Who said three was a crowd?

  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie leaned forward and took the glass. "Thanks Alex," she said with a smile before it faltered at his question. "I have not had enough alcohol to deal with this conversation," she muttered before looking at both of them. "I don't really know what you mean by making this work. It will be like any other dating. We go out, get to know each other If we don't like it we end it," she said as she looked at the two guys for confirmation.
    Blake chuckled softly and leaned back against the pillows as he listened to Matt tell their story. It was nice to hear it even though he had already memorized it.
    Matt smiled at Sky before beginning to speak, "Once of the guys came over to the others unexpected and claimed to be his boyfriend in front of two girls while another time, with roles reversed, the guy walked in and said that he was the other's sick wife's nurse," he said with a chuckled as he remembered Blake's face when Matt had said that.
    December 19th, 2013 at 07:05am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel furrowed his eyes not happy with Sammie's reply to Alex's question. He started to doubt if they were doing the right thing if Sammie needed to have a drink just to discuss being in a relationship and making it work. Him and Alex give each other a doubtful stare then both glance over at Sammie, a sigh escaped his lips. "That's a bit harsh, but I guess, more or less. I could text my mate and ask if we could hang out with them for the day or something, see how they live, I'm sure he'd be cool with it." He offered
    Alex shifted uncomfortably, did he offend Sammie by wondering? Had he missed something while he was away that made her touchy to the subject. He kept his mouth firmly shut in a straight line. Worried he'd upset Sammie or Daniel any further.
    Sky let a grin surface to her face "But why'd it all change just because a random girl shoved her way into their lives?" She asked sweetly, feeling her eyes get heavier, she let out a tired yawn but waited to hear the rest of the story.
    December 19th, 2013 at 08:43am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie sighed, knowing she had offended them. "Guys, I'm sorry, I was kidding about the drink," she said as she looked at both of them. "Sure, why don't you text Blake," she said as she bit her lip. She felt bad that they both reacted so strongly. "I'm sorry," she said again as she looked away. Moving over to the counter, she set the wine down before beginning to flip through a cookbook. Her back was to them so that gave her some release from the guilt she was currently feeling. Her eyes filled with tears that she fought not to release. She hated crying in front of people.
    Blake felt his own eyes getting heavy as he leaned back into the pillows and relaxed. Glancing over at Sky, he smiled fondly as his eyes fully closed and he drifted off.
    Matt looked at her and smiled softly. "Because this random girl, she was unlike anything they had ever seen. She was amazing and perfect to them and they both fell in love with her and decided they wanted to have her....together."
    December 19th, 2013 at 03:39pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel gave Sammie a sincere smile "Hey, don't worry about it, we'll figure this out together." Daniel felt bad for telling Sammie off and now wasn't sure what to do. He realized it was getting late and decided he'd go pick up some take aways for them all instead of having Sammie cook, after all she did make them all breakfast. "I'll go out and get dinner, you just relax Sammie," Daniel stood up and went to grab his car keys, he headed for the door before Sammie could protest or anyone could try give him money, he'd pay for dinner tonight. "Is there anything you both want in particular?" He called over his shoulders.
    Alex called out that he was happy with anything before turning back to Sammie and clearing his throat "A-are you okay?" He stuttered, unsure of how to ask.
    Sky smiled softly "I like stories, with happy endings." Sky whispered softly before her eyes slide shut and she fell into a heavy sleep, tired from the day's events.
    December 21st, 2013 at 07:32am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    "Anything is fine Daniel," she said softly as she wiped her eyes. Her voice sounded slightly scratchy. Hearing Alex's question, she bit her lip and nodded. "I'll be right back," she said before she quickly left the room. Walking to her bedroom, she sat down on the side of her bed and bit her lip. Taking a few deep breaths, she tried to rein in her emotions and relax again. Everything was making her too sensitive, she told herself harshly as she ran her fingers through her hair. Standing up, she headed back out.
    Blake smiled softly in his sleep as he had one arm thrown over his eyes and the other across Sky and touching Matt's side gently.
    Matt looked down at her as she fell asleep and he smiled softly. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek gently before looking at both of them. "You guys are my happy ending," he whispered before laying down next to the and slowly drifting off.
    December 22nd, 2013 at 08:37am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel decided to get pizza, something he had been craving for a while now, he knew Sammie's favourite but he would have to guess what Alex liked so he decided to get a couple of different choices. When he got there he parked the car and got out, going into the store he ordered the pizza, getting five because he knew that Alex and himself would have a good go at it and Sammie would if she was hungry. He waited for the pizza patiently, pulling out his phone to play a game to entertain himself.
    Alex felt bad because he'd caused Sammie to get upset, when she excused herself his shoulders sagged and he realized he'd probably just messed everything up. He contemplated grabbing his keys and leaving but Sammie walked back out and he decided not too. "Hey, I'm really sorry, for upsetting you." He fidgeted.
    Sky woke up, noticing it was still dark she wondered what had woken her up when she heard a thump. She glanced at Matt and Blake but they were still fast asleep, she untangled herself from between them and crept out of the room and then down the stairs. She heard another thump and tried to calm her nerves as she made her way into the lounge. She saw a shadow move and suddenly a pair of arms wrap around her and cover her mouth as she lets out a cry. The lights flicker on to reveal people in ski masks and she realizes they're being robbed. Sky tries to yell for help but she's held down to the ground and told to shut up or she'd be hurt.
    December 22nd, 2013 at 09:30am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked at him and smiled softly. "It's fine," she said as she walked over and sat down next to him. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she smiled gently before sitting back up. "How much do you want to bet that Daniel will come back with pizza and will have eaten at least one piece before he has come back." she said with a smile on her face as she watched him happily.
    Blake heard some noise coming from the other room and he pushed himself up. Reaching over, he knew Sky was missing from the bed and he woke up Matt. Pushing himself up, he walked out and flicked the light on. His eyes widened when he saw what was happening.
    Matt followed Blake out and glared when he saw Sky being held down. "Let her go," he stated simply as he took a step toward the guy.
    December 22nd, 2013 at 06:48pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    @ Death The Angel
    December 31st, 2013 at 09:17pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel was starving so by the time he had gotten back he ushered in five boxes, one of them being empty, when they were all opened up the empty one was revealed and he gave an innocent smile and batted his eyelashes. "I couldn't help myself." He stated with a cheeky smile.
    Alex shook his head and laughed out loud at Daniel's reaction, he turned to Sammie, bemused that she knew him so well. He had to admit that the smell of pizza made him hungry and he couldn't wait to dig in as well but he waited for Sammie to grab what she wanted first.
    Sky's heart hammered loudly in her chest and her breathing was rugged. She bit back a sob feeling helpless under the large weight pressing her down, she didn't know what to do or how to act. Her mind was empty and her body shook with fright, feeling the knife pressed against her neck.
    January 8th, 2014 at 08:38am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    @ What if....
    (sorry for the long wait)
    January 8th, 2014 at 08:38am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked at them both before grabbing a piece. She then pulled off the cheese and topping and put it on the box again. Grinning, she sat down at the table and began to munch on the pizza dough that was left. Glancing up at the two of them, she smiled. "What? Don't judge. It's good," she said as she continued eating happily.
    Blake glared at the man who held Sky down. "What do you want?" he demanded as he moved in the opposite direction then Matt. Hopefully one of them could catch the guy off guard and get Sky to safety. He glanced at Sky for a brief moment.
    Matt looked at Sky and smiled gently. "It's going to be okay baby," he said trying to reassure her as he mirrored Blake's action. "You are going to be okay," he said calmly although his heart was hammering in his chest so hard, he thought everyone could hear it.
    January 9th, 2014 at 06:15am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    @ Death The Angel
    January 16th, 2014 at 06:32am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel smirked at Sammie, knowing that that was how she ate her pizza, he gave Alex a look that said 'girls.' and he continued to munch on his own pizza. "So I've been texting Blake and he said we could come over tomorrow at around midday." Daniel stated, trying to make conversation. He wasn't really sure about what else there was to talk about.
    Alex smirked at Sammie's quirk but didn't mind it, in fact he liked the topping of the pizza the most and instead of letting it go to waste he picks it up and doubles it onto the pizza "I approve your pizza quirk." Alex stated biting into his double topping pizza, sighing in bliss. "Are we all going together or meeting at your friends house?" Alex asked questioningly.
    Sky whimpered feeling the blade scratch at her skin. "Which one of you is her boyfriend?" The masked guy growls desperately, "I hoped that I'd get in, grab the documents that I was paid to steal and make a clean cut, but guess my plans gone to shit. So I'll ask again, which one is her boyfriend and if you want to see her live to see another day you'll give me the documents and let me leave." The guy sneered.
    January 17th, 2014 at 01:50pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked at them and smiled happily as she continued to eat her pizza. Hearing her phone ring, she hopped off the counter and grabbed it. "Hello?" she asked as she listened for a moment and bit her lip. She glanced at the guys uneasily before turning her eyes out then window. "No, it's no trouble at all Ms. Dellinger. What has Thomas done to make you worry?" she asked as she moved into the other room.

    Twenty minutes later, she hung up and walked back in. "Please tell me there is more pizza," she siad as she looked at both of them pleadingly.
    Blake glanced at Matt unsure for a moment before nodding. "We both are," he answered in a strong tone. He watched the guy uneasily as he tried to figure out what he meant. Documents, could it be his work, that was his only logical conclusion. "What documents do you want? I'll get them."
    Matt watched the guy and he looked at Sky. "Baby, it is going to be okay but you have to trust us. Relax," he said honestly as he tried to confort her. "Everything is going to be okay." he said reassuringly as he looked at Blake with wide eyes.
    January 18th, 2014 at 07:48am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel paused, pretending to have eaten all the pizza "Oh sorry Sammie, we thought you'd be full after one slice." Daniel said sincerely. He waited to see Sammie's reaction before bursting out laughing and shaking his head. "Of course we left you food." Daniel pushed a plate of pizza toward her and stood up to breakdown the cardboard boxes and throw them out.
    Alex smiled at the back of Daniel and turned to Sammie "Everything okay?" He asked, he thought to at least ask Sammie in the hopes that if anything was bothering her that she could open up to Alex, because he himself was a social worker and could relate to children and teens.
    Sky had realized a long time ago that Blake worked on some very classified information but she didn't realize it was life-threatening. She could hear Matt telling her everything would be okay but when Blake said that he'd get the documents she started to struggle. She knew Blake had worked too hard just to throw away his work and potentially his job. "Don't give him anything!" She cried out, slamming her knee into the masked mans back with enough force to move the knife off her neck but it cut into the side of it and she started to bleed. The masked man lost grip of the knife and it went flying. Sky continued to struggle even when he moved to strangle her.

    [I'm sorry for all the drama! I like to spice it up a bit. >.< ]
    January 19th, 2014 at 09:12am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie took the plate of food and sat down. "It was one of my student's moms. She was worried about Tommy. They are going through a bad divorce and Tommy is caught in the crossfire. That's all," she said as she pushed off the cheese and looked at them both. "So what did you guys do while I was gone?" she asked as she looked at both of them with a smile on her face before pushing the plate of cheese over to Alex.
    Blake watched as Sky struggled and got cut. "Sky, stop it!" he said as he walked to the office. He held out the documents. "Let her go and you can have them," he said as he watched them. "Take them and let her go," he said firmly as he watched her closely and tried to relax and keep his voice steady.
    Matt watched as the man took a step toward Blake and he dove. He grabbed Sky and pulled her away. "Are you okay?" he demanded. He cupped her cheek gently before getting a towel and pressing it to her neck gently. "Are you okay??" he demanded again.
    January 20th, 2014 at 09:06pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel came back in and heard Sammie ask what they got up to while she was on the phone and he decided to answer. "We had hot, wild gay sex. It was the best sex I've had ever." He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. He knew sometimes his sarcasm could be overbearing but he couldn't help it, it was natural for him to be sarcastic.
    Alex rolled his eyes at Daniels comment and scoffed "Only in your wildest dreams." Alex replied teasingly before turning back to Sammie. "We ate in quiet mostly, I didn't realize how hungry I was but I didn't end up getting a lunch break or anything, so that's probably why." Alex finished, musing.
    When the guy got off Sky she felt Matt grab her and bring her into his grasp, however she couldn't help but feel cross at Blake for letting go of his research documents so easily. "I'm fine!" She yelled angrily at Matt, pulling her face out of his grasp. Her cut was only a flesh wound, it didn't hurt that much. She watched the man grab the documents that Blake had stayed up pulling lots of all nights for, the man grabbed them and left without hesitating and Sky continued to watch helplessly. "Why! Why'd you let him take the documents!" Her hands balled into fists and tears welled up in her eyes, she got up and ran past Blake and up into their room, frustrated.
    January 24th, 2014 at 11:38am
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie rolled her eyes at Daniel's reply before nodding to Alex. "Well," she began as she ate her pizza crust. "What do you guys want to do now?" she asked curiously. Glancing at both of them, she wondered what they were thinking about. "I was thinking about getting some ice cream to round out this nutritious meal. Do either of you want some?" she asked with a smile as she pushed herself up to go get some.
    Blake followed her up and looked at her from the door way of the bedroom. "That research is less important than you or Matt." he stated simply. "That man was going to hurt you and I wasn't going to let that happen. So you can not be mad at me for protecting my family." he said as he watched her closely, with a slight frown on his face. "The research is nothing if I lost you."
    Matt came up and wrapped his arms around Blake and held him close for a moment before kissing his cheek. "Let's leave her to cool off a bit," he said as he pulled Blake away. Soon, the two of them were cleaning up the mess that had been created in their living room.
    January 24th, 2014 at 03:48pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Daniel nodded "An ice-cream sounds great, then I think I might crash, remember we're meeting Blake and his partners tomorrow." Daniel finished saying, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't kind of excited to finally meet Blake's partners and learn more about him and his life style.
    Alex chuckled at Daniels childishness. "Sounds like a yum idea." He stated, looking at Sammie. "Need any help getting it?" He asked politely, getting up anyway. Even though Alex had only known Sammie and Daniel for a short time he finally felt like he belonged somewhere. The thought made him smile.
    Sky watched them leave, she sat with her back turned to the door on the edge of their bed for a moment longer before going into the bathroom and cleaning her wound and dressing it. She sighed in defeat, the weight of what had happened finally settled and an unusual sense filled her up.

    "I need a drink." She muttered, never thinking she'd ever say that but decided she did.

    She left the bathroom and went into the main office, going into the liquor cabinet she grabbed some shot glasses and a bottle of vodka and went back into the room. She sat down on the floor in front of the bed and poured herself a shot, she hesitated for a second before swigging it back and going to pour another, consuming that as well. She took two more shots before stopping because she could feel herself going emotionally numb from the drinks.
    January 25th, 2014 at 12:43pm
  • Brekke

    Brekke (100)

    United States
    Sammie looked at Daniel and nodded. "Yeah," she said softly as she walked to the fridge. Looking at Alex, she shook her head with a smile. "Don't worry about it," she said as she got out bowls and spoons and some ice cream. "So what so you guys think of this?" She asked softly. She motioned to the three of them. "And I guess that we could meet here and go there or something like that?" She asked softly.

    Getting out the ice cream scoop, she took some vanilla ice cream and it into a bowl. "You guys can help yourselves," she said as she but her lip and watched the two of them. She didn't exactly know what to make of everything or how to act at the moment so she took a deep breath.
    Blake and Matt finished cleaning up before the both of them went to the bedroom. Blake sat down besides her and took the bottle from her. "Don't worry, the research I gave him is false." He said softly. "I didn't give him anything that he would be able to use."
    Matt watched them and sighed. Taking the bottle, he took it out. "We have to talk to your friend tomorrow." He said softly. He came back in and kissed her forehead gently before sighing gently. "It had been a rough night." He said gently.
    January 27th, 2014 at 01:27am