Losing My Religion

  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (haha, you're all good! I kinda just... threw Kristopher in suddenly earlier xD)

    Leilah was silent as Rennyn spoke, only partially because he didn't give her a chance to speak. Then she continued to be silent, because honestly... what was she supposed to say? Her mind processed the information he was giving her, processing what to think, what to do, and she considered this with a small intake of breath.

    Then, finally, she spoke. "Well, I see how this is bad for both of us.." she started and paused, frowning to herself. "I have to admit though, that I'm actually somewhat confused on what you're trying to tell me though." She leaned forward in her seat, her elbows propping themselves on her knees.

    "If you're looking for some sort of angelic backup..." She bit her lip, hating to admit it out loud because it seemed more real. "I've pretty much lost all support from Heaven. Until I manage to do whatever Kristopher is wanting from me, I'm basically all on my own." She gave Rennyn a warning look, basically telling him not to even think about trying anything. "So why are you telling me about this?"

    She hadn't quite puzzled it out yet, and she didn't think she would actually fully be able to on her own either, so the most direct route to get the information she wanted was to ask him. Besides, he seemed a little too on edge at the moment to be able to completely hide stuff from her like he usually tried to. So asking now rather than later was probably the smartest thing to do.

    Then there was also her mind going a million miles an hour, still processing the information. Honestly, a revolt against Lucifer didn't sound too bad, except that it would affect Earth and the balance of things, which she, as an angel, was supposed to be protecting. It could get really bad, really fast. The fact that a couple of Fallen were in the midst of it just made it icing on top of the cake.
    October 28th, 2014 at 02:19am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ manic;

    Rennyn sighed heavily. Leave it to the angel to be slow enough not to realize exactly what Rennyn was trying to say without it being spelled out for her.

    "Why do you think Lucifer told me? A lowly demon with currently no power on earth, not even enough to take care of a measly angel." He let the question set for a second before moving on.

    "Finding the root of the problem is not only important for me, I'm sure you've realized. If you haven't..." he remained unimpressed. Nothing unusual. "In any case, this isn't something only Lucifer would be concerned with. It isn't just a problem for us, or for the humans. It's a problem for you pompous feather-heads as well. You think a Fallen has no motivation? Obviously they do, otherwise why would they fall?" he left it unsaid, but he figured Leilah could decipher some for herself. If a Fallen were spiteful to the place they once called home...

    Well a riotous group of demons would welcome them with open arms. Two birds with one stone.

    "So you can continue to believe this has nothing to do with you if you want. But I will be out for the next several days doing some research. Try not to get in the way."
    October 28th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.

    Leilah rolled her eyes at Rennyn. "Of course I know it affects me and the other angels too," she told him scathingly. "What I'm trying to figure out is what you expect me to do about it. Just like you can't 'take care of a measly angel', it seems I can't take care of a measly demon."

    Eventually, she sat back, her mind addressing another problem. Rennyn had said that Lucifer had contacted him... which really, she didn't consider to be very good. Maybe for him, if he wanted to think about it that way, but certainly not for her. She doubted Lucifer actually paid attention to all demons except maybe a few. So that was worrying... but she chose not to say anything at that time. It honestly seemed to be the least of their problems.

    "Fine, do your research and I won't get in your way. I'm pretty sure I can find some way to entertain myself," she rolled her eyes. Apparently sleep had done nothing for his grumpy mood... "Right now though... I want you to explain what happened yesterday. I thought at first that I might have passed out because of that demon's aura blast he sent at me... that you might have killed him... but that doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons happens to be directly related to the 'pompous feather-head'," she raised an eyebrow at him, "that came and visited yesterday. He is obviously pissed at me about something, and I don't really like not knowing what I did wrong.. so I figure that somehow I killed the demon yesterday, but at this point, I'm wondering how considering the suppression Kristopher had placed on me."
    October 28th, 2014 at 03:35am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ necrosocium
    (Sorry about the wait, I meant to at least mention that I'd be a while but things just got busy. I'll try to reply when I have time, hopefully soon!)
    November 30th, 2014 at 10:47pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Don't mention it! I've been busy too, so I definitely understand ^-^ Besides, it won't be long until Christmas Break -14 days to be exact- so we'll have that time if neither of us are too busy then)
    December 3rd, 2014 at 01:06am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (Okay, just wanted to let you know that I'm starting a new semester soon, and things should be getting better time-wise! I'm about to be out of the majority of the hard classes that I've been taking at least, so yay!)
    January 10th, 2015 at 09:26pm
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    (I haven't forgotten you </3 I have been working a lot recently. But I will reply! I willlll~)
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:36am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (hahaha I didn't think you'd forgotten me! I just thought I would let you know that it's about to get easier for me to post ^-^ The new semester actually starts Friday! -which seems stupid but whatever- take your time Arms)
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:39am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    (Okay. You can smack me XD work got busy so I've been a little dead. I shall return soon! Hopefully I will be able to revive within a few days)
    March 27th, 2015 at 10:44pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (haha I'm not going to smack you! And take your time. I recently had to take a break from roleplaying, so it isn't as if I'm exactly on all the time anywho)
    March 29th, 2015 at 08:40pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (You doing okay? xD You keep messaging me and then disappearing haha)
    June 27th, 2015 at 12:12am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    (I'm soo sorry. I got a new job and it's been wearing me out on top of school, since I'm taking summer classes. I have a break from school until the 6th starting today, so I can definitely get myself back into the swing of this roleplay this weekend. And I can promise! If I promise, then I can't forget XD)
    June 27th, 2015 at 03:15am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (You're fine xD I just wanted to make sure that everything is okay and all that jazz!)
    June 27th, 2015 at 06:58am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    (hah, I had to go back and re-read everything. -guilty-)

    Rennyn let out one more frustrated sigh. In a way, he'd wanted some cooperation. He had a few ideas on how to begin with this new problem, and having Leilah with him actually made his plan a little more.. workable. However, he could move forward just as easily without her, if she truly wanted nothing to do with it. And it seemed she didn't, as she changed subjects immediately back to the events of the day prior with Shay the demon.

    Her clueless expression and rambled attempts at reasoning obviously meant that she still had no memory of the event itself. Rennyn actually wondered how much he wanted to tell her, and how truthful he wanted to be. In this kind of situation, she was at the mercy of his words--and if he really intended it so, she would never be able to discern fact from fiction. Rennyn prided himself on this ability--to seem deceitful when he's honest, or honest when he is feeding a lie.

    In the end, he found no harm in letting her know, and for some reason he wasn't feeling in the mood for trickery, a truly rare occasion.

    "You did kill the demon," Rennyn finally responded, after a moment of this silent contemplation. "Or mortally wounded him, at least. I put him out of his misery. As much as I would have been happy to watch his tortuously slow death, he was making an unpleasant noise." He shrugged here. It didn't take demon powers to kill Shay after the damage Leilah had done to him. A regular, dumb useless human would have been able to do it as well.

    "As to how, which I am sure is what you were really wanting to know," he knew he was dragging out the answer to her question, but despite not being in the mood to mess with Leilah as he usually did, he couldn't rightly just leave her be completely. "You got all glowy and feathery. Then stabbed him in the gut. It was quite an interesting show, so I thank you for that," he continued, making sure to be totally descriptive.

    She would pick up on it from here, he hoped. Then again, he'd thought the angel named Kristopher had all but spelled out what occurred, just by mentioning the weakened state of his suppressor.
    June 28th, 2015 at 11:02am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (If it makes you feel better, I did too xD I had forgotten a lot of what all was going on. Now... here's hoping I can get back into the swing of Leilah pretty easily!)

    Rennyn's words partnered with Kristopher's pissy appearance the prior day gave Leilah all of the information she required to put together the little puzzle she'd found herself with in lieu of her absent memory. She had apparently forced Kristopher's suppressor away long enough to mortally wound the demon. Of course, that wasn't something that she was supposed to be able to do. Which explained everything about what Kristopher had said to her.

    And yes, her mentor had removed the suppressor he had placed on her in the first place, but then he had done something that was worse. While she had been stuck on earth before, suppressed by Kristopher, she had known she would have help if she truly needed it. Now though... He had said himself that Heaven's gates were barred to her for the time being. Until she could figure out what her teacher wanted from her, she was entirely on her own.

    Well, even that wasn't entirely true. She had one ally--of a sort. And by ally, she meant the demon sitting across from her. The very same demon that had some sort of plan to steal her soul.

    How completely... perfect.

    "Okay, I'm caught up as far as yesterday is concerned," she said to that very same demon rather than groaning and burying her head in her hands as she suddenly wanted to do. Then, because it was better than lingering on thoughts of the previous day, her mind turned back to what Rennyn had told her earlier.

    A revolt against Lucifer... starting on earth. Two Fallen involved. What was it that Rennyn had said he wanted to do? Research?

    "Research..." She repeated the word with her eyebrows furrowed together and then gave the demon an 'are you stupid?' look. "We're on earth, and from what you said, this whole revolt thing is new. You can't exactly waltz into a library and find the information you're looking for. What difference do you think you can make anyway? It isn't as if you know who the Fallen are, much less where they are, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a secret, super easy way to kill them." Besides, Lucifer out of power couldn't be that bad of a thing...
    June 29th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    @ beautiful monotony
    (Rennyn, the totally trustworthy ally~ hahaha.
    Also yeah, that made me feel more guilty XD )

    Rennyn was annoyed now. Not only did she seem to feel no need to help, but she was attempting to insult his intelligence by being ignorant. Of course he wasn't going to a library. The only books on angels and demons he would find there would be tall tales spun by curious fools with a big imagination.

    "A plan starts with the goal in mind, but doesn't rush to get there," Rennyn responded, somehow managing to keep the edge off his tone. "I have no reason to tell you about my research if you have no plans to be involved. I do not know the difference I can make in a war, whether I can be of any use in putting it down. However, I do know one thing I am able to do--and that is find information." Information he wouldn't be sharing to anyone who wasn't Lucifer, that is.

    Though Lucifer hadn't given him a specific task, there was certainly a reason he had told Rennyn what was going on, and Rennyn had every intention of using that to his advantage. And if Leilah didn't want to use it to hers, then that was fine by him. It gave him an edge, really.

    Rennyn had a good feeling about the outcome. Well, following a pretty bad feeling about the revolt in general.

    "I will say this, though," he began, because maybe at least her interest would be piqued, "There is one very good place to start, one you likely would never think of."
    June 29th, 2015 at 04:25pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ Yuurei.
    (xD Leilah isn't much better, though I do have to say that that is because of the fact that Rennyn is a demon
    I'm sorry for making you feel guilty!!!)

    "Well, I never thought I would find a demon in a church either, so maybe I wouldn't think of it, but after yesterday, I definitely won't be shocked." Leilah's words were snarky, but that wasn't particularly unusual, especially when dealing with Rennyn. There was just something about being around a demon constantly that did wonders as far as giving her a sour mood went.

    She supposed she could at least try to act a little nicer. Maybe not towards him, but others at least, considering she was an angel. But whatever humans thought of angels, they weren't all nice, sweet, innocent feather-heads. She was sure some really nice angels existed, but she'd been around archangels for so long that it was hard to imagine. There were some archangels, like her mentor, who were very kind, but as he'd shown her, Kristopher was a firm believer in tough love. Where Leilah had a hard exterior, he had a hard interior.

    At least he had removed his suppressor though. She already felt much better, as if it were easier to breathe. She'd felt stifled since coming to earth, but now she felt stronger, better. And maybe being faced with her light when it wasn't tamped down would make Rennyn uncomfortable. That was a nice thought too, and he had to have noticed by now anyway.

    But that wasn't what they were discussing right now. They were discussing his idea. "Anyway, what in the name of Heaven could I possibly help with?" she asked, still leaning forward in her seat. "I know this was already established, but maybe it bears repeating. I am a fighter, a warrior, a soldier, whatever you want to call it. I'm good at hitting things, and I don't have the patience to sit around in some old dusty place, flipping through books. I barely have the patience to deal with you every day. Really, you're lucky I haven't tried to kill you in your sleep. At this point, we don't know anything. If you knew who the two Fallens were and maybe where I could find them, I could see where my specific brand of help would come in handy, but as things stand, it seems to me that there's nothing I could do."
    September 23rd, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Yuurei.

    Yuurei. (100)

    United States
    (it's been 7 months omg i'm sorry, I'm alive i promise, I'll come back pls don't be deadddd!)
    May 11th, 2016 at 02:23am