopped chasing her for a second to catch her breath. "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Molly squealed, continue to run away. Evelyn groaned, going back to chasing Molly down the hallway. "Come on, Molly, you need to get in the bath! Or at least put some clothes on," she yelled, quickly turning the corner and grunting as she bumped into someone, falling on her back onto the floor. She looked up from where she was laying, seeing Matt sanding there. She smiled innocently, giggling a bit. "Well hello there. How's it going? Your daughter isn't running around in just her Hello Kitty panties," she said, shaking her head. "Nope, not at all." Evelyn bit down on her bottom lip hard, hoping he wasn't going to get mad at her. Though, knowing him, he wouldn't. Her and Matt have gotten very close within the last month or so. There was a strong connection between the two of them that Evelyn had never felt with anyone before. They've even come close to kissing a time or two, and now she constantly daydreams about what it would be like to have those plump, yummy lips against hers.
    January 13th, 2014 at 09:13am
  • Matt chuckled softly as he looked down at Evelyn, "I'm going just fine but it seems like your having a rough time" He grinned knowing how much time his little girl could run around when it suddenly became bath time, once she couldn't even be caught by Jimmy and Zacky which Matt found to be quite amusing. He held his hand out for Evelyn so he could help her up to her feet, "I'm sorry about that. I hadn't seen you coming around the corner, let me help you" He said holding her soft delicate hand in his larger one, he pulled her gently to her feet before he called out to his daughter. "Molly if you continue this than there will be no TV tonight, it's up to you but it's bath time missy" He knew she had heard him when her little patting footsteps stopped as she thought about what she wanted more. To miss bath time or to watch TV with Daddy and Evelyn, "You should be able to caught her now" He smiled at the beautiful young woman standing in front of him, though he hadn't let her hand go as he was enjoying how soft her skin felt. Evelyn had fitted in at the mansion easily which surprised him although he was glad at the same time because Molly loved her, if he was honest with himself than his feelings for Evelyn had developed quickly since she had been there. He wished he had already told her about who her father was, he didn't want her to start hating him because he knew and didn't tell her.
    Charlotte had asked Johnny to go into the kitchen to get her a glass of water when he went to grab himself a beer, the sun was to set soon and she knew this would be the best time to put her escape plan into action. Evelyn seemed to actually like being there so she hadn't told her friend about how she was going to escape, Brian still watched her like a hawk during the day but right now he was in his room or somewhere and Charlotte was alone. She quietly made her way to the front door and slipped through trying to make as little noise as she possibly could, her brunette hair was tied up in a messy bun so it wouldn't get in her way. She inhaled deeply before running off as fast as she could, her feet hit the ground as she ran towards the forest in which she could hide if need be. Charlotte didn't even glance back over her shoulder once as she entered the forest that surrounded the mansion, she wasn't sure how long she had been running when she couldn't carry herself anymore. In the forest it was dark from the trees not letting in any light, she screamed softly when her foot caught on a branch and twisted lightly as she fell onto the dirt ground.
    January 13th, 2014 at 09:47am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian finished up cleaning his guns, deciding that they were shiny enough. He stood up from his seat and yawned loudly, stretching. He decided to check on Charlotte, make sure that she wasn't doing anything that she wasn't supposed to, like escaping. Brian began looking all over the mansion for her, growling when he couldn't find her anywhere. He turned a corner and saw Johnny, glaring at him. But before Brian could even speak, Johnny did. "Don't shoot me, but I can't find Charlotte," Johnny said, biting down on his bottom lip. "God fucking dammit, Christ. I ask you to do one thing, and you fuck it up," Brian spat, shoving past Johnny. "Come on, I have to look for her and you're going to help," he said, grabbing Johnny by the arm and heading towards the garage. As Brian was getting some search equipment together, he realized that he wasn't going to be able to find her with just him and Johnny looking. He was going to have to tell Matt and the rest of the guys, which he really wasn't looking forward to. "I'll be right back, keep getting shit together," Brian told Johnny before going back into the mansion, searching for Matt. Brian almost bumped into Molly in the hallway, raising an eyebrow at her attire. Brian shrugged and followed where Molly was running off to, knowing she was probably going to Matt. Brian grinned when he saw that he was right, walking up to Matt and clearing his throat a little. "Uh, Matt, I need to talk to you," Brian said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Like right now. It's urgent."

    Evelyn smiled at Matt, nodding. "Thanks," she murmured, biting down on her bottom lip a little as she looked down at their hand, then back up at him. "You can let go now," she said with a small nervous giggle. Not that Evelyn really wanted him to let go, because she didn't. She liked the feeling of her hand in his. His hand was so large and had this protective feel about it. But Evelyn knew that they couldn't stay like this forever. She had a little girl to bathe and get ready for her bedtime that would be coming soon. Evelyn looked up when Brian approached them, along with a pouting Molly. She giggled, glad that Matt had finally let her hand go so she could get Molly. Evelyn bent down and scooped the little girl up into her arms, a relieved sigh passing through her lips. "I got you now, kid," she said, tickling Molly some and smiling as the little girl's adorable giggles filled the air. "Well, i'll just leave you to alone now," Evelyn said, saluting to the two men before turning and heading to the bathroom. Evelyn had already filled the bathtub, but since they've been at this chase for a good hour, the water was probably cold. She sighed as she went past Brian's room, raising an eyebrow when she didn't see Charlotte there. Maybe she was down in the kitchen with one of the guys or something, who knows.
    January 14th, 2014 at 07:48am
  • Matt chuckled softly to himself, "I'll let go of your hand, but I don't want to" He could be a flirt and he liked flirting with Evelyn, she would blush across her cheeks and become shy which was fucking sexy to him. Especially the blush as he'd love to make her blush more with the things he could do to her, but that would come with time as he needed to think about his beautiful little girl before anyone else. "You be a good girl now baby" He smiled at his pouting daughter before Evelyn carried her off for her bath, he frowned turning to face Brian. There could only be two things that Brian would be this nervous about telling him, getting a woman pregnant which couldn't have happened as Charlotte hadn't let him that close to her yet or Charlotte had somehow escaped. "I told you to that you needed to take care of her Brian, I swear to God we better fucking find her and fast. Go start searching for her and I'll get Jimmy and Zack" He frowned knowing that this would happen but he trusted Brian to take care of Charlotte, apparently she had her way of getting out under everyone's noses. He stormed through the mansion telling Jimmy and Zacky about what they needed to do which they weren't happy about either, he then headed to the bathroom seeing that Evelyn was refilling the tub while Molly watched closely. "I have to head out for a bit with the guys, I won't be long so you two behave alright" He smiled sending Evelyn a wink before he joined Jimmy and Evelyn in the car so they could bring Charlotte back.
    Charlotte sat down in the dirt ground leaning her back against a large tree trunk, she was lost with a sore ankle and she was getting cold as the sun got lower in the sky. She thought she could have actually escaped from this area so she could call her Dad and go back to him, she had planned this out for weeks and thought everything would go right for her. She closed her eyes trying to slow down her panting as her lungs were beginning to ache, she had lost her direction so even if she wanted to limp back to the mansion she wasn't sure which way it was. "What have I done to deserve this?" She whispered to herself slowly opening her eyes, she wanted the answer to the question but knew she'd never receive it. She hadn't done anything to deserve this that she could remember, she didn't help her father with the work he did, she was nice to everyone and just wanted to go home. She felt like she was completely alone at the mansion considering Evelyn was enjoying it there with Matt and Molly, Brian simply only wanted her for sex which made her feel like she was a whore. Sobs racked her chest as tears rolled steadily down her cheeks.
    January 14th, 2014 at 09:35am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian groaned a little and nodded, making his way back to the garage where Johnny was. He and Johnny decided to take four-wheelers to search the woods with so that it was faster and they could cover more ground. Brian saw that it was starting to get dark, cursing to himself. He needed to get a good amount of the ground covered before the sun set. He wanted to find her before it got pitch black outside. Who knows what could be lurking out there, waiting to hurt her. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to her. Hell, he didn't know what Matt would do to him if something happened to her. Or Evelyn for that matter, she would probably castrate him or some shit. Brian grabbed his backpack full of supplies, going over to his four-wheeler and turning it on. He took off into the field, heading towards the woods. He kept glancing up at the sky, his heart racing a bit as he saw that the sun was setting quicker then he thought it would, knowing he was pressed for time. Who knows how long she had been gone though or where she could be. He didn't even know what direction she could have possibly gone off too.

    Evelyn finished refilling the bath before she got Molly in it, looking up when Matt appeared in the doorway. She raised an eyebrow he said that he had to go out for a bit, biting down on her bottom lip and wondering what exactly he was going to go do. She giggled softly when he said for them to behave, nodding. "We will, don't worry," she said, putting some bubbles in Molly's bath when she asked for it. Evelyn sighed and watched Matt leave, sitting down on the floor by the bathtub and letting Molly play for a little while before she washed her up and got her out. Evelyn started thinking about Charlotte and how she hasn't been seeing her that much lately, kind of feeling bad for it. It was just that Evelyn was so busy with Molly now, and Charlotte was always being watched like a hawk and most of the time Evelyn wasn't even allowed to see Charlotte because she was locked up somewhere from trying to escape. Which Evelyn really didn't like at all, but what could you do? "Do you like my daddy?" Molly asked as she washed her doll's hair. Evelyn blinked, just staring at the little girl as if she had two heads. "Well.. I-I like him as a u-um... A friend," Evelyn said, running her fingers through her hair and staring down at her lap. Evelyn wasn't just going to tell Molly that she thought her daddy was very attractive and that she might have a small crush on him, because then the little girl would most likely run off and tell her father, which Evelyn did not want at all.
    January 16th, 2014 at 08:56am
  • Matt got into the car with Zacky while Jimmy decided to take his motorbike, he'd search the road out with Zack while Jimmy drove through the forest with Johnny and Brian. With five of them out there searching for Charlotte, they'd find her in no time well that's what Matt was hoping for. He knew if anything happened to Charlotte than that would set Evelyn off, they didn't know about them being half-sisters yet but they were still friends. He had tried to put some distance between the girls just in case Charlotte was sent back home, he didn't want to upset Evelyn or cause her any pain. He was really beginning to develop stronger feelings for the beauty that was taking care of his daughter, she didn't even seem to hate him for kidnapping her and making her babysit Molly. She hadn't tried to escape once and was really starting to get comfortable at the mansion, of course she was getting treated better than how she was with her father even though she did get to see Charlotte a lot more than then she did now. He sighed heavily as he drove through the large front gates and down the long driveway, his eyes were searching the area as the sun was setting. "I swear if we don't find her, I'm killing Brian with my own bare hands" He murmured knowing it would be getting dark soon and that would only cause them more trouble.
    Charlotte wasn't sure how long she had been sitting on the dirt ground crying her eyes out, but soon no more tears welled up in her eyes. She wiped her eyes and nose before she pushed herself back up onto her feet, her ankle was still tender but she could walk on it mostly. She inhaled deeply knowing from Brian that animals came out at night in this forest and she didn't want to face a wild animal, she began to walk off in a direction that she thought could take her to either the driveway or back to the mansion. Why anyone would want to live this far out was beyond her. She hadn't been walking for very long until a roar of engines hit her ears, at first she was confused and terrified as she wasn't sure what was making the sounds. She hid behind the closest tree to her as the sounds became closer and closer to her, she peeked out from behind the tree trunk only to be blinded by headlights. She narrowed her sensitive eyes as the four-wheelers suddenly stopped, watching closely as a man rushed over to her she realised that it had been Brian who had found her. She took a few steps backwards away from him, "Please don't hurt me for running away... I'm scared out here" She admitted to him finally showing just how fragile and innocent she truly was.
    January 16th, 2014 at 09:31am
  • @ sugarplum.
    Brian and Johnny rode around the forest for a while, searching for Charlotte. The sun had set almost completely and now he was even more worried about her then before. Who knows what kind of animal could get a hold of her. Just before Brian had lost all hope in finding her tonight, he saw someone peek out from behind a tree. He sighed in relief when he realize it was Charlotte, getting off the fourwheeler and rushing over to her. He was about to start yelling at her when she said she was scared, frowning and rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay, you're safe now. Let's just get you back to the mansion," he said, taking her hand and leading her back over to the fourwheeler. He noticed a limp in her step and he wondered if she hurt herself. "Why are you limping?" He asked, putting his helmet on her head. He rather her be wearing it than him. If they wrecked and she got hurt he didn't know what he would do. He'd feel so horrible about it and so guilty. Once she was properly on the fourwheeler and holding on to him, he made his way back to the mansion, Johnny following. Brian would call the rest of the guys and tell them that he had found Charlotte once he got back to the mansion.

    Evelyn started to wash up Molly, deciding that she had enough play time. Evelyn wanted to get the little girl washed up and in her pajamas before Matt came back from whatever he was doing. She also wanted to see what Charlotte had been up to. Since the guys weren't here and one of the maids were probably watching her, Evelyn thought it was the perfect time to go see her. Evelyn finished washing up Molly, getting her in her pajamas and letting her go play for a while before it was bedtime. Evelyn started to look around for Charlotte, not seeing her anywhere. That began to worry her. Did Brian lock her up in the basement somewhere? Did she escape again? Maybe she escaped and that's what the guys had to suddenly run off. Evelyn looked out the back door, biting down on her bottom lip hard. She hoped that she was okay and that nothing had happened to her. "When's daddy coming home?" Molly asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "It shouldn't be long," Evelyn murmured, picking Molly up and carrying her into the living room. She grabbed the remote and sat down on the couch with her, turning the TV on and putting on some cartoons for Molly to watch. "We can just watch some TV and wait for him to get home and join us."
    January 19th, 2014 at 07:59pm
  • Matt reached the end of the driveway but there was no way Charlotte could have gotten that far, if she had followed the driveway than he would have seen her so she had to have gone through the forest. At this time the forest would have been dark anyway from the trees blocking out the setting sun, it would have been hell for her trying to escape through the forest when she couldn't see where she was going or what direction she needed to go in. So he turned the car around and drove back towards the mansion, "If she hasn't been found now than we'll get on our bikes and search through the forest" He told Zacky who nodded his head in agreement, this wasn't how either of them had planned on spending their night. Matt wanted to be there to tuck in his daughter and kiss her head as she fell asleep, than he wanted to spend more time with Evelyn. But here he was searching for a girl who shouldn't have even been here to escape, he sighed heavily through his nose when he heard the sounds of two four wheelers driving through the forest. He could see their headlight in between the trees, he told Zack to text Jimmy and tell him to get back home. As he parked his car he walked straight into the house, he didn't want to deal with Brian so he walked into the living room and lifted his daughter up into his arms. "Let's get you into bed princess" He carried his sleepy little girl upstairs to her room, he tucked her in securely kissing her forehead and waiting as her eyes closed.
    Charlotte climbed onto the four wheeler behind Brian once he had set his helmet onto her head, "I tripped" She told him softly wrapping her arms around his waist before she felt him turn around and drive back the way he had came, Johnny was close behind them and she knew she'd be in trouble for this. She had her own search party and Matt wouldn't be happy with her, hopefully he'd just take it out on Brian as it was his fault she was even there to escape. She closed her eyes as the wind hit her face making her eyes water, hiding herself behind Brian she felt somewhat safer. If he came out looking for her than he couldn't be a total dick, he could have just left her there and counted his losses but he didn't. She leaned back when they came to a stop in the garage, she saw the back of Matt as he walked into the mansion. She barely noticed as Brian removed the helmet and helped her off, before he took her hand once more and took her straight upstairs to his room. She did see that Evelyn was standing there watching as the guys came back, Charlotte was so tired of everything. She was tired of being held there against her will, tired of Brian always trying to have sex with her, tired of trying to escape. "Can you yell at me tomorrow?" She asked heading into the bathroom where she pulled off her dirty clothes before she stepped into the shower, washing herself clean and drying her body off she pulled on a pair of fresh clean pajamas. She walked out and climbed straight under the covers of Brian's bed, letting the warmth and security surround her.
    January 20th, 2014 at 12:02am
  • @ Harlot.
    Are we still role playing this?
    February 17th, 2014 at 07:20am
  • @ sugarplum.
    [This is actually my first time online since I posted... We can totally continue if you'd like. I'll go ahead and post. I should be getting on a lot more now. Cute]

    Brian frowned a little as he watched her, a huge wave of sadness washing over him. He didn't like this feeling, not one bit. He was one to not give a shit about what was going on around him, especially when it came to some girl. But for some reason, Charlotte was making him start to care about his surroundings more. Especially when it involved her. He had never been so scared in his life then he was tonight. He wasn't sure if it was because he was afraid he might loose her, before he got to treat her how a lady should actually be treated, or if he was scared of what the Mafia lord would do to him. There were so many different possibilities as to why he felt the way he had. Brian sighed heavily, shaking his head some and rubbing his face. He grabbed a pair of pajamas before heading into the bathroom, going in and changing. He splashed some cold water onto his face, drying his face afterwards before heading into the bedroom and climbing in bed next to Charlotte. He reached over and turned the light off, pulling the covers fully over him. He kind of just stared blankly at the wall for god only knew how long before sleep fully overtook him. Brian really didn't plan on yelling at Charlotte tomorrow. He needed to figure out a way to get her not to escape anymore. He needed to get the fact that she will eventually go back to her father through her head.

    Evelyn grinned at Molly as Matt carried her up the stairs. She grabbed the remote and turned the tv off before heading to the kitchen and getting some cookies and a glass of milk. She headed upstairs to Matt's room, wanting to lay in bed and eat her cookies instead of downstairs. She didn't particularly like the mansion at night, especially being downstairs where there were so many big windows for people to see in. She sighed softly as she sat down on the bed, placing her glass of milk on the nightstand and her plate in her lap. She began eating her cookies, dunking a few of them in her milk every now and then. Evelyn hoped that Matt wasn't too tired tonight so they could hang out and spend some time together. She had been feeling rather lonely today. And the fact that Charlotte had tried escaping yet again kind of upsetted her. Maybe if they would just let her and charlotte see each other, things would be okay. At least Evelyn had the rest of the guys and Molly to talk to and socialize with, Charlotte really didn't have anyone. She was all alone. Evelyn groaned a little, shaking her head and resting it back against the headboard. Everything was just so fucked.
    February 17th, 2014 at 11:08am
  • [I still want to continue on with this role play]

    Matt had tucked Molly securely in her bed and read two books to her before she was fast asleep, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before he walked out of her bedroom and quietly shut the door behind him. Walking down the hallway to his room, he smiled when he saw Evelyn had made herself comfortable on the bed with a glass of milk and a few cookies on a plate. "How are you doing?" He asked the beautiful young woman as he untied the laces to his shoes and slipped them off, he walked into his bathroom pulling his clothes off before he pulled on shorts to sleep in. He was comfortable in himself as he walked over to the bed shirtless, his muscles and tattoos on complete show for Evelyn to see and take in. Sitting himself down on the bed beside her his hazel eyes never moved from her, "I'm sorry you had to see that early, I told Brian it was a bad idea bringing Charlotte here but he's a little shit" He hoped that Evelyn wouldn't start hating him or Brian because of Charlotte being here, of course neither of them knew they were actually half sisters yet and he had no idea when that would eventually come out. "Would you like to spend more time with her? I'll tell Brian tomorrow, to give her more space" He could tell that Evelyn was beginning to get just a little bit lonely at times, when Molly was busy or taking a nap and he was busy doing business with the guys. It was just her alone in a huge mansion, at least if both girls could spend time together than maybe Charlotte wouldn't try to escape anymore.
    Charlotte could tell by Brian's breathing that he had fallen asleep, but she suddenly wasn't tired anymore and didn't want to just lay in bed awake. She rolled onto her side so she was facing him, she slowly reached her hand out feeling her small hand press against the bare skin of Brian's back. She slowly moved her hand up along his back, her fingers running over his shoulder blades before finding his bicep. His muscles were relaxed but she could still feel how much he took care of himself at the guy, "Brian" She spoke in her normal voice as she wanted to wake him up, giving him a little shake until she heard a groan sound from him when she succeeded in waking him up. "I'm lonely here and I was lonely with my father, I only see anyone other than you when you're busy or need to be somewhere else. Evelyn is right here and yet you won't allow me to see her, all I want is to not be alone anymore and to be able to walk around this place without you watching me like a hawk" She told him feeling him shift slightly though she didn't remove her hand from his hand, deep down she knew even if she did get back to her father nothing would have changed. He'd still treat her the same way and she was sick of that, she wanted more and she wanted better. She wanted to be treated like a lady and be made to feel special and beautiful.
    February 18th, 2014 at 01:41am