You Will Always Be My Heart

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian groaned, not wanting to wake up. He was in a really nice, deep sleep. He half listened to what Charlotte was saying, nodding and waving her off a bit. "Yeah, I'll let you see Evelyn more and hang out with her, along with more freedom around the mansion as long as she stay inside of it," he grumbled before burying his face in his pillow. He was sleepy, he didnt want to have this conversation right now. He wasn't sure if he'd even remember it in the morning or not, but he knew that she more then likely was going to remind him of it. Especially since it was about how much freedom she got around the mansion. Besides, Brian was tired of having to look after her all the time, it was getting exhausting. Especially with how much she tries to escape. "But if you try to escape, or if I think you're plotting to even try, you're back to being watched every minute of every day," he said, pulling the covers up over his head and hoping she'd accept that. That was the best that he could come up with in his half asleep state right now.

    Evelyn smiled at Matt, dropping her cookie that she was about to eat as she watched him walk over to her bed, her eyes running up and down his toned, tattooed covered upper body. She cleared her throat, adjusting her position on the bed. "I'm doing alright. It's fine about earlier though, I kind of expected that that was what was happening. I hadn't seen her at all today. Usually I'll run into her around the house, even though I can't really talk to her," she said with a small sigh, shaking her head a little. Evelyn really missed Charlotte. She probably wouldn't even be alive right now if it weren't for her. No, not probably, most definitely. Evelyn hadn't been getting fed or anything, they had been trying to kill her pretty much, but Charlotte had snuck her food whenever she could. Evelyn owed her life to her. Her eyes widened when Matt said he'd talk to Brian about giving Charlotte more space, smiling brightly and nodding. "Oh that would be so wonderful! I really miss Charlotte, she's like the sister I never had. I owe my life to her. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be alive right now," she said with a small frown, looking down at her plate of cookies. She was actually starting to loose her appetite for them, but she knew that she should finish them anyhow.
    February 20th, 2014 at 05:07am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt smiled to himself noticing how Evelyn did take in his bare torso with her eyes, he sighed softly when she mentioned that Charlotte was like a sister to her. If only Evelyn knew that they were in fact half sisters, he wished that he could tell Evelyn about that but he wanted to make sure if Charlotte was staying at the mansion or not. Matt wasn't going to hurt Evelyn by telling her only to have Charlotte leave, he may be a gang leader but he wasn't that much of a horrible person. "I said I'll talk to him, I can't promise that he'll agree with me. Especially after what she did tonight but I'll try my hardest" He assured her not wanting her to get overly excited in case things didn't work out like she wanted them to, he smiled as he looked at her beautiful face. "Should you really be eating those cookies, so close to bed?" He asked knowing if he ate any sugar close to when he wanted to go to bed, he wouldn't be sleeping until the early hours of the morning. "You don't have to eat them all Eve, I'll take them back downstairs for you" He offered her knowing she preferred not to be downstairs at nighttime alone.
    Charlotte smiled as she listened to Brian's deep voice as he actually agreed to what she was saying, she laid back down on the bed and rolled onto her side so her back was facing him. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she first thought, of course he had still kidnapped her and isn't allowing her to go back home. But he could have easily forced himself onto her many times before, though he hadn't and he hadn't even gone near her when she had told him no. She stared around the dark room before she closed her eyes, she sighed through her lightly parted lips as she relaxed her body completely. It wasn't all that long before she was fast asleep, she had fallen into a deep sleep and sometime during the night she had rolled over onto her other side. She had moved closer to a sleeping Brian letting the warmth of his body surround her.
    February 20th, 2014 at 06:16am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    [I'm just going to skip to the next day.]

    Brian hummed softly to himself as he got out of the shower, feeling nice and refreshed. He wrapped a towel around his waist before leaving the bathroom and walking across his bedroom, going into the closet and picking out something to wear for the day. Once he decided on what he was going to wear, he went back into the bathroom and got dressed, fixing his hair afterwards. He was just a tad bit obsessed with his hair, which everyone knew. He was always fixing and checking it whenever he walked by a mirror. Once Brian was satisfied with the way he looked, he left the bathroom, going into his room and beginning to tidy it up a bit. Charlotte was still sleeping, but he knew that she should be waking up any minute now. He knew that once she was awake she was going to begin to pester him about letting her have more freedom and to see Evelyn more. Last night he was half asleep and not really paying attention to what he had been saying. He really regretted saying any of that, but he knew that maybe letting her have more freedom around the mansion would help her not want to escape. He's told her time and time again that she would eventually get back to her home. Just not really anytime soon. Not until they figured out how. Especially since Charlotte and Evelyn didn't know that they were half sisters.
    Evelyn woke up the next morning with a small groan, moving closer the the warmth that was surrounding her, wanting more. That is, until she felt something poke her. She slowly opened one eye, seeing that Matt had her in a tight hold. She opened her other eye, both of them widening when she realized what exactly was poking her. She looked down in between their bodies, then back up at Matt's sleeping face. She really didn't want to wake him since he was just so freaking adorable when eh slept, but she wasn't so sure if she really wanted to lay here and let him continue poke her with his... thingy. "Matt," Evelyn mumbled, pushing him a little. "Maaaaatt," she said, pushing him some more. She huffed when he just grunted and pulled her closer, shaking her head. "Matthew!" She yelled, kneeing him in the crotch. She didn't mean to, at least not there. Her eyes widened and she couldn't help but burst out into a fit of giggles, her face turning blood red.
    February 21st, 2014 at 05:11am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt had been having a nice sexy dream about Evelyn and was still fast asleep, so he had no idea that he had an erection although he did have a good reason for having it. He was enjoying his dream until he was rudely woken up by someone's knee coming into contact with his crotch and his erection, a deep groan of pain sounded from his parted lips. His knees instantly moved upwards closer to him and to protect his crotch from anymore hits, "What was that for?" He groaned as he opened his eyes much too early for his liking, the sharp pain only lingered for a short while but it was much too long for him. "I've done nothing to you, why would you hurt me like this" He looked at Evelyn seeing how messy her dark hair was from just waking up, he found that his arms were wrapped securely around her body though he made no move to remove them because he loved the feeling of having her in his arms. The feel of her soft milky skin and the warmth that was coming from her body, he wanted to always wake up with the dark haired beauty beside him. He could get used to this and he'd be quite happy.
    Charlotte sighed softly as she slowly woke up in the morning, she didn't have the best sleep as she had tossed and turned a far bit during the night. She had dreamed about her Dad and everything that he has put her through, not to mention how horrible he was being to Evelyn. If it weren't for Matt than Evelyn would still be locked up in that room, if it weren't for her than Evelyn wouldn't have been given food or water and she would have eventually died from it. Her Dad knew that and still he let it happen, so maybe Charlotte should let him suffer a little longer and while she was at it she could have some fun while Brian had her at the mansion. She stretched out her body as she eyes her eyes only to see that she was alone in the bed, though Brian was still in the bedroom. "I'm going to see Evelyn today" She told him remembering clearly what he had told her the night before, she didn't care if he had been half asleep when he agreed with her. She kicked the bed sheets down from her body, she was only wearing a t-shirt from Brian's closet. She folded her arms back behind her head causing the shirt to rise on her bare thighs, "Good morning" She smiled looking over at the handsome man who was dressed and ready for the day.
    February 21st, 2014 at 06:46am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian resisted the urge to make a face when Charlotte said she was going to see Evelyn today, sighing. He looked over at her, his eyes widening slightly as he ran his eyes up and down her body, a smirk slowly making its way onto his face. She had such an amazing body, the things he would do to her were beyond her wildest imagination. "Good morning," he said, picking up random articles of clothing from the floor and putting them in his laundry basket. "When do you plan to go see Evelyn? Well, I'm sure you'll see her at breakfast." Usually everyone ate meals together. Everyone except Charlotte, he made her eat upstairs. The more Brian thought about it, the more he began to realize how stupid he was being with her. He really should have given her a bit more freedom, she wasn't a prisoner. He hadn't meant to actually kidnap her. Though if she was actually who he thought she was then yeah, she'd still be treated the same way. But she wasn't so he needed to give her freedom, something he should have been giving her all along.
    Evelyn buried her face in his chest, trying to calm herself down from her giggle fit. "I am so sorry," she said, her voice muffled from his chest. She pulled back, calming down and taking in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. "I hadn't meant to knee you there at all," she murmured. She stared up at him for a moment, leaning up and kissing his cheek before wiggling her way out of his arms. She knew that Molly would be in here at any moment if she didn't go bug one of the guys first, so Evelyn wanted to freshen up while she could. She winked at Matt before entering the conjoined bathroom, closing the door behind her but not locking it. She did her business, washing her hands and whatnot afterwards. She tied her hair up in a messy bun, just washing her face and brushing her teeth since she was still fresh from her shower she had taken last night. When she was finished, she went over to the body mirror on the wall, pulling up her shirt halfway and staring at herself. He had gained a lot of weight in such a short time, which was insane. But she had been working on building muscle too so that she wasn't such a weakling. She no longer had a thigh gap, which she was kind of glad about. She had nice curves in all the right places, a nice full face, her one left dimple on her cheek back, and a glow to her skin. She couldn't be happier with her appearance right now. And it was all thanks to Matt.
    February 21st, 2014 at 08:42am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt playfully rolled his eyes at Evelyn, "Of course you didn't mean to" He teased watching her wander into the bathroom, he continued to lay in his bed and just relax after he had been rudely awoke. Molly usually eventually ended up coming into his room for a cuddle before they went downstairs for breakfast, although she did enjoy going around and waking the guys up. Mainly Jimmy because he always played with her and sometimes even scared her before she could jump on him, he waited a decent amount of time before he rolled himself out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. He heard the toilet flush and the sink water beginning used, but that was it so he thought it'd be fine if he went in as well. Walking through the door he noticed that Evelyn was looking over her body in the full length mirror, "Oh sorry. I can leave if you want, I just wanted a shower before Molly comes in" He looked at her not caring if she was in the bathroom when he took a shower, he was confident in his body and if he had his way than Evelyn would be seeing him naked shortly anyways. He walked over to the sink and brushed his teeth, "You're beautiful Evelyn, you don't have to worry about a thing" He assured her.
    Charlotte smiled nodding her head lightly, "I'll see her later and probably send the rest of the day with her" She said leaning up on her elbows as she watched him. "What if I wanted you for breakfast?" She asked having seen him look her body up and down, she knew that he wanted her and she hadn't had sex in a long time. Brian was handsome and extremely attractive, she wouldn't have any complaints if she did get him in bed with her. "Isn't that why you brought me here? "You still want me don't you?" She pressed herself up into a sitting position before getting onto her knees and moving over to the end of the bed and closer to Brian. She may even start to enjoy living here with Evelyn if she was given the freedom to actually live there and not just be held there, she was given more freedom already than what her Dad allowed her to have. Besides if Brian never kidnapped her in the first place, than she never would have known he existed and she was glad that she knew about him. She could see herself being with him and having a good life with him, which is more than she could say about every other guy she knew.
    February 21st, 2014 at 10:35am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Are you still interested in this role play?
    March 31st, 2014 at 12:55am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian sat under a tree by the lake, his eyes scanning the area for anything suspicious. He had decided to take Charlotte to the lake that was nearby the house and have a picnic with her, as well as go swimming. Brian felt that she deserved this, and that she had been behaving around the mansion since he had allowed her to do as she pleased. She hadn't tried to escape once since he allowed her to start seeing Evelyn and since he allowed her to have some freedom. He watched as she bathed in the sun, admiring her body. Charlotte had such the perfect body, Brian just craved to touch it. Lately he's actually come close a few times in actually succeeding in being able to. She seemed like she was beginning to want him, but Brian wasn't sure if he just wanted her to sexually want him anymore. Brian felt as though maybe he was falling for her, though he wasn't so sure if that was such a good thing or not.
    Evelyn chased a giggling Molly around the house, finally catching up with her in the kitchen. She scooped her up in her arms, kissing the little girl's cheek. "It's time for lunch, squirt. What do you want to eat?" she asked, carrying her to the kitchen and setting her down in a stool. "I want a pickle sammich," she said with a nod, giving Evelyn a toothless grin. Molly had lost one of her front teeth recently, so it so funny when she smiled. "A pickle sammich? You need to stop hanging around your uncle Jimmy," Evelyn said with a shake of her head, pulling out everything she needed to make what Molly wanted. Evelyn and Molly had gotten really close since she had gotten to the mansion. They were pretty much inseparable. Evelyn loved the little girl so much, she would do anything she had to to protect her. She knew it was a dangerous world for Molly with who her daddy was.

    [I'm sorry if that really sucked. Facepalm]
    August 18th, 2014 at 06:09am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (No it's a great post, don't you worry about it.)

    Matt had left mansion early in the morning after Molly had finished her breakfast, which she always liked to have with him. He had a meeting in town so he took the guys minus Brian with him, he left another guard at the mansion to make sure nothing happened to Evelyn or Molly. Not that he thought anything would happen, he hadn't heard anything about the girl's father being on their tail or working it out that they had taken his daughters. However what he didn't know was going to crush him. A small group of men, four of them, snuck onto the mansions grounds with large guns in their hands. They wore all black and peered into windows as they were on the look out for Charlotte and Evelyn, not seeing anyone inside they continued walking before quietly opening the glass back door and snuck inside. Seeing a guard step around the corner, the first man rammed the handle of his gun into his head. Knocking him out but as the guard fell to the ground, a loud thump echoed through the mansion. It wasn't long before a high pitched squeal sounded before a little girl's voice was calling out for her daddy, the four men continued walking through the empty mansion until a little girl stopped right in front of them and suddenly screamed so loudly it hurt the men's ears. One reached out covering Molly's mouth with his hand as he held her tightly in his arms, panic overtook them as this wasn't the plan. It wasn't soon after another young woman appeared, the first man who knocked the guard out did the same thing to this woman. He hit the side of her head with the butt of his gun, watching as she went crashing down to the ground.
    Charlotte was laying on the green grass under the warm sun, she had a loose summer dress on that covered her bikini. Her brunette hair was tied in a messy bun on the top of her head, large sunglasses were protecting her eyes from the glare of the sun. "You should have brought me here much sooner, it's beautiful" She commented looking over to where Brian was sitting under a tree in the shade, she had to admit that she was having more fun. She was able to see Evelyn and she was starting to get along with the guys, Molly was a ray of sunshine that could brighten anyone's day. She stayed in the sun for a little bit longer before she made her way over to Brian when she got hungry, sitting beside him she opened the picnic basket and started to serve them both a plateful of food. "Thank you for bringing me here, I really do appreciate it" She looked at him with her blue eyes as she pushed her sunglasses up onto her head, she handed over his plate of food before she started eating the delicious lunch that he had brought with them.
    August 18th, 2014 at 08:14am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian smiled at her, nodding. He really should have brought her here much sooner. He should have just let her see Evelyn and things would have just been a lot easier for everyone. But then again, if he had let the two around one another in the beginning then they would have more then likely planned an escape together. Maybe. Brian looked up at her when she thanked him, shaking his head. "You really don't need to thank me, honestly," he murmured, taking the plate and beginning to eat the food, thinking about how much his life has changed in just a few short months. It was all because of Molly, really. Ever since she showed up his life has just been a whirlwind of changes. They went and captured Evelyn so that she could take care of Molly, and then on top of that he accidentally captured Charlotte. The also needed Evelyn because she was the Mafia Lords other daughter that no one new about and they could use her to get whatever they wanted. Just everything was so crazy. Brian wondered when Charlotte and Evelyn would figure out that they were both half sisters.
    Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows together when she heard a thud echo through the halls, her eyes widening as she looked down at Molly. "Molly, no," Evelyn said, shaking her head, following after the little girl. That wasn't the sound of the door opening and that wasn't the sound of Matt, either. He would have called out for Molly, right? Evelyn shook her head and continued to follow after Molly, her heart thudding hard against her chest. When she turned the corner, she wasn't sure what happened next, she only remembered something hard collided with the side of her head and everything going black.
    August 18th, 2014 at 10:33am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    "I want to thank you, I know I haven't been the nicest person but that's only because you kidnapped Evelyn and I. I do wish that you hadn't, that we had met in a different way" Charlotte admitted to him which she still wasn't doing much yet, she was more comfortable with him and at the mansion however. She continued to eat the food, she'd never understand why Matt wanted to kidnap Evelyn in the first place. Why couldn't he just met a nice woman to take care of Molly, she'd never understand and she was tired of trying to figure it out. "Are you still glad that I'm here?" She asked looking at the attractive man that was sitting beside her, she hadn't asked him this before but she had no idea if all he wanted from her was still only sexual. She could sense that there was more to Brian than what he gave off, she wanted to get deeper into him so he'd open up to her.
    Matt was away for a few more hours before he drove back to the mansion, nothing seemed to be out of place until he walked inside and called out for Molly. When he got no response at all, he told the guys to search the mansion. It was Zacky who found the guard who was just starting to wake up, he ran over when he spotted the unconsciousness body of Evelyn laying on the floor. He very carefully lifted her up into his strong arms and laid her down onto the couch in the living area, his heart was beating so heavily that it felt like it'd break through his ribs. "Evelyn? Evelyn darling, wake up" He whispered to her as panic filled his body, "Someone find Molly!" He shouted at the guys, he gently brushed her raven hair back away from her face and saw a red mark on her temple.
    August 18th, 2014 at 01:00pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    "Of course I'm still glad that you're here. I enjoy your company," Brian said, biting down on his bottom lip. He knew that eventually he was going to have to tell her everything. The real reasons as to why Evelyn was here. She already knew why she was here, Brian had grabbed on by mistake. It wasn't like he had really meant to take her, he had no plans to. She was just there and he thought she was attractive so he grabbed her. "You know, I never had any intentions on really doing anything to you once I found out who you were. I wasn't going to hurt you or force you to have sex with me. I guess if the circumstances were different I would have. You were the first person I've actually kidnapped in a very, very long time and I ended up kidnapping the mafia lord's daughter," he said with a small chuckle, shaking his head and rubbing his face. It was true though. Brian had stopped kidnapping people for a long time. But since Charlotte was in the room with Evelyn and she was just so... so beautiful, Brian just had to have her.
    Evelyn groaned a little, shifting around on the couch before her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at Matt, just staring at him for a moment, her head pounding. "Molly," she murmured, her eyes widening. "Oh god. Molly!" She yelled, a wave of panic washing over her. She quickly got up from the couch, not even caring to wait to see if Matt had anything to say. She didn't even know how long she had been knocked out for. All she knew was that someone had knocked her out and she wasnt able to protect Molly. Evelyn searched everywhere, feeling a little light headed and dizzy for some reason. She let out a small sob when she couldn't find her, figuring whoever had knocked her out must've taken her. But why? Evelyn didn't understand. Matt was probably going to kill her for this, literally. She was probably going to lose her life for losing Molly. She didn't mean for this to happen. Evelyn sniffled, leaning against the wall.

    @ sugarplum.
    August 19th, 2014 at 01:56am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt was soon to realise that Molly was no longer in the mansion or in the surrounding area outside, she didn't come running over to him with her arms out so he'd pick her up. Seeing the sadness on the guys faces told him everything that he needed to know, feeling his chest and throat tighten in a need for him to break down and cry. It was obvious that his little girl had been taken and he knew why, the mafia lord had finally worked out who had taken his daughters but Evelyn was right there. Why didn't they take her and find Charlotte later? He wasn't sure but he wouldn't stop until he found out. "Did you see anything or recognize these men?" He asked Evelyn after making his way over to his, his deep voice was shaky as he forced himself to stay put together. Breaking down wasn't going to bring his baby girl back, but he was going to find her. "It has to be Charlotte's father, he didn't find her so he took Molly for leverage. It's not your fault, I should have had more guards here to protect you both" He assured her as he was only blaming himself, there could have been six guys for all he knew. It wasn't hard to outnumber one guard and Evelyn who didn't know how to fight, "I'm going to find her. Don't you worry about that" He knew Evelyn would only stop worrying once Molly was safety back with them, but he still didn't want her to worry or blame herself for this. He should have been there for them.
    Charlotte looked at him as she listened to what he was telling her, "So you haven't done anything to me because of who my father is?" She sighed softly assuming that he never was going to do anything with her now because of her dad, he was just going to keep her there for some stupid reason. She was sick and tired of guys losing interest in her because of who her dad was, every guy that she has dated has left because they were scared of getting hurt. That's the reason why she tended to protect herself more now, she never dated or even flirted with guys as she knew they'd run away from her instantly. "Why did you stop kidnapping people? Finally realised that it's a horrible thing to do to something" She muttered quietly now knowing that Brian was just let every other guy out there, "If your scared of my dad than just let me go. I won't tell him anything, what's the point in keeping me here when you don't want me here" She'd rather be at home and living her life again, then be around someone who only kidnapped her because she was there and was an accident.
    August 19th, 2014 at 03:32am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian furrowed his eyebrows together, shaking his head. "At first that was the reason why I didn't do anything, but things have changed, Charlotte," he murmured, he said, sighing heavily and rubbing his face. He really didn't want to admit that he was developing feelings for this woman. He didn't want it to seem like his tough exterior was fading. "Listen," he said, fully turning to her and gently taking her chin in his hands, making her look at him. "I've developed feelings for you, Charlotte," he murmured, biting down on his bottom lip hard. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest as he stared into her eyes. This could go either way really. She could have mutual feelings for him or she could find this disturbing and hate him even more. Though he didn't think that would happen. At least he hoped that it wouldn't. Lately she seemed to be enjoying herself around him.
    Evelyn shook her head no at his question, staring down at her hands. "She thought it was you that was home I guess. I should have grabbed her and hid, I should have listened to myself," she murmured, angrily wiping away the tears that were steady falling down her cheeks. "I followed her down the hall and when I turned the corner, something hard collided with the side of my head before I even got the chance to even realize what was going on," she sobbed, looking up at him. She could see that he wanted to break down and cry himself but he was trying to hard not to. "I'm so sorry... You're going to kill me aren't you?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper. She thought for sure that this was it, that he was going to kill her. She lost his child, his child that she was supposed to be taking care of. Evelyn loved that little girl so much, she was the only good thing that she had in her life.
    August 20th, 2014 at 08:39am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Charlotte felt his hand on her chin as she looked at him, this was a completely different side of him that she had never seen before. She did like his tough exterior but it was also nice to see a softer side to him, for a few moments she had no idea what he was going to tell her. She couldn't really believe her ears but noticed how serious Brian was being with her, she felt a lump form in her throat and a pink tinted flush appeared across her cheeks. Swallowing she inhaled deeply before speaking to him, "I know this is going to sound crazy because of everything that's happened. But I do feel the same way, Brian. I know that I shouldn't, I can't help how I feel" She admitted to him quietly, she reached her hand up and lightly moved her fingertips over the tattooed skin of his forearm. "I can do whatever I want, my Dad can't control me anymore" She said more to herself than to him, she wasn't going to let her dad scare Brian away or hurt him. She had enough of her dad, she was going to live her life in the way she wanted and she wanted Brian.
    Matt listened to what Evelyn was telling him, it was disappointing that she didn't see anyone but he was also glad that she didn't. He would hate it if she had nightmares after this, he still knew who was behind this attack and he was going to get his baby girl back. "I've tried teaching her that she shouldn't run to a noise" He pinched the bridge of his nose before frowning at Evelyn, "I'm not going to kill you. Do you really think that I'd kill you over this? It was an accident, Evelyn. You did nothing wrong but try to keep my stubborn little girl safe, I will find her" He assured her as he wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her gently closer to him as he held onto her securely. He felt horrible that she had even thought that he'd hurt her, he may have done terrible things in his past and yes he did kidnap her. But he'd never actually do anything to harm her. "Why would I kill you when Molly loves you to pieces and her Dad is fond of you?" He told her softly and left it at that.
    August 20th, 2014 at 12:36pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian definitely hadn't been expecting that reaction from her. He felt... relieved. He was almost positive that she was going to slap him across the face and tell him to go to hell or something, along with run off into the woods to try and escape. Brian was glad that she was deciding to push away from her father. He didn't know how much she let him control her until now. "I'm glad you feel the same way," he said softly, finding the blush on her cheeks absolutely adorable. He felt goosebumps rise on his skin from where she was tracing his tattoos, just wanting to pull her in and kiss her, but he wasn't going to do that, not now. Soon, definitely, but now now. She would only think that he was saying all of this as part of some plan to get her in bed with him and that was definitely not the case. Brian noticed that it was started to get kind of hard to see, glancing down at his phone and checking the time. "Maybe we should start heading back," he said, not really wanting to but knowing they shouldn't really be out here when it got dark. He didn't realize that they had been out here for so long. Time sure did fly when you were with someone you wanted to be spending time with.
    Evelyn buried her face in his chest when he pulled her in, holding on to him tightly. She furrowed her eyebrows together when he said that he was fond of her, not really sure how to take that. It could go about a dozen different ways, all in which Evelyn still didn't know how she felt about any of them. She pulled away from him, wrapping her arms around herself and staring down at the floor. "I'm sorry. I just... It's just kind of what I expected I guess," she murmured, shaking her head a little. "I'm going to go take a quick shower and then put some ice on this huge knot on my head." Evelyn turned and quickly took off, going upstairs to Matt's bedroom and to his conjoined bathroom. She really did have a splitting headache, which she really didn't have time for right now. She was just hoping that a shower and a nice cold ice pack with some aspirin would do the trick. Evelyn quickly got undressed and turned the shower on, waiting for it to heat up before she got in.
    August 22nd, 2014 at 02:26pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Matt quickly realised that saying he was fond of Evelyn at that time wasn't the smartest move he has ever made, though he still wanted her to know that he liked having her around even though he still kidnapped her and that's why she was there. He watched as she walked away from him, stepping into the kitchen he made sure there was an ice pack ready in the freezer before he reached into the cupboard and pulled a small box out. He searched through all of the different medicines, mostly were for Molly, he pulled the aspirin out and left it on the kitchen counter for Evelyn to take. Placing the medicine box back he than walked into the office, he ignored the guys who were trying their hardest to assure him that they'd get Molly back but right now he didn't want to hear it. He wouldn't stop until his daughter was back in his arms safety, he'd make a plan with the guys tomorrow when he could think straight and he wasn't feeling as much rage as he was right now. He wanted to cry and scream his lungs out, that wouldn't help him so he kept it all in. Sitting on a chair in the office he held his head in his hands, inhaling deeply to do his best in keeping himself as calm as he possibly could. He suddenly realised how Evelyn must be feeling about this, he was blaming himself as he wasn't there for them. But Evelyn was right there when it happened, it'd be hell for her.
    Charlotte gave a light nod of her head when he suggested they headed back to the mansion, they had been out all day and she did want to just stay there with him but knew they needed to go back. "Yeah, let's go see the others" She smiled softly helping him clean up the area that they had been using, standing up she brushed any grass from her dress and followed Brian as he lead the way. She stayed close to him not wanting to get lost, she hated the dark and being outside when it was dark. "I had a really good time today, maybe we could do it again sometime?" She asked knowing she'd want to come back to the little spot by the lake again, it was a beautiful place that was pretty much untouched meaning not many people knew about it. A small shiver ran down her back as they walked, she had surprised herself with how much she actually enjoyed herself spending time with him though she wanted to know more about him. "Brian, what made you want to be involved in all of this?" She asked him quietly and a little unsure, she wasn't sure that she'd like or understand his answer.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 02:34am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian smiled and nodded, most definitely wanting to do this again. "I'm glad you had a good time today," he said, sighing contently. Her next question caught him off guard a bit. He furrowed his eyebrows together, not really sure how to answer that. He wasn't even so sure of the answer himself to be completely honest. "Well to be honest, I don't really know. The money, I guess," he said with a small shrug, never having thought about it before. It was a very good question though. He guessed that he was just afraid that he wasn;t going to be able to do anything else with his life and this was a easy way to make a lot of money, or a easy way to get himself killed. But if it hadn't been for Matt, then he wouldn't even be in this. Brian walked up onto the back porch with Charlotte, holding the door open for her and letting her walk inside before following her. He raised an eyebrow as he saw Jimmy and Johnny's expressions, wondering what their problem was. "What's wrong with you two?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he sat the picnic basket on the table. "When we came back today, we found Evelyn and one of the guards on the floor unconscious. Along with Molly missing," Jimmy murmured, frowning deeply and staring down at his hands.
    Evelyn washed her hair and scrubbed her body, just standing under the water when she was finished. She let out a huge sob that she didn't know she was holding in, leaning against the wall and sliding down it, hugging her knees against her chest. There were so many things she could have done to prevent this from happening. Lord only knows what they could be doing to her right now. But if that man had any kind of heart, then he wouldn't hurt her. If it really was Charlotte's father, then he would treat her how he would want Matt and the guys to be treating Charlotte. Evelyn thought back to when Matt said that he was fond of her, shaking her head. She didn't know what she had expected. He thought she was a food person, he respected her for taking care of his daughter, which she's failed at. Evelyn was developing a small crush on the man and all, but she shouldn't. Especially since there was no way in hell he would ever in a million years feel the same way about her. Evelyn finally realized that the water was running cold, getting out and drying herself off. She got dressed in one of Matt's really old and tattered band tee's since they were really comfy and a pair of her shorts.
    August 23rd, 2014 at 09:26am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Charlotte gave a light nod of her head, she was correct and didn't really understand Brian's reason for being in this dangerous business. She'd ask again later once she knew him better, as she walked into the mansion she saw the broken expressions on Jimmy's and Johnny's faces. Her blue eyes widened as she listened to what Jimmy told them, without saying a word she rushed through the mansion until she was running up the stairs. Taking two at a time before making her way into Matt's room forgetting to knock, "Evelyn... I'm so sorry" She whispered loud enough for the dark haired beauty to hear, taking large steps across the room Charlotte pulled Evelyn into her arms. She held her tightly while her hand rubbed her back in a soothing motion, "Are you okay? Brian and I should have been here, the guys will find Molly" She spoke firmly blaming herself, she was out having a nice time with Brian while Molly was being kidnapped and Evelyn was hurt. "Can I do anything?" She asked not knowing what else she should or could say, there was only one person who could have done this. Her father would want her back and would do something like this, she felt sick knowing her father could be such a horrible human being. "If my Dad did this, I'll get Molly back safety" She assured Evelyn quietly as it made sense, Molly would only be given back if her dad got his own daughter in return.
    Hearing another voice, Matt slowly made his way out of the office. Seeing Brian standing there with Jimmy and Johnny, "It's their father. Charlotte will work it out and want to help, but he'll want Evelyn as well. Why they didn't take her today, I have no clue but he'll ask for them both" He said not keeping his voice down anymore, he didn't have the energy to think about Evelyn and her finding out that her dad was the mafia lord as well. He didn't want Evelyn to leave but if it meant he got his daughter back, then he'd let her walk away from him. She was a grown woman and could do whatever she wanted, if she wanted to come back than he'd welcome her instantly. If she wanted nothing to do with him, then he wouldn't stop her either. Running his fingers through his dark hair, he looked at his best friends though mainly Brian. "Will you be able to let Charlotte leave? I won't get Molly back if he doesn't get his daughters" He knew his friend had been getting closer to Charlotte but he wasn't sure how Brian felt about her, he'd understand eventually if Brian picked Charlotte over Molly and Matt would find another way to get his little girl back as he wasn't going to rest until Molly was back with him.
    August 24th, 2014 at 03:16am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ sugarplum.
    Brian sighed heavily, rubbing his face. He knew that he was going to have to let Charlotte go back to her father. Even if she said today that she didn't want to, she was only saying it because she knew she couldn't. Plus, he knew that once she found out that her and Evelyn were sisters and he knew about it, she'd probably be pissed as hell at him. If she wanted him, and if she wanted to come back, then she'd find her way. But right now they needed to get Molly back and even though Brian would never admit it, the little girl has really grown on him. He didn't want her in danger. "Alright. I'll let her go," he murmured, looking up at Matt. He could tell that he was a total wreck right now and he felt horrible. He should have been here when it happened, maybe he could have prevented them from taking Molly. What he didn't understand is why they hadn't taken Evelyn. Maybe it was because they didn't recognize who she was or something, who knows.

    Evelyn hugged Charlotte tight, shaking her head. She didn't want Charlotte to blame herself, she couldn't be locked up in here forever. She deserved to have a day out every once in a while. "It's okay, you deserve to have a fun day out. I knew something was wrong, I should have grabbed Molly and hid," she murmured, sighing softly. "There's really nothing you can do, we don't even know if your dad did this." As soon as Evelyn said that, she heard Matt's booming voice from downstairs. She furrowed her eyebrows together, looking at Charlotte before getting up and standing in the doorway of the bedroom, trying to hear better. "Do you hear this?" she asked, wondering if what she was hearing was right. If she heard right, then her and Charlotte were sisters. But they couldn't be, could they? Matt would have told her. Brian would have told Charlotte. They wouldn't have fucking kept something this important from them, not with how close they had been getting. "Me and you... Do you really think... I don't understand..." she said, confused. Before she even gave Charlotte the time to respond, she sprung downstairs and into the kitchen, standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. "What do you mean by their father?" she asked, looking at Matt.
    August 24th, 2014 at 08:16am